,-ffi r f-Sftff 1 '"i:l ...aAinr ."' --aTST" , "TSLlasd WW" Hpo. BfrJ ."r d'Aleae, T.' "l. .1.. 11 Of the 'JumnZ T-re residence ,m ,l,e Brtlfr "-- 9.,t THE EVENING HEKALD, KLAJ4ATH FALLS, OREGON PAQK 8BVBN -! ! TODAV'S oookit story United Press Service IIARItlflllURU, l' Fob. 11. Daphiu county had difficulty lu getting rid of IU discarded gal lawH, useless since Pennsylvania ha adopted electrocution (or capital punishment. Finally n colored kindling wood dealer who wasn't superstitions paid 60 cent for It. Trip Across Germany by Ford Parly One oi the Queerest of Queer Junket NEARLY $400 IS LICENSE RECEIPT H (HI AltLKH l HTKWAHT (Tolled TrtHH BtufT Correspondent) TIIK HAGUE, Jan. 20. (Ily mall) Tun Ford pojcm party crossed tier- Of i on imc, suspicious meniberH of the party wore Immediately Interested. I Kot n telegram myself, it wan from Carl V, Ackerman, lierlln man- ager for the United Press. Acker. m f JAMk .jgjgaiWfTwsw.wvw i tut Calaleg aad Has) aie SrfitlW It HW MMM .ArCaJNe. ' nail niuny In a sealed train. Ii wbh u very J man bad expected to meet tbe party queer trip. The pence delegates, t Warnemuede. Illi telegram said: newspapermen and women and tbe ', "Semt-offlclally advised not to meet puny, aerry." "I would like uu explanation of thin," said tbu German officer who banded It to me. I explained. Ohllcote baa aome real bargalas Ja homes, lota aad farm leads. They are very likely lo be higher In the spring. l.f LEGAL NOTICES WITH TIIK VKAtl HUM JUST HK (ilNM.M), IITNTKItN AMI ANO I.KItN AIIK HTK.N'IMMJ MO.VKV KOH I'KHMITH limiting and llnlilna llceueii Issued lu January by the county clerk' office brought In '387. Of IbU amount I367.C6 govs to the stato, and G per rent, or 116.30, Ii kept by the couuly. The receipt for the different form of license follew: Hunting. 1113; anilera', 1122; combination hunting and anglers' II cfrtneit, 9 1 52. Roller Skating at Pavilion explained without a show of emotion that hi son had Just been killed on tho went front and .untiled acknowl- edgmentii of' the compliment paid. nun tin mo mreusiu ui uie iruu.croH he wore. Horn of the pilgrim want ed to send post cards. At one of. the stations the. major sent a non-com i cuiup followers left Conenbaaen for party. Berry." missioned, officer to get a supply, a The Hague Friday monilng. They' "I would like uu explanation of censor P" on. them on the train reached the Dutch aapltal tweuty-slx this," said tho German officer who and iromleiX to mall them. Preaum. hours later pretty nearly dead, for handed It to me. 1 explained. Bb,y he dld 0' AU tDe n,u,tar- ,n' not much sleeping had been done on ..ut. M, the officer." what about ""Ct w Zblot havTTor' the trip and the newspapermen at, this last word serrv?" late on that trip could not have wor- least, had had very little for several .. ... . , u . r,t,d German authorities much, nights before. 8erry, said I. Hemeaualie "Tno best dinner we have had.slnce The night before the mission left n'Br,'tH h0 can not come- we left New York.", was the pilgrims' Copenhagen tho business staff gave "0I! ' MK!'" Kn,d the offlccr- "er- Kenoral verdict on tho meal the der ma tickets entitling the expedition's! ry'rt "" crror-" 8o everything was man fed them. It waB so good. In Naders, llko UjuI I'. Ichner. Mme !Ha'lHfttcory Hetween Warncraucde fact, that few appeared to notice that aim ucnuicim one oi me peace aeie- moat wai absent from tho menu. At gates got to discussing his expenses. Hamburg the Iron-crossed major left "The trip has cose me $7 up to the train and his place was taken by date," he said, "and I am hopeful. an Iron-crossed lieutenant who had of getting back to New York on not exceeding f 3 more. Ten dollars Is good deal, considering when.' we were told that our expenses would be paid by Henry Ford.'1 Though the train was guarded at every exit, there was no order that curtains be drawn. This did not make any difference. It was dark before tho party left Warne muede, and It was between two and It I itk. Mill luiion for nliatliiK on Tuotday, evening; Thursday nflerr noon and evening: Friday nnd 9atur dny evening iun Kundny afternoon, 7-61 BARNYARD GOSSIP Ii til right for the fowl family, htthtn you want to know ABOUT MEAT WE CAN TELL bit jou know and a lot beelde. Ii'i ttcaute wu foil sure of our position tbtt we stand so firm on the fropoiltlon that HEAT SOLD HERE IS BEST IN TOWN Sink Street Market Mi UK ailO Hlttli HI. Ilet. Main and KkstnaUi i R BEON EOT WATER DRWDNG IF YOU DONT FEEL RIGHT ye gtaM of hot watar with eheaehaU etfere ereakftrt waehM out eelaene. STOPS men t Pi, NEURALGIA felNfe! Get. MDr.JuDM'HtAdMlM rowum. Till sB alu. a . . a . a a imfym or violent throbblag l la a momnt viik n ffLW""'. Powdsr. ThU old St aT? Mllef cU ! 2. i?l,,0B 0M t0 drug store "jreradlK. pad,, mA few ,. "r you Uke u powder you ie Haii i l H"snio of the head EMrcSK ,ml l'". hlp ulTer- - "'" 1916 INDIAN HERE " SWhleh ' th thin, e LiVeycU "hlvmant new JHIOHORADB whml WITH "H QRAOK KQUIPMINT KLAMATH TS HANS STORE M'n nagr llath If vou waku uu with a bad taste, bad breath and tongue U coated; If your head Is dull or aching: If what 'you..oal oura aud forms gas and add In stomach, or you are bilious, consti tuted, nervous, sallow, and can't get 'feeling Just right, begin Inside bath ing. Drink before breakfast, a glass of real hot water with a teispoonful of limestone phosphato In It. This ...III a!...!, at... ..nl...... h.. tnvlnd fAltl Will 111111 UlC UIBUIM1 HUH . 'stomach, liver, kidney and bowels, and cleanse, sweeten ana puruy iho( entire alimentary tract, uo your in sldt! bathing Immediately upon arts Ing In the morning to waah out of the srHtem all the previous day'a poison ouh waste, ga"ii and nour bile before putting more food Into the stomach. To feel like young folk feel; like you felt before your blood, nerve and muscle became loaded wth body Im purities, get from your pharmacist a quarter (tound of limestone phosphate which Is Inexnonalve and almost taste less, except for a sourish twinge which Is not unpleasant. Just aa soap and hot water act on the skin, cleansing, sweetening aad freahenlna-. so hot water and lime stone phosphate act an ihe stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels. Hen ana women who are usually constipated, bilious, headachy or have any stomach disorder ahould begin tbla Inside bath Ina- before breakfast. They are aa sit rod they will become real crank on the subject ahortly.- Adv. Notion of Katrav Notice la hereby liven that on Jan wary 3, 191A, there came into my Held two yearling raules, both with bell on, one black and the other yellow or buckskin. No preceptlble brand on black, while 'on buckskin there la a brand on left atlfle that resemble a figure 2. Doth horse mules. Owner can have same by proving property und paying for this notice' and feed Mil, Owner call or' phoae Qagle Ridge. D. M. ORimTH, 98t Klamath Kali, Ore. Furs Furs Furs DON'T OIVK THJOM AWAY Coyote 4.M ( HkiiRk. . . :. 1JM 9M, Otter? Mlftk and Oooa fur have nut gone down tnejr are going up HIUNO THRM TO UB The Gun Store J, H. CHAMUMtW, fref. Maw af.j a, aninii aawaaTaawaj lloslk.i Kchwlminor, Kill O, Jones, and a few others, and likewise the pt'nco delegates, to seat reservations on the train. It was announced that the bated newspaper contingent would have to hang on any old place. This did not xurprlse the correspond otilK. They had expected It. Nor did It surprlso tho favored ones. They, loo, expected It. There was a surprise In store, how nver. If anybody ever was cordially haled, the peace party wan hated by the expedition's buslneKH manage ment. Tbe correspondents had no reservations, to be sure, so they went where the bullae management sent them, on the station platform, A nice, liberal allowance of first claaa,, well hnated, comfortablV upholstered com partments bad been saved for them and Into these they piled at the. busi ness management' order. The peace crowd hunted their res ervations. They were In n string of thlrd-rlaiw conches at the rear, cold as a barn and about as comfortable as an American cattle car. Tbo cor respondent went aft at Intervals and gave the peace party the haw-haw. It was uncharitable, but the corres pondents hnd not always been charit ably treated by the peace delegate. Tho delegates tried once to rush the correspondent' end of the train. The attempt was a failure. Wows were exchanged. The correspondent' resolute attitude was sufficient. Some herd words were exchanged, how ever. I-oter several bottles of cham pagne circulated In newspaper circles. It was supposed popularly that they en in ii from Cat-ton Plaintiff, business director of the tour nfter Henry Ford's departure. There are two ferries Utvten Cop enhagen and ihe German PaIUc sea port of Warnemuede. Iho first Is about IHten minutes: th so'iini two hours. I.unch is served on both, hut Plain tiff had arranged to pay for It only on the second, from OJedser to War nemuede. Unhappily a few members of the party had not understood this. got lunches on the first bo.it end had to kettle their own bills. This was the one tragedy of the Journey. At Warnemuede the party stepped from tbe ferry onto a platform with train at one side, the boat at a sec ond, water nt a third and a cordon of Herman soldiers at the fourth and last. Lochner called out tbe mem bera' namea In alphabetical order, and aa each name was called, Its ow- n.r stunned forward, presented his nnssnort to a German officer and eu tered tho train. He, entered at. the rear door and went forward. Only tnat ono door waa open. The others were locked and guarded. For all that, the Hermans were exceedingly courteous. BtorUs were current that every body would be atrlpped and searched. Cn fact, Lieutenant Governor Bethea of South Carolina, who did not mane tha trin with, the ford party, but alone, waa forced to take off every! atltcb of clothing and even had lilt toes pried apart to be aura there were no incriminating documents between them. Nothing of, this kind happen cd to any member of the Ford party. The nearest approach there was to, a search was an hour or two out of Warnemuede when' a German civilian came through the train, politely showed hla credentials and toel: a very profunctory glance Inside n few valises. Hadld not look in all. The trunk were not touched. The,reiwaa no personal search whatever. Not a question was asked. Previously, however, an elaborate warning had been Issued agalnat any attempt to carry printed, typewritten or written matter throagh Germany. Many ar ticles were speeded -also which must not cross th sorter. The iHianaw, thoroughly scared, obeyed tfcese ord ers, scrupulously. Mate, ebwlamer received a' taw ram. at Waraaatuasjt. A Oermaji aaar aaUed,tt to.har. keglaaead trnveled extensively in the United States and spoke tolerable English. He was very sociable, drank to the peace of tbe mission' success on board the train, and again, at Bea thelm. hoped In a short speech to the delegates that the expedition would accomplish. Its object. Dr. Jones responded, expressing tbe pilgrims' appreciation of the courtesy Sammone In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Klamath County. .1. V. McCoy, Plaintiff, vs. 5 Utirr O. Terry, Lois A. Terry and B, O. Terry, Defendants. To U. O. Terry, one of tho defendants above named: y In the name of Hie stute of.Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you lu the above entitled stilt on or before Friday, tbe 17th dayjbf March, 191C, that being the last day of the time prescribed In tbe orderot publication oi mis summons, ana ,ir you fall so to appear and answer, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the court for tho relief demanded In his complaint on nle herein, to-wlt: i For Judgment against defendant,' Burr O. Terry for the following sums: ' $7.r0, together with Interest thereon I at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from January 1, IMC; $2,160, to gether with Interest thereon at tbe rate of 8 per cent per annum from July 1, 1914; $21.20. together with Interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from January 21, 1916, for the further sum of $300 as attorney's fees, and for the coats and disbursements of this suit; for a 'de cree of this court foreclosing plain tiff's mortgage and directing the sale of tbe following described premises, to-wlt: ummens for Publication In Foreeles- ure. ef Tax Lien In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Klamath County. - I). H. Origsby, Plaintiff, ' VB. (George L. Davis, Defendant. I To George 1,. Davis, the above named I defendant. i In the name of tbe state of Oregon, 'you arev hereby notified that B. S. (iflgsby, the holder of certificate of delinquency numbered 657, Issued on the 22nd day of May, 1916, by the tax Collector of the county of Klamath, stale of1 Oregon, for the amount of. sixteen and 67-100 ($16.67) dollars, the same- being the amount then due anil delinquent for taxes for the year 1012, together with penalty, Interest and' costs thereon upon the real prop erly assessed to you, of which you are the' owner as appears of record, situate In said county and state, and partic ularly bounded and described as follows,-to' wit:' Southeast quarter .of southwest quarter; and lot flvo, section twen ty-two, township thirty-nine south, ' rangeten east of Willamette Meri- dlan.fc You are J urthcr notified that said. Il.( S.' Grlgsby has. paid taxes on said premise!! for prior or subsequent ytars, with the rate of Interest on said amounts as follews: year 1913, paid May 22, For the 1915; tax receipt No. 523S, amount paid $19.19, with interest at 12 per cent. , vForthe year 1911, paid August 12. 4169, amount interest at 12 per 1915, tax receipt No. paid $15.68, with cent. Said 'George I of the legal Davis an the owner title of the above, de- tnree a. in. wuen tne pilgrims isnaea;and.then al, lne png-ims "hocked" at uenmcim. tne last uerman town t German government. Peace dele- beforo crossing the Dutch frontles. gatcs ..hocking- the German govern Still, there was little to be seen at ment! Nevertheless they did it. the lighted stations. This little seem- The only official or semi-official ed significant. Thetrain ran through recognition the peace mission has re tho big central bahnhof In Hamburg celved or Is likely to receive In Eur beforo 10 a. m. In ordinary times '0pe was this recognition in Germany, the busiest of places at such at hour.' The way In which the German author at this time it was almost deserted. uIch secured $500 In gold from the llremo was Just the same. So were expedition caused a good deal of com the stopping places In all the other ment. Before leaving Copenhagen important towns between the German everybody was warned against trying coast and the Dutch frontlor. to lake any gold coin through Ger At Hamburg a hospital train was many. Gaston Plaintiff, business man standing In the station. Except for.nger of the mission and Ford's per theso glimpses, the Journey might as sonil representative, decided to at- well have been taken throuah the tempt to keep $500, however. United States or dnrkest Africa for It was American money. Plaintiff all tho Idea it stive, throuah a car gave It to Mme. 8chwlmmer to carry window, of wartime Germany. bocnuse being a Hungarian and there- Th Herman malor In charre of the fore a subject of one of the central train from Warnemuede to Hamburg) powers, he thought he lees likely to ..i,.. .. l-.ii.. h......M.i hi. xaattn h sAnrched. When the time came to n,Vl!7 IIW 1,1U. WW. ... .w ri i... nniito it vUliwJ comoartment . settle for the special train, however, after compartment, tried to talk with the Germans said the price was $500 the aid of an occasional volunteer. American goiu. South half of southwest quarter scribed, property as the same appears of section twenty-one, township thirty-nine south, range nine east of Willamette Meridian; tbe proceeds of said sale to be applied Illinois Democrat and His Daughter at Palm Beach i . jjnsasjssjfsjaaajasasjgaBBBasaaajas " "' t&iiwtMnwRBBEMm a aeaR8&$t5&! a wmmmw&$m r .tMMii -a ,rfJSMii wmm8msm i E2S P ;J J-T &jCraSg& lfiesM i 8i,.3wPHaita!Avca a HK&fasBjgeB Hi-B?f saaWaaaWv. '-' Wife"lWMFsMBma3 f tWsSbVassssliBsMiii :JIfcfllBmllIfM3BMaMi aaMBSTaMassTaHBSVBSSSSSSSsassssft f- t1dnaMKvs&asssssssssssi s of record, .is hereby further notified that B. S. Grlgsby will apply to the circuit court of the county 'and state aforesaid for a decree foreclosing the to the satisfaction of plaintiff's Judg-'JIen against tbe property above de ment; that the Hen of B. O. Terry on j scribed,'' and mentioned In said cer the said premises be adjudged second,'! tlficate. And you are hereby sum- subsequent and Inferior to that of the plaintiff; that said defendants and all persons claiming under them or any one of them, subsequently to the exe- moned to appear within sixty days after the' first publication of this sum- inon, exclusive" of the day of said fit t publication, and defend this cutlon of plaintiff' said mortgage, be action or pay tbe amount due as barred and foreclosed of all right, above shown, together with costs and claim or equity of redemption In said accrued Interest, and In case of your premises, and for such other and fur- failure to. do so. a, decree will be ther relief as to the court may seem ; rendered foreclosing the Men of said equitable. (taxes and costs against the land and This summons Is served on. said de-jpremlses above named, fendant B. O. Terry by publication'!-. This summons is published by or- thereof in the Evenlna Herald, a der ot tne Honoraoie u. v. jtnyKenoaii. Irin1tlnn - vri,...1?1 Mb lUHUUkU, newspaper of general printed and published Falls, Klamath county. Oregon, by order of Honorable D. V. KuykendaU, Judge, of the circuit court ot the state of Oregon, for the county of Klamath, and said order was made and dated the .30th day of December, 1915, and. Judge of the above entitled court;' th'e" date of the first publication of this dated and filed in said suit at KJam-j summons is the 31st day of December, ath Falls; Oregon on tbe 4thday of ,1915. February, 1916, which order requires i; AU process and papers in this pro- that this summons be published once jceedlng may be served upon the under- a week for six weeks; the date ot first 'signed residing within the state of Ore- publlcatlon being! February 4, 1916. gon;atUhe address hereafter men- nOIiLO C. GROESBECK, ttoned. ROLLO C. GROESBECK, Attorney for Plaintiff. ' j " Attorney for Plaintiff. 4-11-18-25-3-10-17 v. Address. Klamath Falls. Oregon. GOING AWAY? Let us take care of your baggage and case. WE MEET JUX TRAINS AND BOATS Auto Bute for Passenger. ' , ' Auto Truck for Freight DAY OR NIGHT SERVICE Wettem Transfer Co. PHONE Office 1t7; Residence 266-R. , TOILET REQUISITES MANICURE GOODS .Our stock of sail nice, buffers, nail clippers, enamel, orange Vootit-elicka, etc., la Urge-aad c.-irkullyselected and the price am the-1 very lowest that you N ,.n hnv mallv rood maalcare Kooda for. 6 Virginia Sullivan Bow Sullivaa Roger Sullivan, the strongest democratic politician In Illinois, is here shown enjoying himself 'at Palm Beach during the winter. The demo cratic politician could not play golf in Chicago nt this time ot the year, nt least not In his shirt sleeves. One photograph shows hla daughter, Vir ginia, with" her little niece. " m 1 m&v rvGL a y : : i m y t fJjKsaaw .gssm. Mjvlerwoodi PafflTl4(Y fC KIJWrVTHTALLS OREGON m I I r7 WMESJt rVkWICOtaJI OPU ' Eli W" ii i GOOD BUY A line home, a good baalaeea house aud Nix big lots, all for $8.v00. WW pay rlglit bow 15 per cent a the In vestment. Buy yourself a good post lion aad a sure Income. Aak'Ohtlcote. 10-8t Mrs Frances . Bojd Is sow lu charge of the Kelaty roosstat keaas at Ml Mala. Nlea ciaaa resaas iw w .i.t. md llaftt homihiiatag. l-tt Farm Und Wanted What havo you to sell In Improved or unimproved lands. Give full.de-, srrlptlon and price in first letter Ad dress P. 0. box 286. 6-6t Chllcote collect rent aad looks af ter property-of all kinds. l-tt Highest cash price paid for all klndi of tura. O, D. Wlllssa. 7d Main street. UU NEITHER WAR NOR PANIC Can affect the , stability ot this bank. Its ample resources are In vested in gilt edged securities, whose values are solid and Invul nerable to fluctuations. They are road ily convertible into cash so that we cau meet any emergency ' at' short notice. It is a good bank v ' n which to keep your account. " asdJgKsaMalaV ggBgBgPt X iiKTBsBBBBBBBBBBBBB asssaHlPSEiWaWasV aHaBkssssssssB WKfrnm BKcC'" dtfe " FIRST STATE M5 SAVlNGSkBANK ,! KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON- ,l!JV-V ' 'I m "L. v, A. 4 ; v?l v'i.iar.s-'l rJLU ft-i wm-m at It aad aid It In her mat iaaUstJIy jj M$ V t t1 ?j u'1mr .'. i . - iV ", " tj