Wr8p i' i"" W 7W W frftsMIKIl urw F. t &W. , kt i tj? Sumittg Herald maiiaTII COUNTY'S KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER official newspaper .-, ,- vx&mMumaaiKrsm?iK4masut3Jtfxsf .t-.-.. .. im. j - a.. Tniih V- .o. U.UIH KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1916 I'rlcc, Fire OeaU Garrison Resigns as Secretary of the War Department Wl4MiMWMi il!..!. , .it ' SPLIT OVER PLAN FOR CONTINENTAL ARMY IS SERIOUS DOYLE'S HEARING BATTLES RAGING iNO PLACE LIKE SET FOR MONDAY ALL ALONG WEST THEATER OF WARI- KLAMATH HALL formal ciiakei: is ii(i:ii:iti(i:i) Wi.HXHT MAN AC'ITSED OK Mit(ii:it women to m: nnt- I CD IS KLAMATH FALLS IIOTII MIDEtf MAKING VIOLENT attacks LOCAL HOTEL MANAGERS HACK i after getting caught in NEARLY EVERY FLOOD DIS TRICT IX TUB SOUTH (IKNKIUli M "TT APPOINTED TO kill tiii: vacancy jnoii TIliHTV DAYH t'..lim Sri nu IHnVirntf Willi th l'irlilni Hi-unnllnic Prtmid. nr flnit, mill Ou-f till' Pllllfiillin yuiMli'ii, 'in,tnr mill l-'lrl . Muni Mi-p Oul HlenW l ("hum f Sn,.illiii II itli XmiIhii. Inlltil l're hen lie WAHIHWTON, l. .'.. IVI. ! I'olkmluK illffeirnn-. ullli Prrld-nt WIMi n-imnllim tlio inrpamlnc" IKrnin, Sn n Inry Llnilley M. GnrrL mi sad AMnni Herniary Hrrt-kMi-ridge uf ih "! department, iTlitiitMl i Ut night. Thr rmlgtMllona urrr- nr-. rested. ' Todsy President WIImhi formally, ilnlgnatrd (ivnrrnl 8cH, Ilia urtuy. thief uf ktnir, i actinw Mcprtary of r rr n (n-rlod of. thirty ,Uay. r imill (iiurlMiu MiwvMMir U t pointed, Garrison differed with Che president i mer flit miitlm-ntnl unity plan, it- llnntil by (liiriUon. WlNtui dvclrtrrsl tltat he nmld mil "lrrevin-nbly" rii itone tfU plan. , (Isrrlnon nlhu declared tint Clnrktt amendment to the, Philippine bill, granting Imlcix'iulunco In (our yeiirn, ' nr wrong, unit ihnt.lio bMI6vd the ITMldent Hliotild lojert it. Wllnon Tlio iircllinliiury livurltit; for Wll- ,. . . . ' . Hum IJoylo. hold o., cl.arKc or iiiur-',,,, iulUt Im r"kv "' " dorliiK Mnry A. Wilcox aud tier iIuukIi tur, MiikbIij Joiio, In l.ariK-'H Valley TucHiliiy mornliur, will bu held heforo Jimtlui of tho IVaro Ciowcii Moiulny inenilm: 'I'Iki liidinii.-itlon, etc , woru .H licit iut I I K lit Coioiiit Knri Wliltlock Iiiin lievii iiimhli to Ki't miy dullnlto truce of any idiitlvi'H of tin- two ili'iul women. They lll bo linrled hurt thin nftor- noon or tomorrow. lto CIiiih T llnul I'omlnriinK tin xvrvli'uii After Terrific All Night I'IkIiIIiik In Snow, mill .Other Strategic I'oIiiIn CIiiiiiKo Hands .Setetiil TImii lliit lit' one Hiri'iiiN From Artolw (o Siinlli of Arm. "And glad to get back, believe me." So carols Elbert B. Hall, aa be' grasps the hands of bis fellow towns- I'nlteil 1'iesB Set Ire LONDON.' 'Feb 1 1 - The buttlo zone la spreading nil along the west ern front from Artols to south of Ar ms. In ono of the most violent activi ties uf the war. Hotli sides tire malt-' Ing offpnslvi' .moves, and several po sitions lmvo repoaieilly changed ' hands. Despito lieavy riioh, there was terrific fighting on Vlmy Heights, nnd along the Homme This continued all night, and resulted in the capture of MHML some positions on tho heights by the Ormnns. The French have thus fur failed tol recapture their lost positions on Vlmy ...ill c.iiitti tt IIia RnniTnn iirrnrdlne' in ...II. t.vr..... . uw w....., - .... - . 0crmnudvlp.v- ,, . -v . i No new gains nro claimed by Paris j A generous response to the nPIHl,0 Artillery 'firing is unusually ,!! iiiu iui u.v .. -..... "-I'-' j holvy .,i ong the front FUNDS FOR JEWS ARE PODRING IN WITHOPT AWIITIVG SOLICITA. TIOX or cemmittki: pi:opli: siiHscitiiii-: v to, Till: liOOH CAUSI-: idi-lft : Br vSVfl HsBi "- 'jiHbvsBBI I N!HflHHK K. U. Hall ENGLAND SEES A NEW CRISIS FOR UNITED STATES United Press Service LONDON, Feb. 11. OfflcialH (lecture tluit Imucn as grave as the Ltul t.mia controversy may arise between the United States and Gcnnaay aad Vnsliin as a result of the announcement by the Teutonic allies that all Mb iiinrlncH have been ordered to toipelo 11H armed merchantmen without giving warning. The allies uilinoi yield their riglit to arm their mercantile vessel) lor defensive purposes. They contend that such a practice has long bees universally recognized. It is believed that if any armed merchantmen of the allies Is torpedoed . Iille Americans are aboard, the United States will act promptly and de-dilvely. United Press Service WASHINGTON', D. C, Feb. 11. The diplomats of the Teutonic nations in re hope the state department will soon disclaim responsibility for Amer icans traveling aboard armed merchantmen. It is understood that this hope is partly baved upon information from the state department. The llritish ambassador, Sir CecilSpriiig-Itice, uill probably take ttw matter up with Secretary Lansing, giving the viewpoint of the allies, who contend that their ships have a right to arm for defensive purposes. Llnilley M. (iirrlhoii In the war swept regions of Burupo li , H0 wnch U become fam0U8 cpriuin in luamain rans, nen ,tn lfco pre(!0lt wflr ag ft BtratCRlc rommllteo makes Its requests for do point, was takon from the French by inpliiltloe .Unlay. Tim Iioiibo cotiim't mitioiiM Into today. Without waiting .. ...,., vestexdav. and retaken .. .JII prnciejl with Its own plnn of J for tb-j arrlvnl of the commlltoo, the JgUr ,)y ())e Fnmc,, Tho crater near military roirKiiiiiaiioii, nny auo.tououiuK Hcniiscriiuioiii c immu Inllmnteil that tho coutluotilnl army today- plan has boon dollnltely sbelvod t'nlU'il Prciis Service M-;W YOIIK, Fob. 1 1. Onrrlson cnnio to New York Inst night to visit riK'Mlc Ho will not dlmuiBH his ro.Mg- Van itlporllros 20.00 KUmutli llnrdwaro Co .. 10.00 (leorgo J. Walton 5.00 II. S. Origsby B.00 Oscar Larson 2.00 When people consider that tho men today, following his sojourn in' California. And advices from the White Pelican Hotel nil show that Mm. Hnll ably seconds these senti ments. . int. ft. .11, 1 1ha ! In n.nrtm. Nouvlllo also changed hands several I .,. " r.' c n, ... times, following many hand to unmir"; b"'Ub "... , ,, """, . ... linen uuiuuiuuiie. iu mo nun, iuojj HeHIn admits the loss of .oj ero away they were almost contln- . t nil in Min ctnrmo nmi nninrn iiihv - YOUTH CONFESSES TO THE BURGLARY TWKNTY - YllAlt - OLD KIllKGH IS HELD TO THE' (ilt.VND JURY TELLS OFFICER v ifE nXTERED HOME ! UNION PACIFIC AND ESPEE DECLARE USUAL DIVIDENDS trenches south of Somme. declined to do tills, nnylnic ihnt wlillo )U), uut told tlio iiovp.tp. men '..UOO.OOO Jews In the lighting he thought tho action .was v'unyfso dint he had retired from poll'lw, and 70110 are practically paupers, their now," It was his duty to accept tho,cotild not consider tho Idea of stump-'holdings taken from thorn by tho gov- ornments, their foodstuffs comman- ' ...III....... ntt-tArLaita ..fill HlA I an, not candldato for th Kov. -- ' - ' - " ' " t I I . ,.. ... !.,..,,. 11 ii I,,, i wuiiioii aim i"'" "" "" '-" Ho wnn regarded w'"'"i --;. -"""; ,... 0Bsly i,c HCon that there Is dlro VfOtllll HOI accept Jl ll I woro uuimv... Juilimcnt of both houses of congress'1 asnlnst Wilson The resignation of Onrrlson crefttud great Ncnsntlon oiAn ,.r ti... ...H..A... ...... 1.. a..i : . ."" v m CTl """ "",. crtmcato of oloctlon. I I wraort men In tho cabinet. r,un)0 my Iftw practice." In a statement to tho United Press I . Awlilant Boorntnry Ilreckonridgo nnld I COUPLE HELD ON SERIOUS CHARGE tally In rain storms, and before they reached San Francisco on tho return trip they had been caught and delayod by floods times innumerable. Klamath Falls looks better than ever to the Halls, and they are both 'positive that this will be their perraa- l.iient address. 'I'nltcd I'ross Service A full rnrifnslnn wna mad, last NEW YORK, Feb. 11.- ntoni to'nooil for every possible aid that can! SHERIFF'S OFFICE ROUNDS UP Sic extended It was toward this ond MAy Axn WOMAX CHARGING thnt President Wilson, tho governors; .of all statos nnd tho mayors of hto! that his objection to building tlio nn-4 "Al" VNt ,,"," '",M' 'r'l"t argo cltlei Usuod proclamations, urg-. nc the American noopio 10 no muin tlon's military policy upon mllltln, as I United Pross Service wnson favors, Is thnt tho plnn' Is' DALLAS, Tox., Fob, II. STATUTORY CRIME HEARING NEXT WEEK ' NOTED FINANCIER DIES IN NEW YORK kuu Club hero tonight. "fundamentally beyond nny compro nnse." lust who will succeed Garrison as wretary Is (( mnttor of niurh con- lecture. It Is'corlnln.tlio man will bo'wolgh In nt 13G ringside, ueinocrat, and among thoso mon- "onea aro Hccrctnry Lane of tho In-, terlor Department, Cougresimun Hnerlcy, ex-dovomor Wilih of Mnssa . nstu, JiniBon Hurnion and Alva Aaini, ' II U iUted'thnl Ouuoral Oootlials Is not considered. A dark" horso la 'ooked for by hrnny. '"i'nc reRlgnatlon at Gnrrloon will not pffect action by congross," snld 'nllrraan HnV Of llm hnuM mllUnrv -Red Hon-1 utmost to nllovlnto this most terrlbloj ih.rHim. homo crown lightweight, nnd stnto of nffnlrs Stnnfoy Yoktirn, tho Denver "Apollo." The Jewish pcoplo of tho United) will box llftoen rounds before tho Ker-.i-tnton hnvo been working llko Trojans They will on this relief work since tho outurcaK of tho war, but tho problem has be- Icomo so serious that they have been i -it-.i n ..nt I., tlin tinnnln nf 1 ouipeiieu u iii'i'vtii v t- 1 nn iinliotl Stntoa for aid. This is tho first llmo In history America bus evor "All Hands Around" United I'ross Service DALLAS, Tox., Fob, U. Half a hundred bankers from Now York, 8t, Louis, Chicago, KniiBnH City, Oklnbo mn City nnd other out-of-stnte polntB today Joined tho Texas bnnkora In tholr flnnunl "swing around tho group." Tho fifth stato district moot ing wiib hold hero today. Arrest of Lumbermen for Drunks Starts Something been nskod to nld tho Hebrow race Donations can bo left at tho K. K. K Store or K. Sugnrman's. and will locelvo prompt attention. HOSE TO GENERAL MANAGER OF WESTERN UNION FROM MES SENGER HOY WAS ACTIVE UP TO THE LAST , Charged with lewd co-hubitatlon, Cluules ICnman and Mary Bedell wero nrosiv-d this morning by SherlfT Low nnd Deputy Lloyd Low. They weret brought before Justice of tho Peace Gpwon, and their hearing was set for, next Friday. Enmnn is at liberty under 1600 United Press Service bonds. Tho Bedell woman was al lowed to go upon her own recognisance, BANKS, OFFICES CLOSE TOMORROW WHITE CHOSEN AST The Union nlclit bv Floren Kriech. the 20-vear- ' acl-c loaa "eciarea 113 reguwr - old youth under arrest on charge oftPer cent Quarterly dividend oa com- burglarlzlng the home of Will Irwin. ,i,u" slutK auu luc """-""" " near Bonanza. This was made to Dep- dent ot 2 l)er cent on Preferred stock. uty Sheriffs Low and Ulrlch. The Southern Pacific declared Us ..,,.,.. ,. ,. . . tegular 1 ? per cent quarterly dlvl- Kriegh told them that he entered " the Irwin homo by opening a window, 1 l" that ho took a watch, bottle of llquor1 nnd some glovea, also something to( Manitoba, Canada, women have pe eat. The watch chain, he said, he tittoned the premie:- lo tilve them the threw away, and he also tried to dls-'r.'ght of suffrage. Extensive Improvements PlannedbyC-O.Company HIRD MN Allowing the arrest of, three log wr "Mt night in jail. This morning they wore lined a local roomln. 5 W' houi.. . . Z Late this afternoon District Attor- w oeing drunk and disorderly, ' ney Irwin took the matter n hand, to l tuthnriiu. .. ... .. .....lniMriiiii if tho llauor was nurohaBed --...... , -umi a H'll""-"" " :.-'-' .. 17. -,... OHSERVAXCE OK LINCOLN'S IHUTHDAY AT SCHOOI TODAY PROVED HIGHLY INSTRUCTIVE PROGRAMS VETERAN WILL REFEREE THE HOLT HETWEN WIXLARD AND MOHAN, WHICH HAS UEEX SET FOR MARCH 8TH. NEW YORK, Feb. 11. Belvldere Brooks, vice president and general manager of the Western Union com pany, died suddenly this morning at his homo of heart failure. ' For several months Mr. Brooks has been in ill health, but continued his 'duties. He worked as usual yester- I dny, but this morning, feeling rather poorly, ho remained at home. Death I camo Just before noon. Mr. Brooks was born In 1859, and 'entered the service of tho Western Union ns a messenger boy. From this position he rose to the place ho occu pied at his death. SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 1, Com-.growth of tho large, sparsely settled nvtp. tributary to the company lor at least twenty years, was the first care -si ror poMibu.tiinM...... ' an"1 Pwt th, -night la'tjii cty here, or If tho men visited Dorrls, Toward that end. be subpoenaed all three, end Is questioning them regard ing the matter this afternoon. In obsorvouco of Lincoln's birthday tho local bunks, tho postofllco, county onices nd city offices will be closed tomorrow. Patriotic exoiclsea were held at tho schools today. . At all of these pro grams, numbers pertaining to Lincoln formed the bulk of the exercise". United Pi oss Service NEW YORK, Feb. 11. Charley Wlilto has been chosen as the referee for tho ten round bout between Jess Wlllurd and Frank Moran, His ap pointment was approved by fighters and promoters, Tho bout has boen definitely set for March 8th. Whiilock Is Candidate. Earl Whltlock Is again oaudldate for coroner. He' filed his petition for tho democratic nomination yesterday nt the clerk's office. So far, nobody la montloned as an opponent, and Whlt lock may be elected with no opposi tlon whatever, as he has proven him self, extremely capable in his work. .Gas meters are now being installed i by women la Berlin. plete rehabilitation of the system by making Improvements, completing construction work at present and making additions to plants has been undertaken by the new" board of di rector of tlio California-Oregon pow er company, which is said to be a promising utility covering a large area in California and Oregon. The new year found the company with an uncompleted power plant at Codco. on the Klamath River, on which more than, $1,000,000 had been expended, while the earnings of 1915 had run about 11,000 a month below the fixed charges for the year. Under the circumstances the company was compelled to default on Its January Interest coupon on the $3,165,000 California-Oregon power 40-year, 5 per cent, first.and refunding mortgage gold bonds; although the -interest on fl,206,000 of underlying Issues haa been paid regularly. To raise funds to build the dam on the Klamath River to an altitude of sixty feet, which would provide ample power to take care of the prospective I pose of the watch while he was being held by A. D. Marshall at Olene, awaiting the arrival of officers. -4-- The youth waived bis rights to a hearing this morning, and was bound over to the grand jury. His parents were formerly residents of Chlloquln, and his father brought a damage suit 'against one of the sawmills there over FLOHEXithe lobs of an arm. i t I'J 1 of the new board ot directors, headed by J. D. Grant. Through the solicitation of the six principal stockholders of the company the holders of more than 90 per cent of tho outstanding junior bonds have agreed to wait Ave years tor their In terest, and then accept preferred stock for the total amount thereof, com pounded.. This arrangement will be submitted to the railroad commission, and mean while the stockholders are assessing themselves liberally to complete the first section ot the dam and to liqui date the floating Indebtedness. Assessments of $1.30 a share have leen already paid, and further assess ments to the probable amount ot 8 -additional will be levied from tlmo to time. The company represents a merger j of tho Siskiyou Klectrlo Power, tkt Siskiyou Electric the Rogue Hirer Power aad U0&yf Kleetrle, iitlt i.Vil '. Will lVBW W V" -.-- f - 'S 'Im V ' UT Klamath Power compailee, l:$$; &-. . nniun..l. IMnnn.SlMijam4.SMaas umiiviuia w"r ...r. 11 1 j;-p r,Z't,if.v.'. t.U.rf nn nlMrll?lUit. 1 " ' "" v-'vg' " j fj'i VJ pas.