lhJ-;rt;wia5s ?Tk5 -MmmmMuMMMWWM ......iiiMw.i,r up inmaagawininwiiiiM ' 'VV.I ft 3Mj Suimtnn Herald ....mwit KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER oftJeiJl. NEWSPAPER Year-'- KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1916 Price, Five Cento W mi atiWirftjn RUMANIA CALLS RESERVES HOME 1 ASKS GOLD U-ltK IIAI.K.IN PHIXCIPALITY WAIIMKK i rut tr 1111"""1 "" ''"' w1,",,, la Armenia, Slaughtering Mm mill PMniHim Wiiiiimi Herman Air-, Mm Mnk Thre.- Brllb.li Fighting VimtUi AwII " ""KM1 " i pMrtM ltwr New. I'tiiri !'' nvinns: Kdi iu- Huloiilkn wlre,li that Rumania rr'rvUin liavr bxn or dtred bobm RuminU has also appealed to her -WW lection of Europe. Cmi rim opl to depo.lt all their Roll In the tlonr of cn.li nml chocks hn.o lecn ullwal bank, ' I'tllrd l'i .Nervir IIKKI.IN', KcU. 10. The Cologne' liutle today report that during the lut EdiIIbIi raid hy SCepp.dln. the itrnrn bombarded mid ntilik the lint lir cruiser Caroline nml two destroy in. I tilled I'rew Service m...,..,.... UKNKVA. Feb. 10 rUr IhA TnrLtf tint tttfitlri mttBrmrrA ' lor the Armenian, Tlioiimuidii of men have bwu shot, and their wlvei ind daughter tnken to CoBatautlnn- d and otil In harem, nay then ,. I Mini 1'iei Serilr- VIBNSA. Feb. lo- -It I, announced . that the dUarmlng of the Montenu- trim hai been completed. i Maddux Out for Office. J, A. Mnddox la the latvat to uaplre lo the office of Hhurlff of Klamath lounty. Ho umdo announcement to Uy of hU candidacy for the deaio mile nomination. Maddos la a well known resident of Klamath, and haa uaay friendn. The race between itaddox and the equally popular Uwrie Humphrey will be Intereat Itl. Thrco Chlnew girl who recently arrived at Vancouver are the first female itowawny to over land In Canada. Dncle Sam Will Also Swat the Bootleggers Uootlegier In the future will And ttnuuelvea up against state and fed l Wwutlon, with the federal i Providing a minimum penalty Marly a great as the maximum lm PMJd for violation of the state laws. Milton A. Miller, United (states col ''0' Internal revenue whetted the Proh bltlon raior when he announoed rl ,peaco omc,r, nd district attor ney In the stato that bis oBoe will roaecuto all bootleggers who may be nown to have sold liquor without wing tho Internal revenue stampi. wutWo offlcora are elated over the wnouncment, and bootlaggera wko Z . . wn C0lvlcted already under In . ,.t lfta my " n ,!urtWPMlltosj. oi.. , de,,vr'nt Is desirous of oo h -. '! w,th ,ut offlctols In local tl tv.d br,nK- to iustloe all par liw .u ,m'y MPtd of vlolat o7sS. tw ""' Ballf ' Wrltoua liquors," Miller wrote to SsSL' "AtoUitasBIbe uralt.th,t '" '' ' JJ taJWldual, NetrtteZe. U. be Is of aUdavlt by two separate KLAMATH FALLS COMFS TO HELP OF NEEDY JEWS H.si.VI.HS MEN WILL MAKE A 'AXVAHH Tm" ,,m,,Imw, Home Mnkr DoiiiiiIom, Thirty IMIiir. unit Utlicr Will Do a Well Hank nml I, o.al Store Will llrvflve Donation. Cauae I :lililrn'l Highly Worth) of Aid by All Itlamulh rail today uKnlu opeium lntl In response u the urgent ; c 'f I'lstre raised by million i of ts'ilferlng JowUtt pooplo In Cm w.u In nil tiny Iohk. V' chockN, one for 'i'i .t ml mi- i . . tilnr lor 110, were rewind i-ni UmiiI li.ialnem man, "I would hn tilml to kIv- it ' '! luiB'T uniount It 1 ucru ilnan" .illy nlilo to do no," unlit olio of tlio donor. And that In the spirit nil nr allowing In thin rail for analatHiice. A short time o the Commercial Club took up the Jewish relief mutter. At that time, although evorythliiK wan 'voluntarily donated, with no aollclu- till 11 It'll Ml iuviu iJiiaiiienn men, iiuwuvor, nuvo decided to make u campaign mid to mil niton firms it nd Individual for do- untlouM, Thin committee will begin re-'worl tomorrow morning, and the fund r.iUed will be taken to Portland , by K, Hugarman Haturduy morning. I In the mt-nutlmc, donation can bo left nt either of the banka, at K. "'Mrnmn- or the K. K. K. Store, This In the llrnt time In hUtory that t'1" Jw V,J "UPenled for help. traveler from the wur-ridueti coun- Jtrlia of Kuropo ntid Aaln declare tlmt the condition of the Jowm In thoiw ec llon U terrible beyond belief. Of the 10,000,000 Jowh In the world, 0,000,000 are In the countrlea nffected by the war. Women munition workers In Ung land are forbidden from wearing metal buttons on their blouse or metal hairpin In tholr balr. It I claimed that African women who wear little or no clothes are more inodeit than tho Amerlcau and Rug Hull women who wear many. ami reliable parties, upon receipt of same at this office Immediate steps will be taken to proaecuto such case or faaea under tho Intornal revenue law, "!Ay attention has been callod to tho Illicit traffic or bootlegging throughout this state, and while my deputlea are always on the lookout for such offenders, It has been found difficult to socuro tho evidence above suggested, which Is necessary before this office would bo warranted In pro ceeding, through the United States at torney, In prosecutions. I trust our efforts in the strict enforcement of the law may. be fruitful." Deputy Sheriff Lloyd Low said to daj( they would turn over to Mr. Mill er all evidence In cases coming within their Jurisdiction, and would cooper ate with the federal authorities In ry possible way to secure convic tion In the United States court. gelling whiskey at retail without federal stamps Is punishable by a J all sntence of from 60 days to two years and a fine of from $100 up. The nlaxlmuaa penalty under the state law Is a line of $500 sr lNleaent Q tne tounty jsu ror aw ateaisa, ( German Cruiser Captured Monday by British Aided Appam Capture )aaaaaaaaaSaaaHaH SI mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmWmm'mMtKmWKHKmmWMtmWmmt m J gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggfSBitlBSi w ft m E i mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmK&mmmUmmmmmmmmmmmrF-39to' l6ifity taBBBBBBBBBBBBa t J mmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmml& Ifri&itZmmmmmmmmmmmmW f ' 1 SBPgggggggggggggggggggs - "geKgfB ' mWmmmmmmmmmmmm'JmmKmmmm Wg- iy HmmmmmmmmmmmmWmmmmmmlgKm JfM Itntile Itoon In JfgffffSleBWeBa.ABWeBWeBW & At BiealVlBBBBBBBSigssssssssssssssssssssssssa. Hi. MM aiSggslVgggggggggggggggggggggk ' WJaaSaSggggggggggggggfB Kt 111 itiiotlitT chapter was milled to tln story of tho rapture of tin- llrlltsli Mi-amer Appam by n (Sermnn war ve ol Jiid the Hiilllug of the Appnm into nn American harbor by the prlio crew. This was the capture by Oio British battlofttilp Drako of tho Her man crulicr Boon Monduy, after u three hour light off the Bermuda coast. The Boon was supposedly bottled up in Kiel canal, and how It escaped Ik unknown, A suspicion that the Boon was chiefly instrumental In the capture of the Appnm resulted In nu order to rrcirch the sea for her, and the capture of the Boon and two mer chantmen Monday. The lower picture shows the armed (Sermnn gourd stationed nt oach gang wny of the Appnm to hold on board the British military prisoners, and to keep outsider off the vessel. EPIDEMIC COMES TO FIOJ AREAS PLEA IS SENT FOR EVERY AVAIL ABLE PHYSICIAN' TO ASSIST IN FIGHTING SPREAD OK TYPHOID KEVKR United Press Sorvlco MEMPHIS. Tenn.. Feb. 10. Tele grams have been received from Clar endon, asking that every available nhvalclan bo sent thero to help fight the threatened epidemic of typhoid fever, breaking out since tho flood.. Sowers were burst to pieces by the rushing waters, and hundreds of wo men and children are marooned In lofts without any sanitation. There la no bread, nor meat for the flood victims. OnnthB in tho vicinity of Clarendon as a result of the floods total twonty elght. ELK TO BE SENT TO S T UK EL RANGE DURINfl WINTER, YOUNG ANL MALfl WILL UK FED AT KLLIS YOUNG'S RANCH AND WILL BE LIBERATED LATER At lut nle-ht's meetluK of the Klamath Sportsmen's Association, Stukel mountain was cnossn as a gffjf gVgCcPsVgCCCCCCgrggU aaft-JaWaLw'alaaaaaaBaa X M ' at jSaSgggCkiggtWggflg & ' mm-p' ijimmmUmmmmW&&&& """''' 1 B W $$$$$3 1 gggegB .mTH rMm yX&2B&& ('ei'iiiim Guurtl ou Apimm 'rnngu for the eighteen head of young elk to be llbcratod In Klamath county by the State Fish and Game Commls- slon. This was decided upon by vote, and tho other suggested sites being , defeated in the elimination process of voting. A call was Issued for all mcrabors to attend last night's meeting, and aid in settling this Important ques tion, There was a good attendance. Tho elk nro expected later this month. They will be taken to the D. Ellis Young ranch, and will be fed there tho remainder of the winter. In tho spring they will be liberated when the cnttlo are turned out, and they will be watched all summer. Efforts will bo made to feed the elk on the raiiRo next winter.. KITTIE'S EXTRA I SPECIAL ISSUE TWO DAYS AFTER SHOOTING CONTAINED AC COUNT ALREADY PRINTED IN THE H KHALI) Considerable amusement is found by Klamath Falls people In the Issu ance'of an "extra" by the Merrill Rec ord Thursday morning, giving the story of, the Langell Valley tragedy which occurred Tuesday morning. The facts, as sot forth la the "extra" are the Barao as printed Tuesday and Wednesday in the Herald, plus a few inconsequential details as to the loca tion of powder burns and other mat ters of no importance. In the meantime, the Herald la be lug congratulated upon the efficiency of Its correspondents, who sent In tho news' of developments In the case st the time then were of news value, , CAUSES AUGHTER i i i in Norfolk Bay. T A "GENTLEMAN" NOT ONLY DID NOT MOLEST THE INDIES OX TRAIN' HE HELD UP. BUT CHEERFULLY REASSUBIIO THEM OF THEIR SAFETY United Press Service CHEYENNE, Wyo., Feb. 10 A lone highwayman boarded the east bound Union Pacific train last night at Green River, and robbed the smok er and two Pullmans, and left the train near Rock Springs. The highwayman did not molest any of tho women passengers, and as sured them that no harm would befal them. Only one shot .was fired as a warning, ovo'" thi head of the con ductor. The robber wore a white mask, and. compelled the trainmen to pass the hat among the passengers. About $60 were collected before the man jumped from the train near Rock Springs. A posse (.s at once organized, nnd the pursuit of tho robber is still being cnrrled on, W. S, Easley is In this city frosa Sacramento. The county court house in Kansas City, Kan., has a room equipped with mirrors, powder puffs, etc., for the use of woman Jurors. , According to statistics compiled by asenta of the deosrtment of agri culture, Washington rousewlves are the most wasteiui , v HIS HIGHWAYMAN MRS. W. S. WILEY IS DEAD IN EAST WIIK OK WELL KNOWX IXXJAX ATTOHXEV SUCCUMBS AFTER VKAUS OK SCKKEBIXG WASHIXOTOX, II. C. IX I I Mm. Wilson S. Wiley, wife of a I well known local attorney, passed a way in Washington, (). C, today, ac cording to telegrams received by 'friends. The remains will be laid to , rest at Xew London, Pennsylvania. j Mrs. Wiley was a native of Penn sylvania, but resided In .Washington i the greater part of her life. It was there that she met Mr. Wiley, then an attache of departmental offices, and Just before Wiley was sent here, in 1907, as legal adviser for the recla mation service, they were married, and came here together. One son, I Wilson S. Wiley Jr., was born to I them. 1 For several- years Mrs. Wiley has ; been In poor health, and haa under ' gone repeated operations In the hope ! of improving. Several weeksago her I condition became critical, and Mr, Wiley hurried East, to remain with t her until the last. VOGELSANG GETS ,SAX KRAXCISCO ATTORNEY! WELL KXOWX HERE IS XAMED I ' , ,.KOR IMPORTANT, POST IX THE' INTERIOR DEPARTMENT -r , .I'nlted Pi ess Service WASHINGTON. D. C. Feb. 10. , ; President Wilson today nominated! .Alexander T. VogeUong of San Fran-. . Cisco as solicitor of the Department' of the Interior. Klamath Falls friends of Vogel sang are rejoicing at his appointment, and they predict splendid success for him. As supervisor of San. Francisco, he has made a wonderful record, and his initiative Is largely responsible for the work of preserving the Fine Arts Palace and other beauty spots of the exposition, Vogelsang haa long been an ardent booster for Klamath's trout fishing, and every year he has spent a couple of weeks, whipping Williamson River and Spring Creek for Rainbows. He has been the means of bringing scores of anglers here, -and converting them Into enthusiastic Klamath boosters. Six counties in Georgia have Joint ly employed a woman probation of ficer to look after their delinquent women and children. HI POSITION Doyle May Be Arraigned LateToday Later An information charging Win. Doyle with murder was Issued at 2: 15 this afternoon. An Information, charging William Doylo with murdering Mary A. Wil cox and Maggie Jones, is expected to Issue this, afternoon. Doyle will be glvon a preliminary hearing before Justice of the Peace Gowen a short time afterward, say authorities. The evidence at the coroner's Jury at Bonanza Is deemed sufficient to hold Doyle, for a trial. The prisoner was brought In at 7:30 last, evening, and Is now in, the county, Jail,, "I would rather not say anything regarding the case until I have sa at torney,'' said Doyle to the Herald, this afternoon. "There are two. sides, to AMERICAN LINER RELIEVED OF ITS Sf ORES BY DIVER SUBMARIXE KIRES AT THE AM Ell IOAX SHIP Am a Result of Affidavits Filed by the Captain of American Steamer Pet rolite, Secretary Lansing Asks. Aus trian Government to Make an Ex planation of the Affair Xo Formal Xote I Seat. I'nlted Press .Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 10 Secretary Lansing today announced that Austria must definitely explain Uiy a submarine flying the Auatrlan Hag stopped the American steamer 1'etrolite and took some of its storen. This, Lansing says, la a mere re quest for information, not a formal note. As yet, officials refuse to con sider the affair as a "crlals." " ! The inquiry la made after the flllng (of affidavits by Captain Thompson of 'the Petrollte. In these, Thompson ? bays that the submarine fired on hi i I vessel, despite the fact that It flew the I i American flag, and carried other neu ?tral markings. BRANDEIS AGAIN GIVEN A CUSSING 'MIS TIME, INSTEAD OK BEING ' TOO FRIENDLY WITH CAPITAL. HK IS 8AID.XO BE EXTIREI.Y , TOO UNFRIENDLY United Press Service WASHINGTON. D. C. Feb. 10. The sub-committee of the senate judi ciary committee, who yesterday heard ; Louis Brandeia criticised for betas f too friendly to capital, today heard capitalists say he was too unf rlendl'i; . Thomas Spelling of New York so tes tified. - ' ' J. W. Carmalt, examiner for. the In terstate Commerce Commission, who participated In the Ohio rate esses, said Commissioner Thome of the i Ohio state commission should not have been surprised at, Braadels fay- S nrlng the increase of railroad revo . uuos, as he did not conceal this stasd. lirandels is confident that he will be appointed to the supreme beach by confii motion of Wilson's nomination. Ill With Cold. G. W. Henderson, proprietor of Henderson's Cash store, adjacent the Orpheus theater, Is confined to his home with a serious cold. . or Tomorrow every case, and although the evidence at the coroner's Jury looked bad, for me, I am confident that when the case Is tried I will not be found guilty, -t "Nobody feels any worse sbout ths . affair than I do. Both women were friends of mine, and the aews of their death alone would sadden sae, It the tragic circumstances were en tirely missing." The bodies of the two women were brought to Klamath Falls,by Coroner Whlttock yesterday afternoon. Ther are being held at the morgue, seed- ing word from relatives WhHtosk.to L trying, to locate. ' -& A guard has been plaeasV .at!tae; 1 " -.-.!. ...1... Ik. ,AltHtaA axaa1 4.4kSSataSjia i ted. Sheriff Low is teris;at..ij the premises shall, ot be by curious people. m-,- , b - - ... J-V."? " I - M h f.;.,1 t j--i .x iJii -..Tl jy. p$&i M J1I . -aiTai "-. J.