!?&R)St3'BSiiiWiSft5t!ff5reOTjJiw -- h r( .riitfiHiiiMW amfwati jwHi"fcMitMiHiis4wa8S3hrt VsT ' ' IK' wwft'PMpsrtl'Jl''w,, NMHHMIPMnMWMMnKlwHvwinn b.p -, .n up .... --. ahih J . . . 1- . .. .L .-.... -- - -i..-- .t,. ..j uJ. r"'' MS-- Sty? lEuimhuj Herald KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FALLS t OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER TrBll.Vw.-N". SI.OII KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1916 Price, Fire Cents , . - Hiia&flg AMERICA READY TO CLOSE CASE OF LUSITANIA ... vuTH'i: IH GIVEN GEII- UII"" ' . MAN OFFICIALS Result of Attempt to Photograph St. Cyr After He Learned of the Story to Be Published About Him WOBEBT B'von. SCHWEMM -,. 1t V$S B0B ,5WBM. f J" T. V til KflV Uorw-l Memorandum of vnn Ib'ruM . l0rtT l Fu.ii.il Acceptable, Mid Mat ' Irr Will ' ''Itlril Whrn lli Mn uraatU l Compiled Into Formal , Xel t'eniuiu Foreign OSIce, Mar li IUm' f"r " " I'nlltd lr Jirrvtce WABHINUION, I. C Peu. ; Berlin m l'l)' notified that Aracr-. let protlaluiially nccepta Germany's lilrtl word regarding the Lualtanla. ' Accitnnct ulll bo complete when fortlm MlttUtor on Jagow aubatl lain a forum I nolo fur tli Informal luintoranda mibmlttod lo Prcaldonl Wilton ami Wale Secretary l-aunlii b) Oer mil n iiibjihMulor on llurnn lorir. It l IkIIhu-iI (Inn the on Jagow wlr w in) tin- hauls for u new In-, Iftnitlunul ln rrisardlug aubmnrln be Thin "III doi specifically aiitnlt ibe llltrillt) uf the, occurrence, but In tilttl It lll iiilmlt (IiId. KLAMATH MOVIES t Mb lJKi JaiissFi.EsPannnnnnWsF t T1 l!aP?' r" iJ&&m'r'i Hft?Ii?1K u I lt 3JS&t.BFwWr jfidF ot jJt S1- jftLf W ! Tfca. I aBBBBBBeBPlb VfJ agggggMsaiwaV 4V ii- - --r-- -,k"''' jfcta -- This ih(itKrnih of Juan Si Cyi Huiltli. who l ft her millions Eailler Tllf nil A i IlinilT ''"'"'"K fr"" M 'r"lnK bath ut ''"'''. J"" l,fu'r his mini Inge, St lltrMIA I Nihil I lm Hfcli. '" whnt lU. rmiUi. crnv' I'0"0" forl, PhotoBrni)hor. lULUIini mUlll ... , . 1Ih marrlnRc tn Mrs. Smith. St. on, roi linn thi-r turn elr aim- , Htcl).rntll(.r.ln.law to ,0 ,.rl,.ce orn on lilm nfli-r lu lonrncil of tlu )o )rnBnnzu. who hopcB to hecorne HKTKKV Ht'VllltCII KKI-rr t)F ",ory wllrh u New York paper wmh to kliiK of I'ortUBiil nonio day IuIiIIhIi iibout lilm In Hint atory it Itobort II. von Schwenim. nlil to lie him, ll.ri(T.. NChMO AT" . ... ... ... ........ tli rhiiiii of St Cr. Ih now unlil to he plnin Hob Swpn, Hon of :i telcRrnph uum I'hnrguil Hint plnin Jnck Thomp- oporntor uf Trenton, N J. IJe spent imi-iiimn x NUMK IXIH'H. .on of Warn. Tcxiih. IiihIcuiI of n THUS Tdlli: .SHOWN "Honrh Ki-nllomnn." mnrrli-d Mm Ht hCMOn nt I'nlm Hi-nrli. hut Jn In Jan. Henry Smith, wlilow of "Silent", not there now Much Ititi'iimt In hfliiK niftlllfeitoil In the comlnK exlilhltloii of tho mo Hon plrturei of Klamath county' can ana imluttrlea Tutiiday nlghtj t Houiton'a opern houae and Wed MKlay nlRlit at the Orpheua thciter. Tteae film,, i.r.00 feel lit length, are! beautiful portrayal of Klamath county comlKtoiiR. mid hhould boaeen' br all. The film Wllh nIiIIUII nt Ilia, rirnntn tulldtoac and thu I'alaco of Liberal1 nlheur locnl Ihh will bo ahown In I the HnllHbiir) Wild Animal 111m, to he lifted nt both exhibitions MANY WOLD Arti at thu exposition In Ban Prancla- fA KX.I A.. . .-m niiractea much favorable com neat. Th iini.. i.... ..... .. "n at tho fair will alao be given nt I nothof next wock'a ahowa. J'uldea tin, Klnmath county fllma.l Htinly l4M-al Field. The Home and Foreign .Mlanlon Society of l.'niinaiiiicl Uaptlat church meets at 230 tomorrow nftcrnoon at tho homo or Mm II. S. OriKsby, 10SS Jefferaon struct, Local mltwlonnry work In Klumuth F.tlla will ho dln- cuaaed, tho miiln HUhjecl beliiK "How ran wo holp moat in the coming ro vlval ineetlngR?" All lutereatod In thla theme, whothor momhoia of the aoclety or not, uro nuked to bo present and givo their lowa and aiiKKcatlonH. E VICE PRESIDENT Doyle Is Held a Murderer; Jurors Make Accusation Sn- lid l the KtenliiK Herald. IK.A.KA, Teh. I). Mary A. Wilcox mid Miigicic Jonew ere kiUecl by ii hliotltiin nt lliclr i audi In 1JiiiKcll Valley, mid the sIioIruh uiik In the IiiiiiiIh of Wlllliiin Dujli., mi) the iiioiiiIkts of Coroner WliHIock' JuryTin ikvumIhk Uojle of murder. The iiMitiFwl Im'kiiii tliU foreiirtou. Th erdkt hum returned at 2 o'doik. The ti-tlmoii) liitiniliiird -lioM-et Hint Im.Hi uomeii ueie killed by hIdukiiii HOiinuV Out) one 11110110111 uaa found on the ninth by the "fll teiN ninkliiK an IntestlKntloii. Mrs. Wilrox uiih shot in the fuce and neck. The uouuil emisiiiK the ile.ilh or her dauuhler, .Mm. Jonen, ivum In the brenHt. Do) le In Hie onl) IhliiK pel son uho ultnewted the IraKedy. He main tains tliiit the nomeii killed ilieiiiMlPM, and insiata tluit lie 1 Innocent. AtcordiiiK to lo)lc's hory, lie plnnted the fall icniln crop on the ranch, the aureinent Ih-Iiik lh.it lie hm to rami the tract on aliareH. He says the uonien Imie Ihth IijIiik to et him olT tlio place for some, time, and have mailc mnii) llireul.. On the tnomiiiK f the xliootiiiK, IH)le told Hie Jury, there bad been miiii iunrrelinR nln)ut the wituatlon. He ulleKCH Huit the Jonc uoiuau enteral (lie room )ic uuh In iith u U5:t5 calibre rltle, nnd wns starting' to aim 111 him. He mi)h lie Krnppled Willi her, and after the weapon was dis- barKMl lu the air once, lie took the kiih rrom her. Iiuinedlntely after the sound of the shot, Doyle Maya, the mother of I he Join woman tame running In aim armed. Mr. Wilcox had a shot K.uii Miya Doyle, and nil three Krappleil for the poKscsslon of thla. While they were htruKRtlni;, Doyle contends ilie kuu was arrldently dlacaarged, MllliiK the two women. The finding of Sberlff Low, Deputy Sheriff Uoyd lov aud Ooroaer Carl Whitlock, and tlie teatimony of i. Harris regarding' the nature of he "omuls, dlfTercd from Doyle's atory. The bodies of the two dend women nie on their way to Klamath Falls. 'I lie will he interred there. In rlinrgc of Sheriff li' and Ida iltputy, Dojle is behis taken to Klamath I 'alls, for confinement in the omnty jail, pending further legal HlCph. British Victim on the Appam BELGIUM SPURNS OFFER OF PEACE MADE BY KAISER AIAIHKT TO STAND 11V THE AL MFD CAUSK Haly Soon to Iteclare. War m Oer- nianyaud Irtlclpnte in Halkana. German .lirinen Horn hard EaglWi Town Keport That'. Kitchener In to Conduct Egyptian Campaign la Denied Other War Newna. Sir Kdward 3Ierewelher British Governor of Slerre Leon Sir Edward Meriwether, British governor of Slerre l.on. In Africa, wan one of the pansengers on the Ap pam on his way to England when she was raptured by the Oerman raider Mlewe or Aaula. He was brought to the United States a prisoner in charge of Lieutenant Berge, the German naval officer. FRANK VANNICE TO BRANTS PASS POI'L'IAK liOCAli -MERCHANT WILL TAKE CHARGE OF GOLD. KX RULE STORE IN THRIVING ROGUE RIVER VALLEY TOWN Legislators Promise to Help Irrigation Farmer Aiaurancea tlmtOregon'ii delega '"rwllldoit. utmoat to .ecurt for 8 tUtactli under tho reclamation P'oJacts omo bonoflta under the pro- rural crcdlu bill wor received morning by Secretary Fred Fleet 0 th6 Klamath Commorolal Club. Jmimon Blunott and Hawley and or Chamberlain have all wlrtten. . thoy would take up thla mat '. hlch wa called to the attention C?plJStt,onofM,rrH,'Bnd gallon J th0 conWeailonal del. BlntS ' ' ComnM Club. nnott-, jotter follewa: Ukony?!'r80fJanur'r"tb- I h of th. 1 nd curry eommlt i In wS, ,0' onca ' Jui uwtort w"08 m over tbh MetioB with UKnlu, with a view to unangiiiK aomothlug along thu line dcalrod, It thla could bo dono. I ahall do all In my power to provldo for tho Intoreata of those whom, na you portlnontly put It, moat nood such nstflatanco." Tho following la from Hawley: "Your letter of Janunry 20, 1918, la rocolvod, and I nolo your statement proponing n special provision lu the rural credit bill lu favor of farmors on reclamation projects. I will give tho matter attention, but I cannot now aay what can bo done. I feel tho force of what you aay, and hope some proper provision may be found that will meet the case." In his letter Chamberlain sayai "I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your favor of the 36th ultimo. In reply permit me o aay that your Utementa In regard to rural credit legislation will have my earnest con sideration, and I will submit the same to the senate committee having charge of measures Introduced cover lag this subject." DI'.MOOIATir SUII COMMITTED Ml. ITS TO MtltANGE FOR MEETING AT ST. MHJIS NO OP lH)SITION TO WILSON United i'reta Service ST. LOUIS, Feb. 9. The demo cratic sub-commltteo met today to ar 1 rango for the democratic national j convention. Though the ronomlnutlon of Wil son for tho lending place on tho ticket la as yot unopposed, proceedings will j not bo rushed. Tho temporary chairman of the convention' will bo named at the meet ing of tho national committee to be hold In March at Now York. All Indications point to opposition to Marshall as vice president, and it will bo an opou rnco for tho second place. STOCKMEN GIVEN WEATHER REPORT THE FIRST NATIONAL HANK AR RANGES WITH WF:ATHBR BU REAU TO WARN IXKJAL STOCK. MEN OK IMPENDING CHANGES Throuah arrangement. Juat com pleted with the United State Weath er Bureau at Portland, the First Na tional beak has become a distributer Fight on Barkbeetle to Be Waged in Bly Section United Press Service LONDON, Feb. 9. Rome wires that Belgium has refused to accept separate peace terms offered by Osr S'srtny. This Is the, Information Car dinal Mercier has conveyed to Pope Llcnedlct According to Mercier, Kaiser Wil r.elm agreed to a complete restoration of the Belgian kingdom, Germany to have certain privileges at channel lKrts, and the payment or a large sum by Germany for the restoration of de stroyed towns. If Belgium would re main neutral during the remainder of the war. , King Albert indignantly rejected these proposals, and stated that be would stand by his allies. United Press Service LONDON, Feb. 9. Well informed nen deny reports that Kitchener will go to Egypt soon, and that Lord Der- by will become minister of war. They' say no change in the mlnlstrr is con templated, Paris reports that Italr ezneeta to r soon declare war against Gerssaay, nurl nnnAlltinA nnvtfalnatlnn In . Ikltt Balkan campaign. This Is beltevajjflgf be the result of Premier Brlande'a jlC cent visit to Rome. "irfr, t - With Instructions to carry on a ajbtemutlc campaign of bark beetle control work, H. H. Ogle, Carl A. Grubb and G. W. Nltachelm leave in the morning for Bly, where they will be stntlonod for soveral months by tho Klumuth-Uiko Counties Forest Fire Association. The association has beeu working against the spread of the pine beetles for two years, u 1th good success. The illy district Is ouo that has not as yet beeu cruised by Ogle. Bark beetles infest the pine forests, and boring their way Into pine trees, eat and burrow through the tender Inner bark until the trees are com pletely girdled, and soon die. Active work by the local tlmbermen, assist ed by state and forest service officials has resulted In the prevention of de vastating spread of the pest. of w outlier forecasts for Klamath county stockmen. Stockmen inter ested In receiving forecasts are asked to register nl tho bank; and the fore casts will bo sent them by mail or telephone. Tho aervlco is one to be couducted without any expense to the stockmen except In cases where there will be long distance telophone tolls. A spe cial study of the Klamath country is being mndo by tho weather bureau to make tho report as authentic as pos sible. SHERIFF ALSO fiETSJOSPECT MAX IIKL1EVED TO HAVE ROD- IIKD WILL IRWIN'S HOUSE IB TRACED UY TELEPHONE, AND IS ARRESTED NEAR OLENK JLow nnd Deputy Lloyd Low picked up , a man charged with robbery on their present trip to the Bonania region. I TnU man will be brought in with uo) 10 late today. Hearing that Will Irwin's ranch wus tabbed of a watch, gloves and other eftects, and ascertaining that ('red Krlegh, aged 20, was believed mtilty, the officers began burning the telophone wires toward Klamath Falls. As a result, .Krlegh was ar rested near Olene by A. L. Marshall, and was held at the Marshall ranch unlil tho returning officers picked him up today. Hen'ilea making investigations In thu Lungell Valley shooting, Sheriff The Ladles' Aid Society of the Presbyterian Church will meet tomor row afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. J. Stelgor, on East street. The meet ing begins at 2:30. The extent to which cotton lands have been planted to grain this year can bo deducted from a recent state ment of a government authority, who said: "The valuo of the grain crop In the cotton country this year la about $200,000,000 more than any previous crop, Including the seed." Women, shooters are now eligible to compete In the Grand American Handicap. Frank Vannlce, who has been asso ciated with his brother, Ed Vannlce, In the ownership of the Golden Rule store here, leaves in a tew weeks for Grants Pass where he will take charge of the Golden Rule store there. The Vanntces will make that city their home. Frank will still retain his interests In the local establishment, however. The Klamath Falls store has enjoyed a healthy business growth, and Is at present remodelling, preparatory to opening a new annex, facing on Fourth street. SMALLPOX POUND AT OREGON STATE PRISON SALEM, Ore. Feb. 9. A smallpox score developed at the state prison yesterday morning when It was found that Late Wilson, a parole violator who was returned from Albany re- United Pi ess Service AMSTERDAM, Feb. 9. "Le Echo; de Beige" says French flyers recently s clow ned a Zeppelin near Alth. A Zep relln returning from a recent Paris mid Ih said to have struck a tree near Llpne. and to have collapsed, killing Its crew. " (ml ted Press Service , LONDON. Feb. 9. -Two German neioplanes bombarded Ramsgate and Crondstnirs last night. Little dam ege Is reported by the admiralty. i Makes Sale. Stanley Pedro recently sold to Joe Hesslg of Becwlck, Calif., something like 160 acres, sltuat SW of section 11, In township 34 south, range 9 east, Willamette Meridian. The most valuable remaining pro duct of Stradivarlus, the famous sev enteenth century violin maker, Is part of the Havenieyer collection of New. cently, had smallpox. Wilson was 1 York, and is known as the "Eaxl( Isolated and forty convicts who had Strad," because the master dedicated been exposed through association it to the Earl of Northumberland in with him were vaccinated. return for financial favors. Faith Breach Charged to Brandeis by Iowan WASHINGTON. D. C, Feb. 9 Clifford Thorne, a member of the Iowa Railroad Commission, today charged Louis Brandeis with being "guilty of a breach of faith." "He betrayed his trust In one of the gravest and most Important cases ever tried In the country," said Thorne. Thorne was called to testify before the sub-committee of the Judiciary committee of the senate Investigating opposition to the confirmation of Brandeis' nomination as a member of United States supreme court. The case referred to waa the suH wherein M B ! the railroads, asked permission to in crease their rates 5 per cent, In his testimony, Thorne asserted that in 1913, Brandeis "committed himself to a proposition that 7 H Per cent return on a railroad investment Is niggardly inadequate." He charged Brandeis with having lnflueaeed the' Interstate Commerce Commission ln favor of the railroads, while e. wee employed as advisor to the eoawMS- L5 .ion. .. 'r,m:Wl Just before Thorne waeflMM&&4 testify au attempt waa maejje9au.,? ... .. a .- iliiJ .ewalS "'i. ."' me investigation oaca w-t.jw -raw Judiciary feated. commKtee. 'TaJ?ra-fV i'j-1 j & L-V 7 " 'It fe-i fail 1,1 .