- TST 3 V?J1 -,,-.. -,.twnwy?B!iraa9ww. ; i,vmmiww iini'inilMwwwfaii'iWi milium, w wmiwmai'ifcMjwowaiiiWH1 rg" 3. I '.'- ivr , i If t u nting Herald , i , KLAMATH COUNTY'S Stfcuti. newspaper KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER 0FHIC1A .yMjlw.T.ryiTl. J.-VT -. jMtthVNUNo.a,lo KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1916 Price, Five Cent MPTMlt, illUntw,, MOTHER AND HER DAUGHTER SLAIN III FIGHT TODAY nt.(ji:iv imImiiii mm nil Tui.iimu. oniiw (lW1ot IUli Hwih- of NlMMllllH liefer T'mlKlil. " '" Mw,M' ,!,, IM..IN . Vfiy Mrngw. J4,a . lliimli ) Womrn Hhot l-Uirli OHirr lu Flglil. tin. Mr A Wilcox mid her daughter. Mri. Mangle Jono. rw d,ad and Wllllnui lolo I allghtly In jurrd a tl' renult of n battle to dMllilnllit'Mnitln-.iHtiru part of Un irll Valley iliU morning. Petalta wr' X'ry menisre, an tln ffO.le of ilm m'Ulon nn not Inclined lodbtiiM I he (nno before tin! arrival o( ofllcrr Sheriff U IK-puly KltwrllT l.loyil i and Coronet Carl Whllluck loft iliU morntim fr t acnm of lhr crime. 1lie found, upon lonchiiiK Ikminia, tlmt tlm remainder of II trip tnum be inntlw over miow-covored roedi by wagon o tlioy will not reach It Jorm ranch until late tonight. According to telephonic Informs lion received by tli sheriff's "hlce. Poylasaya tho women "hot each oth ar, following a quarrel. He attempt ed to separate them, nnd was allghtly rat on one tin ml ,, An earlier report aald that the wo- men were aliot by Doyle, who recently letied the Jones rnnrh, lto ad fleet tend to corroborate tho atory told the iherlff'a onice. ntt Doylo U reported na being nt tho rnnch, going stout bli lutlt there while awaiting the arrival uf tin- officer. Mrs, Wilcox witH In the neighbor hood of 60 )eam of ago. Her daugh ter wiialwut 41 yearn old. Iloth ro Mded In that section for mauy year, and wero well known. ttojlo hntl been In Laugoll Vnlloy tor about two cnra, coming to Klam ath county from central California. Residents or tho Ungell Valley wintry any tlmt there hna been bad feelings on tin. ranch where thu hooting occurred tin tho reault of an ureement with Doyle, whereby Doyle Pil In a fall grain crop, to bo farmed on shires, A short time, ago a pros Wtlrebtoer Malted tho ranch, and 'ought to buy It outright, but Doylo refused lo waive his rlghta, owing to " Planting of tlm crop, and tho mle sabandonod. Threat of shooting are. anld to havo ha mado many tlmca by nil parties "interned. To DUtrllMite Rook Inlted I'reaa Servlee SACRAMENTO, Fob. 8.C. I'. , expert penman of Oolumbua, ". wnoao bookH on writing havo ttn adopted hv ihn utni hn,.,..i nr! education and win bo distributed In object to aeclug bin own daughter, If Hny jjio leprescntntlvos of flvo West lh elcmcninry mcIiooIb of tho atato.bo had one, ilnnco, and that follow-' Clll tntoB, who mot In Salt Lake to u'y I. will come to California March Ing complaints fromjrtlfforent people, nmko plana for successfully combat- ' ano remain In tho atato ono month lUlnir ni. . - rvmivrs io icacnera on how aw oest i-chuUh from ualng the "'W BOOltH. New Prohibition Law Is Drawn for Klamath Falls aIJMP,,r younc b,00,, kweitfter Z K?Ve 'ometn,a on their ;l!We''aboUle 'or thla will bo M , t0 ,8nd Prtlei In jail, W ordinance Introduced at last Wicouncllraeetlnil.paad. The is ono empowering the city law e"l,0rC0 t" ,Ute roh,b' hWi7-7l'lll " ProvtaioM, with a 4k, WwbtoM, are tkoae of tho 1 Wuno Ntii aa aa .fort No Friction in Panama Command, They Say ggLV gggggggggb. ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggttiggggggggggggggggggV-' tgggggBK gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggBTXMggggggggggggggggg f?$ gggggggggggggggBelggggggggggggggggggggggggggggKlvf' ggggggggggggggggggggggJgggggggggggggggggggHgggggggKU'X ' gggggVgggggggggggggggggclPggggggggggggggggllggggftktt -ggKiggggggggggggggHgi ggggggggggggggggggggwP:" IgggggggggggggggggggggggggK ggggggggggglggggggggfeduffi1 ggggggggggggggggRBgH gggggggggggVgggggH&BEjkc aBagRnga gggggggggggggggggggggHBfk.'v gggggggggggggglSgj ggggggggggggggggggK gggggggggg&gi ggggggggggggggggggggggggH gggggffRaTnlggggsBlr,! gggggggggggggggHgggggggga ggggggHggatSggflBP u -gggggggggggggggHiggggggggl ggggggHRTIwVf, aggggggggggggggggggggggggf ggggggggggHlp'Cli 'V!J gggggggggggggggggggggggggggf gggggggggggggSaw53rihvl -ggggggggggggggggggggggBH gggggggglHfgJli hH 17 w ggggggggggggggggggggggVEn igM.im Sr y-- gggggggggggggggggggggflRL' ggggH gM ggggglggggggffi .SMaSL r!?'-J ggB iggggfr MmB&M.iyffiffi. V ggB" - ggggggggggB 'r-' igggggggggWi WM, itibltWfct & .$ u ggggV ' gggfa " tk'W J; Pi'm ggggE !? flfrtj JaV- y2i.v 'avSMav .ggggf" n shtJZStiSssam. (,'eneiiil (K'llmU Oeiieml (loollmlH, builder of iho I'nimum tannl, nnd r.unornl IMword, In romumml of tlm Unlled Blntoa Iroopi there, Imvo romo back to tho United Htntux for a vlnll. Thla photo-1 'S DANCING OPINIONS lti:OAUDINO AltK KXI'ltlXSKD HV SKVKItAI,, HUT NO .tOTION IS TAKEN BY TOWN HOAIID Thu conduct of persona attooding public dunce waa the subjoct ot n Intorentlng, though not a warm dis cussion nt Inst nlght'it muetlng of tho council. And that Is as far as tho I matter went nt that mooting. Chief of Police Baldwin was asked regarding tho mutter by Councllmau Doty, and tho chief rovlowod tho coho as act forth In last nlght'a Herald. lie ntntod that tho mnnnor In which ioria or 1 10 tmtrotiH nnnccu was a manner In which ho would Horlously , ,he ollco sot about stopping thin mode. Ono donccvlslted by tho pollco tquostod tho offlcora to road tho ordl - waa mado to pais It at this time. To tblr, Councilman Hheots demurred, uuylng ho would like time to stud it nvor, and he raised the question of saddling the burden ot law enforce ment hero upon tho city Instead of the county. Matthews and Strublo also favored laying the final passage over to the noxt meeting, and this waa done. The ordinance la ten PMe long, and .covers tho methods of procedure YhS 7"' W- JJ a M.1V RAGGING INVADES COUNCIL ROOMS (Continued on Page 4) iwansssasshcss1 (eneml llunnlH Kriiph wna taken to ahow that report of dlacord between thorn arc not true. They hoemed to bo tho beat of friends when they derided to face the camera together. naiiro reKtilutliiK dancing. It was then found there was no such ordi nance, although the charter provided for onactlng such a lnw. MatthewH then declared that the dancing at tho public dances waa Just as orderly as ot tho prlvato dances, for which Invitations aro Issued. Ho 'held that if tho public dances wero to 'bo censored, tho prlvato partlea should also bo regulated. CONFRERES URGE MUZZLING DOGS REPRESENTATIVES - OF FIVE STATES AGREE THERE IS MORE DANGER OF RABIES FROM CATS AND DOGS THAN COYOTES Thnm u more danger of rabies r rnm Ci,tK nnd doed than from coyotos, ting tho threatened imraace. This is owing to tho fact that coyotes are ro-.shot whenover seen, wnuo a coi or ,doB might bo kopt In a house after It - nas neon uucciou, iua vuuiiiibchuk nil motubers of the family. llegnrdlng this, Field Agent E. F. JAvorlll of tho Unitod States blolog j Icnl Burvoy, has wrltteu tho following ,to County Health Officer Warren Hunt: "It was unanimously agreed at the conference that we havo moro to fear , from dogs nnd cats than from coyotes. I therefore feol you will bo perfectly Justified In urging the adoption or tho most slrlngont quarantlno meas ures by city and county." "Hat Check" Good for a Meal United Press Service THE DALLES, Ore., Feb. 8. -A railroad hat chock was good for a meal In any hotel or restaurant In this olty a few days ago. Nearly 800 passengers aboard four trains stalled here were fed by the Orogon-VVashlngtOR Railroad Navi gation company. A hat check waa the only Identification necessary for a free meal, "HOPEFUL" TURN IN LUSITANIA MUDDLE LATEST SOW SAID TO di: LI' Ti) oi:kun 1 KMIIAHHV V ''(infri elite Item'eeii IteitioloilT mill IjiiihIiik In lletnu Ik-lil TIiIh ,Aru-r- J noun, mid Ihf Oiitroini Ik Kkpcrleil lo Ik' Ver' Fmrbrnble Coiicesloni Outlined by Xeiiioi-iiriihiin or Teu ton oniiliil KncoiiruKty,. 4 ii l'ii' rferVli" WABHINOTON, I) C . Feb. 8. IiIkIi ofllrlnl nttlie White Houre to- In) stilted that Oiu sottloment of the I.UNltnuIrt controversy looks very hope fill at prCHent. TIIIh follows a coufer i'iiic between Herretury l-JiiHlng and the president. l,ansliiK und on Uern HtorfT are In conference thU after noon , Pinal hcltlomeut bcomis up to von Dernstorff A aeltleincnt l expected soon. It Ih ututerBtood that tlilx optimism Ir hai-oil upon the extent of tho con (eHHloiiH contained In the ambaasa dor'H meiuorandum, submitted In be half of fJcrraany. These, It Is under stood lcne the way open for further (onccHslonB, If necessary. It U hinted that "certain recent eeniB" had a bearing on the latest tesult Negotiations seem likely to continue, with the government offi cial confident of an adjustment upon America's terms. SECOND BLOW-UP CAUSES ALARM FOLLOWING ANOTHEIl FIRE AT DU PONT lOWDER WORKS AT TACOMA, OFFICIALS BECOME SUSPICIOUS t'liltcil Press Service TACOMA, Feb. 8. It waa learned this afternoon that eight hours after tho explosion which wrecked tho gel atine mixing plant of the DuPont Powder company's works, killing two men, ono. ot tho "company's packing hoilbOB burned. Tho causo of the Are Is a mystery. Superintendent Cox intimates that outside agencies are responsible, and ho suggests spies. In yesterday's explosion two men were literally blown to pieces. E CARS OF HORSES LEAVE BESIDES SHIPMENT FROM KXAM ATH, DENVER MAN SHIPS FOUR CARS OF STEEDS FROM GA ZELLE TODAY Nine carloads of horses, destined for military purposes, left Klamath county this morning for Denver. Be sides these, four moro carloads left Oaielle. The horses w ere bought in Klamath by M. J. Treaster of Tllaon ft Treaster, the Donver men who have been oper ating hero for soveral months. They seek horsos, not only for military uses, but also for sale In the Middle West. Bob Hunsaker, who has been work ing with Treaster in horse buying, left out today with the shipment. He will go through to Denver with the steeds. A heavy shipment of cattle, sheep and hogs will go out on the stock spe ate Tmnrfttar, say well laforaMd local stockmen. IN DEMOCRATS PLAN TO FORCE THRU AN OMNIBUS BILL ltKVi:.VI'K I'KOVISIO.VH AltK MOOT SWEEPING .lammliiK or AH of the Moat Import ant Party legislation Into One BUI Mini fioutllng It Through la Being Talked Tax on Whiakey and CI gars la One of the Many Provision Under Consideration. I mud I'iojh Service WABHINOTON. D. C, Feb. 8. The passage In one bill of the most important legislation Is the daring po litical strategy democrat leaders are Klvlng serious consideration. The litcheme Is to be considered at Thuts j day's meetinc of the house ways and , means committee The proposed bill will include the follewing: Itcvlsion of Income tax, new In heritance tax, repeal of war stamp taxes, increase of duties on whiskey and cigars, taxing of munition plants. provision for a tariff commission, re-1 tention ot sugar tax. I AnHora In t tin mirptnpnt state, that ......... ... ... , the whiskey and cigar tax should raise a revenue of 135,000,000 a yaar. CANADA GUARDS WELLAND CANAL MORE THAN THREE REGIMENTS NOW ON DUTY AROUND MUNI TIONS PLANT AND IMPORTANT WATERWAY United Press Service OTTAWA. Feb. 8. The Ninth OvereeaB battalion arrived today to reinforce two regiments guarding the Welland canal and munition plants there. This follows rumors of plota to destroy the canal. Troops have replaced the civilian euards at all the munition plants. All suspicious persons seen In the vicin ity of these Institutions are closely questioned. Sentinels patrol all thetfCanadlan public buildings. REGISTRATION IS PICKING UP NOW THUS FAR, THOUGH, ONLY 389 NAMES ARK ADDED TO ROLL, SO THERE WILL BE A WILD SCRAMBLE LATER ON with tho iintA of closing the books before the primaries but a few'weeks off, registration is beginning to show an increase. There were 389 names registered up to Monday morning, but as there are over 4,000 who are qual- tflAd to realster and vote, some early Interest must be ehown to avoid a mad rush at the last. Of the 389 registered. 360 are re publicans and 131 are democrats. The others are claaslflea as iouewi: rro gresslves 8, prohibition i, socialist 10, Independent a, refused to staie i. Transfers F. C, Klabuiuba lias transferred his interests ot something like 184 acres to L. Van Brimmer. The property is situated as follew: ' 8 of IWH. section 10, and lots I and S ot section 15, townihip'il south, range 11 east, Willamette Meridian. Suicide Off Liner I '.gccccccBgcccc' I 1 'agKPgHIIH ggggggsvT gflgweraigggggl gcccccct '"-"iHB&giH Mm. Joseph Corrigan Mrs. Joseph Corrlgan, wife of a po lice magistrate of New York, perhaps the best known police magistrate in that city. Jumped from the French liner Rocbambeau at sea. and was never heard of again. Mrs. Corrlgan has been nursing In a French hospital and had given all her time to her duties there since the beginning of the war. As a consequence she lost her' health, and this Is believed to have ben the cause ot her suicide. LOCAL PHOTOS FOR MAGAZINE (NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC USES ) THREE OF MILLER'S VIEWS IN ILLUSTRATING ARTICLE ON ! 1HK FEEDING OF THE WORLD Klamath county tattle and bay came to the bat in the current Issue of the National Geographic Magazine, ono of the nation's most widely read educational publications. This is through the medium ot three tlews by the Miller Photo com pany, used in Illustrating an article, "How the World is Fed." Two views are of bucking bulls at the Elks' Ro deo, and the third shows a" haying scene in the Fort Klamath district. Gilbert Grosvenor, editor of the Ceographtc, visited this section last summer, visiting Crater Lake, the Klamath lakes, the Lava Beds, and other local scenic attractions. Mr. Orosvonor's articles on this region are being awaited with Interest, as the author's fame will causa wonder ful publicity for this region. The next time your rooms become vacant, place a want ad la the Herald. Sportsmen Meet to Talk Range for A meeting of the Klamath Sports uien'M Association will be held to morrow evening at the Commercial Club Important matters will receive attention at this time. At tomorrow night's meeting, the sportsmen lntevd u the we!far ot ihu county's ha.t. of elk ere urged to be present," sali President W, 1. Deliell. "The question of a sattaM range is on that must be decided T TO BE PREPARING A NEW OFFENSIVE XAIMI. DASH PIIKDIOTED BV THK DUTCH ieriiuni Troops Along the Belgian CoaM Are Withdrawn, and Cobccb (ration of Ships and Aero Fleets I Reported at Kiel RumIab Sink Turkish Ship Other Consul Are Indicted- More War N'ewa. : United Pi ess Service LONDON. Feb. 8. Dutch rumors that German warships are preparing to make a North Sea dash have arous ed the belief here that an Important tight Is Imminent. '' German vessels along the Belgium coast have been withdrawn, and have been sent to Kiel. The Hague reports that the leaves of absence of officers have been can celled. Activity Is reported at Kiel, and new Zeppelins and Taubes are re ported arriving there to reinforce the Kiel flotilla. United Press Service BERLIN, Feb. 8. It Is announced that the German air squadron attack ed the station at Popperingbe, and the British camps between .Popperlaghe and Dixmude. British ..ayiftors at tacked, but failed to .lajuij the Teu tons. United Press Service - r WASHINGTON. D. C. F.eb, 8. German Consu.1 Bopp, Turkiih Consul Hall and Baron von Scbaack, a Teu tonic consulate attache, have been in dicted at San Francisco on charges of violating tho penal code relating to a conspiracy. ' United Press Service. . - PARIS. Feb. 8. Russian torpedo boats sank forty Turkish sailing ves sels and bombarded, three haval con struction yards on the .Anotolian coast, according to dispatches. GRAND MASTER TO VISIT KLAMATH ODD FELLOWS WILL GREET THK ! bvitc's ntiin rv the rumen NEXT MONDAY NIGHT, WHEN HE MAKES HIS OFFICIAL VISIT Grand Master J. F. HaJl.of the In dependent Order of Odd Fellows ot the Jurisdiction of Oregon will pay his official visit to Klamath Lodge No. 137 next Monday night. The smoker which had been ar ranged for Wednesday night will be postponed until next Monday sight, when the members'of Prosperity Re bekah Lodge will assist their brothers in entertaining the big chief. Klamath Elk soon, as the young elk wlll.be sent here In a Bhort time." i Captain Applegate and others who are familiar with the haunts and the habits ot the elk. will tell of their vays, and a range will be decided upon that is Ideal for Owsnlsmss. . 'A number of other matters ot tsi. GERMANS THOUGH Importance teMOamath esiitr'a lift 7 and game will also brs"sVJ Jl 3 and game will also brit are real HveaUragi interested in th, &?&& I Klamath's .greatest'' avmjjgi'sjsW .fct.i yrrjs" yrft gam. "" fid fei Ki il i I Iss. m ,. Vw.l m Kl .41 ji ti'.: 1 . t l i t-' v . - 'j 1