z55m?W&&Qm wTOm!nM'VMijfcfia W &&vttamwx "t-rn-t-i'irY rT-nrwitififtniTiiiiiiTnnwKiipwMtiinwwjiijmiw rwwffwrw WSBffrfl ! 3tl?? u ltttmij Herald KIAMAIH COUNTY'S KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER UH'KICIA No. U.90W 1W " KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1916 Price, Five Onto mmwmn ib -.,,,,, COUNTY COURT CUTS OFF $124,667 DEBT lUi' KM ,9lf'' "' ""' m,.. of the prcMiil county MiKinrnl oi uu .,.,,,, .tnirt. tbr lml-lillnewi of Klamath (cunly tm I'"'" reduced a tnlwl of tH C77.C3 At this ralo of prog- rm, Klamath n it op oiu oi ' In din' short year oi ,...,! nM wnrranm. thire )' MilMH lllllllURl'IIU'llt . .. .... l1(Mi a drug on the uhlch ore n nirktt. and ""'y """M" ',l n u,off, mill then. Is now I2.7fl7.7l nodi dlwount. have appreciates in vnme until today they ore accvitd nt par ulutal l.- banks and by """ iur- r,,ue chlwrolurrin. During tin' l"t nr ,,,p nw coun iy court ban accepted, without com lutBt, abue ami rrllklum from cer ula unfriendly sources, whose only bop of exMciire wnn In. maintaining i condition of Internal disturbance In public affair lii the county. Tho rec ord of tlio county court for Ita flrat gear's work speaks for Itself, and la oMtlnK heart)' comuiondatlou from tkt taxpayer and the real citizens of lh county KmIIiIoi; the Jumbled conditions of I be counly finance It was freely pre dicted that tlio now court would tie ontMo to make any headway In tralihtcnlng out the nffalra of tho county for a good many yearn. The lourl went to work without any blare of trumpet or unulae promise of what It would do, It has flnlahed lu ant year' work, and tho record how for themselves what has been ircotnpllihttl, whether 'for good or ban. Evan wltli tint great reduction mad In the county Indebtedness, It will be polblo for the county court to carry out Ita plan or extensive road Unprorcmcnt for the year 1916, The old road fund Indebtedness has been practically wiped out, and the court Ihii year will have tho use of all of Ike money coming Into this fund, In addition to tlio amount collected from delinquent taxes When Urn present court took orflco there was nn Indcbt rdntM ncainu tho road fund or $18, O.0i. Of thl 14,014.69 was for unpaid warrant, and there waa a total of IM.r.84 80 In claims, which IndtbtednMK had been Incurred by th former court and not allowed. To par thin Indebtedness for road work tbcre wan (1,iy $03.G3 In the trea- bid On January l, 1910, there remain d IMG.8S In unpaid warrant and flalma lo tlm amount of 111, 217.01, tut to offset this there Is bow In the trwuury cnah to tho amount of 8, j0, which win leuvo a balance or In wbtednew agaluat thU fund of only U.m.78, providing alt or the old lmi are fouud proiwr and allowed. nai taken u world of work to hon t y Invohtlgato all of those old .um,cDd "ct " u,om ,n Wrnesa to wtb the county and the parties Inter- ,,T!".ncw "rt house fund had a Wor 17.331.50 or outatandlns war- mi .'.?nd ola,m" t0 th ount of "1.M4.99, with only 1100.18 cash - m- 'cv'ng a balance Indebted- Rabies Traces Found in Brain of Cow From Bly There i CVery evidence of rahle "."'on.depltethedanlal. M bjr some people. Uat weak, wifi bodies were found in the head tLV00 8h0t thw nd " "wain or tt cow ,ent to Dr Roberg atato board of health, the fol- 'n Wft tendered H, p. Avarlll, 7" MMt or the United State bio- " furvey; m bodlea were found In the MITH t Ue Herale by AW, who, .ittee he ude late- "'"" "f 3MUtJ 27 TIiIh Indebted '" " " 'n.-il by u total of fl7.G0fi.il l.y the present court Tlll.rv , n,ma,,m Mll ,,,,.,,, , warrants timl claim hkhIiih! HiU Mild fir 120,820 HI meio wim u louii or ii.sza n in tinim iikhiiiih me county noriiry on '"'" I. l16, nod 14,250.20 In ctuli, leaving it balance of Indebted- in the trenaury, mukliiK n total re. Jitiirtlon In ludebtediiuHs against thin "'" " '.. On January I, lit If., aliortly befoii tho new court went Into office, the Ki'iiernl Mud ahowed that there wore oulHtniidliiic wnrrniitH to tho amount of 1 470,346. Hit, and rlalmn (except current) afalnm HiIk fund nmntintliiK to f4,4"ri.2i, mukliiK n total Konornl fund IndebtKdneMM of 1474,821.25 On January I, 1916, tinpnld warrant amounted to f3SN.008.2r., and there were no clalma. except current ex penses, for aalarlea. etc Tho general Svw Jemoy mid all In the chair Wood Mud has a credit of I2.K74.0C cnah In r,,w wilson occupied, Iibh led him to the trenaiiry This leaves a balance1).,,). ,, t(.rt,t t,0 two Newark pa Indebtedness against the general Mud ( ,.rM r jntm.H 8n)lh jr sold when of 1386.734.19. or docreoae during ,,0 ,.,,ocrntp iMJlltlclan wont Into the year or 189,087.06. bankruptcy These are tho Newark Following In tho decrcasi made In Motnlnp Kat;lo and tho Newark Even the IndebtmlnoHs ngalnst tho several lug .star White Mr. Colgate's name Muds, whoso expenditure nro con- does not flguro publicly In the sale, trolled by tho county court, during ho U bollcved to hnve put up consld the year ending January I. 191C: ornbte of the money Itoad fund . 114,583.24, New court house 17,660.11 County library ... 3,341.22 (lenernl fund .... 89.087.0ti Total decrease 1124,677.63 A comparison of the expenditures' from the general fund for the past. six years U Interesting. Warrants. drawn on this fund are for tho gen-1 ernl expense of conducting the coun-' WILLAMRTTK IIIVKR 1H VV AND ty bualncss: j v-t.OMIX' ,H HIM.T OK UA1X !!!?d: aw'TiTJKf!'.' IX OF TWO ANI A HALF 1911 W. 8. Worden, judgo 205,256.14 1912 W, H. Worden, Judge 199.920.80 INCHKK IN THHtTV-SlX IIOURH 1913 W. H, Wordeu. Judgo 290,179.01 1914 W. H. Worden. Judgo 85,304.68 1916 Marlon Honks. Judge 03,30125 KUCIKNK, Fob. 7. Tho Wlllam 1914 was tho year that county war-! otto Itlver Is nearly n mllo wldo at rants and expenditures were attacked this place now, und tho crest of tho by It, N. Day, and Judging from the' flood bus not reached here as yet. previous car's expenditures from the ' a rain fall of two and a half inches general fund, Mr. Day saved Klamath ! in thirty-six hours has greatly aug- county taxpayers a total or approx imately 1210,000, which must be ad mitted Is soma Having for one year. Up Again. If. A. Lincoln of tho Star Drug company, Is out todny nfter a aorlous attack of pleurisy. Home From tlio Kast Frank Vunnleo returned homo from u trip to Now York and othor points In tho Kiihi. He arrived Saturday night. O. T. McKeudreo Is In this city from Ilerkeley, Calif. Tho quickest way to get what you want Is to let people know what you want. Advertise. ligation for tho government at Illy ha been called to other fields. "Thl would seem to remove the last doubt of the existence of a seri ous opldomlc of rablea in Klamath county," write Mr, Averlll. Twenty-three head of cattle have so far been lost by William Flnley and James (1 Ivans, stockmen of the Bly section. Unlea every precaution I taken regarding munllng dog and confinement of cattle and atook, there l a possibility of a aerioua outbreak. Aa yet, the rablea situation here I in an. Incipient state. It can be erad icated If all will Join In carrying out the provision for AfacHftxdlnt nan and beast from the malady, Wants Wilson's Place nSnnnnnnninnn i anananmEiliflm iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitH mB&mMi i iVawUuliaZiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil ai. jss iMslBiasBa Aimllii ('()liti Aim In ColKnto'H umbltlon to bo the republican riimlldiito for Kovornor of NEARLY A MILE WIDE AT EUGENE mooted tho raise. The crest of the flood Is expected this cvonlng, WEATHER BUREAU SSUES WARNIN6S AVAiaXCHKS I'ltOIIAULK IN T1IK MOL'NTAIXH OF OKKCON, WASH INGTOX AND IDAHO AH IIK8UI7T OF WAKM KAINtt United l'ross Service WASHINGTON. D. C, Feb. 7. Tlio weather bureau has issued warn ings to the Northwest of the great probabilities of slides and avalanches caused by tho warm rains-following the henvy snow fall. SENATOR STONE FOR CHAIRMAN IIIK IIOOM IN ON TO FLACK HIM AT THK HKAO OF THK DEMO CKATIO NATIONAL CONVBN. TION AT ST. LOUIS ST. LOUIS. Feb. 7. The commit tee of arrangement to prepare for tho democratic national convention to be held In thl city, meet tomor row to arrange for the neeilac cantor Stone la being boomed a chairman of the convention. RAGGING UNDER A POLICE BAN OXK IIANCH HALL IM'.CIDK.S NOT ; to oii:itATi: matukdav xigiit AND lOLICK VISIT AVOTIIKIt AXD AHK A CHAXOi: Daneing to Kmopatcd inuslc. which Is styled the one-step by some, find plain old 1'ukkIuk Ij others, was hcrlously threatened Friday and Sat urday This went to sticli an extent that one or tho usual .Saturday nlfiht (Inures wok cancelled, and a police iiinn called at auother hull, and sug gested a change of step for some of the dancers. The parties In charge of this dniice asked the ofllcer for u iopy of the ordinance regulating dunces, that it might be read to the iiKHOinlilnge. This could not bo round, for although tho charter empowers the council to legis late in the dancing matter, no ordi nances along that linn were ever drawn up. ' Dancing, therefore, can be Indulged In as the dancers' see fit, so fnr as city laws are concerned. SWIETS BUY BIG TRACT IN HARNEY CHICAGO PACKING HOUSE BE- COMES I'AKT OWXKK OF CLOSE TO lOO.obo "ACKB8 OF RANCH LANDS THEHE PORTLAND, Feb. 7. The Swift interests of Chicago, well known packing house people, have purchas ed n half Interest In aproxlmately 140,000 acres of land located in Har ney county, eastern Oregon, from the Corbett estate of Portland and Wil liam Hanloy. Tho property was formerly owned by the Blltzeu Valley Land company, for which Mr. Hanley acted largely In the capacity as manager. With the ntrance of the Swlfta, the lands are tal.en over by the Eastern Oregon Cattle company, the incorporation of which was recently announced. Tho center or the vat tract former ly owned by the Blltsen Valley Land company Is tho "P" ranch from which radiate n dozen or so units comprising thousands of acres. These Include the Sod House ranch, Buena Vista ranch, Grain Camp ranch, Dia mond ranch, Happy Valley ranch, Riddle ranch, Rock Creek ranch, Roaring Springs ranch and Home Creek ranch. The new owners of the landa have as their ultimate puropose to colonize to tho extent made possible by future railroad development. TIMBER TRACT WILL BE SOLD SMALL AREA IN CRYSTAL CREEK WATERSHED WILL BE OFFER ED TO BIDDERS BY UNITED STATES FOREST SERVICE Tlio forent service Is advertising for bids for tho live timber and the mer chantable dead timber In a 45-acre tract In the Crystal Creek watershed. Tho tract Is a part of Crater National Forest. Tim timber Is estimated at 390.000 teot. It consists of Western yello pine, sugar pine, uougia ano wntte fir and incense cedar. nids are to be opened March 9 th. The base price Is 18,15 per thouanad for pine and 60 cent per thousand fortotber peel. This Woman Is a Newspaper Correspondent in Serbia K fcmwyMKhpaBfjgw, &impSBBBffKBKn H m i m yisMaiBiW'BiViBT'aHiinnW I bse y'-y7r svejssnea9nnnnHsnnnnnneKBanB BM 9h e wvhPjK2lt BneasainasaneyrsHSBaa nct nessnaBTaanesssani m lfeRtirr:ifTTy: TTiim r nLLLBMBHHLVnHl33sv,74-A. "" 4wvL?v4?As'Sji&(&1b&&PsZrJKr MISS MARG ARET VISCI Miss Margaret Visci found it necessary to go with the army to do her work as a war correspondent. She said she was treated with great cour tesy by the troops. HENLEY SCHOOL PLAYS JE HOST OXER A HUNDRED PUPILS AND PATRONS FROM SURROUNDING SCHOOL DISTRICTS SPEND DE LIGHTFUL AFTERNOON (By One Who Was There) The Henley school was host to five of the neighboring district Friday: I Midland, Mt. Lakl, Fairvlew, Olene and Spring Lake schools, with their teachers, being the invited guests. Several patrons from each of tho dis tricts were also present, beside Coun ty School Superintendent Peterson , and wire, J. T. Cartel and Delbert; Hutchens or Klamath Falls. Tho gathering assembled about 1 ' o'clock. AH were served with a hot lunch, such ns is served even noon at the Henley school under the auspi ces or tne riemey r areni-ieacnerg As sociation. The lunch was a feature that appealed decidedly to the young sters. Following lunch spellers were chos en by John Hutchens, Miss Neva Mc Reynolds, Miss McKee, Mia Crapson and M. B. Ford of the visiting school?, and a spelling match was held. Hen ley won first place, Olene second, with Spring Lake a close third. After the spelling match Mrs. Gar trell entertained the audience by ren dering an excellent recitation, 'The Palmetto and the Pine," oue appro priate, as well as Instructive. Over 100 people wero In attendance, and Principal P. W. Sexton and the Parent-Teachers Association are to be congratulated upon the sntendid af fair. The excellent spelling ot the pupils bore witness to the good work being done In our school, and the school spirit shown at the meeting by pupils and patron Bhould inspire all to even greater efforts In promoting the cause of education among the "Maker of Our Future Untted State." Sue on Account. Ettit to collect 1110.61 onaasigaed account ha been tied against A. Kinney by A, O, Ynden, through Rut ente Kent, Demands Feed BUI. Action has been filed in the circuit court by M. M. High against A. H. Vinson, seeking to recover 285, In terest and cost. The complaint, filed by John Irwin, alleges the money due for hay and for pasturage. Heipilnr Meeting. The tegular meeting of the W. C. ' T. V. Mil be held Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 p. m.. at the home of lira. Frances Boyd, in the Kelsey building' i nn ir.i,. . Ion Mam street. 1 I Ed Court came in from San Fran i eisco last night. Land Office Getting Many Letters Regarding Grant ROSEBURG, Feb. 7. A total of 13,440 acres In Klamath county are involved in the Oregon & California land grant suit, according to the Roseburg land office. This Is all In townships 38, 39, 40 and 41 south, range 5 east. The land office here la dally la re ceipt of a number of Inquiries rela tive to the Oregon & California Rail road grant lauds, asking information ns to the status ot these lands, their location, character, when they may be entered or purchased, etc., etc. A list of these land by township and range has been prepared for each ot the several counties within the Roseburg land district, containing these lands. These lists are Intended to give merely an approximate area of such land In each township, baaed on the Hat ot land given In the decree ot the federal court. ThU list for any county or counties will be furnished on requeat. The following statement has been issued from the land office regarding the matter: This office has no map for distrlbu tlon, nor doe It prepare blue prtntv, but will furnish townahip plats show ing loeation ot nil vacant land and un sold railroad land, nt 11 per town ship. In ordering tewnahlp plate, both the range and townahip number ZIMMERMAN TALEg A BOOMERANG 10 GERMANY'S HOPES .tLLEOKD STATErENT IS NOT BE LIEVED HEBE Remarks Anent Lnsltanln- Deniaada Being Increased Are Not Believed at Wflsblngton, Nor Dcew the Ger man Embassy Give Them Credit1, latent Memoraaduni Prepared by Bernstorff May Bring Settlement. WASHINGTON, D. C Feb. 7. Secretary of State Lansing today de clared that the .statement that Amer ica had Increased her demands In the Lusltanla case Is untrue. The state ment is attributed to Under Secretary or Foreign Affairs Zimmerman at Ber- ! itn, and it Is not thought here that .Zimmerman made the statement. I "The government has not Increased i its demands as they wero set forth i last year," said Lansing todays "I j doubt ir that statement was 'ever t made by Zimmerman." J The report gives the Lusltanla con- troversy a sensational turn. It la be- 1 llevcd that It bodes ill for the hopes J of Germany that the American ad- ministration might compromise. The German embassy today said It had no knowledge of Zimmerman making the statement credited to him. "We do not know whether he anld it, or why, if he did. This may hnve ! been given out In Berlin as some 'crl- J sis' rumors are here." The Germans say that tentative . proposals regarding the Lusltanla af ifair offer an entire agreement from the American viewpoint. President jWilson has not as yet examined the lost memorandum prepared by Berns torff. (Home From North. Judge Baldwin returned last night I from, Port'and. where, at the recent meetlnS ?' ? ."!f J1 H" """":"B TT . Til -v " elected president. After the snow , . ... .. .., storms, sleet, silver thaw and other discomforts of that section, the Judge 'Is glad to be back In balmy old Klamath. must be given, and remittance should be made by certified check or United States postal money order, payable to R. R. Turner, receiver. Personal checks may' not be received In pay ment. k This office is not in a position to give advice as to the character of the land In any locality, and cannot nt-J tempt to advise any one in this re gard, i. As to the disposition ot these lands, nothing can be determined until con gress shall act In the matter. It is probable that such action will be tak en pome time within the next six months, and until Buch action Is had' no Information can be given by this ofucc. It is suggested that parties Interested to watch the daily papers, as v hatever action congress may take t will be given therein before thl ' office has official Information thereon to give out. liuacd on the list of lands given n the decree of the court, tbe.'approxt-) mato acreage of unsold railroad leads -in the several counties ot this dletrk'V at the time the suit was InstMated was at follows i,im.im, a,vv, pspMjS,ptj Linn, 14,l0i Lane, :t4M) 119 fi la. C07.M0; CeMM;H fi.400: JocoDfefcaa. lfl.ltgi 444.6ey Klamn. lt,Ul,! 1 r.'.n it -v-v""":, .rvft V hjfu'f ;. 'll .ii.f. lis.7 fv l 13 vm JY , .Ilk'l iiiSSs iL"- L . 7 I CKf t?M ii-'