Pj? Etttmttu lUmraUi ... amaTJI COUNTY'S KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER w,h - a007 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1916 Price, Fire Orate -T -ij fc--- i ... . -,.. uij w3wcttty w..rrf.71 l! I' V L Ron Called a Jingoist by Senator Works W.IHIIIN'JTON. ' ' '''0 '.''" Ihr M-iintr roitiiullUi on mill. urjifNUm, K4'iui(nr Work f "rtHf"rtil i I landed I'rralilotit WIImiii in .1 culm! "JIK'." Ildlrthtn-d itt t Hit MvMrnli Mumping: lour h Ui pii-nlitetii um iuirllcl f"i. ''"' denounced WIImiii'n uprnli ni Si. I.ul )ctort1n). I, ,U, Wllxm nitfl llio liullllof Iho iiicolf! 11.1t) In llio uoilil, "Tlw lour Jut lonrludfd by WIImiii Hit 11 11 iiiiIm nll'iiiH lo miiit the American Kdo Into iimbltlliia to a iirogrftm the) l not unui," wild Work. In mm hiding liU tlrmlc. When a Millionaire Plays in Southland tailed Pit Sen In- WAhlll.N'tiTtlV, It, '., I-Vli. 4. Prrltvni WINon' t iiot li IiiiiN in'- diet lxU) I lull till' HCKtmlMCl lllll Hill tn IMWMSl ll) I III l-llll f .MUM ll. Wllwm inn ln-l hi-if tiMlrt)'. Il ulnlc that h I. uHl kiiiNIIiiI ultli irult mi fur. Plans air tin" bring limili" for it M limping lour or tin Hnulli lij Wll urn, talking Itio irrmiTliir Untio again, lit 1II1I In llio linn! mid .Middle WtU. U . Hi ir v$-rii MP mm Ik I- si K fig .". . & Htut eMsfl H Bffi, H i". 0B9, Mi AMERICANS WILL DIRECT RELIEF WORK FOR POLESi ! gi:hman government gives its' CONSENT ' Boy in Murder Plot and Dancer He Was to Wed 1 (irrniatiy Abo Agree to Partly Fl 1 milieu the Work of Feeding; Thou-' iiiiiIh of Starring (efugcft In the' War Tom lnd Willi h Huh Been' ttirtic of Fight Between Huiwlatw iind Grrmatut Other War Xew n. PORTLAND STILL TOWER WOULD BE SADLY CRIPPLED! A COMMISSIONER llfiir)' V. Frii'k lli-iii) (' Krlck, worth ho iiiiiii) mil lion 1h.1t he (locmi'i hnc to work ir huril, has gone noiith. Thin pho toKniph hIiowh him at piny on the golf links ul Palm Ueach. It Is one 'of tin hnt photogrnpliH frr takcu of I'UtxhiirK'i Ipndlnic rltlzvn. HKAYY XVI.I.I. fKASKI) TIIIH NORNINd ASU IUI.F THK CIW HK I.UNMNti HII.VKK THAW. IIAMAOK SKKIilUH I'llOMINKXT I'AIIMKIt AMI FltUIT IIAIHi:il OF KKXtMVOIlDKX lIH TICKT FII.KS I'l-rriTlOX FOIl XOMIXATIOX DANCIN6 PARTY FOR FEBRUARY 22 PORTLAND, Feu i. Thy hmvy I'ltltlon for nomlnntlnu iih thu n-, wow (ill, which ha parftlyud trafllc ; lllb(rn ninUhlnto for county com.; I nltcd Press Kurvlro i BEM.I.V, Feh. 4.r -It l omcllly! announced that tho government has iiKreed to ierralt American rcpreflen-i Cillvnn to toko complete control of the1 Ituntloa In Poland, and to re- thouBandD of starving ieo- plu there, provldlnc Ihese people raise! sufficient funds. Thu government has u!m uKieud to1 partly II nance the project, ll has also! promised not to requisition foodstuffs ' from that region for military use. , American relief workers predict a' famine in Poland unless relief work' Htarts promptly. At least 12,000,000 J n month will t BMded for two u i ?jl food situ it- 'lleve tho thre months. ! Un, ccoitd this morning. lUlf the itntt tin are now In oia-ratloii. Stveral thouivaiiitH of eo)lo ure till itrsniTcd Mown town, though, be ing unable to gel to their home In theiuburbs mid outlying towns. Tly icliooln are still closed. Dam I Is titlmated ni $200,000, Shide, fruit and ornamental trees tad ill kinds of Hhruhhery have suf fered from the effects of tho silver tkiw. a wreckago of broken limbs Md brinche Is all that remains of mm of the most bMUtlful shade ! In the residential district of tort land. In lorao cases tho weight of snow M4 lc uprooti.d Inrge troeH, and they kTfin to hinder traffic. Reports from suburban districts of m city whuri. there aro many fruit WW Indicate that largo numbors of JM trees have been shorn of their I'Bbi md branches, Th Plaza block across from the "WthouBoon Fourth street, preKnta appearance of having beon atruck V tornado. Hldowalkt through ,tbo La .WM0 cl0BcU ,or Ptrlaaa thli owing becttuso of the dangor of njUng branches. social hop wiix in: iu:m ix MM)SK HA1.I;, H)l,!.OWIXG DIN XKIt TO IIK G1VKX IIV THK WO MKX'S HKMKF fOltl Twenty iiiIhmIoiht was filed this afternoon by! U. W Tower Ho Is tho llrst man to, enter tho rare for it seat In the county' court. Tower In n farmer and orchardlst, lusidlng' between Wordou uud Keno, and ho Is recogniicd as a progreislvo' Arrangements liave Just beeu com farmer, with a good business head ploted for n dance to bo given Wash- n good typo of man for tho offlco he nooks. John llngelsteln, whose term ns commissioner expires at tho end of this yoar, has been urgod by many to United Press Service VIKNNA, Feb. . It Is officially' announced that Atfstrlan aeroplanes' last night raided successfully Durauo ! nn'd Avlona. This was tho greatest' Austrian aerial activity of the war. United Press Service , LONDON, Feb. i. The captaiu of tho ilrltlsh liner Commodore today reported that his vessel was attacked unsuccessfully by a submarine In the Mediterranean Wednesday. Ho stated that tho diver carried both the Herman and Austrian flags, and unfurled tho German ring when it sighted the British vessel. Ill is believed that German subma rines use the Austrian flag when they .attack Italian vessels. BgSVflflgSfevV flgpaNt-1 'faKflgSPhB I IHUkI mWWKmmmmMmWiJmmm Bm-mmmmfmmy9SmmmmW!7 P m2mmmmWmmT"lltl'Smf'yS II mumwmW3mr? r'- Wrmmmmmmm. BimBBmwSw & L JlgggslllsllB vb ifmmmmmlljiSks j&S ;z$'$tB fmwSmm&W$ ' . t fSl7 0 JgHgvgBfsEal f, ?.jLC Si .- ksHHIV? JnMwfs. v :-. , K-3i, ' -4m Si AmmmtmmmW Jmrnm) J?mM S LUSITANIA STILL UNSETTLED ISSUE ANO IS TIED UP Xi:iTIIi:il SII)K SEES CHANCE FOR CLOSE (iri-munH Hay Their Nation Has Dodo i . Hit Utmost to Prove It Frieadshrji ?for America, and Can Go No Fui- i ilier Iatest Note CuuseH Petal ihIaiii in Washington, and Wilson I , -' Is Determined Not to Yield. By CAM!, ACKERMAN (United Press Staff Correspondent) J BERLIN, Feb. 4. Unless America w wnives her demand that Germany dls 'aCow the torpedoing of the Lusltanla, Jor ('erides to s T.imit the question to TIip Hague trlb'ical for arbitration, an : mlcable adjustment of the tssun l Impossible. ' This Is the unanimous view of o9l (Hals and newspaper men. I , Tho Lokal Anzeiger declares Ger many has done her utmost to prove hei friendship for America, and can not be asked to make further conces clor s. MIim Xelljre le Onoone Herbert Updike is the young man accused in Chicago with his brother of a plot to murder his father, Fur man P. Updike. He is said to have made a confeslon prior to the Anal Herbert Updike -arrangements and let the police over hear a conversation with his brother. Irving. The young man had Just ob tained a license to wed -nss Nellye De Onsonne. a cabaret dancer. The father was opposed to this match. United Press Service WASHINGTON. D. C, Feb. i.' ; Officials are decidedly pessimistic as a( result of the latest Berlin note ts gnrding the Lusltanla matter. It la known that President Wilson will not yield, and that he feels indisposed to "'ticker'' longer regarding the matter jiuiil Issues Involved. '"-ho nest two days may decide t lie fblc of German-American relations. -Count von Be-nstorff, the German ambassador, shows unconcealed sur prise over the concern Bhown today, following the reading of Ackermaa's dispatch at the Capitol. seek re-election, but so far he has do cllnod to consider seriously u second term, FIRE DESTROYS COSTLY HOME lugton'H birthday by tho Ladles or Sacred Heart Church. This will bo held in Moose hall, beginning shortly after the conclusion of tho Colonial cafeteria dinner to bo given that doy,SIX PERISH IN DESTRUCTION OF by Sprnguo Chapter, Women's Relief Corps. Sot oral competent committees have been nnmed to tnko charge of differ ent features in connection wun me UnrteruoliiK llt'iutlm. The Whim building on Main street. I dnnct)( nn( n ,,,K ,,r0.i.enten event Is which has been leased by II. N. Moo Ln,C,mle. ni M..,ifa,i lu liiivlnir lh nltontlon of i enrpentors and DnlHliers In prepare- lion for ocenpnnry by tho now dry, goods firm. PARTIAL BROOKIiYN HOME HOTEL AT SEASIDE RESORT IS RURXEIl AXD FIVE ARE DEAD crship of Mrs. Julia Barlow. The cl.T-8 will use the apparatus of the Klamath Athletic Club, meeting at its quarters, and the work will bo dlrect- er by Dr. George A. uatney. Especial attention will be given to lalesthcnlcs and all round gym andj athletic work. If the ciass is as suc cessful as anticipated, a class for children will be formed. Home Again. Earl McCoy, munager of the West-, orn Union offlco at Orants Pass, Is in j this city on ti short visit with hlsj luronts. ' LORELLA SWATS THE JACKRABBIT United Press Service NEW YORK. Feb. 4. Tho 50.- , 000 homo of Mrs. Casimlr Tag, the widow of the president of tho aerman I American bank of Brooklyn, was de stroyed by the this morning. Six are known dead, and the wo , man cook Is missing, FEDS DON'T WANT TRUST SUIT OFF OBJECTION IS RAISED BY BALTI MORE CLUB WHEN DISMISSAL OF SUIT IS MOVED BEFORE JUDGE LANDIS -nine Carloads of livestock Are Sent Out TWO DRIVES THIS WEEK RESULT IN THK SLAUGHTER OF OVER TWNETY.FIVE HUNDRED OTH Ell DRIVES PLANNED lil Were much ln evidence when " ,t0ck "I'eclur left Klamath Falls " Midland yesterday, carrying ll county livestock to other , and representing a contlder--PeudUure of money with Klam- TrI!UI"y r"nchcr" Mi tookmwi. Jg lr,n totaled twenty-nlne cr "J1 0 th. twenty-sU oars were Sl!S!,b,, b,,hi w,t t0 0tU uSUf? ot comprise v $" Hd. These were shipped from -ft i tho Morrlll-Tulo Uko country by O. T. McKondreo, and they went to Lovl ft Co., Johnson ft Son and Charles Rosenbaum, nil San Francisco con cerns, Two cars of horses wero shipped by Dr. Hordorn to Langemann of Grand Island, Neb. Hordorn Is here seeking horses end mules for heavy and light artillery purposes, and these are shipped to Nobruska for Inspeotlon sat teie. A car of hog completed yesterday's train. This was sent torthe Oakland Meat company by Charles Horton. A determined war upon Jnckrabblts bus boon declared by the Lorella fiumers. They havo already made two "offensive drives" with "terrible loss of life" among the rabbits. Two drives havo been held thus far. Thoy havo resulted In killing off 3, ft 00 rabbits. More drives are to bo held, and It is figured that after a couple more drives tho rabbit will be a curiosity In (hat section. United Press Service ATLANTA CITY. N. J., Feb. 4. Flvo people aro dead and a loss ot at loast (100,000 was suffered when the Hotel Overbrook burned this morn ing. Many of the guests narrowly escap ed with tholr lives. At least twenty woro Injured before they could get out of tho burning hostelry, Smith Move Otloe. The It, B. Smith Realty company has moved from the Evans building, and has taken new quarters la the rooms also occupied by the City and County Abstract company. LADIES' 6YM CLASS FORMS FIRST SESSION WILL IIH HELD NEXT WEEK DH. CATHEY TO HAVE CHARGE OF THIS NEW FEATURE United Press Service CHICAGO. Feb. 4. Strenuous ob jection was made by tho Baltimore Club of tho Federal League this morning, when motion was made for the disinUsal of tho anti-trust suit against tho National Baseball Com mission. As a result. United States District Judge Keunesaw M. Landls set Mon day as a time for hearing arguments on this issue. The opposition to tho dismissal comes as a surprise, as the recont baseball conference was sup posed to have amicably settled nil differences. MANY DROWNED, STEAMER MISHAP ONLY TWENTY PASSENGERS ARE SAVED FROM JAPANESE VE8 SEL WHICH IS SUNK IN A COL-IJ8IOX United Piess Service HONGKONG, Feb. 4. The Japan ese liner Daljln Maru was Bunk last night, nccordlug to wireless dis patches. Only twenty of her passen ger list and crow, totalling 188 were saved. Tho Daljln Maru collided with a British steamer in the heavy fog off Swatow. United Press Service LATEST Count von Bernstorft 'called upon Secretary Lansing this jatfernoon, and It Is understood that he made it clear that Germany will t not specifically admit illegality ln the Lusltanla torpedoing. , Severance of relations between the two countries la freely predicted In Vashlngton. The only loophole Is Germany's ability to And a way to concede a point without appearing to do so. t . - Purchases Lot. i ' Fred Jordan, representative of the Klamath Development company,' has closed a deal with P. Ryan, Involving the transfer of lot 3 In block 5 of the Klamath Lake Addition. i - Nearly 3,000 single women In Pennsylvania pay nn Incomo tax. Duuclng Party. Arrangements have been completed for a dancing party, to bo given at' tho Moose hall Saturday night. Many new numbers will be Introduced. Leap Year dances will be one of the fea ' tufes of the evening. Hero FroM Dairy. D. D. Llskey Is In from Dairy on a business trip. ' Formation of a ladles' gymnasium class Is now going on, under the lead- At Henley. County School Superintendent trrea Peterson and Mrs. Peterson are vis iting the Henley school today. Home From South. Mrs. O. L, Carter has returned after a stay of several months in California. Parliament Building at Ottawa Is Burned Today United Press Service , WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 4. Senator Charles Thomas of Colorado today introduced a resolution, de nouncing the destruction of the Otta wa bouse of parliament, If the work of incendiarism. Senator GaUlnger demanded that Thomas show proofs of Incendiarism la connection with the fire. The mat ter was referred to a commltte.e. United Press Service OTTAWA, Feb. 4. -The latest ad vices are that six are known dead and several are Injured fatally as a result ot a fire which destroyed the Canadian parliament building this atteraeoa. At 3 o'clock the flames were uader ' control, so other Dominion property will be saved. j It Is believed that the firemen's ex- ' forts have saved the library from de struction. 1 The cause ot the fire to still a mys tery. ' , Many of the people who were res- f . s iia4 Inun tha hurnlnr bulldlBST taslst ' '' ' that they beard eiploatoas, Jsdleatlag ( ' bombs. f , . This has givea rise to a rimer that u . n'nuinln inati hsauaat aBsMSt.V-l the destructtoa. CaMMfjilfV roent, though, seouUthls !!&; $i"i li I ,- t$-?,-! . ,- tsrz