WWHI,,,WWfW)ll QtttTxyy&mwmmmHijsm rTffTfflHrTTf f fcTOtCTCI'ltolCCtlLl' L" i - laJ ifj-lll l wBWfcWlWtiwOiWMMWBWnWMMMiiMfcMIMMllL 9 !jl ?! w ixt iEueninn Herald ... AUATIi COUNTY'S KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OPFICIAI. NEWSPAPER ,Tt1Hi'nftftg"rfFyrViiTT!gT"-a-''r ' . 3ragscrrtr-jr- "a3s.nixitasssiwvrtnL -w .tr -- Train ' KLAMAWI 1 ALLS. OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3 1916 Price, Five Cent ?? 'fwetri South Hears Preparedness Appeal United States Must Have the World's Biggest Navy-Wilson in ubt hi'i:i:iii or touii. hm HAYHOUIt NKUTHALITV IH TO UK "GKNUIXE" VifUmn t) Prrcnt I'lilted Hlalrs St U Ihr Grrnte! In the World, llut lli lnl Tlml More Ship MM It- iW-l If II l Maintain Kiiptrninr) mi thf Nei. IrfNUP To. ill) for WnklihiuliMi. Inlli"! I'm'" ! l ' sr l-Ol'H IVIi, 3 lii tin lint vKh of lil MiiinpliiR.tour In behalf QfrieparNlnew President WlUon t Iijr declared ili.it ho IiiIciiiIh the ul r 'nltirallmi io ' "Kenulnety. not Iteltwledly neutral " A larico ntidlom liouil t lit? spi'orh, ant Widen w m Ivitn tmnnltoiiH up ilaoie after tin lori'KoltiK statement, VVIUon alto advocated tin firoatmt litYT In tlw uihl fur the United iiuu "There In not u holler navy thiii bionthtt scan today," ho said. "Hut wuit I, mo. ni'irc hIiI)n, Our tin-)' thiuM bo iitii'oiiitiiTnllp, Ml would ten the heartstrings o! the American people to make war on in; nstlon, but If groat issue are In volved, wo must certainly defend our mItm. "Out nono can lead Amurlca wbero the doe not doxl ro to ro. The dauger U from without it U constant, and Inmedlste." ' ' Throushout his speech the prosl-' dent pleaded for preparodnes. Ho' ttvs little attention to political Issues. ' The president loft for Washington it noon. Ilcforo IiIm public speech on ' preparedness, ho addressed tho St.j IMiti Business Men'a Association. A itluto ot twenty-one gun greet-, td the president upon his arrival this BornlDK. ! United I'reis Service 8T. LOUIS, Feb. :i. A small, dark Mred woman approached Prosldeni wiimd at the Btatlon Just boforo his nAltBKl ..... ! -vFniiuro, ana handed him two letters "Wnln religious exhortations. Tho Two Veterans File Their Petitions for To more avowed candidates (orlyonr on horseback and visiting all) 'nomination to cbunty officers aro ,"' TUmo ro County Olork C. It. "J Up onU Captain J. 1, Ie, county , rJK ni C0l'ity assessor. UoKap has WW W petition for nomination as fjl'ubllcsn candidate, and Leo today ,!jnounced blnuelt out for re-election 0h ho dnmocrat ticket. Wpih of theso raon are veterans in V aWl the couutv. Lee has 'tWvM6MOr ,or M,y twe,vt T'u onHly coveree the couuty U4h-b nklui the (rips each President Woodrow Wilson on His Campaign for Preparedness i;ca.V4SBxmc PrrMldent Wilson Ooluit to Mnke U KlHHH'll police' detained her until tho trnln1 It - -Tim woman can led no weapons, i ... II Im... Anlllll. " and Is rogiirncd an n reiiKiui '"" -: isUst. Nomination sections. HeLap ta. boon county clerk tor seven years, and he has always ran '. . .. ...... .. .... 4i.i.. ' unii tnwnrfi inn noaa di iud vivmvw , when the votes wero polled nt tho gou oi a! election, Ho has a good record for eftlclonoy, and can bo depended upon to mako n strong campaign, r iminv. Miss Dessio AnDlesato made dollnlto announcement of her, cnndldscy for the offleo of county) school suporlntondent. Since her. namo was mentlonod In, connection with tills office in last night's Herald, Miss Applegate 1mm been highly " dorsed by representative oltlieas as the logical candidate. 1 LegegegegeVgegeH I i gUmvkggiH tf IfilgflgvlgLaaaH I plgflBr ggggggggggggB LH 'ilggCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCflgflgflgflgflgB TaggggggggggagggggggggggggggggH !DgicHgcccccccccccccV 'XtX'M'gflgigSSSSgSSSSSSSSSSSSSl vuSsGNCBflgKgggggggggggggggggggV 4BggVSPgrHgXf ?BB9gggffw3gfflgflgflgflgflgff M3BSlnMgccccfl0lflgflgflgflgflgCw QgggCHHHgCMgflgflgflgflgflga glffilrlgggflgflgflgCflgP !9i8gylBgflgflgflVl Is EBdgcSgcccccccccflgflgflgl & KatgKggCCCCgCCCCCCflgflgflgl ggggHggnggCgaCSSffRSSHHfl (Copyright Social I'ress Association) I'roHldont Wilson's stmt of his enm litilcu for propitrodness was made In Now YoiH city, where ho was callod on for Hoveral speeches. Ho was mot by uutiHunl crowds, these photoRraphs show, In tho courso of the first busy day ho spent In tho clt. ASTORIA MAY BE U. S. NAVAL BASE HIM. I'OIt TIHH IS l I HODUOKU IX 1 COXOHKSS ttV HAWI.KV, KOI inwiVO AGITATION IN HIH IUSTHICT I'ulloil I'ress Seivlco WASHINGTON, D. c, ou. 3. Intro- I Tfllli'I I'HBUlUil IIHHIVI wm aucod a b.U asking nn appn.pr.at,on of a,ou,y ZZZ .f ii nnvni baso at Astoria, Orogou. '-- . . AHtorla Is strategically located for such un eStabllshmont, and It Is tho koy to tho vast Inland Empire. There tins bocn much agitation all along tho Columbia for tho establishment of this proposed base, - Kmma Dostlnn, the opera singer Is to become nn American cltlscn. Cambridge, Mass., women will vote for mayor at the next election, AAMMMMMMMVNSVVVVVVVVMMVMMVV,VVMMVVMVAAAAs GERMANS ACTIVE IN WEST; BERLIN . GREATLY ELATED X appam caituhk iti:i.n:vi:i) TO MKAX AtTlOV Attempt In Mmle lo lloiulMinl hiilonlkal It) (tcmuiii DlriKiblis llut French! (iiuiN I)rl Auny Atliirkine Craft. I Ocrniuti Iaiw Authorities Cannot l ConciMle That the Sliikinu of tlie, l.iiltnnl Wn llleRnl. It) CAItl. ACKKItMA.V (I'lilleil I'rcs Staff Correspondent)" lintMN, Feb. 3.' Tho c:iituro of tl:o l.rltlKh xtcanicr. Appani, the 7.ep- in In rnlils and renewed activities by i"ernnn Htibmnrlncs nro hclloved tol he preltuleH to an UKsreKlp rnrnpalgn ii mm mid In air. Ken moro stnrtlliiE feats are ex pe tod by Qormnny. The audacity of tho crew capturing the Appam has en (litised ilorlln. I'nlled 1'iens Service l'ARIS. Fob. 3. It is anuounced that the Herman forces have resumed their heay attacks In the wost. The French havo thus far succeeded in repnlsliiK these onslaughts, with heavy losses to the enemy. Tho olllclal statement Issued today terids to confirm tho report that the Hermans have brought up their re serves preparatory to resuming pow erful offensive. , t'nlted I'ross Service 1IKUL1N, Feb. 3. A news agency seinl-offtclally quoting a "leading; in ternational law expert," says Ger many cannot admit tho torpedoing ot tho I.usltnntn as illegal. "Such a move would prejudice her for negotiations regarding tho legal standing of submarine warfare, which will probnhly ho an lnmoprtant sub ject for discussion after the war," adds tho authority quoted. United I'ress Service PARIS, Fob. 3. It is announced ofik'lnlly that a Zeppelin again at tempted to bombard Salonika last uU'ht. French and British artillery repulsed tho attempt, and It is believ ed that theso guns hit the dirigible. IN THE NORTHWEST STHKKT O.Ut AXD RAILROAD BBR VICi: IS STILL PARALYZED HUMUtKDS OP WORKMEN' Dlfl. (IIXO OUT HUGH DRIFTS I'ntteil Pi oaaSei vice SEATTLE, Feb. 3. The cttleB of the Northwest nro still snowbound, and tho Btreot enr and railroad service at Sonttlo and Tnrrma are paralyxod. Hundreds of woilmen are trying to dig out tho 'u.qo drifts, In many places from ten :o fl'teen reot deep The fall of now stopped last nlKht, but a high wind is blowing to dav Up to this time no deaths haye been . imported. STILL SNOWBOUND Hired a Gang of Men to Murder ilggggggggggggggtH ' i gggggPVm 'r ' If UBEt , ' WA tA lgggK& -111111-- m Uz H gggggflr , 's H Wi m ggggggggTtJili'igggfW n W Hgggggtlgagggggggggga IP Kathleen on Hot liner Kathleen on Ulthner. known also as Knthleen Magow, once wire of a New York lawyer who got a divorce from her, confessed to the police of HoboCon that she had. for 1500 em plojed a gang to kill Antonio George nt Dobbs Ferry. N. Y., the other day. She said Mrs. George's slstcr-In-law offered her $C00 to have tho man killed. She ngreed, she safd, and then employed two men who struck him with an iron bar and then cut his thront. But she did not get her $500. IS EFFECTIVE 10TH IN OLD ENGLAND KING GEORGE SIGN'S THE HILL THIS MORNING Seven Cables Connecting England and United States Are Mysteriously In jured In Past Few Weeks As a Result, Urltons Snsitect Germans Havo a New Submarine, Equipped for Cable CuttlBg, Hard at Work United Press Service LONDON, Feb. S. King George to day signed the conscription bill, tt becomes effective February 10th, des pite the protests of labor loaders. By WILBUR S. FORREST (United Press Staff Correspondent) LONDON, Feb. 3. Seven cables connecting England and America have been mysteriously put out ot business. For more than a month, these have been useless, while the other cables have been ovorburdened with com liunicatlons. i . . The possibility ot Europe losing an cable connections with the United StnteB Is not considered remote b? British people. It Is strongly rumor ed that the Germans have a subma lire equipped for cable cutting, which has been at" work Interrupting com-nanlcattoa. CONSCRIPTION Appam Is Prize of War, Lansing Declares Today United Prenn Mervlec ) WASHIXGTOX, D. C, Feb. S-Scfretary of State Leasing this mora lly ofllcially announced that the BrIUeli steamer Appam, which rra brought into Norfolk hurlMir in cliargc or a German prize crew, following Ita cap ture on the high m'iis by a German i.iider, is a war prize. In nettling tlie matter, the government will be guided partly by the I'liiKsian treaty of 1828. , The Appam flocked this morning at Newport Newii under supervision oi" marines. It unloaded all passengers except the original Appnm crew and twelve other Britons, who are held as military prisoners. Trains were in readiness to tnke the passengers to New York and Nor folk. The passengers described graphically the exploits or the raider cap turing the Appam. Regarding the refusal of Commander Iterge of the Appam to release the twelve Britons, a high official made the following statement: "Common sense will enter into the solution of the case. There la no precedent to follow, and the government will have the whole say in the. affair." NEW INVENTION MADE AT PLANT IS NOW FULLY EQUIPPED FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF 1HHSON DISTRIBUTOR PORT LAND TAKES TO HEA ' I Work of manufacturing the "per-J fectlon poison distributor" will be I started in earnest at Worden Monday. A plant for this work has been thor oughly equipped and will begin opera tions with n crew ot seven men. The distributor Is the invention of a Worden man. Slnco its patent was issued, the contrivance has been taken over by the Worden Manufacturing company, composed ot H. L. Velt, D. 1'. Daugherty and R. O. Vincent, and they will put the distributor oa the market In quantities. H. L. Velt has Just returned from a trip to Portland for the purchase of special equipment. He reports that the invention attracted much at tention there, and there seems a big field open for It. Several men Bought state rights, WORDEN Paying Charges Here to Be Big Benefit Locally The uews that the reclamation ser vice has abandoned its plan of having all construction payments, etc., made to the Denver offices, instead of on the project, and .will again use the old method, has been received with Joy by the local water users. Thereby, they are saved much annoyanco and a little expense, too. The ruling regarding payment to the Denver office became effective on January 1st. A general protest waa beard on all the projects at the time it was "announced, and after a month of trial, the payment method waa changed agala February 1st. ELKS' ANNUAL BALL FEB. 14TH HI 1H ANNUAL DANCE WILL DE HELD IN THE LODGE'S BEAUTI 1UL NEW HOME COMMITTEES ARE ALL AT WORK Thf fifth annual ball to be given by Klamath Falls Lodge No. 1247, B. P. O. Elks, will be held on the night of Monday, February 14tb. Tbla waa decided at a meeting ot the commit tees last night. The dance will be held in the lodge's new home. This will be the lirst big affair held there, and Elks and their ladles are looking forward to i grand time. One munition factory in Scotland is employing over 6,000 women. As yet no agents have been appointed, us tho concern wishes to be sure ot be ing able to supply the demand before Parting an aggressive sales campaign. C. C. Hogue, chief clerk of the loeal project, has been notified by .the Den- ver office of the change, and be baa ' been instructed to receive payments p until a floAal oorattf la ttnnflltlAt Thtm & uut.. u uawu uBu, oyirvao.w. mm ,y. eliminates the buying of money orders f r and blank drafts, and the troM'f f -'-' sendlnir off the money. tivf "O The new fiscal agent ;will; be ''iii pointed In n short time. -toltete$ in rAPAlvInv mo.Ava. tke lSal ajnftt irSgt' will be empowered to pay mU bUil'M bills contracted by tke aerTW, At f " issue time check, 4Mrt u'eMpJ-i , astloa of dsUys aad gWMttfrjl q$ .'" tape, wkleh have bee 1111 , If aws. u fcVJ m- i$- in u i