mm sfe" f h -J ?j i Sty? flui 'JISSSMSBSB. KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL 17W17TICMggI-am .., -,.-,-, imUi Year No. M KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1916 Price, Fire Cents MMWMMMiHiJtwiu.1 mjmim -1 ' Herald ' ' I . ' ' ' i ' i i i " "it i i n ; -t LAWRENCE MAY BE TRIED IN ANOTHER CITY AlKlllMiV IIIVKX TIME TO AHK T..TE CIIANOE IXwurin in ImlMliitciil l Overruled br Judge Ku)kriilll TiMUy. nntl ,4mw1 Man Entw I'kw of .Vol Clnlllf i niri of Murdering Mr. AIM Kurline In llnlllc IMottr Mcr rill IjiM INwinhtv. A thango (il on no may bo naked for by A Krncut Uwwnw, wbl Is under Indictment fur (lit killing or Mr. Almn Km lino, the woman shot In the battl t loiiil Hollow In Decm lr. Attorney W II. A. Homier, who lis Un rrlalnt'd to defend tawrence, to. day naked ttino In which to prepare an application for a change of vonuo and file iimvunry affidavits, Klftoon dara ua tli lime allowed by Judge Kuykendnll Th move for the -i..-.. win i. imiiflg mil iiv i bated upon tln ground that It will bo ImpontlMe for taftrence to obtain n fair ami Impartial trial here. It I lbs ilcfrnc'n rontentlon that thorn U prejudice gnlnil Lawrence because of bit litigation with the Kuebno wo. mao, and because ho ww on trial her iBOrtly before the ahtlag U a cam growing out of the fued. The caao attracted much attention at that time. The reqiicat for time for applica tion for a-rtiringo waa madawfcx.Ren- ncr after Judgo Kuykendnll'bad over-i ruled the demurror to the Irdlctineut of l.areiice tawrenco then entered a pita of not guilty. air, and Mra. Hunter, arrested and Indltted with Ijiwrcnce, nru :n be irlfd ifpatntely from (.awreucc WHAT YOU MIGHT .CAlljIOE-STEP N.lTfO.VAl, CAMH IIMIHTKIt COM I'A.W OincKltH AltMIT THKV vi(iTi:n Tin: i..v ..i riiim IHHMIi: CltlMIN'Ali ACTION L'nlled l'ica Service CINCINNATI, 0., Fab" 1 Tho fed- erti district court entered decree. ltn the conienl nf lu Miilil Cmh RHlitor corapany'a offlcera, In that tha offlcera violated the aBtl-tra et j bV fnrtlllllllt Am ...... A-J. ..J . iiuut iv iwimm irauv biiu "iwiupunic to monopolise toe Inter- late trade In their claaa of warea. oy tins method the law la vlndl-rchool lands. The cruising worx ta Ud and the criminal proceeding bolng done under u co-oporatlvo agree against the offlcera of tht concern will nmnt between tho federal govornmont dropped. nnd the atato of Waaulngtou. Dogs Must Be Muzzled or Owners Liable to Fine All dogs within the city must be Koer mutxied, or kept In confinement or leaah. Any dogs at Ian without muulea will be Impounded and shot. This was in substance tk ordinance Pawed by the city oounill at Its spe 'V "" J Mgkt. Tke. MMUJure wried an esMriency elause, and it ! now effective. The ordinate, also prohibits farm ?"? re,wt 9 ttr towns from whu th aalBMk are auiM or Sluf ;hTh,H .WN-iiwiUlr, tt whfr M wjSTit'lWr IB tke aaaA m ------. , 4U 0l or4Jtaltt toiwMn of ths w cu H km reapoaUhle. King Peter i,,,.m,m.mmi,m,ii11 flU'-:. MM TWlaTOrrrif iMafTnaT " '""' T " -'r 'faiaTiaWlr'y;:TTniil1riMMaTrTC--'' -T- --"-t- SiafaMMalMMttt i-aK&-- ill: ,.,a&MMKBai KrSHlmaVanDwTiVilM l;i-"law K "aRPH llMBl?Pfei ' -V'aaLaHatfaaaBamL-M HHHakv-iRn 'Ittei i it ir ii BBi mm jPSiEil B3iaRflr1i!?,lfW. fr- to , , rMll I'll In reuiurkablo photograph hIiow I tin tralt to which King I'cler of Kerhla wna rtxluced In IiIh flight from . . IiIh country wnen mo tiernmna uo- unve uie ngiu m j "" .. fiMtctl hl nrmy. Ho had to leave In'mountnln road. He Ih nhown wntch an ox carl driven by peaaanta. Tho Iiir the fugitive nrmy aupply wagonH forlorn king Ih ahnwn by the driver' I Hie pat WOMEN FORM A UHUKAl liLUu FICTV (HIILH Alii: MKMHKIW Ol' OltOAMZATION. WHICH IMiAXH TO UOhl COXCKRTH. VTC., I.ATKU IN THK YKAK Organization of thu Klunatli Cho- ral Club la under way. In tho nolgh- borhood of liny young women being .Interested In thu inoNoiiiont. IgnnUatlon plana to render Tho or- concortu ami Hlmllar uffnlra here. .Mt'vllugri "lid rehenrualH nru held Mnnd:iy vvciiIiikh. Writon T, Mot srlii'itturhor Iiiih bei'ii elintitMi u ill lector. - - - Of (he niipioxlmiitely 4inl,o0 nerea of ncliool I j ud within tho national for catH of Wellington, 233,000 ncre luixo thus far boon cruised as u pro- llmlunry stop In tho exchange of thoao i,wl. fni- n unll.1 lilnek at nnllonal for- eat land of equal nron nd equal value, Upon tho complotlon of iho crulao of .L. ...I.l l..HJa I ...III IllAn hAtlftAU. jiuu acuuyi ihhub, it.nm .! mw- j aary to crulao an oquul uroa oi innu 10 give to tho state In oxchnngo for tho These parties can bo punished by fine or imprisonment, or by both. The ordinance was passed at the roquest of City Health Officer Hunt, It la doslgnad to lessen tho ruble dangor. Dan lira letiva In anreadinat the disease elsewhere, and there ta seri ous danger of dogs from outside of town-being Infected, One of these Anmm nnmlnv In Klamath Villa and biting local dog. could start most' alarming opldomlc Tha rabies danger la not so acute In Klamath county as In other sec turns. ' Howeytr, watchful attention mvat ha gtvaa this matUr, or there is raMM tp leek far a wread of rabies kere. of Serbia Flees unit, with hU Hword between hU lega. In the lower plcturo he una sioppoa tho ox team tho ox team to let army transport Use May at Found for WAHHINOTON. Feb 1. Within n niomii reproHoniaiivu nuuiuu m of Oregon, expects to be wearing a lino felt hat, made largely of the fur of the, Oregon Jackrabbtta Tliioiigh llepieuentntlw IMmouds, of l'ennH)ianlu, the copsignmout or Oregon Jnclcrabblt pelts received by Mi. Slniiott have boon turned over to a i'hiladolplila factory, which manu- fixture high i;rndo felt lints. Willi tho pcllH wont Mr Sliinnti's luud ini'iisuioinunt. The niniiufncturer has written Mr. .Slnnott iicknott lodging the fins, wy Ing they will be thoroughly tested and promlulllK him the 111 Hi lint miulo from t,,om- If the Oregon jnukrnbhli fur proves Hultublu for lint mnnufneture, Mr. Slnnott Is prepared to put tho manu facturer In touch with various -of his (oiiHtltueutH who will II nd a market tor a product they have heretofore re-, garded us worthless. - ' ' '" -"--- HYPHEN THING OE PAST TCLI MILWAUKEE PEOPLE ALL WILL HE FOR AMERICA WHEN THERE IH NEED FOR THEIR AS SISTANCE t ('tilled Preaa Service i Address- MILWAUKEE, Fob. 1.- lug 0,000 people yesterday nftornoon, I'rcsldent Wilson stated that tho dan gor of "hyphenated Americans" is past. ' "When tho time comes, America' Will bo first In ovory man's heart," said he. Wilson mado at rolteraled Pittsburg, his statements New York and Cleveland that the country must pro- nolo, but lie statea inai ne wanieu iu remove any apprehension by stating positively that there Is no new crisis. "I have come upon this errand be cause everywhere the world's atmos phere, is thrilling with the passion of a disturbance such as the world baa W LSON From Teutons in Ox Cart )," G Tty.?iaaUlM?aiWaaC?v i K i" laWS? ftVi?i R? r. raT.affKBn.fair :rT?ssi ma?3it.a ta v rT-!aaarTSrLMaBaBaaij r 'yii7rJ! aaao-i-t .ii V MiWBBililr Last be Jackrabbit never been before. It is tlmo wo should Hot our houio In order." Wllhon pledged, with God's help, that he would contlnuo to keep our nation out of war. Prosperity Day in Dulatli United Pioss Sorvlco DULUTII, Minn., Feb. 1. Today wn'j set nsldo by Mayor Prince's or dors as. Prosperity Day. The return of good times waa celebrated by an ice carnival. Utley Executed United 1'iess Service HOUSTON, Tox., Feb. 1. Louis Utley, nogio, convicted of the murder ,,( constnblo Clint Harless at Spring, ,Tox., was hanged today. Your Ouu Fault, Though. Undoubtedly some of the members of Ewnuna Encampment No. 46, I. O. 0 p will fool rather chili toward the tost if they don't attend the meeting tonight It doos not seem to be generally known that the term "forest reserves" in no longer legal or official. This namo wus changed by act of congress March 4, 1907, to "national forests,' to Indlcato that the resources were not locked up as "r'ewves'' for the dis tant future, but were? to be adminis tered for the greatest good to the greatest number now. i-il"fe!HaHLW9RaaaaaaaB JaaaT 'VHraai KrMaPSaal EL-aamaH 'f"'a?fwa2iaaaaaal aHlaVi v ''aaaHIP9. aaaaaaaLH aHK''Uaan H aaaaVaaHatfaRilvj aaaaaH WmWtS '"akBiH BONANZA CLUB NOW A REALITY Olt(!AXl.ATIOX IS KFFECTED, OI'FICKHS KLICCTKD AXD PKItl OI)ICALS)r.XD HOOKS ARE TO Hi: INSTALLED (Hciiilil Sporinl Sen ire) IIOXAXZA. Feb. 1 Bonanza's club is now a reality. Quarters have been secured, and books, periodicals, etc, nrcto be secured for the perusal of, Boiianrn poople during their idle hours. Such games as pool, billiards, . checkers, dominoes and cards will be' Two gray hats were s.een Hying j Still another swat U to be given tb,o Installed also, and there will be wrlt-'throuch the air toward tho center of'cost ot livine in Klamath Falls.' If lug materials and other conveniences for tho club mcmbeis. -" The club quarters will bo in two . ..... looms. The b'Ck room Will oe tuOifieiioii vus easily n iiuuu nun n. lounging and reading room, and in tho front will be a stand for the sale of candles, cigars, soft drinks, etc. , Membership is open to all over 12 yoars of age. Gentlemen pay an ini tial fee of $1, and 50 cents a month .'dues, and women pay 50 cents initial !feo and dues of 25 conts a month. Tho club quarters will be open dally and Sunday from 1 to 5 p. m. , Smoking, gambling, dancing and un seemly conduct in the club rooms aro forbidden by the by-laws. John Jnlir has been chosen as man ager of the club. The officers elected aro; President, Mrs. A. Parsons; vice president, Mrs. E. Kllgore; secretary, K. I. Bold; treasurer, A. J. Hickman: board of trustees (to bo elected annu ally), Rov. Sydney W. Hall, Dr. J. L. Harris, J. L. Sparrentorn, Ray P. Burk and J. O. Hamaker. Tho first allotment of national for est money made to Oregon and Wash ington in 1906, after tho passage of tho act which gave the states a share of tho national forest revenue, waa $7,565 for Oregon and $1,823 for Washington. In 1915 Oregon's share of this revenue was $49,675, and Washington's was $37,445. The con stantly Increasing demand for na tional forest timber assures a much higher rate of Increase in the next few years, and ultimately the statea will receive a largo revenue from this source. Au Idea of tho beet sugar Induatry'a extent In Colorado can be gathered from the fact that In one county alone, Larimer, refining companies have this year paid out approximately $8,800,000 for the raw material sugsr beets. Telle of Rovers Is Most Gripping Story Unsiul l'robs Seivice ( NORFOLK, Va., Feb. 1. The moat,senEera ana a crew or 134. daring maritime feat of the war was t . . . ... repealed today, when tho African liner Appam, uhlch recently vanished in the Mediterranean, arrUed at this port In charge of a German prize crew The Int; by ippam was reported as miss- the British admiralty. That body believed the vessel was lost in a storm. A German merchantman armed asjran the British blockade.', a raider, captured the Appam off the. The message said that the Moew Canary Islands January 15th accord- sink the British steamers Crow Inir to passengers. A prizo crew was ( bridge, Farrlngford, Drummondy, placed aboard the captured vessel, (Author, Ariadne and Clan McTaviih with Lieutenant Oscar Berg, age 22. within four days' time- All except in command. Tbe crew of the Appam thought the raider was a pirate ship when it packed, and they attempted to repel tho boarding party. After the An- pnm's two guns proved Ineffectual, bloody hand-to-hand fighting ensued, This resulted in two deaths. Ten or more were wounded before the melee was settled and Captain Harri- son surrendered his ship. The Germans have armed the Ap- the Appam's prize crew flew the Swe pam as a commerce raider, and have dish flag over the vessel until close to captured at least two vessels en route the harbor. to America, federal officers declare. If i The Appam has been given a day In this is true, tho Appam must Intern or, vhlch to supply and leave, or to In leavo within a few hours. item. TWO MORE MEN AS CANDIDATES HALL SEEKS ' NOMINATION AS SHERIFF, AND MERRYMAX IS OUT FOR THE OFFICE OF DIS- T1UCT ATTORNEY Klamath's political ring. The small1 competition in the meat lino means a j,r.iy headpiece was recoEutzed as that 'i eduction of prices. The Sixth street of Hni old C. Merryman and the largo j market will be opened f,or business on 'f.... il.. unlit fr.ill. ct.i. - a . I " Merryman is a candidate for the 'office of prosecuting attorney. He is i - . and In the four years he has been located In Klamath Falls, he has built up a good law practice and made a. reputation ns an energetic and logical barrister. Tho sheriff's office is the place Hallthuslness trip from their ranch, and re t seeks. He was formerly a member of tho Klamath Falls police forco, and has entered the raco only after ful consideration of the matter. Austrians Deny Sinking Persia; Other War News United Press Service ' WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 1. ! Secretary Lansing today announced that he has received Austria's denial of the chargo that an Australian sub marine sank the Persia, The note states that the commanders of the Teutonic allies' submarines have all reported that they know nothing of the affair, Lansing expects to know by Friday whether Germany will agree to the full demanda of the1 United States In the Lusitanta case, or will seek fur ther delay. A high official aays the crisis is expected to be safely passed United Press Serviaa BERLIN, Feb. 1. It-is announced GefaTiaih Aboard thu Aypam were ft 6 paa The Tea- " cVu.v o u,.UB w (German flag. i Jl lwll 7 wt nv X. AwA gf avt tfw W v United Press Service NORFOLK, Feb. 1. A measage th-own from a porthole of the Appam to a United Press correspondent stat- ed that the German raider capturing the Appam waa the German naval vn- vey thip Moew. It started Its career ifium the Kiel canal, and succeijfully four members of the crew of the Mc- Tnvisli were killed in their fight to at-'prevent capture. . r The Moew, according to the mesa- age, approached the Appam flying the British flag. Suddenly the Union Jack was hauled down and the German flag displayed, while false sides were lowered, revealing several ten-Inch guns trained on the Appam. During the cruise toward this port ANOTHER MEAT MARKET OPENS SIXTH STREET MARKET WILL BE OPERATED UY HAMILTON, STILTS & LUCAS, WHO ALSO OWN TWO OTHERS. .cum tm-ti luiiiunuiv. The shop Is to be operated by Ham ilton, Stilts & Lucas. Besides the new market, this concern also operates the City market and the Mission market. Make n Short Visit. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wise and F, P. I Ickes were, in tho city today on a short turned homo this afternoon. Messrs! , Wise and Ickes own the well known , care-'Horton ranch, and are making many , improvements in the old land mark. officially that a German airship at tacked the ships and supply depot of the allies at Salonika with "excellent , success." ' United Press Service " LONDON, Feb. 1. Fifty-four were' killed and sixty-seven-injured in laatf night's attack upon Derbyshire, Sta fordehiro and Leicestershire by Sep-, liollns, according to Incomplete re ports. These counties are 'all 100lh .v miles from London. v , 1 Several squadrons of Xeppellns.v v some equipped with silent motoreX , have been maneuvering ovrBilWP'?-:.(- I , , .,..,. .n.,i --------w' for in itueit on London aay'Ama4er-&rt? dam dispatches. ?'"i t 5i m: m m .a f ? &.:. 'A i Mt ff': tk . Jt . I to. A.