f -r ,i a1 'i l,J Herald KLAMATI COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER .. KLAMATH .PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER laEsaaustercnuuKaaa - jz-jsznrT-rt Mi -,--., mDr a- - ,0th year No. 9.M0 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1916 Price, fire dm NWS STOMP MAYOR ISSUES SPEECHES START ! "PAY-UP WEEK" TODAY IN N. y. PROCLAMATION AT SOOS, SPEAKS AGAIN VWiKH ALL TO JOIN I.N Till: IIKJ TONIGHT MOVEMENT Hock Ut Hm Waldorf and lass m a MkxcIi I'rcwldrwt'a It. aaitj'HhoMtxl Time lie Hu Manic OptafM (cdrUtMjt Tlmt Oiestloa. -Jartkr Without Anreloa." Wi ' IVon Today. KmumMii KnlU' l.'tiKiiiInt Oftlrer En rioree KnterprUe of Ik-aI llulu Men, and Van for a CJtiirral OIrr vmiw, Pointing Ouc the Optlmlttlc Hpirii Hurh a Project Can Hrlng About In (h City. Thu following proclamation for the -L. LilMd I'rsss Bervlce ....... Ultlt ... H AnM. fltnr ivmn, . ..... . r... ...,, ... . ... tltd by his wife, Secretary Tumulty ' "' "w'1 "u" '" I Dr. Uwud, bin physician, Pros- "uvu """" "' ur J- asen: tt Wilson reached hero tltiii morn- "horess, The wwk of February : to open bli speaking lour In be- IUC Co 16th, Inclusive, has boon iIimIr- U of preparedueu. lie It at the nMCd u, National Puy.Uo Week, lo bo AWOn 1iiihLrVitfl llipntiMl.Aiil at... ail..H. uua At boos bo addreicd the Federa- .', "" .' M,w """""' BUU' on of Xr York Clergymen. To- "". 1"""' m a "" M,WB U be make two tuuro specche.'""" ""'"' ' ' lrs of the I tknehtls expected to alio answer'., "7 ",'r """'" " ,nn" auonai j.i.i ..i i.i- f.-i uni, Pay-Up Woek a momorablo event, con- nil ferenoon Wllaon addreaad'idudvr 0 ""' "o0'1 of a,,; "' llisfrailsts, who Insisted upon see- where. A spirit of optimism Ik ! sla at the Waldorf. He aald he'''""'"' through our entire country. iboI cbinied his vlewa. and fool'd,", '"rgely to abundance of laat teOBiUuffuKc ouaht to be deeld-f1' crol nnd ,1,(J favorable prlcus liaoa by ttatee, not by eoncreaa. ""'' now comnmud; and, kitfrculac J.000 clorgyaaen at! Whereat. An event of tbla kind la oa, WUaoa tUted that "Juatloe. bound to prove bonctlclal to every clt- lltioat aareulon" waa the keynote I Iteu In every city, town or community i tte Bdalnlalratlon'a Mexican pol that observe U; therefore, I, by the authority vetted In me aa It it bard to bold a balance where mayor of Klamath Fallt, Oregon, do i May people are Involved, but I teat It la the aerMee ef tke to told balanee." aaM ke In nart. 'Urease let live' U a aeae4y pbnae mi it u ut baaia of exliteaee.' WlltMlBdlcated that he la no long- "100 aroud lo flight I hereby designate and proeuUm the week of February Hat to I6th. la t'l will alwt)t accept a challenge to t."ial4be. 'I hope I do not tra- elusive, 11, as l'ay-Up Week In thla community, and I do sincerely truat that every man and every woman' In our city or community who owes a debt will endeavor to pay It during t tbla week, and thus aid In this great national movement for orotDerltv. y aatagontsU. and I hone ll . . .. ......, ...... t tbtB with iK- ..- . " ' "" - -ovn, mayor, .... ., w.tJWV wl kwB., if tba. i with only the rlhtl and tbe beat areumaai io I 8' Time and Out lTn. tad earnestly hope I can! ? I'reta Service ' ri nght loa knightly faahlon." j . PORTLAND, Jan., J7. Oram Car- i"'--"-w-ji-. f eifl f fit to mIIw KlaMba-Mllli al Herkert Samuel, postmaster gen-1 39, committed suicide thla morning In " M,n PPolnted homo aeer- la hospital here while bis divorce! wife Ntotedlng Sir John A. Simon. I waa at his bedside. Since she divorced It has been announced la) hid Carter hae made ilve other at- UempU at suicide. Men Alleged Paid by von Papen ylwaBgBVV BBBLmwB ,ffi V gta KiiH V mamV stHafMRM. bbbbbW I .BBnmnS '4.nV 3 T .SSfaVB 1 ft rafeTafeTafeTafeTaTaTafer aLwllklmfimf JLVW BmnVOTr .dMalmnW. ALI "CSBgB - W'jBEB TbWfZRNCa eBsBBsagHSB HORN - 7DO HH HHK'l IBb .KgLgLgLgH i b rvvavavaavaB!Baauiavaau i. i .''tw i i ;;atifav satatatatataaaaaaaaaaaiBtatatatatatatatavm a laaaBaaaBBitBrranaBaBaBaaw'.rr-if? tit. t a a.tsBiav Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaataavataaaaaavaam HW VV l y V frlatr BBBVBBLHlaiffaffaHBBlBBBBm 7& Paul. ML I gggggLlH i KiOENIG 1.369. Hp gggggggT Jfi rvv agH gcccgS BBBBmar'TLrX II ggggggg? ggggggf ABBBaaaW - ggggB ggggggf ;iggggggggggggggggggBtLmgggggggL.ggggggL. fgfwaaaaaaaaaaaaaasvBBK; 'tj viliSi2gggggggBBBBW!',',"dawj illggggKy HgSn ill ..aPli llloWi :Bgggggl: ViVasHlBBgll XlsWaaw Jw-, f.oBggggg4i ar J U- PlBBB5Bs"aS',rNjfll3 - - gtamwr -r. . riai jreai asi ati a- :".. JBBm ,l-"--lStwaBfBfWt . FLOODS AGAIN SWEEP SOUTH; TRAINS HA1TED NKJHT SHOWKK CAUSES HKAIi DANGER WiirtiliiKK Ait- .Sent All Along tho CttuNt, And the Barometer In Lower Tlian nt Any Time Since 1801. Kevernl Citioe Are iMobitcd an Re Hull of Crippling of Railroads and Telegraph Lines. LOS ANOELE8, Jan. 27. Floods .again till Southern California this morning. Mexicans Capture Troops Swimming in the Rio Grande American Officers Who Crossed River and Pursued Mexicans May: Be Courtmartialed lowing the capture of two American ' An all-night downpour or ralu came i last night. This bus again made the flftnri ult llflt Inn lnriAPniia Italn I. predicted for at least thirty- J"Id" day afternoon by Mex- blx uours more. Streets are verltablo United I'ress Service (tenants Mort, Peyton and Waldron. BROWNSVILLE, Jan. 27. All 'for crossing the Rio Grande. To war quiet along the Rio Grande again', fol-! Apartment approved this step. It la rlveru. , ,, Hullroad servlco Is once more de moralized, and San Bernardino, San Diego and other cities are Isolated. A gale is. sweeping the coast. Warn- i iu(,a jiu uoou oeut io aoippingi S3 , the .barometer Is the lowest It has hocn since 1891. 15 CAI2L BOPOEDC aoo Papers taken in England from Cap tain von Papon, long tho military at tache of the Uerman embassy at Washington, show that be paid money to at least three men In tho United States now accused of crimes In con nection with tho German cause. He paid Wernor Horn, now in Jail in Maine, 1700 last January. Horn blow up the Canadian Pacific railway bridge over tho St. Croix Rlvor twoj vtoeks later. Ho paid Paul Koenlg In CAPT FRANZ MW RKPEM uii about $1,369. Koonlg is now held In Now York on tho charge of plotting to blow up tho Welland canal In Can ndc. Of this money $187 waa paid In September, tho month In which Koenlg Is charged with going to Buf falo to develop tbe plot. Carl Ruroedo wai sentencod to threo years on the chhrgo of having obtained a fraudu lent passport last January. Ho got moro than $300 from Captain von Papen December Htb, threo weeks be fore his arrest MAO COYOTE -ATTACKS STAGE ELKO, Nev.. Jan. 27. Rod Bodge, atnge driver between Elko and Tusca rora, had a thrilling experience with a mad coyote during his laat trip be tween tho two places. Bodge says the mad animal attack ed tho stage, butsmado no effort to blto the horses. He Anally beat It off with bis hip. In Its efforts to reach the driver the mad coyote leaped high in the air and. snapped fiercely at his feet. Bodgo was unarmed, but says here after ho wilt carry a weapon. leans. The two abducted men havo been returned unharmed to General FunBton. t-our troopers were swimming In the Rio Grande late in tbe afternoon, when a party of Mexicans on the op posite bank captured two of them The other two escaped. Lter, tnree lieutenants and four men swam the Rio Grande, and went several miles to the interior, seeking tbe kidnapped men. Failing to find them, the party returned to the river. and were swimming back, when the Mexicans reaoneared and fired ai thai swimmers. American troops on the other, side or the river fired back. N6ae-were-'TfItrTmt"foar' of "kfie swimmers were caught In an 'under current and drowned. General Funston Immediately or dered the arrest of the officers. Lieu- reported, and a courtmartlal la likely. Since the return of the captured troopers, a better feeling- prercik. Officials ore working hard to-prrreat clashes as a result of yesterday's s j citing affair. It is 'generally admitted that Fua ston's prompt action in the crisis pre vented serious International complications. United Press Service WASHINGTON. D. C. Jaa.7. The war department aaartily iffttp . iQe-siepe taxes, oy General ruaatomls. preventing further riotiac.aloar the border yesterday. The arrest f. taev three lieutenants leading tbe stist! rronlnto Vesica 'VcorataariaV - "'iFwaaliMirimmTToV'tiW-T , cere and mea to vletaVtamaaahi?i ironclad rale against croeaf aar to bar-' "' der under any clreuautaseeat'awaw' one staff pacer today. .. . lewHomestead Bill Gets Favorable Comment LACK OF FAILURE FAITH CAUSED OF FORD PLAN, MRS. HUNTER IS WITH CHILDREN SAYS MEMBER OF PARTY SHERIFF LOW FINALLY. AR RANGES TO HAVE ACCUSED WOi MAN AND HER YOUNGSTERS TOGETHER AGAIN x PORTLAND FIRM BOOSTS KLAMATH BRIDAL VEIL LUMBER OOMPA. NY'S LETTER WRITING vYVKK LITERATURE ADVISHDA IKV TO KLAMATH AND ORATBR i er In value, both from a monetary ( and productive standpoint, than 80 J nercs of agricultural land In the' western part of the state. Entries of . lo acres should bo permitted and If mis is aone, it win be found in most DMUND, Jni, jn.-'-rw ' Pieces of land lexlslstlon at. WW in recent years." k the charaeteriutinn i.n f L. 8harp, chief of the Held ii. hd wnorlnd OBloe, to 1 'Ure homestead hill whih u'd the house of repraaenla- i. ' Marp pointed nut ik. .hu. "t Of thn tinKli. j-. . (10 "' '"" uobmiib ta gone, i nw or me year on x . -aere homestead bill, f it be- portions of his homestead. lW, Will nnu L- . "Thl. m...tA ......n.. . ... .. -- wwi. . ivv mr I ...la .vuuiu bulhiii . ."MlUhment of . w wnere n nn iiw... . fl "y"bj may ee M 0r .. . of Mhii . MI.17 Kim.:.' ?..ua ' various --mikis as follows. Instances that the homesteador' will find auflklent dry farming lands, even In the most broken and arid localities, to enable him to raise feed to sup port during the winter the livestock fttl MAM K IH.I.UIh.J .A. ! AUa M N HV H4MHWUS1I uuiiui tun gone, I naiance or tne year on tho grtrslng open the way fori "This would actually onablo him TOO MANY OK THE PARTY WENT HIMPLY FOR THE TRIP,. AND THESE CORDIALLY HATED THOSE REALLY TRYING TO CARRY OUT THE PLANS FOR STARTING A PEACE MOVEMENT AMONG EUROPE'S I1ELLIGERENT8 8QUAI1ULING AMONG HIS DELE. GATES OVER PETTY MATTERS COMPLETELY DISHEARTENED THE AUTOMOBILE MAN. AND CAUSED HIM TO DESERT THE PARTY AT EARLIEST POHHU1LK MOMENT lljr C1IAB. P. STEWART .could "mae a deptk" by gathering t United Press Statf Correspondent) about him a whole ship's company, uniting tho members' minds on one i"blg thought of poaco" and conttnu- THE HAGUE, Jan. 10. Uy mail- load . . . .'v,m,ie ,. ; m.it tMI,l74 . 4I.IU DiiM PIMM i... lilfMfO .T.440 t . i . i ..... A. . H,1I,17B rJEpj assiL- rsHNWN(, I to force the land to provide a home and living for himself and family from the start, wjilca, In my opinion, should be the object of all our laws providing for the settlement and de velopment of the publlo domain. If we have the right kind of a settler and provide him with land that will furnish him a living, and a future chance to accumulate some money, tbere will be no dlBculty In enforcing the reoulremeaU of the law as to residence and cultivation. "Ob of the greatest drawbacks to the state of Oregon at present la the lack of development of Its agricul tural raaouroM, This Is due mainly to unsultad laws, previous laxity la the enforcement of the same, the ele ax of speculation that aaa entered Into a high peroatafa of acrtwitural atrtee. aaf the lock of eaeouroge $MKi and aid te the heaeat and boas Henry Ford's penco mission failed for lack of "faith." According to his own htr.toniont, faith wab Ford's solo slock when ho started. He had not enough, and those who accompanied hliu, uith a few exceptions, appear to havo had but little. Those of tho party who really wish ed the expedition well were so bitterly i hated that an effort was made to ma roon a number of them at the nrst European port touched. Ford's plan, aa nearly as It Is possible to put so Intangible a thing on paper, was to give the warring nations mental sci ence treatment. Ford himself, at the outsat, had unbounded faith la hla ability. Despite the statement attrib uted to htm that ha Inteaded to "gat the boya out of tbe trenobes by Christ- " he did not count on Immedi ately enilag the war. What Ford did believe was that he 'big thought of poaco" ally uddlng to the vol u mo and Inten sity of this thought as he and his cru saders traveled from neutral country to neutral country, on tho edge of the tho sono of war, or oven in tho sone Itself. Whether this plan would baye suc ceeded under favorable circumstances cannot bo stated, bocauso the peace delegates failed to roncentrato on thoughts of poaco. The Oscar II.'s voyage from New York to Christiana was horrible; not so much because of tho Incessant quarreling, as on ac count of tho atmosphere of susplolon and malice after tbe first day or two out. Ford speedily took to his cabin, and for more than half the trip waanardly aeen by any but hla closest advisers. He waa 111, It was stated, The'aature of Illness never was made clear.' .Sev eral of the correspondents whom. the expedition's managing committee was trying to separate from the party did 1 SBBBBBBnaHBIaBBBBHgsl laBBaVBBBBggl gmHgaBHH MaffaD'ielsBmffd HIIhB feigaw:BBfsBi aftsmMigawv i?aalgal IMBuavHHsgaw ' ygWJMl liMSBmggal After being separated for several Yteek8, Mrs. Guy Hunter, who is un der Indictment as a result of the Dodd i Hollow shooting affray lost month, is again with her children. They are all 'staying at tbe Long residence, on jHlgh street,, near Tenth. , Tbe separation ot mother and the )oung8ters has caused much anxiety to Mrs. Hunter. Sheriff Low has been working to arrange for their being to gether again, and his efforts have at last been rewarded. Representative Wheeler has intro duced a bill In the house directing the 'government Jo Inquire into the feast- iMiiiy or erecting a munitions plant at or near Springfield, Ills.. The meas ure prpposed on expendlturo of $5; 000,000 for the construction of tho establishment Klamath county's scenic attractions wero given publicity during Letter Writing Week by sources outside of Klamath county. Letters sent broad cast over the land, by the Bridal Veil Lumber company of Portland called attention to several scenic attractions of Oregon, and wound up a glowing description ot the Columbia River highway as follews: "After you have made the trip along the Columbia River highway from ocean to the snow capped moun tain range In the Interior, you will not care to miss Crater Lake and the Klamath country." William Waldorf Astor, formerly of New York, who was raised to tbe peerage recently by King George of England, has assumed the title of Baron Astor ot Hever Castle. e the patient for a few minutes the night before the Oscar's arrival at Chrtstlanta. It Is true that ha looked (Continued oa page I) Hamilton at Last Gets a Patent to Klamath Island After several years of litigation and i island about eight years ago, after he scrapplug In land offices and courts, had taken up his residence there 1u a the ownership ot Buck Island, in Up per Klamath Lake, Is finally settled. A patent has been Issued to K. P. Hamilton, and thts'was recorded to day at tbe county clerk's oHce, Buck Island Is a mile or so from the boat landing on Upper .Klamath Lake, and It contains about 166 acres of-land. The soil Is adapted to gar dening and farming- Hamilton began his fight for the homesteader. At that time the Maad was claimed by another, and there ; was considerable trouble before tea matter yas settled. - V The Issuance of a patent was f urta- ft er hindered by the fact that the island waa uasunfsyed. '5- A U. -V - 'Vtf goverameat sar- jr-, Vat warn aaaafdn bb avuittU a - aeItt'V"i. , iTr . 7T fTir - - "T"VW nv iiniraji ! iiuvaur. mmmmmmB ' r -rw," -"-' -' . if j. n..i ..l. Lfcsa. V " ' . . c ' - i,T. , i la hla aatirkMB Bar ika ataaad. n Hamilton baa been reprmntU ay J, H. OejgdjM39r fv , ,,Tu ,H I m m m sr-sa 13 II Wi 13 fc m. A, n mtv-He.- m m-sa. iJ&l li tfWTCJ TLC - .?VrVJ 1 i . i. a . a .h V . & Tr,i I