v KK1UAV, JANUARY at, && THK EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON rMi two .- iw sure mat your fit i. urn hQutMktn. ( FOR RENT ;Jf... 'iflOltT faraJshed afMttmsats at ins " "1 Orsgoa Hwn, Kl ath. sear lata 1 rOft RENT Offlee noma, single or sa aaMs; steam seat and all oon vsatsae. Iasnlrs W. H. North, Odd raUawa Tempi. The Evening Herald W. O. SMITH Editor FOR RENT Four room furnished souse, doaa in. Apply War Ostaeaaia. lMt FOR SALE SALE of 4-mInute cylinder and disc phonograph, horn and hornless machines, 4.75 and up. Shepherd Piano Depot, next door to postofflce. 14-tt PahHaha dallv axeast aaadat bf The Herald Publishing Company of Klamath Falla. at III Fonrth Street. Ratared at tha noatoBce at Klam ath Falla. Oracoa. tor transmission through th mails a secoad-claastj matter. Subscription tarma by mall to any sddress la the Halted Rutae: One year 11.00 One month 10 BOOT WOOD Thoroughly seasoned. Reasonable price. Phone S70W. 17-et FOR SALE Three full-blood Poland China boar pigs. Enquire Jan. T. Henley. 20-st FOR SALE Good wheat straw. In quire of Ralph Jamison, Ankeny ranch. ll-6t KfjAMATH FALLS. ORBGON FRIDAY, JANUARY 81, 1916 LET'S PASS PROSPERITY AROUND handling la exactly the sams as that of the carlot shipper. Aa tha present moTement grows it will only be a question of a short time until every town of a. alee will hare a community shipping organisation, and when this cornea to pass there will be none of the worrv and Taxation in connection with country killing. - '. Scattered Shots .'. a e a a DESPITE ALL Garrison can say or do, congress Just doesn't seem to ctre a continental. FEED THE BIRDS, NEWSIATE CRY AUDUBON SOCIETY'S HKCHKTAUY ASKS ALL PARTS OK STATE TO ASSIST IN PRK8KHVIXO Ol'lt SONGSTERS AND (1AMK Mexican Characters in Murder Case toi'" wro wrrvcuy Writ tea. 1W I UIIIIOl IW I'liailKMI ltftir II.. n- T t'lillrolv. .. OF COURSE, nobody will kick ! you pay up before Pay-Up Week. SITUATION WANTED WOMAN wants position as housekeep er or cook on ranch. Address Mrs. B., P. O. box 885, Klamath Falls, Ore. M-t HELP WANTED WANTED Man and wife for work on ranch. Phone 18F4. J0-8t PROFESSIONAL CARDS 8 PER CENT LOANS On Irrigated Lands ARTHUR R, WILSON S17 Main Street ' CITY AND COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. AMTRACT8 INSURANCE Members Oregon Association Title Man Iff LAMATH FALLS has joined 1 hands with thousands of other communities In the United States to Increase the nation's prosperity, and at the same time distribute it so that all will be benefitted. We are all. dependent upon each other. No one class can gain at the expense of ail the others. The fac tories cannot run without market for their goods. The employes cannot live without this market. The farmer can make no money If there ia none to buy his surplus products. Aa the farmer pros pers, all prosper. As the other com mercial interests of the country pros per, the farmer prospers. We. all must look to each other for our liv ings. If we can turn Into the channels of business the millions of dollars we all owe each other, so that we can again use these dollars to buy more things we need every man who Is supplying a need will prosper. That Is the object of National Pay- Up Week, February 21 to 26. You can help and you can be helned If you will nay ud durina- this week. The business men of Klamath Falls have pledged themselves to pay their bills at this time. Let's all work to gether. Let's pass prosperity around. FEED THE BIRDS. You enjoy their songs in the spring and summer, and you enjoy hunting quail in the fall. WRITTEN THOSE letters yet? The week Is fast sllnnlnn away. Other sections of the state are busy, so let's send out some, good tidings about Klamath. THIS STUMPING TOUR of the president's might be called prepared ness campaign for preparedness. GIRLS. GIRLS, this is Leap Year, you know. IT IS TO BE hoped that the plumb ing ordinance drafted about a year ago will be brought before the council at an early meeting. This seems the psychological moment. A Merciless Judge One Who Shows No Favor. The following appeal has been sent i to all parts of the Btate by Dr. Emma J. Welty, corresponding secretary of the Audubon Society. It Is an appeal well worth the attention of every resident of the state. 'The cold wave and snow are so sreneral throughout this section that unless feeding Is systematically done, many blrda will suffer and perish. If the people will only put tbelr waste cabbage, apples, apple skins and cores, or whatever they have from the kitchen throunh a meat chopper. It will form a food that will greatly aid the birds. This food should be left In protected places as much as possible, on spaces kept clear of snow. "One of the most efficient ways of feeding the blrda is to put what Is known aa 'chick feed' from the gro cers. This can be obtained for small sums, and will go a long way One of the most Important thin to remember Is to put out water for the birds." COMMUNITY STOCK RAISING Expert Plumbing SHOWERS, BATHTUBS, SINKS, Properly Installed Complete line of SnppUes and Eqmipmes Pad, Pinfk t Lorenz 7M Main tt Van Riper Bros. ;'GET THE HABIT" Phone 85 6th and Main Coffee HOar Own Brand," 8 lb. ess $1.00 tea A Mend of teas. 1-8 lb. canister, 40c Syrup "Met Oake." Pleasant to taste. ft -gal can, 60c Hominy "Like' mother used to make," 5Qc Pimentos Frees gnaw. Fine for sand- riches, per can, 15c F. A. CLUB WMkly Schedule TUESDAY MEN'S CLASS te 9:10 p. m. WBPffagDAY LADIES' DAY ., Ctsee to 9 n. m. !.! " PHIVAT MBN'SJ CLASS Z& ', tt 0:M a. m. "V3I ?! VWT-BWSJbwibjb CLASS) II '' 7" w StM . m. aJ SOCIAL. DANCI NO tTARTS AT THE following from the Pacific A Livestock Reporter ia an article well worth careful consideratien: At A MMnt nlhaMS nf - the point was made that no two of their number ever had their livestock ready to go to market at the same time, therefore, they could not com bine their shipments sufficient to make a carload. This immediately called up the question of community oreeaing. Many district ham aorrad this problem to their entire satisfac tion. The farmers in a certain section hold a meeting and' decide uponthe breed of cattle, hoars and sheen whfen the-majority of them desire to raise. Alter this question is settled they se cure sires all 'of one breed, or ner- haps in the case of a bull, the com munity as a whole invests in htm. They then'arrange to do their breed ing so that the Diss or calvea'wtit come within two or three weeks of each other, which means, with the usual feeding methods, these animal. will be ready to go on the market at practically the same time. The various sxancea ud fnm Institutes over the country are now majung a special study of community shipping, and it la not an tmnan.t thing for a lot of hogs to come to the siock yards at the nresent Mm. with from fifteen to thirty different nvn.. ships, and the results so far have been entirely satisfactory Indeed. The shipping master In charm of . community shipment recently smiled very oroaaiy when he remarked that the market had advanced 2K mt. since he had begun to assemble his present shipment He said this would be good news to his clients. Thn i.h wan expressed by one of hu ( that these self-same people might re member this little circumstance when at some later time they might come on tne market and find it on 25 centa. One destructive nesslmut hn . . the market not long since, at a time wnen nogs were inclined to be weak, made the statement that ha hi .. gone on the market when the prices were not falline-. which hmnfhi -k the observation that . m.uaf .... advance at some time in order to be aoie to decline. Every farmer who haa an flin.H with a granse or hma .i should Immediately take this matter Of commimltv .t.in.i i .. - Miiiiu( wa oreeaing UP With his Officers, tn th. a .. better Information may be had re- garaiog wis subject. It's a well known fact that th nm. hog in a community shipment receives ine same price for his offering, qual ity considered, as does the man hA i. on the market with a three or four carload shipment, and it is a further fact that his percentage of cost for A merciless Judge is Father Time. Before him the weak and the wanting go to thewalL Only the truth eaa stand. For years the following atate ment from a Medford resident has withstood this sternest of nil test. Mrs. William Charley, SOS N. Grape street, Medford, Ore., says: "I had pain in the small of my back and sometimes I could hardly bend or straighten. At night the trouble both ered' me. too. and often I couldn't sleep. I tried plasters and liniments, but nothing helped me. Four boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills made me weR." Over five years later Mrs. Charley said: "I have had no kidney trouble since Doan's Kidney Pills freed me ef it" Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply aak for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Charley haa twice publicly rec ommended. Foster - Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. Adv. PINE GROVE PICKUPS GLASS OF SALTS CLEANS KIDNEYS IF YOUR HACK HURTS OR BLAD DER BOTHERS YOU, DRINK LOTS OF WATER When your kidneys hurt and your back feela sore, don't get scared and proceed to load your stomach with a lot of drugs that excite the kidneys and irritate the entire urinary tract Keep your kidneys clean like you keep our bowels clean, by flushing- them with a mild, haTmlesa Baits which re moves the body's urinous waste and stimulates them to their normal activ ity. The function of the kidneys ia ta filter the blood. In twenty-four hours they strain from It 500 grains of acid and waste, so we can readily under stand the vital importance of keeping tne kidneys active. Drink lots of water you can't drink too much; also get from any pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts: take a tablesnoonful in a-ia. of water before breakfast each morn ing for a few days and your kidneys will act fine. This famous salts la made from the acid of atranea and lemon Juice, combined with llthia, and has been used for generations to clean and stimulate clogged kidneys: also to I .. .. TT w ' weuirsuse the acids iq urine so it no longer Is a source of Irritation, thus fending bladder weakness. Jada8alts is Inexpensive; cannot in jure; makes a delightful effervescent llthia water drink which everyone should take now and thea to keep their kidneys clean and active. Try this, also keep up the water drinkln. and no doubt you will wonder what became of your kidney trouble and baclsaene. Adv. The sleighs are In evidence In this neighborhood. Every one Is enjoy Ing the snow. O. Brown has Just returned fro a ten days' trip In California. He vis ited San Francisco and other points while gone. Rev. Morgan from Mt. Lakl spent one day last week calling on the resi dents of Pine Grove. The Young Boys' Social Club met last, week with Charlie and Dewle Putton. at the home of their aunt. Mrs. Clarence Harris. The next meet ing will be with Ed and Earl Miller. The Civic Club met at the home ot Mrs. Henry Grimes. January 13th. with a good attendance. The young people of Pine Grove and a party of the school children tOOk n lolly slelah rld last flntnrrinv They look lunch and spent an enjoy able day. Those comprising the party were Hazel Arant. Ethel Mack. Jennie Icenblce, Jessie Patterson, Cosa Gray, Grace Cunningham, Alleen McKenzey, Nora Miller, Willie and Raymond Gray, Oran Reader, Cal Icenblce; Earl and Charles Mack, Willie and Linton Cunningham, Ed and Earl Miller. Al bert 'Patterson and Farrel Hllvnrrt Miss Emma Hurray, the Pine Grove teacher, and Charles Mack were the chaperonea. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Miller were bud- per guests of Mr. and Mrs. Calklna last Sunday evening. Rev. Morgan has rone to visit, hid family in the Rogue River Valley for a counie of i .MMra. Wsm aTN aa? BBBBBBBarSMSGt Ai9 "Waa a. YMMSaaaaaaaE? Bl mT jjamEEf Sa vEmmBFvSJS IJaSHJlmnti'nvi jrJnyKal I I mliMBBaMM bJ Ew&l .IKJtmms I sn bby smmmmmawM SBavvi.'ansBBmBtmnani m ku'.WWr .RvStimmmVmVl ma. ..Tsfm" ) lsr aM.t:-1 smmYmmml I ma. 2 wKjv BsT74aHJK;vuammkH mV .jamTmsamsBa'sT K .IsammmmOaVmmmms! I I VjEmmmmm; mmmmmmmmmmmmR f KIUCO .mi.01Hl0 'jmlBHsmllllllHrmli..n.A .r'k mmmmmmmmmssBmsalmmmmml .mmmmsPmsWmssBsl ; ' IB Ml ' HmH (aslslHsBBmmmmmmmmmmmml Immmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! Emamamamsal ' n ; ! tw -- jxmmVcBBBsFsnl jpifi is il mjSJBJ8p BIBJP k smaY'ammBaBBmamml PCoLB-samH I . n ! Ljaf l lr BBsmnsnUC m ,-v ', , , I, r. , ; XSI lov Do You Ever Buy New Kecords? If t uhiil Mier Hitir WOald )m lnic to IMi'ii to thfui (hii ,iluw. lotiit Mlnlir'iiltiK,7 jh r(li Imiui Mniiillnu nln. finiii tno in four lieu tv tnl, ,tB in'. ulli. LmgrNt Mink of nrr, u. liiilnli miumU In Kliiiiiuii, ..,j. iii.ttmn iii:aikuaiiti:iui 't lMr 10 I'oMnftUr EUseo Arrcndondo Is tlio Cnrrutun minister to the United States who has been working hard since nineteen Americans wero Hhot In Mexico, to preservo eace. He received from General Corrania a promise to hunt down the bandits anil brlnK them to imnlshment. The jihotogi aph on the riRht In an other plcturo of General Joro Rodri guez, whose troops are credited with having shot tho American mlnliiR men. He was captured near the ranch of William It. Hearst three days after the murders, and It was believed lie would be shot. Highest Cash Price Paii for All Kinds ot FURS C. D. WILLSON 70 Main Street .Nun la the time to Have Your Auto Overhauled inl uit In liao for sprlag in fully gunrnntiioil, iod prices are rlsttt Wm. Immel At Central Garage (ittivnil UoilrlKtuu DRINK A GLASS OF REAL HOT WATER BEFORE BREAKFAST. ays we will both look and feel clean, swset and fresh and avoid IHnase, ILildniil lit Ciiiitciilloii. GeoiKf T llalilin left for I'ort laud UiIh tuornliiR to ultcinl tlm tenth annual ineotlnR of tho Orecon Itetalt Hnrdwnro anil Implement Dealers An sociatlou, of uhkli orKniilzatioii hu is presldcnl Judge llntduln has the distinction of being the oldest retail hardware dealer in UiIh state, hating been In business more I hint forty )cars In Klamath KoIIh I(M)I TIMK Tt) IIAVH YOUR Auto Painting Ifcine; numiifat turrr'a' tlnUlt guar. mitral. H. WIGHT, ( Miles Sign Building tni Willi s. I.'. MrUAVlUN I'AI.NT STOHK 120 Sixth Hlrrvt The work on the road still contin. ues regardless of the snow. The lumber haulers are busy haul. lng lumber, but they have changed rrom wagons to bobsleds. A dance will be given tonight at Cray's hall. A big attendance Is ex- pected. , Sanitary science has of Into made' rapid strides with results that uro of i untold blessing to humanity. The lat-' est application of Its untiring research ' Is tho recommendation that it Is as necessary to attend to Internal sanita tion of the drainage system of tho hu man body aH it Is to tho drains of tho house. Thpse of us who are accustomed to feel dull and heavy when wo arise. splitting headache, stuffy from a cold, foul tongue, nasty breath, acid stom ach, can, instead, feel as fresh as a daiBy by opening tho sluices of the system each morning and flushing out j Itecoril hnnl(iiiirtcm at Kliepliertl. Notice of Delinquent Sale. (Toe Valley S. Klamath Kails Tele phone Compaii)) nonce mere ore ilullnnunnt upon the following di-srribed stock, on ac count oi assessment No. 1, lolcd onJ August 20, 1913, tho several amounts set opposite tho names of tlm respec tive shareholders, as follews: Name No of Ccrtl'cate Ami. K.H.Moore . .10 $17.16 II. H. Roberts .21 i7'ir J T. Honoris . . 21 17.15 the whole of the interna, poisonous """ ' " CC"U""M u ! law "d n stagnant matter. , ' ,, "" "onra or '"rectors said - - """ "i i'uuiiu auction Bl me oinco of tho company KENO KEYNOTES . lifer the Maeald. IS aaata . . " " T- fc. . lfsi drwtawysi asks II Rev. E. W. Cutting nnd N. Mackv are holding a protracted meeting at the Keno school bouse, with a fair atendance. A Leap Year masquerade ball will be held February 4th at VnAvMt: hall, to be conducted by the women. The ladies will select floor managers, "pay the fiddler," and furnish a lunch at midnight. All-are Invited. Avery and Tarbell will furnish music. Charles Snowgoose and Oeorge Tre- tern are cutting sawlogs for H. Snow- goose. Tarbell ft Avery are haulier ion tn the 8nowgoose landing for the Ackiev Bros, mill at Klamath Valla Fountain Is Back. P. L. Fountain baa returned from a vslt of a couple of weeks to outside points. New February Records arrived to. day at Shepherd Piano Depot, nest door to postofflce. It , tests. II Oae-eixta of the laad surface f ike globe is occupied by the Russian em pire. r Everyone, whether ailing, sick or well, should each morning beforo breakfast, drink a glass of real hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate In It to wash from th stomach, liver and bowels the previous aay s indigestible waste, sour bllo and poisonous toxins; thus cleanslne. sweetening and purifying the ntir alimentary canal beforo putting more rooa into the stomach. The action of hot water and limestone nhosnhato on an empty stomach Is wonderfully In vigorating, it cleans out all tho sour fermentations, gases, wamo umi nrii. lty and gives ono a splendid appetite lor oreaKtast. While you aro enjoyjnic hyour breakfast tho nhoBrhnf.i im water is quietly extracting a largo vol- umo or water from tho blood and mi. ting ready for a thoroueh fliiBhino. all the Inside organs. Tho millions Of pconlo Who am linlli. ered with constipation, bllloim Bnn stomach trouble, rheumatic BtlffnoBs;' otuers wno nave fallow skins, blood disorders and sickly complexions aro urged to get a quarter pound of lime stone phosphato from the drug store. mis win cost very little, but Is buUI clent to make anyone a pronounced crank on the subject of Internal san itation. Adv. In Pnn Vnt. ley on Saturday, rcbrunrv r. mid tho hour of 10 a. m , of said day, to pay said delinquent assseHsmont, to gether with ncrrued Interest nt tho into of 10 per cent ner annum fmn. the 20th doy of August, 1813, and costs of odvoitlHlng and expenses of said sale. S II OltllTITH, I'rcsldent, O II. Van Motor. SfrrntnP Date of first publication Inn a ta 4-1M8-25-1. 1916 INDIAN HERE The fastest sns) meat classy ma chine of this season's output. The new INDIAN POWERPLUI MOTOR, which Is the latest thlsf In motorcycle achievement, nsw commands the sales situation. A HIOH GRADE WHEEL WITH A HIGH ORADE EQUIPMENT KLAMATH SPORTSMANS STORE SEE VEQHTE HE HAS IT Main near Eighth VlHlsta Victim Known Here. C. R. Watson, ono nf h uivi American miners brutally murdersd r a. ounu oi Mexican outlaws near San Ysabel last week, was well known to many local dcohIo whn fn,m.i resided In Eureka. Kans. Watson was raised there, and was .in..m.. ... Will H. Mason, both In public school and in the academy at Eureka. Subscribe for the Herald. 60 cents month. GOING AWAY? Let us take care of your baggage and casts. AutoL?11?1 ALL TRA,NS AND B0ATS Auto Bu.e, for Pamngsrs. Awt0 Trueki for rreght DAY OR NIOHT SERVICE Western Transfer Co. PHONE-OMIce 187: Raald.nr.9aa.Si I IF WOMEN WOULD BANK THEIR MONEY Jhcy would spend l.sa and save themselves many u worry us well The First State nnd Savings Bank Invites acounts from women, L, a ' 1?nBagoa ,n DUln not. A call hero will disclose many '"Vantages of pnyng by check , " "lead a cash. Any of the ofn Th wm bo Kin, l0 ro)ltto tfc rSBBanSBaKsBBBBBBBBBBBM FIRST STAtE M SAVINGS BANK KLAMATrl PALLS, OREGON ' A