--ffy'r ""- S3vE t';'iSi''3yCr?!B'r'ilM'ftS." V r I.I II. !! tt .J'1"H. ULH1HII CVP I'SSVrf'- Cfl . ' J'... TVAT.JANWAWy, EVENING mMALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON v,- ? a " Jt ': t . .. ... vl,.. THE agMMaaaBainMiHIIMi ft&P?! ' Iwv new meuroaro m useu &g liN a' rs, ,- KSS&-W' ISS ! m.L vltflasHMs Ima tage i) rjgnrn: iiranp r.Yams HAMMMIV 9A'11VW AMBlNWVw .jr'. TlAMVtLf. i.. - , r ;. ir;Mar.uMui treat the text keek, " bt hi vttt 1M fcilt. br teniae to tt lafteah' lite 'MMMcr: .' soato aolat tasA hasasuaas hlai Jast tar the mmk. Wsmwritlaf.aa'eaamlaa- 'ttosv'a BaU,cta'the;he' aan aeVreeeA the aaswer to a Question. s-m:taea HaMe to become so aerr- . OMTrMA MlMM that h Will (Sit te:W. anMra examtaaUoa. This ts frfMV)wMMHt'iiiM way to pre- . , twaaeaaalt far, bts work la jthe every 'Bf'warti,; lertt svMm has to writ . ;aa, ajlssfe orp'rsaiar a. paper oa aay aabjest, br.eeaaot attempt to oe- , .aaaCaaoa; ala aiaaiory for "the proof wfctsfc to wishes io use from .various sources to wnttauata- ,aia aiaU;.it)Mr, k kaa oa kla .tabl a aaaiaar of ralaraaoa books deallac wiU taa.auajact apoa which ha la wrtUng.' The TWghih irao azaalaa tioaa to a Una extent, , set ih ataad ard par taaahtar. aa I am Tery con- M : . a- -JL a. -kt - noeai uui ibib aew piaa win aireuaui- en the work In the eighth grade and give the pupil much more power and confidence than he galna from the memory 'teats. If bis claas atandlng has been high during the year and his English work what, it, should be, hex will pass i good ezamlaattoa. It his class work has been below par. the open -text book will be ot no help to him during the short hour ot the examination." BIGBEE GOES TO PORTLAND SQUAD Rlamath rkayku ov last sum. MRU AND HIS BROTHER ARE SIGNED UP nV WAITER Mc- OREDIK JNeHaDDeniRife BWPS" as " !W5 BMB? -to . V . t' .- ..',It 'LA "&!" flvl in and aboutTtmn C-it' 'mnitmmmM oaa u last alckt frarna itstt !a lam rtaaeiaeo. afal awfc Taanai aW'Areh Chapter will hold their Tiinlair amta toalghtt" taa Mi- PwftH . J- this erenlng from Corrallis, where they have been attandlag ranaara' Week and the" Tarious oonfereaoss held nadr the auspices ot the Oregon Agricultural Colleger :v k;--' S t Hr. aa Mrs. Jamee Taylor WaHar r are the area parents of a tM-poad BM.'ten aaaday ,ar aw m w' rgsjiij ;ii fj V3S-- patent, L e: O. r.. I toalgit la ragttlar,aasl w., Tlai itaTlUi. - ' -i'V '- 9l-l SS&1' !f.. J. H.- Haastc. Fort. Hamsth'a tele- ; retaraad to the Fort raTaaert aojoara, in the eaamty seat. . CMljr-Arlenltmriat H., Rohm wife aw expeete hoaw BakeaiNeaa.' Bait to reoorer 10.60 alleged doe oa a note, and .950 attorney teas has been commence la, theclrcult court here by c.;H. coucaman against u. r. and Uda B. Oonchmaa. All parties concerned are residents ot Orante Pass, and the property attached un der the action is la Josephine county. Bwttrala Close. Tho'.reTiYal meetings held by Em maausl Baptist church bare close, owing to. the fact that Rer. Black has a severe attack of rheumatism. While not largely attended, the meetings were of great splritasl latereat, aad reenlte In sereral additions tomei bershlp- aad the halldlag np of the ehareh. Lyle Blgbee. tlio big University ot Oregon star who- pitched auch pho- nomenal ball for Klamath Fall' pne nomenal team Inst season, has been dratted Into professional ranks. Ho has Just accepted an offer from Walter McCredle. manager ot the Beavers, and Is to report for practice early In the, spring it the Beaver training camp. Blgbee's brother, Carson Ulgbce, n player pt phenomenal speed, .has ulso been dratted. Young Blgbee will try for the infield, while Lyle was signed for pitcher or outfielder. The signing of these two clever youngsters was a foregone conclusion, but Hugo Besdek, athletic coach at the University, Is iu mourning. He had hoped to havo them signed with Pittsburg, aad he had also counted greatly on Blgbee grit and strength for next fall's football eleven at the UalTeraity. I - i' ;. ' ','. 'v: mm m .."''-''' J ?m? iiiitmi iuuUt..CSX S f- : ;7' m It aaaami . I ' 'waal K ' SALOON PROBLEM WILL BE m CNIOX MEETING OF PROTESTANT CHURCHES TO BE HELD TO MORROW, NIGHT TO DISCUSS THIS PHASE OF PROHIBITION i a ! - "sjiS'asast'of thi .eity,. Jan. It, voOeulsaa iaaaaaoiboar aMatbars 'so-paaa tho Bia annaal awa- taats aowroOetally ass oa all aeac esUMroa. a-majority yi. vi .k-. -'-..-', ..r-..-. y ifc M MM SSl ' 111l'ifUtMj!."W Kv4M1taBnllai:Baaaat.tha tart easily. S1mraiWllHW to their W :aaA'tA'aa.m tk:tMt ahollsbad. 'The WlJ7T-ZZSi".KZt T- - - - .' "?"ast a, part or a system oc y v UMiaar whleh M school chll- isma) Bare, seem aeciarea menwiy ae- : seeum -a cauia w u, ro e wnuu, aseortiag to' the Blast, mast, after hearing It oaves, repeat: "I saw, te the street a pretty Uttle dog. He ha early' brown hair, abort legs, aad- a toagtalLMi lr SI j - - . . - . . m w; a":.. . . Msmaara ,oc taa xorest sernoe ae- r irrscs. srta 1115, 141 PsMle ad 'T ' ' "" irianii- aiilalT Im MasOBS to tAe're- s-ij'r !.. ti' -v'- ,- i.'.'i-. - i. ,-"- .? -r. rMtaeste:;tro iaoatloaal Jastltatioas, f -r - - --. -. ?" '. r 1 1i i - 2 tadalal , 1i ;pmHi IWMIta ,!"." ! iil L as tioaal forest asers. rs: wszMShxr siffiisei' a MfaKSv a aaKWaasi HbHIbM Clwimal ai .i.rAuryv'Jc '..J. 1 ss rainrei ffi? Sfti vriw asta?.a w liSBia IffK 13 W- ?3 SSK : i a -.". 'fljv? iH OfB fiB!jSK. ;;;;,..:-'. iiia-sllii.'aa4 lirt HOUSTON'S ' f ir 5 j "; 4aa4aBVasaaaMaanaMajan)a 'iislWtThiwa-Bael Drama 'f M ' I-TTjXEO, 'lMKi''tMaamisirWOTUilM'" 1 riamR ??i'JilalaKSi553S''''i''"T''"'i"'':' fSffiMaaBB?Kiar'siiii-:tai':;;A (.'9 'maamaMamaamaatwEgrjiaawaaaw' wk, 1 f n.?JaflHaHMBHHnFM i nnn 1 1 im II i -.i-vi i laBmaBBBsjBjsaBBHBMBnKaajfUns - :&imy?& 7. r. & t'.I,: . 'Mi-ftHrJ'-ffi'ffi'i.';.' -a'.' e BBTJEF MENTKir ,, S Mr. an Mrs. B. 0. Frasier aroTialt- ora to thia. city from Fort, Rlamath T. O. Bradley is here, oa business f rem Copeo, Calif ; Visit Henderson's aad see the many pretty waists, etc., In oar fancy goods department, 1184-86 Main. It E. L. Fox is a business visitor -from San Francisco., . A. M. Dennison Is here from Saa. Francisco. We handle only the Tery .choicest of meats, and can, therefore, reader most eflcleat aerrlcs.. The .People's Market, phone 88. ,. It v J. Frank Adams Is in this city from MerrlU. ' lyeraoa Laiaa't is a late arrival from Roaeburg, Ore. y Oar bowling alleys are the best in Bouiaern uregoa; uome in ana try them: New Palm, 6th and. Main. It Fred' Gilbert is a recent visitor from OroTllle, Calif. Thomas Worden left recently -for Fortlaad, where' he will spend the winter. There will be held in the Presby terian church Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock, a union meeting of all the protestant churches of the city any anyone else interested for the discussion of the "Problems Growing Out ot the Closing of the Saloons in Klamath Falls," and "What Should Be Dpae to Meet Those Problems." This meeting will take the place of the regular weekly prayer meet ings scheduled for this week. These matters bare been under discussion at the midweek meetings of the Presbyterianchurch for the past two weeks, and much interest has been shown. The public is In vited to attend and participate in these meetings. - An Ataa accident policy protects yoar Income. See Chilcote. 16 I e a The Charm of Pure Silk at Half Its Price Luxite is an entirely new fabric, man's final ayecasa la reproducing silk at a part of the coat of wornvepua attic. Other products have come through the years el eaperiments, but Luxite must not be Judged byjheaa, jjpse qf&cite We have chosen Hose of Luxite for thia cause Luxite alone has the feeling of silk, the luetroua beauty of silk, endurance, and luxury, yet k coats only half, nose ot Luxite comes in all the fashionable 28c and 35c th pair fat man 80c the pair far utamm Golden Rule ftL rofcm'"i"i"'iii"iiiili"i'"i'"""""""'iM,iiiimniiiiiiiiiiuM X . , :K- w J .'- -I. 'T? 5 .. - . . a S thatttt. i t as ' i ' " V J trrJiaBfnSB'n fi' MMggaapj Belgian Women and Children Waiting Turnsjat a Soup Kitchen TUMeAVa Improvemsats of the National for ests during '18-16 are represented by 108 miles of road, 1,719 miles of trail, Z.J87 miles of telephone lines, 108 miles of Are lias, 108 lookeat strao tures, 86 bridge,!887 miles of fence, 6 98J dwellings,' barns and other struc tures, as corrals, aad 801 wafer Im provements., -r ORPHEUS THEATER O. R. Mfller, Mgr, The Orpheus win be closed oav aj, Taesdays, -WaasaBi;sas) xnarsosys van rartaar aoMes i etherwiseadvsrtass. "M ., "Nasi of the Navy" a WaaM for series wlU be ahewa ea IWaar -l i. imemmi sssawamajsmaaja Oa 8maar alfhts a gram wHf be gtvem at.aa. efc. WsW'fet"fce ' - OwJagMfeJikV -f".' WaresFrfr HPeV frM WTyi''w"8'BwmSJ) SmSBBBBSW ria atnfe aaew'.tae amammawaj amv amss who eeal net aet aasmairiiig laasMaasMiiiiiaaaaaa-awassssBas,,,,.,, -t ,pV J' ' M f"ayBvMRaWaWgsTMaW i I $fM'$P-fftzmLiaaa B SaflaMSflNaaElmig 'ii$M'WMffl 'I bbbbbbv9bbbbb ' V V t -"'sswaasta W J aKir 1'l'i '.fjTggaiMMlffrmtafi ',$ WLi tiff K- S"?ai1i-CW?T'iKL v ' 4-A f-' iaffi.. -m This, according to Horace Fletcher, tbo famous food oconomi.. ,i, suffering ot the Belgian people this wil T.uT !!; "'-'!: .wh. hrouhl tr$M the suffering of the Belgian people this winter. Jt shows scorV. n ,nZ 7.1 u "f " "' Prai,h with him from B.lilumi isJusi $U lllustratlo.' o,nCe..-Tnere are 8,000,000 mich cases," Dr. Fletcher contlnnoT "iTJ.T ' f."1!lron ,n ",10 bf muaiclparsoupAkUche. In the afnaiA from the Uaife fUtei," hrsawi BASEBALL IManyotthe.owm.Urve-iff, "reii Till w hear his umos calllnir "nini, i,n ih . . I fll I K'anwth Falls basobali nrosnieiT fi "".'" .. .P,Ck P.br other live HEARD AT STOVE ?'. .t r" ' ., V LOOAT, FANB AMD BJWINNINQ TO THINK OF WWNfl, AND MNE IS KINfl TAKBN ON UKKI.V MA. TKRIAU AT wan Although ,thwvwm,have to be 9R8 l;fara the seon ot nnZe ZTjZT' nd KUraBth " UI be left PAAslitA .!... - .'1 .., MnuuB consiaeration. At nearly eyery session ot the Hot Stove League,, the talk reverU to baseball, and the chances for, another team like last year's wiiards. There was hop In the brM.t. brought here again this .iimm, . do the heaving. The announoemsnt "- " w " a ueaver dispells this o more scouting is in' ordar. Local fans believe action hnu k. .v w i once in order to secure the proper kind of material for a winning toam. They pomt out that If the mat. tor is dslayed wm gprtBff tB Klamath Falls demonstrattd last , . .. .-winning oaseball team will be given jpiendld support here, 'fi view of this fact, Klamath FanTooal well afford to pay good .emUpro. c from 5 to fio a gwe S S Playing, as wells rJi SL,2?!. With loba. ThJ. i- . i.Jr..T7S,ll Providing these .r, bJSPi The payment for pkylM-ssryleasi exlwraely sllsht. 7 T??!!.-? ored that the.a pri J; for an hour or two ' 'gv'i ? TO -- .. ti-Tv-ri :j iMy 3? ..' ;4r,'n;n The mifii'1iikiiVowned W;..5 uublu'withi'ia'BitleBal forsiW M r.- i'-Tri7TV. j. 4'mm JSJ;i!j iss i:i)aiff 'sassis. , V''nZ&m .2livvS-.wLji w.Hoaal fat r-l wivhjeiBijBaBHr w ." '-.'jri ''ii .Try i a". T ' iv1;. i a'aaHSB va ?;f!fl:!i-0B '"iMi m&mswimtt vmi T.J,UatMK! issse last year by tae awes anL I80.8M aeasas of oret Ll uLl.lfL;Lil.iiiitJkuit P." VWjaamfWejtw sbw , ii? ''Z.W-wmmmmwmpm i i VrABBalBalaW . BfafgaitfghaBj i aaatAAsBjiafiy aal - gaWaVMHaAgflaTL' ; aStgaHHHgtiwilkalE ! .:7 ' , , ;"r.'"-, 'i ' - ' " 1