,ll$iU -' ' Z' Etyt 4xtvntom HrU o ! KLAMATH FALLS' KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Truth Vmr NOi M' KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 8, 1916 Price, Five Cento 'sifrt&im - GERMANY READY TO 6IVE FACTS IN PERSIA CASE if m:i:ik.i. will punihii tiii: commander Htatl'IIH'llt MWnm linirmiiini. Through the llrrninn .inlMMVir Hliou Tlmi Germany Is Willing Mki Whle'r Reparation U Xf our, Prmldlng It l Shown Ttwt Vrl IHil X Seek to Escape. Chicago Princess Who Is Suing Prince for Divorce pulled l'r fv,c WASHINGTON, U. C. Jan. - Germany linn pledged herself to com munlcaln lo the United Stales govern mcnt all the fact In connection with tun .Inking f tho British liner Per ils In tlif Mediterranean by a Tou tunlr submarine and ' mnkf leparn tlon Thl submitted to Secretary of iitmn LnimiiiK today by Count ton lr ruiiorff, German ambassador. The ' ilalrtnriil is tilchly pleasing to nil J nffleUU, as n definite lroif thnt rein- ton between Germany aim me wn rit States are In every way cordial, "If circumstances demand It." )' lliu statement In part. "Oermnny will liunUh the commander of the nltnck Iiik mibnmrlne veaaela on charge of violating the Imperial order for the conduct, of submarine warfare In the Mediterranean tea." Germany will also make lepniallnn tnr Im.rlran iloatha nr Inltltll'tl. SBN the statement, If It Is abown that this I U justified. Submarine commander, ' iTcordlnc to the statement, have been Initructed, In their Medlterrnnean tnmpalgn, to provide for the afety of nil those aboard the vessel al locked, providing lb veaaela did not I resist enpture or try to escape. Si itfL '"sBBsMgaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsK & SBsjsgimsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmmsmsx J fviiKHHgaggggggggggggH ' W JsssssssssssssssBmVssssslsssssssssBBSSSsmssssssssssssssssssssssi jj y fy, BBgMPMs1ssMgssgsssssssssssssssssssBsssssssssssssssW ilra5HF'fT?PMHgggggHHg&g&l VSSygSA' i&, glggK9ggB ti BBK JBSgfcfcfJr If s "fl "VBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHBBBBBBfl BngfffT- .v - -. -VKgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgH lHRiL'v''' '''HiBBBbH H sMS(gsV3J "-'. - tL' BlBSaBBBBS m wMxmte: . ' - . 'X ' ;KbHbbbbV H BHBBws' ' .f i ,M- BflBrnxBBSBSS f) HiagfBJBB&W, p f gwf it J FVBBBBBBBBgBf s E3B,T . -i'v'.- -TBgBglBBBBBa r.iiiHi .'!''. "'tjgiBBflrBBBBBB W PniPJr. ''' ' -'. ' .0B9BBBBBBa wWy&i-'.'' ' JBffiWCgBBBBBBBl S7I Aar.'" jBWESBEBsgBmEmEmEf k4 BBhx Sjfia AawKMgnnnnnnJ H nnfJwS Vsir .HSbbsbbbbbbbbbI M' ElyggggcHBBlBBVgggggggggggggggl H raaEyvA MgggtgKygggBggggggggggggggggggggggggl IM -' 3liS&$V&tT . AggBJBJBBBBgBBBgggBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBi B?rr'JTwl v Jggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggl it ggtf J-i&L' JgggggggBgiggggggggggggggggggggggggggggl U ggW- tv 2g1gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggBgggl UT gggfiWHW ggaggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggw B ( 831' ggggggggggggggggsggMggggggggggggggggggggggggggnH BVggaggggggggggsBlaBBBBBBBBBBBC m BK'gBEEEEEEEExBEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEf fli kBkBBBBBVBBBBBBBBBBBBBJX I HvgggnggflBggggggggggg B BMbHF rTNLBcjLJgggggggggggggggggggggg X HANS SCHMIDT MOVIES WILL BE DIES NEXT WEEK! MADE TOMORROW gMKUIX) I'ltlKHT WHO (IM'KHHKI Dr. Kirchwey to Be Sing Sing Chief Tin ui AHTIX; STOUT OX TO MUHDKItl.VCr filltl, AND 1)18-; HTHF.hTT HIM, WIM, ItK FII,MKI) t6V MUMUKHINO I lidHT FOIt IJI'I-: I I.OSKS HIS TOMOItHOW ALL IXVITKI) TO ;i:t ix I'lCTUftKH niinl 1'n-Mt Si-nini NBW VOKK, Jab :i ilino to hibernate, and endeavor to cop from freezing. In thlg salubrl- vwi climate of Klamath'8, It'u a whole tot different, nnd there la as much i;ooU fun hero then aa In the sum mer montliK. In order to show the itorld what n blessing It Is to live hrre In winter, the movies will be MKide for ulde distribution. Klimntli people who have had a The Htnte lonpliiB to see themselves an movie court of appeal toda denied tho ap- iittrnctlons should don ttielr coasting plication of HnnH Hlimldt Tor u see- tofis, get out their sleds, and be at the ciul argument of hlii'nppeil for a new jVhlrd street hill nt 2 o'clock tomor trlal. Ills execution fur the rourderiiow afternoon. C. It, Miller will then ol Anna Aumiillcrs srlieduled for) begin the filming of coasting scenes, in xt week. X i Winter with snow and Ice !s re- Schmldt, who Is of Teutonic birth, Unnled by people In other sections as poked ns ii Catholic priest. A few iluys after the portions of the dismem bered body of u girl were found along tho shores of the Hudson In 1913, Schmidt confessed 'lo killing Miss JAiiinuller, nnd cutting her body to pieces and throwing it In the river. ' At the time Schmidt said bo bad a lslon, In which hojwaa ordered by Ht. Kllzubeth, tho Austrian patron Htilnt, to make a sacrifice of the girl. Schmidt was carefully watched by alienists for mouths, nclng one of tho most Interesting cases In criminal an- 'nnls Tho alienists pronounced him Kn ne, nnd he was Fcntenccd to die In the electric chair BONANZA KANS NEW TOWN CLUB i i IK TO UK COMMUNITY AFFAIIt. WITH LOL'.NOIXG , HOOSLS, ETC. EMS ffiggggggggWgvSggslKybRv fa m ggggggggBTOKHhMV M iggggggggnmlliflsl 1 i gggggggrxS3gggi''''-T!ii''M ggggggkfgggg?r,"t'13&in MBBigggggfi ukt' m y I gggggggggggggMgW E I 'ggggggggggggnrJF i ' I .glggggggggggr I H .gglgggggggggnugff. I ' I Bjf$pBBBflQ'w I BggggggggggggggggBlggg'BBHl ' IgggggggggHggggggggngniE ! H gggggggggggggggggggggggggBj I ' i i SNOW'S MANTLE COVERS KLAMATH COUNTY'S LANDS imv FAItMKUS JUIHI.AXT OVKR THK FALL Ileuvy I'leeipitntlon Beginning Last Xlght Has Continued Unlntermpt el, IncreaalnK the Iepth bjr Xearly a FootJver Seven Feet of Snow nt Crater Lake Yesterday Main Line Wires Down. Dr. George W. Kirchwey George Kirchwey, formerly A steady occupation has been offer ed householders In snow shoveling to day, for since late last evening there hoc been a continual fall of snow. No kooner were walks and paths cleared than they are again snow covered. All parts of Klamath county appear to be affected by the snow fall. As BENNETT LEAVES rinnj OTlTL Dllllf warden of bing bing prison, per-r.jjoIclng, as they look for a heavy riliu! UlnlL Dnlll,liaps ,hC mSl tamou of Amerlcan,fa'l such as experienced In January of dean of the law hchool of Columbia there Is no wind or coldness connect , University, has been offered the place Cil with the snow storm, farmers are orisons. In place of Thomas II. Os borne, who has worked hard for sev- 'rnl mnnlhQ tn hrlnir flhnnt rftforms. li'U. This will mean a thorough soaking of the ground in the spring, VICK I'UESIDEXT HEVEIW COX- Dr. Kirchwey is a prison reformer, and and the best P eI sea- ....... ,, ,t.'has worked hard with Mr. Osborne to ns tor dry farming success. Abl.liu.1 nitn urrin. r . TO HKCOME CA8H1EU OF POUT I.AXD BANK help him in Sing Sing. OTHER NEWS lTFJ CIA)VEU LEAF CITV i FROM THi: THREE MAKING FINAL PROOFS TIIIO OF HOMESTEADERS AC gDIIUXO LAM) NORTH OK l'IXE OltOVE TAKE IMPORTANT STEP II Kit E TODAY Klnal proofs In threw homentcad (ppltcatlona woro made today beforo Cotinty Clerk De Up, representing the United States land office. All of tho lands affected are north of Pine Uovo. Don C. Iledford, Robert L. David hoii and William H. Lock wood wore the three who made proofs. In each -nso the other two were the witness. examined, (Herald Spcrlnl Service) IIONANZA, aJn. S. There Is berl- ,. ......iiii'iii'i'i.- loua consiacrniion oi ino piau oi iuriu- piuxcess evi:ln r,.ti.i.nHi.ii ,nn .. nih w xmt. Pi luces Pu-hn KiiEnlllchoff. who vlch foi divorce They eio married ! ,llg wn bu held tonight to discuss the ... i-v.iv p.tMrhle. dniiishler In Chicago seventeen eurs ago The ,,,,,, whlch calls for club quarters, of n wealthy resident at Chicago. Is princess bellove.i the prince was too ttlti, r0adlng matter, games, cigar now In tho courts of New York, suing iruiiui) u ...-. -..v ,. -, u .... ...-, .-.w. ..... her husband. Prince NMcholns Vlado-.Nuw Yorker Tho quarters will probably be In the After two years' connection with the First State and Savings Bank as Ite prcsldent.jaml,, member, of the clerical forceT Will H. Bennett has de-1 cided to forsake Klamath for his first j love Portland. wUore tney ceieoraie. the blooming of roses with a full HEAD week's carnival. Bennett has accepted the position of cashier of the Citizen's bank or, Portlnnd. Ho loaves Wednesday to. take this post. Although he leaves the local bank, Bennett will still retain his stock In the concern. He had an occasion to. NEW LEADERS FOR THE ODD FELLOWS AFFAIRS OF THE POPULAR OR. DEIt PLACED IN HANDS OF E.N TIME NEW CORPS OF OFFICERS AT LAST XIOIITS MEETINO Otlei belli Installed tho officers for tho ensuing term, ino um uvj.ui., was iisslsloil In tho installation by tho following Past Oninds: District Deputy Warden H. B. Wat tenhurg, District Deputy Grand Sec retary Jasper Bennett. District Deputy (Irnn'd Treasurer C. C. Uiower, Dis trict Dtipnty Orond Marshal Frank I,. Atmstrong. District Deputy (Iraud Chaplain F. 1. Bremer, District Dep-. utv Crnnd (limrdlnli O. II. Brennemant new hotel building. A ciowded house greeted tho'de- batcrs this week, when they dls cussod In an able manner tho subject, "Should the United States Mako Ad ditional Preparation for Defense?" The vote of the Judges favored tho affirmative by a small margin, and the audience was woll pleased with tho arguments, as tho talks were short, pithy and straight to tho point. Since tho debate n desire has been expressed for a debating club, to hold Sleighing continues the order of the day. Besides the cheery slelgbbcflls heard as horse-drawn cutters traverse the streets, there la the shrill cry of the youngsters, having the time of their lives coasting down the many' flue hills. ( That the storm Is more severe In ether places Is attested by 'the fact . tbat the wires of the Western Union 'are all out of commission on the main OF MANUAL TRAINING , ,ue today. This makes It impossible pit iv piettricl fouip. fnr K,amath Pa,ls to communicate PUTS IN ELECTRICAL EQUIP- wUh gan Pranc,8CO or PotiUiai. and MEXT FOR FIRE AND CLASS Is responsible for the curtailment In the amount of United Press news the HOUR CALLS Herald Is able to publish today, cr. FIRE ALARM AT H. I INSTALLED i Dr. To Federal Court Alford Johnson and Dr. A. A. An electrical call system has Just study tho banks of the state pretty been Installed in the Klamath County Sou,e leavo Sunday mornlngfor Port thoroughly when he was state bank High School by A. J. Mayer, head or Jand tQ atenfl tho federal court M examiner, and he picked Klamath the manual training department, with t They will be gone about Falls as n winner then, and still has 'some assistance from his boys. This the same opinion. five days. Is a decided Improvement over the old method. , Tho system is used for cU38 dis- Mrs. Alice Cudworth has been con missals. It is also to be used for a formed as pastor of the Vernon, N. J Are alarm system. Methodist church. . At the regular meeting of Klamath Lodge No, 187, I. O. O. F held last , night DUlitct Deputy Grand Mastor Say By CHARLES P. STEWART (United Press Staff Correspondent) COPENHAGEN, Jan. 8. Sweden does not Intend to let Germany lose tlio war struggle, even If Sweden U forced to Join the central powers to provont such a conclusion. Alio may not Insist on an out-and-out German victory, but alio feels that, for her own safety, she cannot llow the Russians to beat Germany. Sweden Is not particularly pro-Oer-man, and yet, again, she Is not pro. ally, but she Is anti-Russian with her whole soul, ghe will Igat with Ger many before she will see Russia win, and ike beltevee her strength would be the deciding factor la the last re sort. This outltoe cewtHutee the out. Ii. North The oltlrers lnstnlled w.-ru as fol io vu. I'tiut Grand Call Adams, Vohle Grand L, J. Bean. Vlco Grand W. M. Mnste.x Tunsurer P. L. Fountain. Secretary Gio. L. Humphrey Conductor Chnrles Newman. Warden Chas. F. Do Lnp. Chaplain H. II. Ogle. It. 8. N. Q. M. R. Doty. L. F. N. G. U. Van Gundy, It. 8, S. J. B. Mayer. L. 8, 8. Bernard Zollman. It. S. V. Q. Morris Leslie. Inside Guardian Hyman Wochsler. Outsldo Guardian Nate Otterboln. , After Installation tho Initiatory De- groo wns conforred on two mombers, standing facts In tho Scandinavian sit- nnd tho now omcers ier.un.. ., untton as presented to tho United uimwi in such . . """; " States by reliable sources. As fnr ,lo draw wmm words of commendation back as the Swedes can remember, from visitors present. thoy have been in terror of a Russian I Next Wednesday n gh he lodge attempt to secure a coveted warm wa-.wlll give a smoker In their hall, Ith ter port on tho west coast of tho Scan- n wee bite to ent between times, dlnavlan ponlnsulu. This could not I ; be attained only at Norway's expense; I RnmII .Deals Suit and Norway could only bo reached -('rial 0f the action of tho Brndloy ..d District Deputy Grand Herald .!rcg,ar meetlngs.and tackle questions O 1 11711 1 s dweoen wm join Germany if Necessary i of moment. This will probably bo foi med In the near future. Snow on the mountain between here und Bly Is bad. Tho HamaKer brothers, who have the mall contract, put on a sled between here and Bly. Duck hunting Is excellent now, and many of our sportsmen are out every day. Tho birds are In excellent condition. Mr. nnd Mrs. S. Daniels and family and tho Lytlo family spent New Tears with Mr. nnd Mrs. Francis Freuer, and Rev. end Mrs. Sydney W. Hall spent the day with Mr. ana Mrs. Francis J. Bowne. Jnko Hickman has taken posses sion of his new barber ehop In tne hotel building. EMBARGO FOUGHT AS teuton M0VE:yjans the Trenches Warmer Than if Home .MASSACHUSETTS LAW MAKER HOLDS THE STOPPING OF SHIP PING OF AR3IS TO ALUia WOULD BE HARMFUL through Swodon. Harness company against D. P. Donk Tho Swedes olnlm that they could TCcovor 1200 or moro alleged due put Into tho field 1,000,000 troops, for hnrnoss Vurnlbhed for the Doak While military experts doubt these1 rlinch. is in progress today. The Jury -.... .--" , - figures, thoy concede that -the Swedes nro admirably trained, well armed, and tenaciously courageous, In event of hostilities, they could Invade Fin laud, expecting the Finns to Join them (Continued on page I) was empanelled eaily, and a largo rcrt of the evidence has been sub mltttd, Of all the reigning queens of Eu rope, Queen Maud ot Norway leads the simplest, sanest life of them all, SUIT ON NOTE INVOLVES MANY STATE LAND BOARD'S ACTION NAMES GOVERNMENT WATER USERS ASSOCIATION AND OTH ERS AS DEFENDANTS United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C. Jan. 8. Representative Gardner ot Massachu setts today went on record as bitterly cnuosed to the proposed embargo on tho shipment ot munitions to tne Eu ropean belligerents. "This would tie the hands of the allies, and leave the plunder secure In Germany's grasp," he said. "Such an action as this would encourage pil lage, slavery and Infidelity, and Bhould not be taken by the United States.". aust' v ALICE ROUE (cents und some mother's boy mil (United Press Staff Correspondent) .have felt different quality In that . 'dearly purchased remembrance. ROME. Dec. 26.-(By malD-Italy, Tho order cnocoUtwi aBd jboys In the trenches had a royal sweeta eoum not be sent privately to Christmas. Best of all their Christ- soldiers at the front caused such a; .1 decided to' mas eirts was unrisimas ainner in.wiui uuu iuuuiwu. steam heated trenches. With their change -th. jrd er T e ordeP had glVGU UVUIUW V mw ro4 rww- oned sweets from suspicious and eon- modern trench Improvements they had the best of It over some ot the girls they left behind them. For sunny Italy has the coldest interiors and the poorest heating facilities In all the cealed quarters might reach the eoK dlers. Enough evidence bad cease to; the ears or the authorities to warrant this action. It was this same fear that Suit to foreclose ft mortgage on a ranch under the Klamath project glv- Boston society women have Intro duced moving pictures as an adjunct to dance parties. en ns security to me uregoa omiu Land Board as security on a loan ot 14,000, was filed late this afternoon In the circuit court. Charles J. Fer guson, local attorney for the board. filed the action. The note. It is alleged, was made by Sam O. and Mary Trayner. The complaint names the United States of America, the Klamath Water Users Association, Project Manager J, Q. Camp and C. M, Petit as party defend ants, stating they claim liens against the property. world. In the trenches, however, up. re8ulted In tho public cigar and cl-., where the snow Is heavy and the rams I garet collection stations being aban aro freezing In the. mountains, the Honed. Tho opoprtunlty for enemies, steam heated trenches are driving, grading poisoned cigars or clgaretsef- away the terrors of a winter cam-'fcred too strong a temptation te evil,' palgu. ! The sendlug ot gifts to soldiers at the front was ono ot the moBt touch ing of all Christmas, activities. Ev eryone wanted to send something. A poorly clad woman entered one of tho stations whero special boxes of sweets, ready for sending to soldiers, minds. The discovery ot poisoned tobacco brought the decisive order Thous ands of cigars were destroyed, and the order was that thenceforth 6uljr' money would be accepted to'Jbuy el gars from government supply stores At Christmas time the bare .were down for cnocoiate ana sweets. ft were on sale. She una only sixteen down for chocolate ana sweets.; ist soldi, The boxes were one franc fifty. 'tho race of Christmas' seatlmentjv; I'll buy something," she said. "I voiced by mothers and sweethearte&J hnve no one at tho front now. My wives and children, law anntpseewjuj u , .! . fi At i ono kiif t inn atanMMi aside. And the rush of '! uujc o iniicu wv w tM., ..-. - ..w.. w rw - -- Mrv want to send some little comrort to bundles or ceaay ajw'sswusnie,;- tobacco and all sort or jrmmm.,mm appalled the peetal mFy&& some othor mother's boy.'' She bought a small package of sweets for sixteen iHtvV- X j!.