- rutfxr ' Wqt iEurttmn Wvvalb KLAMATH FALL!' KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL NEW8PAPK is Tenth Year " n KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 1916 I " : ' T" Priee, Five HAMILTON SAYS DARDANELLES IS LOST BY DELAYS HAYH ItlllXMmt'KMKNTM not sent WERE Mm Relieved of the tomaaaii of Op. rrstlon Against Coistrtaialnople Uy ' Vtmt for tlw Failure of the Esprdltton lo the Failure of Kitchener to Head B0.000 Mr a Me Wm Requested. United Press Service LONDON, Jan. General 8lr Utt Hamilton, former commander of the British oncratlona In the Dardanelles rampslgn, today made hU final report in the war "Ace. 1 this n ,no failure of tho war department to Mod 60,000 clra men, ee be requested, It responsible fur lh collapse of the movement. "(lonoral Kitchener suggested that we evuuate tln (lalllpoll Peninsula, aad abandon effort to reach Constsn Uaople." Mr Hamilton's rport. "I milled that such a thing waa un thinkable, after tho trouble of gain lot a foothold, and a result, I waa recalled." doners! Mini roe waa sent replace Brit- ex- travageat claim trograd, tho RuMlant havo not advanced at Csor nowiti. Tho (Icrmana occupy the same positions thoy havo bald for months. "Thl report reminds one of Gcner al Cadorna'a reports of Italian ad vances," says Vienna today. An official denial of the evacuation of Cisrnowiu was telegraphed today to Berlin from Vienna. Unltad Press Barrlee MAR8EILI.BH. Jan. 6. Teuton submarine cbaaed the French ateam er Karnak, carrying 160 paseengars, all night last night la the Medlterra nana. Tho vestal eventually escaped destruction. A panic reigned on the llaer for a while. There were aarvlvora of the submarined British vessels MMaletoa and Abella on tho Karnak, aad they were terrorised. These passengers strapped lire preservers about them selves, and the llfeboata awung out all nlgbt. IIIIIKIATIXO COMPANY BUILDING NEW TOWN I.AKKVIBVY. Jan. 6. The Oooae Uk Valley Irrigating company today moved their nffloea from the Heryford building to tho west aide. The new officea'are located half a mils from the Carrlker ranch. Sev eral buildings have been erected, and it is probable that a town will be es tablished there. The name of the new town will be Drawn. All work or the ooe will be car ried on now at the new headquarters. This wm put the head oftoe nearer the base of operations, and greatly fa cilitate the administration of the work. Conscription Says Secretary Garrison United Praia Mrvlee WASHINGTON, D.'C, Jan. 6. American must adept voluntary mil try training, or faee aoaaeriptlon, Secretary Oarrlson warned tba aatloa (y. U the opening of Uearingsoa wWtary prapareaaese before the "tomuueeonmUiurysJUUr. OarrasM entered 'at a tarte tending army m aot oaly wisalrlMt FIREMEN ASKED TO CITY WANTS DEPARTMENT uk city affair, am) not an independent organization, ah at present A Meeting f the flni committee of tho city council and a coromlttoe from tho fire department U schaduled next Tuosday night. At that time, It U bolloved, ami will ho taken for, changing the present organisation of the fire department. Members of tho city family feel that tho volunteer II ro department should b under tho direction of tho city, In other Oregon towns. They say that under the present system, the depart ment Is practically uu Independent or .sulfation, which tho city helps sup port but cannot direct. There has been much talk of la to regarding the organisation of the flro department. Home old members al lege Hut the fund the department has accumulated through tho years from tho Investment of funds from dances, etc., amounting to about f 1,200, wan divided among fourteen members of tho department recently. The city offi cials say that tho firemen havo at least a legal right to mnko such a division, although tho fund, one which belonged strictly to tho firemen, waa supposedly for replacing firemen's clothing ruined at fire, paying med ical bills of members Injured at fires, and similar purposes. The volunteer firemen met tho council Tuesday night, and the mat ter waa discussed. The firemen are willing to make whatever changes In organisation tho council directs. It Is understood, and the coming meeting U to talk over these affairs. PUBLICITY PAYS AH BKHULT OF AN ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN. LIQUOR ORDERS FROM ORGEON ARK RAPIDLY CUMING IN NOW HOKNIIHOOK, Cal.,Jan. 6. Newa paper advertising In Oregon during the closing months of last year Is now showing its effect In the consignment of thousands of packages of liquor through the mails to points In Oregon. According to the provisions of the prohibition law, no more liquor adver tisements will be carried in tho ore con papers, so the liquor shipping houses In Hornbrook must depend on the card Index of nearly 400,000 Ore gonlana. Tho wIioIohoIo liquor house In Hornbrook, established In tho sum in or In anticipation of big business supplying thirsty Oregonlans with II auor. looks forward to n steady and llnxMaalnv ilnmnnd when tho llQUOr bouaht from aaloons and liquor stores before they closed at midnight, De comber 31, 191C, la exhausted. Ro- ports from many Oregon cltlea and towns are to the effect that when the saloons and tho liquor stores closed their doors they had little or no stock left, as cltlaena laid in a supply. A second company haa purchased Possibility but "utterly futile." He amid his con tlnentafl army Is the only feasible al ternative for compulsory military training or oonscrlpUc. "The nation'! lategrlty, Its wy ex Istenoe, may, depead upon what it done at this time," said Oarrlson. The war secretary stated ehsU Ue federallslag of the tUte anlllUa to Us peeaiMe, aa Ue government Utka the authority to take auah aetlos. REORGANIZ H0RNBR00K FINDS n : : r. ... , Suez Canal, New Scene pf War JZJ& Z1 ft dJsWduj.lt iBM . J 1 for "" m.BUSlNH' . i ''d. 'sUeaaV""" alsWsHsls' i mm'z?mBs " cantor l?'eSL?4'IN eTaerMiIeiS Hon the (lemmas are striving to make an attack on theHues canal and Kgypt to tail the British tine of com munication with India, aad aa a result the whole Urttlsh empire is awakened to the danger. Tho Germans, or min er the Turka undor command of Qer- man officers, expect to haul theltjnu nlttons of war down the Oriental rail way from Constantinople to Bosanti. There the road boa not been complet a site and built a largo warehouse for tho purpose of entering the mall or der liquor business for Oregon and Washington. An application for a li cense made by this company to the board of supervisors of Siskiyou coun ty will be decided this week, aa It waa postponed on account of a protest. Tho first company la expecting ordere from tho state of Washington. When liquor Is delivered the pa tron must give an affidavit before the agent of the transportation company, for which he pays five centa. A San Francisco brewing company advertis ed In Oregon papers that an allowance would be made for all empty beer bottles roturned. ICE RINK WILL OPEN T NOT A BIT BEHIND NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORT LAND, KLAMATH FALIJ HAS ITS 'HIPPODROME" Tho latest winter Innovation for Klamath FallB da an ico akating rink. Thla will open tomorrow night, unleaa tho unforsoen happens. The rink Is at the corner of Fourth and Willow streets. It nas a giaas- llko surface ot thick Ico 150 feet square, and there are UghU Illuminat ing the pond, a skate room ana omer conveniences. Oscar E. Wllley la the responsible party. He has been working for the past week on the project, and his ef forts have been rewarded with the finest lee Imaginable. There will be akatea for rent tor those who do not possess these winter time steeds, aad skating will be In order every even- lac. Typewriters aad women tpyUts will take a prominent place la the aew eaV imm, svsteaa la, the franca war osloe. 0M0RR0W ed otcr the mountains, and It la neces sary to use motor trucks to Tarsus. After a railroad trip to Oamanle there in another motor trip to Radjo, mak ing m all lWWIeattf motor traaoper- tatlon for the munitions over roaoa which have not heretofore known mo tors. Tho railroad then leada oa to Milan, threo hundred mllea across the desert from the canal. The whole distance from Constantinople to Milan Is 1.320 miles. SIEMENS PUZZLED BY MAO DELAY BANKER THIS WEEK RECEIVES PAPERS DATED 1MM, AND WOR RIES UNTIL DEMUCLL TELLS HIM THE STORY ; if you, Qentlo Reader, should go to 'the postofflce and find there awalUng Uou two nepers, wrapped In alngle I wrappers, marked "delayed la tran sit," you'd open them right away to see the date, wouldn't youT Captain U. W. Slemena did likewise this weeg Rut Siemens received a worse oit when he opened tho papers. One was an Issue of the Weekly Express dated October 18, 1906. The other Isaue nr th ions- defunct "Excuse" waa dated November 15 ot the same year, How these papers could have been nine or ton years on the way from the mailing room of the Expreaa office to Siemens' postofflce box was' a ques tion that caused the genial captain serious concern, in fact, bank em ployee allege that hie mind waa to preoccupied by this apparent groaa neglect by the postofflce department that he was off almost a nlckle In fig uring tho Interest due on a $100,000 noto a customer came In to nay off. Hone waa raised In the captains heart that If these papers were so long In coming through, there might be a nnihintv of his receiving some ot the payments promised him by par ties he helped out yearn ago people who left promising to send tho money hack right away. But these hopes were dispelled by Pnat master W. A. DoImU. who ex plained to Slemena that he found the papers In the basement ot tne post offlce quarters, one or tn papers contained an account of the founding ot the American Bank ana Trust com pany-, with Siemens as cashier, aad tha noatmaster decided -the ancient lasuea would he good souvenirs for the man who has since heeame preeldeat of another banking institution whlea has absorbed the old Amerleaa earn ptay. CRATER LAKE TO BENEFIT BY BILL HAWI.KV'H MKAHUftK KKCKNTIiV IXTHODl'CEU I'ROVIDKH FOB L'HING I'AIIK KKVENUKS FOR I'AUK IMl'IMJVKMKXT The following measure bus been In troduced in congress by Representa tive Hawley: "lie It enacted by the senate aad house of representatives of the United States of America In congress assem bled: "That hereafter the proceeds of all leases, licenses, franchises and per mits of every kind la the Crater Lake National Park, and all other revenues that may be derived from any source connected with the park, ahall be de posited la the treasury and expended on requisitions approved by the secre tary of the Interior and under his di rection In tho management of the park and construction, repair and Im provement of the roads, trails and bridges In the park." EIGHTEEN CARS OF STOCK LEAVE OVER FIVE HUNDRED FINK OAT- TLE ARE SMIPfD TO CALIFOR NIA FOR RANCHlSTOCK GBR- BER SHIPS HOGS A tralaload of breeding cattle ware shipped from Klamath county today on the "stock special,1' going to stock a big ranch at Athlone, Merced coun ty, which haa been secured by D.iM McLemore, who has been buying and selling stock here for the past five yean. The shipment of cattlo comprised 524 head of cows and helfera and twenty-odd bulls. They are an excep tionally fine lot ot cattle, and were purchased In the Sprague River, Wood River and Yonna Valleys. McLemore paid close to $10,000 tor the lot McLemore has leased 34,000 acres of Merced hind for stock raising, se curing It from the Chochllla Land company. He plans to carry on stock raising on a large scale, bidding for the southern market Louis Gerber, our local diversified stockman, sold S10 hogs to Charles Horton for the Western Meat com pany thla week. These went out on today's train also, and the train con sisted of eighteen carloads of stock, all destined for California points. HORSE BUYER IS COUNTY JOHN DOE NORMAN SIMPSON IS INDICTED IIY GRAND JURY ON CHARGE OP STEALING A HORSE FROM A DAIRY RANCJ1FR The identity ot the "John Dee" in dicted by the grand Jury December Slst became known today. This is Norman Simpson, a young horse buy er who was in Klamath county last summer, purchasing steeds. Simpson Is charged with larceny ot a horse. The animal alleged to have been stolen belonged to Louis Steril of Dairy, aad It is charted that Simp son took the horse along-with other horses after cowboya had told him tho horse belonged to Stent. Simpson has been located In Wood land. The authorities there hate wind the sheriff's oftea her that they can arrest Simpson any time, hut that he states ho will not return to Oregon without extradition, and that ha will Sght extradition efforts. 'District Attorney Irwla, today pre nared extradlttan paters to be for- WMffWW W AMERICA HARDLY LIKELY TO ACT IN PERSIA CASE XO FURTHER LIGHT 1ft THROWN OS THE AFFAIR Only Cause for Further Parleying Would Be a Freak Statesneat by I Aastrla That the Vessel Was Tor pedoed Without Waratac aad Bach a Stateiet Is Hardly Likely, la the Light of Reeeat Notes. United Presa Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. . America may never protest the slak ing of the Persia by a Teuton subma rine. High officials today said that only after a frank admission by Aus tria that the vessel was destroyed without warning could the United I States make a protest. Such an admission, unless accom panied by unquestionable evidence that the attack waa not Juatlfled is hardly likely. It would meaa a renun ciation of tne coneeesiona made by Austria In the Anoona correspond ence. Dtsostches from American Consul Carrels, at Alexandria, Indicate that the government now haa all tho in-' formation regarding the Persia sink-, ing that is likely to be obtained, leas more Is sent from Vienna or Berlin. Affidavits by survivors, he says, tbrowno xtereUght on the tragedy.; NEW EMPEROR TO BEHEAD ENEMIES REWARDS ARE OCT FOR ARREST OF THOSE OPPOSING THE MON. ARCHY THREATS TO SECEDE ARE HEARD IN SOUTH United Press Service SAN FRANCIBCO, Jan. 6. In a cable to the "China World," a local Oriental paper, Pekln advices say Em peror Yuan Shi Kal has offered big rewards for the arrest of Leong Ki Chu, a prominent statesman, and oth- er leaders of China who have opposed his ascendency to tho throne. Pekln advices received are alao to the effect that the governors of tne two southern provinces have appealed to Yuan to stoD the monarchial form of covernment Thoy threaten to secede, and to support the revolu- ttonnry movement Shlpplngtonite Robbed. Fifty-five dollars In gold was taken from a purse In tho room ot Jack Ryan at Shtpplngton last night. A warrant waa Issued today for a sus pected party. Ryan says the Intruder took only gold, leaving $10 In silver untouched. In England women are barred from practicing either aa lawyers or oar- state into a reserve oorpe ior ww Bar risters. t1. Policy Regarding Farm Land in Reserve (Herald Special Service) WABHINQTON. D. 0.. Jan. 6 In his report tor the last nscal year, tha secretary of agriculture makes quite' plain the department's .policy In regard to agricultural lands within he national forests. The report also states; "It to the department's policy to make) available lor settlement all tods whlea are chiefly valuable for MEXICAN POLICY OF WILSON GETS SENATE ATTACK PRESIDENT 1H ASKED FOR Df- FORMATION New Mexico Senator Introduces 1 Itition Bewailing aa Explanations ," of the Recogaitfoa of Carranaa by the AdBJoMratJos Thfe tion Is Adopted Uasulmoissly I 'Goes to Vote. United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C.. Jan. . Senator Fall of New Mexico today opened the fight oa the administra tion's Mexican policy by Introducing a resolution questioning the existence ufa government In Mexico. Tha reso- lutlon declared that the senate haa no ofllclal .knowledge of the presi dent's dlploamtlc dealings, especially the recognition of Carranaa. The senate unanimously adopted rail's resolution. This asked speetle information from President Wlleen i ... . irt - garaing tne Mexican proDieaa. "The administration's act haa not 'been squared by fair words and strong phrases in messages," said Fall. Tar" the tlrst time in the history of the na- un-Ltlon, a president haa dared to ignore the senate in such an Important ter. MEDFORD CAMHDATm FOR CITY OFFICES ENTKR RACK MEDFORD, Jan. 6. The last day 'fortheUUng of candidates nemos for Ube city election, to be held on Jaaa Inry 11, brought forth n number "of j announcements for offices. E. T. Foss, present Incumbent, and Martin McDonough, a former merchant have filed tor city recorder; City Treasurer Gus Samuels, who baa held otke ttwe temg wIU aTa ,,( J- W. Shirley, an accountant and a 'schools. Dr. J. J. Emmeaa will op pose Councilman Weynski In tho tret ward., Tho second jracd has three candidates for the council Dr. J. W. Keene, T. G. Burrows and George L. Trelchler. C. W. Davu.fs unopposed in the third ward as candidate to one-, coed Councilman I. W. Miles, rho re tires. ,,-, .... Ar 'I ,... --- w trail or wmot vn SiAamaui United Press Service saukamkntu. Jan. o. seventeen hunters and trappers today .campaign of extermination in county against rabid coyotes. bera of the board of health expect that the epidemic which has bean raging, s lu Lassen and Modoc counties will be. wiped out in this manner in a short time. A similar number of hunters .sue-, ceeded in killing more than 100 rabid coyotes In Modoc county. Plans are now under way in renn- IsylvanU to muster the women of that Gven ' (farming! In order to open such arasfefe ., uuoixi v .-w-..- - --m - Wy,!i Urge tracts found to so TMMemsprv i agriculture or uasultea for peraMA'iAl nnnl fnrmmt nuronaas IM sHmiaSMOa. ? n 1 ........ .-. . ,. r . - ---,.--;-- --, (V During the last tve;yea;a4mf is,-j 000,000 have seea releases.- -im.wm.i dltlon. individual tracts ere and opened to entry i tion of home seekers; I - - -' - '-" '"" ilA w"P. (ceauaues w,gsmif j . .. . tn M . l9i Ft pit ' ''it- ". .. ..z&r -'.'Sh