I iM rf. - 'M .( .. "' i. 1.1 kW "f: atty Eunlng ItmtUi ' KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER , J ttSTJfCT3Sgr321SJgUtJnS6IT Tenth Year Ne. 8.SS1 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1916 Price live Ceais $a Preparedness and Submarines Bother Wilson i J -)J-Tj,jvijTjrinru'VVUiAi riVi""" ,. ...i. CABINET TO GET TOGETHER OVER PERSIA SINKING MEETING WILL THIN OUTLINE NIW POLICY President and SeersUry of Stste Art Silent, While Awaiting Full Dstslts Regs-dins the Sinking of the Persls. taring ths Present Crlala Will Have en the Aneona Dispute la Ola-cuaaaa). CONSCRPTION ELKS AND DEARS SHETLER KILLED COAST TONIGHT IN EXPLOSION OF ! INTRO BUCED IN S. P. POMP HOUSE COMMONS TODAY MEMBERS OF LOCAL LODGE AND LADIES WILL ENJOY BPORT ON THIRD STREET AND ENJOY RE-FREBHMENT8 United i'ress Har vle WASHINGTON, l. C, Jan. 5.-lre-Ident Wilson will call tho cabinet to nether Friday roornlnic. at which time It lit expected that tho administration's submarlno policy will bo determined upon. In tho meantime, It In hoped, details regarding the I'nntlu -Inking will arrive. A hot debate enaucd In tho senate to day over the foreign situation. Sen ator Stone ended a warm discussion which threatened to embsras tho ad ministration's foreign policy by with drawing hla consent to tho confedera tion of the laaue by the foreign rela tion, committee. At tho conclusion of n conference Tho first nodal function to bo hold In the now HO.000 homo of Klamath 1'nllN IxhIkh No. 1217. II. 1. O. Ktks. v 111 bo tho HcrvlnK of coffee and sand- wlclien and a abort social hour tonight. fntlowltiK a couulo of hours count Ink'. Kverv nvaltablo count I lie bobnlod In town has been bogged, borrowed, rent ed or stolen by tho "DUIh." Thcno will bo imrd by tho Elk parties In coasting on Third street from 8 until 10 o'clock, when tho assemblage will enjoy the re freshment. PLANT COMPLETELY DEMOLISH ED BY BLAST IRELAND 1 IS ONLY TErm EXCLUDEO ITORY i i Wll Known Railroad Man and Muil- All Single Men Between Eighteen and clan Leaea Life In Mysttrleua Explo sion Which Wracked tha Railroad Pumping Plant at MLHebron, Which Waa Under Hla Charge Body Found, Early Today. 1 Forty-One Years, Unless Engaged in Indispensibje Occupatlona, Are Liable to Enlistment Italians and Bulgarians Nearlng Each Other In the Balkan -1 COYOTE BOUNTY IS RAISED TODAY COUNTY COURT RAISES EXTRA BOUNTY TO 15 FOR SIXTY DAYS. WOOD RIVER PEOPLE TO PAY1 EQUAL AMOUNT .... .. - ..i- .i n "" - -j Koporta oi me uiscovcry o. us in- with Wilson today, Secretary Lansing f(eU.d nppirvntly with rabies, and of said be waa atlll waiting "or facta. He l .., i..,int. rim,i ,n iim noroh "HV TM-Ff -,- "- - t of it rnncn nouse, nave conviacou wu county court that unusual precautions t Albert Shotler, woll known In Klam nth Falls, lost IiIh llfo early yesterday evening In an explosion which wrecked tho Southern Pacific's pumping station at Mt. Hebron. Shelter waa In charge of the plant, and shortly before the blast ho was heard playing hU cornet. The causo of tbo explosion U a mys tery as yet. Communication with ML Hebron Is anything but direct, but from what baa been learned It Is be lieved that gasoline, which was used In tho priming of tho distillate engine used at tho plant, started tho bloat Tho plant was eutrcly destroyed by tho force of tho exploson, say ML Ho bron advices. Shotler could not be found last night, but early this morn Huerta Reported Very III U. S. Guard Is Doubled Cult ml Viota ScrHlce LONDON, Jim. C.I'remler Amjulth today Introduced the conscription bill. Ireland Is alone excluded from the provisions of the ftlll at present. J lie oill exempw uacueiurn uuu wiu- on-iih who are engaged in "lndispensi- bio occupations," such as munitions making nnd railroading, those support ing relatives, and' those who aro. con scientiously opposed to war, '08 the Quakers. All single men between 18 and 41 are declared liable to draft. Widowers without dependent are also liable be tween uie saint ages said be waa atlll waiting for facta. He exDccls advlcoa from Ambassador Pen- field at Vienna today regarding the I'erala sinking. indications aro that time will be giv en for specific requoata that Austria nld tho administration In determining tho nationality of the submarine sink ing tho Persia. It seems evident that other negotia tions between tho two countries iim clintfng. Lansing said there would liamly bo another noto rcgnrdlnr: tho Ar.cona. Ho also denied considering n lime to Austria regarding tho Pernio. Austria's delay In acting Is aaerlbod to delay by the submarine commander in reaching hla baae. Officials bollovo Mint If an Austrian submarine aunk i ho Perala, Austria will take acUon without any ultimatum from tho Unit ed Plates. Open to Dancer. Tho club rooms of the Moose Lodgo will hereafter be thrown open to thoao who participate In the dancing festiv ities that will be held in tho Moose Hall Friday eventnga. must bo tuken to prevent tho spread of the rabies epidemic In Klamath Countv. To iiinlco the killing of coyotOH profitable enotiKh lo occupy tho whole attention of hunteis, the court this morning nmcndod their recent order for extra bounty by making the extra bounty 15 per bend. This extra boun ty Is effective until March 1st. This, with the 1.60 per bend paid Jointly by tho atnto and county, makes tho boun ty 16.60. Desldcs this, Fort Klamath stock men will pay an additional f 5 per head for all covotes killed west of tho Wil liamson Illver, north of Klamath Agency and south of the Drown ranch on tho Klamath Marsh. They Inform ed the court today that they would make a special bounty of equal amount to that of the court. "At 111.50 Dor hoad. to sny nothing of what may bo realized from tho pelts, coyote hunting should prove profitable United Press Service .IIPIIPVQ tan K 1 ntn ArtvtnAa 1.1V uwuu ... ......, - ... i .W..U..U. ....... u. u... ...... . -.-, lng Marchers found his mangled re- tho Kalians may soon be fighting the trains In the pit at tbo plant Bite. Bulgarian army. Forty thousand Bui- Mr. Shollcr was ubout CO years of pi.rs aro moving westward, and aro . . .. .......I . ... . . ,i .,. it... n tin 1 1 iirviv,.ii ii v ins who. wnu nnw wiioin iwoniy-ciKui uuicb ui uui- resides hero, and thrco daughters. Mrs.jario. which Is held by an Italian gar- O. Dollarhldo or Algoma, Mrs. war rison. miorlto Moriran of Weed, nnd Mrs.) Ilennotl J. Loftagaard. who was mar- United Press Service -in,! .inHnif IWnmhor. PCTROGRAD. Jan. b HH UHlBBin - --- All along tho Shasta division, Mr Shelter wnH known and loved by rail road men. Ho waa especially woll Dispatches say that tho Itusslana have re-occupied Czcrnowltz. Itusslan guns aro ahell Ir.i; the south bridge heads in an at- known In Yreka and Montague, where! tempt to ford tbo River Prueth north ho and his family resided for years. and his children went to school. As a musician Shotler was also wide ly known. Ho baa taken an active Interest In bond and orchestra work cast of Czomowltz. United Press Service LONDON. Jon. 6. Under War Sec retary Tennant today stated that the Interest in bona anu orcnesxra wor b Septorabcr wherever ho has been stationed In nisi long connection with tho Southern ..--a- .a t.-. hI.vaiI b Mrnnt In thiv"' ,ww M..n.. Klamath Falls band this aummer. Hia Inst local appearance was during tho recent Fcldman meetings nt tho M. B. church, when ho rendered corilet num bers. As yot no arrangements have been mado for the funeral. (Continued on Page i) Watchful Waiting' Sums Up Russia's Attitude Now (United Praia Staff Correspondent) PBTROORAD, Jan. 6. Watchful waiting, that well-known American pol icy regarlng Mexico some months ago, sums up the war situation in Russia today, but watchful waiting In Russia haa a meaning all lit own. Whereas Uncle gam, after experi menting a few pln-pricka In bla pa tience, remained passive, tho great RuMlan bear after auitalnlng a healthy, Hfe-aized wallop on hla tendor anout let out a roar that shook the earth con tinents away. Reduced to plain Eng lish the roar waa; "01 ve me munitions; 1'vo got enough raw." Tkai wa aavars.1 tnnnthu .. Ilus- ala'a gmtest araeaal, near Pttrograd, bad beg Mow to fragtata; tin a Mm tiflnmi IHkg NlgMaa, ylaMlat KLAMATH PINE IS T FOR 0. S. PREPAREDNESS SEEMS DOOMED. FOR A DEFEAT 7- 1 -it LEADERS OF BOTH HOUSES ARB.il OPPOSED Hearings Before' the House MIIKewy Committee Will Begin Tomerrew. Congressmen Explain Their Oppeet tlon to the Measure by Sayhtfl It Does Not Suit the Majority of Their Constituents. I United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C. iui. 8,-t1 v.as authoritatively learned today tkat tbo administration Itself believes the president's preparedness program Is beaten, unless it Is materially modi fied, y, I The deflection of Senator Kerm, the 'democratic leader In the senate, from i the support of the admlnlatratlo seems the final proof. This leaves the ' program without the support of tkau 'majority leaders In both booses. j Wilson is receiving discovaglBc.re , porta from the, centers ot.oppoaHl. especially regarding Secretary Oarri 1 son's army increase plan. Theveoa gressmen say their people at home do not like the program. t The preparedness hearings weref: started today before the house axsamtt- tee on naval affairs. These sessleu j promise to last for months. Hearings on the army preiaredness plans start tomorrow before the mill t --. ... utry uuuir conuniiiee. United Press Service iQuantity of pus was taken from the pa-J The administration Is confident teat EL PASO, Texas, Jan. 5. Vlctoriana,.t,ml'8 8lde- at least two battleships and a number Iluorta. former dictator of Mexico, is In view or theract tnat wuenais oe- of auxilliary vessels wUlliially be lint Triolrl its nwflft thn notion Of tbe fed nntThnvtva1 . nA .... 1 nn ntl(lli otnl'tnrr horA t. Al . iiliuiu-u o '!'") -., .. - , nrt 1llr chnrEO Of VlOlatlne Oonntnr Phnlnn tnAnv Intmriiuvui m. """ii . ."j -r..- . American nouiruniy, uuira oiawa m- nm ror a iu,uuu,vuv uniiea sanii family and the family priest are at his rials are somewhat skeptical regarding naval academy, to be located on San K..rlol.lA and ronnrta QflV his Hnflth Is hi., rannrtorl sarlmia rnnfltllnn. fTbfiV rMnMaM TIav expected at any hour. fp.-r that this is a ruse, and to rrus-l Hucrta's Dhvslclan is in constant at tendance this week. Today he issuedjuim across the border, tho guard ASSAULTING WITH KNIPE VICTORIANA HUERTA IVIIUH11VV IMW ..v. wm w .w astatement that the third operation was performed last night, and a largo SOUGH FIREMEN ANSWER 27 CALLS IN '15 LOCAL PRODUCT MAY BE USED IN FLOORINQ AND INTERIOR FINISH OF FEDERAL BUILDINGS OF COA8T to tho Auslrian-Qorman steam roller, had been driven from tho Carpathlana back into Russia and had lost war- saw nnd tho wholo of Poland; there wnu noililcal dlssentlon In Russia; alarming semi-rovolutionary outbrenka wore occurlng here and there; the ever advancing enemy was threatening oven Moscow, nnu mo greaiuni "i tho DaWlc, Riga, appeared to be about to fall. In winter boars usually hibernate, but all those things and more which happened to tbo Russian "bear" in tho summer and fall of 1915 precluded any Idea of his going into winter quarters this year. Russia Is today the most ac tive winter bear extant. Russia haa now mobilised her In dustries and shells and other muni tions In groat quantities and .art be- (CoBtlausefoB Pagt I) FIRE CHIEF'S REPORT SHOWS THAT 7.7SO FEET OF HOSE WERE LAID, AND FIRE LOSSES TO TALLED $11,500 According to Flro Chief Wakefield's annual report, tho Klamath Falls vol unteer Ore department answered twonty-sevon alarms during tho year 1915. At these they laid a total of 7,650 feot of hose. Tho proporty damage caused by these fires aggregates 111.600. Of this, $5,460 was covered by Insur ance, Tho council has authorized tho pur chase of n complete fire record for Wakefield's uso. This makes It pos sible to tabulate all details regarding every flr, Its cause, damage, etc., in formation that Is valuable for under writers and loeal bulMsrs seeking to minimise the Ire danger in rmiwmg they matt-set PEOPLE TO TALK OF BAR CLOSING PUBLIC QUE8TIONS ARE TO BE DI8CUSSED AT MEETIN08 AT THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH EACH WEDNE8DAY NIQHT nriiiinn mi nimrters nas oeen uuuuit-u. Since his arrest, Huerta has failed jtjDiteii L'rc Service islbly. He has agea ana oroKen in SAN DIEGO. Jan bcaltbi and for a time this summer It was feared that he would not live until tlio grand jury session. Tbu case was to have beett invest!- 5. James Cot- roUi. tbe San Francisco fight prossoter, was arraigned today on charge of as sault with n deadly weapon. H. J. irAAH.x nwtxivm fwMntat f 4 task, asBeu! J'UUlf. il HULL. (71 UlUlUVKIi MS fbSBtV -W-SW gated Tecembcr 20th, and Huerta and plaining witness, and be alleges that' .. nr hia nnnomia wnrn nvnpf-tn tn irnninin si.iDDea mm iu in uvea. wiv have testified at that time. Huerta's a paper cutter. Illness, though, caused a postpone- conrotn aenies inia. we says taw n-ent. j wholo affair la a "frame-up." The following lotter has been re ceived from Senator Harry Lane, and the matter taken up with local lumber concerns by Secretary Fleet: Tho government la making uso of southern yellow plno for flooring and other Insldo finish for public buildings to bo erected in Oregon and other Pa cific Coast stotoa. I have been Inform ed by those who seem familiar with tho subject that Oregon produces an good a quality of -yellow pine as any of the Southern atates. I see no rea son why Oregon yellow pine should not bo used In publlo buildings erected In Oregon. I would esteem It a favor it you will kindly ascertain for me whether tho mills in vour locality could furnish a rood oualltv of yellow Pine, and also whether or not It could be furnished the eovernment at a Price which would meet competition from the manufac turers of such material la the South ern atates. It seems to me that the charges for freight across tho country (Continued on Pag 4) A meeting of more than ordinary interest is to bo held in the Presby terian church tonight, beginning at 7:30. The pastor, Charles T. Hurd, la busy today inviting the people to at tend nnd take part In what promises to bo a live discussion of the subject. "Too I'roDiems urowing uui oi iuo Closing of tho Saloons in Klamath Falls." Tho discussion will havo as a more snecltlc phase of tbe subject, the con ditions which may call for aome ade quate substitute for the saloon for the men who used to frequent theso places. A large attendance is expected, and the publio Is cordially Invited to attend. Bill for Klamath Falls Federal Building Is In Changes Climate. Glen Jester, who has been 111 for several weeks, has been taken to Oak land, where he Is at Vablola hospital. The change, It la felt, will be benefi cial to the popular young shoe soles man's health, sirs. Dorothy Luce ac companied the patient to Oakland. True to his promise made to Klam ath Falls people during his visit here last summer, Congressman Nick J. Sin nott has taken the initiative in getting the question of a fedoral building bo fcro congress. He bas introduced a bill for such a btructure, providing for an appropriation oi sioo.ooo tor tno silo and cost of construction and fur nishing. The bill follews: A Bill Providing for a Site and Publlo Building for a Postofflce and Fed eral Court at Klamath Falls, Ore Ore eon: Be it enacted by the senate and house of representatives of tbe United States of America In congress assem bled; That the secretary of the treas ury be, and he Is hereby, authorised and directed to acquire, by puresase, MinriMnnaHnn or otherwise, a site. I cause to be erected thereon a sui tabes'?! building for the uso and accommaa-j tton of the Dostofflce. the federal eovrt J nnd for other governmental purposes m .. . ,-..- . ".;i at. luamiun runs, uroguu, ura . j said site and building not to eseeedj 1UV.VVV. . ji irinmnth Talln nffnrln lo kecara-B- federal building are being awfWtJM bv many sovernment ofDdals. TfsdenJ Judge Wolverton, who held ttsT$f Li4u. ham Innt Hummer, has: VStMk' vw. ..v.- .- ; . "t. , teeredto heln out In the fight and tfcs members of Oregon's senatorial tlon promise to aid the bill when It comes up te The aaiUtlonfor a f here boa been going eakatf for some Ur,yaB.7s eicat monins. roiwiffi ' twka saore tsjurible.Jaai beeotod, - Jl m t t f )