v -v i . f 'Ui I KWV . XI " r nsv&fT "t- " , I KLAMATH PALLS' OKIMCIAL NEWSPAPER a l KLAMATH COUNTY1 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER j, Tenth Year Ne. MW KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 3, 1916 Price Five Otata o I i iEutHthtn (Hh MORE VESSELS GO TO BOTTOM FROM SUBMARINE WORK BIO BRITISH STEAMER BUNK VIS TERDAV While Officials Ara Working en Details of Pcrala Tragedy of Laat Weak, Newa Cornea of the Sinking of tha Steamer Qlengyle In Mediterranean, and an Attack Upon Kempn Maru, Japanese Steamer. I'iiIikI I'rma Rorvlcti LONDON, Jan. 3. Tho llrltlitli liner Glency!" waa sunk by a submarine )ex terdny morning In the Mediterranean Hrn. While nothing definite I yet known, It U believed that there went IIcm lout a a mult. TI1I1 trim a larger veaael lltau Hip liner Prrln, tho linking of which by n Teuton submarine lnt week caused n I,Ik Ion at life. It la not betloved that tho Olengyle carried pmucngerw on thin i tip. She had a large crew, rowevr-r. An a result of tho recent submarine iuthltle In that eectlon, aeveral firm me reported to havn suspended their nailing through tho Hues canal. Utool report nay the Ulengyle wan xunk between Tort Said and Malta. Tin- Attacking veael la believed to bo one of tho fleet which aunk Urn Persia ami other vessel laat weak. Ii now appear thai tho Olengyle may have carried passenger, as Port Hald advice aay "all landed but mem ber of the crew." The Japanese steamer Kempn Maru khh nlo aubmarlned yesterday. The crew wan aaved. Thn newn of those two event nr rlvcil In tho inldal of the admiralty' florin to set detalla of the Perala (Ink ing. INDICTED ONES ARE ARRAI6NE0 ALL ASK AND RECEIVE FURTHER TIME BEFORE PLEADING CLOP TON ARRAIGNMENT SET LATE TODAY A. Ernest Iwrence and Mr. and Mm. Ouy Hunter, Indicted by thn grand Jury Friday on charge of murdering Mm. Alma Kuahne la tha battle at Dodd Hollow noma daya ago, were ar raigned In the circuit court today. All k for further time before pleading, ami this wna granted by Judge Kuy kendnll. Th Hunter will plead or take ac tion tomorrow. Fred Mllla appeared attorney for Hunter, and W. II. A. Ilennor for Mra. Hunter. Lawrence will plead Monday. Ho la 'Xpectlng a brother from Mlaaouri by Hint time, and the two will confer aa to what courae to puraue. Renner ap- Arrested on Charge of Second Homestead Move Thomu T. Favlnger, who haa been homoateadlng In the Dairy aeetlon, ia n hla way to Portland In tho etutody f a federal ofttoer, there to await tho outcome of federal grand Jury'a Probe Into a forgery charge 'agalnat him, Pavlnaer took up a homeitead in tal county, and In making hla afBdavit. ale, he awore that he had never Before exerclaed hla homeutead rlghU. The United mate Uad otka made a little laveatlgatloa, and allege that Favln ter heierteaded, and gMwrsa a pat Justice Lamar Dies; Aged 58 1 mmmmmmmmmBl I l'lBsviHI 1 1 IE iBHI - I r - jiaBWlrBBHI i ILiLHlBLHl IbbkbbkbbkBBbwsI m i 1 liililni 1 1 ibrIIIH 4 1 KBBBBBH' M dj I bESk! B J BBBBSrBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBL. ii BB1 I HmiiBKCCCcaBl I ilkf.? "bbkV II BB BKlyil..,.. BBBMBBBBM " i 1X3 BH BaaEHiEBBnnaaaaaV?y BSM IHbBEI HLHffi JUSTICE LAMAR rUiilUil I'lona Hurt Ice WASHINGTON. 1). C. Jan. 3. Joneph Itucker Ijimnr. nimoclnto Jus lice of tho Mupremtt court of tho United Klnten, died laat night nt hli homo In thin city. He linn been III for neerat tuontha. tjtinar won elmntod to the nupromo bench from Georgia flvo yearn ago. Ho wiii- a natUn of Georgia, and waa 68 yenra.of age. A coincident In connec tion with hUrtlemUe la that It waa Juat live yearn.acn today that he took the i mill of office ni n member of thn Unit ed Rtatea Hupreme Court, following hli nppolntmcnt by t'roaldent Taft. In hla nntle ntnte, Lamar practiced Inw tllh ucceiii, wna u member of tho legislature, n Juntlco of the atate kupremo court, nml wan nn active mem ber of tho coiumlimlon appointed to prepare tho crxlu for tho atate. Ho boa long been In poor health, and It waa duo to poor health that ho resigned during hi aecond term aa n Juallce of tho ticorglu court. During tho "A. U. C." conferencea held at Nlagnrn KalU, Ontarla, In tho hoitu of mediating tbo Mexican trou ble, Judge iJtmnr wo tho official del egate from tho United Stnte. Another Yankee S. Santo, nn employe of tho Pelican liny Lumber company, today declared bin intention of becoming an American ell lien, renouncing King Emmanuel. Couple WIII Wed A mnrrlugo llccnio waa laauod to day to Loandor Corbcll and Ida Skeen. Ilotli reside near Chlloquln. poured aa hla nltorney nt today'a pro- ccedlnga. Albert Mamado. indicted on a bur glary charge, wna also arraigned to day. K. I. Klllott, hla attornoy, naked until tomorrow before pleading to tho Indictmont. Tho arraignment of Hugh U Clopton on a atatutory charge will bo hold nt 6 o'clock thl afternoon. ent to (and In Nebraaka aeveral year ago. Deputy United Statoa Marahal Berry camo In late laat week to make aome Investigation. Tneae reaulted In tho arreat of Favlnger, and tula morning he Hjnrted for Portland in Iierry'a cus tody' Fnvlngor, it ia atated, doe not make a atrenuoua denial of the charge against him, He aaya he ahould have known better than to have tried to have taken up a aecond piece of Uncle gam'a laid. ft . FREIGHT MEET TOMORROW AT 3 QUESTION OF METHODS TO BE USED IN FIQHTINQ FOR LOWER FREIOHT RATE TO BE TAKEN UP AT MEETING j a iihtiiiu: or nil interested In secur lni: n reduction In freight rate from (outside polnttt to Klnmnth Falls will bo held tomorrow evening at tho city hall The meeting begin at 8 o'clock, nml nil merchants mid other Interest ed hid ti'lu'il to Httend. At HiIh (line, iilmirt will be mado for n freight rate reduction fight. The money neceiniiry for the eniloment of rate I'M'eitH to cmiy tin' fight before the Intemtnte Commerce Commission has been Nuhiirrlbed, pr.'irilcnlly, and nt to night' pension n cnmpitlgn of action III be decided upon. E IN LINE FOR THE BENCH SECRETARY OF INTERIOR SEEMS LIKELY SUCCESSOR TO JUSTICE LAMAR HAS THE SUPPORT OF WATER USERS I'ultcd i'resa Service WASHINGTON, I). C. Jan. 3. It I nuilclpnted that 1'renldcnt Wllnon will iiomlnnte n democrat to fill the vacan cy in the NUprcme court bench caused by tho death of Justice Lamar. In thl way he will avoid a change on the su preme courl'a. party line up. Krnnklln K. Lane, necrctnry of the Interior, In the mnn most strongly men tioned for the appointment. He has been uggested nn a possible Justice for some time, and Inst year, tbo water users associations on alt of the recla mation projects passed resolutions trusting that he would bo elevated to such a position If orcnftlon should arise. NEW PHONE RATE ON LOCAL LINES AT THE INSTANCE OF THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, HESSIO PHONE LINE8 REDUCE TOLL RATE8 Tho Stnte Public Service Commission Instructed tho Klamath Tel. & Tel. company of Fort Klamath to mako n general reduction In their rate for ser Wco out of Klamath Falla. Operation under tho now rate began today. A rate or 25 centa per minute will horeaftor be charged from Klam ath Falla to Chlloquln, Fort Klamath, Klamath Agency, Yalnax, Odeaaa, Eagle Ridge, Pelican Day, Rocky Point, Crystal, tho Cedars and Harriman Lodge. To Kirk, Klamath Marah, Anna Spring Camp, Camp Arant, Crater Lake, Wild Cat and Yanuay Valley tho rate will be 60 centa for three minutes. Twenty centa a mlnuto la the chargo to Modoc, Williamson River, Lelu and Courtade, IS centa to Algoma and 10 cents to Jamlaon. QRAPI GROWERS, ALARMED Y PROHIBITION, GET IUSV United Preaa Service SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 3. Accord ing to wort received here, grape grow era throughout the atate are planning to attend In large number the annual meeting of the California Grape Pro tective Association, which will be held here January 8th. The rising prohibition problem and the election of officer will be the prin cipal business of the meeting. SEATTLE, Jan. 3. The life saving cutter Snohomish reporta by wireless that she was driven ashore on Bain- bridge Island, ten miles out from Puget Sound, In a snowstorm. Tugs have been sent to her rescue. AN VESSEL BLOWN UP IN GOTHAM i HARBOR TODAY .FIFTEEN MEN ARE INJURED A8 A RESULT Norwegian Vesael la the One Destroy edHad Bean Carrying Oil to the ' Allies Qerman Treach Blasting in' Flandere I Deadly Ao the French-' British More Arrest by the Allies In Salonika Are Reported. " j Uiilli-d Press Sorlce i , NEW YORK, Jan. 3-jTlie Norwegian tanker Aztec was blown up nt thei Ilrooklyn dock today.ikhlle fifty men, were working nfL I t As it result, one Is deud, llftcc-n In jured, and seven are rdlsslng. Two tanks of oil In tho aft of tho esscl exploded. The Aztec sank soon nflciwnrd. Tho vessel has been carrying oil to the allies. Tho'govornment has order ed n full Investigation,- OKRLIN, Jan. 3. Today's announce ment says: "North of the road from Labossee to Hethune, our blasting operations have proven highly successful. The enemy's fighting and reserve trenches have been destroyed aa a result, and rifle men and machine guns killed hundreds of the survivors art they fled the trenches." , ATHENS. Jan. 3. Tho allies at Sa- lonlkn have arrcBtegLflfty-threo cen tral powers civilians, despite tho'pro toflts of Greece. Through United States Ambassador Henry Morgcnthau, Turkey has protested to the Allies, and threatens reprisals If tho prisoners arc not released AMSTERDAM, Jan. 3. Russian war bhlps have sunk two Germnn subma rines near Varna. I.ONDON, Jan. 3. Dispatches today stato that 45,000 men have been landed by the allies at the Gulf of Orfano, east of Salonika, to protect tho allies' right flank. STORM RAGING AROUND FRISCO FERRYBOATS SU8PEND OPERA TIONS, AND ONE DEATH IS RE PORTED GOVERNMENT CUT TER IS GROUNDED United I'resa Service SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 3. A wind and rain storm centering off the mouth or tho Columbia River la one of the worst felt In Northern California In some time. Tho Key Route ferry service across tho bay has been suspended as a re sult. There is a water depth of ten feet In tha Emeryvlllo tunnel. Trains are stalled, and one death Is reported here, whllo Oakland reports several In juries. FORD PARTY CAN CROSS GERMANY COP1CNHAOEN, Jan. 3. Germany has granted the Henry Ford peace ex pedition permission to Cross Germany on its way to The Hague for a peace conference. One conditio Is that the member of the party snail not leave the train while In German territory, The delegatea choae this method of reaching The Hague aa the aafest, fol lowing the recent submarine activities. The Hague conference will only last a few daya. The party plans to return to America January 11th. British Guns Going Into France w ttiPr 2 3-BHiS!SBxSBlBBBBB0aB'BBHK SBBBBBJBJBBftVSBBBBl tj;'' '4'Sfei?SgBtH5 BBSHBlsislliBBHsflHsHSHftgsi m "-"''i i jfmr 'nfrTiM BBsTOWHWgeMfrtssWiH U W'tfyft SiPSKlBBBBsSEiiPSHi 9b tMyw$9flBKBt ?H!m!FF'f sgeBsssl BJ ? . . sbWtMMWJ&Qm1kmlA SraBBVviEeBBBBBBBlEBm BBBBHBflBHBBBBHErSsBsBBBBMiBBflBflBBBvP H geBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBxBBB'SwBlBBBBBBBDlBBBBBsBBMHBBBBBBBB gjj PhBVBB&CHBBHs?vPBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH BJ) BBBBlBBBBBBBrsVSBlBSkTBBrEBPBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH IHKIBIHH9HbL IgeBBBBBSBBhBasBSBSssaBBBBBBBBHEBV pi SrBBBBBBFEtjf-DBlgBW BbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbBbbbVlhuUBM C2 gSSuBBU7TvT'4414p, " -i--"' t ! " 'l f?i ySveMlHNSVe'eBBBBBBWBVPlBPSjBBBBBBBBHH fi PI fJJBEr & --r - 3rt? T a wyvpBBsssMBJassssssggMst yb W EK-essSBH lfflsBBBBBBBSBBBsl K Ik pBsC.r iKlBBJiBBBr-,': vvnvriBissssssssssssssiSBissssssssssl m, B SSJfe2 U ? . r t S3Ki j wwtWiE "?Si?-?SiSBBBWBI Bl I This British gun is betng hoisted to It had Just been sent across the English north of France. Dorris Not sjjbjj -jaaosi-jocv-srr ' t- zezss, the Oregon Dry Law United Proas Service DORRIS, Calif., Jim. 3. Nineteen sixteen looks like a "largo ear" fdriberuien who come into town "to celo- Oregon went dry. Dorris is Just over the line from Klamath county, Oregon, ami already enterprising business-get-tcif are figuring on a "Jit" stage be tween Dorris and Klamath points, to aconmmodato the "thirsty." There is a payroll of 1100,000 a month at Klamath from the lumber In - TT0 6E GIVEN THURSDAY METHODIST CHURCH ORCHESTRA AND MEMBERS OF CHOIR WILL RENDER MU8ICAL PROGRAM AT THE CHURCH. I A musical program of real merit will be given at tho Methodist church Thursday evening by the M. E. church orchestra, under the di rection of Mrs. Charlotte Satterlee, and assisted by the M. E. choir. This orchestra ia a new organisation which haa mado good progress under the direction of this efficient leader. The program will consist of musical numbers of a high class order. Mra. Satterlee will also render some violin solos. In addition there will be choir, mixed quartet, male quartet, chorus and vocal solo numbers. immr una j C, N. Meyer has sold a quarter sec tion of timber near the Fort Klamath road, a few miles from Klamath Falls, to W. P. Devereaux, a Minneapolis tim ber man, In From Dairy John Liakey of Dairy la a county seat vlaltor. ellmans Move Office Bellman V Son are today moving from their former location to the White building, where they will conduct an Insurance business In connection with their realty business. ONCER ysssm&xzm t flat car to be forwarded to the front. Channel to the army fighting In the Sorry Over i dually alone, and Dorris figures to n-ap a nice, fat harvest from the lum- have spent their money freely in the Klamath Falls thirst parlors. In view ' of tho fact that two saloonmen of Klamath have Installed their bars here, aod arrangements are under way to provide an easy access to them, it is reasonable to believe that Dorris will never regret the Oregon dry law. To Modeato Mr. and Mrs. Claude Coseboom left this morning for Modesto, where they will remain for some time. Home Front Trip F. W. Broadsword, a well known Bonanza merchant, came In last night from California, where he has been visiting through the holidays. Here From Merrill G. W. Manning of Merrill is a coun ty seat visitor. Mr. Wiley la III Attorney Wilson 8. Wiley left yester day morning for the East, in response to a telegram advising him that Mrs. Wiley is dangerously ill. How the Italians Look at the War Year of 15 By ALICE ROHE (United Press Staff Correspondent) ROME, Jan. 3. When the orchestral guns have boomed their laat salvo and the big asbestos curtain of peace drops on Europe's war-torn atage, doubtless the world will begin to appreciate the rola played by King Victor in the great est tragedy of history. Act II was well under way before Italy joined the players and King Vic tor with hla tuft of rooster feathers ap peared from the wings. He had fre quently been mentioned In the lines, and no sooner had he strode upon the stage than be and the veteran actor Fram Joaef came to blows. WILSON OOCTRINE IS LATEST FOR A ! WORLDTO STUDY SUBMARINING NOTE FOR THE WHOLE WORLD Rights of Americans Everywhere la Next Diplomatic Question Adminis tration WIII Define Notes to Bui garia and Turkey Are Aimed to Cut orf Further Activities by Divers. Officials Excited. ' ' I'nMed I'ress Service WASHINGTON, D. C. Jan. 3. Pres ident Wilson's next statement regard ing submarining is likely to be a mess-age addressed to the whole world, an nouncing the "Wilson Doctrino".on the rights of Americans everywhere. Tech nically, this may be embodied in a message to Germany or Austria, but It will be intended for all nations. , The president has decided to return tomorrow and take personal charge of ' the diplomatic complications arising rron the Persia and Glen gyle torpedo- Mngs. It is reported that he haa called si cabinet meeting, to begin Immediately 4 upon his return. t Officials say "no effort should bc"" made to minimise the eeriousneM of the situation." It is estimated that an undentaatdA r ins with the central powers regarding submarining will be demanded. Boats-, demand the immediate recall of'Bacn- ; storff and Zweldinck; German and Ama ;trl.in embassy heads.' . a Several Influential senators are urg ing Secretary of State Lansing to go slow. Lansing today stated that notes had been sent to Turkey and Bulgaria contemplate? the heading off of any submarine outrages by these nations tr-i-the Austrian difficulty arising from the "Ancona disaster is settled. GETTER BRIDGES ON RESERVATION INDIAN 8ERVICE ENGINEER ASKS FOR STEEL AND COMBINATION SPANS ACROSS STREAMS DIFFERENT Recommendations for four new bridges to span streams on the Klam ath Indian reservation have been made by H. W. Hincks, in charge of recla mation work on the reservation. These are to be steel and steel-and-wood. The steel structure Is to span the Williamson river near Chlloquln, re placing the old wooden structure. Two wood-ond-steel bridges are to cross Sprague River, and the third will be across the By can. "Verona will fall before before Gorl- ? zla," shouted the Austrian. "Gorlzla first," retorted Victor and tho play went on. It was not until May of last year- that Italy declared war on Austria. Im mediately the Italian general staat'evt lined the following land pregram: 1 An aggressive, systematic. c tlon of the mountainoua northern' fr; 4-'-" ;g tier, Trentino and the Caralo 4tT " A' tong lorunea oy auiiw, eiiawew,ijuv make an Austrian invasion of IsaJrvf'': easy while standing ImpregnabltnBitVCn guarding agalnat an itauaa vasw ' W'j-y 8 An offensive oa nIaraisJM agalnat the Valley of tbIsW! & rr" (Continued on !$),' T - rs iftf o I-ltl l-l .(" !i .- I. K .J -'4y