f f i'K. '& ' .: s: MSi! rit- as? i 'JS WA-'Ml 3fttW."it'iTfck!,l feSafc.! WXt'l MSftf &! J' cs. !. ' . P.A saw Wgfa vs.is. ' ; T '"- J. VV t !TI UW r. &'X& IS &&3si-:L9'2t JS- KT J . SM s-teaim1 if.'Hftr7" F!K.' f Mlf&HZ'-it .rtv.VtX.rJefi41 li R'rf:.',:. i KH?iU , '."fUliLrf mifftYtM 1 if TIT. i"j - Ein iisa. .'Hi ' . "H v PI iter. ' &&&&(&? fit . 'I'.-'.AIrlW lvl.lMM,M. J p-?"4 " ; r" Pit'! - 1' i V : !Ui W j"!) -T. - r sWwfeafJto ?' mTsmiPs, , are -la-stt' & ammW a'huSBBI I .VfiVV .. ;v3gf-w'tif . J? s. Isold's OusfciAdn. ItSwiV h OVMT &.?! ''- - -- NoabT finlrtil enartmenta at the Orga House, Klamath, near Slttt BOB RINT Office rooms, olugl or rcsV suit; steam heat and all con MIwn. Inquire W. H. North, Odd J fiUewn Tempi. r v t POR RENT Netly furnlahdrooma. ; Rlceeplace. 888 Main. 14-tf FOR -RENT Four room furatahea aaartoaent at PitU flat. 825 Lincoln si-et -.if FOR SALE ft)R SALE Body wood, thoronsbly aaaaenad: orlea raaionabla. Phoao mw t fOR SALE doing to California; all ' aay furniture for sale cheap; house to rant, It wanted. No. 535 3d st IMt FOR SALE Second hand Ford In first alau condition. Central Oarata. f-3t FOR BALE CHEAP Four new qalck detachable clincher tlree, 34x4. Orerer NleL iBQUlre 'Whitman Drat Oa. lOtt SITUATION WANTED SITUATION WANTED tj practical Mia, cook or housekeeper. Paoae 888W. 87-ft MISCELLANEOUS BTRATED ON STOLEN Brown aura, weight lW, age 8 yean, branded J am left shoulder; If found notify X 8. Teeker, Trail, Oregon., and reeaire ra wari. S7-tt Removal Sale Gertrude & Co. Stlibf Out Entire Stock of MILLINERY Prior to Removal Increasing business .ravdrea a. "We take pleasare la aa we hare secured a. lease oa sa; McDonald Building oa tha Tf. M. aaraer of Sixth and Main, and wUl eaen there with an entirely new stock upon oar return from New York, about March -1st. In the meantime wa want ;ta dispose of our entire stock of Warned Hats and ChDdren'B MO Haeryand from now until the 15th of January, you can buy $10.00 Hits for 17.00 Hats for . 6.00 Hats for --82J0 -$1J Children's Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats from to 81.00 Skating Caps and Sets SOe te 81.80 Gertrude & Co. -v t13 Fourth Street PROFESSIONAL CARDS EfQHT PER CENT LOANS O N FARM LANDS ARTHUR B, WnOIf , 817. Main Street CITY AND COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. ABSTRACTS INSURANCE Members Oregon AsseelatlM Title Men Expert Plimbing SHOWERS, BATHTUBS, SINKS, Properly Installed Caesflet Line of SappUes and Eaadaeaent Pask, PiagU Lorftu T08 Main St S, MILLS & SON BBBBBsmMBUBBlABBBBml DSBBBrSmsVAea ;JSAAA aVasi mtsA KmsjIJ i BBsBssBaasBBsRsw j tt, eiessf sasssi vsiws 18 AiBMsmNLSv - "- f'X L-- 44i i- 1 J nli 'fl '.MX Jf i ll . v r T, ft- '-h2hSiMm i V ''.' v Jl ' S-rPJMHE8S?SW -i.!Ti.rr" " i tj b" ri. -w The Evening Herald W.O.SMITH Editor Published dally except laaday by Tha Herald PabUsalag Capay oi Klamsta Palis, at 111 fourth Stmt Entared at tha poetomce at BOaa th Palls. Oragoa. for transaussioB throuch th malt at ecoad-lesi aiattar. ttubscrlptloa terms by mail to an (ddrMi In tee (Tatted State:. Una raar la.uv Oaa noatb 10 KIJIMATH FALLS. ORBOOI SATURDAY, JANUARY 1. 1816 A NRW YEAR RESOLVE (By Fred Float) I BELIEVE In my town and my coun ty. I call It my town and my county, not because a large share of It Is mine, but because my small share of thb worlds goods are here, because what I will be able to gain will be gain ed here, because th food that I eat la raised here and because the future that plan for la laid her. I call It my town because I Iot it, must in u and wilt work for It, because th front rank It will aome day hold among American cities, will b In a factional way due to efforts I bar made to put It there. I bellere In my fellow townsman and countrymen. I want, them to succeed In their yarioua pursuits and to I coma contented. I resohr that dur ing the coming year, I will work harder to build up my home Institutions, that I wul endearor to forget petty quib bling and squabbling and that I will strlre harder to make my neighbor more prosperous, knowing that there by I wul become prosperous myself. I will take this method of wishing my self a Happy New Tar. (Lin for signature). Do you bellere In the sentiment abore expressed T If so, kindly cut It out; sign it and return to the Commer cial Club. '. Scattered Shots .' THE FACT THAT baby week la set for March, and that the story was Just released today strikes many aa Indi cating the administration lent aa atrong.for upTeparedaeaa, aa It claims to be. LITTLE 'SIXTEEN seems to be a good provider. Notice tha precipita tion he brought with him to offset th dryness which is to be prevalent. THE SKATING was Ideal yesterday. The coasting should be equally good today. F0NNY WHAT a difference a few hours make. Fellows who last night were yelling and cheerfully Introducing themselves as the "wisest guys" to Oregon, are today rather doleful, and they inform themselves and friends that they're the biggest d n fools to the world. A NEW YEAR reselve: of the Pelican City road. The repair EVIDENTLY THERE was some of the troublesome old "Bust Head" brand sold, last night. Judging from the ap pearance of a few faese. BUT WHEN WE think that 1818 Is the time for the election of a repub lican president and the resultant re turn of good times, ws all say "Happy New Year" advisedly. MANY'S THE check, letter, etc.. to be spoiled to the next few days because It's so hard to remember "1816." CIRCUIT COURT Wood-Curtis vs. Jackson; dismissed. December 31 Serico vs. Serice: lad ings, and decree granted. Fleming vs. Fleming, nndlnea and decree granted. Carlson vs. 8hlpIey(L.7M). demurrer submitted. WaUenburg vs. Dixon, demurrer sub- International Harvester Co. vs. Rec tor, default entered, evidence taken. Carlson vs. Shipley (L. 74). demur. w submitted. ubllo Library Reaert Tha following la th report C th librarian for th month of Nevember: Number of visitors; UH. Books distributed, 1,871. New books oa saslvss "Lit of Gold smith," Washington Irviaa; "inu- Lae,"Margnrst Saagatov; "Beat StoWes in ih et hook," (Juvenile) Jam S. Wait. Donated by Constance nshan-ttJt. tie Sir Gauahad." Lillian Holmes. DonatM by J, w. Tlsdqmet-rae 8pH of th Yukon- Rabert W. Srr I; Th Csrpstsr and,th Bask Man." Bouak WbJU. THE EVENING Novelist Who Dislikes Bald Heads lsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBiimmlBBBBBBBBr SbSSSBstoSSbbbbbbmbS Bs254SBsVS1BBBb!SVvC. fc. W aCPstBBhVbJBBVSBBBBgCW, WKPffiM8HfQNkmV "V RSsv?KSir8Jlj W.JBalESsMBBBBaiK'JBBBV . V IsBsBmamLlBJ "n , K ivssnXlr BBBBBBBBBBs8BRw.' vvW, . V Vl' t I sBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB)HBBjBmW8SmBBBmk8n-. y A l V. uBBsWv 3 BmBBwsaiM. 4ftaVS8JBWWt?hw T i' vsw IkAIilBBBBBBflPrm il V "laTkmw''' Tm vnn-r aH In a New Jersey court where her husband sued her for divorce and she brought a counter suit, Mrs. Irene Sheffield, author of "The Golden Hollow," told the court the kind of a man she liked. "My Ideal la a man with long, black, wavy hair that I can run my fingers through," she continued. Then she ABBBBBBB) nv RlW Al' ... sT's1s7Bf I SBBBBBBTk I .Z. sa -w m sVJsTBsjnT I BRj ytg Q14lsOml''sMUEXl BY MARGARET MASON (Written for the United Press) Stuck in her hair, milady fair A stunning comb elects to wear; It gives her such a killing air That all who see, with envy stare, Then haste to copy all they dare, Til every head a comb doth bear, Quite a la rooster, I declare. NEW YORK. Jan. 1 The new combs are enough to go to anybody's head, so gorgeous and effective are they. One shop Is offering a barbaric model dubbed Mandarin and to the forma of crescents, pagodas and other Oriental symbols they are elaborately carved and set with semi-precious stones to vivid hues. These combs are either tow three or four pronged and fit Into the new high coiffure most artistically. Other striking combs of brilliants set In silverlte, a metal which Is sworn not to tarnish, set off midnight or ruddy tresses to great advantage. Lucky the nmld who has fallen heir to an old 8panish comb for her hair. It'a an heirloom to be enthusiastic about, with Its spreading fan back of tortoise sbeu, mellow toned and exquisitely hand carved. The combination of such a comb( thrust at an angle into a high Knot of dusky heir is lrresistable. Then there are the glistening, high backed combs of Jet, the exclusive hair adorn- uent of the blond beauty; and to exact contrast, the lovely hand carved Ivory combs for her of the ebon tresses. Vic ing with the combs, artificial, flowers bloom on many a head. Wreaths of tiny rosebuds encircle coquettlsbly th r mJPK I FIRST STATE M SAVINGS BANK KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON , HERALD. KLAMATH turned to the court and pointing to her husband added, "My husband, you see. has little hair. He looks like a chestnut burr." Mrs. Sheffield wrote "The Golden Hollow," but her husband believing he was one of the villains of the book, tried to buy up the edition. Now she says he is a brute. high knot of curls drawn on top of the head to Victorian manner. A slngls perfect rose catches the elfish ringlets dangling to front of her rosy ear to an other revised antique coiffure and gar lands of mixed flora now usurp the temples which erstwhile the Greek, t (classic or castle, (as you will), band (bound. Chaste chapleta of leaves to natural green or gold or silver are fit ting embellishments of the demure, parted to the middle 1850 hair dressing now so much to vogue.. Th San Fran cisco fair, with its adjacent Chinatown, undoubtedly gave birth to the penchant for Chinese pins of bone, vermllllon tinted of Jade green, which bristle like the fretful porcupine out of many of the hard little knots of hair on the napes of the debunsntes. They an quit murderous looking as they jut out their long and slender points at all precarious angles. Quite in a. class aa a killing fashion are. they with the Jewelled dagger pins Lucille loves to thrust through her mannlkan's hair. But then, It Is only meet that hair adornments should also be hair raising. Ask CkUeote for a ISIS calendar. Herald want sds get results. Klamath Fall Athletic Club PAVILION Dancing Every Saturday Evening A Happy New Year Ushers in with our annual state ment Tula statement shows the splendid financial condition of this bank. After reading it w bay no doubt you will realise th advant age of having your account with such a solid institution. . FALLS. OREGON "Baby Week" Is Latest of National Observances I. ,. i i.r.. ..rvii-i Now York had a baby show, and Pitta '' WAS1 NOTON D. c. 4an. 1.-1816 . burg, and otb.r cU.es. Such practical Is llaby Year. The facts about Amerl- benefllthas In each cue resuUod that lean babies, the needs of American ba- the General Federation of Women 'bles. and America's responsibility to Clubs has undertaken to promote this her babies will this year bo known as natlon-wldo observance. Stat health never before, becftuso the first week In officials and national organisations In- March will bo "baby week" throuaboui tho country. r aa.M J AA mm m e il ti 1 1 1 M rtvtl llV more uiwi ivv vu.-m..-- - , 'sentlng every state in tho Union ,,"" "' ""'""" ,r ... Sing their plan, for baby week, ac-. oxt.n.lon division, of the state ieordlns to the Children Bureau of the i-o:Hlw he prombod im1ii iS-.JL.-t of i..w n order that ,s.tanc In lnero.tln and helping during those seven days tho needs of babies may be so presented that all the parents In those communities may learn a little better how to car for their babies, and all the cltliens will realise that they have a special obliga tion to safeguard conditions surround ing babies. And It. Is confidently be lieved by those who are Interested In this nation-wide baby week that the re mainder of the year will be marked by a strengthening of all community ac tivities for saving babies' lives and giv ing them a better chance to grow, to a healthy maturity. The baby week Idea originated in Chicago not quit two years ago. Then KDRHNK EOT WATER HF 700 DESIRE A ROSY COMPLEXION Say w sent hslp feel but to after an Inside bath. To look one's best and feel one'a best Is to enjoy an inside bath each morn ing to flush from the system the prevl ous day's waste, sour fermentations and poisonous toxins before It is ab sorbed into the blood. Just aa coal, when it burns, leaves behind a certain amount of Incombustible material to the form of ashes, so food and drink taken each day leaves In the alimen tary organs n certain amount of indi gestible material, which If not eliminat ed, form toxins and poisons which are then sucked into the blood through the very ducts which are Intended to suck in only nourishment to sustain th body. If you want to see the glow of healthy bloom to your cheeks, to see your skin get clearer and clearer, you are told to drink every morning upon arising, a glass of hot water with a teaapoonful of limestone phosphate in it, which is a harmless means of wsshing the wsste material and toxins from the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels, thus cleans ing, sweetening and purifying the en tire alimentary tract, before putting more food into the stomach. Men and women with sallow skins, liver spots, pimples or palid complex Ion, also those who wake up with n coated tongue, bad taste, nasty breath, others who are bothered with head aches, bilious spells, acid stomach or constipation should begin this phos- pnated hot water drinking, and are as sured of very pronounced results in one or two weeks. A quarter pound of limestone phos phate costs very little at tho drug store but is sufficient to demonstrate that just as soap and hot water cleanses, purifies and freshens the skin on the outside, so hot water and limestone phosphate act on the inside organs. We must always consider that Internal sanitation la vastly more important than outside cleanliness, because the skin pores do not absorb impurities Into the blood, while the bowels pores do. Adv. If yon are particular aboitVeSr fire Insurance, see Chlleote. 11-tf There are 8,817,371 persons In the United States whose mother tongue Is German. Subscribe for the Herald, 60 cents month. A college course in motherhood is about to be offered at the University of Chicago, Ford Cars Repaired Wo do Ford repair work exclus ivity. Satisfaction er money re funded. CARS FOR HIRE Hunts Falb A, ft. 1187 Main St hM 17 icresieu in puuiic pwu m i -.- fare have taken up the plan and In var ious ways are giving It not only their . ,M,.- " ' " The Federal Children's Bureau bt- ucvch that baby week a 111 glv? mo.e ivronta a chance to loam tho accepted ptlnrlples of infant care and will Jlo Mwaknn avurv Amorlran to his rjHlMin- nihility for the deaths of the three Iran-1 Orel thousand bablen who, according tc (he census estimates, die every yti r before they are twelve months old Ihcrtforo tha children's bureai live prepared a special bulletin of practical stiKKcstlons for baby wtek campaigns, nd(ptod to the varying needs of com munities of different tvpee. Copies of :h'H bulletin may be had free of charge from the children's bureau at Wash ington. Life Insurance give roe feeUng ll-tt of security. 84 DO YOU KNOW We have saoved into warn, oatfoetabl quarter andsr th K. K. K. Mora HERE IS A WELCOME Plac to friends and p ItUeYsWselresat Hone WKk MUSIC, BILLIARDS BOWLING THE NEW PALM Conser Mala and Flfth A POOR abtJGB v flHsV djksaw BLlJf sBsBBT ' .4bBbBBM Always Cmftm tf HmThU This is not always trusin some cases where he tried to buy too cheap he naturally got l, inferior quality. It pays to buy the BEST he may be a good workman. with inferior tools. Be a good workman" with .u, f good tools. ' We sell the BEST IN EV- ' ;' ERYTHING tools and all kinds of HARDWARE of the BEST QUALITY. TRY US. OUR PRICE! ARE REASONABLE ROBERTS & HANKS SATUAiAY, JANUARY 1, tttt bWJbVBBbVv' SRvV 3flBs4BBl sbbsbbbbbbbibb1ecsp4 4bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbu8jbbbw Children are Intereetlns I" ttaoe of their vleat Let pictures kee them Mttwv sre today aletur full f mwssw. scleusness, unaffected frese, see the Individuality f th ehllst Make an alntmM far tkem t Inspect our playrm, Henline Photo Shop PHONE 31 327 Main Street ! WWWWWI)IIWIIII Now I Ike Have Your Auto Overhauled And put la My work Is fully guaranld, sa4 my price sr right Wm. Immel At Cratral Carafe How's Your Roof? fix rr wmiub nut HUN SHINS W. D. MILLER Itoc all kind f WalMMtawtOtk. . Hiram Say: These snappy aw an Da wad to 'near ale na4 aa armload of Stocks of KLAMATH FUEL CO. Are dealers in ALL aUNM OT WOOD AND COAL. PfcOM 1ST. 8"?i WORKMAN . '4 .M' HI m '"-sil k .'! h u im7rr) XSaJft'AA l5..'t' iy "WWSHpsil), X k 111 IWj-q HTTTTCIC amSRSamf M" iV" J J;'a wvM. J' 'XH'1 Kiiii i, -ii a .a ivhi.i- l 'nMtr- ..T i