"VSJJfe-' X S3t.il m fM V ( ViA (KJa-.. s ''&ei&v '-.iff KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER mi. J ;;!.'; vs'M'M i Jl..19!tW -J M nunmnui v.uun.,1 -i OFFICIAL NRWSPAPKi rasicrJLSV.. lJI i .! Tl TM- &8ft ' &: W' - f-C"" Tenth YearNo. 2,177 t - ' .. ,. , -s KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1915 "DRY" SEASON IS ON TONIGHT IN A TRIO OF STATES: OREGON, WASHINGTON IOAHO EARS CLOSE 8ACOON8 CLOSE IN 6IUHT BTATKR FOR LONO TIME TONIGHT United press Sorvlco e) WASHINGTON. D. . lino .11 Nino MtuleH In the. United Stutes will ko dry In 1916; eight of thorn nt midnight tonight, nnd one. Vlr. e Klnln. Novcmhor 1. The eight stoles am Alabama AND Koutli Carolina. i.tMm Ahb at H""vi ..ion, Colorado, Washington, Oregon : AUSTRIAN NOTE IS ARRIVING Jury I m w onvicts Schmidt .. . .,. y I'HM ! naaata . i . i ' ' nnd Iowh. Over Two Thousand Saloons Will Close Their Doom Just Aftor Mid nlaht This Evening Oregon and Washington Abolish Only tht Saloon, But Idaho Will Have a Real Prohl billon Law to Enforce. OREGON ORV LAW POINTS You must ordor liquor from out aid tha auto, and It must bo do llvorad to you In person. On dallvory you must sign an affidavit which Is later kept on file In tha county clerk's office. Yau may not receive more than twa quarts of strong liquor nor than twenty-four quarts of SECTIONS TODAY Pyoan,ite Suct Guil,y of first Desree MurdCT LAN8ING WITHHOLDS COMMENT AEOUT IT ThlH will innko u lotnl of nlno- toon dry and tuniv.nin HtateH of a total of forty-elght. iUnofflell Sources, Though, Declare the w i no states Heretofore dry and ata. el... . a hiu yuiir eacii uccamo no, nre: Mnlnc, 18C1: KnnHas. 1880: North Dakota, 1889; Georgia and Okla- homa.1907; Mississippi and North Carolina, 1808; Tennessee, 1909. and Arizona and West Virginia, A IQf K A11UM V.MHiikl Vh.1I A ..., ...uann, nullum, 1UUIKUU, ixuurnniiu unu aoutu uaKota will vote on prohibition In J916. If thoao four states so dry. orac half of tbo United States will be dry. Latest Note Is More Conciliatory In Its Tone, and Shows a Disposition to Meet the Demsnds of the United State In Regard to the Ancona Sinking. I boor In any period of four weeks. Units Purees Service .PORTLAND, Dee. 31. At one min ute past It o'clock tonight 1,100 sa les) will go out of existence and the Uree big state of tho Pacific North west will enter the "dry" column. Prohibition, or near-prohibition In Washington, Oregon and Idaho simul taneously, Increasing the total "dry" are In the Unltod States by nearly e per cent. During the last month the stores of liquor In the hands of saloons and wholesale bouses bavo practically dis appeared. Much or It was sold to thoso wbo heeded the big banners In front of every "family liquor Htoro" to "stock up for the drought" Today many saloons in every city throughout tha Northwest are dis mantled, but nevertheless they are pre pared for the biggest night's business la history. Tables In tho big cafes of Seattle, Portland, Spokane and Ta coma were at a premium, and prepara tions were being made to uncork the laat few mottles of champagne. Champagne la a scarce article In the Northwest. Since It became known that the three Northwest state's were gotag dry. no champagne has been re ceived here, and tho Huply on hand Is almost exhausted. Tho rovolors tonight will have to bo satisfied with a cheaper bread of wine In most or tho cafes. Wots and drys alike point out that neither Washington nor Oregon will have real prohibition. The laws of these two states aro practically the (Continued on page I) KLAMATH SPUDS t BE TESTED WIL COUNTY FARM ADVI8ER TAKES SAMPLES OP LOCAL RAI8ID'TU-( EERS TO CORVALLI8 FOR STATE WIDE TRIALS Klumath county potatoes capturod several gold and sllvor medals at the Panama-Pacific exposition, which Is a proof of tholr appearance and quality of growth. At tbo Oregon Agricultural College, during tho Farmers' Short course, Klamath potatoes will be given another tost in which they excel, that of cooking qualities. Hearing of a potato contest to bo held nt tbo college, County Agricultur ist II. Roland Glalsyor scurried around and secured small quantities of 'the various varieties raised here. He will enter these in tho competition against all other sections of the state, and he In confident that tbore will be nothing found In Orogon equal to the Klamath tuber. United Press Service WASIIINOTON, D. C, Dec. 31. The first section of the Austrian rejoinder in tho Ancona dispute arrived today. It will not bo given publicity beforo Mon day, as there is delay In transmission. Secretary Lansing refuses to discuss the contents of tho note. Ambassador Ptnfleld at Vienna, It Is learned, also sent no comment on tho note. An unoOlcIul version regarding the Austrian note Is that It is a direct con cession to the most important Amer ican demands. The submarine com mander, It Is reported, will be pun ished. Tbo Austrian ambassador today stat ed he is confident the note will satisfy America. Mr e .ssHflssssstoasaLsaLW t'sHJBMBatyLgBa t f PJWvs'!9w?'?V rqBaaaK-- WBEfflr-tti- ?!nm H!&-?'rfJssssaw ' wflbWSaKHMslaaai tV 'sssssssssBfV 'OessB? iJHsJsf' sssLsH V sssssssfeMswSHslslsP ''' K' -sasal f&1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiflVssssssasl Kjmfwk mg . MILTON A B-R-R.R1 I-R-R-R.RI1 31. The United Press Service. BAKER, Oro., Dec. thermometer registered 12 below zero here last night. e United Press Service e WHITNEY, Ore., Dec. 31 Thir- ty-one below zero was the mini- mum here for the past twenty-four hours. . FRENCH ARREST DIPLOMATS FOR TEUTON POWERS J? "SS'f 58'8 r,&. VSJS' -t ywfi. v ' "f ' it ".. , ; ? J v- J7 - ACTION AT SALONIKA GREECE &-J I 4 $r Awejifi.i-,f,sgi JVj' sf rJ$ RATE MEETING TUESDAY NIGHT ?j.i -ZtSVrl - . .-" tl W-. 'Protest Is Made 'to Allies by Greeee, ? vr ur- Following Seizure of Turkish, .'er- - man and Austrian 'Consuls tfinifck & Ika More 8ea Fighting Is PEOPLE INTERESTED IN FIGHT FOR LOWER FREIGHT RATE8 WILL DI8CUSS PLANS AT NEW CITY HALL k3WA. i rll 5 7ft fe Battle at El Basssn Results In Eerb Annihilation. ' vV "' Accordlngto ad- .' SCHMIDT GYM CLASS WORK PROVESPLENDID NEW ATHLETIC INSTRUCTOR AT KLAMATH CLUB 18 TO BE CON GRATULATED BOXING CARD IS NOT UP TO AVERAGE die- DRUNKEN LOGGER MEET8 TERRIBLE DEATH TODAY United Press Sorvlce SEATTLE, Doc. 31. Peter Custer son, aged 24 years, nnd a logger, de liberately crawled Into the furnace at the mill of the Hollywood Shingle com pany today, and was cremated. It Is believed that Custerson was Intoxicated. Prohibition Law Will Be Enforced, Say Officials The? prohibition law Is to be rigor oualy f enforced In Klamath county after Uday. 8o says Prosecuting At torney John Irwin. So also says Sber IE Charles C, Low. "It la tht IntenUon of tula office to enforce to the letter the new meas ure," Bays Irwin. ''While we do not aspect any aerloua trouble from boot ing liquor must bo banished from Ore gon, and the sheriff's office will take especial pains to see that the prohibi tion law, as It is written In Oregon's Btatutes, will be carried out to tho letter. It Is our Intention, not only to prosecute any case called to our at tention, but to keep a sharp lookout ourselves for any apparent violations." Besides the vigilance of the county legging and blind pigging, owing t;offlclah)(Karaath Falls police will also the previsions of the bill making It comparatively easy to secure liquor from outside polnU. the faot that Klamath county borders on California ay BMkV tha strict observance of tha law a matter many will seek toj evade. The county court haa provided a fundof 11,600 for use by this oBeo In "upholding the criminal laws." so work for a strict observance of the dry low, An ally In the work of enforcing a strict adherence to the bill will be an organisation of local church peo- who banded together some time ago, in order to aasisi in mis wont. Tho appropriation of money to be used by the prosecuting attorney makes it possible to secure detective services, WA will k i .. .a . 111... A- -l. tZLZSTJL "V ".F?? i""""0" w "" Hhould this be deemed necessary, mhmwbi mvestigauon or any auspi- ,. irnmBBHn,., business hv local claw' circumstances," saloons In their closing days Indicates mmmL TV TT . . owo ' J'lhat Klamath Palls people will not J2ST? ! iseriE Low. U M who wantw had a wttM to d as, The people have de- . . Mfe (hat saloons and places for sell- (Continued on Page!) Quito a crowd gathered at the Pavil ion last night to enjoy the smoker giv en by the management of the Klamath Athletic Club. And while the fans were disappointed In the the staging of two of tbo boxing bouts, the remain der of tbo program was highly enter taining. A class has been formed of some of tho young men, and their work on the parallel bars and the "horse" was very good, considering the recent formation and the little instructions the mem bers have bad. The class Is in under the leadership of a capable instructor, and rapid Improvement is looked for. The wrestling match, was Instructive and amusing, as well. Christy was tho heavier and stronger of the pair, and Jones was at his mercy, but ho put up a great struggle, and the fans enjoyed It. The four-round bout between Llskey and Arnold was called off on account of the failure of Llskey to put In an appearance, and another pair was sub stituted. Tho bout between Linkenbach and Magulio was also a disappointment It started In with all indications ot be ing nn interesting affair, and In tbe one round that was contested both boys showed superior ability. Near the close of the round, however, Ltnken- back knocked Magulre off his feet, and ho appeared a trlflo dazed. On re gaining his feet he turned the tables, and Link was on tho floor. Just at this time tho gong sounded, and Ma gulre evidently failed to hear It, for as Link was regaining his feet, and sup posing the round ended, Mack landed on him and floored him again. It waa a palpable foul, and In order to stop all argument the bout was stopped. Both of these boys are In prime con dition, are fast, and able to put up a rattling setto, and the fans all express ed themselves as sorry that such a contretemps should happen, and ex pressed a wish to see them come to gether at some future time. Cnlled Press Service aa soon as the Schmidt case Is LOS ANGELES. Dec. 31. Milton A. Ped of. QnhmMI nn trl-1 lion tn n.mnll.11. In OCUUUUI. IB oil V U u use .wuuut WM Hvaw W ,WUlMVV U .-. A nign explosives, uuu it una uvw w iUO uynnumms meoa AnBB.eS ,ege, he made bomba , Times building in October, 1910, was the destruction of the Times plant A last night convicted of" first degree watch kept for him from 1910 by De- murder. The jury, in ita verdict, rec- tective William J. Burns resulted In ommended life imprisonment, owing to the Ptck'ne f, ajcue Ju "' ...... .j " .! L when a bomb exploded prematurely in mo .aCl uuu mo OTNeaee. lanugo sou- New YorKjenejnent b0Use.. elusive, was largely circumstantial. Owing to the similarity of this bomb Schmidt will be sentenced Monday, to that used in the Los Angeles tragedy It is understood that the Jury's re- Burns at once suspected Schmidt of quest as to punishment will be carried k tu no uu..y .ocuieu ool wnrktne na a mechanic In New York '" nil.- nnifnit n nsBiimnrl tnMA UilJ U'lUt,"! Mil USDUU1CU UdUICi With Schmidt convicted, there re-. No arrest was made for several mains but one ot the accused dymv months, Schmidt being watched closely miters to be tried, David F. Caplan, ' until Caplan was located In Seattle. who was arrested at the same time I The two were then arrested the same Schmidt was. Caplan will have a trial day. United Press Service LONDON, Dec. 3L- vlces received this morning, Fraaee ' has arrested the Turkish, German,' BaJ- i garian and Austrian consuls at Salon- i tra 'PllAir finn Va. . . -. necessary for the employment of ir? ""' "" " w aoonl experts to carry on Klamath Falls' FK!nCh Wareh,p- J t for lower freight rales has been GeneraI Sarrall, who ordered 'the1 iired. clans for eondnetin h Mm. seizure ot these officials. Is said tej paign are next In order. A meeUng of Jfcare rePrted to Paris thai they were all interested will be held Thursday aH harbring spies. j&Pte evening at the city hall. Salonlka Is on Greek territory,,. At this time, the matter will be dis-!ureece ls PPanng a vlgoroBsKe). cussed from different angles, and a test to the alUes' molding the selsvre li plan of acUon outlined. This ls a a d,rect Dreac of InternaUonal law. s mass meeting to which all are Invited, ' wf I whether they contributed to the fund United Press Service v or not At present Ideas are wanted. BERUrfTDec 31. It U hmmiI ' and many heads are more fruitful than 'here today that Athens Intends to S one or twa jmake a protest against the antes, ft-11"" 'urying Salonika. rf - -f f 'd KID PARTY IS PLEASING l announced that an Anstrlaa-V ,i FOR ALL IN ATTENDANCE luwura buuk me Ijemca aUBBUrtta i . f. iMonge in Durazzo harbor a few Imsm I - t I 4 tsMVll l illMAottA .1t1.l. .AV...- J. . ' " C J. ! GRAND JURY RETURNS tired in juvenile clothing, gathered at Franco-Italian squadron. me west nau or me i. u. u. t Duua-) The foreign office today took' o iup, last night for the final members' ,cial cocnizance of the Wolff . meeUng of the Klamath Commercial agency's Zurich peace reports. .The--Club. Besides attending to business special adviser denied any maneuvers; rii.tlers. they all spent a highly enjoy- by Germany for peace, but stated that' f- able evening. Germany will consider every Dronaaal Some say it ns more thin a scream which is made, though having no prop- s. It was a "uowl." A clever program osttlon at present was rendered, including recitations. nmrtcal numbers and folk dances, led lfj Dm. 0- .i. k.. mi.. M...J t-.j-.- United Press Service W.' UII3B 1UAUU IMlUITlll! f A further account will be given in tomorrow's society columns. i fy TRUE BILLS A. E. Lawrence, Guy Hunter and Mra.Quy Hunter, murder In first degree. H. L. Clopton, assault with Intent to commit rape. Albert Memado, larceny. - Emery Dwyer, pointing a gun at an other. John Dee. A. C. balance. NOT TRUE BILLS Qolnger, using scales out of Claude Coon and Horace Shldler, using false measure gasoline pump. J. B. Chambers, using false measure gasoline pump. ALU! TRIMMED BY HIGH SCHOOL WORK OF GRAVE8 18 PARTICU- PARLY DEADLY TO CHANCE8 OF QRADS GIRL8 PUT UP A HARD FOUGHT BATTLE To Move Millinery. nartrurfn & Co. has leased the Mo t.m t...iMin rnmr of sixth and goals and McClute one, Main streets, and will move 1U mllll-Wards were Nail and Telford By a score ot 19 to 10, tbe Klamath County High School basketball squad won from the alumni In a rough, fast, but not particularly clever basketball game ut Houston's opera house last night. Tho students seemed to have lost their shooting eyes by too much holiday feasting, and they endeavored to make too long passes. But they fought, though, and gameness 1b some thing that can't be taught a team. Center Graves was the biggest point winner. Thirteen of tbe points Bcorea by the students were due to six bas kets and a foul by him. John Houston made two baskets and Stelger one. Beales and Lawrence Motachenbach- re played guard positions. For the alumni, Motsohenbacher and Hum, forwards, each made two field Tbe alumni sample, war is really as Sherman said, 'for the two girls' teams, being well matched, played a very exciting game. I "trance ' loos me teaa in me oegin (nlng with two field goals, but later Vic- In! TtcAltM. tf ItiA TaiiinnlM bIiIa omiI l... ..-.I.... n (tl.MJ .... t. .....1 ..!... iuiu uumuii uo a Bivuua guii, aim buq scored four field goals. The final score was 12 to 7 In favor of "Ger many." Tbe "German" lineup was: Violet Dreber, Feme Hoagland and Hilda Hensley, forwards; Helen DuFauIt, center; Clara Calkins, Lucille Kitchen and Harriet Fink, guards. Tho "French" side was! Karla Mont gomery, Viola Santimaw and Josle Low, forwards; Erma Bamber, center; Meta Chastaln, Josephine Fink and Mario Rambo, guards. MINNE80TA GOVERNOR DROP8 DEAD WHILE OFF ON A VISIT United Press Service NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 31. Winfleld S. Hammond, governor of Minnesota, dropped dead last night at Clinton, La. Death was due to indigestion. Hammond was here inspecting some ATHENS, Dec. 31. It la reported that the Bulgars and Albanian rebels hnrA nrnnftonllv nnnlnltntA tha OmL r- .'":.". --"-" ."-; , man torce in me mree aay Datue at El Bassan. --;" Would Set Deed Aside. Suit to set asldo a deed given John Connor by Nellie Connor, and to fore close a mortgage against the property for a $1,000 loan alleged to have bean made to Mrs. Connor prior to her land he had recently nnrchased. Ha marrlane. was filed in tho circnir. mart was elected governor of Minnesota on today by D. Perozzl, an Ashland cream the democratic ticket ery man. J rt teaye After Visit. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. White of Effing ham, Kans., who have been visiting Mr, nnd Mrs. Frank Ira White during the holidays, left yesterday for Kansas, B. If White Is a nephew ot Frank Ira, and the trip west was their honeymoon. While here the bride learned that her cousin, George Shell, was living en a farm near town, on tbe Keno road. Mr. Shell and wife came here from Green wood county several years ago. Mrs. White had lost their address, and tha surprise at finding them was a pleas ant one, making the visit to Klamath double enjoyable. Germany Not Depressed by Past Year of Battle By CARL W. ACKERMAN 'glum's future will depend upon the (United Press Staff Correspondent) .peace terms. I) ?; M The longest time on record for nery establishment to that location In I If la-t night's battle between which a swimmer has remained under '""' " ..n .. oJ nn.iimi" ssi a fair' u.ata la d mlantaa IS aJC -- the near future. '"France" and "Germany" was a fair, water la 6 minutes If 44 seeoaes. BERLIN, Dec. 31. As the 1915 twelvemonth draws to a close, the Ger man campaign spreads more to foreign lands: to Turkey and Egypt. Many enormous battles and campaigns in! 1916 have decided the war in certain war theaters. In the Russian campaign the Rus sian army was pushed Into Russia, Serbia bas been entirely submerged, Belgium is occupied, eight of France's richest provinces, with nearly three million people, are under German control. Germany bas lost most of her colo nies and her overseas commerce. tBut between the central powers and tbe al lies there has been no decisive battle, no deciding campaign. Both aides await with equal confi dence and determination this contest Whether It will he fought or avoided, no one knows. Ivsnts will, decide. The fata of Belgium depends upon the; outcome. If tha war isia draw,Bel-! Peace today depends upon the sola- ,- J v ? tiuii ui vun ucigiuu! 4ueouua. uiuatr England and Germany come to an un derstanding on Belgium's future tha war will continue. These statements hnvo halm mnrta nn nftAn ttiAt tkai - United Press asked the censor to paas''!TA this article to toll the outsider what everyone here talks about unrug iu mat, low weeiu iwBjyuaga y fjte'il necamn evident. Rniriand -- ' evident. England elars?..f Drill nnl malra nu U' MajrAISSl 41 '. r;i,ii ts-a.'iBl r..irl i. . A ' Sal TU m W&?3txiBK,m 3iiSao!'fl:t'. PrmiWISV'. Is assure4'tiuU-:itJC3. polltlcaror ralWeirjMljr , & V'N a. jIag2LffirT -i ..i.. Tt'SJL&ULL'iteil-t . that she will not make oeace aattl Bel-. ' . : i'.r. i.i glum ls evacuated. Gerraany'awSt' minea mai ueigium wiunoi se up until Germany will not be a ot Great Britain' TalMW AWBMkl BTa "" nwi"i " " RJBsf sammmBt. vfli , . officials what Germany Is gatjityjtffi With Belgium. The, answer 'hlMNsie? '' thai not eyen the kaiser knowip.,vvTMB' undbubtedlv. in true! -Much '-' ----V-' denend unon the future amareaa af the) " .A 'LJwB.'rA w:WrW T ,u WHB,jreflera-rCPBj W'keep slajptanv J -tVSfl 'L.5'V. kX. - a-. a .' i -i t, j iViwvvy. T M M $ ,li- ii?sa mum mm m w i tii rtt m SrS mi w as M ? ..! t&m ar.vi m .ASE - n m rim Am .j-.alfi,iTH 'aat '!'. MrCfcM -if ,1!VV Yf.