A.V v !?' .4i,&vt. f-wsp - 3W rcnrft".-u,vli GLljtf vmi?m Herald y- T&m KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER fr&tffl KLAMATH COUNTY r&M OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Tenth Year Ne. tfi7 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1915 Price Five OHM "PAY-UP WEEK" 10 BE HELD IN KLAMATH FALLS HAS ALWAYS PROVEN A BIO SUCCESS ZTheyWant Peace for Haiti 'i Loeat luslneis Man Making Qrtat' Plant for Cemlno Year, and First i Event Looks Toward Everybody Oattlnt .Square With Everybody Else Now Corps of Officers Has Been Elected for Coming Year. Not a bit behind tlm Middle Western towns, wbero the Idea linn worked with wonderful success fur nil con cerned, Klnmutb FnllH and Klnmntli county In to Imvc "imy-up work " Tlilt will bo sot for Home tinm In IVbru nry, and durliiK tliHt lime nil will lie urged to pay up nil I heir debts Oy pnylnic (lie mun who built the fence last HUinmur. tlm piopcrty own er will enable the. laborer to my hi meat and grocery bill, the butcher ami grocer will be nblo to pny the farmer j for the bogs or produce purchaiied from him, tbo farmer will be nbte to square IiIk account with the harness nbop or hardware store and then per haps tbe same money comes back to tke original property owner as rent for the harness or hardware store. "Pay-up week" has proven success ful to such an extent that It will soon become a national Institution. Further details of plans will be made In early Issues of the Herald. J TlM.mewement la bolng fosterod by tke Business Men's Association, which plana many mutual benoflt movomonts for the coming year. At tho last moot lag plana for buslnens Improvement, lower freight rntcn nnd civic better ment wore outllnod, nnd tho year 1916 will bo extremely busy for tho orgaaltatlon. Following Is tbo energotlc corps of officers elected to bend tho Business lien'a Association for the coming year: President W. J. Roborta. Vice President Prank Vannlce. Secretary Joseph 8. Kent. Treasurer R. I. Hammond. Plorre Huldeceurt August Mcglalne I'loro Huldccourt, n well known la or, nnd Auguste Mcglaire, minister of nnnnco of Haiti hnn been sont to Washington to dipcuaa with Secretary i,f Htnte Lnniln;; n now treaty with th ill pnllon Thoy lino already held set oral conferenccH with tho America n secretary. LAMM MILL WELL UNDER WAY NOW Committee Gives Thanks. The committee In charge of tho en tertainment for the children of mem bers of tbe Odd Follow lodges In I. O. O. F. Temple last night wish to thank the members who by their assistance made the occasion such n success. Be- PART OF THE MACHINERY READY FOR INSTALLATION. LAMMS MOVE TO NEW HOME AT THE MILL SITE inocd from Klamath Falls yesterday to their new bungalow on tho mill site nenr Modoc Point. This Is to be their homo hereafter. Work on tho construction or the l.nmm Lumber company's plant Is progressing nicely, and machinery in stallation will soon be started. It is expected thnt the sawmill will begin IS cutting early In tho spring, Its dally output being closo to 70,000 feet. Tho rite for tho plant is eighteen miles from Klamath Falls on the Southern Pacific and on tho shore of Upper Lake. This makes tho trans portation of timber and lumber an easy matter In ouler to be able to givo full at- a. ....ntv.nwi anit n hundred little tontlon to tho construction of their onea aaaembled In wost hall, and the' sawmill nnd pinning mill, and tho In occaalon proved a most delightful one stnllntlon of machinery, W. E. Lamm, in every respect iGono Lamm and Mfss Ethol Lamm Twelve Months of War as Seen by Great Britain GERMAN OFFICERS FIGHT IN RANKS HIGH PERCENTAGE OF OFFICER8 KILLED AND WOUNDED IN STUB BORN FIGHTING FOR HILL P08I- ' TION PROVE8 THI8 FACT y ED L KEEN Press Staff Correspondent) (United LONDON, Dec. 30. If John Dull boon much grumbling nbout tho man could see himself aa others see him, ho By WILLIAM PHILIP SIMM8 (United Press Staff Correspondent) might mead his ways. Dut being con stitutionally unable to apply the re verie English to bis eyesight, he gives bis friends, neigh bors and enemies an erroneous notion I of bla disposition. Americana recent ' ly arrived from England have been astonished to find that thU country la not In a atate of utter despon dency and d o mnrallistlon. The LL.KaaMt visitor soon be- bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbK? WITH THE FRENCH ARMY IN ngoment of tho wnr In tho Inst year, n ALSACE-Ormnn officers nro fighting certain amount or Industrial unrest tho front rank with their men at and a nogllglble pro-peoco sentiment, imrtmnnnawellerkopf. This Is evl tho gront mass of Britishers Is mrol,,onced by tho unusual percentage of determined todny than whon tho war mn (urcd b. tno rxm there, started, to defeat Germany thoroughly. u e8 you nre whore you be. John has himself to blamo for tho flghUng wUh yoUr men." a unfavorable opinion of him that ap- ,,rcnch offlcor COmpllmentod a German parently has neon growing m uo tral world In tho Inst row monms. WBBBBBBtkJX 1 BBBBb5"!vH I lsMsaBBBBW I flM LHgH ft BBBBBBBBBBBBBBmCL''' IIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbV '' bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbPK? vlWBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBai ' BBBBBBBBBBBBBsPlkvlllBBBBBBBBBBBB )' BBBBBBBBBBBBBWkBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB I BBBBBBBBBBBamrf A1BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI bbbbbbbbbbKIbbtbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI I BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaawHS l&s$rft lAl TBbbbbbb BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBkl L ggggggggggUBBBKVgV BBBal bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb I BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbVV' ttiKm 1 W lggggggggggggg ' bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbWI1:'1Ubbbbbbbbbb JbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbMS ,b.bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb1 , bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbWS IbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI LbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI?3HBb Trtnl HbbbbbbbbbbbSbbbbbbbbbbb i BBBJiigW:;,: AmHM jVJnH ra ggggggBBBBBVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBai AUSTRIAN. NOTE MANY MULES ARE BEING AWAITED ! BEING BOUGHT UP BY STATE OEP'T t CODIFICATION I8;CAU8E OF THE I DILY T WELL 'known nuven ucoc i CURING HOR8E8 AND MULE8 FOR DENVER MARKET ADAM8 AND MERRILL MAKE 8ALE8 Back to Germany NATION SWEPT IT COLU WAVE; CITY ! OF ANGELS COLO The local mule market has been Mhll All Uiiiu "titrm Uill B. M. -J .stimulated somewhat this week by the Occasion for a reach In Diplomatic S'slt of Dr. H. Hordorn of Chl'co, who - . ., t. .? . - . . ln tne ,as tew daya bM purchased neiniensmps, Auaxrisn Hepiy is e- about a hundred hen1 of mlp. ThB Ing Looked Forward to Eagerly. 'were bou8ht mainly from the Adams, f Merrill and Wolff ranches, and the Germany Is Reported as Regarding animals are all tiptop. ' U. S. Unfrlendly.1 J1 '" AHvord?rn;8 lntent,on t0 uy ' .about 200 head of mules and 100 head of horses while here. These will be shipped nest week to Denver, ..,. t. .... .. VVASIimUlUfl. U. .. LTVC. dU. j-.t . . , . , : l, ' . noraorns neaaquaners is unico, ana Ambassador Penfleld at Vienna has u , , , ... ... ' . cabled that he baa received Austria's ,,., K ,....., . .. latest note In the 'Ancona dispute, a fop the naat VMPa ..,., ra .locument or about3,000 words He HordorB aM d ,n fonaer believes It will take until some time ear8 he purchtt8ed many ffiu,e here e ttji In jVb ila nMl aiIIa It ' ,r, 7 Ti JL I, ",'ifor &Ttny service, and tor use In the) ....- ui u,.uu anu.u 8Ugar plantations or Hawaii, by tho American Sofflclals and the Austrian and German embassies here "There Is nothing ln our com crea tion with tho state department, nor in Vienna Information that could re fill t In pessimistic reports regarding tho affair," said the' Austrian embassy todny. The favorable altitude of the Teu tonic embassies tended to confirm the Impression that 4 breach Is far from their minds. UNION MEETING FRIDAY NIGHT JbVbbbIbbbV I jfeJjegv 1 gfliS ' BBBBBBBaHtC BaT gggggggggHlgggggBBBBBfl I sBBBaWsBarffflr wBffWlTBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBal bBBBBBBBBBBbI BBBBBBBBBai BWBBbES BBBBBBBBT4BBBBBBBBBBHaPBBBBBBBal Wis - S IKJc HBir, iajaj bBb 1ms$fx f SfBBCBBB'v jity, " ir jt'j&iy 'dfi 8NOW FALL8 IN LOS ANQILt. TODAY Cold Wave Sweeps Calif ornlaMad Fruit Men Are Warned to tie Smudges Tonight 8evere Stem Ret ported 8weeplng From Alaska. New York Reports Toll of Blizzard and Snow In Eastern Sections. , CHICAGO, Dec. 30. Elmer Murphy, Importer, Just home from Berlin, says Germany has placed an embargo on shipment of dyeatuffs to America be cause we are regarded as not neutral. TWO CHURCHE8 OF THE CITY TO HOLD A WATCH MEETING WITH 3ERVICE8 BEGINNING IN 1916 AND ENDING IN 1918 RECEPTIOMR LITTLE BABY 16 PRE8BYTERIAN8 I88UE INVITA TIONS FOR WATCH NIGHT PAR. TY TO BE GIVEN AT CHURCH FRIDAY Invitations are being sent out by tho Presbyterian church for a recep tion to be held at the church on New Year's Eve from 8 to 12:30. Tbe Invitation Is extended to all tbe friends of the church. Tbe reception Is entirely Informal and with tbe program of music, games, refreshments and other unique fea tures a most enjoyable evening Is an ticipated. The Invitations sent out read as follews: "Mr. and Mrs. Nineteen Fifteen re quest the presence of yourself and friends at a reception to be given ln honor of Baby Nineteen Sixteen at the Presbyterian church, Friday even ing, eight to twelve-thirty." STOCK DEMAND IS MPR0VIN6 TEN CAR8 OF MIAT STUFF GO OUT TODAY, AND BIG TRAIN OF STOCK WILL BE SENT OUT NEXT THUR8DAY Ten cars of stock were shipped out ot Klamath county on today's "stock All care were consigned to too. nro rnlllng Into.Snn Francisco ana uauaaa. a lnreo number of Six cars of lamba were sent I I cnntnln. whom ho had mndo prisoner, special. , Many JnoRors, tho Trench not. There will be a watch meeting at the Methodist church Friday nlgbt under the. auspices .of,. the Christian and Metbodst churches. Tbe meeting will begin at 9 o'clock and continue till after midnight Tbe first hour will consist or addresses by senior members of the two congrega tions and the pastors. A social hour will be held from 10 to 11 o'clock. From 11 until midnight the Epworth League and Christian Endeavor will have charge. There will be singing interspersed throughout the evening. Refreshments will be served by the ladles during the social hour. The public is very cordially invited to attend and enjoy tbe evening Finish Visit Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Murray left today after a visit of several days with Klamath Falls friends. COLORADO SKIDS INTO ORY TIMES 8ILVER STATE WILL BE AS DRY A8 A BONE AFTER TOMORROW. ROCKEFELLER 8ALOON8 ARE AMONG TH08E SHUT OUT DENVER, Colo., Dec. 30. Colorado'a saloons and liquor stores, to be closed by law after tomorrow night, enjoyed great and final prosperity today. Cus tomers were taking home supplies for tbe expected long dry spell. There were many job lot bargains of beer, vines and whiskies. After tomorrow liquor can be bought in Colorado only on a physician's prescription or im ported for private home consumption. The state had 1600 saloons. One of the saloon keepers forced to close up Is the Colorado Fuel and Iron company owned by John D. Rock efeller. Their mining camp saloons tmrhnfa ihn mnitnr with Enalond. ' .... . ..k l alv nra nf limhi were sent out ww iiuii a iw -- - -- i I'HAnnii nni n in uii iiuiiiuci u i uba . -. , iv wnvt" constnntly comes tho query ,,. . , rnn,iv mken in Alsace bv O. T. McKeudree. These went to i will be forced out with the reat from friends In Amorlca. Kipling sayH , . trained men. Indlcat- Levi fe company of San Francisco. It's a "certain God-glvon lack of imag- (hnt aeimnny lB now using men Inatlon which saves us from bolngl h(u, provlousiy deemed unfit for over-concerneu m mo m . """' 'BOivlco. penrnnccs on oinors. Others call It i Charles Horton aent two cars or Elks Dance Tomorrow Night hogs to the Oakland Meat company, Klamath Falls Lodge No. 1347, B. P. nnd the Klamath Meat company sent O. Elka, will hold their regular month- Twenty-three officers and 1.368 un- out a car of hoga and .c JJSrSVrl modesty; others, stupidity. !wouSod men were taken in the strug-Both are for tbe W-tern eat com-Jnlght. s will 1 be the tat8tjjr. ti, wnrr failure of the year tho ."" , Trrn,nni.wftti.lnanv. ing of Elks and ladles In the old lodge Tho worst failuro of the year tho ' h 8Ummlts of Hartmannswell . ... . . t. 1lln.1 nniiaA b' convinced that the stories be . 0, DulBnrJo ,0 tho allied cause- '? " httrd and read of Internal turmoil. . t ,myo boen provonted by a prop-,crKopi' er amount of judicious solf-advortising ,npanese government experts have ..a A . . - -A llaujl MOVaS II " . - applied at me tibui iiuiv w.mi- dhu..i.. .- ,.:t. -. .-. ..i''u -iiia uih mob oi unci on v iu un aUaaaaaful nnauiiiim of iho u.n hnul - -vwwwav. piHHVVHVH V U ..nvw M eblefy sude In Germany. He Qsieaiy Uaras that although there has (Continued nn page I) nany. There is much actlvlty'ln local stock circles this week, and well informed men nredlct a big movement of live- U,.... .-r.y- -,- - ...,,. , it,. ,.-v iBiicceeded in raising tobacco in Korea sioc v "!'V1',L " Ifram American seed. PU" fT - room, aa tbe new home will be oc cupied beginning with the first of the L'nlted Press Service SAN' FRANCISCO, Dec. JO. The weather bureau predicts that the eotd wave which Is aweeDlna- the eatire Jptate will continue tonight and Frt jdny. Warnings have been lsstMd'tn the fruit growing sections of Impend" Jing frost, and smudges will be weed j throughout the Santa Clara valley and 'other horticultural regions. Craf ' damage from the wind la feared. A northeasterly gale la coming frett' -Alaska. Warnings have been display ed all along tbe coast Captain Franz von Papen Captain Franz von Papen. the at tache of the German mbassy ln Wash ington who was recalled at the request of the American government, posed for ibis picture Just before he boarded a stiamer for Holland on his way bac.t to Germany. It was the first tlrao be wlllngly faced the camera since tbo war began. LAKE TO HAVE COYOTE HUNTER United Press Service NEW YORK, Dec. 30. One of the worst blizzards ln years Is tedar sweeping the East. Buffalo sd that " Eastern lakes . district are the went hit. The fall of snow there la already twelve Inches in depth. The wind storm Is wreaking aweh'' damage. Wire communication are intermittent) as a result '' Drifting snow in Upper New York" Is responsible for all freight sa4.fs senger trains being brought to a tTimi still. Lake navigation has also abandoned. lnlted Press Service LOS ANGELES, Dec. 30. Snow fell throughout Southern California today.' and n cold wave and high wind to felt No amount of snow fell in this city. but there was a good fall In the LAKEVIEW. Ore.. Dec. 30. A letter I suourbs. This being Los Angeles' first has been received by the local forest (Bight of snow, business has been near- service rrom Dr. J. L. Lyon, secretary ot the Lake County Sheep association, ly halted. Movie actors at Universal City reouestin that the federal government .working in tropical settings when the assist in the eradication of coyotes ln storm broke. Clad ln extremely light Lake county. This matter has been'clotnes. they scurried for cover when taken up by the forest office, and they tne snowflakes began to fall in turn are taklne- it ud with the dla-' Forest rangers telephoned la that trlct office in Portland. ,a blizzard is raging on the slopes of It is quite probable that, with the M "we ana Mt. wuson. co-operation of all stockmen, Lakej county will get a number or hunters, Granted Patent scattered around the county In the Chris Pearson was recently granted t near future. United States patent to the following I preperty: EU of SW of section It In ancient Media is was regarded aa N of NW or section 22, township a reproach to a man to have fewer 38 south or range 11 H East WlUsm than seven wives. ette meridian. Boreas Takes Klamath Q in His Chilling Hands Winter was mighty slow 'about. and preparing to eat hotcakesand striking Klamath this year, and the sausage tor oreamasi. Aisoueneese- . u t. .j ti,. .,,n wives hae called out the "ittnrm" f appearance ot the sky and tbe sun on , ., ...... . -I w .in the way or blankets and comforter. -' Christmas seemed more like spring. T..x ,ht.a . ..hiiiiaau u " But there Is no question today but causing Joy for the youngsters. 'l what this Is tbe winter season. good coating .of ice covers the poaew Thin fat wna hmitcht fomlhlv home and lakes, and akatinir la the heat te M.M -WW- .. H.VD .-. -, . w . , in mnnv nAnnla nftnr thfiv hail relnett- aeinable. Even the older eeoate SM 'it antly plied out of bed this morning, pleased at this, and there are several m; when they round water pipes frozen, ice skating parties being organises, far j Pkg Thawing operations this forenoon re- New Years and tbe following s ?. iAy? suited in many noontime meals being The storm is not confined trKkuav ;fe& late. atn county, severe sieet au wsiHW-,'i According to the thermometer at storms in we mountains eetwee sa,.i' the reclamation service headquarters, 'and Fall Creek, and high wbtijmjM,f the mercury dropped to four above i Rogue River Valley proved tee aero last coldest a i?j night. This Is not only the! for the high lines of. the Calif onOs. Ol W weather we've had thia win- gon Power company, and' far &$$L is rour degrees comer man me ter, but coldest day laat winter. The suddenness of the change made It seem still colder' to some. But in Klamath's dry climate, four above Isn't near aa cold as fifteen above In tbe year. Good music has been secured. rainy regions, and now that the first for this final affair and refreshments 'shock to over, Klamath people art will be served. wearing rosy cheeks, stepping HvUer, prises using electrtotty.M imimnrwJ- force limped along. tAmmuuti&iA were anoui compietea ior-j; BeBBw.;i. bead of water in Uw.caJeVMBSge'r , the local power plantowheai.'tM'aeBlr "" power line waa vreifed..aMtip : twm-mi J: heeame aoraMl 'shettaw . rO'.BMSW. 9'!.'Sl5fiJKMiS, . mwm&j o'eloek, m : 44m ts&. ViTti'M. 1 &.. Mi - irtMaKj Aas,'lv1 51. f ( l 7-t. I) EK3L '! f -iSy 1 w$ i&r r m. JF2.W it. ST T ISi-' W( S m. lsl - v J 9 feVi i (EVJ HmQ r "-jc .j ! ZGZ m I'lSfA ' I (BIH WM i-" .. .S" !2fJL! vmi ??&'; ?. ifia K - '' :i ft? UK ' I; :8gn - nQ$' MwM Iffo m,r h.j iTi! 'rAra t m-