'at m KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL N1WIPAPIK W lEunfng IterstUi -.. ,&T.- .- A '' " 'M ?., n.4uV2)W , KLAMATH COUNTY OFFICIAL NBWIPAPBR '',? . 'V u. '&r u3- Tenth Year No. 1171 T'll' KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1915 t ',r Price Bftw BEND SAWMILL MAN IS, DEAD TOM IHIVLIN, VALE'S GREATEST FOOTBALL BTAR IN RECENT YEARS,' PASSES AWAY IN MIN. NIAPOLIB HOME United Press Servle MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Dec. 19. Tosa Bhevlla, nationally kaowa aa "fhvlln of Yal," and undoubtedly tbo greatest football player who evr won aa "Ell" latter, dlod today. Death wan tin to pneumonia. Bbevlln waa 34 yaara of are. la ad dition to playing four yaara oa the Yala alerea, at haa helped la coaching, tad lata thla aaaaoa, who Um Blue llat waa being battered to placaa, h waa haatlly auauaoaed from Caatral Oregon to taka hold and reorganise tbo rtainaota Into a fightlag aggregation, lata rain hop of preventing a Har vard victory. Sbevlln waa one of th aula factor la the Sbevlla-Hixoa Lumber company, the concern which la erecting a hag sawmill, aaah aad door factory aad other lumber manufacturing plaata at Bead. The company owaa large tract of timber In northern Klamath county. light automobile that created inch a ematlon during the PanamaPaclflc esposltlon. They havo juit rocolred one of tho popular "Four-nlnoty" care, and thla auto, which aella locally for $600, Is attracting much favorablo com ment from local people DosldoH the Chevrolet, tho Central Gsrago will nlxo nnndlo the Mitchell line. A "six of sixteen," tbo latoit model, will bo hero noon. An extensive line of accessories la to be carried, and the concern will also charge and ropalr storage bat terleit. The garago will conduct a rental service, and tho ropalr depart ment haa again been taken over by "Blllle" Immel, an expert mechanician. NEW AUTO FIRM IN LOCAL GAME NOV MOORE AND E. B. HINRV JOIN FORCES IN CENTRAL QA .RAQ ACCEPT ABEMOV- Fe)R CHEVROLET CARS Th lateat addition to the raaka of Klamath county automobile am U W. L. Moor, who la wall known on account of hla connection with the Wood-Curtla Co. her and th Chllo qula Mercantll Co. Moor haa juat Joined forcaa with E, B. Hnry In th Central Qarag, and th two llv wires Visiting Frow Ounamulr. ar planning extoaslve work for th Mr. Utter Kirkpstrlch waa an ar coaalagyar. rival laat night for a vlilt with her Th aw ooacora haa accepted U mother; Mra. M. 8. Nelaon, and other fancy for th Chevrolet ara, th relative. TO TAKE MOVIES AT "KID PARTY" LOCAL PHOTOGRAPHER WILL FILM THOSI ATTENDING TO MORROW NIQHTS BIO COMMER CIAL CLUB JOLLIFICATION A chance to "see themselves a oth er ae them" will be given Klamath Fall folk who attend the "kid party" to be gfven tomorrow nlgbt by tho Klamath Commercial Club In the weit ball of the I., O. O. P. building. Ar rangement have been made with C. R. Miller to take motion pictured of the aaiemblage, and these will be hown at a later data. Th "kid party" la one of the font urea of the final monthly members meeting of the year. All members of th club and their wive, and all In terested In the work are asked to at coming dreeted In juvenile clothea. A business meeting will bo held early la the evening. At this, talks will bo mad on what th oraaBlutloa.hasac compllahed In th year ending, and plana will be made for greater work next'yoar. Following th business session, the fiia will commence. A program ot junevlle stunts, In which grownups will Impersonate the youngsters will be liven and there will also be a taffy pull, Inucb, dancing and other amuse ments on tho evening's order of events. American Zeppelin Bomb y. Widow and TwoOrphans A Year of War From the Angle of United States By BONO P. O.EDOIS (United Ptw 8Uf Corrpondnt) WASHINGTON, D. C, Dm. St.-Aa epochal yar In thoUaited 8Ut' re lation with Um world family of na Uoaa started Mil,- flertoaa criaa aarkd th twlvaaMth; and awe Uu-oaten la mi. Thla nation paaMd aafaly throtgh Um vortw of th world war and th tangled akaln of war M1' ties, though often vary near avrlng nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnm mifitV j. Italian llnor Ancona. with England over her trad Interferences, with Ger many over tho Lusltanla Incident, and with th Teutonic power? over un-neu-tral conspiracies In this country, were the quartet or dominant and delicate problems facing us in 1916. Red-letter daya on the 1915 calendar avM Mirch.lS. EnaiaBd'a blockading ot Germany: May 7, sinking of th Lnal- Unla; Jun 9, Secretary Bryana resig nation; August 19, sinking of th Ara ble; 8ptember 10. recall of Austrian Ambassador Dumba; October 4, half billion loan to the alllea; November 9, Minkin of the Ancena: Decemner s, re- rotation with Su-lcall of Qarman CapUlna Boy-Ed and ropMa powar. Itajvoa Papn. im.aa aA nnmnaniu auior wwr imwmW) .,...---- , threeteaed froglnUofthwarcauseaunB-- wrthin and without, 'to kmk all roooro to dlploatattc BOto Um eoaatry faea wrIUag Haadwda of aotei i war at to Um aw yar Th eh! yart iipwattUo vtetory aad4d aaar dMat prob-aw,,lcIttdlnBw with BJaroH'a halllr raau. Th klUlag of artr Itl Aaw iaM m Um Mali taaa, daatractwa, Mtavra aad attaalu upoa AaMriaa vi, wttkw afjatla at Amm- prtgariy aad iatorfwaa with Ammfmmmni dlaailml of for- am aflanta. mlgaaUM of IU own waa tha oaforaoi aMdlieaUoa by 0r- aanay of hor BBaaaarta warfare. Today the uniwa aiaie siaatw w.w tauii Mm aad prastlg, bat etlll weighted with the task of aorfaotlaf PMMM1 aatUaaiMta with gUn. m.m. onnany aad Austria la moat dollaat aad dlMcuIt ooapUeaUoaa. The passlag yoar wi w wa wir matle dyaaaUt. A ohroaici oi w rtUry; of, aUU, .and airofa , iw neauminy wr w ovoata of 1115 ta Aajorfoaa erlt- nor Important IntnuaUonal avanU of Um wiatwto TuaW I. Ualtad BUtaa airoat with aawad to oartffy aoaoatrahaad oJ aflat I .aBBBsBsasasanV T JKtBBBBBSk BaW B BBBBjaBBBsBsasBV 'L aav Bjr BBBBL 'BSBSBSBSBSBBV WS 'BBk T .JasBBSBSBSBBSBBSBBSBBSBBSBV I WV S BBCK VVT BBal.lijl...B.B.B.B.B.B.B M BBBLBBBBBBBTMn.H jKSHr SBBbV aaQ? jbbbbHbbsbbsbibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbMA ' BBTaBBBmCaBSBBBBBTaBBBTdMBBBrsTd aBaHM alaBsWF;'4':'BBBSBBSBBSBBSBBSBBB bbbbbbbWbI bbsbbsbbsbbsbbsbbsbbsbbsbbsbbsbbsbbbH bbbbbBv:''bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbRbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbsbsbbS'bbbsbsbsbsbsbsbs' Late War News United Press Service SCUTARI, Dec. 29. Tha Serbian and Montenegrin forces defending thla city are preparing to evacuate in a few days. Austria is apparently planning to join Bulgarian troops on their way from El Hassan to Avalona, where Ital ians are concentrating an army. United l'resa Service LONDON, Dec. 9. The British ves sel Morning was submarined. The captain and crew are believed lost United Press Service ' PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 29. France and England have contracted for th output of the Pacific Coast Condensed Milk company for two months, the sales amounting to over $1,000,900. The milk i for Immediate, shipment United Press Service WASHINGTON, Dec. 29. Austria's secid ncfe on the Ancona la ex pected today or tomorrow. Ambassa dor Penfleld at Vienna haa advised that the delivery of the note is Im minent It is unofficially stated that Austria's second note propose aroi tratlon or the submission of the mat- ter to a special copnlsslon. If the Austrian note falls to coat- ply with American demands, It is prob able that 'there will be another ex change before there Is a breach tn diplomatic relations. MRS. JAME8 DLAKELY AND 80N8 Mrs. James Dlakely and her two Ulakely Is an American, well known on sons, Foster, aged 4, and James, aged the bIobo as Grace Rlopelle. Her hus 6, have come back to the United States band was a victim of heart disease, from London, whore her husband waa and when the Zeppelin bombs burst killed aa tho result of a Zeppelin bombnear the tbeater, October 15th. he died explosion near the Oaloty theater. Mra. of shock. LETTER WEEK IS SHORTWAYS OFF KLAMATH COUNTY 8HOULD JOIN WITH THE REST OF THE STATE IN THE MOVEMENT TO BRING VACATIONISTS HERE MERRILL MASQUE TOMORROW EVE EVERYTHING IN REAOINE88 FOR WHAT IS EXPECTED TO BE THE BIGGEST AFFAIR EVER HELD IN THAT CITY By proclamation to be Issued by the aovernor. the week of January 17 to 21 la to be all-Oregon Letter Writing Week, The purpose Is to bring tourist travel to this state during the year of 1916. Every cltUen Is asked to write at least ton old friends, relatives or business "acquaintances (even to peo ple they do not know, except by repu tation) and tell them why a vacation passed In Oregon would be pleasant and profitable; describe the scenery and resorts of the entire state, Its climate and healthfulness; Its good roads and the ease with wmen a tour ist may cover the state by auto. If Oregonlans can bring 100,000 tour ists to Oregon and they spend an aver age of f20 per person In the state, it will mean that two million new dollara have been put In circulation here. The MMndlture of the aame amount per capita by 260,000 travelera would mean that five million new aoiiare wuum put Into our hands. Th tourist trafflo la what haa mad ballfornla. Wealthy people wont thr to spend vacations ana enjoy ino own . ind scenery. Through those visit ors money was aent to th aUt for business enterprise of ail nai. 'iw tourists first saw the etat and then IU opportunities appealed to them. The same thing will happen in Ore gon. If we can get the moneyed people of the East audita Hiaai siw w" ar beginning to go aoawwuer vry suauMr, to spad a vacation hr. th ettleaMat w waat will eoa a a (Herald Special Service) MERRILL, Dec. 29. All plans have been completed for the big masque ball In the Merrill opera house tomor row evening, and It m predicted thai the largest crowd that haa over assem bled at any social function in Merrill Valley will be present George Rudolph, one of the best known floor directors in Klamath coun ty, haa volunteered, to officiate In that capacity for the evening. This fact alone Is an assurance of a royal good time for everyone who attends. Ru dolph will be assisted In hla dutlea by a number of capable aides. The waltz contest for a cash prise of 10 Is exciting a great deal of In teres!, and many dancers have sign! fled their Intentions of contesting for tho money. The awarding of the prise will be In the hands ot capable judges, who will render their decision tn an impartial manner, making the award solely on the merits of th dancers. Liberal cash prise will be awarded for costumes and characters. The judges for these awards will h stet-binited Pre Bervleo ed from among the spectator present. Supper will be served at midnight la the I. O. O. F. hall, above MarUn'a store. It will be srvd under tho 41- rectionof Mra. Rao Hoy, assisted by Mrs. Jessie Chwry. .t.. The beat of music haa ba Mgaged, and the floor of th hill wlllh ln.it usual first class dancing ''oondlUoa. Those who attend from oat of town placaa are assured of nasal aotol ae- commodauon. United Praas Service ATHENS. Dc 29. Advices say fresh German force are concentrate lng along the Dolran-Glegyeli'Uae, par ticularly near Vide ajid.StraautftoB. It Is reported that an, amy , coaiposod only of Germans will attack the fai lles at Salonika. hi United Pre Service LONDON, Dec. 29. Pekin dispatch es say: General Tsal To, leader of the xunnan reeew,, pians 10 rowa ir arate Chines dynasty -The 'rBTojf, uok sgatnsT .in , new spread to Kwangai province, and agl tatlon la reported all over China. a v V L BJOVWIDBeBBfcjBBBr vTTf REBEKAHS PLAN A GALA EVENT INSTALLATION OF NEWLY ELECT ED OFFICERS WILL BE FOLLOW. ED BY BIG BANQUET AND OTHER NICE FEATURES On January 6th Prosperity Rebekah Lodge will Install officers for the en suing term, and will celebrate the event by regaling the members at a banquet after the ceremony. The following are members of the committee:; Anna Savldge, Herbert Savldge,, Jes sie Momyer, Ida Momyer, H. C. Mo- myer. Nellie Wattenburg, R. B. Wat- tenburg. R. 3 Sheets, J. 8. Elliott, Flora Elliott, Ida Fink, J. R. Dixon, Mary Dixon, Nina Noel, Lena Noel, Fred Noel. Nellie Halley, Floy Dag gett, Edna Chambers, Jessie Mills El liott, Elisabeth Short, Burrell Short, Pearl Duncan, H. E. Duncan, Carrie Mater. Alfreds Steinmetz, W. J. Btela- meU, Alfred Westfail. Sylvia West fall, Angle Ransom, H. O. Beals. Tina Reals, Hyman Wechler. i Mrs.. Savldge, chairman of the com mittee, requests all members ot the committee to meet in Odd Fellows hall Sunday afternoon at 2:30, to com plete arrangements for the occasion. ROOSEVELT RAPS AT FORD'S PLAN jJZi. Wed Like President sbbI jC!VmwmrMU B XIbV5bFSBBBBBsisbsI hB&jiwppiP24L,Bsjhjw T'VMBBBwPJBBiDe,BP ' 4 J ,. YOUTH FACES A FORGERY CHARGE ft, svIw.-Aia Mf AuKWinf'. V-BBB ' ', J JLB1 S..M.M' lSjJK'.Bi 3'HfMB Chjafiovf"- mm 'ft$9Bfl aaeWQl 'R 1 fi k Kosa w8msii MM . ii LOUIS ARNOLD i .. w if". K ,. ;m mm a .,ia.e . ,'1-'JS5.'S5 " " MSWiSHaSfl MM l''if5iK j. BfatfM T S - w - i -,. v ww 'ZjH t H Jt. JH- Blfl'ia. M.- '"."t; , , DAY .-ON CHARGE OF FOfBIMI,F MMMm TiifL'i-j . -'. -.; . . '.?x mf''i?fca.' HIB ,FATHKR'0 OIOJNATURE TO ilf$ SEVERAL CHECKS iNiiJi Mr. Ctarsnc J. MoReavy It haa Just become known that same time President Gait' were married sign Clarence J; McReavy clipped fresa jAmmmmM mmmmmmm ' w;j ''JVAJt'lKTBBE ?,J,WKa ... ',mMmKmM Hkrmm4mUh tarmlMMfUm filM- " --- aw r - F asme to Mversl eheeks, a4..MM;MPSfe::i; L -Jtaew1 checks, .Loahf AraoM l&Xh$iMmM$m : . flvsigHg klf ,Ws-preUmlaary heelaf hVB:yet:';vn4: - 4'AAotd la not yt twUtiiMM J'ATTM.ilgmtTeaoethelMkhB;' I Jiroght to the iMMk. hmmViiiimm t ' : 1 :brihi..irt;,iMtve.Bot.a:sMttr:::? 1 lik:ais-mhr'..ats beats 'ssiallrMlp: , B ,sth;signtare wM,BM,MUrfBirJLpt. 4 W 1 VUvestJgaUo. toaer ptev tke, . icoma.iknowa that? of'f 'A'y-P'J9J':Xfm7jS. tdent Wilson ai' uit, ettjfcfd .Qfj.oafaMfilloaBlJiOB,, ed tol!MlhBirjBT CnZZZTZ2ViLZ'zZAI2ZrJm;)g tne battiesnip Cennecticut: which is to ty T.'--in,fm-ST Zfi&lPMl drydock In" Phiid!pWa. a4 rai Wm).';&$&m&KmW'8 Tkre u laeB-A'gaSaB young woman wnttJMto:taTs''ft! sr ' - i -J ; w.agJhBalaoXtotlJs;a COMMISSION H iWSBSSWre ill $&iE!E$fwm UMi 'tLr.jeTm,T?J:-&;7?rj't&tu. yiLMRI Ik jfilbviilt 1 : 5g,;,J?.'.?gy ' TJiqffgig?'. 'J .K-slgMl 7-, . ..v'VH..BBVlSar,vjBM'BWJ $&!&$ RAILROAD ORDERED TO MAKK..ti " ' " atv.' - PHYSICAL. TWEEN SOUTHERN OREGON ELECTRIC a-m ' tW ..k.: ; ::' 'J""'.' ' . "" "' -T T" ."" .--' ,v. 'tPi SALEM. Dee. 29. The Oreaoa rail--war Idaflv aza n' retates: 'rnnt'VstJfim road commlasioa haa ordered aojrataal iTcieA Aahlaad Tidtoaa.' . "?' .;!v - , - - - --- T- rfLW T yn.ixtK, connections between the traeka of ' " .S ' ' '..' s, ?&... tf8 the 'Southern. Pacific and, the OrgoaK:Afl?ttt''toiaswto Electric company at 'Albany. TB;have,kMeleaVfrjawtB .., -.. -..- Ut.,.l. ,L.H'.U. - - '" .WT.-..WI-... -..1 ivuiyiMucD mw uwuun uinwi ,ininwa; . ,itmqmmfmmm,:-wF'hiytZ'rii!mf freight for a reasonable coaspoBsstloB actora,v who ar;psBptoO;-jiiy.g and deUver without driscriaaatioiL ssBBwko swBBM?BSasiofiBi'totf This order paves the way for alat-lto Tarkernew. for fear of ihhwg iliJP.gga-IS- connectloaa In other cities. t l" vos.Vv, rr?-tftMF$)ii' i i - v. v '-- . .rvato,AV'-ifcJia.;J!ai's? liar a tiii iv?sSbW11'ww on Aisace rrent t William Philip Slmnw, Unld FiW aJ tspbib4 M?Mg marlcan newspaper man 'aeimltted, to Ba--'toBhriaMBs;"t..Hfe Amas on Alsace Editor's Not waa th only Amrlean week end on th Alaaac front, wher heavy RaMina .1 ,n atjrsa,s)-(v--p; one other nwDaor man. reoresantlno all the Enlih nswesonir; woi tsW .m&SX covsttd honor. WASHINGTON. Dec. 99.-Coloael Roosevelt, In a paper read for him so tor th America! Boeletegtaal Boeloty today, declared that U oaiy soeeess ful way to oppoo "might that tg wroag" is by "might that la too ot vant of right." H referred to Bl gturn, China and Persian civilisation; aad deoUred that befor they wore ovorraa tooy had bmb.itbo lookod, at WITH THE FRENCH 27. Under an abominable warm drla sle and thawing anew, xcept to tho peaks and high pas, the oddest aad most impressive Christmas Alaaace has come and gone. Th world' has witnessed few more dramatlo Tale tides. ' Whllo soldiers forgot Jesus' birthday in grimly calculating th rang for their Incessant artillery firing, aad' to softly swearing over their miase, hap py Alsatian families, 1,000 yards to the rear of the battle Un. dressed Christ mas trees, sang old time, caroU.aad s arta. ware happy, ovar their return -to rranc. - ' (While Enormous muniUon eolaasas, (leedless .of Christmas, teUd aeroaa h Jura aad yosgos Bsountaias, crowd picked th oaUedrala :,at'a asldalght atsss. praying for th neweaao iVoacs) armies. Whil thegi pip orgM irampta ua uuvrane ana - Npl," the guns "on HsrtinsjMnroUeii kopt boomed tholr aooompanlinea'iBt Th. ble. paasacei German soldiers- searrytog Ktiawvmi Only, Ibto. TThat last shot waa beaotifal. " (Ceatiaued, o pago 4 iae roar or a awaat sun. bsimsosjsjv r, staged' aaytalag. Uk Jt y:'fM Oa Christmas voVI'waUao- hfimkirsBitBt aorth'of llhirssP spaswe jasssavw esvew wi a ejwePBBFt esssw ' tog through tho raago fiader, Ha kaafos lerman sowira. Boanaf ;acaB',iM nly,-at polnta wre; theYGerasaa aftMs rarftffJfArifJM,' 3A-TB tdBjkjUai9bi'lB oBtosr. Ulhoias fr--totoat' bet- :'icA W&mh iwhHe- gi (9iphpp Chrlsuaas anao'MBWi.BllliTla;.JBj wrdUGrsaa.sjsJd:ios- "mmMMMimxmifm gradMtoaf sH.'Cr.-to tB'Basmslal 'Hm'; Vm (gfcSJrr-i -jiBBF.. i'2 yw tv r.aa tha war bia.:lMt aoir a.,Tspa t ttoto,tkeigJoa;ijoor.''':; ; 1 7-itof)fv"TtTS?I M'aroaaaawroakatof! a ajaa'aro' X ;! .Oitiaitsejoa'eASBOi-' irhagfOBloafiV' f, ;. -T.rmh arsay k BsAttot to a hold Oartatmaa." ao aatfV: ajl tkM l&&l,&,$l?iKm&l&) '' ' & tOHVO WtWOW tOO aaoa; .wrtw-' tha) laaossi afi asHsl- i'SW BJMMJSPSBt BJSBV BBjajFpOB) mm rf ? 1 , r Y, I ?vr aataral ronlt ' . (CoaUaaat MB I) "Bl'wfWwBJPfCWw aaj11, w"n " JiU