isssran n "", fa&rji KLAMATH FALLS .' . - , ' .-" :'--jr i' 'V-w 4.- "..Ajmi TSk jftV'-i'to OFFICIAL NIWSPAPBK vi iuitu svii taxTar . . AOBtMfl A t r UllUMtl4 Ja'B'BBVfJaB. ' i wrr iwial reav vratt-fij-avai;.':,. mi JWfKr ? 7-i-l.: jauu Ml lEumthm Hrrald ' .s:.?sfam XWM .1 Tenth Year Ne. 2.S74 LABORITES ARE NDICTED FOR MUNITION RIOTS ILANKET INOIOTMINT INVOLVES MANV NOTABLES Investigate" ' Laber'e National Peace Caunoll' Preceedlnae Results In Chargce Being Made toy Iht Grand Jury Many Prominent offlcero of tha Organisation Arc Among Thosa Involved. failed Proas Service NEW YORK, Dec. JS.-A blanket Indictment, charging Congressman Prank Buchanan of llllnole, David Lamar, ox-Congressman Robert Fowl r and four other of conspiracy was returned today by the federal grand Jury. .Jhl follow an IrivcittlgAtlon by the Jurorn of l,abor' Natlnnnl Peace Coun cil held recently. f The others Indicted urn Herman Hchulteln and Henry Martin, Chicago labor naltnter: Jncob 0. Taylor, the last prtwldent of the council; Prank Monnett, former attorney goneral of Ohio, and Prana von Rlntelen, the lat tar now being held In London aa a spy by Brltlah authorltlea. The bob are charged with conaplr acy under the Sherman act. The specllc charge la endeavoring to (a cite labor troubles In munltloaa planta. and Interference 'with commerce. Lamar, It la alleged, wan Von Rin teles' agent, handling thouaanda of dollar furnished by the Oermaa. Buchanan wan the council general agent KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1915 r i r COAST MAY GET NAVAUCADEMY NAVAL SECRETARY SAYS THI WIST IS THE "IDEAL LOCA. HON," iUT HK WILL LEAVE AC TION FOR WESTERNERS Two Held in Plot" to Blow Up Canal C'liltfit l'rt rtervli-- WA8HINOTON, D. C, Dec. 21. ThB l't:inc coast would be the Ideal location" for another United State naval academy, In the opinion expressed today by Secretary Daniel of the navy department. However, he latea that be deem It unHino at preterit to recommend It establish ment. Danlota expect "omu procure" to be brought about In favor of the move In the present congreailonal aesslon by tbe Coast delegation for Immedi ate establishment. He holds, though, that the time I not yet ripe for such n movement. TO FORECLOSE PAVING LIENS COUNCIL ORDERS ACTION TAKIN AOAINtT THOU DELINQUENT WHO DID NOT SIGN UP UNOIR BANCROFT ACT Those owner of property along the Eighth and Ninth atreet paving Im provement who did not take advantage of tha tan year payment plan, and who are delinquent, are to he forced to pay the Intproveaaent coata. At laat sight's council meeting Coun cilman Mlllor'a motion that the police Judge ha instructed to foreclose on all delinquent paving liens on property along the Mghth and Ninth atreet Im provement not on the ten year pay- went plan waa passed by the council. EQUITY CASES BEFORE COORT DURING VACATION OF JURORS, CIRCUIT COURT IS HIARINO OTHIR CASIS-JURY IN AOAIN MONDAY r I bbbbbbbB i BmBBBB'taBkk M XK. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBnPFei: M BBBRa HW . M MOBiLJWawaBWiBBmwsBBBBm Ci-fPfsKBBlIiAiMRBBmBBBBBEBBBBBBl Sf &'B2MBBBBBiaVMEVarBBBBBBEyv2BBBHnvBBHBJ After a few days of receu. the cir- cult court resumed Its grind today. At present Judge Kuykendall la hear' Ins evidence In the suit or T. J. Jacx son versus Arnold Press for the fore closure of a mortgage. J. C. Ruteaic represents Jackson, and H. C. Merry- man Is Press attorney. Tomorrow the divorce suit of Flem ing vs. Fleming will be up. Other eq uity matter will be beard during tne remainder of the week. Monday, law coses will again be re sumed, the jury again being called In. Several important cases www haai-H and there will no dOUbt be BOme cases brought In aa the result of tbe present grand Jury sceetoa. Plotter Sentenced to Year in Prison mcw vork. Dec. 28. Anton Mente, a young Austrian Implicated In muni tion plant destruction plots, waa to day given a year In prison. He plead ed guilty to a violation of the tene ment law by having explosives In Ms possession. Permanent Registration to Begin Monday, Jan. 3 With January 8, the data for begin Jag permanent registration but a week ef: County Clork De Lap and bis eMcleat deputlea are at work arrang ing for reglatrars tbrougboutlbe coun ty, and the aeeurinsr of BUDDlie for handling of tha new registration a Wlckly as poaalhle. TM following registrar have been named tau far: Weed River precinct, John Heeslg, KeftKtama, fftne River precinct, Dm P. Dria call. 'Mr. Merrill No, 1 precinct. Henry Ander sea, Merrill. Merrill No, t precinct, P. It- Merrill, 'Mm- Laat Elver preclact, J. O. Hamwar, naraa precinct, H. ' Saowgooae sbsT , OtXI precinct, F, M- Cleavea, Crea Othor reglatrars will bo apolt4 later, at' aifereat plaeee, amoag oU erVratlOamath Agency and at Taiaax for the benettt of voter of that aee- tlon. . The following instructions. Issued rofftitrers. will be of Interest to all who do their duty by exercising their right to the ballot at each electien: inviraUon of voter opena Mon- duy, January 3, 1916, and closea thirty dava next preceding any general or primary election, or fifteen daya next preceding any apeclal election held throughout the county. t In registering electors, the card i.d vtam la used, and aa the orig inal card la a permanent record, care should be taken to Keep mem cw h .u ui use either black Ink or a typewriter " ". ' esse of arror do not iry w " ihe Information glrtn by the voter, but nuke out a new card. .. 8-All Wank apacea must bo correct ly filled in- Draw a Una ttrough head in not used, such u male, female. Cross out the one not wed. The full name of tM tiactor mua he given, rlt,: John Paul . ot (ConUnued m ) mmjBk r" "i I hi ' 'i fr--i i -I--WI -mumr-nany-nir -- 'li"r-IjsfJ IimjmmmfPW''!?', THE CANAL Paul Koenig, a German, and, chief of detectives of the great Hamburg-Amer ican line, and R. B, Leyendecker, an other German, have been arreated In New York on the charge of plotUng to blow up the Welland canal In Canada. WELLAND The canal Is of great Importance to the commerce of the dominion, and were It crippled much Injury would be done to Canadian business, . ftsdertch. 3cJWL4 ctatSvJ Jk National City Bank of New York, the largest bank loathe. United Statea, U cot in the world, waa arreated about the same time. He waa charged with having stolen official telegrama and lat- f ten from the bank about the ahlpmeat or arms u ute.uues, no wiu naviag tUrered theae-b eealg'W Loyeat decker. He waa not accused la cesi- ukuuo wiiu ibo pioi j aesuoy imm canaL i OREGON 60ES TO NAVAL MILITIA HISTORIC "SULLDOQ OF THE NAVY" WILL IE TURNED OVER TO CALIFORNIA "HORSE" ON FEBRUARY 1STH. this morning to be suffering from rabies. They were Immediately killed, and a close watch la being kept for an outbreak or symptom among tbe other stock. Given has moved his cattle to another feeding ground, and the Bloomlngcamp herd ot 2000 cattle have also been moved. There are several thousand head of cattle feeding in the Bly country, and a sharp look out Is being kept to prevent an out break of rabies, or tbe approach of coyotes. ban DIBGO. Dec. 28. The battle- hiD Oreron. "bulldog of the navy" will -er - . . .i be turned over to the California navai militia at San Francisco on February lfitn. according to orders received to day dv Commander J. M. Reeves from Secretary of tbe Navy Daniels. The Oregon Is expected to remain here a few weeks longer. The militia will not be given an. opportunity to handle and Are the 13-lncb'gune ot the Oremn. In Commander Reeves' opin ion, because of the heavy coot ot oper ating these big pieces and tbe long course of training required. BLY SECTION HAS A RABIES SCARE SEVERAL HEAD OF QIVENS CAT TLE DISCOVERED SUFFERING FROM RARISS-MANV CATTLE FEBOINQ NEAR THERE, (Heraid Special Service) BONANZA. Dee. -38. Bly and' the sections adjoining Lake county are much excited today, aa the reauit or the discovery of rabies symptoms among cattle feeding there. Thus far, no coyotes have been found, hut aa Luke county, Just a few miles east, la infected, the noaalbtlity of Infected coyotes crossing the line la extremely great. am heed of cattle belonging to Ijamea Mveaa of Bly were dleoovered FAST BOUTS ON SMOKER PROGRAM WELTERWEIGHTS AND HEAVIES WILL SWAP FISTCUFFS THURS DAY NIGHT, AND MIDDLE WEIQHTS WILL QRAMLE One of' the classiest cards ot ath letic events, yet ottered by the Klam ath Athletic Club will bo held Thurs day night at the 'Pavilion, when a pro gram ot boxing and wrestling will be given for the delectation ot the fans. Chester Llnkenbach, the young wel terweight who made such a remarka ble showing at the last smoker, when he took Bobble Allen's place at the last moment, will again be seen la action. Hie opponent Thursday night will bo Kid Magulre, who also has a reputa tion for cleverness and apeed. Arnold, whose allowing In the heavy' weight claaa attracted attention at a previous smoker, will box four rounds with Llakey, also a handy man with his mitts. The wrestling bout la one that, wilt be of great interest, as It la for the amateur catch-aa-catch-ean champion ship of Southern Oregon, Christie, ttw local middleweight, will meet Dee Jones, a Granta Paaa man, in this boot, and the fans are looking forward to a fast match aa a reauR. Professor Martha Van lonoooUer ot Cornell University MS. president of the Amertoaa Home nooUcaAseottoav. "'"-' 1 . BEER SALE FAST . AS STATE DRIES BARRELS AND GALLONS ARE BE ING PURCHASED FOR ISIS USB, SALOONS PREPARE' FOR THEIR ELIMINATION. With but a few daya left before aa- loons ceaae In Oregon, local wet goods emporiums are, doing a laat minute business this week like unto the Christmas rush the store experienced laat week. This is the trade of those who seek to have a stock ot beer, etc., on hand after the saloons close. The business this week la largely a (Wholesale order. Beer is oeing bought by the barrel and case, and other liquors by the quart or gallon by many, to be stored In the cellars for use In the daya the brass doors ceaae to swing Inward, and mahogany x tures and bras footraila become pasae. The saloons are" letting their stocks run aa low as possible this year, fa order to have Uttle left New, Years day. Much of the wholesale bualueipi la being attended to oy teiegrapn. Already local saloons are getting ready for the close. The T. ft W. bar la having portions of its txtures and stock prepared for shipment, and af ter the 1st will ah'lp all its effect to Dorrls, where the same Arm coadueta a bar at present The city council last night granted Z, C. Powell a permit to remodel the front ot The Smoke; the well know headquarters of, one Jesse Moore, It la to be fitted up aa a cigar store after the Srat of the year, The nrst local bar to be removed was .that of, the White Pelican kotgfi The spacious quarters it occupied fan the" hostelry hare been remodelled lgU a splendid private dining 'room.. ( ; Report have been current that tfcai Riley saloon waa to be uaed aa a pott room after January 1. ThmmJeoJq hjr Mr. Rliey, who aaya the pceferty will be uaed in aome other taMtaafg,1 following the remodelling of the front' Kent Ballard'a nxturea are now go ing moved to. the old Bank Baohaafo buiumg, where way win m until 1 leter dlepoeod of . , , ''?, IMPLEMENTHOOSE: IS NEXT FOR CITY PERMIT IS ISSUED BY COUNCIL- i MEN FOR CONSTRUCTION , OF LARGE FRAME BUILDING AT SIXTH AND KLAMATH At last night's meeting of the city council, a permit waa issued for" the erection of a. one story wooden build ing. 70x100 feet on the comer of Sixth street and Klamath avenue, at present occupied by Harriaoa ft Matt R. JB, wattenburg, who asked the permit staled the building to to bo uaed aa an implement store, but aaya 'he to' not at liberty Just how to any who to behtad the project ' ' " "-' A permit was also granted to Cbfer Bros, to build a brick, vaultaddition to the court bouse. Work started on ihls Job. Cofer Bros, were also granted per mission to build aa addition tothetr nop on rata atreet aeait, mamata avenue. R. E. Watteaburg waa: glvoa permlaaloB to remodel the froat' of "The Smoke:- . -." cJfH-MM'n IkVII IIIUV lUI- I iiu 'iiiiiuii nni' " . !-?--. .W, 0 . .'fflrt .y a, "lf ' ( 'rZlli 4Hlt a a eeii .u ' & ,'r-ft . -, Af wWf KAISER AND BMMANUBL5sAIB'ES i . l TOBB BMJk WM litf&fthft wmf'M U'Wm-itx'if.A Wmw TSKyTH- WiBMffl a4i'J .'V WILL ENTERTAIN ,1 I.0.0.F: CHILDREN SORT OF POST-CHRISTMAS FAN- ' v 1' , Si DANGO FOR.THE THE CHILOREN OF MEMBERS OF THE POPU ORDER TOMORROW NKM4T' - . ' " " A J " " ?. As-arewaiw-te-h-lttriaoaM? so many uates are compelled to at home while their pareaU go to that mysterious place kaowa., aa tao lodge," the members of Prosperity Re- bekah Lodge an going to eatertau the litUe oaea la the west hail otoie Odd Fellows Temple tomorrow alght AU chOdrsa ot mombera of taeari-. oua branches of the order are invited, aad they' will bo allowed to do Juat about aa they please from '7-, o'clock unUl 9, when they served wkh a light luncheon, and returned to their pareaU, undoubtedly satiated wRh their knowledge ot "the todge." Special Mid Week Service. ' 'k Special preparations are being for the mid week aervloe at the Prea byterlaa church tomorrow' evealag at 7:30. The pastor Is Inviting the - lie to. attend. At thia . meetlaa; tot addfr tlon to the program which la provided, Various plana will be proposed for; the pew year. " , z,iiM: KSM KtruKitu m m -mam iir niv irrFiiiri&M w ui ivn nU'ninu.wa liVfew)' m 'MBK? : mtmm TO , ii'Z'i.i-lrtZ-r. j ". tTaaiBBjmjfdjrvi. ,fc-,A German mmptr-M'nAnfWMm-'M 'Mkint ' ., ao im.ZZS?ii2:i.lZ?lPMntm Wf to. :: ' t v .aetloflaljramon ta Northern aij fSmm W&4M lae-ieweci taat Kinar mmmtuuft: vmY'i-ii-:-',-;: !liA,:, to;iwwaaId'to be la a boipMat ; f.lfpll 1'' 1 Therel U, another rMitfCemrpA ' ,h.jn exaaaiaa zor aaajauaaalaaT a3?2Sli'I &$ ' ' ,'eeciea ,W. VoVl'lfro'BofTm.;-i.' r4MllMiiw 'W ' -soriA,i)it,BawJaiei :.r: &A "T:i-"?T.e'?wseaaBj.aaaFia'affiJ . -A.'.Xi.f LAR aC rraa4-teM,irltomiai::v;-.: ii-. istii.-ji 'i"f-t ii'-'M-1 vy-JV'vmmw .'trai sb yn weama.aaH.oiiaaii.'aBj"iag1- w, ' Serai dereviM alaMM.' sad hao :: :-4, - m .?waaasgeasss5 tm-v malrfi-iiaai 5SS4i5,sK?JHiap is:iii-j i NDqDifiw awwUtmaat of aa lotiraarleasl lomwM MiA eaailrirtoa,tO'!!ettto;uitoa 1??.., puteiaad--otaW'eatatoaeaa41?'1 HWj J SaJtedreaa'Serrleo 4V iKwf JM . W& toPlTROaRADr l&nrZmm'W i?$f& doatroyew areaMltoTedto.bawo imSmp $& a, auhaaarlno- off BnlgarlmitiitP.S ' , BeeWee'tW. t eraeAari; ;. reieeteaad' boabejo' algartia po-;''V;x ' ' If- I jL 'i 5ife.JSilL.'5ill,Jl3awa'IiSSl l i ... . "" mama-eiwamBi 'tWttfM23imxtfwmmi'v -JM 1 rmmm eemaj wae, , a.m9im .mwmmhWYrU?SU'l&m .f .- -1 -V i 't '"'- "'. L-J.tSJl A- ftS $1 made eaiaat seroateea of; mtmtmtmXfi'x-ai "" fW',K,WMIJ FW.tV,"W govofaaaaacna t"K3f .itk.'.;,'; mt mtePag: - 'W TV. tV .esjt ateb 'Criticise; the ' od of handling interaal i Ing in tha treachea aJoag aieVtlio M.?K Wt -;r . h.Tri r n ' m ('-. , w"izn ? taflNiV 'J triSfi" vi rtSstV . Ktesr; ISSSK.- i Mil -in- l France bees No Splemnd i; : ' Workin Past Year of War hait of' .the ;game;ae.;iroMf &: J tha .Teutoaa'.haytrtho" lmU;'a'ftoM; ui baye-beaa; no' toucdowa.ftoMlS-' J the' way the coamoa sense IreewliaaaWJI'l sixes' up the auaUon''at'taeeaaa';of5.fc-- '4 xTke Uttle 'of OigtOTaViJcMV.iJ portaat.becauae,U was' tu:wM$MM':4 to. he fought uadorA immLiTmMii J perfect 'eamlttJawlt MM ) 'soldier- a 'proper', liatasuaa'at-VU'W- WM S ... "tVi, .. . .uNSly 'safBUy- t .-.J twa vtotaw.u a bj.'..- a -, t "By WILLIAM PHILIP SIMMS 'United Press Staff Correspondent) PARIS, Dec. 28. Five signitcent events punctuated, the year Just draw- in to a close aa aeon from the French point ot view: The battle of, Chain pagne the Balkan muddle, the change ot governments, the creation of aa later; Ally war omtnolL aad (the nomination of General Jotfreaa ooauaaadei-ehiet 'af.' aU'tho'-rr'saah armlesV'whaiever 7if atMHiaV' ;Hrwr ," '" lraaae regards .the. past .yawaam without brilltoaee o;fr aa she or the alllea are concerned. Mar Vleorloa have been rather aegatlve WkUehir enemy haa been making some, sroat runa around the eada. Traaoe aad the othera larolved oa her ald tevt mio. .iFwBeWII IH iSVVIJpp WB,BjUj(i KWVf- fVJBJil la the mtdM oc tao mw., .tmaM' battle trench- French the enemy, and himeeU., Though giklc, point was 'geJ uaaoWedly it wlU Uve H Aatoat t laid MMfaUoasboaaaMiU aaMaad'aaw. . lvUWaraoaaoB; t fW?&z9WmK ?!j'' Jt tBeB,'l!L J' 'r repated;'.from nowjea (hajt. ZZZlL'mt IM year IU. roamoar mmmw-i " ttiitj W: JWf?'5 WUtJKkmM- ' SCsfffH s the aalodle of the.aeM. .t9mmm Wv CammamKsamHsj . v . .-!' .-. . 'J','',', ,,', ., n,!- - ...Aj!:au.JJi8tJsama ' f f ' ..t. vivi iiiiwjyijifi pi "i.iij.O.n.. Jfe