.yfflftiwmZ? KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER 3 Stye Eutfttfng IteraUi mm . .' J J!-i- ..(Kir. KLAMATH COUNTY! OFFICIAL NEW1PAP jj if s8r ' , . . .tn'J., v wi: 'j- T tfVMf?S Tenth Year Ne. M73 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1915 ,.jj E33F? Price Sit MM '"I-. It --. VrfA. JB&i Fighting Is Again Hot on Land and on """" fcL""-j- - --- ...... .. - -- j....j....-. -. ..... .. .. t MORE SHIPS ARE BEING TORPEDOED IN OTHER WATERS TEUTON SUBMARINES ARE AGAIN ACTIVE '"lW",WIW" MVOAwMly wwIWWWWWWWMWMWWWWWWrWWW WV MIWWWWWWWWMWWMO 1 College Head at Forty Following Loot of Japanese Liner, French Boat It Attacked and Sunk, and Word la Juat Qlvtn Out of the Torpedoing or Mining of Ho Brltlah Liner WhlehMat Btan In King's Service Turke Loaa Shlpa. United Praaa Service NEW YORK. Dec, 17. It I reported thnt the British liner Arlanaea. which we commandeered by the British rov rnment at the outbreak of the war, was aunk off Archangel December 10th, probably by a Bine. The newa waa suppressed, evidently In fenr of alarming neutral shippers. With the exception of tho Lusllanla aad the Arabic, the Arlannea la the largest liner aunk. United Preaa Service PAIUB, Dec. 27. The fifth vessel re ported aunk In tho paat few daya la the French liner Villa de la Clotat. which waa torpedoed in the Mediterranean. It la reported that eighty people per Uhed on the liner. Including a number of women aad children. No Americana were aboard the ves ael at the Ubm. The nationality of the attacking sub marine ia unknown. United Preaa Senrloe WA8HINOTON, D. C, Dec. 17. Whether the United State taken ac tios In the alnktng of the Japnneae liner Yaaaka Mara by a Teuton aubma rine laat week depend upon late And Inn. If It develops that W. J. Leigh, an American passenger, waa traveling on a Brltlah paaaport, no action will betaken. Roporta from Conaul General Brls tow atate that until a French crutoor Picked up the llfeboaU containing the paaaemera of the Yaaaka Maru. the attacking aubaaarlne foUowed them, appamtly to aee that ifo harm betel them Af yet, it baa not been aettled wheth er the submarine waa Qerman or Aus trian. United Preaa Serviee LONDON, Dm. it. Unconfirmed re port from Roma tell of the sinking of the TurkUh cruiser Mldrll. formerly the German crulaer Breelau, and the damaging of the cruiser Sultan Bellm. m vJaY" .iiviij ' a r J r jPBaHaaaaaaaaTaaaTI W kTm .'yTBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaVfll 3 "'"'"BaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW JV b a -"''-'' iilr4 ii ;&l j'-fi Zix f: ''.!.V..kUjitk"i !W immi tmwv Mil i-mmd vsm Espee Gets More Time in 0.&C. Land Grant Case i il'nllfil Press Service rOUTLAND, Dec. 27. Kodcral Dis .irlct JuiIkc Wolvcrton today granted a Htuy of I'xccullon In the Oregon-California land grant ca until February -7th. Thin wan done upon request of 'tin? Southern Pacific. A vigorous objection wax made by United 8tates District Attorney Clar ence Reumes. Reamcs held that the decree and execution were imperative In ordr to glvo congress some basis on which to make legislation for the dis posal of the landa which have been so much In litigation. Dr. Ray Lyman Wilbur Dr. Ray Lyman Wilbur will assume the presidency of Iceland Stanford Jun ior University at Palo Alto. Calif., Jan uary 1st, and will then bo one of tho youngest mon to occupy such an Im portant post. Ho was born In Doones vllle, Iowa, April 23, 1875, and removed to California whon a boy. Aftor grad uating from Riverside High School he entered Stanford, where ho received his baccalaureato degree In 1896, tak ing the master's degree tho following year. In 1899 ho took bis diploma from Cooper College, In San Francisco, which has since becomo the School of Modlclno undor Stanford University, with Dr. Wilbur as dean for tho past five years. As president ho succeeds Dr. John Caspar Brenner, who has served two years In that capacity. GRAND JURY IS IN SESSION NOW DODO HOLLOW SHOOTING, CLOP TON CA8E, AND ALLEGED THEFT OF AUTO TIRE8 WILL BE GIVEN CONSIDERATION With several important matters .to be considered, the Klamath county grand Jury went into session this morn ing. All members reported early, and the body immediately got down to work. The most Important matter to be considered at this session is the shoot ing affray In Dodd Hollow last week, wherein Mrs. Alma Kuehne was killed and Guy G, Hunter was wounded. The authorities decided it would be better not to have a preliminary bearing in this matter, but to bring the evidence at hand before the grand jury. Hugh Clopton, who was bound over Saturday on a statutory charge and for an attempt to shoot, will also bo given consideration by the inquisitor ial body. Another case to be consid ered wilt bo tho charge of burglary against Albert Manado, who Is alleged to have stolen automobile tires, and to BASKET TEAMS AGAIN AT WORK HIGH 8CHOOL SQUADS BEGIN PRATICE FOR WINTER SERIES'. WILL PLAY ALUMNI HERE TUES DAY NIGHT Seme Window. The first display window to deal with the transposition, of Oregon from thonnvo burglarlxed tho J. F. Magulre rucehanallan to the aanara coiumn company's store last summer. waa arranged this afternoon by Thadi Mcllattan, and It haa attracted crowds . all day. bringing forth many a laugh II 111 1 11 II U IflUO at tho originality of "Sad" in treating III INI 01111 rRJU I U what to many will be a real vltalproo- ' - m Tio.xt-intlnn 1 lmnosslble. It I must bo scon to bo appreciated. 1 " Tho crand duchess of Luxemburg Is seriously thinking of renouncing her throne to becomo a nun. In a formerly the Qerman Gooben, Black Sea battle last week. (Editor's Note Tho Turks sccurou a number of warships from Qcrmany oarller in the war, and renamea mom. Tho ahlps mentioned escaped from Messina, where tho Frencnunusu fleets had them bottled up. The Dght referred to Is evidently the Hussion bombardment of Varna.) Lansing Reiterates D. S. Stand on Monroe Doctrine Halted Pre iervlee WASHINGTON, D. 0., Dm. I7.-A draeetag tit Faa-Anwicaa SeimUle CMgrH tkta foraaooa, Secretary xof Stata Lajulag declared the Monroe doetriaa to aa eacred today aa whea It waa tlrat aroclaiaMd. Ha reiterated WlWa 'meat statewoat that tko UaWftatM will never exercUe bar Might, to m art to wrest territory Laaateg aMate4 tkat all of law toa taJat aa Ra Motto that of the "Three Mueketeera": "Ono for all all for ose..' Co-operation in defense waa urged by the aecretary. "The Monroe doetrine la the national policy of the United SUtea. Pan-Amer-Icanlsm to the international policy of BUtheAmerloa,"aald:he, "The mo l.yes differ to aome extent, but the Mine ends sought. 'Pan-Ameribantom la the exprauloa of lateraatloBaltom. The Aawtoaa have become the guardiaa of that Idea, which will ultimately rule the world." CHRISTMAS TREE MIDLAND SCHOOL CHILDREN EN JOY TREE AND PRESENTS, AND GROWN-UPS ENJOY FINE PRO GRAM OF SONGS, ETC. Tho Midland school entertained the largest number of people that have gathered at tho school for several years, Friday night. John Hutchena, I ho teachor, and a committee arranged a very pretty Christmas tree, with lota of candy and nuts, and a present for ovcry ono in attendance. A splendid program waa rendered by tho pupils. The people were ao en thusiastic after the program, that all went down to the homo of James Jory and finished the evening with a dance. Hat Quail; Fined. Arretted by Deputy Game Warden Henry Stout on charge of having quail In his posaeaaionlout of season, Pete ueClure waa today found guilty by Justice of the Peace Qowen, and aned 125 and costs. Wedded Today; Harry Wilson and Haxel Oontey, prominent realdenta otvtbe northern part of Klamath cqunty, were married this afternoon by Justice of the Peace B. W. Qowea. Moat of the prominent women of to day are paat middle age, After a rest of almost a week, the basketball squads' of the Klamath County High School today resumed practice. Both the boys and girls are uqatn holding dally workouts and sig nal work. i A., stiff aeries ,al. mm is ahead of the local youngsters, including games with county teams and high schools of Southern Oregon. A trip, to the Rogue River Valley is in prospect, and there are also games here with? the Merrill town team, outside high schools, the alumni, and possibly the Athletic Club. The game with the alumni will be played Thursday night As there are some fast men in the lineup of the graduates, the students are hard at work training for a stiff game. Two girls' teams will play a preliminary game. George Stevenson, who starred at center for the University of Oregon, will play that position for the alumni Thursday night at Houston's opera houso. Hum and Nail, both stars In high school, and now playing in' the Inter-Fraternity league at the Univers ity, will both be in action, and others who will oppose the high school will be tho DeLap brothers, Garrett Van Riper, Telford, Clarence Motochenbacher, Er nest Jacobson, Louts McClure and John Siemens. Land Changes Hands. A warranty deed waa recorded to day, wherein F. Q. Butler transfers 62 H acres in the Fort section to Dan Ryan. The consideration is in the neighborhood of $1,400- Strahorn la Better. According to word. Just received, Robert E. Strahorn, who has been ill for two weeks, ia again up and around. "Uncle Bob," as the railway wizard is affectionately known' to thousands, has been suffering from 'a severe attack of cold and la grippe.. Fine Christmas Present A daughter was born Christmas morning to Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Lyon, formerly of. this city, but' now residing nt Coyote, Calif, The Peerless Oil company'of Wash ington, p. C, Is owned and controlled by women; In lit tf&r85 UK Pictures Painted in Trenches on Exhibition in New York fteeejHBMaeeeeeerJsV mttwSMHKStBtmymymmmmmmmmmm' i nHaWyi I bBHmu I JBBmJiiasBBB tL9Sil9HKjJHBMgigv HgafjVrHAtgr bhEbbbbbbbbtbbbtM eBBBBBBBjMay"' gEBBjgBBJSABBjgBBBPBBT I aasaBMawt IliToBHalannnnnBnnnnnnnV. BjMBgyaTJBBr iBlaaaaaaeKBaBBBBaaaaaaaK I nTdTr auiaaBBBBBH4biluRB ' H I ' T Vfla9i9Ha9aff rdaVvl'- H 'r vgaaaaaaaaliBsBaaVgBaa aaaaar m I J glaaaaaaaaaaaaaLm ' snaBBBaaBWBBWaVaaWavaaaaBaBBaaaaWHI wiiaimn ririwir''TTinTTnrr' WBaM T 'vv,wiBsaarW1lllaaaBB '-" This picture was painted' In, the trenches by Henri Baud, now fighting with the French army. Together with other paintings by ' soldier-artists it Is exhibited at the Museum of French Aits, New York city, It ia entitled: "Flag of the 81st Regiment, Retaken From the Germans," and depicts one of the most stirring incidents of the war. TOO MUCH WATER -LESSAIFALFA SO AT ANY RATE SAYS THE CALL FORNIA EXPERIMENT 8TATION AFTER SIX YEARS' TESTS ON FARM PROBLEM the treatment of defective children, who maintains that whether Boys or girls are good or bad depeads on the kind 'of food .their parents feed them.' For instance. Dr. Roner says anslee will drive a boyInto tuberculoela and kof .atoulr Inln tha ttrlva rfn. whllo I l.n witiiil.. 1T laW.': ' w.v.4.VM .w w r... ..B, r....u ...u.u.r. . f w w.V W"i i I It -. too much cream on her mush will make" and thence to Kmg Riiiminiisl's vfllaV V, u - ,j . . - . -- - V '-. - . ' ' . -tFS.K King; feter bm oeiegatea a.;a-. ' j, United Press Service BERKELEY, Dec. 27. More water means less, instead of more, alfalfa, once a certain limit has been reached. .This has been established by a six year test Just completed by the irriga tion investigations of the University of California at the university farm at Davis. It was shown that, contrary to accepted belief, a limit is soon reached above which the yieitd of alfalfa actu ally decreases with the increasing amount of irrigation water applied. STEAK MAKES A . BAD BOY, SEZZE SAVANT ALSO; ANtHOUNdtf HAT TOO MUCH STARCHY FOOD MAKBS GIRLS FRIVOLOUS AND CANDY CAUSES TRUANCIES S United Press Service SAN FRANCISCP, Dec it steak will make a, boy bad; too much starch la her food Will make girl flirty aad fickle. ;, - So says Dr. Dora Roper, expert on PERSIANS itr)frii. "as- - . Vi.n . Vl v'' ! 1DIRQ rv nrtnini m . . -; ., l-.. Ti'iVii- ',&. ;riiroi; .inTiKtsffi I Hll I I II Ba un liwi, j, i v-jssiniiii: ARMS GREEKS TCLLTHEyt:AM,TOMM '-? -Vr LEAVE kHiVVi Lj7 'lCt-i . 'Wmmm . . tsl?w 'ty i. c? rs vuirfJTJ:i.Bi Reply' From Ferdinand ,Je-JM toaM$l a- ' .. .rfi !' ' fj-y-fi&t ". -.ai ..satisfactory Araeiane Limtumnfoxn the' British In C(yH Are AeeMed WFM JhWjjl '-J A B saswj mm nww'-t.z:m'?m" :rJAYrjB ii -L.-.- ...OiE!;i?4S wmi,"ii in niwi.ejsiw wwwmtrrwmw A. - weewfjaei i rtiBjnM.sjain WW 'HI 4i ilsaHl h. rmmmmi. ' umted 'fmm$m : Bounced Xt-:tT'u:.m . ..' r't -Tr, .r--:"..rw?'-- ,,i,-.'i'-i.":vrw'i:' scvefgU .'; ".?. JCr " WVf Vi ffV -rf'i w&im -4, J.i,,IT, aSiSI .MtUebrtwaMTetMiua 4B J --.' ' ,Kfi. Vif.Ll,'.!--..-, rfi-f.B'.n il'JKflil daka.Tlw,Iratoffetti"w'.lai,lrMf -43-,-,anL .., ,.-i-.-,"jj -m Turkish aad Oeraa' m. wisk - , , v-i lfi ' .T.';!ViJK' ' I l '.Lf'ltL. fi.ti iilVt iTii.1 Arabs surBrkie4i,Uiawa1aaaMkaa''''l jbeuHBvosi imm.mgfwui m MM 8SW.B ?i -&- mi s?i- ut-i if-?3 ',, -SVi &i BBirfSVi'V aB,eja.awBjBBr.Si,alSS? m'Pm mm BERIJN.rz7.-sVW;?;i lfil Greece haa asked Brto'tbeVaaaatiMrfl fiM Xtbaaia. Balgaria to'repei'to'aaveL' XV tP trnlie, Weaa'.Seleir y gI &$ ' LONDON. ii&mWS ;tlurtolallam;tiwia;tmrrM9 believed that theyaregoteg ettar:tift' the;'BaikaM,.Meeoatamia'er'akyt?S'g .ksmmm mm r- triJl- ni'V U-ii"iiiSS5.M,W.O' tJsTV" v PARIS, Dec. a girl peevish and naughty. annv nniiin rn mxtwxm ia aisn non vinaaa ima mrnmrnttr miw itiiiii rn iiim wuu v w vaveoe aa eusw wU yiuiK no MUfi 1aia W'1lWTPla, j jmJt. Dr. Roper, and wiu influence a Prince Alexander. '.m , && ffT': or girl to "play hookey" from . . ? ; ; t', &&& '&$ .. .. - .. '.'7-v .rxpss'fW 'j--., :-i:r says boy school. In on Business. E. M. Heppe is up from .his. Lower Lake Homestead on a business .trip.. Missouri has twenty-one women law yers and 370 female physicians and surgeons. ni':. U-i "Sii "A i ;.,,' r, jSfcsjK bia landed in Italrtoday;fremtaiMa, ,,'- Uu S': ;. V'K . l. :& 'ihw rat a ATs.xi.V- ' W liSl '" ." United Praia SrvlM mt ?v.&Mi)i ROME, Dee. J7. At toaet VHmAlf year, and the Anttal MumitAtt schooner Albania, who arrived lara'UK'?'Vf $ riov fton rtlotHhnilBor nr eaataM '!- .'Xift.v flour in the Bslkaas. ' .'Vw' jM 'f ,M(t Si J1 iRiri. IBS c i HM3 " i!!".('i . "SatBSB'AirtV ? aaBMfataairaHe; aaV Mlq w?mm m wv&mA Bowling 1 ournaments J - houses, 'and perhaM.a.teaatfof:aM4M;B'V, tatsii?Maei i wouid;iehcompo) iBttha mmm-:fift?r lU m soeiee ahoaM kf .rty,. gaaj, fjl Jflhr A$m M edaaBatttlalU!- !Biffij wmmm mm- '" '.:.. ii With the fans taking more interest In bowling this winter than ever be - ' ' .. ,- . " . fore, iub queaiiun ueara, kihw ut times dally at the New Pslmalleys to, "when, will the tournament start1'! It will start shortly .after the first of' the year, according to Doa , Dale, Dale is at work doping out a schedale, and ltatiag high men 'as likely Maaber for tho' teams.' ' . .?: A four or six .team league will be formed, with, five men rtoa, team.- !a schedule, to run' several weeks, will be framed up, and priies will be given to the wtontagjawrregatjoej. Mf. . There laalao aMteh'W,e4:aea; stoaat leagaeT-aec reai Bpwunj VfWff sioaale, y"uadertU4 eoaaJHJaV'i teams. froaV .different loeal .boa! ''jT' . ,-,lv- T lawyers, and deati l-'JX&Wt&tXVi'&i t - "it-Mf'vwVW4!i's-v,,ii' a .mm. m, , mK'- kuaiHMHM j aBiMaai lw.a:'posiWe'"etiU-af. areru.ent:;,Naea,krt, J State' aad ' arrags baa:vBl- aaua 'Itoxeeaapew.-'- J. -' ' haa. it is saw. can P4e ac a piip, , ; T 4PP ii " ' - aWajf aad'wkk'-Dja," Wniirlila.au aVaaUatai mCif.h- w& ST -. jm . ,,