"teyK, "vy-- j i S .. " 'ft ,y3jI t ii,;iSA' ' AK ' -1 pSfirft "I W &?,' j' . Gtfji? lEumng 1 1? Sf l" .V?.&3m:;2 r t xmxjtMt Vtef i . i KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NBWIPAPBI KLAMATHfCOUirFrfl OFFICIAL NEWiPAPJMT : PT' I". Tenth Year N. S72 5 ah KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1915 S t Pfw9 jnw itirrald .tAV PEACE PARTY A FAILURE; HENRY FORD 6IVES UP .SPORTED AS HOMEWARD SOUND TODAY Autemeblle Man Issues Check for Over a Quarter ef a Million to Pay tha Expenses of tho Root of tht Party Reason far His Turning lack U Olvtn as Condition of His Hsalth at Preeent United Praia Service LONDON, Dae. 14. llfnry Ford, tha American automobile manufacturer, dm abandoned hla peaco trip. According to dispatches from llcrgcn at sailed this morning for New York oa board tha steamer tlergensfjord. Others aboard tha liner Oscar II will try to carry out hla paace mission. Madame Schwlmmer has promised, la tha Interest of tha other women In the movement, to continue tho peace trip. Those aboard tha Oscar II are Ignor ant aa yet of the fact that Ford backed down aad la returning home. It Is bo Uevad that tha news, of his departure will have a serious, If not disastrous, feet apoa Um poaca mission. It la aadoratood that Ford haa given aasuraaaaa that he will pay tha ex peaaaa at tha party. One report from Barm aaya Ford left a caeek for im,M0, to b used In defraying the future ep eases of the delegation. Ford's physician says ho quit be cause Ma health was bad. Dean Mar aula oT Detroit, aad Ford'a valet ac company Fori oa his homeward trip. FOR CANAL PLOTS ALLEGED LEADER OF GERMAN SECRET SERVICE IN THIS COUN TRY IS ACOUSID BY FEDERAL GRAND JURY United Press Berviee NEW YORK, Dec. U . Paul Koenlg. alleged leader of a Qerman secret acr- viea operating la this country to dls cover American secrets, and to hamper shipments of supplies, etc., to the ai lias, waa Indicted by tha federal grand jury oa charge of plotting the dostruc lion of the Wellaad canal. Richard Leydendecker and Edmund Juatioe. arreated with Koenlg. and charged with complicity in Teutonlo activities, ware also Indicted. Paul Metilor, wkoaa confession resulted in Um ladletmeaU, waa not indicted. Tha three men ware arraigned today aad pleaded not guilty. They are at liberty under bonds. Koenlg's being IM.OW. Uydeadecker's 130,000, and JusUce'a 110,000. ORY OREGON CUTS OFF BIG REVENUE HALF A MILLION IN INTIRNAL RIVINUI LOST THROUGH THI CASSATION OF BRIWIRY OPBR ATIONS, 1TO. Valt Fraaa Barxlae PORTLAND. Dae. li-Faderal rave alM aJMala aatlmate that aa a result af saaMMUoa In Oregon, tha latornal ftosiM far Um coming year will de MMM aalf a aallllaa a4 least, ;TwtalMi4ra4 fadaralmuor II- tftv wbolaaala Jlceases and a bravery Uaaaiaa will be eiim- KOENIG NDICTED Owner of Seized Shipsl aaaaataM .dEndtaflP ' f aaaaaaaaasaaaaaaaaaal i saaaaanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV i BBBBBaLaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl W WmmmmmmmMmmmmmmMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 'ssEzzzjzxzzzssmtm Photo Cooperative Proas. Richard Q. Wegner KnKlanii Iiiih notified tlio Mate de IMirtincnl that It will tako tho stoamors HockliiK anil (li'iit'itsee of the Amoilcnn TrnnH-Atlaiitlc company lo London for DfJio court adjudication. Mellaril G. WrfKiicr, president and majority stock holder In tho company, insists that only American capital In Invested, and In protestlnK lcorously at tho action of tho British Rovornment. Mr. Wag- nor wan horn In Milwaukee on March 30. 1862. Ho miulo u fortune in mo beet BUKnr Industry In Wisconsin, and recently decided to go Into tho ship ping business bccnuHO of the largo profits to bo mado. Ho now my Ills company will bo forcod Into hnnKrupl cy unleim properly reimbursed for the scltcd ships. ' YOUNG KUEHNE GIVEN 80N OF WOMAN KILLED IN BAT TLE OF DODD HOLLOW IS DIS CHARGED AFTER HEARING IN JUSTICE COURT After a ttosalon which lasted until midnight Inst night, and resumed this forenoon, Andrew Kuehno wns releas ed from custody following his arrest in Merrill estorday on a chargo-of assault, being nnned with a dangerous weapon. The hearing was hold beforo Justlco of tho Peace E. W. Gowon. The warrant against Kuehno was Hwom out by Guy Hunter, leseo of of ihn dlsDuted ranch, and tho man who wns shot Intho forearm during fatal moloe Monday morning. the "TEMP-STAR" IS LATEST TWICE-A-WEEK PAPER 18 BEINU ISSUED IN INTEREST8 OF LOCAL THBATRICALB-JOHN HUBSARD AT WHIIL Th Temn-Star is Klamath Falls' latest publication, and It is to make an appearance twice a week, under the management and editorship o John Hubbard, who has proven an uov . publicity work, awell as a capable theatrical man. The paper is devoted to. the Interests of Houston's Metropolitan aww ments, "to "Javee's" local syndicate Is named, and gives advance newa about the coming attractions, aa well as dis pensing In a bright way chatter about the Temple and Star theater and the opera house In particular. FREEDOM JOURNAL XMAS PROGRAMS GIVEN TONIGHT ELABORATE EXERCISES AT PRES BYTERIAN, METHODIST AND CHRISTIAN CHURCHES BY THE SUNDAY 8CH00L8 following Is the program to be ren dered this evening at tho Christian church by the Sunday school, begin ning at 7:30: I'iH)iritml Short Talk Hov. Jenkins "Christmas ' Puddings" Drill Charles House, I'orrcst Miller, Dean Deck Icy, Stnnloy Bell, Kddle Parks, Al bert Ilradley, llusscll Crandall, Kenneth Drenncman. Quiirtcl Miss Josle Vnn Riper, Mrs. Wllburn Kit. Dr. C. A. Hambo, Mr. Wllburn Kit. "A Search for Wealth" "A Search for Happiness" The Girl Inez Bell. Tho Mother Iluth Miller. Wealth Marjorlo Lambert. Pastime Hilda Hensley. Society Pearl Lundy. Knowledge Eunice Wells. Fame Lcda Harvey. Love Lucille Beckley. Industry Sally Owens. Itellglon Dorrls Bell. Solo "My Dear Jerushy"- Ileckley. Cantata "Santa's Elves" Elves lluascl Crandall, Miller. Dean Beckley, -Lucille Forrest Stanley Bell, Kenneth Brenneman. Snow 1'alrlcs Joy Miller, Edna Dunbar, Anna 'i'lnrson, Eva An derson, AKhc. Daniels. Children Uraco Hoagland, Lucille Beckley, Josephine Mlsncr, Berle Daniel, Helen Wlrtz, Joann Mo- - Donald, Sallle Owens, Alice Westfall, Edith Potter. Lucille Owens, Mabel Westfall, Lucille Sherman, Chas. House, Eddlo Parks. Albert Bradley, Melvln Anderson, Everett Bean, Thot wnl Thorson. SANTA CLAUS. Following Is tho program to be given by the Sunday school and choir of the Methodist church. The fact that the musical numbers are In charge of Vernon Motschenbacher, with Mrs. Sat- torlee in cnarge oi me urcnesun, uu that Mrs. Peltz has charge of the chil dren's choruses and readings, insures n fine program. The public is coraiauy invltod. Opening Chorus "Awake. O Bells" Prayor Rov. E. C. Richards Responsive Exercise George J. Wal ton and School Chorus "From Ancient Times" Class Exercise "Whon unnstmas Comes" -Three Boys Recitation "Looking Forward" Evelyn Whltmore Song Exercise Primary Class Chorus "Glory Anthems Ring" Christmas Greeting Bertha Pelts Chorus "Jesus ib uonm- Becltntlon "O. Happy Eartfc" Beatrico Walton Recitation Neoml Arnold Recitation Meredith Hutcnens Reading. "The Night Before Christ mas" - Glenn Conwell Class Exercise "Highly Exalted" Chorus "Star of His Olory" Recitation ...... "God's Christmas Gift" Carl Buchols Christmas Overture Orchestra Song "Away in a wsnger Beatrice Walton Chorus, "Sing Togewer msrs m . Morning" Recitation- - - R"w Cofer Recitation Dorothy swmngion Recitation Leol Vwtrlu Prayer Song "Make Us Like Tnee- Visit In Portland. Mrs. Miles Llppert and daughter Rita have gone to Portland to apend a month with the former's sister. Mrs. Antone Castel. Srvlces Continue. The Union meetings being held at the Methodist cnurcn wm oonunuv over Sunday. Dr. Feldman'a subjects are aa follewa: Sunday at 3 p. m., "God and the European war"; TSW P- ., The Devil in White." No servloea will be held tonight or on Christmas day. N GREEKS FURLOUGH PART OF ARMY IN LINE FOR BATTLE CHANQE CAUSE8 SPECULATION IN ATHEN8 ! Difference of Opinion as to Whether This Mssns Assurances Hsve Been Received of a- Delay In Teutonic In- " vsslon,. or the .Fulfillment of Prom ises to the Alles Fighting Con tinues In Albanian Hills. i United Press Service ; ATHENS, Dee.'24. Greece today Is sued a month's furlough to 15 per cent of her reserves, who have been under arms for five months. This action caused much surprise here, in view of the fact that a Ted tonic invasion for an offensive against the allied expeditionary forces as Sa lonika is about to begin. Some Interpret this as an Indication that Germany has assured Greece that there will be no Invasion for at, least a month. To others, the order seems to fulfill the reported promise to the allies that Greeco; would demobilize half her army. By HENRY WOOD Press Staff Correspondent) (United ROME, Dec. 24 The Bulgarians and Serbs have been battling for three days In the Albanian mountains, with neith er side, gaining a. distinct advantage, but with, heavy fom iff, lite, according to Prince Alexis Karageorgevlcb, of tho Serbian royal family, who arrived today. Ho states that the Serbians are fight ing fiercely, and have stopped every chnrge made by the enemy. Although lacking food, the Serbians are said to be unbroken in spirit They have changed large areas of Albanian wilderness Into well roaded sections, as part of a new defensive plan. SAYS POOR MAKE THE BEST PARENT CHICAGO WOMAN PHYSICIAN WOULD HAVE WEALTH DISTRIB UTED A LITTLE BETTER IN STEAD OF "BIRTH CONTROL" (Unttd Press Correspondence) CHICAOO, Dec. 84. "Birth control caunot even be advocated, with eco nomics for Its basis, ott the ground it is necessary for the race." This is the belief of Dr. Frances Dickinson, phy sician and trustee of Mary Thompson hospital. Sho was asked whether families of working men who receive low wages should be limited. "Such an attitude is ridiculous," she Metry Xmas THE dsir to servB, Um joy of inf oUmts happy, and utter frwwdom from thought other than those of good will, good fellowship and good cheer make Christmas the happiest day in all the year. Our wish to you is that you may enjoy the spirk of the day and its attendant joys with unalloyed pleasure. . The Evening Herald -A- it Statue of Jean . SJgi3gsTTMEBaas n,f ixsiS-.,-.x-Jl,:-j:. ',l.i alii, in r jajajSjagg?.M 100mtmtmmmmmmiim.ttm ?siiiseanraMsaBBaMej Z I mmfit;l vf ffsMit II I - jlpBB i tr . j , 'it'iA 7-0te-wiUi ij, "" mijt.,tt,jMW. . x zS&frvSiZZZ The first wholly American tribute eer paid the memory 'of Jean of Arc was dedicated on December 6th in New York city. The statue stands' at River side Drive and Ninety-third street, and commands a sweeping view across the Hudson River. Anne Vaughn Hyatt, an American sculpture, created the work. To lovers of, perhaps, the most Inspired woman in history the pedestal upon which her mighty war horse stands holds a greater sentimental ap peal than the clear-eyed girl In armor. Stones from her dungeon In Rouen and replied. "Why not distribute some of the vast wealth of the country a little more equitably and let the working man have a little more wages, and a chance for the God given happiness of afamilyf "Men seeking relief from disturbed wages through birth control show men tal limitations. The man who does his dally work and lives In his home is better fitted for parenthood than the man who carries the worries of a large business and wealth." F. FERRYBOATS NARROWLY AVOID COLLISION IN A FOG United Press Service SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 24. The fer ryboata Piedmont and Santa Clara nar rowly escaped a serious collision in the fog yesterday. A near panic resulted, the passengers rushing to the rear of the boats to avoid the shock. On a previous trip eaterday the Piedmont narrowly missed the ferry boat Thoroughfare. r. J v" of Arc Unveiled ', . &.. r. j'.-'x TtAxf - !0& " eiiili a bit of shell shattered pilaster from. the cathedral at Rbelms bear Um charger and his rider symbolic of the Utimpta-andthead of the MaM?e France. Jean J. Jusserand, French am bassador to the United States, spoke of the now shattered cathedral of whteh Jean led Charles vn. to be crowned. At the conclusion of his address II. Jusserand announced that the Legion of Honor had been bestowed by bis government on J. Sanford Saltus, hon orary president of the Jean of Are com mittee, and the rosette of artistic merit upon the sculptor, Miss Hyatt SPECIAL MASSES AT SACREO HEART SERVICES WILL BE HELD TOMOR - ROW MORNING AT 5 O'CLOCK, 8l30 AND 10:30, IN HONOR OF CHRISTMAS Christmas services at Sacred Heart church will be held tomorrow morning, and three masses will be celebrated by Father McMillan S. J., with sermons on the Nativity at each mass. Barly Moss will be at 6 o'clock, and second mass at 8:30 a. m. ' High mass will be held at 10:30, at which time Millard's Mass in "Q" will be rendered by the following cheir: Soprano Mrs. Matthew Smith, Miss Pearl Bolvin, Miss Alice McCourt, Miss Ora Nelson, Mrs. Joseph Brett and John Hubbard. Alto Mrs. cf E. Wheeler, Carl Shu- bert Tenor Lawrence Mehaffey, Miss Dorothy Weeks. .Bass J., B. McAllister, Rblaehart Motschenbacher and M. J. McDonouajh. Mrs. Fred Cofer is organist and Mrs. Jula Barlow violinist . "Adeste Fidelea" will ho'' rendered for the offertory. Mrs. Wheeler aad Miss Weeks will sing '0 galutarls' and the aoloa will be sung by Mrs.1 Saiith. and Messrs. Mehaffey and Me- ARster, ''The publc is vices. invited to these ser- . Pinal Papers. , $,' ka r Warren-Lv DoSd U la reoela ecSati papers from the govenuiiaat ada' hi wasnwgioa oovena am eaasssiM sltuaUd ta seetea;iT,',awaabvei rant I ,Ay4iri - BULBARS LOOKING ...... ,'. z&Sk-yi -.jv"-rT . . tSii ...ftiVJv. INTO FLOUR RIOTS jr.i1? "-! i &A ? AND FLA6 INSULT PUNISHMENT PROMISED )f 7tHE CHARGES ARE PROVED V $&! 1 ' VK -ff i A. .j r. ' ju...... ...L. ... A .1 ?i A" nu wrvw vmcun nng ntrwnnm'SV-y ed Are Nat Allowed ta fia '- i-idm J. V - Af ? I l fr ' " ft a" 7 Je& ,i Pending an Invtstlaatle: aflthom. Charge That Provisions feV'SerhlaaTfe " c it .- .. &VSA and Other Balkan RefuaeW-Woralf I j ' ? vs s-.iv"wij,ffiai Takan bv Traooa. as " ' . .. . .-,. iHviT&vaxf Bl Bv WILLIAM 'aMaPHBSH,-?.'': vIS (United Press SUE' Cbrr'sepeadeat).'' .QATVIir Tw. A-f &3M& " v,"S,":.fwr.-43S?i Chteaffn iwltv lAarfa MraBM" j -s respondent, aad Dr. Forbes, la iibaifa fe.J oi the American Red Cross, work at: Monastir, who were roughly by Bulgarian soldiers at Monastir I week because they refused to give UMtj --C . 1 1 troops provisions 'donated by iiatr f '.l-?l lfv i . TV-V,t leans for, Balkanefugeee, wW aM,i2!?& yvruuiieu iu go io ureece bow, v ...f.A--a fm . - i fiWivl stead, thev have bMn Mat to sWtirk .., v"j- . 1 -. . r- -tt" j. , i. army headquarters in Sef Ma,1 an Investigation. t'miKMX rfa& The Bulgarian consul here aays Xlae, & Perdlnaad bu ordwed a qulry into the charge tha,tl AfM lean flag waa insulted. He sayaaevece?- punishment will be meted oat 'to eulltr trooos If this la proreaur- t- . ". . ... -'A Dr. Edward Stuart, chief of Um Jtadb'Sl' Cross work In the, Balkan; hw X --V r I" - . Sofia to protest the Monastir and demand retnra of tao'elaw wtwitM-k visions takeaby the Balgarlaa tnmtrWM In their raid on the Amerieaa'saijly "'-f. " i. (SK sw KNIGHTS TEMPLER Ln JT t-m ABB. EPh aa SB am BP atVA EP an aSBsfBa Saav un.rnir .rfluR "" .?"." T TL . TvT -" ' - 71:.,41 . IX -U r& -i-ii" , CHRISTMAS EXERCISES TO" -". -JhiW&. HELD AT MORROW nins ivrykwvnt 'wtlsJsSsT. UAiuiy mv AAU.ca t r " . '""' ft COMMANORY SA-.iTe .-. --i l..t 5S,!i Christmas observance .by" Calvarr.S.&i commandnr. Knlanta Teaanlar. wW WB? 7 " . T J J . -s- Mi-lfi held In Masonic aau tcorrow;aaa- Af- lir with tha tnaat tnUatk. aa4 .iSi"1.-' program by the various oaUers.-irtaaa;1! will uv MTVU wiwb mwnm wm" ri.i5.iE toast- Knights have ,beei assemble at the hall notr 8:30. and In uniform.! The nrosram followa:' Music s &- The 014. Old 8tory.--'--l-- .,...UBOrBO J. ynuvt, t jpk latar,aaaaC Doxoiogy ... au wur-iMmmm'jm Address 7 yAgafi Prayer ...... U'JV WJBJaaj' The Christmas Sentiment j:U',v& .. i. F. WlUata.-ateeaveaVi 8:00 A. M ,....L.Tao twaetO The Grand Master's RapoMo:ja$3&; f mmniiii Biiriii"TT"tTrTTT ajSjaY eagaajeejaai The Grand Coaunandryrac OHM '$M$ I Sir G. lLra.ltBa)W 111 TT-I-Lt. mn.l.. wmmmvi'- t DUpersed Bsr.m'allfcamS1' The Grand Master ot.Maajpiiaij fHM 1 Bio ,t iaiBBiakr l i ureiw ..-. -gf TMjp-rpjTj The Grand High vnmlmfHJiW&i A U . - - I1""' "( AreVtnWUH V UMIIHi '. 'Wjjiv it3 ii".A mm. ikM, j-i wjmmm?ti Oar m:m Vft s nwv'r,T" Barbers" Work tfMffih) S t.The barsrabei at tta ally ' mala eaeaapUt lelaak nwrroV.: ta4rt-:w '' , a o'elaA'aatttliMS;. ?' f w;i F w iA -'WajW . ' i'; r v.v -c & . u . a '& Family Wiaaiaa.lif LTaa afarttaesaa wl RU"jaia?: Fsdaa'.:KM W!H?. mm f.rstartta,w, T. K f-Jyfj ( -A i . i " 1 ' 'Titv lmt 1 i 8& JW"- isT rv.s.w.i V5T SXVfi .KUVSftl fe"-l ,'Hj ''.ThM&l 'V MM j -v "i-iia Mi 5 81 "'il t IT r"".7i- t"-nrj& i i mm mt Mm is 'J -i; -?Sk f. Ws u i 1 .7?r VjSSjC ' -J' - t ik -5r U'" SSB irWi&x n,1 " iJ I v?w'" 1 'i-M