'r lW$ 1mMn$ Iterate n- KLAMATH PALLS' KLAMATH OOWrri '. tl OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER V. OFFICIAL NEWiPAl f.'-i5 , c J ' T'i i i i J-WSFVttwv" ' . lP$ jij 1 4 4t I ft- : IU "Si 4 - f' $ r Tenth Ysar No. 2,871 COYOTE BOUNTY RAISED TO STOP RABIES DAN6ER FORT KLAMATH PEOPLE RAISE, A PRIVATE BOUNTY End of 1818 Will See a Reduction In State' Bounty, So (e Offset This, tht Caunty Court Raises Its Bounty an Additional Two Dollars Per Coyote. Infected Coyotss Reported Around Spraaue River. Determined to stamp out tUo dan ger of a raMoa opldttslc in Klamath coaaty by aaaklng tlio bounty sufficient to cause a thorough hunt for coyotes, the county court today signed an order for the payment of additional bounty money for coyotes, beginning January 1. The order follews: "It apeparlng'to the court that under tho provisions of sections 6747-0761, Lord's Oregon Laws: chapter 181, flen eral.LawH of Oregon, 1913; chapter 174, Laws of IMS, that,tho bounty heretofore paid by the county and state, amounting to 13 on each coyote, will, on the lat day of January, 1919. be rodaced to 11.50; "It also appearing to the court that a portion of the county Is now Infested by wild coyotes which are affected with rablee, aad are roaming about the county, spreading disease and death aawag livestock; also menacing the Uvea of persons living within the roMty. "Therefore, In order to aid In the de stmetlea, of such animals, it is hereby ordered by the court that an additional boaaty of ft be paid by Klamath conn ty In addition to the 11.50 paid by the state and county after January 1, 1916, on all such coyotes killed within Klam ath county, between the dates of Jan uary 1, 1818, aad March 31, 1119, and presented to I ho county clerk of Klam ath county, for bounty between such dates. Bamn to be paid aa other gen eral fund claims ara paid. "Dated at Klaauth rails, Oregon, this SSd day of December, 1116. Deatdex tin bounty Increase by the county, ranchers aad easiness men of the Fort Klamath section have decided to mako coyote klUlag still more profit able to hunters aad trappers. They will give aa extra II par bead for each coyote killed In that section, making tho total SMI. "An yet, Klamath oeaaty baa aot aatered to aay extoat frona the eoyot menace." said County Judge Hanks to day. "But evidences of infected ani mals have been found In a few places, natlceably along Sprague River. It la reported than an Indian woman was bitten, bat this is not confirmed. 'The only way to prevent a spread of mates, though, la to kilt off every coyote, aad we feel that our Increase of, bounty is an 'ounce of prevention' tnut will be effective. Lake county to the coat of as, and Modoc county to the soath are both suffering from rabies epidemics, and unless precau tiawa ara taken there la danger of diseased coyotes running around Klam ath ooaaty." County Court Fixes Tax Levy at 27.7 Mill Mark At taiV saatlM of the coaaty aaaJM h tax ttry far the aaaalag year WM Baw4 at tr.T, Owlag to the fact this yearr It waa aeoeMary to HkM taa levy, bringing It put last ajavtlnyrfiuaallls. Sr Nads. thU yeaf lary is dlvldf4 affaUowai qeaerali state and warrant redemp- ' turn mIMI 1.M ABjHwHatal lateaaloa .14 MStstoste 4.W On the Italian Front 'r aSBBlraa kvr SkKSHBuBaaaaaaVuHBwBaaaaaBW' -KaaY-aBMSBBS; iBaEiBaaaHKjMBnaaaaaaa7f''ir3aaaTv?. o K? avsBEBEB ' . aaHSavaaaaaWiBaaaawHf VffBaaaa, ;Sr-v ItTkBaT. sVaaVtOlaaaWSBaaaaaair ' rJjBBaaaw A aaaaaaaHKiHtt BaaaaaaaaaaaaaSaaSl aaaaaaaaaW iri i HaaaaB!9aaaaaamat 'Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Jsnal J -v-aaaaaaaaaaBjp aaaaaaaaVBlBaaawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa mi r '?AaaaaaaaaaWaaaaaaaaaaVaaaaaaaauaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaY$i KSKHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBi IfcBaaHsaaHEiaa rfaCaaaaaaaaaVaaaaTlEafcaBBaalBaaaaaaV saaaVaaaWaVAWiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVlaaBaaaaaS WaaaVaaaV.aaaHLJ&'aaaaaaB alaaaaT HsaaaaaaWiififeaaaanBaaaaaaaaaaaaaVBaaaaaaaal WvMW' aaa?BBBaaaaaaa&waaanaBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaanaaaaaaaaT ? WmfKMm:, ', aaaaWJaakaaalaaaaaal : laaBaaaViaaHBaalBaaaaWa1i HalBaKBaaaaaaaaaaaBaBaaamBaaaaraaaaaaaaaaaaaa QaHanBaaaailiBaaaaaiWBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV m-Ammmsmsamm aa . "Vaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa t - aaaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalMBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 4 " - Left to Itlght I'rlace IaiuU aMriron, the King of Italy, General ZupelU, Italian Minister or war, nml (irncral Cadoma, commander In chief of lite Italian troops, from one of the twighu of Cndora. GOLDEN WEDDING IS CELEBRATED FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF THE WEDDING OF MR. AND MRS. DAVID CAMMBLL IS MADE A VERY HAPPY EVENT Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. David Camp bell of Lorella rounded out the fiftieth year of their married life, and in honor of the affair, a big reunion and dinner was held, the children of the popular couple attending, these being Mr. and Mrs. Louis Oerber, Dr. and Mrs. George Merryman, Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Bowne, Mr. and Mrs. wm lampoon, Mr. and Mrs. A. It. Campbell, Mr. Mrs. Walter Campbell and Mr. and ndJ Mrs. Oscar Campbell. The couole who celebrated golden wedding are well and favorably . ..t wouia only make them homesick," known all over Klamath county. Thir-nn offlcer told me. "This la a war to ty-one years ago they came to Klamath tne death. We are not like the armies county, settling In Langell Valley, and of 0id, which proclaimed an armistice they have since been among the most for Christmas. It Is necessary to for influential people in the county. Let the home festival and reserve the Mr. and Mrs. Campbell receiveo many beautiful presents as mementos of tho occasion. . Card of Thanks wish to thank all those We who heled make lighter the sorrow caused common consent, unut innsuna. neijKHi idmo iisuuii " ,.. in Thnn an officer in eaelfaec hv the passing beyond or our son ni ...other. Henry Stoeschler. Mr and Mia. Hans Stoeschle-.. Urs. Oeomo lchn. Geaaral School Road ............ 4.08 1.00 Total ...Jtt.1 IIMIHIHHIHK The amouata to be raised ay ueae levies follew: 'Oeaeral, etc., IIS4.M6i High sehool,. 13,80.60; oxtansloa school' library, I30T.5T; sweral sool,Jerkopf, were repulsed. Tao Frown iSrSyiTS Wl wte. ebbIs furthor progm. tbw. Bealdea this goaeral county lW ," isitt: new court nouse, ",. there are also apoolal leviea in we "( a aithooi districts, aad for the dlf fertat laeorporatofi towaa la Waaiath "ty- .1. -- ,i KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, I ?&$& && iS $$3' Purchases Mill. C. 0. Slack recently closed a trans action with Ada L. Slack whereby he becomes the owner of what is know-i as the Slack sawmill, located between Langoll Valley and Malin. The con sideration amounted to 11,600. How They D Christmas By PHILIP KIRBY (United Press Staff Correspondent) WITH FRENCH ARMY FRONT, via Paris Tho shrill whistle of bullets oerhead and the roar of artillery In the first line trenches of the western t.-.ii. r.n It Is easy to understand why men do not wish to observe the festival of theIrJ..neRce on earth, good will to men." " 'celebration until victory comes to us." Yet, there'll be Christmas in the trenches, for the malia lor montns havo been Jammed with presents ror the men. These have been piled in bombproofs, and will not be opened, by -". ---- - . .. " - - tribute them. Christmas back home, though lfa a Christmas season with a tug at the hoart strings. Many churches behind the trenches, though partly in ruins, War, Bulletins United Press Service BBRUN, Dee, 13. It is claimed that the Germans havo recaptured Hart- mannswellorkopf, attacking the French on the northern slope, United Press Service PARIS, Dee. 33. It waa reported to day that the Germans had made sever al attempts to retake Hartauuaswell " '?r "' 'T LONDON. Dee. 3. Parte dlspatoaea ay the lined Sada Mara waa sank la tho Medltorraaeaa by either a Oerasaa ANOTHER MURDER HIS ST averted HUGH L. CCOPTON 18 UNDER AR. REST FOR'ATTACKS UPON A t WOMAN AND ATTEMPT TO KILL HER HUSIAND f ; The fact that u nhell lodged and pie , vented, the discharge of the gun Ih all I that prevented a second shooting and I perhaps fatality in Klamath county I this week. Hugh L. Clopton of Do jnanza, who tried to shoot, is In the 'county' jail awaiting the action of the grand Jury. It is charged that Clopton attacked Mm. H. M. Jato eterday evening, but was driven away each time. On the occasion' of his last unwelcome visit to the Jalo residence on Ninth street, Jalo was home, ami he chased Cropton two blocks. i The latter Uien pulled out a .25 cal ibre automatic, and pulled back the rod to load It. In doing so a shell Jammed and.'the effort to shoot Jalo, who was about three feet from tho Run's muzzle, failed. 'V, Policemen Baldwln,and McCnrter ar rested CloDton. And put him In the city Jail lastf night. Today he was ' bound o or to. the grand Jury by Jus 'tlco of the Peace Qowen. Away for Winter. Miss Elsie vApplegate has gone to .Turlock, Calit, to Join her family, who are spending the winter there. "Dad" Here for Visit E. D. Ramsby returned last night from Roseburg to spend Christmas with his wife and children here. Celebrate in Trenches are decorating with flats, evergreens, holly and mistletoe. At midnight on Christmas Eve, the solitary figure of Cardinal Lucon will enter the Rhelma cathedral and pray for the success of French arms and for the rest of the souls of men who have fallen In the defense of their country- Regularly twice a week he prays In a hole In the untouched wing of the ruined church; but he cannot celebrate mass inside the cathedral, so complete ly la it wrecked. Solemn high mass will be sung ChrlBtmaa Eve and several other ser vices will be held Christmas Day In the sacristy of the Spissomr cathedral. There a tiny light is burning continu ously before the small altar. "Although the enemy, for no reason, destroyed the outer shell of the house of Ood, this light, typifying eternal faith in the heart, burns forever," said the priest In charge. The Christmas spirit isn't what America would know -aa Christmas spirit but in its place la a confidence In victory, a firm belief that when the time of "peace oa earth, good will to men" again rolls around, the Germans will be broken aad French families re united. ' N or Austrian subasarino, 'It la believed this Is the Japanese Uaer Yaaaka Mara which left here roooatly. A French warship rescued aearly 300 of tao paaaaafora aboard the Uaer. These, Included oao American. Agoata claim the veaael waa aot warned, aad they aay It remained afioat aa hoar, enabling all to leave solely. iralted Prosa Sorvloo ,"- NSW YORK, Dee, M.-Aoeordlag to aa Amorioaa ariatar,' WUUaai Thaw aad others arrWaf ; hare, ovor 1,199 Freaoh avUtoraiaavo boea kitted la air battlof or ofs4arsi akaoo'tao bo Btaalag of tao wr.v i ' 5 DECEMBER 23, 1915 New Commander of British Army General Sir Douglas Halg Hailed aa the "man of the hour," General Sir Douglas Halg succeeded Sir John French as commander of the British army in France and Flanders December 16th. General Halg is only 64 years old, tho youngest commander I EaaaaaaaaaaaVI BBjEBEjEBEjEBEjEw I ' ' .EaEataarl I 1 IsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaflH Hll HBBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasaaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal 3Jl jBBzaaa In the present war.H-ia.a8atKgQuxaakatfyeai man, born in Ftfeshlre, is tall powerful ly built, dour and masterful, andjw close a student of his profession that be was nicknamed "von Halg" by his friends. mehaffey doing TO STATE MEET WILL REPRESENT LOWER KLAM ATH DRAINAGE AT THE STATE DRAINAGE MEET AT CORVALLIS 800N ' A. A. Mehaffey, one of the ofitcera, auU a man prominent in the organisa tion of the Lower Klamath drainage district, is to represent the district at the state drainage congress, to be held at Corvallla January 3-8. In connection with the Farmers' Week at the Agri cultural College. A new drainage law has been enact ed (is a result of the organization of a state drainage association at the con ference last year, and at the coming meeting means of putting it Into ap plication most effectively will bo coa- sldered. At present there are. six drainage districts, each having a representative who la a member of the' board of di rectors of the association. The conference meeting will be held Tuesday and Wednesday, January 4 and 5. It Is planned to have a-meet-lng of the executive board the first day, followed by an address from the president of the association, tho atato engineer and the members of the board otdlreetora: Tho evaalag aad following day will be taken up with varioua lectures and BsCaanWaaanVMlBvaBave TaMavaf WbV IbW W WbV Inspection of the college farm drainage ayataaa. Christmas Servlee. "Bptacopallans aad all Utorosted la' the f church, are iavlted tomoot la tao library hall at 2:M Saaday aftomooav for Chriatawa aorrtoaa. ."5"7 I Arranojomsnts have boon, made with tho aoraao goYerameat for wiroteaa oofAmupieatioaa aoxwoea. awowaarasw Aatorlea .vla'tao wlroleaa aUtloaa at Naaoa. Gorauay, sajl taoAawloaa owkni a. wi " ? Ji V ;... K- SPORTSMEN NAME THE SAME CORPS ONLY MINOR CHANGES ARE MADE IN THE PERSONNEL' OF THE BOARD OF Dl HECTORS ANOTH , .. V en nnnu iwn i 'i .. ... ... .. -.t. ..-. i jai iblhil niBrni'sa iiiaaaiwinar nr rnn aaiaian. nnrnat nt nffliaa atroo aaa-Afauttau4 nnlw ' fi4 , w -, .. www- -,,-..w w.,, iew cnanuw veuis nxaae in ioe omo-; (orate. 30 the officials are now as,foi-.L 1 ' - IUW. J - .r President, W. A. Delzell; vice preal'f, ?eui, j. a. .uougei .secretary, J wangen; 'treasurer, J. J. Parker' J n - rectors, w. C. Dalton, Malia: E..A.-1, Wilson Chlloquin; Dan Driscoll, Bly; Ros3 Foley, Merrill; R. W. TOWer. Keno; L. C. Sisemore, . Fort Klamath; D. St George Bishop, Odessa; FML' Cleaves. Crescent; J. O. HamakerJ Bo-Jot hanza. State Game Commissioner' Stose ad" J..J 4K- ..ll- J ..!. ,! ath BDortimen'a Association. I hit aflH',8hJt& "' Ktf !f'&K. started toward securing the berdotJ:iv KuBaeJl tk eignteen euc ror Kiamatn. Anotnerisneoung: Moaoay, meeting will be held later to maker further arrangements. ' W GERMANS ATTACK - "3 i a KAISER'S STAND "HUMANITY LEAaUK" BIAri8fA,:'AdSiir aSuf. " S-it, REVOLUTIONARY STATEMBNTs' IN ITS CHRISTMAS MANIFESTO. FORD LEAVES PARTY y ROTTBRDAM. Doc. U. "The Oar- "VHf""r j Christmas manifesto, calUng upon the German eoldiera to qatt tho Uaaoa'ia and depose Kaiser Wllhebn "from the throne he has berouled." "The soldiers are shedding their . I blood while the moaarchs are exchaag Ing good wills," said the statement "This campaign is not being waged in lawful defense of Germany," It con eludes. "Instead, it Is only to satisfy the insatiable savage greed of the Ras slan conspirators.", v , CHRISTIANA, Dec. 33. The where abouts of Henry Ford is unknown. His physician explains that it la neeeseary for him to detach himself from the peace party aad obtain rasC in organically he la aound, but he -hi suffering from exhaustion. HejwUl re main la Norway several days. Norwegian officials refuse to acconv pany the peace party to:8tocknolm. Theyaay the time hTnotpe for peace movements. ' - Ford ,1s being 'strongly mentioned here for the Nobel peace prize.' for Santa Great ara the preparatlona going for; ward at the various ehureaoa of Stoat- ath rails, for Chriataaaaexorclsos to morrow night for tte,a?ajday;scaool children. To all of oxerclaea'tao pubUo ia'eordlaUy InVltodh ' ' Tao Proabytorlaa Saaday school Wilt reader, a varied maaleal aad Mtorary program of appropriate nambers. be ginning at 7:30. There wlH baao Christmas tree, but there are,, straw hinta of, an excoodlagly leaaaat,aa prise for sack eaUd to attoadaaoe, ',7, UU to bo 'glvoa'at tao,tClHiotla oharch, aad another 'number oa tto araaram'tkaro Is atWod.'XrtMaaaa faddiatv" ta which, aaamber of aau. draa will aartlelaate.ff'.'A aarob.Ifor apUwr.U another eute nuaaber U bo ftvoa, aad tao OarUtlan proayaai ta oaaaapawa aaasw aw a aw-cwi y eafrtatalng Nataroa.' A tm wtu itaWlni svUaaea.'trttt,a;reairiro Beau CUas oa aaad ta dtotosiatioasV, a aad aaaar aaaitoa aa aaO oMIaraa. . W laaBwaa. wsaavam ww w w w-b wl; la! wllUljoWJUvOitklsaaa Sunday Schools Ready t j - a rMaaaW iaaBMfl FP-BBIB BBEBaBBJBBBJ BBBIBBBBBB WTWBS'B3g oaahm laaoatfMSW fJJtJ.-, . VVpSMWttftn.." ' MMM VH frrJ" y i w atr-V; rf WOMAN SAYS Srtf ti; ;i4 - .fift- !r.,i!ir KNOWSLANRENCI tikrirrurffilrtkMi IHKtnltHtUit --WfSE ism AFFIDAVIT AT SALEMI PiLBfitW y day mYzrm?mm tW4.n3 mfrkVJ 5JSSP2S38K "-f ' ' . t-ftVF!?'.vray --:. u , wj t,'l -vifikJit- . . up p .-,-. tiC2fcJIi;...'tJ,r. A tmtt m - jiJr .yt. a.: nuw trmwmymmmfwmmmm ix vfV "Sc 11858? !.? 'J.liWWi f',?'i5fl , - v s-.- fj a??AJBrtf S- TM,I -- -'- --- a a lLJ.1 j,f t ' - JTESP 'i .---A. j.il-UUIUiLr pwrn gLJhm v't"J Jresa Servlee tItlf SALBM. IKser,MMrs?vXdraaialf the MerriH eoaatry taaWaeaVisk lawif a.i - "--t - . , , '",. "" " fct.UUBW W.I tn JV.T aa aaaa: - v riwrsi makeMarch to kill Mrs. f t-j Mrs. Todd wroto to OararMr WHhr- mi l alwuit Ifci iniMiiiMin' ti.MSMi a "f."- tf . . z: ... t ' .; aiK- XAt thai tisao; Owotjjw aiK- XAt that tlsao "Oewereor. p6K wrew umum-MXfowwmWfi .. .' &-. . .i''i-"-i"'-.'i"f 2 irwin at nisisra raisi waassi vi Uir iV1 im zL " r"& t' . a .v. . I fcirll saitaaIatLsaiaaii.?;::--:; ri-. . z&ii8m3&A ..' w . 33i r?g '3 , MP-, t, ,y ifM S&m!?ii .a wmrrmai os arrvaK wa issasai M-tv n . mP- r.i -i ..)y - i - ii. Tfcta. eWataililsi Taia.ekajraMalMiaaahsaV '.Lrv t- - r- , -T-r- -.---I -- 7."'" "-. 4Ltu-" - 'Jil'J x. (J ieu.4jAKj.fi. - aaaav aeiag anaoa wxav a aaasaaa weaaoB,.aM.wMeawraU;ar Haate .anWVliW fcV'taaiaK : , ggtns JjjJjMa'mm &2m8S& .m, r gymfc r.'Wisiiisr -iiYei''r-j m' -. iTAsjferes 'aa hS. mm -.m. T-" X';- ' Taroaga k. ij.turoososea.v. aww kdff has started action ajaatnatMlFaaV off aad- John Chornekoff.- to' lasovia ISgl.25. aUeged dae oa a note, aad fffi attoraeyB foaa. -" "-Wi"P - '$'4 i" : x--3g fX4 Philanthropic Room.OfMM .PMaaM-rj . Tfco mnm nf ihw TKIUaikMikU TWI partmenrof the Woaaaa'gf Iiai j Club,' east of the poateateo.'w1'a'-; open tomorrow aftsraeea.?1awtoad... Ssturdar.- Anrhodv- laaoed.V4 clothug or other a BrlWOT luilntul M thar analv at 1 . -. v jr-a-rVtji;. j i'.'.' J f.r f. Km ,( &:,. ,&ff'VjyrtfP.'Ti "V JC- ijr 1 ----- ..'. f HU T? BVArtlflnaa. ' S J"t5ti- r?5rfH, '.i - S . tu.r,'i ".j. """ i'-VIII'S , 1-KlnV Omu" iAnaci'waa' ' ' ""' ui. - -' -' "----'- -l UUISJUUIB PHIMaHIK MU HnM' 'Swede" Is headed for Portia-' malB.iimtll after Creaoti 1udm faUo day.colaaaa. &m& J --(r. "-.-'..- ." . rrS-TJr s "Aiffluar' t" "' m&&- - . 'Hcs?:Ct. 't&rxrSSir.? '! i.'.'iTvH r v- 'Si?iJs'ySwi L'-ff-TVB-, .lj mfrzt marrow aftsraooBiat l:Bi,l 'Lji ewes wut aw avasarw amy 1 A ' -- '" - " . - citlon witt bo hold altar'! akcb fbuowa' l0$ :... nan 'aaan ih WJ,. J.t !'w ' .J ,-f , mm tmmn ,mm & 'Mmrrrmmmi Solo "Star 'M' Baaf u . iJVf tsr bhrislaaaaXory.'al gws t avBaPaaBBalBoaw aBBaa sBaaBsa) awav amg "oirv wauorr-riBra- il Ml.il. ' -' -." w. btaav. i r "Z'W&wmmmu a- ?ulr "V. Mi 1 if 1 Hi 1 TWW- ,, fcUMBM. thMeadhtaaai aaaiww ffi 111 T$ wl '. : " BBfaa'SaBBjaj CatarWaaMfl' mLwm tl fw aiMh A .r.i A?A- "U?- MH:rat lfotf' iSI isTf j?'ar k1"- KSi 'S 'i "';'' IKMd K? Si'l iir, '!- ts A: s?.iV, :,r ?r '. . 2 t tf !V rfJ cs?s ' tfi ij&j ! i' l's IrfAS 7 i -a i"ta "VS 'O'rtfl I" , &: IH. lC,(i ifi L ,.,& B T 1 ,a fcTJ; litrv i. 'Sl K y; ( M )s.. .:iif f 7 vv?. M '-x& ' 4." - m H V, l $hiJ . wmmmmmtmmmmwmm