"4- " ; iiiS issa1 ""Wir.tt y rsi 'r f Kip 'jtPv y KLAMATH PALLS' &' v? - ' , -.- i ' . ,.? r li -7 i, 41. . OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH COUNTY W OFFICIAL NEWfFAPIR . "tor. , . F. -JS &. !u.t &? w.lfl ' H i m SI Tn(h Year Ne. 2JU9 SI KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21,' 1915 Pries Wre urmwi itlram CORONER'S JURY WES MURDER TOA.E.LAWRENCE DEAD WOMON'S SON IS RELEA8EO FROM CUSTODY Afttr Htarlng Statement of Dying Wo. man, Coroner'e Jury Accumi Rival In Homestead Battle of Shooting Mr. Alma Kuehne Huntere and I awrence Aro All Helld for Murder en Warrant Today. A litinesl I.nwrence. and not Mm 0. 0. Hunter, Htiot and killed Mrs. Alma Kucbno In thn battln at Dodd Hollow yesterday morning, nay the members of the coroner's Jury, follow Inx I bo Inquest at Merrill Inst nlcht. An a result. Lawrence and Mr. and Mm. Hunter arc all under arreiit. charged with murder. The warrant ft lnnued on complaint of Marshal T. M. Durham of Merrill, by Justice of the Peace K. W. dowen. Mrmtwro of the coroner's Jury were lred Stukel foreman ( ,Dan Colwcll, Homer Moore, K. C. Fnber, O. B. Irwin and Joe Stukel. The salient portion of their verdict follew: That the said bullet wound wn In flicted by a gun In the hands of one A. K. Lawrence; that the act took plnrc on the hoineMead of Mm. Alma Kuhne on the 20th day of December, 1915, at the hour of a, tn. That we believe A. K. Lawrence utility of a crime thereby." The doctors who attended I ho wwndvd woman and K. M. Hubb, no l i who took her dying atntomont, were railed aa witnesses, :md "ho wo innnVt itatement made Jmt bnforc -ho died h read. In this oho .ulil that Lawrence shot her, nnd then i-truck her after she had fallen, woumtei. Vint evidence Introduced tended to show that the fatal wound was causod by a steel Jacket bullet apparently from a rifle of the .30 calibre typo. Uwrence and the others have stated that Lawrence flrcd one shot with a 30-30 rifle. The bullot passed through the body, so It la Impossible to accu rately ata'tk.what calibre rifle the bul let waa from. Following the Inquest, Andrew Kuebne, son of the murdered woman, waa released from custody by District Attorney John Irwin. Prior to that time he had been under surveillance The time for a preliminary hearing has not been set as yet. Irwin, Sheriff Low and others are making further In vestigations at the s(cene of tho shoot Ing this afternoon. Lawrence Is confined In the county Jail, and Mrs. Hunter nnd her children are under guard at tho Hotol Hall. Late this afternoon Hunter, who was wounded In tbe battle, was discharged from the hospital, and ho has been Placed In the city Jail, awaiting the hearing before Justice Qowcn. OVER 53,100 IS OUR LICENSE FEE HUNTERS ARK MOST IN KVI DKNOK, WITH ANGLKRft SEC OND COUNTY HKCKIVK8 PAR. TIAIi REBATE ON ISSUES According to the reporta compiled by the county clerk'a.offlce, a toUl of IS.1I9 waa paid la Klamath county thU year for aporUaen'a licensee. Tfcta It dlvlded'aa follews: Huntera' Uceaae f 1,483' Anglara' licensee MOB Combination .......... NfrMl4Mt 70 The gooeral'fund will, fie enriched ,1I,4S M result of the license ! iia, Ula katac fi per cent of the MMusta received for lloenaea since Mpf ltd, wbe a law allewisc the eeiaUaa a, rebate for work of iMUlng Itfeaaae wet lato eKect. New Ambassador From Mexico Ambsstsdor Ellieo Arredondo Kllneo Arrodondo, former chief of the Washington Junta of the Carran rUtnH, htiH JilHt been appointed to thin country from Mexico. AmbnHHiidor Arredondo Ik a flrnt coiiHln of (lencrnl Carrnnzn on his mother'H uhle, and Ih h native of tho state of Coahulla. whuro the Cnrranza family Iihh lived for years. Jleforo tho revolution he wax a fedeial dlfltrlct Judge, and later, when Mndoro came Into towor, wn a member of the lower houne of tho Mexican congress. After that ho was secretary of tho govern ment of Coahulla, a position that corre sponds to that of secretary of stato In one of our states. Deforo he came to Washington, Mr. Arredondo waa tho sub-secretary of the Interior In the Car- runza cabinet. CHRISTMAS EVE AT ELABORATE PROQRAM PREPARED FOR ENTERTAINMENT OF MEM BER8 AND FRIENDS LTTTLE TOTS TAKE PROMINENT PART mi... ..,. .iiw.ru r the Christian church and their friends aro In for treat on Christmas Eve, wuen a pro-.rr-m will tie rendered at that church I that Is far superior to tho programs usually rendoretl on sucn occuniun. .v.. -.. iiihiL' tim various numbers have been thoroughly rohoarsed, and i.nt n.i.in.i to tho unusual merit of tho different sections, will add to tho entertainment of the evening. One numhor, a drill onlltlod "Chrlst mas Pulling." nnd participated In by . . i en Iia VAI-V tho llttlo tots, promisu iu u ,.w plcislng. A cantatla, "Santa's Elves," Is also cnlculatod to entertain, nnd the con stant rehearsals Insuro a splendid pro duction. rm... inn ii.iMn will ho a vW unaer tho tltlo of "A sonrch for Happiness, which Is suro to ho onienainuiH. mi. .mm will bo about nn hour s lliu ,.."n - .i,i. length; nnd will bo lntorspereod with renditions by a quarter, with music of other descriptions Vround It out In n perfect manner. i ft.. h nrmrrnm Will DO the Christ- Lm trco exerclsos, when tho little tots will receive candies, eic, 101 i splendid behavior during mo pwi j- 8NOWSLIDE8 BOTHBR THE O..W. n. A N. COMPANY LINE . . nniMin' n.. Doc. 21. Four IjA UVi-l - - snow Sliuwn - -- ' - ' . . n.n...i onH M.vl (ration com- n.iAB nn tim linn or mis uidbum- wasning T'-jr.i, .mn pany near uacon wm .. - since last nigm. .... ..nntlnantal trains alTO tailed. The passengera apent the night In the coacnoH in " """ -a-a-a-a-a-aV n ggfciJgPwr'-'vvism. ' $ jggKr.ilB 1 1 'liaflHSVWI : 9 nm&msm saawTTr ' giifjtajk ' HA aiHiH I i HR STIAN CHURCH AUSTRIA ISN'T SEEKING A ROW WITH AMERICA SO SAYS HER STRONOEST CITIZEN i COUNT TIZCA In Interview With United Press, the 1 Nobleman Says That There will Be No Quarrel If Washington Keeps Cool In the Ancona Case, and Says i ' Everything Can Be Adjusted Very Nicely and In Regular Order. By KARL ACKERMAN (United rress Correspondent) Ili:Ul.lN, IK'C. 21. Count Stephen Tlzcii, Austria's iiremlcr nnd strongest man, today assured tho United Press that thero will bo no quarrel between Auxtrln and the United States, provid ing American nOlclals keep cool. He says Austria has no reason for quarrel ling, and doesn't Intend to do so. Austria, though, he held, objects to America's manner of seeking a dls avowal of the sinking of the Ancona. The American consul at Dudapest says the cordiality of relations havo not been Interrupted by tho trouble. Ho believes there will be no severance of relationships. United I'ress Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 21. Colonel House Is going to Europe again in n fortnight. He goes unofficially as the president's agent, to take Informa tion to American ambassadors regard ing the administration's attitude on Impending International questions. "It Isn't a peace mission," said House today. J y GIRLS, NO USE TO ASK JOBS IN CAL. NEW LAW PROHIBITING HIRING GIRLS UNDER 18 YEARS FOR ANY WORK IN CONTACT WITH PUBLIC TO BE ENFORCED SACRAMENTO. Dec. 21. The new law prohibiting girls under 18 years of age from selling articles on the streets nr in nuhllc nlaccs. and from being em ployed In any way that would cause them to thus como Into contact with thti general public, will bo strictly en forced by the state labor commission er's department. Deputy State Labor Commissioner John S. Blair has been giving much at tention to the law that prohibits boys under 10 from selling papers, and now that law Is in good working order ho will turn to the matter of enforcing the law relating to girls. Theaters will be the first places in vestigated. Many . theaters employ (.Iris as ushers, and Blair has oeen in rnrnimi thnt in many places the girls nre less than 18 years old. In some of tho theaters glrlsare also employed to sell candy durlng'lntermlsslon. Drunken Villistas on Rampage in Juarez or. man t.. Dee. 21 Two Amer icans wore shot, one fatally, In rioting at Jaures today resulting irosa wo. Villa garrison refusing to give ooairui of the town to Carranaa'a forces and lt4VlMla1gi 1 Whllo engaged In looting, the sol diers attacked tbe street cars, firing at th. .humm. Many were slightly wounded, as many of the cars were packed with neof le. vary saloon la the city waa rofcfced SPAIN LATEST TO BECOMEWARLIKf; ORDERSGUNS.ETC. BRITISH PRICK UP EAR8 AS A RESULT Ordei for Twenty Million Dollars' Wortli of Munitions and Munitions Machinery Is Soon to Be Made A Commission of Five Generals Has Been Here for Several Months In vestigating, It la Stated. (lilted Press Service NEW YORK, Dec. 21. Spain is the luitu 1-Juropean nation to begin put tint; on martial airs. I; oecame known today that Spain Is in tho American market to purchase munitions and machinery to complete the equipment of (Spanish munitions plants. The total expenditures wiirbo dose to $20,000,000. Don Jose Salas, Spanish consul gen eral here, today admitted that a com mission of Ave Spanish general staff officers are here quietly placing tbe big orders. He says they have been at work since February. . United Press Seiriee GIBRALTAR, Dec 21. The Spanish war department-has Issued an order substituting the latest type of Rem ington rifle for the Mausers used at present by the Spanish army. Besides this, Spanish recruits are In constant training, and the size of tho standing army has been greatly on- v. - - larged. Theao facts, together with the fact that large purchases of supplies are be ing mado in America, are taken as deoply significant by English author ities. STILL TEACHER 8UPREME COURT RULES THAT WEDDING IS NOT SUFFICIENT GROUND8 FOR DISMIS8AL OF INSTRUCTOR United Press Service SALEM, Dec. 21 The supreme court today ruled that the fact that a woman teacher becomes married during the school term Is not sufficient grounds for her dismissal by a school board. In this decision, which is of high im portance all over tbe state, the higher court sustains the circuit court, which command tho Portland school district to reinstate Mrs. Maude Richards and pay her back salary. The general education board of New York, one of John DK Rockefel ler's Dhllanthronnc enterprises, an nounced recently It had made gifts totaling 1375.000 to four colleges, and bad provided the funds tor a number of novel experiments In the field of education. of Its money, and the garrison became n drunken, trended mob from liquor tRknn from the saloons. a small force of Carranslsta guarded tho arsenal, and the Villistas stormed this, securing their rides and ammuni tion. Officials have decided not to molest vnia. but to treat him aa a common in migrant should he cross the border I voluntarily, it be driven acroaa the illne, however, be will he uteraea. MARRIED WOMAN Charles Edison, Inventor, Poet and Theatrical Producer m itHigiggnSHISItgggH SSIggggggVIHBgWggB vk fcgggggggggggggLgggggPSSPIILgggggBBK! ivf BgggggggggggggBBf BswslBiCyBIBswswswswswsM g fat BgBEgflgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgesiBgBgBsigBgBgBgBgBgBx M sglglglglglglglgHHaHLgHLglglB Ph 4 gggggggggHP!HBHPgigHIH i!lgigigigiggglllgslgigpB p k 's,igggglVLglS1liBBHH r e-:iBalglfgSHglgagH h f"ffi, gggflgPlggflgagbgigigigggHt4 ff ,. "-H 'VgHHKBJBJlggggggggggflggga f' V ?i tvvVEXIHagglglglglBglWV' 1 " ffgflHgggggggggHvr--. s '. -w v aaiigBBBBgesij .Aa'I 4T:JS& -, v "'smvm In addition to writing music and good poetry, Inventing automobile parts and assisting his wizard father i with his inventions, Charles Edison, iciency expert, because his duties are to son of Thomas A. Edison, Is spending 'ace to It that there are no imperfec one' third of his time this winter oper-1 tlons in tbe manufactured products to uting his little music theater on Fifth j vented by his renowned daddy, avenue, New York. '.. ! The'rematning third ef his time, he The Idea of Edison's little theater (it, only accommodates 140 people) is to i give expression to 'artistic American singers and players. Young Edison created the theater because of his deep sympathetic interest in budding Amer ican musical genius. Another third of his time he devotes WOULDN'T ALLOW JURY DICTATION MISSOURIAN HA8 BILL AIMED TO STOP FEDERAL JUDGES FROM DICTATING WHAT VERDICT THE .IURY SHALL RETURN IN A CASE United Press Service WASHINGTON. D. C. Dec. 21. Dictation by federal judges- of Juries' verdicts would be prevented under the terms of a bill Representative Dyer of Mt'ssouri has prepared, he says. "Procedure rules now permit Judges to make stump speeches from the tench, practically decide cases and dictate what verdicts Juries shall bring In," Bald Dyer. "So much lati tude is allowed in their Instructions that they sometimes usurp the func tions of the'jury. I shall urge a law to tequire them to give their jury Instruc tions In writing, and to not improperly Influence them; "A poor man now has difficulty, also, in using the federal judiciary. Because of technicalities it is almost impossible fpr him to litigate. The federal Judi ciary should be made more popular and accessible to the poor man." WEALTHY MEXICANS ARE DONE WITH MEX RAILROADS United Press Service SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. JL "No more railroad trains through tbe In terior of Mexico for us," announced Podro A. OarcU and Sebastian Laco tour, following their arrival from Ma satlsn on the steamor San Jose. A hand to hand battle in a box car with brigands setled this question tor them. Both are wealthy men of Ma satlan. They started by rail from Sallna Orua to Vera Crui, la route tho train waa attacked by brigands. They were awakened la the middle of the night by ahoU and took refuge (a i to work In his father's laboratories, He is called the "repair man." His work is much In the nature of an writes poetry under the nom deplume, "Tom Sleeper," and music,, and plays the gentleman; and it Is said of him truly, that he really has a good time. CHarles Edison is 26 years of age, and already has to his credit a valuable patent of his own invention fora part of an electric automobile. a box car. A railroad employe slip ped them revolvers. Before driving the brigands away they narrowly es caped death several times. They re turned to Sallna Cruz and will go to Vera Crut from here by water. ALL IS READY FOR THE BIG SHOW LAST REHEARSAL HELD LAST NIGHT, AND MEMBERS OF CAST ARE READY TO DON COSTUMES AND GREA8E PAINT All is in readiness for "The Follies," the big local talent show to be given for the benefit of the Library Club's Philanthropic department tonight and tomorrow night. Last rehearsals were held last night, and the thirty or more participants will be letter perfect when they present the show. ,s Seats are going fast, and there la ey ery indication of a big house. The doors will open at 8 o'clock, and the show will start at 8:30. Some Live Wire. The difference between an ordinary 1 wire and a live wire was. discovered this morning by a local youngster, when he grasped the' latter it the shooting gallery near Eighth street Tbe ground being wet, he received the full force of the current, and unable to let go, he rolled on the ground and yelled until a policeman out the wire. It was impossible to get any farther particulars, for all existing sprint ords were lowered by the kid theani stent' the juice waa cut off. The American commission, for relief In Belgium will 'undertake amilar work In Poland, aa requested by, Ger many, provided the consent orvKuaata and Its allies can be obtalaedit-r' estimated that IIO.OOMOS a aieath' will be rnulred toTleed tha dedKe minions t n't he 'eastern theater of war; BRITAIN CALLS ; A MILLION MEN TO THE COLORS V -yT MIL. MAKE8 A TOTAL OFFOUR "LION IN RANKS 7 Without .Mentioning Conscription, Aa- qulth Introduces Measure in Ctm- mons for Raising .a Legion te port Troops Now Engaged In SHffer ent Theater Changea Mfng Med t -In General Staff. United Press Service LONDON, Dec. 21. Premier Asttltk today Introduced a bill in the hoiaw of commons, calling to the colors a aatt- lion more men. This will Mat the number of enlisted -Britishers aa4: . colonials up to four million- -, - No mention was made of coascrla-' lion by, Asqulth In his talk. Ha re ferred "to heavy losses auataueeL be-.. said both sides were, suffering the same way. - ;At the end .of sixteen, Bwmthn.wa, are fighting In the vsrioaa ttiatiwet waVwlth 1450,000 men," he.aaieV jtyt Is imperative that we sinaianl. Ihia force.with another nearly aa te & The war office today aaaoueei that 3 Sir, ( William Robertson, the BrRtehft em-chief of staff in France, has called. .He becomes chief ot tfcJn.& perial general staff,- aneceedtne; "Jtr v Arthur -Murray. J . Murray,' it Is announced, gnu M jaa: liO(iaai 1 ilium Tr.tewmmmmmvm'Tr lic-tBathwmbeiB-chMieoir'- v Egyptian operations. . J' ig ,' Athens .dispatches say a Knaalai"! '' warship escorting fifteen troop aMnyi' H bombarded Varna yesterday. ' vp United Press Service xrETnnmAT n . ., . r -- ... .Tll , ,- nounced that General Russky has relieved of the command of the - tense of the Rlga-Dvlnskllne, owtac'te 1 111 health. He remains a member of ,l the war council, and Caar Nli cabled congratulations for his services. (Editor's Note General Ruaaky conunanded the Gallelaa expedRfen, which captured. Lemhnrg.). -. - - ;, i ..... -rl tinitea frees tsernee . rA i .--"- ' ' "s r-i'rK ,l IifiHXlN. Dec. 21 Dispatches atate,, that Greek 'troops In the fort at Bara- buhia. dominating Salonika, fired eai a. v French detachment which "failed ' to halt when so commanded. TheaFreneh..Jr fled., V Wifc nv 1,11 in w,MUVWsli M HIV lllllf Nl IHIIIIIX I I llll n IIII II liU l.'J It 1, EDUCATIONAL JOURNAL eiTB fJj,,l vi iUITU COUNTY'S MUMAl. ..Mrn-r. . www.-- - -t r-r- ,.-". -':, ,.,.. ;i-'ihsirs genouk rnuuniN a n-ir 'i..,-.; FOR REST OF STATE The following from Tniu.hnrii'.Monthlv Will be.O ! 1 j mvw-y ; Allf tha'MMMl :'X$ iaaat.B-'-if.Ai tereat; x ' V:flM j That the payment of aW'jislMMy coroninett wiiu uuu b-uww- www;y-y will secure teachera that arejr.jai.Sr0 m-wiI AM 4)t-1w wTAlT ! --HI- I iw - - "--,,. ----ri-'f-rjfVi5Jst report recently filed .with nneanV.Jr. .'' oat j. Churchill Krvmmtmmtmfr Fred Peterson of Maaasenate,:fJB'4t 1, ii : ,.- '.. . . . " . teachers la the rural aeaaaai am ath 'are paid aa avara;;a month, whloh ta larger EMHl the pjd by any other. oaatx.lata ilnon exaitaglat-i tlat; Uon of teaehen ;'W:ttatJajgtf. foand that'H.aaf.'eatit'aJ.yiaiaaeaa aregradwatei atiililli; 1aes4iia . wyrtschew-v!aiai1allj' If ej ag . J "" t " fAaamt fp r...fi 5w?5&!ai! H W. f WHiJ wobmb la ejects avaajajjai ij tWsKSSj L si"-. 'I. i w ve&i i 1 'I M mm iyfi SfeftSiS m m K tm viZ .'5K $ !. mj.?r Sj"."! fcV..SwJ,TE wSSfifl Tm a.,'ji ta. b&& Ihki5 B.'S.XtKI- ta-tbJB IfMl fiVfMX&F. f 3F' 'lH-'A -SCS iVB I w A Ai.a 'iM-.S ii'rfa aj 53 h: Tp h r-lt-l, ffi l j j.a i mil KifctfA mm r.ixi'-"tt l v-;J r . 1, Jsicrsey-i,