hpa?mv w II v SJf 4 $ s iv rtLV 4 (Pje Sum! ng Iteratd ?.'- KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER .... v '-a- .); HHM a? W5 tiant : . ma KLAMATH CUUNTTYfS. SB- OFFICIAL NEWIPAMMf sf . tyj ' M sw-jaiii "T,- ? m M i Tenth Year No. ll,)67 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1915 55T'A?VJl r'i j-j vr Pries Mr iftS.. pJE ?,- $&( Wlf, -'i t?IS li KJg Tfeft jsa !r:srt li LANSING RtPLY PRO-GERMANISM On His Wedding Dav immi.unuii.uiiu ulio iiiurl mtn BID FOR ACTION! INTO HOT WATER PRACTICALLY DISMISSES TRIANHGUMKNT auk- iikstiiiioimin n" wixla.mi v,. lan :iiaiuji:i Is Godfather for President Grandchild BASEBALL WAR'S END SEEMS NEAR AT THIS STAKE XAI, Marriage Is to Be Solemnized at 8:30 O'Clock In III.- Hop of Getting HomrtliliiK Secret Kervlu. Makex Keterol Iiiimh Ik-flnltely Htarteil, Secretary f mil Am-M hlnlo Drawn Up an Answvr Wlilrli lli Hopea Will Effrrtually Kml Any I Attempt to Quibble himI Delay -- ( HrmmU. In Aiiti-Ainerlcnn In- vrNllKniliuiN, AIK'kIiiu Tluit Men Xiiw Under Arret .it Hit Ring IammU-ik or I In? I'IdIm Xcw York llnnk Clerk l Involved. WI'.ltDING DAY FINDS I'RESIDEXT AT IITH DESK EARLY THIS MOR VIVO, WORKING AWAY AT STATU AFFAIRS DESTINATION OK WKDDIXG TRIP IS IIKING KEIT A PROPOUND SECRET United Press Borvlco WABIIINGTON, I). C, 8ccrtary tanslng today (t' nit cil I'iosh Service Dec. 1 8. NBW YOUK, Dec. 18. -Paul Koe- practlcally nig, alleged head of the German si- oflrly ,norn,nB routine. In Die United Btnle, I t'nltcd Press Service WASHINGTON. D. C, Dec. 18. Tlil Ik President Wilson's wedding day. hut this fact failed to change hti He was at his i fl.ftm ll(l(ll ! 1 AH1 H n l (tlAattMAjl I ..li.l l.l. ..I..I...I.. . ... !... ri ,.HI I .1... H..1....1 di.,... 'm.u -b"l aiiu mi;, uuu wivuii-u """"v "'"""" " ",wi '"" " v u" """" much unflnlBhed business In prepara- Au.lrlfcn note. Thl Is considered al- and Itlclmrd Uldcndeckor were ur- Hon lor a fortnight's honeymoon trip. tnoM on abrupt dlnmlmwl of Auntrla'M, rented Into yesterday on the apeclflc Al noon ,0lIay tne prcgdent paused rcuuionla in th Ancona case. chnrue if having plotted to bring ,,, offlco work t0 attend the chrls-l This will Itave beforo night. nhout thi dentriictlon of the Wellnnd trnlng of tho Infant child of Treasury I It 1 announced that the official citinl, on the border between the .Secretary McAdoo and wife. Tlic text of Austria' nnxwer to AmerlcaV United StntCH and Canadn. president was godfather. orluhinl demand In tho Ancona case Frederick MnUler tjb nlno nrrost- ti10 destination of tho honeyraoon llialats on a discussion of tho evidence ( on thu tame charge In Now Jcrtey. nrH H ,eng kept a profound secret, and principles Involved In American KociiIr'b bond wax today fixed at rnly Private- Secretary Tumulty dtmends. It commented on tho"hnrp- 150,000. and Ijildendeckcr's at half knows. Ho will accompany the newly ness" of the original note, and held 'tint amount Their hearings will bo weds. 1 that Austria wm entitled to a show-1 bold January 12th. Tll0 wedding ceremony which will down of the American facta. Frederick Schlelndt. n Ocrman nv.,),C' Mrs. Norman Gait the "First America will not countenance Aus. 'clerk at tho National City bank, was jdy of the Land" will be solemnized trla's sUKgestlons of further parley. nrrcnted today on a chnrgo of par- nt s:30 this evening nt the Gait res- The ,noto to bo cabled tonight Is tlrlpatlng In antl-Alllcs conspiracies, idenre. brief and sharp, and It permits of no by furnishing tho kalsor's secret or- Reverend Herbert 8cott Smith, rec qiillibllRC. - vice agents with Information regnrd-iton 0r st. Thomas' Episcopal church, According to oflclals, tho Auitro- Ihk the hank's flnnnclnl details In (Wm perform tbo ceremony. American situation is "iravo." connection with munitions purchases At the Gait home, Mrs. Gait Is su-' Whether or not the American note and other trnncnotlons of the allied perlntendlng the Onal arrangements will live Austria a time limit In which nations. , jor the wedding. The rooms havo been to make n disavowal is not known. If: Schlledt has confessed that he re- beautifully decorated for the ocea-"' It doesr the note Is an ultimatum, and eclved $2fi a week for this lnforma-'kon, and a supper Is to be "served Its rejection would mean h severance tlon. 'those attending the wedding. ' of diplomatic relations. , - BssaBaH BsVBBBH Sh bbbwIbb L illsBBBBam 5P;:: 'HbBbbW sbW'-v'-vsbbV bbvt'Ii'VsbbbbW BBBKWj-ajBBBBBBBBsW -BaWf?'i' .J'bbbbW BT sCBBB7'AlAaHBtilBSVB .EsfiBBBKBHlHibSBt i MBSBBBBBBsfaV$!sBBBBBBBBHMBmBl BbMbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbV BvjBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsP'SBm 1B& sbW. IIHbbibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb LBVn .bbWjbsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb -IlPNBBlBBBBkiBBBBBXrBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr BIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBIIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbK "'BBBBBBBBbH mmKKr ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssHTH ''MsbHbibbbbV .bbibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbBsVsbH ' " -??7sSrB2L: .BBBBBBBBBBBBBBHkSQ Y IbBH SBBBBBBHBBBBBBMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHSP"'7BBBH bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbPMsbbH sB"aB"aHBaBBB"avB"Mna'jjBl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmBBBBBnBBBBBBBadWV'sBf bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbBLbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb P i KVbbHbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbB 1 1 BP ssbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI sHtbbBBSbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV mi. BBBBWi BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBUaSPsBBBBTfl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKiBBBflBlBBBBWaT Mi BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfllBaBBSBBBBHBSfelSvSBBT jr &uA BkbbbbbTb? BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBIaBBBTaf ,i BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBrBlBBBBBBBSMInHSBBBBBBBBBF Bw4 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBrvfBBBTTBKBBHK. ?'"- 1 LbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbKbbbbbbbbbbbbbWbS b"Bb"Bb"Bb"Bb"Bb"Bb"Bb"Bb"Bb"j"j"bTv ;BB"aB"aB"a"aaBaSBW &i A; '' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHBBBBBBBBBKJ KjBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB1BBBBBBBiJ "AND THE' GROOM WORE OONVEXTJONAL BIiACK' LOCAL TEAMS WIN BASKETBALL GAME MKItlHM, TKAMH ARE UADIiY IIKATEN IN GAME THAT WAH REALLY IIKTTER THAN IT liOOKH ON PAPER Klamath County High School took two more basketball victories last night, when the girls' team defeated jtho Merrill High School girls 12 to 2, ,and tho boys won from the Merrill' boya 41 to 10. The gamo was better than the scoro Indicates, nnd tho large 'crowd of fans present was greatly 'elated with tho showing mado by the local tossers. I The girls who played In tho local llnoup were: Knrlo Montgomery nnd Violet Drolier, forwards; Erma Ilani her nnd Helen DuFnult, centers; Mrtry McCornnck and Lucille Kitchen, guards; Fcrno Hoagland, Mcta Chas tain aud Vloln Snntlmaw, stibHtltutes. i Uoys plnylng were: Stolgcr nnd Houston, forwards; Grnvos, center; Denies nnd Motschonbacher, guards; .Orotn. McMillan, Short and Klllott, substitute. COLLEGE HEAD . TO SPEAK HERE gage In' other employment during such vacations. Vacations cannot be transferred in wholo" or In part to other employes, and shall be taken during the year In which they are. due. They cannot be saved up from year to year, and thereby extended intn n Innffnr nprlnil. Tf tnr Afiv rfw.. 'son the vacation Is not token, no ad- MERRILL SCHOOL PROGRAM PLEASES WITHDRAWAL OF SUITS 18 DIS CUSSED " A. TWELVE KILLED II SPOKANE BY STREET MISHAPS CAR TOTTERS OFF BRD3GB APTMUtOON: ?r,m rfV, 5 ' . l , ...-s W 1 5 X&-. & .Mi .,M 3 ..--- mmmm -' St ' '....ta '-' w w. Anotlwr Session la to Be Held sat After Fall Throhr BrMfW, aeretaad Tcwsday, ad bj That gera Are Pteaed UasltBasarlt, 'isBC m cV?? W4 . Hi i,l yTlMX a ft I Time It la DcUered That All DMer-' eaeea WW Be Settled, aad the Term Will Agaia Be Lifted Frew r i Playera. f fef . 2K United Press Service NEW YORK, Dec. Work of Rearaiaa Thesa Fraaa e ! ffiJai ! TlBl..kA . al J. t r .. .-o., " "R" f!mi Hardy Escapes the Saaae at theTlaw. mirvs luii r. ,?i sfSjl 18. BaaabaU I'nltcd Press Senile SPOKANE, Wash.. Dec,18 fwilfe -V A 1- t.i. .i peace seems near. Representatives of people are believed dead, aad ahat the National Commission and. the. the same number are seriously iajv- Federal, League conferred today, and ed aa a-,result of a street. car aslsW their 'discussions are said to bare through the North Division street ended satisfactorily to all sides. 'bridge this afternoon. Sb 3 A withdrawal of the anti-trust suits. A second car nearly met the MKM. filed against the Nationals and Amer- fate. It stopped Just; at the brrak ;e leans br the federals la believed tntw . .i . . r " --- - .1.1115 LuiiauiMi HLrucLurw. ij- ..-a the next trie move. FVat1 nwnAn'i . .-- ' 1 rlahU to ourcnaae .mte Nan.!! work ot rescuing the TlCtlMta-- league clubs, and the disposition oftromeljr low. thebodleaar contracU with Federal League play- under the debris. Tags and ',-1 mmv utMWlsi UPV VUIWIUTHVU. - UUIA nWUlUUUW U7 UW pvllOTaVlWI ..... .. - - H&uJ&&l nzm.m ir f . 'Te'y, many oi ine paaBengera ware J &' is noi learea un mere win n .idln In the rescue work. anotner year or .wax. However. It maw laIrA (he. aMaalanflAw v atM. ! r ' nil.. 71-.: , 1. ' ' ""r.from the water la barely tiaseto u miuiacconiy aenie autiiera. :, . - -.-- .-- - .. .-i u Another meeUng will be held TtxtrT. Vti . "Z-ia. iLl2& j m m .. . ..'',) efiiaajBa vee. Mk nuwu hpv-bb1w4- cay in vincranau. ai intiume tne ,1Mi- Kw w- fciv ,. -T-, .L wife's, matter will be fnrther dkuaaaed. -:l!!Sm li9fel air, striking the 'water iat a anale to tha hridael ffil At that time, according to Ban '. ' -,. ., - -S55 JBfcyr .nti amsVi 4aa ii wm nave power to agree definitely to K..w -.i.v,:i, .w .. t r.--.: v& iSt'1' . V.- r' joooaon, ine nauonai vommiatiOB -. . vl !; S- 21".0. 5& - m ,i v jmjr w& uap svevsv vair, wrswB.-f' .r: hv-hj krtlniil.hlf k. llaktaTI- Sll jaeaee terau. :hia-sUtes;aitd-tMri-iiMi;: '.A !.. .. . .. ' . . . V.. - ,. ui uic tu(v w un una, Afy&ti m Al J 5? Only the top of the wrecked carS" -It is known' aD0V tto wwr- TD ''HC'R? v.,h v Jpouce were-Aoie DK. United Presa Service . aknA Ka Datit. Ita dVevskaaaiAsH uhiuauu. Dec. 18. it is known' " -. " ib; K -t . .. ... . - 1w1Iaa ArA'fj.lila n uw iwlr 'InMft d ' r.ere mat reaerai uisinci juage, k.,- - --r --j -t "r -.""!;? M. Landis will permit the dismissal of PMerB who were able to cllpahx the anti-trust proceedings brought. out trough the wiadows j -i against organized baseball by the Fed-, . " $& "- eral mumlM. '.. m '" I .UBiqiW BWI I WSB I Residents living In the vicinity efi a-. 'Al ct.. .. ... .... - - t me auamr scaotM ustb rrsav"i.' Daaghtera Comiag. Mr. and Mrs. Terwllllger, are hm.y? clewp PP? the "kiddie TALIUKTT OK KIMUALL COL- dltlonal compensation will be allowed. OI'ERA HOUSE IS PACKED TO. from Merrill awaiting the arrival of nn" rown-ups to taae pace in we their daughters, who are expected l""7"""' " "r CAPACITY. AND EVERY NUM. nere thte eyennf from 0,0,; Ing. There won't, be any ChrUtasaa . jiree ror 01a eanut' maaa w, enia 'round in, but there's going, to beva., LEGE WILL SPEAK AT BOTH MOIIXIXG AXD EVENING VICES OK GRACE M. E The above,, affecting from one to cne hundred or more employes in. SER-.ench of the company's 25,000 offices 1 in America alone, is an immense item. CHURCH jThU ,n amnion to the pension plan, ,and sick benefit plan, placed in effect 1 two years ago ror western union em Dr. II. J. Tnlbott, president of Klm-pioyes, places the Western Union far ball Collego of Willamette University . advance of other large corpora-, at Salem, will preach In the Metho- .tlons, Insofar aa having at heart the dlst' Episcopal church Sunday morn- welfare of Its employes is concerned UEH BY THE PI PILS PROVED HIGHLY' ENJOYABLE &,i m I 51 .: 33 1. An Intimate Study of the New White House Lady Ing nnd evening nt tho usual preach- Dr. Tnlbott was formerly pastor o(PltU lr First Methodist church of Portland, i lUllLLn UILU nnd is one of tho strong preachora of. Oregon. Ho Is tho successor of the :. Into Dr. Kimball, founder of tho col lege, and Is building up a theological; department worthy of tho Oregon conference and of the state. AT HIS RANCH 1 United Prasa Service WA8HINOTON, D. C, Dec. 18.--The n0W mistress of the White House is quite the Wilson type, plus the Vir ginia manner and a Southern love of life. She was 'formerly Miss Edith Boiling, daughter of the lata Wm. H. uolllng of Wythvllle, Va. She was one of (thirteen children, nine of whom are atill living. In 1896, Edith, Boiling, a beautiful girl, met Norman Gait. A short time ed her education nt Powell's college' llirOTCD II 11111(111 In Richmond, Va.. after attending, Ml f N I f K (1 1 1 II I II II Mnrti,ft Wnshlnirion coIIoko nt Ablng- III.WJI.IIH UIIIVU ton, Vn., for somo tlrao. She is fond of music, flowers, eco nomics and light literature. Llko all ( good VlrglnlanB, she Is a good horse-, woman und splendid driver. She likes golf, and slnco hor engngomont to the( (Herald Special Service) MERRILL, Dec. 18 house was crowded, even 'room taxed, on Thursday night, when the grammar school rendered a pro-; gram, which in the opinion of all pres ent was conceeded to be "one, of the l.... . .t .4 .'- oesi ever given oy me pupus 01 iui .local school. ' The program was a. miscellaneous , one, and included some items that de-, ;manded an encore. The primary, Sixty acts of heroism were recog nised by Carnegie Hero Fund Com mission in the awards that were1 an nounced at the fall meeting of the commission at Pittsburg. In eight The opera eases silver medals were awarded and ' ing's enjoyment, refreshments will W; mtw A..tlMM In flftv-tnm mum hvmtM maffola ItDrMn O Vv MU1UUA -.. -OV M.MV M.WMMSB. . ,?, big Are place for him to creep threM! . .... - .i . fi-'iit . ana me mile ones will nana: is isar v . j . ..:. ...-s.a j.n WiSM -'. 'V 'iT !t: stockings. There'll be pieces music played and songs sung, Jast Hk olden times. Concluding the M ill ,T,.H 1 v ; :?i :.S S. O. SHATTUCK, RB8IDEXT OF I classes seemed to attract spada at KLAMATH SINCE 70'S, PASSES J tention, and in the case of one or two numDers 11 was necessary to luatwaa Christianized Jew Will Hold Meetings in City 'mx tm Ir?; w3Cff 7UXl . . 1 it W&&Z&1 i,iss'.ifmi TO GIVE RESTS AWAY WILL RE BURIED MOV. CAY AFTERNOON .-.. ... -. - .. ..-.-. iiw. , An unusual privilege is to oe at- or no. nnancuu. appeus. iot we wwm ,jJB '. forded the people of Klamath FalU be U doing, but rather to gtra jllM. to encores. I A spelling contest between the sev- n a series of meetings to be held tor "uv "" "v" w T .T'7imi enth and Eighth grades wm the .ne- tne Metnool8t church UAder the KSiriLSa! cial feature of the evening. It pro-1 ,, ,., ., ,.,. ! Bible predictions and MtkiMfJ 1.1 , h i.o ntlnmnlivl la teach A.VUAU piUHIflUlll-i IIW 'JO ...vv...... -- 1 hor somo of tho fine points of tho gome, On baseball nnd horses sho Is a fan, as much so ns tho prosldont hlm- i. u. ,.j t, u.n.ianlf. HIlO does not IHliy ivnuia, ui mw viiey were marneu, ion imp - ----- 1.. 1... imnn. peaed while she was visiting her sl..a Rreat walker, enjoying ni tmrnps. t.. . -.j.. .......!. u.'sometmos for two or three hours waa a v.r. n Bt. Thomas' about town or along a country road. t..ntnnt'a nV LITr.T. liiuaiiuno wn v""p PAY ARE NOW IN STORE FOR OPERATOR S, MESSENGERS, ETC., OF COMPANY """' " vuw wM. v ..- . f th Mlnlliil tTnlrm which ' j .li i li - '., vlded much entertainment for ther""'" -)r w mm resuruni. yior; audlence. . l" DUl r6"11' Deou reorgaauea. win speait m inaf rwoienaa 1 The contestants acqulted them selves in a manner tnat reflects great . .... .. . ,. .v ', credit upon those responsible for tendent of the Jewish Evangelisation at the Christian church at 7;I9 - . i . -. I . .t -,'-il Effective with tbo year 1916, West )yes of tlie commer S-.oKon O. Shattusk, un old Klamath pioneer, died last night after a short Illness. He was 68 years of age. and 'a ..! A tfAHntAHt v iiuiiva ui vuwuui, SlinttiiRk came to Klamath couniv. .. rz . 0-0 . .. . . ,; tUoir training. i 111 lOld UB a IUVUIUV1 VI VUtU'UUJ -i . .... ... Y First U, 8. Cavalry, After he was I A snauowarapn reauintr oy J"i u aeries of popular lectures o religi uitiHered out be took a homestead Swr. assisted by Miss Helen Baker, lOUi .uhject, trom tho yiewpolnt of a t north of Fort Klamath, and has HvedlweiMirB vprnon la woe ana rren rCarJlMan JeWt He wJU alf0 conduct 1 there since. He was one of the stock-1 fruits, was thoroughly enjoyed, and a mWe gtudy for nour cj, af. 'holders in the Shattuck dltcl., aiiJirwelved du reofitlo frosi tkAaf teraooB. aisace. j kirt' ': E4WiM Beginning next Sunday,. and con- tomorrow morning at 11 oelte;,teAKS.l tinuing until December SOth, Dr. the Methodist church to aunlea nsa,K I ,r-- ,, ,, . j,7JV"i3, rr-,r w..s.. n.u nu v il. ...KAiHii a n -t.i... av. -- - - -- TA 1 juiius reiumsn ru.u,, ao ujichu- tax nt a uviuct. is mo irwwfjir v-.f. iMklUAl JRM Society of St Paul, Minn., will deliver 'evening. wt' kfil tnonv rl'anita nil nv.r h nnnntv . OlSBOS. J rip. Feldman la a. man of broad cul. J nrn Union emnloyes of the commer-. .. ... ,...w... j. ....,.. I 1 iunut um, Mmiitin. Ariiiia'imli....j i.u..u.u. tnirCl church In WMhlgton,,nd was wn-lfb" ; ' w? """h,0,tIc. ,, rather'0'"1 department working exclusively John Co,man of .,, c,tyino local parsons and things, was re ath Falls after a long sUy at'ftan n"'l '!.,, nH iiw. for the company, including messen- OH Bh,ttuck. who ., attendina the dered by Miss Vivian Anderson and Francisco, where he delivered a series ..... .. . a mm a ainn jnn iniii kiiiiu iivhilii . ... .a .- --. - , w- , - .-- - . . wtiviues In the church until nis, - "":.:"'-'- -- ntl, .., gers. will receive annual vacation..- rell01I Aicultur,i college. class In the ohurch until death, eight years ago. After his dtth Mrs. Gait continued an active ember of the same Sn'urch, occupy Ill the new her husband had pos- ""-- .w.m .jl. k. IimI nra. hllllt. iZTTCiT'T? """""' "r:.ountry after the .. aetore tne announcemmx -r --- eAtnftn, 0. , 0CfB. In ssBBBsBBKaassiiinsBisBiv wt vnaa nrasinMni. hub".'"'" - Ing." roasonable hours, healthful fun to Into support. Indication of her' love for the open is found In the frequont Jaunts Mrs Gait nd the president took into theor two years or more will receive two Announcement or.weeas' vucawuii, ! " - will receive annual with pay, as follews: Employes who have been In the- o'clock Monday afternoon from the service of the company continuously .y, hillock chapel., This proved very amusing, The funeral services wilt be held at Lieutenant R. O. Sauney at the Pen the service continuously ror more aacola aviation station established 'a and also gave Miss Anderson an. op portunity to demonstrate her ability journey lecturtag la other parts 'of ' TMsebieets of -hs);'i to the pwWent, how!,'. t" .- 0f' nlcnlc lunch were than one year and less than two years tew jutude reeord for hdroaero- Tar, Mrs. Gait transferred her mesa fcwafcl to St Margaret's Episcopal ekHNh. The KestdMt's bride Is not kaown M girl, though she-ooaelud- oadsd Into the president's big limou sine, to be Investigated during the (Continued on -Page 6) will receive one week's vacation, .planes recently, when he ascended These vacations are Intended, fori 8,400 feet, carrying a passenger. the rest and recreation of employs, "compared with a and employes are not eipected to e-' B.lef, ,- . - aa a vocalist. Pupils of the Intermediate classes gave a play, suggestive of early French, otei me, wnicn was very euieruuu Ing. The program, as whole, was: creditable; and showed much patleaee Oallfonkta. . . He' was bora in Hungary, and stud ied in Heidelberg University in Oer maay. He is coadHctlng a very inter eetlag work lor hla countrymea? to St. Paul, ad eomes to us very highly on the part of the prtoelpal sd.theJrtomeaded.hy theee,wMikowfius prevleus ssark of teaehers. as also natural astttty to! aad ads work. ' , - f: the 4- ,-?$ Z tT-'ti of lectures to connection with his visit to the exposition, and from a long .'. x'$?SVfi&' HAnMMa UahiIhv ii li B 1 iim ilaiii.. V. W.IUUIU. ,Mwuun,i ....vwr... until ThursoAy evesjag. he w every day at a, unionCsisetlBg M: E. church giving a. Bible at 1:80 each day. K will alee er, a popular Mdress eaeh 7:30 . There .will be no sertless Frtdaj; and' iaturitoy,, tCapgt out union mseiwgs the Saaday feUewiag j,.j&m "ii. r.1' ' a J ". A Dr. FeUmaa Is here la the tatawst . 'A,.tv :v;t l-"''V,'--'ltt.T'A TW? ,i. - ,"" .; ' .' it .-.:-' iwfi aertver, sossspiapi , j- rtxtmi-. t 11a.m., at.ta rs "Tlw Hpe ,rtraei. , ,.V., o4krehat. iaet'Jasiaemih4 W ' TJl Is , j0mggMLmmmJmmy aj agni i- m$ fiv-i', m mil mm ir'Q,. &st ! r,$jttfr vaim mm IJKIfttTW Swias :r5 M. Zltlf. IWfM- -. to m-. 58K1 W!fir3l2 WAS tISipf, ffAS a;s4J -J) il '?: .? see Wir, HWaa V?ift' y i '. 'AT,, I4KT.1 BP J1 w rjg .?' K'f-i I-W5; E i 1. vv 'ft.. J TJf- E l '" . 1 ?:. i" BS2 .t i ! "VTS m i '.,.. ,.j fc'i rMf W."--. W i-mn