V'SfflSS .cia WtfS d' - '-?r,! 4isSi'M? - .&&BM KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER d.t'1 KLAMATH COUNTYI ." OFFICIAL NEWSPAPM; fmlli Vmi-So. il.HOM i?4 iinip ituntttii firam .yswt. s ( r : KLAMATH ' FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1915 , ' Prtee l. W l ' '.'" I8WN0IE DOES NOT SUIT; ' " wm mm mm m , - " I T T HiIMTufp in nn i:f1llU I IILII III UU i.flll V w w UINHIXO'H REPLY TO UK AN ULTIMATUM DtUMry Tactics of Dual Monarchy In Regan! to the Aaron Kinking Are .Vol I.tkol by American OMrials, Xew McuMge to Ik? Much Time no LooplKth Will II Left fur Further Relaying. IAS SPIRIT AT LOCAL SCHOOLS TIIKKM ARM IX EVIDENCE IX UKH ROOMH, AXI KXKRCiHKH ark held at thi: riverside ' SCHOOL 1 Will von Nuber Also Be Recalled? Vailed Preaa Service WASHINGTON, I). C Dec 17. Auitrla'a latest note In regard to tho iloklnR of the Italian-American liner Ancona by an Auitrlan submarine, wn received lnt night. It wait read Id tho cabinet moetlng tula morning. Aa a roault, Uinalng will draft a rejoinder, which, I la expectod, will be an ultimatum. Tho Indirectness of Austrian diplomats ! aggravating to tho American offlclali. In effect, the now rejoinder will bo rich an to leave no loophole for pro- Icaied negotiation. The reply Jut received from Auatrla Is In effect one that bid for audi a courae. The only chance of avoiding the severance of diplomatic relation be-' tween the United State and Auatrla la for Auatrla to furnlah unquestion able proof of Ita contention In the cate, and simultaneously admitting that the flrat Auatrlan admiralty re port of tho affair, which aald tho Ancona' waa torpedoed and attacked while atandlng still, la entirely wrong. Even thta chanco will bo worthies unless the proofa, etc., are promply a ted. -5 "lliihi'l ngoln' to hcIiooI uiiOtlicr duy lliln year!" Once more the Kludaomu kiddles arc irlppliiE homeward with the an-' notinrmnunt Hint never folia to cauio ' dud to inr' up nnd blurt out, "whnxinlT We'll ace about Hint," be fore In- remembers that choo was dUmlnHfil until lit lor Now Yeara. i Thero will bo much carrying in of wood, careful ncraplng of feet, much wiping of dlHhea. and very little fuss ing during tho coming woek, how- eer, ah It Ik Hot aside for showing t Santa what awful Reed little tykes' every Klamath kid la. ChrlNtmaa tree are In evidence In all of tho schools today, and at no mo claaa rooma candy cane, nnd other little remembrance were distributed. A program was held at tho Illveralde achool thl afternoon, and yeatorday the following wna given nt the Cen tral srhool by tho primary grade: TO ENTERTAIN THE CHILDREN RKJ1KKAH LODGE TO OIVK AN KVKMXG'H FUN TO THE CHIL DREN OF ODD FELLOWS AND RKRKKAHft On Wednesday evening, December 9th, Prosperity Rebeknh Lodge will entertain the children or Rebekaha and Odd Fellows In tho weat hall of Odd Pellowa Temple. Children of visiting member of tho order ar also Invited to attend this affair, and the committee In charge Promises to entertain the llttlo onoa between the hours of 7 and 0, giving tired papas and mammas a chanco to tako In the show, or to amuse them lve In some other manner. A light lunch will be furnished tho youthful guests Not enough to cause a return of Christmas night dreams, but plenty to stay tho llttlo tummies until mamma rolls them out for oat- meal the next morning. Hone to Santa Onus Recitation . ... Kittle'a ChrlHtmns Richmond Hurd Recitation Mrs Kloanor Lewi StockliiKM Rrlgnde " """"ft"1 mi; ii i ill i , my mmmam, , n , AiOmMam r-.Wm-mmmmmmmmmmml ,, u f""'".ii.,.,M w j ssfls CVVf B r-HMMM!DcWtMnwMWvMM'-'MMV) -f !' pfl9BBBvS)ttl7BBBBBBBBB timm71ummmmmwDKmill f! 8 1" HmmWmmmmmwmMrSj,'' 'fmmm '-MUmm.' .idBBBBBBBl tgBBBBBBBBaaf W3fei P ! laMHHHfHl'i) v " : HHP9svHhbVbbHIIssV mmil -m I ', BslBasWsBBMaaBV i M8fef'iiRalMstHHalfcal' lBBBBBBBBr? - atjmwiwmmamLw yi IDIkA VliMpAMIsV wJtM' mmmmWz- ' aBaBaBaWaWOalsWBt ' pHIraiyBHBliQl I 04',: CMJBg!!??P5y!S3 t tteTriMHSHRIBsBaV gBBBBSBBlBBHBBBBBBSKBBMliX.. i S49BBNFjKECJNaBifiaSSBMai 9mm m IjMBB&BjgpTr-fllV """"rM-- II 5 , j T I ' '" mmmmmmmmmmmi.Mmmmmmw s miiujhj)ivW.-i.t J - - -r n ritiin iiimidl matntmmmKsmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmu. I)r. "FOLLIES" CAST WORKING HARD CHORUS OP TWELVE AND SOLO I8TH ABE FEATURED IN "8TRA'- I HORN HTATtnX antniii a a WELL AS CHARACTERS Captain Franz von Papon Investigation of tho nllogod Captain Karl Roy-Ed ex-. attaches of the German Embaasy. Recitation I'oor Santa Kvolyn Lewis Song ... Merry Merry Christmas 4th Qrade What Mother (loose's Children Want 1st Orade Chrlstmaa (Jamo nd Orade Bong ...... ,-. . , . . Chrlatmas Star lat Orade Chrlatmas Mending Dee . . 3rd Orade Recltntlon Chrlatmas 8ecret Ruth Cofer I Chrlatmas Lullaby . . th Orado Olrls, Recltntlon Snnta and tho Mouse , Llddy von Derthclsdorf I Hong . . Ilnng Up the uauya aiocaing lat Orade Recitation Chrlstmaa Secret Frances Reed 8ong Dear Old Santa Claus Rocltntlon . . Ood Dleas Us Everyono Homer Oarlch Recitation Chrlstmaa Faith Jean Kimball Song M You're flood Dialogue Mother Ooose and Her piock 4th Orado Dialogue Drownlea and Chrlatmaa Toys In Toyland 3rd Orade N Song Snow Alexander,' voa Xubcr (or- tlm envprnmont It wim Ktitpd !...:. " . ":r:'i' .:. :".: : i;; : :r;..:." :; ... -tt..:.7 rv. i- . ...... . ... iiccui id iiroceea not oniv asainBL ur. Biiuor nerwaria von uiELenieia. mm a..,. pi. man Hiii.ti nun pioiicrB in mis couniry r - n i ' nnnm l.inua U atnm r vnn K'llHnr linf tnlnll tilt I inrv illaohn In IVaahlninn uunl Is going forward rapidly. Captain von German and Austrian consuls' who bears ago and now official Berlin cen- lst Orade Roys i'apen and Captain Iloy-Kd have word jhnvo been mixed up In the alleged na-aor of American news, and Captain from their aovernmoiit to return. Dr. Hon wide plot to cripple ammunition i Ewam HecKer, director or German von Nuber. Austrian conaul In NewjPlanU- Red Cro" work Jn th, country, are , , , ....... j1 Germany Is believed to have decld- being considered for von Papon's ork city, will probably be Indicted d upon the men f ., whom ghe wln plnce. Commander Thlerickens of the soon. Wholesale nrreBtsnre expected jseioct tho successors to Captain Boy- Interned Prims Eltel Frtedrlch has to follow In the next few days, andKd and Captain vpn Papen, military been mentioned as Boy-Ed's successor. ?' BELGIAN RELIEF SHIP IS BLOWN OP AND WRECKED CARRIED DONATIONS FROM THE AMERICAN PEOPLE W 4? -v i-'i &' AV'ork of rehearsine for "Tha Va. lies." to bo nroduecd TMil .ri Ital WIU ProvlsteSM for Wednesday nlghu by local talent for the benent of the Philanthropic De partment of the Woman's Library Club, Is, well along, and those taking part in the skits, etc., are about letter perfect in their parts. The big local feature, "The Stra horn Station," Is the opening number of the program. It runs for an hottr, depleting scenes at the waiting room of the union station when Klamath, becomes the railroad center she la aminea to be. I steamer LerenDOol. undnr rharfar ki- George J. Walton the statlon-mas-1 tbe Amerlcan Commission for RelWl'' ter. has figured carefully future time ..., .. . tables, and those who hear his tralaft0,the Be,1an. tnW '. announcements wm know what to ex-. "' lV oeaium mm provmpu rojr. pect when all railroads headed this j the. .Belgian people, either sttack.ag.j, way reach Klamath Falls. Between mine or was torpedoed, and 'has liaeaV es .... .uic ui us wuiusujr uuuiuera.ginung. - . f ,y by travelers and other. Inrni1iielnl . - ... . . .. -' ' , . v local hits. VjI -i VIcUbm of War, British. V Chartered by AsnerieaB Cnssasas '' km Strikes a MJae or, Is TereaW pica,- mma uoea to frt-nl- TTglrlsIs;; , .J Will Investigate Case. v e i United Press Service , " ,. Jtvi ifiiuAjn, uec. xi : tsr The British steamer Nyroca reperta' 1.- :. w . ,. .. .'.tj' A blc feature of the denof .Mn. I. lw"",?B Tenpooi in a SWKiag - the musical program, for which a'eondltlon near Kentlakaoek. y Tfce :! wv j,cv s-i. chorus' of twelve lirelr vnunr teImm: steamer Pandlon and' a tnrneiA knat have been dlliarAntlr liarilnr Tha Iresrnpd the TjtTennnl'a prw ''jri.-f-i-'- ... ' M m -- .VMVWV.0. .Hv ...,.-. Hv.wn. t lc v. -i latest and best of the season's songf A dispatch said iae Injured vi frisflt k i f. x tlltfc atA IICUkH llAllla4lMB aAMA IimmI 1. mm mm . -- -... parodies. The sololsU and 'the chorus J ip possible, thaf the cargo caa be sal- L ' vltli Alvln1 Bati. aa Mlll M.'kA- j V ,m Bulgarians and Serbians Battle Two Days in Wild Snow Storm Drina Is Crossed Twice During Engagement. Teutons Are Moving Armies Toward Salonika Other Late War News with original steps, etc.. wUl do-the.vaged. songn full Justice. - Members of the chorus are Mr. and i . t Mrs. Vernon Motsckeibacher, Mrs. United Press Service Philip J.vSlnnott, Mrs. H. Roland i NEW YORK. Dec. 17. The sUass Olaisyer, Miss Waive'1 Jacobs, Miss er Lerenpool Is an Engllah veeseLaut: Anna Beebe, Miss Georgia Porter,' was under charter to the Aaaerteaa -, Andrew M. Collier. John HubbardW Comalaslon ot ReMef of -srtlsitsa.S; iiuauae,8Jtwi. Khtnesart Mouchen W'nlgaat ami Crow Tonight United Press Service NEW YORK. Dec. 17. Ad Wol nt hopes to make Leach Crow step some when they mix It In ten round nt the Harlem Sporting club lonltlit. U'olgiiHt's right nrm Is well nanln, he rays. Champion Willie leucine ami .lis Rrowii will also mix for ton rounds. Representatives of a group of Rus idun banks aro negotiating with New York bankers for a new credit to the amount of $60,000,000 to bo used to pay for Russian purchases In tho United States. Tho Russian govern ment earlier this year borrowed U6, 000,000 at New York on bankers' ac- Washington Prepares for the Wilson-Gait Weddi ng "rl, United Press Sorvlce WAIHINOTON, D. 0 Dec. 17, With the date ot President Wilson's wadding tp Mrs. Norma Halt but one off, naal preparations for the big went are now being mode, White House attendants are paoklng the PrHldent'i beloaglags for a honey ooa trlp7 FUM (or the weddlsf and hoaey ooa ar sat to U upset by any new international events. The trip will not. be shortonod a day because of the Ancona crisis. It Is understood, though, that the honeymoon will be at some point near here, where the president can keep In touch with the White House. It is believed that the wedding will be held in the evening, No rehearsal of the ceremony Is to ba held. The Qalt bona la today being dec orated by florists. United Pross Service PARIS. Dec. 17. Fighting has been resumed by the Bulgars and Serbs In Albania. Three thousand Bulgarians crossed tho Drlna after a two days' battle in a blinding snow storm, but tho Serbs drove them back the folowlng day. Athens reports 1S0.000 Bulgarians and Hermans massed near Qlegvell. Fifty thousand Austrians are soon to rolnforco them there, It Is stated. Heavy artillery Is already being moved southward, and an attack against the Serb outposts to tho north of Salonika Is momentarily expected. United Press Service PETROGRAD. Dec. 17. It Is offi cially announced that the Russians luive occupied Hamadan, an import ant Persian city. United Press Service AMSTERDAM, Dec. 17. Late ad vices say the Bulgarians lost 15,000 men In the Gerna River fighting. United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Doc. 17. Friends ot Captains Boy-Ed and von Papen, recalled German embassy at taches, say they will leave Tuesday for eGrmany. The German' embassy today stated positively that tbe men are going home. It was Intimated that any oth er destination might be an unwise step for the recalled officials. United Press Service AMSTERDAM, Dec. 17. Brussels reports -the destruction ot a German Zeppelin and the death of the crew and passengers. The dirigible passed the outskirts ot Namur, bound, for Ypres with a cargo ot bombs. The cause of the destruction is not known. It is reported that three peasants who witnessed the tragedy were ar rested, in order to keep the mishap a secret it?- .I ( i i fcl i T&achefirrx1iBirM?lalaeev - Others In tbe depot scene are Mrs. Don J. Zumwalt, Miss Dorothy Weeks; Miss Pearl Bolvln, Beatrice and Katb riiie Walton, Master Harry Bolvln. Harold C. Merrvmim. Llovd Low. Fran!: Clarke, Clifford Sevlts, JlmmlelUn,ud PrM Service Lyile, Joseph B. McAllister. John J WASHINGTON, D. C. Dec. 17. , Hou.uon and Philip ."-. Slnnott. Officials believe that the Leveapool' Besides this spectacle, there will accidentally struck a mine, aottbat be quartet numbers, three good skltabe was torpedoed. An invesUga- and some novel musical numbers t Ion Is to be made, however .- bera billed as "Musical Moments.' The vessel flew- the relief iar'V? $$U ? 'Tk-LsTSBsol - else 1 -: faii iinm"'T-! V i. r t. -i ,.T rfc,T5.Jti! ,S..I iun nurwuusr 4iiu. aae wmm'mmmm t with 6,500, tons of flour, baeea aad't lard for the Belgian, war victims. v FREE SPEECH, PRESS TALKS wmmmmmmHmmmm TALKS ON FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND KINDRED TOPICS, AND? CARDS AND DANCING TO BE PROGRAM TONIGHT PACKING PLANT FOR IS CITY KLAMATH MEAT COMPANY WDjIj IIKGIN PACKING PORK MON DAY EXPERT IN CHARGE. IN MARKET FOR HOGS Klamath countys latest enterprise Is to be a packing plant. Beginning Monday, the Klamath, Meat, company will commence the packing ot pork, and in addition to supplying the local markets, will ship to California points, exemptlona having been grant ed by tho Department of Agricul ture. An expert packer from Portland la wo to take charge of this new end "" "" . . - I A of the business. All packing, araoa- psry. m. etc.. will be done at me tooai plant, only the killing and dressing being done at the slaughter bouse. With the commencement ot pack ing operations; there will open a big ger demand for the pork, raised In Klamath county. The Arm Is now In tho market for fat grain-fed hogs weighing from 120 to 220 pounds, paying top market price. TAFT LAUGHS AT LA FOLLETTE TALK United Press Service FON DU LAC, Wis., Dec. 17. For mer President Taft gave the follow ing Interview teday: "La Follette has about as much chance of getting the republican pres idential nomination as 1 have and I am out of politics." He stated that the republican cam paign will be harmonious, now that the progressives have returned to the MEXICO AT LAST IS RECOGNIZED CHILEAN MINISTER IS MADE AM UASSADOR TO MEXICO VILLA IS VIRTUALLY A PRISONER OF SUBORDINATES United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C Dec; 17v President Wilson today appointed Henry P, Fletcher minister to Mexico. At present, Fletcher Is ambassador to Chill, I iviiuiIii la aIiIa to Band hutalda of the state a tratnload of cheese ev ery day In the year, United Press Service EL PASO, Texas, Dec. 17. Villa is at present virtually the prisoner of his eleven general, and he is consid ered an utter failure. He faoea pos sible deportation, The followers of the antWarraasa cause are still determined to War. With a view to putting some new Ideas regarding freedom- of speech and the press before tbe public, local people who have established a free reading room upstairs at the corner of Second and Main streets, will hold a meeting tonight, to which the pub lic is Invited., J. W. Lindqulst will make two talks, "Indirect Censor ship," and "The Sacred Cow of the American Press." Cards and dancing will also' be on the program, in addition to talks by others. ADDITION BUILD : TO COURT HOUSE i .VI 4 TWO STORY BRICK VAUJJT TO BK CONSTRUCTED,- IN ORDKR TO PROPERLY PROTECT TUB TAX: ' '. '-. S ROLLS AND RECORDS .i - The unloading of several thousaad i brick in tbe court house yard today gave rise to tbe questien: ''Is a Mar ? court house to be built on ta M:V site?" An investigation, however, disproved this. The brick Is to be used in the eoa- I structlon ot a two-story vault oa tba will be used for storing the tag rolls, circuit court documents, aad otber valuable, records kept in tbe oBeea of Sheriff Low and Circuit Coart Clerk Chastaln. s. I f ,: : ! . ; " . ' . M" Majors and Feds Confer; 5 Peace BeBeyed in Sjf . . it... i. j:. -"T . . ' .. United Press Service NEW YORK, Dec. 17, After two years ot bitter warfare, it looks as though major league baseball peace Is a the' making teday: A conference of National, Federal and American league magnates was beld today, At.tbla, much retardUg peace was spokeatef, bat the.tenaa, are being withheld oea4iag!.fiH? m& ss r-eewTf i7(f settlement and agreesaeat, ""'! :4M& T ih ) nt naaaa'Mt U mmlmMmt tJS-li v t" "f" - " t,t." ""..T-:7!lT:;-SP1,'',. players who jumped taetr Maewpiagt wna inw miw mmmry , agersto accept taettssapisgej asada by the rsdeMls.iwtU be taken bacbi tM.UH)l JiCiil baaebali.4 tAfr ' . f T - --. .w-wi . aome'oi ae xwrnmrnm wan mr' Mi, are to be lliBjilllW lato tb NtJloa L. , -"A ' ' 111 W!fW;i ri A: wm, M -..- m$. l-KWlty " m lthj?,, , . "i. 2tnJ ii"J! Itti'.t 1 ?,L,r. V3H& V - m :?JW. S :a -? ii J - mm l"-. .a:3b -V -M M?, E .-i. W' !?, m?. m .tKflh . tl"fs. IWv'.'S K?tFiii:i: E t. ' I , im i-M B.aJrU -"M IY&,'- tm ti'i'.vi a tv-' -i WJkPiSm liri?i".sy-J f.MT;'VJ IfxAn J iH.va ijytfi? F2' .- :iji ivn ti?i t ' t$MV; 1 &-'. a S4WU SH- ' tm ,v Wvttn fa liJ' aii Bf, ';, '-: k-rt ,;v'-f f.L.'Jt.t wz- ,i' 'f "i