w :: i- Of'k Wfi AHit-iBi i.f .t 4 AMtktr' ije um0 IteratiS -'.if- KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER ;$i Xti && & KLAMATH COUNTY'S w3 "' -S'-vl OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER .-?."-'-. ,.Vwri -j:a J..ffi ..s'.ija swr; ' '-" - - " ". -f- Lr . . .,' 1 ' ' f it- T(li Year No, B,MS SALONIKA TO BE SCENE OF FIGHT ! IN SHORT TIME . ---" - i .. i A KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1915 Price FIT ALI.IKH ARK HURRIEDLY I'lIK- PARING FOR HIKGK (hark Labour Are Engaged lo Awlti a!.l.llaw ! It I Wlttf I IK I Tit ll'f MMll. .w........ ... -......- t. ..........., loenla German and AiMtrUu Rt fclcnt of lllf Kiss f Arr lining lo lUly Hooa. ('tilted Prwa Service ATIIKNR, Hoc. 10. Town Am IwitIiik. j Herbl hiiiI Montenegro 4 -Anticipating 0) in nltock from (ho Tmitan-llulgnr ,'orrot, tho allien tiro transforming Salonika lutu tin Imprcgnabla fort ress, (Ireok laborer 11 ro working tloiiMMo soldiers, roverUhly con structing earthworks. Allied nrtlllory battorlea hnvo tak en portions on height connnnixlliiK 1 he approaches to the town. Austrian and Mormon residents of Salonika nro tcnvlng the city. Tho loon Is nt proscnt virtually In a stale ot kleio. The population Is somewhat panic itrlcken. Many fenr violence nt tlio bands of tlio allied troop and tlio Ser bian refugees. It In reported that n nmnll detach ment of Fronch troop mutinied Insti Mgbt, refusing lo work In thoj trtneliea. I A t'f.W "DOX'TH" I'Olt AMAH Don't imiko tho HKlitcst change In oloeirlc wiring without con tinuing electrical Inspector. Don't ilecornto your Christmas Iroo wllli pupor, cotton or nny oilier Inllmntnablo material, l'm 1.. -illle tlnnel nnil other noii-lnltnmmiiblo decorations only, inn) net tiR, tro,, gCCUroy ho that tho children In ronch Iiik up for iIiIiikh rnnnot tip It ovor. Don't u. i. c niton lo roprvnont hiiow. If you in u hi have now UBo lulivHtoH llbro. Don't permit ulilldioii to llgla r rellKht tho cnnillen when par 'iiU urn not nrcwiit. ruv frequently nut nr to their clotliliiK liiHlrail. Don't leiivo inntchca within reach of children Jit Holiday time. .Matches tire meant to ,(. IlKUtod, mid If the children inn Ket mntrhiH they will ex- lerlmiiit with them. They lin- Itlilo their elders. Don't allow ireei to remain In- Hide htilldliiKH after tho holl duya. The tree lUolf iBnlten ri-ndlly when tho needles hnvo heroine dry New Chairman of Public Service Board BASKETBALL HERE TOMORROW NIGHT 1 i 1 JaV aVaLLW aaHwJaiH aLLBUKLLLl aLLHfXalLLB r aLiiiBil iLHaLH aLHLH aLPLB H&aLH H I Pfcaaaa i i .-im AMERICA IS FIRM SHIP AFFAIR DEALING SINKING AUSTRIA ALLOWED XO HALFWAY MKA8DBES Commander-in-Chief of Austrians in ConferenceWithOneofHisStaff Dim! Monarchy Mut Either Comply Directly With American Demand, or MuNt Make a Iolllvi5 Itefuaal lo Do Mo, According to Head of the Kioto Department Effort Made to StralKliten Tangle. United 1'raaa Sorvlca Till: 1IAOUE, Doc, 16. Uncon drnod rciiorta from Salonika any IIul urlnti cavalry hn entered (Ireoco near fliegvcll. United 1'roaa Horvlce IIKHI.IN, Doc. 10. Tho Sollu coi.-j-munlque aaya tho Dulgarlau troop.) may contlnuo tholr pursuit of tho al lies patt ibo Crock frontier. It In Mated hat the Dulrara havo "lompo rnrli)" stoned at tho border. KLAMATH I'AXH WILL HKi: TIIKIR FIIIST (JAMi: WIIK.V KLAMATH AXD MICUHILL limil KCIKHIUS MnFrr , OM-ar4S. StiuUH Oscar S, StrauHs, ex-ambassador to 'iurkoy and progros-slvo candidate tor governor of New York In 1912, has Just been appointed chairman of tho public bervlco hoard, to take tho place of Kdwnrd K. McCnll. Politicians re gard" the nppolntment as a'clever move on tho part of Governor Whit- tnnti nnrl flilnl? It will tfn fur tnn'Aril yenr'H high school haskotbsll pros- conciHnB (he buir m00m ,mrty ,n pecin luiiiurrow uibiii, wuen 1110 Klamath County High School plays the Merrill High School team. Tho Karnes will ho nlaved at Houston's on-' era house. Doth tho boys' mid Klrls' teams will piny. Ilotli aro very fast this year,' and tlioso who saw tho gnmo at Mor-' rill nny Klamath should bo n factor In ' Ixical baskothall fans will havo their llrst opportunity to hIzo up this United I'ress Service WASHINGTON-, D. C. ec. 16. In tho negotiations resulting from the sinking or the Italian-American liner Ancona by an Austrian subma rine thereby killing several Amer icans, Austria is now placed in a po- 'sltlon where she must act positively. Tho dual monarchy must either comply with the American demands, or she must refuso to do so. This, according to state department offi cials, Is the attitude of the adminis tration. It Is pointed out that Austria has admitted that tbe Ancona was tor pedoed by a submarine while the ves sel was standing still, and not trying to escape capture. Only positive as surances from Austria that this re port Is a mistaken one can be ac cepted as a baslg for any delay. 4 Austrian gbajfgeid' .Affaire Zwel dlnck is In conference with Secretary of State Lansing today regarding the case. tho state. United i'ress 8ervlc ZURICH, Dec. 16. Bucharest dls patches aay the allies' retreat from erbia baa killed any prospect of Rumania joining tho all lea. One con- orvatlvo leader In audience wltji tho king yesterday auggeated that the time was rlpo for Rumania to Join the central empire In tho Invasion of Bessarabia. v United I'ress Service nOMK, Dee. 16. King Peter ot Ceihla will arrlvo in a few day from Scutnric. King Emmanuel baa placed the royal villa at Casorta at his dU POSBl. Italy Is also preparing to rocolvo King Nicholas and tho other members of the Montenegrin royal family hould tho Austrians overrun Monto-negio. the Southern this 8tBson. Oregon championship VETERAN OF '61 IS MUSTERED OUT MRS. HURN HEADS ALOHA CHAPTER United Press Service LONDON, Dec. 16. It Is hinted today that Clonernl Halg'a appoint ment to command of tho British forces In Flanders and the west front, replacing Oeneral French, la to be followed by other radical changes in the higher army coommands. A gradual replacing or all field commanders Is expected in the western field before tho expected Prlng offensive by the allies. KAKTF.HX UTAH KLKOTS CF.IIH FOR THU COMING YKAR. WILL UK IN8TALLKD THK LAT. TKIl I'ART OF .MONTH J KOI tOE 2S1XK PASSES AWAY AT Till: HOME OF HIS SON INsl MILLS ADDITION FUNERAL TO HE HELD TOMORROW Tho following olllcors wore elected for tho ensuing term at the last meet ing of Alohn Chaptor, Order of tho Eastern Star: Worthy Matron Mrs, Jonnlo Hurn. Assoclnto Matron Mrs. Carrie Mc Carthy. Patron E. E. Mngco. Conductross Mrs. H. E. Momyor. Assoclato Conductross Mrs. Kip Van Riper, Following an Attack of rhoumatlsm OFFI-!of t,,e "cart, George Zlnk died yester day at tho homo or his son, uoorge Zlnk Jr., In Mills addition. Mr. Zlnk was born In West Baden, Germany, April 23, 1838. In 1854 be camo to America, ana at tno ouioreaK or tho Civil War, ho enlisted, serving tho Union threo years ns a member or Company F, Seventh Now York Infantry. Mr. Zlnk camo West in 1876 and engaged in mining in Nevada county, California, moving to Los Angeles In 1906. In 1910 his wire died, and Mr. Zlnk left on ills third trip to Germany on a visit to his relatives. At tho outbreak of tho present European wor, Mr. Zlnk. loft Ger many ror Now York, later coming to Klamath Falls to make his home Deceased leaves United Press Service LONDON, Dec. 16. Dispatches from Amsterdam state that Vienna is I rather pessimistic regarding the pro ceedings in tbe Ancona cose. It Is believed possible that America will show her displeasure by demanding that Austria-Hungary recall Baron Zwoidlnck. ElyfWHMsMMMM m l '&, LLil?''v dMBSHUBBVBsttsKlBav':aaaual Wt H SBSBBBBSBHBaVBBsKSv,'VVf-' Jj"'' sLhILLw' bVBW V A ' aH Cw "A -assaasasasBB2f- V '"'i' '" tf sui1 XiSm, flBssssPWffrVFl I'"' . C-J? PBsBBWBBJRBSmaSSSiaaasrirr- ' w 3J!&ZWAmM&$Z&. WORKS HAS NEW' PLAN FOR ARMY OF THE NATION WOULD ASSIGN THEM TO DEVM OPMENT WORK Calirnrnlan's BUI Provide for Treses"' Doing Aaslgned to Interior ITrfaif. ment for Ten Month of tbe Year,, (ind irsed In ReclamatJea,'Etc asad Drilled for War the Remainder ef tlio Year. t I.. chaptor. Murphy and Parker Get Contracts for New Work fwrotnrv Miss Maud uaiawin. n- ...., XII.. T.ln II. Mnmvnr. iWlth his BOH. Tho now corps or officers will be in- another son In San Diego, Calif., and stalled nt the noxt mooting or tno n greiiunu.i. . ., ..-. ... tins city. The funeral will tako place from Whltlock's undertaking parlors to morrow afternoon nt 2:30 under the niisDlces of tho Grand Army of the Renublic and tbo Women's Relief Corps. SHIDLER SELLS TO EARL VEGHTE KLAMATH SPORTSMEN'S STORE TAKES OVER SHIDLER AGEN CIES, AND WILL DO ELEC TRICAL WORK. Horace Shldler has retired from tbo electrical and motorcycle busi ness, selling his interests to Earl B. Veghte of the Klamath Sportsmen's Store. The agency for the Harley Davldson and Miami motorcycles and the electrical agencies, etc., con trolled by Shldler were transferred. Veghte plans to carry on tbe elec trical work, and will carry a full line of equipment besides doing repair work and wiring. Hr. Shldler will be conected with the shop end of the Veghte establishment. Archduke Frederick, commander in chief or the Austrian armies. Is here shown In conference with one of his staff. The archduke Is' a cousin of &&& Archduke Frederick Emperor Franz Josef. He has been In command since the start ot the war', Archduke Charles Franz Josef, the young heir presumptive, serving in a subordinate command under him. t'n(ted I'ress Service WASHINGTON, D.. C, Dec ls today Introduced a bin In congress proposing a new method of conduct ing the American army, with aroeV ' to internal development, as wellraa military training. T Work proposes tbe .voluntary rs. cn.Uing of an army ot 200,000 saea. to be drilled, etc., one or two months of the year under the' Department .of. Wan The remainder of the1 tlae these men. according to Works, cesM. he under the Department of the In terior. " Works advocates that the artky could thus be educated in engineer- lag and hardened to the rigors of I campaigning by working- Xor.Unele r Sam, reclaiming the desert lands, re- " foresting, large tracts to, the Wast, i and In many, other ways. J, "Reasonable pay and, a. leasehold on five acres ot public land, wltlT(aU'r water rights," Is suggested , 'n cots-" ponsauon to me eniistea : " t! SRE-. J A. I MEET AT MERRILL WAS INSTRUCTIVE UESIDES FARMERS OF THAT SEC TION, AGRICULTURE CLASS OF GALE SCHOOL WAS IN ATTEND. ANCE AT BABCOCK TEST COMMERCIAL CONGRESS DISCUSSES FOREIGN TRADE Con Murphy and A, A. Parker wore tno successful bidders for the con tracts ot constructing drains for the Koveraaeat, when the bids were op ened yesterday. Contracts have been lMd with then, and they will be C Mmtlft m soon as possible. Murphy hia the contract for the draU as the Joe Wright place. This i1 to h aowawkat oyer half In lenght, and will bo two feet in width and two feet deep. Parker has the contract for tho larger drain. This U to be 4,900 feet long, and will be Hhree feet wide by three feet in depth. The other drainage excavation work recently let to small contractors by the reclamation service Is report ed progressing rapidly. FLAG SO RIG IT TAKES HUNDRED RnW TO CARRY IT United Presa Service COLUMBUS, O., Dec. 16. An Amorlcan flag so large that It takes 100 mon to carry It, Is to be In to day's Ellks' parade before the dedi cation ot the now B, P. O. E. home. The flag belongs to the Canton, Ohio, chamber of commerce. H. R, Crane Is a late arrival from he Klamath Agency. Programs at Schools. Little sisters and brothers and fond parents were In attendance at the grade schools this afternoon, the oc casion being the Christmas, exercises of the children, held In tbe assembly rooms of the various schools. Some of the classes produced cantatas, and. costumes were used for some of the numbers. A most interesting and Instructive gathering ot farmers was held yester day forenoon at the Glacomlnl ranch near Merrill, when County Agricul turist H. Roland Glolsyer gave a prac tical demonstration ot the working of the Babcock test, and the value ot keeping separate records ot the milk production ot each cow in the dairy herd. Quite a number ot farmers were in attendance. Besides, the pupils of the Sixth, Seventh and Eighth grades of the Gale school, comprising the agri culture class of the school, were all on band. A lunch was served at noon. United Press Service CHARLESTON, S. C, Dec. 16. The development of' our foreign trade was discussed at today's session of the Southern Commercial congress here. Its Importance was emphasized.'! Kal Fu Shah of the Chinese lega tion, First Assistant Postmaster Gen eral Daniel and others spoke this morning. The relation ot peace to prosperity and foreign trade will be pointed out tonight by William J. Bryan. ARSON JURY IS UNDER A GUARD .TRIAL OF LAWRENCE ON CHARGE l OF BURNING DODD HOIXOW ' DARN LAST SUMMER STARTS TODAY IN COURT i Siunott W1U Displace Hawley WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 16. When the republican congressional committee reorganizes in January tot the work of the coming campaign, Congressman N. J. Stnnott of the Sec ond Oregon district will displace W. C. Hawley of the First district as the Oregon member ot the committee. Congressman Hawley says ho believes in passing the honor around, and 'it'Xetv has been agreed that Slnnott be given. If the place. Trial of A., Elmer Lawrence on charge of burning a barn belonging to '" Doraey Johnson, started today iits circuit court. The crime la' 1Iasm tn . have been committed last July. v -,- ci Nearly the entire population, of Dodd HoIIoy Is In attendaaee at the trial, either as witnesses or iBoets tors. The cuee la largely the result of :! a neighborhood' row In that ioctlop, it is said. . ". ' ' ' The jury Is being closely watehid , while this case is on. Instead ef he- f ing at liberty following court adjourn- k ment, the jurors are kept together V under the vigilance ot two ballMs. - r t n !. .". a...' -X. : h fj ."W :iir At&l ttj Ml wl ml "! TeHtlraony for the state pleted th'ls afternoon, Market Opens, .competition is 'WM"eo , !? it "J fit ''i&M ''1 responatblo Tier, .- ip-sa y:" kr&l F. L. Burns and J. U. Utter are re-, as another meat market boo Just reductions In' prices,, the cost of UvMg .; in.tt.iamam tana snouia sua ummsM -Jm sMWi& tiABOR BUREAUS FOR STATE NEXT United Press Service LONDON, Dec. 16.: Copenhagen reports say tbe American legations at Christiana, Stockholm and' Copen hagen have all issued" statements de claring that the American government is tn no way connected with tho Ford peace party. F. A. Chtoo. Williamson is here from United Press Service SAN FRANCISCO,; Dec. 16. Actu al establishment ot state labor bu reaus in San Francisco, Oakland, Sac ramento and Los Angeles was expect ed to be got under way here today by State Labor Commissioner John P, McLaughlin. The bureaus' will pro vide a meeting place for the unem ployed and employers, without coat to either. In Los Angeles McLoughlln will appoint an agent to co-operate with the municipal employment bureau, which for some time has been doing excellent work. Two bureaus will be operated, here, one for women and an other for men. cent arrivals from tbe Fort. I announced. This. Is the. Mission. ,iVf"&l ket, which will open for business to, v , Abner Weed Is again visiting this morrow In the Worden'MlMlotfhnJM l3;js city from Dunsmulr, lng, next door to the Orpheus thoatir. j ,,-i. j wyfSm1 rw ; v;c, ..t . ..$" s.ya?r" VAtSstiji WMl. wmi ?($$ Xt? Sportsmen's Meeting Will ant . i Z 7t 'T V.S5fifK,r, ... ,. TakeuDlmDort . t s mm' ar vw VmlWml. tWt .-v 7'.iiv - BBJ .-J( 'W.M77l. r mfJm'atfmt"'i$ ' M ml mlBml mCV' i-t-Vsi llalUK& Ott , CaT rT" i " J. M. Bedford, Indian forest super- visor, camo down from, the Agency, ty.: A highly Important meeting of the Klamath. Sportsmens Association will be held Wednesday night at the Com mercial Club roems: This is the an- ' -' rual business , session, and there will be ejection of omcera. The question, of cecurlng the herd young elk to be liberated' by. tho State Fish and Qamo CommlMloa will receive, oonsideraUon rat this Urn. Klaaoth sporUmon,. wanti-those, oak mals, and willmake a stroo:S:'af thm' . r-. r.'WM eratlonJs the tomla41oa',o4 a ! ment to make hunttag 1 here ;eysslvo i :ifjajtls,aai4 1 versa, ..miTsmoiOMojaii UU. et dralto m . tsasnersd wofssssrmk oVl 31 i 'w 1 JjOfOfOl ioo "'';; 'S ' . " WA IfrUT SI'W'A', -Kfe9 PJ T -15S -2 .v -.-. i,j3 &&l ?' 4S: m 'i j&. Sfl -j ' i. i ,' A w- p- ' V :M "ta ??l 'm 9 ffj Wl ' ,1 ., VI ) 1 3 ffil .,l Zl tl J 1 - 'r . i. . ...:t -M i.'