1XF SWW 4 ,. K"vr; "4A, S feyPl fy JSt '" ie ..'( jyiAJ&V mrstm ffi !Eu ettmn Herald u vf Jftgt-8 KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NIWIPAPBR KLAMATH COUNTY ' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER assi cvwm? n i yK6 w "A! - .. . Vn SMfl w" ,r"' KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1915 'Price Five Cease THREE MILLION ANSWER CALL TO ARMS BY DERBY COXWHIITJON ACTION NEEDED NOW IM NOT Ommi" Members Told Thai Eng hud Intcnita to Unit All Her Ho MMttw Toward a Quirk Rrtwklng of (leniuwy -HerllR Advice Hay Hrrbla's Evnrunlhm Now Complete, Other War News of the Day. tailed I'roHt Service M)NION, Dec. 13. The war oltlco niNiiicil today that nt least 3.000. too men Imvi) responded lo Urd Derby's rail lo arras, which Derby hinted, would ho followed by con icrlptlnn unless the response wan big toouch. In every town, the rceriilt lil offices were Hooded Friday and Saturday, nod much of tho regular In spection of recruit as omitted. It U understood that conscription U aow extremely unlikely. Under Foreign Secretary Ocll to day told tho member of commons that Great llrltaln Intenda to Inflict all economic pressure possible against Germany In a supremo effort to end the war. Vnlted I'reM Service BEHUN. Dec. 13 It U announced that since the beginning of. tbewar Altlro-Germsu. ..submarines tiave ank E08 voaaela. The Teutonic conqueat of Serbia li coBfieted. Tho Anglo-French force are completely banished, and the Uul firs have occupied Dolran and Mlev II. Two Kngllah division ore re lrted annihilated in fighting for tho latter city yeaterday. United I'reaa Service SALONIKA, Dec. 13. A satlsfac tory agreement haa been reached bo tween the allied and CI reek nuthorl llei for the free movement of the allies between Salonika and the fron tier. Tlila la the sono wherein the alllta will retreat from the Balkans. Oaae U Appealed. An action brought agalnit Adolph Novotney by J. K. Paddock In tho Joitlco court at Ilonaua has boon transferred to the Circuit court by the plaintiff. Tho action Involved re covery of money alleged duo on nn automobile aalo. Seek Foreclosure. Suit for foreclosure of a mortgago haa been filed In tho circuit court by W. W. Warren against D. B. and Rosallo McCauitland. Thomas Drake I tho plaintiff's attorney. Women In all walks of Ufa are sign ing the national service reglater which has Just been opened by the woman's wctlon of the navy leaguo, and aro Placing their services at tho disposal of the country. ' PARENT-TEACHER WORK INTERESTS HEM8IO.NK MCI.D I.N KLAMATH COUNTY 111 STATU EDUCA THIN OITICIAI, STIMULATES INTEREST IN SCHOOL WORK All Not Peaceful on Peace Ship As Result of Differences Qver Preparedness Plan, Part of Ford's Delegates to Quit Ship at Christiania Organisation of I'urent-Tcncher as sociations, which means moro lntelll-1 gent attention to school matter by) thn parent of tho pupil, wilt soon' be taken up In novo ml Klnnmtli roun-j ty school districts. This romc iih the result of tho work hero lout week of M. H, l'lttmnn, head of tho rural school branch of the Ktnt dcinrtmcnt of education. . ln company with County School Rtilierlnteiidont Fred Peterson, Mr I'lttman spent tho lust week Uniting Klnnmtli toutity bcIiooIk, nnd nddrcH IliK the pntroiiH on the work of par-' mil-learher orKnnlzatloiiK .llnildes hi day sessions, ho held nlRht sen-' Ion at Bhuntn View, Henley, Keuo and IMnu drove, and nt nil of these the 1'ntliiinliiHin wn splendid. Saturday afternoon Mr. I'lttman nddrexri'd Klamnth Fall people al n PieetlnK nrrniiKcil by the Woman' Library Club At till lie outlined the work done In the larger towns of the tit.itc. and hi rcmirks were ho con vincing that organization M being ficrlmiHly considered. KLAMATH BASKET TEAMS WINNERS; jgtfBg. r 'itT''" 'jtifOEUHl " ' gagagagagagTk. !$& 2t-if, 'jBnHX . .gaaaVgPgagaaf' m JgigflgigW JgagaB J iJ r"-ZJK Cm I ' '-- '".' lgWagi S V SfgHga I 1 rHHaBBga3gaB(lll;;illBBlBBBBBBHBl CJ i Tawawaaaai j u ,atiBraiaaiisaaaaagBWaaaaaaaaaaaaiBai asvfiTTa7Mp'aVVBWAiBrZM4 rfvdaV sHQbTvSbhbbbbbbbbbbbbIbI laCfy If " klkat t iHalMstssHssHiaaan PIONEER WOMAN PASSES BEYOND ORGANIZE A ONION FOR CO-OPERATION MHS. ANNA THOMAS, PROMINENT ItANCH OWNER AND EARLY SETTLER, SUCCUMBS TO PNEU MONIA THIS FMIENOON .' Following a serious illness of sev eral days' duration, Mrs. Anna Thomas, prominent among the3 mem bers of the Klamath Water Users As sociation, passed away shortly before noon today. Death was due to' pneu monia nnd paralysis,, which kept Mrs. Thomas in a critical condition for several days. Mrs. Thomas was S6 years of age, and a native of Montreal, Canada. Twenty-two years ago she came to Klamath county, took up a home stead, and by dint of perseverance, overcame discouragement and work ed hard until she several years ago acquired a splendid farm under the Klamath project near Henley.'. She was well known all over Klamath county, and admired by all as a capa ble business .woman. One son, Harold Thomas, survives h?r. With his wife, he came in a few days rgo from Portland, in answer to a telegram telling of his Illness. KLAMATH FARMERS !.,0 1iit "m rjSfM .HStl "Jm .;! rZf. -s FORTY IN ATTENDANCE AT THJJ - MEETING HERE Hi . . o a- " M -ym i ' Edward SatroH Is Cnosem m TreaW deat, and Officers and Director f WU1 Meet Soon to Form BjWwa"'' Etc. Market CoadltloM aad GeW '' cral BetterBBeat of Farm Ufe to Ue AmoBg Ualoa'a Aim. I I At a meeting of forty , Klamath county farmers held Saturday after' noon In "the Star theater, the'irit steps were taken toward the org? (ration, of a' Klamath County Fam-t era' Co-Operatlve Union. At vtlrls' time, -the following officers were rnmed: - I'resldent, Ed Sutton; vice preel-1 dents and directors Dert Hawkins,. Cuy Walton and Charles Gray; see-' retary. C. T. Oliver. The meeting was called to order mother's '"7 C. T. Oliver, who, after briefly. ptatlng the object ofjhe meeting and wl ,Stl & lti& i.?r f lf 4t .; -?- -ll ri The funeral will be held, at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. ' Ser vices wilt be held in Whltlock's chapel. HOYS AND Otitic OF MM AI. HKill' WIHM)I WIN I'ltOM MKRItll.L.1 ItintlHX (JAMK IIUHU FRIDAY, NIOIIT I.I.VKR OSCAR II., WHICH IS CAR It VI Mi THE FORD PEACE PARTY TO EUROPE, PHOTOGRAPHED AS HUE I.UIT NEW OltK HAItltOU AltOVI'-HENRY FORD, HEAD OF THE PEACE EXPEDITION. I adopted an "insulting attitude" to ll) CH.MILF.S STEWART Jwardtho supporters of1 President ft'iiltcd Press Start Corresnondont) Wilson's prep.iredness program. AIIOAKD OSCAR II., Dec. 13. (Via wlrelch) There Is war aboard Soera United Press stating that he has sent wireless messages of appeal to all the European rulers. This appeal stated that the fact that each belligerent na tion was fighting for the existence alofthopooplo.T-11'0 olncr8' PP"ns l;ircuuuss ii rut; ram tho ii. .. nu..i ..n..n iktntAil Ikv I tut frlrltt1 ,,,u "'"' b " '""'v ' ."- ".: i.i. .i.i .mi hoi' basketball bounds or ino ." " - !...... .(. i-"--- ..- -- Klamath County High School result- InMte.t l.y iienry font 10 nss.si in Akod then Intmnted that those re Tho row really began Friday. Dr. Aked of San Francisco Introduced a icsolution signed by Ford and t wen- and love of their country ought to pre- furnish a basis for honorable peace movements. ed in victory. Tho team returned his pi in for bringing about poaco fusing to sign would bo unloaded nt Ford stated In these messages that It was the destre of the neutral peo- froni Merrill Saturday night with a tnmiK, a conference of ncutinl nn-'tlio first port. A hot debate resulted) 'plea to convert their disinterestedness scoro of 29-22 In tho boys' game, nnd t0ll8 nro i)rt.)arlng to quit tho party therein some waxed so warm that into active good will that caused him 13-8 In tho girl' game. 'u s00n as the liner Oscar II. reaches they used profane language, Klamath has a mighty fast bunch, Christiana to organize his party; charter a vessel of baskctbnll players on both tenma.". a complete split seem imminent i United Press1 Service and sail for Europe. I He urged truce negotiations as .early as possible, in order to deliver m rnnch Vornon Molschcnunciior, today .( ...... ,- . . .,... ,.- M .- I.-. ... ... .. .... "and they should glvo n real good nc- u alleged that those of the party new ukk, uec. u. Henry me soiuiers "irom anotner outer, count of themselves this year. Tho WM0 nro extremo pacificists linveFord today sent a wireless to mo ;aeaaiy winter m tne trencnes." Merrill team, too, aro very fast, ond the game were exciting iiirougii- out." A return game will bo played here Friday night nt Houston s opciu house On that occasion, both tho boys nnd girls will play tho Merrill teams. Tlioao who played at Merrill wore. Hoys Stelgor, Houston, Stearns, forwards; Graves, comer; noma, Molschenbncher, McMillan, guards. filrls Karlo Montgomery nnu vio let Dreher, forwards, Erma Hnmuer, I'rnnklo Adams. I.uclllo Kltcljln. cen ter; Mary McConmck, Helen fiuFnult guards. Directors' Meeting. Tho directors of the Klamath Com mercial Club will meet tomorrow night In regular session Oregon Senator's Bill Provides Conscription i . United PrM rvlca WASHINGTON, D. 0., Dee. 13. rrovlding a bill Introduced In the nato today by Senator Oeorge E. tbnmberlaln of Oregon become a 'w, conKrlptlon wilt be adopted In the organisation ot nn American clt ton army, According to Chamberlain's raeas "re, all men but those who ara espe lUy excuHd, owing to physical, re Ugloui or other speello reasoas, will f obll4 to ttrra t yar. The agaa (or aorvlM or bttwoM 1 2 nnd 23 years. The penalty pro- poed for failure to drill, etc., la $3H0 fine ana impnn. The nlan. as ouiunco uuuoi u. . ALUMNI TO HOLD SPECIAL MEETING STOCKMEN OFFER $000 FOR SCAM' OF MOUNTAIN LION WEAVEnVILLE, Dec. 13. In the hope ot killing a ferocious mountain lion that has caused losses In the vi cinity ot Lowlston to the amount of at least $2,000 in the killing ot cat- OIT.STIOX OF MKDAI-S FOR HIGH tie, the Btockmeu, in tho hope ot In- ...... .. uucing nuniers' io unui iu iuo auii SCHOOL'S FOREMOST FORfc.V0( the ..vam,nt(.. nave offered a re. SIC STARS AND OTHER MAT-"' ward of $370, which, with the bounty ' ' ' offered by tho state, brings the total TF.RS TO HE UP reward to nearly $600. As a result of the offer trappers and hunters, witli scores ot dogs, are A special meeting of tho Alumni now Bcourlng tho mountains ot Trln- Assoclatlon of tho Kiamain coumy ny m quest oi tno lion, wnicn una i.iah school will be held weanesuuy kuied forty steers in two weeKs, ana is continuing nis uoprcunnous uiuuub night. This will bo nt tho high school . t.. .. 71V I ami win uesiu m i.. Thero nro soveral matters to be token up nt this tlmo. Among other things, the aluranl will make arrange ments for awarding medals to tho hlph school Btudents excelling In scholastic endeavor. cattle. LET CONTRACTS FOR STEEL OF NEW SHIPS Uulted Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Dee. 13 Socrotnry Daniels ofthe navy depart- WEKIHTS AND MEASURES ment lin8 awarded tho Carnegie Steel LAW ENDS DISPUTES company, tho Ojibon steel company, tho Pittsburg Screw & Bolt company ' and tho American Steel Foundries United Press Service 'company tho contracts for the steel oAnrtAMENTO. Dec. 13 How the for battleships Nos 43 and 44. measures w 6LAISYER HOLDS CLASS JN TESTS FARMERS OF MERRILL COUNTRY WILL RE GIVEN PRACTICAL DEMONSTRATION AT GIACO- MINI RANCH WEDNESDAY HENLEY MEETING TOMORROW NIGHT FARMING TOPICS WILL BE DIS CI SKI) AT GATHERNIG, AND IL I.I'STRATED LECTURES WILL RE GIVEN Much interest is being shown in the farmers' meeting at the Henley school tomorrow night. There prom ises to be a large attendance-, and much ot Interest will be brought out In discussion. Talks will be made by County Agri culturist Glalsyer, City School Super intendent R. H. Dunbar and Principal F. W. Sexton ot the Henly school among others, touching upon -dairy ing, bee keeping and poultry, .Some of these will be Illustrated by.stere- optlcon slides. Tomorrow night's meeting will be the first held with the Henley school electrically lighted. The power com pany has a crew of men at work run ning the line to the school, in, order to have the current available tomor row night. congratulating the farmers on taking such a progressive step folio wlag 1og discuroion, Introduced the president, who assumed charge. Talk? were made by the various, officers and Messrs. Mack, Roberts i and Miller that were well to the point, and brought out .the need from tlm i-tandpolnt of the farmer, for loot, - such an organisation. County Agri culturist, Glalsyer .also-talked;-sasdv ": promised the aid of himself and the, ' extension service. Betterment ot stock conditions, particularly as they affect tho famer and stockmen at the present time,' and oth,er Improvement work Is to he taken up by the organisation. The officers will meet next Saturday to formulate bylaws, etc., and tho neat meeting la subject to the call of the. ' directors. , - , The next meeting. It la,-planned, A will be one of the biggest farmers' ' meetings, ever held in Southern Ore'V gon. Farmers from all parts of thai'" county were in at Saturday's session, ' and' they promise to Interest all of their neighbors, and briatkesa oat - for the, next sesson,,the ohjeetbelag. to make the Union a powerful and useful organisation for all' porta ot Klamath .county. w - ,i -Wl f& ' & j vV z4 vs-v 4 r 1 : ? al .y, Sells Foar Lots. -- Tho Klamath Development has Just sold to A. N. Newhlll ot Dallas, Ore., lots 21, 22, 23 and 84, situated lm, mock zs oi tne Mountain view aa ditlon. o' t Visits MerrHL Andrew M. Collier made a business trip to Merrill Saturday afternoon. V ..... ...Alt.,o nnd S1IHO -- . . , . .... ., a...ll.l .toina'a groat work is snown oy i-ii . .-.., -. ... uiiinK s" ........ , m in,. vrv intpst of those to enter provides for cadet '? !"rnvTth. . county Bealer at Yreka the county clerk's office and engage from 12 to 17. From 18 o 23 Hr"W t" 8tate 8ealer to-'passago upon the matr.monW sea nro Homer uuvur uuw wyujt w youths will bo members oi mo m . teUg of the 8n,pment am I snmv. The bill has causod no little com ment in Washington, and there promise of a bitter debate when It comes up for a hearing. 0b" lain asserts that bo haa a Jrimg tol lo "lW on this projeot,and predicts Its suoeoM. r!n nno sacks of wheat by the com pany In 11. 8h0.rt.a" in weight amounted to 76,400 pounds. This year the company has shipped 38,000 sacks ot wheat with lets than one-halt pound per sack variance la wolf ht. 19, nnd Evangeline King, age 17. Goes to Medford. ' George J, Walton ot the Klamath district is In Medford attending a ses sion ot the district managers of the California-Oregon Power, company. A practical demonstration ot the operation ot the Babcock test, and the valuo of systematic record keep ing for dairymen will be given at the ranch ot M. Giacomini, two miles east of Merrill, Wednesday, by County Ag riculturist H. Roland Glalswer. The session will start at 10 a. m., and a lunch will be served at noon. All Interested farmers and dairy- men are Invited to attend, and as In terest In tho Babcock test la great, a big turnout is expected. Giacomini, in co-operation with Glalsyer, has been keeping a careful record of his dairy herd, so that he Is In a pretty good position to tell Just what cows are valuable, and What ones should be disposed of. The milk from each cow la weighed every milking, and there la a Babcock test every month. The session Wednes-r day will be the time tor one, of these regular tests. Persistent Rumor Says China's President Is King M M -l VF 3l v M . ' s" l -w t e t United Press Service ' WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec 23. While as yet It baa hot been con firmed, there Is a strong jumor afloat In diplomatic circles to the offect that the Chinese republic has changed into a monarchy again." Yuan ShIKat, the president, It is under stood, has accepted the throne as emperor or king. Malta Property. Frank C Klatsuba recently sold to Vincent Zumr lot B, in block 46 la the town of Malls. United Press Service "' TOKIO, Dec. 13. The local news papers Indignantly denounce the ac ceptance of the throne of tne sow Chinoao monarchy by Yuan Shi Kal. They declare that by so dola ho openly flouted Japan's advice, v Borne of the more incensed ot the papers urge Japan to make -proper presentations and demands at,onoe. , IH i. . r f-. r J7fl . && - ' '4 t , :k ui.:!. wpxr wi editor ot the "China Press" at afcM , Vi bal, said teday: . ,' , 4 United Press, Thomas A. . "Tho significance of Yuaa'a report- 3d acceptance ot the throne of OWisX(f&! iao nnr tannasiv nn ma ivrimna. sm'vv'Jt.i 4W9 mv nyyvm mmv b m ,3jT stead, It lies under a veil ot diolo- nmu thoWSS'l i'r-i ';tt matin. IntrlsilA. with JsnSS. OS ... . - . . . , prime mover la tho gasso. nfia-m&ffi . lmk.A ,. mKImm 4. 4kA nfcma Af i n ?... . Burvruiuvui iuro,i vu " w vvnaai present " Neither, U thero aWffBsjajt i - 'r; in the traasforssatloa to'lasjtr sNf I Z menacV"pe'ace In tho Is BmJ j ft ' I WAaHmaTON. D. C, Dee. .11. hHolf fot in.wi exclusive Interview with tho lit ;tor. ardor. llILt.. .Jtmtm .! MAW att JHftt ' has) recenUy. menseed.tltoos)eoo-t ' the Far Bast. ' 'C' 'A 'There la no douMJrat ,' reversion 'to a aMHMroMol'"iasasjl government sulU tho root Miwftrt tho Chiaese. .. i r -- ---'...-. 3 titniaKa;Keaareay wvaof i tn .CIllaa'-ofafltM-aji4 J "i r-2i 'C V -rtPlWft u' ; fJ .' ri y - nf.$1 $. t f u.c ' 'JT ' 'o- $to 1 li "' l "x i 1 iv V1 i -x 4i .n n- , i i,i' ' && u I S-ii & tL- hM n &itt V. & l t J& A f.:Nl 56-'. it.;, '. m. $ 9k A &.. fvj i& i u fen v, "AM fP-il 1" .- -. V ' i i ' f(A . ' r- ! , rruxiri iHI i" ' kJ Zt J. at iwtna -stffi JX"