'VDW " -i. '.-MTXl ffitt Si.' -' i .(Utvv. "js.33 US'u?j ' )&.fe&sW. ,.. ' ''" 'sH p-?3f3Pa':..K () KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER 3 mv lEiummg Iteratfi . 4 ' ." ttV ' t, ; s f f !' 1 Jo-Pd? VJ .--, jarft. iT. - w . ,tf ''f?lp '-KLAMATH COUNT?lMPI nvinrui MvweBAM . V ... ' tatli Year No, aM DECISIVE FIGHT IN GREECE SEEMS IMMINENT TODAY (JHKUAN NEUTRALITY IM MORE LY STRAINED emmnmaaanaaBai Osrataae Plan to Crew Onn It I t'admtood, as Attack Allied Ki. Iitioaarjr PercesFlu They With. draw Throng Greece Toward ka loalke Attacks or Central Allies In Serbia OmUim, KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1915 Price Fire By HEXRY WOOD . (United Press Staff Correspondent) ROMK. Dec. 11. One of the most decisive battlea of the European war mm Imminent an tho allira continue thlr evacuation of Serbia. Athens and Salonika dispatches In dicate that Germany Intend to cross Orecce, and It bt expected that this means the Toulon will try to drlre tho allies' expeditionary forcee to Sa lonika, thua ridding the Ilalkan or the enemy, Experts are certain that In thl event all the fighting will be on Greek toll, Thla sudden trend, It li believed, will force Greece to eater the var within a fortnight 1 he small force of allies, It Is be lieved, will be swept off by the Con till allies should they put Into execu tion their reported offenslre plans. Klamath Wheat Is Praised by Big Millers ; e PUury Milk in Minneapolis Wants to Make Test WE Fin AT 2 P.M. SUNDAY SERVICES WILL BE UNDER THE AUSPICES OF LOCAL LODGE OF ELKS, AND WILL BE HELD AT THE MELHASE RESIDENCE United Press Service ATHENS, Dec.- U. Dispatches from the frontier say the French con tinue their retreat. There Is no men tion of the evacuation of Serbia by II the allied forces. The British forces were reinforced Thursday night, and they maintained their positions In the face of many at tacks yesterday. It la admitted, how r, that British retirement la Inevit able. Oeneral von Maokenien, who Is to take command of Turkish troops, ar rived in Constantinople yesterday, hinging with him two regiments of Bavarian Infantry and several batter ies of artillery. The Turks have rein forced, and attacked the British posi tions at the DardameUea. United Press Service PARIS, Dec. 11 An Athens news agency reports that Oreece will soon demobilise her forces. This waa one of tho principal demands of the allies. but so far the atory Is not confirmed. MORE TULE LAKE LAND IS RELEASED WEm aHfVBV M J..MI A TYPICAL KLAMATH COUNTY HARVEST SCENE The funeral of the late Frederick Melhase will be held at S o'clock to morrow afternoon. The services will be held at the Melhase residence, cor ner of Fifth street and Klamath ave nue, and will be conducted by Klam ath Lodge No. 1247, Benevolent' and Protective Order of Elks. Friends of the family are invited to attend. The remains will be in terred in the Klamath Falls cemetery. Members of the local Elks Lodge went to the depot In a body last night, and escorted the remains of their de parted brother to the Melhase home, ANOTHER TEUTON TO BE RECALLED BY U.1 REQUEST NUBER'S More ASSISTANT IS LISTED Startling Evidence Zweidiack Prodaced, It b , j " ' rtSSSa iWA IT i& I , " '"M ."5$ I -"y -rir-Sl skssa; v i- y LATEST. 9 . .-m v.tw "(!' !-'i eAfl "iJ A' 'i- FORD BOOSTED FOR PRESIDENT NEBRASKANS SIGN PETITION ASKING THAT AUTOMOBILE MAN'S NAME RE ON BALLOT AT THE PROCABT wheat, tho Sperry Flour company and the Portland Flouring Mills company, and these concerns were asked to test the-wheat, If possible;-andve,anjacterlt'uuld'bVwrsttefactory-forfrarty-to -giranratee Uiegradeawoatd .opinion on its milling qualities. The object was to make the Klamath Klamath county' hard v.hlch tesU from 40 to 46 per cent gluten, has been ratpd by government experts second In quality only to the famous Kansas grain. The head of I'lllshury Flour Mills company, wheat bolt raoro widely known whoso plant at Minneapolis Is easily through tho big flour millers, the Migcst In the United States, goes Tho Portland concern wroto as fol a llltlo further, and puts tho Klamath)lws: wheat on the name lovel with Kansas 'Your letter of the 30th at hand, wheat. mid n'so tho samplo of wheat, which Moreover, tho I'lllshury mills are' jou sh to have us test. Tho wheat anxious to securo from 1,000 to G,000i certain:? looks very good, and we wilt bushels of Klamath hard wheat, to ' to rIiiU to let you know the results of onerlment with in milling. .our examination of It for milling pur "Referring to tho sample of wheat which you sent us, If we could get any quantity of. wheat of thla char- Some tlmo ago the Commercial Club sent small samples of Klamath county wheat to the PllUbury mills, I'OMM. ' From Sperry was received: mills the following milling purposes."- The letter from the PllUbury com- jpany is signed by tne president, Al- bert C. Loring. The fact that he per sonally took up .the matter Is very pleasing to local people, as well as the tone of his letter, which follews: "Wo are In receipt of your favor of November 80th, and also the small sack of hard wheat, which came duly to hand today. "Tho great difficulty we have found In Kansas wheat Is the Irregularity In its character. The sample you sent Is a very good wheat, but of different characteristics from tnat wnich we generally use here. If arrangements could be made by some responsible be like sample furnished, and could make a price delivered here, we might po&stbly' be able to do some business: We would be pleased to nave a quota tion on 1,000 to 6,000 bushela of wheat for experimental purposes like sample, you quote by wire, subject to immediate reply. "It Is Impossible to tell, particularly this year, what the true milling value Is, because of the peculiarities In the season's crop We would be glad to experiment on a small shipment, to ascertain Its value. If you are in a position to do this, we would be pleased to give It consideration." TWELVE TRACTS ARE LEASED TO BIDDERS BY GOVERNMENT, AND REMAINING LAND WILL BR LEASED LATER GET AUTO LOAD OF FINE GEESE SPORTSMEN FROM THIS CITY EN JOY SPLENDID SHOOT ON UP. PER LAKE BIRDS PLENTIFUL AND IN FINE CONDITION Twelve more tracts' of reclaimed Tule Lake land were leased to farm' rs today by the Reclamation ser vice. There were many bidden for these pieces, and the prices bid ran from RE cents to ll.flO per acre. There were twenty-seven parcels of land offered for rent aftht time. As 1 hidden bid only on the twelve Imed, the otben are still open, and they will be teased after the holidays. The land Is rlek, sandy loam wit, that was unoovered from the drain te of Tula Lake this year. The land a to be thrown ope to homesteaders aa aeoa ae the lake Is suEdsntty ratae. Dr. Rom Boyd and wife came borne last night from tan Francisco, where they apeat about two weeks. Mn. Laura Thomas and Miss Alta Theme are her rrem Los Autos, viewing with Okas. W. Thomas aad ;amjy. W,. Ferae m.aowa frem SeetCle. The result of a day's shoot was brought home today by a party oi four hunten, who Journeyed to the Upper Lake Thunday ana reiurnou last evening. Tho hunters returned Friday, but they didn't bring me game. A couple of the boys sped away In an auto this morning, returning about 11 o'clock with seventy or eighty birds. Of these thirty-seven were uuc large geese, one of the honkers weigh ing In the nelghbornooa oi miwo pounds dressed. O. P. Van Riper says j .nntirh to kill a goose. "All youve t to do Is to All him so run or itu that he can't carry It away, ana you-vo got htm." , Those In the party were Harry ford, J. Olnsbaugit, a. u. minor O: P, Van RW. High School Party a n.rtv waa held at the high school building Int evening that will linger .ii.- FiMof those onsent. The "doings" was In the form of an en tertainment, and given t of the frtakmen and new PUPH". lag with a raaa march, led by John Houston and Miss Own Oalklw. the ... u led to the mala assembly room, wkofw cleverly arnaged pro gram awaited those In attendance Mr. Hogg and O, I. Gregg as mono- loglats proved themselves a delight to the audience, Miss Claudia 8ptnk, ac companied by Marguerite Worden, en tertained with a pretty solo, and Mar Jorio Delsell ln,a piano solo gave a very pleasing rendition. Following tho musical program everyone partici pated In many pleasant games, and concluding the evening's Jolllfloatlon the study room was chosen for de lightful refreshments. Led by Alva Deals, the boys gavo their yells. Flue Burns Oat. A flro alarm Indicating a blase at tho Argraves last night caused fellows rooming there to scurry home to save their effects, and brought out the Are department. The lire was found to bo only a chimney burning out, and there was no damage. "The Dirty Stiaker" I'nlted Press Service ' SALEM, Dec. 11. Alleging that her husband boasted be had not taken a bath for fifty yean, aad that she knows of her own knowledge thai he has not taken a bath or washed his feet since their marriage September 29th, Mrs. Mary Templeton la plain tiff in a dvorce action pending against Robert M. Templeton. She further alleged that Templeton re fused to permit his children by a for mer marriage to bathe their feet. - BONANZA BRIEFS The Ladles Aid will hold a basaar at the M. E. church Monday evening, December 18th, beginning at 7:30. There will be homo cooking for sale, and refreshments will be served. ATHLETIC CLUB'S SHOW A SUCCESS BOXING, WRESTLING AND HORI ZONTAL BAR WORK BY MEM BERS OF THE CLUB ENTER. TAIN A GOOD CROWD United Press Service OMAHA, Neb., Dec. 11 Thirty five republicans today signed a peti tion naming Henry Ford on. the presi dential preference ballot, aad seat It to; Lincoln.-, r United Press Service LONDON, Dec.. 11. SwiUerland advices say Germany may allow Ford and his peace party to proceed to Swltaerlaad In case Holland will not permit a peace conference there. Suit to Foreclose. o..i n lAMuttnu a mnrtrin on ouu . .v. -- .- -. . Aft. TH.1I- HA.W.tv ftftfttH fllAll 111 ,M' unman. r" uiv " v ... the circuit court today by Mrs, Msy itoweli against P. L. Fountain as executor of the Jas. C. Mongold es- !tnte, nnd William Mongoiu, a miunr. The mortgoga 'n tuven as seouru.v r.u a loan of T'nf represent Mrs. Stuwelt. M. 8. Plttman of the Monmouth I Normal, lectured hen Friday even- The talk waa very Interesting, and the attendance waa good. Rutentc.ft Kent, In. From Fort. Dan Ryan Is down from Fort Klam atb on a business trip, Mrs. LeavKt ni. Mr. A. L. Leavltt Is III at her home on Conger avenue. dordon Hill Is a Portland. ' Uto arrival from C. JO. MeOheeney It a recent visitor from Portland, Manager Hank Free demonstrated his ability to please the public aad at the same time Instruct the young 'una of Klamath Falls In the developing of their physical attributes to some purpose. The entertainment last night was principally along the lines of the art of self defense, and the par ticipants ranged In atse from wee 50 pounders up to husky 180-pound fel lows, and every match proved, inter esting. The little fellows, with gloves I almost as large as themselves, were Vvidlct for Gocller. oniy allowed to box two-mlnutea at A verdict in favor of the defend-4 Ume( and 9r worlt puuniy showed ant, J. F. Goeller, waa returned by (he instructions they are receiving the circuit court Jury today In the'at toe Athletlo Club.- f, : action of Bliss oneacnain aa aomio- .... ,,.,i. ,.. ..( lstrator of the estate ot William Mar tin, to collect money alleged due for dental services performed by Dr. Martin. John B. Francisco. Tripp la here from San Mr. and Mn. D. W. Ryan are recent arrivals from Fort Klamath. B. B. Smith la here from Sacn- Harry H. Rata la a fewtsaaw' visitor Rom an'Ftenemeo;, , & . -: '-W ., -. One Interesting feature to soma' of the audience, was to see the IKtle del; ows comparing notes with each otbor after their appearance before 'sjai public, and the Interest taken In those discussions showed the tendency'of youth to' work for greater eetcleney. To many present the work ot the, Athletic Club waa a revelation, and the fact that It could do such a work for our youngsters waa reeef nlsed for the f rat time. Many je pressed surprise, along1 with their sat isfaction, and voleed the hone tkt Manager Free woald kee;n kla s)et)d work' and glW .many mere, entertosnf meats f the elaaa of hwt nlghti -'n. COAST KNOWN AS "CRITICAL A' WAR OOLLBGE RECOMMENDS SPECIAL DEFENSES FOR PUGET SOUND, CALIFORNIA AND THK 1 ATLANTIO REGION TiMAgalBt Any Others Invelfed. m, AcUyiUea of French In WHMwIdans . , . , - .s niBenam vi-saeia is AMO tent n ;i5 vestlgated. , ,., J$ unuea Press service ; -$ WASHINQTONb. C, Dee, ,U A' i ..... . "" 4T" tmuiuneously with the 'annonnee-'J.iS'lS ment that the government's Aacona .1 note hod been received in Vienna, it I, V" became"known that Baroli'ZwMtncJ&; s5?v- the Austrian charjje d affaire in New J -- tvtt '' i",ai York,- Is in grave danger of follow- ' ing former -Ambassador Dumba home" . nt the request of the United States. '-' The developmenU In this caae'have FTi oeen bo rapia tnat tne recaH will S-ivi nlJkl- V. 1 Mm ... 't - 'ktilt $ tiuuaui inuieu ior..Derore.iawnotesrf&,H fAVflWjtfM t.M M.411. .. v.vl -VZ """"" 'n manor rw vaounti'i' st Here Monday.-' - - ,.. ,sSj The evidence against ZweMlnck m ".'f M the most startling , that haa .keen m& massed against, any othen, aeeasedla V pro-Teuton plots., Seeretary T a sains '. . -.ivS i F3j&. 'aim. 3'' has photognphsof letters writttnvsyS; Zweldlnck from ManteaerMaVI r. Zweldlnck from HMlilVuiV to Consul General ,vonNnae,;wliles)irtf indicated plans for the wholesale for; , ? gery .or misuse of uaasoorti. ir &'J , The goyernment has formally .n$ m,i qutodJUiglaBduix4VjrTajum guarantee safe conduct "to' CJaptalne (S Boy-Ed and von Paneal recalled "fletw'r 5 man mllltsrraftai.liaaJ'Y. -c ' '"- S5 . . . . " - t?m 'I'iiA mTArnmimr tnv .MnBBMjjrr,i?;i its Intention of muesUngrFraiee?Wt explain why three American ahlHt; we're held up In Porto Rlcan waters ' -Q: recently. " " " SAN FRANCISCO. Dae. ll-Hik I ( , i. m -" . .--'.T rags in me ises oi aaroa;vosi Bnaca:-? en.and C.'C. Crowley have-been post' poned until Tuesday at; the reqmeet of i.1 M " mentgVre expected.. 4 ?f .. Uhlted Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec: 11. Puget Sound, California and the At lantic region are termed as "critical areas" needing particular defenses, by the war college, ot the United 8tates army in Its report to Secretary ot war Garrison. The need of the Puget Sound re gion Is n division ot troops,, less di visional cavalry, and a brigade of cav alry. The neede of both California aud the Atlantic region are each giv en as a division of troops and a brig ade of cavalry. " Eighth Grade Tbo Eighth Grade Domestic Science class ot the Central school served luncheon In honor of M. 8. Plttman Monday, December 6th. Those pres ent were Superintendent R. H. Dun bar, Superintendent Fred Peterson, a R. Bowman; George WaKon, Miss Mabel Mean and Mr. Plttman. The courses were as follews: (1) Veget able soup and croutons; (I) Roast duck, creamed potatoes, hot biscuits; spiced grapes, green tomato pickles; (3) Fruit enlad and cheese wafen; (4) ' CnaberrY-cecoeaaVwUitfl cream pudding, choooleto oake.'eeffee. the hostess waa Esther Haines; wait resses, Dorothy Sanderson' and Myler paiuus; and tne cooks were Wllda Smith and Anna Haekland. l''A."P. Mmveon Is up 'from Dan mnir.OaUf. , ;;y I Bert HawkhM,( raneher, la 'tL '"!4r;" iathe r MISSIONARY TO SPEAK SUNDAY j, --" ,-H-ft :m .jar sC &m IM iJWA rkS k a. t -i- m frnfl i "i . .' MISS HEFTV WILL TELL ,OF 1i NESE LIFE, CHURCH WOWC ETC., AT GRACE M. B. CHUROM TOMORROW AT ROTH SKRVTOHa - -j - . 'i. . . Miss Lulu Hefty, a missionary fati im avtw J-vs I a? Wi fp Vt$t '5n&. $ vum China, will speak at GneeMetlkedaat: church, Tenth and High streets,- day morning and evening at '.lVaM?M$ 7:30. SJ3 Miss. Hefty waa heard, at, the,4aati& session of the Methodist confscense'-f; t.' niUAlinvft .! lift. a fMWl ikmmmiTii t'r1' speaker. Her subject, will WehnamhtH work, life and customs in'ChiaaV,''aim'fM-' sbe will give the subject a netvaMlM touch that will - -H'TTiw'g1gffji.P;' The public la invited. Talks at SebooL Llndsey 0. Slsemore, whoiia - -K. x? j5f 3' from the Fort for Jury daby. hitbly lnterestlax talk at the - - - -- - - -jtt :i t .,- side seheol asaemhlr Ufa MkVtm . ? i U.&-A mm fM mi Mn. Elmer'Applemto haa1 from.CalUorala ' MlntaJ;wnM; pent about n menthveamt Uvea. 'She slsn'sttssidsiasiwi tton. ' H' o-f J&$&&. s r. 3 jl. tr v ' ' "" 'i :r'rtti Jf R lir. MdtMn.vWUmM; win. leave enriiv nossv tormernomeanx) will spendthelillliriiiw, f-- n.ff,.!,.-..f,'',!l.WJ :&miqmmu jmt TFWMwm vt- .uhUw.F.'Reneiaa! sjakjEVamRsM. sBsWsmL. "t- il&f: 5.-.V.' m , If ', iv . (."J l :'M V 'JUIL '-.4 A-' 0. -t- .i ' ...Wi J '.S tfm mn-n .."? m WS2 m i. w a-, -i-a -' HC i r-v, j ia '.29 m ... ;Vy . SI .h -ff;i-.,"t ffi-a &? esr- 'IrfJ i .'V- ?va " .i li... .Ji&l j . sjy.4i t ifil '' fc! i. a !,' . P ki ;: 2Po m- v.r t& m.m ,?.-r..- r XT v'ij I, .' v.? K.' Z. ?'-A z& m im, m BtS BA-. . , sr r. wm Sc . ?i.i . t w v " A I1,' L ..I IWK..V 'il Wl W '. w s , Cisf't',"'''"' ' - - . S