- wwe- 4 , 1 ., . " j-jf. . rf '.' KS. V '&3 KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER ff ywUwNo. t,MO V iamtwg $frraUi v '& .'miV'JLiuW! . S; -i. '.' k i "j- l.r rfn K.J ax. '.. 1 f ".: ife KLAMATH COUNTY'! ' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER iJi &5rt PRESIDENT ASKS PREPAREDNESS BUSINESS LINES:" KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON,' FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1915 WOULD HAVE CONUIIKHM INVKHTIGATK HUMORS f0l)(TI) TO MO CHANCE AFTER1 : THE WAH United I'rma Service. WASHINGTON. D.C . ). in Senator lodg today moved ttio ppoinlmcnt of n comiiiUten io Investigate tlto many rumored bomb plot, the hlnklnir nf m. l.usltanla, Arabic nnd Ancono, od other mnttorn Indirectly con nected with the nr that uf facte America Refugees Front the Balkans Price Five OerMe - r Columbus llaalaeas Mm M New Today Wlleoa Talk cm the oT the United Mate Baalae te the Rrcomlrnctlon of Ka ys Ho Ktpecta No ateli I'a Peace Moves. THOUSAND HOGS Halted I'reM Service COLUMBUS, 0 Dec. 10 Addreet 11 the Columbua Chamber of Com hr member at noon today, Preal atet Wilton made a atrong plea for "vMlaen preparedneaa" throughout Ike United Statea. "The statesman- tUp of Induetry," waa bla theme. "The natlon'a real aecurlty Ilea In ar ability to accomplish aueceaaful tsdtrtaklnga, and to promptly and feetively mobllUe her resources," nld Wilson. Itegardlng the war, Wilson aald In part: "1 don't believe there la going to be lay 'patch-up' variety of peace. I UMire that every man In every coun try f ants a universal fellowship that (tenet to broken. "If America preserve her polae ad self posseeslon, she should be a peterful mediating Influence In re MttrucUag the ahatered nations of Kerope after the war la over.' LEAVE KLAMATH PORKERS COMPOSED MOOEST ART OK KLAMATH (XIUNTY SHIPMENT ON THK STOCK HPI.. CIA I. YESTERDAY Mmpmunim , mtoon, Dec. 10. Chancellor Pflweg's speech In the Qerman retch r yesterday haa practically ended Ulk of early peace, so far as Wait Britain la concerned. billed Presa Service HOME, Dec. 10. Cardinal Hart a la returning to Germany with the consistory's peace sentlmeau. He m try to obtain definite peace pro-P-U for transmission to the alllea wrouih the Vatican. WORKONDRAINS IS WELL STARTED Kleven carloads of liofa, containing In all over a thousand head, wore shipped to ouuido markets by Klam ath county stockmen yeaterday. The hogs were loaded at Midland on the Thursday "stock special." The big-goat shipments went, to tlio Western Meat company at San Fran cisco. Iluyer Scully of that concorn shipped four cars of bogs, and George Offleld of Merrill shipped a car to tho Western. Louis Gerber's shipment comprised three carloads, going to the Oakland Meat company. J, L. Oeckloy sent two cars to Sau Francisco and Fred Btukel shipped a car of live pork to Swanaon A Co. at Sacramento. Hogs are bringing about 5 cents' r : 1 jsjamsjsjssjsB i piagsgSkgmaBSMeMaksHlB79gvaKsk9BP8 liaTi anaaTxeaaiiaanannaMlaaaanaaaaaaam r X , yiesipBasjiejssBsssssMjsjB .. Y4gEsnaagsisrjjj'-f,1y a n Jpjp janainKjaw yPjnnwannasannnnnnn i !anaiiify'JliaCfleBMLa I HmBmt!lXgEmmWKVlnTtMm2zrSLLM'.'Zs .3gaan' 'WlSWSaKl9SIRdSISBBBBBlSBfBBBBBBBBBl KsKlKiKBmimmirmmamtttmmWKmy imiai mm i i i -n-r m i aaaaTaataaW WASHINGTON MUST GO I.11U HAHAKA mLTtUV A :. unuea rress service .e w uuympia, Wash., Dec. 10. The state supreme court today sustained the prohibition law. which was adopted by the voters e last November. The decision of the justices waa unnlmn.i.v i a saying the sale of liquor would bo unlawful after December 31, e PARENT-TEACHER MEET TOMORROW NONEALLQWEDTO; BOARD CRIPPLED MINNESOTA DECK SIX HECY MAINTAINED W1U, BK PHOBED & & r. - OS - v v! t 1- Onirfatn Falta to Ctmaaaleate WMh naoio statleate, aad Neweaauper men and Other Seeking to -? i.'i.K ,$ . m STATE EDUCATIONAL MISSION ARY WILL ADDRESS WOMEN ON THE SUBJECT AT THE LIBRARY CLUB ROOMS tv ny ! $t' -1. . , ?--v W5.'s " - Lteer Are WnweelC 'to Keep Away or Be 8kot-Osi.T . atlo. of Cargo Keai Secret. VJH &!? azrossasssj , && ""TKa&'&Z&i&Si&Sr Abo-c Saved from the Harem; Anuenluu OlrU In the Bread Line. llolou Serbian Women Refugees PaMliio. a French AviattoB Camp la Southern Serbia. -V Four thousand to hundred Arme- tiy here, and 6 to 614 cents off the cars nlans wero recently saved from the! climbed the nearest mountains, which at San Francisco, depending upon'Turka by tho French, ho took them dumlunto the Syrian coaat, and there slae and condition. to a camp In Port Said. Tho Turkish I they fought the Turks' for seven Fred Stukel also shinned out sis ruthorltles told tho Armenians living ,eefcg. They could not have held out! carloads of cattle on yeaterday'a ln euedia to sell tneir possessions ana inucn longer, wnen a rrencn waTsnip stock train. Those also go to the be ready ln seven days' time to be noticed a large Red Cross flag on the Sacramento market. moved to a disunt part or tno coun-top or tne mountain, a coat waa A recent qutgolng shipment was two carloads of choice Jersey cows. These wore traded In from a Coos Hay man some time ago by Louis Gerber and Jesa Heck ley, and they were recently sold to dairymen at Durjaj k4 isreeii at -grace they -new ashore and, :the situation -havtirg oeen explained to tnem, otner Boats ware brought by the French, and the entire party of refugees waa ta-kn off. The Immediate needa of theae poor people are now being attended to by the Armenians and the English of Cairo. United Freaa Service LOS ANGELES. Dec. 10. Tha.-l- jlence of Captain Garllck of the crip- ' Diea liner MinnMit.. i. .. A. i -federal officials to confer regarding' i , , - ,4wnatconre to Pnrsue ahouldtha ran-" organisation of a- parent-teachera ael enter San pwim i,... ".." ' Asoclatlon will be taken up at the operators say Garllck Is doing h6 t library building at S:46 tomorrow most to nrevent h rti.M . . v. afternoon by the Women's Library Minnesota from becoming known1 Club and the school board. M. S. Pitt-! . It U reported that th ii man, head of the department of edu-, troubles are not in h- .w.. cation In rural school work, will ad- end, aa given out. Newspaper aaeer dress the women on the aueceaaful. tried to converse with Garllck bat ' work carried on all over Oregon by J failed. They convened noma 'with' w AI i !f' m m rZt ll-F il i. ' v' -,: r v n such associations, and to assist ln the .'members of the crew, but there vnuituion wora. county school were evident! v nMi VI 'ill :-M i was a the supennteadent rred Peterson and committal, members of the local teachlnc cores IV Asked bv amMM.'. .., " -jrw hwa. ui wig maaa uuks. While Klamath Falla woman. ttroagh their flaa Library Club, which u awiated with the Nation Feder. Uon of Women's Clubs, have aceom- puanea a great deal of civic work. to be aon- Sm kt '!-., man named Ifiriin - sailors croaaad thai ka..i ,Ttl Jem front of them. a. 'if maawlad.Ktl pointed toward th hn. -rwi- . .Va ?MSt .- mm u avS-3? fv w Fallon, Nevada. TILL OF MERRILL BAR IS CRACKED HSIDKH USING AND SMALL GOVKRNMENT KXCAVATORH CONTRACTORS, TO CONTRACT POR MORE DRAIN WORK Work on drainage channela Is well -Oder way In the Drat unit of the Project. The government's two big ttmtora are busy oa large chan u, and the seven oontractora who "re awarded Miuuiiit. .mn. Uehes are also at work. Aunwonal contracU are to be I quarters, Waata 'Km to "Koff up" A ault to recover $361.25, alleged due on a note, and I7G attorney's feea haa been filed agalnit-M. Pudoff, John Chernkolf, John Corboff, C. Kvaukotf and M. Sllvkoff, by N. S. Merrill. DURING ABSENCE OF PROPRD3 TOR, BURGLAR FORCES AN EN TANCE AND EXTACTS S40 FROM REGISTER The Mint saloon at Merrill was robbed early yesterday evening. Forty awarded Wednesday for more drain age canals. One of these will be Ann rm In l.nrlh with h riant h averaging two feet nnd n two foot dollars waa secured by tho burglar, bottom. Tho other will be 4,900 feet who ns yet has not been apprehended, long, and will havo an average depth Charles Murphy, proprietor of the of three feet, and a bottom of the saloon, locked tne aoors at o ociock aame width. yesterday evening, wnuo ne went xor Bids for these contracts will bo upper. It was during his anaence opened at the reclamation service of-jthnt tno tmer enwreany iorc.ua ope am fit t nVlnrk Wednesday after- rear uuur, ouu nu u . ... W M w -.v- .. . . noon. Profiles, specifications, etc., er. can be secured at the project head- rne msu. "..- llioruiee are luumua iui mw . don the pillows In oi four-round mix 'with Battling Henley. Allen haa left town. ' Tho other contestanta are ready, and a lively exhibition by amateura Is expected. Turpen and Turpln, light weights, and Shldler and Arnold, heavyweights, are la good shape for their four round mills, and Christy and Hamilton bto eager to begin their grappling contest. Gymnastic work will also be a part of the bill. Tonight's program will start promptly at 0 o'clock, the h6ur being set late enough to give all fans an opportunity to attend. Manager Hank Free haa greatly Increased tha seat ing capacity of the pavilion, and all will have a much better oportunlty of seeing the bouts. JURY'S VERDICT IS FOR DEFENSE pointed toward tha how. n io mean that Martia laJateaaWff . $M . The captains 'of ta tMiu V'-j:R- ki -.- - . t tea- van" seam g-ejnLi.rf cs "-?i they have never as yet given, organ-jtbe 'cue of the Mlaaesota Maort -? " -fi r , w mo pareai-ifaenerj" --- ri.BaiiBBaa.taiaaT &gft movement - , jtnem tha cause of tha eriaalad eeaI-Vr'S - ?S "Saturday's meeUng la one thati0,l or " Unr' wa,h reaajrtly left should Interest every parent In Klam-l8"1 wltn nPPU for, aoma amro- ath Falls. .The attendance of all who i"811 natlon. presumably England. are Interested In such work, whether Tno omcnotJ the Minnesota, have t. they be members of the Library Club or not, la earnestly desired." said the club president, Mrs. Robert E. Wat tenburg, today. j threatened to shoot anyone attempt" g to ooard her. The first mate, and not the captain, la said to be com manding. ' ' FOLLOWING A DELIBERATION OP OVER AN HOUR, JURY IN THE MORINENOBLE BUTT SETTLES THE CASE Late War News JS J& 'St K ' ' ELKS WILL MEET REMAINS OF MELHASE THIS EVENING Local Depot on Strahorn Line Is to Be Built Soon .I This production la given for the The constables, etc., between Klam ath Falls and Weed have been noti fied, and are keeping a clone watch for auspected parties. ALLEN NOT TO SPAR T0NI6HT KNIGHTS ELECT NEW OFFICERS . FOLLOWING THE SELECTION OF MEN FOR ENSUING- TERMS, IODOMEN AND LADIES ENJOY A BIG BANQUET A verdict for the defendant, George Noble, was returned today by tha Jury In the ault brought against Noble by George W. Morlne. The Jury waa ont an hour and a half, and returned the verdict shortly before noon. Morlne sued Nqble for 1609. Noble brought counter claims against Mor lne for 466, and In tha trial of tha case, much regarding dealings, trades, etc., between these men and other Langeli Valley residents waa brought out as testimony. W. H. A, Renaer waa Noble'a attorney, and Moriae'a case waa conducted by 0. C, Browar. Members of Klamath Falls Lodaa iNo. 1247, B. P. O. E., will go to tha trala this evening to meet the re .mZT iumiw oi.iue isie Frea Meiaaaa. a reported that well organUed Tripoli-J charter member of the local ledai tana and naUves of Hlnjterland have! and escort the hod n ,- uZTZ! revolted, and have defeated tho'Ital-rhome. The funeral '--- an troops stationed In that locality, will be aanonnemi in ,.. The rebels are reported within' an Herald. , hour'a march from tha rftv n ivinnti ' . : Italian loue. arejtaced at 5,000. ", Ancona p.liyaiu- , J malum, it ta stated that America has WASHINGTON, D. C. Dec 10. 'placed herself in apposition to sevar It waa learned authoritatively that 'diplomatic relations U Vleaa doeaaot tha note sent to Austria regarding tha accede to American demands In tha - destruction of the Italian-American case. I : 1 Ira 'H ui rf- Ji Jffl -eg. -t t&i M tri 3 dUtreas In Klamath Falls homea this winter. ' .." Bealdea the depot aoene, there will be a program of playlets, monologues and the latatt song hits, tne ianer Mintanui bv choruses, quartets anu . ffi.MHih anaksim nrnsH AlAlaULfJL JklaaaaaSalU aT aaaaata --- have shown marked hlitronlo talent ath's PRINCIPAL TOWN LINKENBAOH TAKE HIS PLACE WILL A allmnaA a ,!.. . ... iu.j .lontharawiUh.lnKlaaUiralta, lneflt oi the Philanthropic Depart- ONE OF THE PARTICIPANTS IN ee tha gtrahom .., u hm B. raent of tha Woman's Library Club. MN0IpAIj WVT LEAVES lis .- a . The funda derived from tne neneni uy WefromgutmiyUUa1,WldMdth. JJ,, wl be Ui0flfor uuathNatrawtoeoMected,wUI moat worthy cause, that of relieving VIA a. I - - siren Klamath rail people oa tha "jthta of Daeanaar II and II. At oat tin th stage at Houstoa'a opera "um will ha wavertad uto tha wait m room of the future Ualon depot cltjr, m4 fa aiity alautee or i'a. taaUllar lotal daaat aaraotart, Irgve-ara, high sehoel teams and other JfJlyenUg afwiafsa will amtarUla ir-r- evar auta, aaaca and bmbo At laat night's meeting of Klamath Lodge No. 99, Knlghta ot Pythias, the following officer ware electad for the coming term: a H. L. Voor Chnniellor Commander hees. Vice Chancellor J. L. Yadaa. Prelate- -M. R. Doty. Master of Work R. R. niewbaker. Keeper of Record un-I Seals C. C HoRue. Itlater Finance C. C. Low. Mailer Exchequer Qlen Johwoa. Master at Arms Jaaper Beaaett. Inner Guard H. B. Momyer. OHIO'S OLDEST POLICEMAN STOPS AT SSTH MTLBSTONS A last minute change which may. be termed a change for tha better Outer Guard B. W. Oowen. haa been mad In the boxing program, Trustee Frank Vaaslea. ..m....M'to he held this evening at tha Ktarn- Following tha buslnees "-- " i- ...... . . . a aawlem . . . 'mi. i. .. Ilmlitatlnn nr Honnia la tha naat. and la this present pro ,- . ---"- ':!l!.MMw7rrKiam.lAUaa from the weHarwelght boat. a h MtoUttoa,.Uar hT. aa.Wwd, Llnkeabach. wboaa rlaf m- Athletlo Club's gymnasium,! the lodge the Knlghta ware hosts atjslon. Ha aaya ha would Ilka to keep United Press Service MASSILLON, 0 Dec.- 10. Ohio's oldest policeman, Michael Elaaas, 85, quit his Job today, and thua eadad sixty-one years' active service. Ha quit because he wants to spend tha re maining years ot his Ufa with hie wife, who la sot so well as aha once waa. j Walking ten mtlea a day oa hia boat kept the veteran preserver of law aad j order In good physical condition. 11 sau claims ha haa walked 61,160 'mtlea since his 64th birthday. Ha ithlnka that Is a pretty good record for Ja man who atarted-at not tar from short of tha three score aad tea mark. Mentally Elsaas la aa alert aa a maa ot otO. He Is a veteran, aad draws pan Oregon Building at Fair Saved; Goes to Troops " 4I fr i-4i i f -.T R. K.,1 r WKtl B VCt -, Kfcl rjztiM ,,-i2fl tarr i Ulf I United Preaa Service SAN FRANCISCO, Dee. 10. Tha Oregon building, oaa ot tha -moat beautiful oa-the grounds ot the Paa- araa-Paclflc International exposition, and decidedly the Inest state building (here, is not to be wracked. This waa decided today at a meeting ot tha Oregon commissioners. Instead of meeting tha fata which Is to befal tha Tower ot Jewala aad tbe.maay other beautiful structures, the; Oregon building la to ha kept permanently. It la to be turned aver to the' United Statea army aa aclub .as i !a big chicked banquet, aad tha local! on working, hut that ha haaa't a llfe- pythiaa uatara ware taa gaaata, muai aatoro aim any mora, aad waata repast prepared by tha am, pravadjib b with ale wife aa aaaa aa paaal. astragaalr eajoyable, aad a highly ale, Hia eon, X. W. Waaas.laalreator nlualav anaUl aMt.taa allAwad. 'at nakM aaevtaa. far Ue soldiers atattoaed at thoiPreeMlo. . , ' The Oregon building's sightly loca- tloa. facing San Fraadaco Bay. ta Just laalda tha llaaa of the Presidio Riitytfury raservatloa. Therefera,' It wlli'be uaaeeesaary to aiova''oKhW tWiONflea huildiat ar tha Oragoa aagvele: tha taUeetsiato 'stick "fag- 9a!avia.tha wertd.;v i a. ' iw .;- . l.,L".'Sii. !., AU- !' jr'.'ia? u. nawwepr as giissiyiaa; taa wra sa-a,ataapv-m-ai is g4 bvMtdlag far, gnTitamaat aaaa waa Uvertlatag vala far y rv -!i. 'tv?J Oeorge M. Hyland ot the Oragoa fM$ Tim. aUAgeatVUs 4UIUHsmUu Att ITCflM TV, hM m v7 taken up some time ago by gufiitry m" Vj. iW tape, It appeared cor a while taM the. ; government would not accept tl a'tfS'lj m a too.vuu Duiiaing iroaawaw l 3Tftjjgi oi Oregon, ana it waa sow at aaatiea r, ,3. last week to P. B. O'Halr for W.IW..fUfM : O'Halr bought tba struetara A,lfi wreck It. and he already had arraae- Vf menu compieiea ior vowing taa laiif' eight mammoth log piiiaTa, feet' high and Ive feet .adtaaBetw' across the bay to be redueed to. "wrv il mttfcf ber, i Thla morning O'Halr agreed tomJ surrender hia elalm to. taa batWkf.v that It'mlgh.' be preaervad.; eTW&$l iMK.rafsf l isj-MiJi,r , tj . '"H i .J aaBBBaHi g t tj JWMP Wkf- wmniaaBBBjaavamK9 Mt dVlsatlllaai wWmMm aaf WW Klamath Falls peooto whaaaw goa'a baaatlfui lailMMldta;,at expoelUoa. have; aaaa- ih aataff wreaaaavv-'.1 praJMlawX "Oeksa aalli atlrahUnaa mmT 41 1 S " V . A.l 'vrw , n.i i- . z.' . . . j .. . !-- . ; r . i- .' i -,ii 1A', n-iaj yt-VfcWV5.r',,1-!r ?