. Ti V ' -r-s s . &&Kl.;tftoaHJi;i3'' - HHlY:. W itwuhxQ Ifcralfi KLAMATH FALL!' 1 ' ,, Pft-,'' .( ..Mi OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH COUNTTt OFFICIAL NEWtPAPM VlljVli'lStfli'l5.' mWM t.SrSSTl8-j mm Mid Year No. MM KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1915 '&l Jal -"W 5c -f- :,: Price lire Carts' "" "T . . , . Only Definite Peace Proposals Will Be Considered by Germans ENGLAND BOWSTO OF U. S. DEMANDS A Second Helen Keller rMCHMT.MJ UNANIMOUS IX AI. rnovixo STAND OF NATION Heck No Territorial Co. i .erst, Hut la PrcfMrrd to Fight ( rerevrr If Pear TVrtna Compatible l With Teuton Safety, INaalty ami ku Are Not mmc, uermaa CkMcWIor Trlla the Lewanaker. Mtaagled so hopele Ml public' confusion, United I'ress Service BERLIN. Doc. fl. Germany' enemies Miit make Mimo positive statements,! md refrain entirely from ny dilatory-? ttcttct before Germany will consider, Mrieusly any peace movomenta, ac cerslag to Chancellor von Retbmann llollwrc, who addressed the rolchstag til norotug. Tito question of ioace KospecU wan the main subject dls-l- tossed In tbo speech. ' "Aa lone aa Iho guilt or Ignorance I 11m statesmen of our enemies arc aly with tho fen- It would be Utter folly for Germany to make or Mulder any iropoaala, which would aot shorten, bui would lenitben the titration of tho war,'' aaid he. "The maika mutt Drat be tora from the face of those diplomat, and they uit bo ready to act squarely and with certainty. If our enemlea make propoMla that aTe compatible with Germany's dignity and aafety, we will always bo ready to aerlouily dlacuaa then. Germany disclaims rcsponsl blllty for continuation of the dire mis ery that Is now Oiling Kuropo and the vholo world. None can truthfully any that we ere continuing tho war bo causo we desire to conquer some country." The chancellor aaaerted.tbat Ger many' resources are so well organ ised that ahe can never be starved out. He reviewed recent auggeatlona circu lated In enemy countries aa possible ttrma for settlement, but made no agigHgilfffggggH agHHrWillgilllllllllH ggggHPtFjagHagliiiiiiiB BBKfSBBBV VggggggaK'V 'r'.iW u 7)jBirgigigigigig? 1 bbbS1Pto1PBbbw EEEEJByy yviBff jtBBjBBBjmBt gliiiiiHwifHgH R.SWiMlileaggiiiiV saaaaaaaasaBdbLsc-tVJWrf ;2sbSbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbj agigaegBK "a, &L sbYjYjbbYbI BBaBBaBBBBBvSaaairr!? aABbBbBbBBBbBt aBBBBBBBBBBBjV V SsiSiaBtBBBBBBBfl bHH'IbB eBBBBBBHBSiBBm bbbbbbSTbbW BBHBMwilBBm, SBBBBBBBBMbBStmi' a?vi?BBBBBBBm BBBBBflBBSKif'HkOBBBB9 EKBmjF rJlgljgS9BBtjBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBaB IIIIIIIHBEHB Vv5BBBBBB BBBBBBBVBBBtfflH trk XiBBBBBBr .K ftBBBBBBr r ifK. .. eBVUBBBBBBBr .aBT grl 'IEBliaBBBBBr W eBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBCBV jaaa. wgiBjpBfKBBBBBBBBF BB eagagaBBHi mt'''rrr V STATE DEPARTMENT IS ADVISED THAT XO MORB VESSELS WILL B SEIZED PENtolXti ACTION OF PRIZE COURT I f I nltwl ries itprvlfp WASHINOTON, 1). (;., )t.c, . Ambassador Pngo today cablel from l.i.Tiilon that Oreat Jlriuin lias acced ed to (bo rcquent of.tlic United States anil jhot no more American commer cial vctrfels engaged In trans-Atlantic trncle will be seised. This U taken .pending thp notion Vf the prize court .In the raw Involving the Hocking,. (irnneRKoe and K&nakee, three Amor-' lean voxels previously seized. j The action follows President Wll roii'h recent protest to Kngland re KnrdlnB Interference with the rights' ir American shipping. ELECTRIC SHOW i SATURDAY HR CIIANCKMOIt vim IlKTHMAXX-HOLLVVKU other comment recnrdliiR them than the foregoing. Following tho chancellor's speech, all parties represented In thn rolch atag united In a joint declaration ap proving his stand, and declaring that any poaco terms must ho such ns to uaranteo Germany's safety, oven If annexation of territory nhould become necessary. Max Rcholdomanii, tho socialist OY8 leader, In n speech, approved tho gov-( ernmcnt'8 attitude, but protested against any territorial nnnoxutlon n the result of tho war. He asserted that peace Is tho subject uppormost In ' tbo minds of all tho belllgorcnts BASKET SQUADS GOTO MERRILL rarty to her little girl friends. "I am 16 years old," she aald, very Ptotti .I!aJLlJffl-. goJng, to , give , my rnenas a treat." The words were actually spoken; they were not mumbled or chattered, They were fairly clear and clean cut. and they carried with them the Joy running a' sewing machine, which" she and Insatiable love for life of a nor-. does with accuracy and 'dispatch,' nal girl. threading her own needle. ' Seven years ago, when Kathryne l'rlck entered the Pennsylvania inatl uttered since her baby days. Kathryne Frtck is above granite lnjanjcoflher studies.. She speaks aX. writes better English than saoat of the children hi the highest grade la the school. She to a wlxard with, her fingers. Her latest accomplishment la AND CHKI.S TItVIXG FOR HIGH SCHOOL TKAM WILL BE GIVKX CHAXCK TO PLAY SAT UROAV NIGHT Ah an aftermath .rot the Prosperity Week advertising, aa electric show Is to be held In Klaauth Falls. This will begin Saturdajr in the White Imlldlnar. - '-.- The show is being prepared by the California-Oregon Power-company and the Link River Electric company. R. J. Sheets of the latter firm has Just returned from San Francisco, where be laid in a stock of the latest time and labor saving devices shown, by the electric companies at the exposi tion. These household and shoo de vices will be shown la full operation, tute for tne deaf and dumb, at Mount typewriter and seldom makes an and their desirability for Christmas Alry- Bhe cou,(1 not uttor a syllable, error. She has read many of, the' presents will bo explained In connec- Hne naae uninteuigioie sounas, ner( classics, ane Knows-tne Dig tacts in raina was nosoiuteiy uaaeveiopea, nor line European, war. one can trace ine body was frail. She had no poise, no I warring countries on a raised map. stability, no direction; ahe could. She has a good groundwork of bis- Fred Melhase, Klamath Pioneer, Passes Today i i" i Frederick Melhase passed away In 8t. Frauds hospital in San Francisco this morning, according to telographlo advice received by relatives, Death was due to pneumonia, resulting from recent oporatlon Mr, Melhase under went. Tho remains wilt reach here tomorrow night, and the funeral will Probably be held Sunday, under the auspices of the Elks. Following his operation for acute ppendlcltls several days ago, Mr. Melhase waa recovering nicely. Late yesterday, however, relatives hero re ceived word that he had, developed pneumonia In ono lung, and this was o sorlous la his weakened condition that he expired In fourteen hours. In the death of Mr. Melhase, Klam ath county loses one of v her best known pioneers and one of her most "ubstsutlal cltlsens. A native of Prus . Mr, Melhase as a boy earn to America with his parents, brothers nd sisters, settling Ik Missouri, In the eighties,! Mr. Melhase and other members; of bis family came to Klamath county, taking 4 homestead In the Fort Klamath country, and by dint of hard wtrK, to triumphs ovsr " yWnsituie, walea beset the early ttlrs of small means. At the time f als demlethe lFas.oie.,0, the ooun tyl meat araesmeMrestdeata. t The fanr' Melhase brothers, Fred, ' llaukctball practice by the students of tho Klamath County High School has been going ahead for the past two weeks, and enough real progress Is 'shown to warrant the scheduling of gumos with the Merrill High School toams. Those will be played Satur day night, the local boys and girls go ilng to Merrill. . "Basketball prospects are exceed inaly arood this season," said Coach .Vernon T.-Motschenbacher last night, homesteads, pre-emption and timber' and there Is a chance of a team that claims In tho Fort section, and by wm bo a- factor In the Southern Ore hnvlngtholr holdings In solid flocks, 'Kon championship contests. The thoy woro ablo to reallso conBldernblo hoys' team will be lighter than usual, In their salea of pnrta of these. A but thoy will offset this handicap by big portion of the present Weed hold- reason of their speed and realisation .. nriviimllv owned by these 0f tho value of teamwork." ,rnhera I Among the boys out for the quln- After moving to Klamath Falls, Mr. tot aro Graves, Stelger, Orem, Bonis, ... ,u nnn of tho fouudors of McMillan. Houston, Stearns, Elliott, the American Ilank and Trust compa- short and Motschenbacher. Some of nv and waa president of the Instltu- tho candidates for the girls' team are tlon when It was sold to the First mIssch DuFault, Hamber, Mootgom--. a o,,iQ rinni. At the time nrv Hoaaland, Dreher, Santlmaw, :....... . , nridnt of the Hsniev and Chastaln. All will bo al at m umn .. - '-:-.. "'..... . a .. m f Butte Valley bank at uorns. nu.(on xryoum i ou,-, - . i AKTKHMATH OF PROSPKR1TY wkkk punucrrv will bk a niHPLAY OF ALL THE LATEST KI.KCTRIC DEVICES sgBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa'S 1 bbbPbbbbbbII bkIbbbHI I lBBlEkiieBBHBgBBlI BjBBBBBBBjBKfBflBBBBBBBBjBBHsBBBBBflB " lBBBBfir?'aPfWBBBBBBBBMBBgmBBBBBB 4 fWl JBVKgmfc'iiaMVMVMVMVMgMMVMVMVfl I ftKBHI dggHaagTsgggggggUagsgggggHB 'KfigggsiSgHgggggglsUBgggggmB IiWgfBllBBfBalBHaHBBBVl i:' i-KigfgfgfSmsBsaBBll & Jfaffl9&fa1ffi-&&K&y BKlsKEWBBBBBKBUwlBBBBBBBBf ISBaffsmfaHi J5S Iglllx 1 bV BgVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVePM. l:'vPMiklgwgBBBr I 'M TllSi'VBBvBwBvBvBvBvBvBvBV gfl m-z- 'tlBmBBBBBBBBBBBKssBBB dti itfa'fcsA&e&mJKtiNldSht iBBBlBBBBBBBBBiBBHBBBBmSBB'sgBaBV m'IWSSUm$t mMBBBBsVBBffHBsiaBasi' I I MwlikvBnlgBll 'flfBffllWiilPMBBIltPBIl- ljPPflPITBHBBBBBBBBflBBBal i.,'BBiai,j'1 . n ALLIES FALLING BACK IN BALKAN ACTIONS TODAY t t GREECE MAY ANNOY SALONIKA -jm . - :sa - ..-"?- ;w rjlSsS iZ:m . t """ THEM AT" :. Sadden Tarn of Affairs te That ?S?Si5 ,-?y dMf-1 i . I Ml ."S2WI J-... UOm la Ihw RhmU tm. (kw wL ' -?i -Jfjf1 S i Stral AUies Aaetriasi u,- .PMi m -Bombard IUluui Harbeo. j; s . l.'" 'i tJftfiT; '. .1jilS m:.$m Serbia PmrtWIl rw-d miWrviMtfJil '.. '. -.. h&&: $$&$& inner war News. ' Vn I ted Press Service J v &$; 4fSf ?. AXffMiJftS &8i sf' LONDON, Dec. 9, Sojta dispatches ; confirm reports that the allies are.re,. .treating toward Greece, .where the expeditionary forces eaasl KATHRYNE PRICK Kathryn Frlck of Harrlibursr. Pa . sia'ker. the arirl renllaa in words that deaf, dumb and blind, has Just celo- ring out clearly and that are marvels j I. brated her 16th birthday by giving a OI naauoB, wnsmenng inai nae wa v. Mwa w m.i . a'nva t'1 '- jsef.fl iS Ma!m.iXl3i) "Mhlm tnow located, is only twenty mllea!: J?, j from the Grecian line. " ' "''M . 4, ". . IUW, UUJ W. . f for General Sarraii has ordered, gear iMik -erst retreat, -rue trrencn are reportear . v. S debated near Pirn. . " 4V&r,'H " - . r , ..A-TIV ,- -8b'fla itAtem-nt .: - . Ws'?iS!r . I'Sbuthf 8trnmnttsa, we are at? Vf tnnVIn s4nna- ih MitlraTalllaar'MM'" ""V.-. .3 .fFrom Rome It to learned that ,Jfe; Greece la acUvely.preiarlnc to reaist,' filtfg .uAM1 ikA -tlf. . l a J - - - ' . ;o.tltr1 "raw Mtw wuw nuaajk w lUM v ,&; 34tl acqulesceace to thetr'dsmsaea.ilAMs.'-,;! - rt iH i. .j i . Jlv f -. t VJ3 .A I v v-!"""-"?-'"'"","!- riwsnsu&i'lfper4i paring to.flght tbe.contaaarels,!. "'"In'the meantime," eaye a mhajgjjaSSg an,annofance;to;belnrIiaa.' war of the allies at SaloalkThW- la aaja.: 'Aauba' ---"--V .;&' withheld and commnaieatleas hleeked Bpg; enureiy." .- -ai 1 OUO U B.U1V ftUU BOW, HWUBb BTUJ weave; she is an adept at using a tlon with their other merits. nvonw tu a i. Vu.M.i' a.4B4i . . a. Aa Hannai Tthat ,the Balgariaas have oeeaplad Struga, Ohrida, Dehia and Gyakoyw. This practically clears southeastern Serbia of Serbian troops. fS-.'i . -sH "sv?a; -o, -I. j5 ,r-3 " ir-'i 'A , t". MANY PORKERS ARE SOLD HERE KIUKTEUN WAUONLOAD9 UOUGHT YESTERDAY ilY J. L. BEiKLEY FROM KL1MATH R.INGIIERS. SHIPPING OUT TODAY;. scarcely walk alone. j Today she Is a well developed, well set-up girl of 16, with a keen light of S intelligence shining la her face that .reflects the working of aa active brain. Instead of answering la the 'sign language the questions that are 'ota1tAj4 ItifA fna lianH ni ttla toric information, color, though she v PARIS, Dec. 9. The MoateaegrtB consulate reports .that Austrlanwar-i,. r, - ships bombarded Durasso, Italy. Moa-, Ji day, and, shelled, the ItallsavwfcsjsaaMa g staUbm, there. They also;dettroyd'-;fejj. sereral Montenegrin, a They alsovdesttfoyeefcijrj A. " a.t z- '.; aiHawaia ajajai v Wfals: She delights in i Italian commercial vessels iathehar- ls virtually blind gathers with her delicate fingers from tho lips of her questioner or from the vibrations of the throat of the and can only dimly discern the bright reds 'and 'blues In a strong sunlight The jgirt's marvellous development Is due to the infinite patience and palas of her teacher, Miss Mabel P. Whit-n she man,' who has brought her mind out of its original chaos into a state ot pre? parednesa for any information that may come her way. y ; ittV ?'"M There waa a decided movement in bogs yesterday. Eighteen wagon-. inarf. nt llva. nnrVAra war brnutht In a' from various Klamath county ranches, and were bought up by J. L. Beckley. Peckley la today bhipplng the hogs to an outside market. D. Bills Young brought la Ave wag- ( onloads or pigs ror uecaiey, aaa roar i wagonloads sent In by Fraacle Bowne carried over halt a ton of hogs. O. C. ' Lewis brought In four, and Steve j Griffith five wagonloaas. H. A. Renner for Nobel are belngMore New Citlseas. made this afternoon. F,na, dtingi, W8t tod,, grBnted There were nineteen witnesses ex-jb c,rcu,t Jud Kuykmdall tojBmW aminod during the taking- of testl- Vei(mM; a natrve ot FiaUad.aad mony. A general settlement of aM- -. : - Hfi,ilind ,. M Sl fairs between the two men;,covertis;,5,weawi Botiare ,0 ot tne period action. of years, is sought in the Pelican Bay Lumber company. I "UNCLE JERRY" SUFFERS STROKE YOUTHFUL BANDITS MAKE IHO HAUL AND GET AWAY United Press Service 0. Three young Emma Schlinske, cashier of the Prudential Life Insur ance company, tied her an a girl clerk, took 17,000, and made their escape In an automobile. TESTIMONY IS COMPLETED AF- TKR THREE DAYS OF MADE THW AFTBNOON .,, . torm as county commissioner .Merrill. and was at one time a member of the city council. Mr. Melhase was aiso inier- the Hotel Halt building and other. local business property. At tho tlmo of his death, Mr. Mel-j ,i .- He la sur- as, s. - -s- -1 jsra r ....... ilea Miirsn urns, nn n - marnaaw " -. -- -- . ,h. brothers. Alford. Qus and Rich ard, all of this county, and two sisters,' , M ILt. .Ilaa lAWlH Slfla Mr. KeUdeever oi uia m - -it... rMlnB in Missouri. Mrs. Melhaso and Gus Melhase convention of the wsro with Mr. Melhaae when be died " toa ogrt :rJZ tremarn. and London November 17th, "'" - " .. h wa uassed unanimously io reeis dm- - -t'. ttt .. . ik.ir will wire announcement of thewaspasseaunaui .i ThatsaUmear weAaisltt4a,at ;I0 t" . .. mm thai aa.scnuuon wmwto ., .. - .--- ---- - . w ..I u .ttaaded by delegates taM aneraeea, aaa wmmv- "7i MORINE-NOBLE CASE 10 JURY ..nwutaaiw an nlAVann'bva. .itiav.V MonifAi an,, rvWB -. IDKIST AMU StKAU tlP SiUVAM BANK, IB VICTIM OF PARALYSIS IN OAKLAND I Japanese naval estimates for 1916 .total, about 100,000,000 yea (50,- j 000,000), a decrease of 6,000,000 yen from the 1916 budget. A suppiesten- tary expenditure of 45,000,000 "yen ifor the construction of new warshlna will be spread over a period of four i years. The allotment for 1916 Is 6,000,000 yen, bor. Tk. Tlrl,iati altliaaaalmAal 4h. TarV. Ish destroyer Tar Hlssar la the aa''aC? .ifMm Marmera: yeoteraar. -caatarlsw;feilvff! ' " tmifx.ifi .. .. TiIBil , ' " $&l&i oActrt Mi forty -i. siirTil nrjiv i jvn.a-a.. xjasetr. a. ..m. asmfeeaa -.v--...' from the captain .of. the SUndard.Olii&IM tacked or captured by a Teutoale sahfA' IZM marine, stated that the vessel 'SlefftK J; Alexandria, Egypt, Tuesday, aad is ea ; Its way to New York. I'h ih ,id SI 'DlDtQ ' TIam & If . aaaHaaai-' that, the .French artillery' hre1fif' several German attacks te.'eaet'e Wi Sonaln last night, A vlgoroM''es-S 'iM? - , . .v c . : w'li - 'r:. --.H-T'a'r.f aic.-- it aain.-imminimtiin.tB'aB.Maaai'r: r,'unf paftr'theChampagBedist.-Thej to violent caanoaadlasT taere sy eetijj sides. 'mm mhm fci-M-l t ZURICH. 'Dec. 9.-TWSrtrearasi-'SiSJ poru the Raaso-Rumaaiest: nwsavfegapj kteMAn at na-Ml-and. the :harhaiS'?a'. 1 Tt'aanl. AfAaaAiV Til miaSansTl rig. .sftutlgalgUlMm. SfiitTl have arrived at both these .aeai;'f ; j Tiiera ,i mucn aouTuy BiKVtJii ' i VC ' t MM According to advices received today by the First National bank, Alex Mar- . n ... A . 1L.1 tMM.fl..lMH tiu dr., preaioeui ui m imuwwi TRIAL, land 0M 0t Klamath county's oUestv avn AHfllTMBNTS ARE BEING Por, ta vw"Jr ,ow th mtttt J AND ARauMBnl auk w"aipll-fci.rtkei He la at his homa . '. -!-.' . in uaawaa,- -; "! ' Since be became partially paralysed late Iwt weeny Mr, Martin's condlUon has beeome more serious. He la SO years of age.aad this, of course, is a serious haadiesp to bis recovery. After being In court three days, the action for accounting, etc., hreaght a resolution 'against George Nobel by George W. RauiHUa ' '""''. ..-, VtjVBsH f --www, a-.' LI M. ."-nif-,- .aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMaarra aa. " '" ' -.', 'a, ' mlMj Decree m.d-bnuiipis rei,".-J,,..af , ah-SBI nraia nasi aiasn aoea asithay confer with Mrs. Mel- from various parte ot the country; 0. 0, HawiiUau sugar, pUaters (will dta-j tribute tala seasea u, aim awawtwa rower for the s4atatkf aad Witaborers tonnese totauag ,TTev,ee ''"' -4f' '" ' I -v.A7V-- at '. v iC WiKji,mX:., . ...( ... .k..v f. . i. - . aueq.rrssa service A ,T, . ' :.r .' ..-.T.. . - .wi roRTLAp,.osejaajgw7 'olyerton of the federal district eeart today mado a formal, readlagrjK tkgj tupreme'oourt's deereejla the Oregea a.'U CallfAnla la.J mil paaa.' : . ?rr r"""-. - ""VwTrz-'SSrw a .- av, .-i. j-.-t.v.'v STriySJLaK ."'; -.Tae aecree umita tae eoaasaef aa f a?'W!i.PD1l!Hr -ti'o-cijif !'1:1 . ' v s ,,' g,,m eat i afkgea f.'" W! dlag Ue rattrejsV;it'agU ajl if : the laaea U Oee.-!The--msl trstaeelUttmtaiWI ftf1 ' HV 'Hi - ' x - iJ"Ert l r' )lTTt"i''ailiWK. UIMIS aasEajsjsaaasamajg "?; ."-IP" --' t''sbww ;j---.jp --.-"i '"wsieyvw a pwjmBB-wwa----- 'r.v 1 'J'i-;U:s',i Tsf? X t .'SV x.pWgJtfo- 5,v t ,'1-V