,' w ..u1-OJi,.'U Sty? Eimtmij wili ."'.is:mici ' " Vpl KtAMATH FALL!'. KLAMATH COUNTY'S to" "4 .jS OFFICIAL NEWiPAFM OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER " ttf1is 1 $ r ', ..Sg Price Five Osae . . . Hglli fcr No. ! KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1915 T2- .- $ cffMM '5' t 'i Preparedness Talk Strong in Washington BBS". r - m-m ....... ..A-. " GERMANY WANTS II, S. TO TELL OF SPECIFIC MOVES ROTl'MM RECALL OF ATTACHES WITHOUT FACI Irdrral Pr-Ae of Pro-Teuton and AtfMinrrlrtw Activities Bald to Be Mcasrlug American LretslBlors. Chars of Attempting to Wreck or Destroy Munition ' Laden Ships Made Against Crowley ., IMiWinniiMMAruwwwwwVAM'vi'i"i '"j; American Now Russian General United I'reu Service WABIIINOTON, D. C, Dec. . Oermany will not recall Captain von Pspen ami Captain Boy-Ed, her mili ary Mitt nnval attaches In the United States, ns requested by tho United tate, mile the atate department Informs Foreign Minister ton Jagow o( tlio specific chargea against them. Hu aWo will auk for aafo conduct for these men and their aucceatora. ahould It tic tlecldfd to remove them. It U believed that In case von I'npen ml Hoy-Ed are recalled; they will be vrrc-cded by men who are convalose lux In.ni Injurlea, providing England cirirn (o allow them aafe conduct. Kruiallonal rumor involving pre- tit und former congreaamen and ram llltr 'ot-bylsts were made In the meet ing or tho Notional Council of Libor twin), It It understood. Whether Ocrmiin Interoata financed tho coun cil's recent pro-German proptfjanda li llic .mention under dlacuaalon. I HaMkPRSaH h BlaV 7, vSBBBl ft IE v X. Hl b ?' X' LI. ' J feXKv Te,. I 8 kw. VaEi1 . ' ' lilL. Hat,.. X. V via- '.!. f wm& K I lr. Philip Newton DECREE PREVENTS ESPEE FROM SALE OF BRANT TRACTS COPV POPE'S APPEAL IS FOR PEACE; LATE WAR NEWS Youngest Ambassador and His Wife IX PORTLAND FOB FILING PONTIFF OPENS 7 CONSISTORY PURPOSES i WITH SPEECH Our of the Injunction Connected j Election of a Parliament Supporting Willi Ilio Decree Made by Depart- King Constantlne's'Pollcles Seem a mrnt of Jutlce In Accordance With' Certainty la Greeje, Parte Says. Hiinreme Court'. Ruling Forbid the. Ocrmane nah Ih-oopa Toward lUllroad to Sell Land for .More Rumania to Offaet ttie atern Ru- Tluin M.80 Per Acre. ; Mobiliaatio. , & I Dr. i'hlllu Ncwtou of Washington Joined a Ited uro UDii wnicn weni w iRumU. The drowning of his nancce, MUs Atlco uoroiny niton, uu -fectcd him that he determined to go to wur to overcome bta grler. He waa placed In charge'orrhoapltal at Kiev, nnd ih.ro he met Princess tsnanois- jkaya of Petrograd, who was a nurae In the hospital. Tliey were marneu later, and then the American waa a I ... ... .... i....iin Hlvih Armv corps with the rank of general. No ether American with a European army has yet attained a rank ao nign. fulted Presa Service i PORTLAND, Dec. C The decree. in the Oregon and California iana grant cases, aa prepared by the de partment of Justice In accordance with the decision of the United States supreme court, will be filed with the federal district court here Wednes day, according to Assistant Attorney General Smyth. According to Smyth, the decree or ders two Injunctions. One of these forblda the railroad violating the provlalona of the grant by aeWng the Involved landa at more than 2.50 per acre. United Preaa Service NFW YORK, Dec 6. Lieutenant lay piu". live others accueed wIMi him hi Hi.- bombing of munition plants, etc M.ro Indicted today b the fed eral ci nnd Jury. The principal charge U I'niiMilr Iiik to murder by nwacniiiK bombs to shins leaving American ports. United Praia Service SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 6Cha.Tged with conspiring to destroy by Are and dynamite, ah I pa laden with muni tions for tho allies. C. C. Crowley waa re-arrested today under a warrant similar to that on which Daron von Srlncken waa arreated late Saturday (lasollne Drowns Romance United Presa Service mo an.tiki.E9. Dec 6. Qeo. w. r.... vi Mnntn rancher, blames the high prlco of gasoline for hla auat- torcd romance. Ho wan nrrwivu ........I with ntnnlna but falling to marry Cuddlo Longacro, aged n. Camp eaya that after filling nis auim ...iin limit for the woddlng trip he didn't have enough caah left to pay tho minister. utuu-ut riiurch Service. . .i.,..n,.A of the reasi oi n Immaculate Conception at Sacred Henri church Wednesday, maw .. bo celebrated at 7 o'clock and .s B VlVaa UABJIIIBII IV. mM a in. by Key. wm. ...... PIONEER WOMAN GOES TO REWARD United Presa Bervlce" ROME, Dec. 6. Pope Benedict's allocution at the opening of today's consistory of cardinals contained a atlrrinc- anneal for early peace. From the tonea of the pope's allocution, It appears that Vatican circles hope the present consistory io develop' some moves looking toward early peace. The consistory, which Is one of the most Important In the Catholic church hlatory, la being held In Conalatorlal hall. 8even new cardinals were cre ated today. k-L, 1 ... ! jjajJJ --.:. United Presa Service ATHENS. Dee. C. Fifteen German divisions are reported being rushed to nuatrtiuk. nreaumatolr to meet the Rumanian concentration and repel the nvtwried movement by Russian forces it i. also reported that Germany is sending heavy artillery to the Ruman ian borders. MRS. HARRIETT ROBEBT8, ONE OF KLAMATH'S FIRST BKSI' DEXTS, AND WIFE OF PIONEER MERCHANT, PASSES AWAY jiaaaav ' aB nnnBannBHanBB3ly:B!TaTynnn aH aaaWaaiaaaaaatfalaaaaaaaattf B knV maaaaHBaaBaBaaU .aBBkwKfflaBBBBaaBaHBl IHBfaMBpaaBBaLail aBBBalBBsaBBBm'TjBBBBBBBBBBHai ' aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB I imsm aVaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaalVaWaWaWaWaWawA WRiixB&MnBm IbII I BBaaaaaaaaaaHaBV aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH I HHHHI 9 BBaaaHaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaH al fcaajBajaaaatjiaaasSSS OPENING OF 64TH CONGRESS BRINGS DUT RtSULU I IUHS Ml i,t7' 'l m a W CHAMP CLARK AGAIN" XAMEDVa'S SPEAKER .- I' ... '! Formal Opening of Congress Occnrre - TotUy Without a Hitch -Hsnyi Stormy Meetings Are in Proenect,3"" . Owing to Division of Sentintent Among Solons a. to the Merita otV1 f Administration Measures.. , " ' I United Presa-Service. - WASHINGTOX, D. C, Dec. -" Champ Clark was re-elected speaker n A m to I J i 3 jMl hA hniM. llM vnA tlMllV , ' 13 t4. BThe adminiatratloa'a preeareav . :... i. .- . ... "..i Dilia nave iw ima iu! "j -i await thef-presMent'a measage tonor- 4 vow. . T ' - " ' The senate was in session be forty f - nunatea. , -o miia were isnoowm.. ,i si Prenaredneaa reaolaUons galore, '- . .... . - -j -. -i.i . '1 were inciaoca in an ww ,. UoasintrodBiathefbeaetoaVar4- - uardner or aaaaaaenaMewaaB. ,i avseaeiBBionoi si gjier -, aionai inTftatlon of AnMrican: United Press Service LONDON, Dec. 6. It-is announced that the British yesterday submarined a Turkish destroyer and five supply ships in the Sea of Marmora. Dr. D. V. K. Wellington Koo and wife. Dr. Kce is Chinese Minister to V. 8. Dr. D. V. K. Wellington Koo, Chi nese minister to the United States, who is the youngest minister a- na Water Users Must Send PapentstoDenverNow The latest duty to be taken from the varloua reclamation projecta In the centrailiiatlon.of the sorvlce headr luartora at Denver la the collection of construction and operation and maintenance charges. Hereafter, In stead of paying the charges at the project headquartere, the water users muHt remit to the Denver office. The following order, signed by S. . Williamson, has Just been Issued: 1 Effective. January 1, !. " payments due the United States recla mation service for construction and operation and maintenance charges on projects which are operating under public notice will be remitted to this office by the water users, and, begin nlu with thr Irrigation iseason of lfiia h. u win nnlv to all Pro Jects furatsaisig water on rental toil, mmi the' water users assoeto Mob or Irrlsjaasen district Uket over the collection of such chargea prior 10 5Stto upon which this order becomes effective on each of the , pro Jects they will forward all unpaw J.HU covering water right, -construe. tlon, operation ana miv-- -water rental chargea to thla office Sere all -uch bill, will bo Prepare agalnat water user. "-"-.- . il. Aiiieiannins: bid bvmv ' 3-.Tho Pro! chief clerk, will on- ' ,n'FLLn...i collections ly accept "- . .... .-.ina- sales of surplus materials, on the project on w.v- . - uncollecting water 4 Payments rw - " .".. ... h m currency, by water use - --- n "' . - . rir. or bank draft. poatomce - -.--- - he Paymenu i man. . - --- wW 'subject to w- .tt. lunoertltled personal checks " LtothUeca.lp.y.ntot: due no receipt win (CoaUaued on pat I) succumbing to the Inflrmltlea of ad vanced ate. Mra. Harriett uooer. known to Klamath Falla people aJtec- . innately as "Aunt Hawy. away at the home of her eon, Charles I. Roberts, early Baturoay ... Tho funeral was held this afternoon at the Roberts home, Rev. Charles T. Hurd of the Presbyterian cnurcu m ductlng tho service, which was attend ed by many friends of the deceased. Mrs. Roberts waa a bhi -- i.mu. She would have oeen . yeara old December Oth. mi.,. h. h unhand and other rela- tlvea, Mrs. Roberta came to Oregon In .. i.. tTft'o ana aiiar a auwrv e- dence at Ashland, the family erased to the Klamath country, and helped establish the old town or w throe miles from Kiamavn - the Klamath River. After a year. residence there, tnese pavuuv.. ---elded that a better location for a city would be between Upper Klamath Uke nnd Lake Ewauna, and they came on to found Llnkvllle, and be active In the development u. m w . ' .. .... ,i. it waa known by tnrougn mo - that name, and after It waa changed to Klamath ram. The Roberts uvea m - - short time, and nM ", manent home here, where was an early merchant, and other member, of the family, which Includ- ed Judge George t. aiaiaw.-, --.j-materlaliy In the development of this section. .. n.L..,. .a .nrvivftd bye broth- w;awi.H George T. Bswwin, mw - -----.JlZ ... ..! marehant. and Ralph I WBIB.I""- -" i, Ummm of Spokane. I" ZTJZ. --' AT sLaKUVOrsaUBaW -B- w--ar niJKHtlaW w---- - daughter. r JeMie ueeaw,. Aahlaaf. yi, , United Press Service paris. Dec. 6. Athen advices ay the election of a parliament favorable tn Kin Constantlne's noa-interven- don noliey ts certain. Former Pre mier Venitelos has advised his fol lowers not to participate in the com ing election, declaring It to be illegal. A crisis la predicted when Venlselos is compelled to announce his attitude regarding the new parliament. preparedness peace prone ganesi,fsa; ft IftSf tion of the Importance of China has ever sent to tho .United States, has lust returned from Europe with Mrs. Prince China and daughter of Tang Shao Ylh, both famous Chinese states men. Mrs. Koo la now going to es tablish herself In Washington, where I she and her husband wUl go ,lnto American society, tie is a- graduate of Columbia University, and he has Koo. She is the granddaughter of many American friends. clnding the work of the Navy the Awerlcan Defense Society, ,as t tonal Security League and other or ganiaationa. " r, London brought in a resolution pro1 posing a peace conference of neatral nations, Mann proposes the govern ment manufacture of munition of war, and Kettner of Southern Oaltfov, liU Introduced a bill proposing the transfer of the gorernieat ewuntw Ai i PMuanu.PaciSe exneattfesh, t Just closed, to the FaajuM-OaUfornls) s A United Press Service PAnm Dee. 6 The first war coun cil In which all of the allied nations havt, narUclnated Is now being held. nnnrai Joffre Is presiding. Eastern representatives attending are: nussia, General Cltlnskl; Italy, General Por ro; Serbia, Oenersi Stefanovttch. 6UD6ET FOR 1 91 7 SHOWSINGREASE FIGURES AS SUBMITTED BY THE TREASURY SHOW A GAIN OF MORE THAN MUNDIUBD AND SIXTY MILLION, OVKR tfl. CIRCUIT COURT STARTS GRIND ISUIT FOR ACCOUNTING 18 ON; CITIZENSHIP MATTEBS UP TO DAY TO RECEIVE FLAG THIS EVENING Back Home. Mrs. T. F. Tonton came 1 non the local last evening from a visit to San Francisco. 'exposition, which runs another year In ( ( Isanfciego. Home From Fair. ' milieu rress Dervtcv . I WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. . i ..: 'i " i " .av. as--. .ttJ.Atietk . ail ;.U AP haa alvtv.f Ata-pHi " i i nee nniL ntnaiuu -ua vaa-0 eea- -" v Jlmmte Ryan came In last night congress convened at noon today in from San Francisco, where he attend ed the closing of the exposition. (Continued on page I) United Prsis Servlee WASHINGTON,' V. C, Dec, .--Secretary McAdoo today trnhaaittte .- .v,.u.Mi aatimatea tor tae rua- V VWWfl" - nlng expenaea of tM governmen wr tt.. vae 117. The total reaches II.IIB.IST.MI. Thla Ib an Increase of U7,oo.w over the aanronrlrtUM fer lll. War is hew reenonaiiie wa the inemset. TheiaMleHMMaM,. nOP.000 for the aryaei t ss,v,- 098 for the navy. Th. mRihinry for the December term of the circuit court aUrted thU morning, when a Jury waa aeiewoa and trial of George W. Morlne'a suit against George Noble was atartod. Thla is a suit for accounting,, and ln- vnivM Dasturaae fees, labor cnarges, horse and mule sales, etc.,, oeiwww the two parties for aaversa years back, both sides making claims ana demands. . Hearing of cltlaenshlp applications wlllvcome, up at 4 o'clock this afternoon. i ,n4ii uftaaion of court wU be held this evening, when, in behalf of the Oregon Society or tne uona w n.i,..lnn Pantaln O. 0. ADDlegate. -,.. i. a riAanandant Of SI Revolution ary veteran, will preaent tne cow with a.allk. American tag. This will be received by Judge Ruyaensavii,. .j in ,h& natriotie DrosTam held 'In thla connection, the Qrahd Army, Ro man's Relief Corps, spanisn-Aawieaa War veterans, Indian Wst veterans, .... '.mmmi and members of natri- CIIUVl Wlll"- ,..- V.' otic and civic societies are mviawew participate. - t Big Issues to Come Up at Congressional bessi 5S! ! ' BBBBaii 5 II ' National Defense Navy -i- Five- year expenditure, 1502,000,000, for ten dreadntiughU, five battle cruisers, ten scout cruisers, fifty destroyers. fifteen fleet submarines, eighty-five coast submarines, 11,500 more men, seventy-six more officers, 250 more Annapolis cadets, f 6,000,000 for avt atton, $25,000,000 for reserve ammu nition, 17,000,000 government armor niate factory, federal, projectile" fac tory, laboratory and Increased, mllltU reserve.- ' v.tLnnai ueraaae awi . w: VA.V nandlture Of 1500.000,000;,' i.i.nuu reauiar atrnv to 141,000: re-1 talnul.000 mWtia. organise yn.- 000 coatlnenui reserves oy " 188,000 cltlsen-eojdlers annually; foe ....-. naHAd" with two years oa actlve llat, vrequlrln tw ontapr ....i ti-ainina- and lour years suiwm tojwar call a8O,oe.e0O ananstl. . -i .' .........-. .aii ass.aao.a t - t (firl -.. us 'i X X. .... . . .'m Government Ship pnrcnaew sreas j -- , -! ''J It f25.000.000 to $50,000,000 TOT WfSg-C bougnt or built and operated i.trto:I v,. .in.in.Ki ohlnnlnar hoard SSM' ;'?. ;(S ava'llaWfor use as transport, ii war.-.N another year, possmiy uuua a c checks; continue present sugar if tier. i and extend Income tax to Manner -.,. isg comes; graduated Inherltanee ta; raU'ed levy on large, InMmeV and '1 ihiA rnvntinn in Wavr nuiiHiagsB.' yKVL.&s. - - ' IkTaar tnaasmnawlaSaB a.SaUtr'iVW't neutrality, tMilfmMN & ' .;,' i.miI iTiinnlrnrlaa naaantlrt fraWSa1. -r - ",-. v-r" -T-'. ' T-iL-Tiai utn. . Protection of Aaaertesa-. aasaw rv -,:""- .-. '..toi--.-. rAan uiiura.. .iiu.aww.wK-vvp'. ..w... ww. .-, - ., 1'-N..t-, mjfvv V '. T-i. ' .,'ll.'UK.ffi .......lira HPBvmuinii ul Ki r. JS . ; " " w " " ; 77T. ,:y ufactures "aumpragooe va sr; yi.i--w- - SCJf I v I m. loan asaraaae.. ., i&y&i&'-rto La til .-i aaaiiaoatlana and .$l$.-90. h. B. Thomas and wire are reeea. "5 --rr.l.-;"T-a ..iu. . v v.mor.frPortt-., V?.? 1 TT3 ivi.'iv-.v .: n - ' rr.T. -i3j.- .-. -s- ."jr?2r. . i t. WSwseTfaaBBat-rrw asm . dam -ssaaiirs.; ffOrnm aal.4 aWandoUleadlnc 7?TI-i--tc-' - - .-.'-.- ,-afeaaasi.; aw.?s; i-i.. u - aatABiat aaaasiaa-BS-BiBBB-BB-nr. in aa-Baa-BaaiBa-ai a-aaiBBaaaaiBarr M.V aJ-WPBaipBSBi-Miw.. -r-yjj ----7 777,. ,92 :M-mwi?:v rK&mm.T Hmmmm-l : mm :'M '--. ..aVaaM s .--.' '- tit tor easMfescauoM.aaa.ea--v.-VnZ'ieiiiiZiwiMU ' " . ,. fr . .,