r tr 'p:"? &&$&$!$ SwP f " i?fcwAi. ft. lateniraj v&- m??: KLAMATH FALLS' 4, &S? - - " KLAMATH COUNTVSW ,. OFFICIAL NI5WSPAPER OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER .' '' &. Hi, V "iif&jT :,'yi ,V "TF? i ':! TMlli Year N. SMWI m '."& KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1915 Prlee, fin mh tteralil .& '.& .1. I Actions of German GERMANY ASKED 10RECALLB0Y-ED AND VON PAPEN ITAHI.i: TO XO MI.VOMt MM THIS GOVERNMENT Rfatuk Made by Von I'iihii (lot Hint In llnil Willi llu' iivpniii(riil Home olllttTH nro Inducing soldiers of the . ... . Uiilloil Stiitim army stationed in Vim Tlmr Ago, Willi Hm Acllvlll. of colvor brMI,kK , ,,,,.rl ,, J(ln Ihir.lM In "Warn That toe lrk HrltlHj colors, nro contained In a anil Trlrkk Tluil mi Vnln" Kllleil HU l'oUiliilll) ill WiihIiIiiuIihi. I'llltl'.! I'lU.'HlJl'IVlCO WASHINGTON, I), 0 Doc.,JJ, Secretary of Slui UimlnR formally aaaounred thin afternoon that ho hud a4vltd German Ambassador von Berriltorff Unit Naval Attache Iloy-Kd ana Military Attache von Papon nro Hnonn mm Rrnln with the United MatM (lovnrmuout. I Uiulim askod that Ourmuny with-j 4rw thorn from rvlco horo "hecnuto d their oUJoctlonublo cuniulnllvo nc-i ' UtitlM In connection with naval and IllUry innltora." "Wo Imvo rcquotcU tho rucnll or both MtarhfM, tu they nro no longer UMplnhU to thin Kovurnmvnt," Maid UmlnK. - Von l'nicn boiiio tlmo ago Rot' Into lh ftdmlnlitratlon'a bad grnccn by n illogcd quotation, roferrliiR to th AmerlcmiH ns "Idlollo Yankort." Doy-Kd wiii named In tho trial of Mi Hamburg-American officials n dtoposlng ot (lermitn money In tho Vnlted Stnioa to BUindy Orrman rnld ,cllv.! n, and Knowing fully of lln ItlH of the HUpply Hhlps. ELKS MEMORIAL MKMI1KRH OK liOCAIi MHK1E WILL OBSERVE ANNUAL MEMO RIAL BAY AT THE LOIM1E HALL HUXBAY A1TERNOON Tho imnum memorial services ofj ho Klkn Lodge, which are hold In ev 'y city In tho United BtMoa where n Klks Lodge Is chartered, will bo hld by tho local lodge Sunday afttr Boon at i o'clock nt tho lodgo hall. K. H, Hull lH chairman ot the com Uteo having the program In charge, This year tho exercises will bo attend i only by mombers of tho ordof, In til of being public, as lift been the tjitom In the past. SERVICE SUNDAY Court Decision Causes a Great Stir in Portland WUtod i'ren service PORTLAND, Dec. 3, The' news WiblUhed Jn the Dally Journal yaa Istttday to the elfeat that th urohlbl- rV Uw ln th ,Ute 0f W"h,Bton $& 'bo verturad by tho suprama US&f xtroordlntry Intarett irlhout ,th alt: Aa a ratuM. MAMMMMAMAAMAAMVSSVWVMWVVVWVVVVVWVVWWVlS CANADIANS WN D. S. i charge that Canadian offi cers are trying to iximTTTI-: SOLDIERS AT VANCOI'VKH BARRACKS TO DESERT I'tillict I'iuhh HorWco PORTLAND, Dor. :!.- -Alienations charging thai Canadian tfcrtillliiK toli-griuu sent (u .Senator Chambcr'alii nt 'ai,nKtn by the Amorlci.n iicu- triillly League ot Oiepiii. 'I'lli' telegram pointed out that In vestigations would iIIm-Ioki' gmit mi K'kIiiIikhI dfHorlloiiN from Vniirouvi-r Hlutloii, and ilviiiaudvd that tlio kv ormni'iit liiHlltutc an InvcHilgntloii at onco. ASKS RENEWAL 1IQU0R LICENSE ACTION OF I'OltTI.A.NO DKAI.KH STAHTrl IUJMOK THAT MgUOII INTKItlCHTS Wll.l. ATTACK I'ltO-J IIIIIITION IjAW ! llauor in icr .". of Portland preparing o mack the1 C ."ot ,h prohibl- Hon lawT I n.Mnt.1 v n- o Ika tint Hon law? This quostlnn sprang from mouth to mouth In the city hall when A. Goldman of tho Oregon Importing OOinpnny, OUO oi ino inracm iniwui firms In tho city filed application for . . . ., ii. AH a leiiewai or nis nquor hwihb ! 10IC. As prohibition goes Into effoct January 1, many jumped to tno con cIiikIoii that tho llijuor IntorcBts were prcimriiiK to light the enforcement of the livw. The llllug of the application com piles v.lth tho provisions of tho model liquor license ordinance, which has bona In effect for several yoars. This prnvldw thnt all applications for ro nawnla of licenses shall bo made thir ty dnys prior to Jnntiqry 1 for, tho the purposo nf giving the council op rortunlty to lnvostlgnto and dotor i.ilno If a- ronownl of tho llconso Hhould be granted. "I ii:t wnntod to make sure that If anything hnppenod I would bo In a iinsHlon to securo a license for 1916," uald A. Goldman, as ho was tiling his application. "This filing Is In ac cordance with tho ordinance, so It the enforcement of tho prohibition law i.. ..niniimit in the courts, I will be In n position to do business, .. , i might happen (liililman was tho only liquor dealer o file a request for tho renewal of his t llcenne. there U much speculation m to whether the liquor Interests will feel encouraged to attack tho Oregon aw. According to information received by the Journal," stated that paper today, "nd which Is believed to be absolutely authentic, the suprejne court reaohed thia conclusion ait week, and a majority of the Justices will hold ibt Uw to be Invalid." SOLDIER New Head ot Amateur Athletic Union J aiiiHlfa'9 ' ft. ,'XTw'rMKfliiiiiiiiH aLS Si wttWi-n&r WWM Hi wfti.2-' - '0&'i Zal I w w5 4 3B .iiiJBK-J9 1 GEORGE .1. George J Turner of nnltinioro Is. l ho now prualdent of the Amateur At"ll,"u l ",on- " Wa8 brU ,n Da'- tlmoro. 1873; was' educated at Mount MW Collfeo. Emmltsburg. Md.; " ...... ..-. i ..! l..l' in all branches of athletic sports; be-'nii came a momucr or mo Anei uowinB riiih In 1890. and from that time . ."-. . . ' until loyu roweu ana won numerous oi uiiuunc iimiu, uiuhohus, u'-j races throughout tbo country, lnclud-jous times as referee in rowing regat-j Ing the national four-oared champion-' tas; Is a member of the board of gov shlp. August, 1892, at Saratoga, N.jornors of the Athletic Union of the Y.; Joined the Baltimore Athletic.' United Statos, South Atlantic Asso Club in 1892; captained and coached i elation of tho Amntour Athletic Union tho famous Baltimore Athletic Club naltimoro Athletic Club, Fifth Regl- nlcht-oared shell crew whlch had the distinction of npver being beaten, wtnninir iminoroiiH races, including .., ninr niffht-oarcd chamntonshtp. August, 1896, nt Saratoga, N. Y.; Athlottc Association and City Club of Joined the Fifth Mnrylaud regiment Baltimore; was elected as third vice In 189n; served throughout the Span-) president of tho Amateur Athletic Un-American war and continued as a , Union of the United Statos, Novera member of tho regiment until 1910; bor, 1913. Late War News United I'resa Service LONDON, Dec. 3.- -Sulonlka dis someining'pmphea repeat tno ropori mni, V'idayi li30o prisoners were captured." .. .... .,... .l Russians have entered Rumania, DUl, nQ co,,rmatlon of this news has been . r... .i rvno rneeiveu from reirusiuu. uuBu.. - ikn message said that it was rumored that n small Russian force had actu ally crossed Rumania and had arrived at tho Bulgarian border. United Press Service LONDON, Bee. 3. A Swiss dls patch states that the German relch stag has set December 9th as a date to discuss peace terms as a result of tho demands ot the socialists. Unltod Press Service I1ERLIN. Bee, 3. An official statement Issued by the government Nejrro ; Lynched United Press Service , FORREST CITY, Ark.. Dec. 3. A hundred maaked men last night lynched William Patrick, a negro, for the murder ot a merchant hert, Attaches Displease U. '"--"""""" . .y...B. . ,y... TURNER was then retired with rank of fUrst' Hcutonnnt and battalion adjutant. ln inn! lift wna nno nf fiitt nrirnTiiZRrs or !... .,.. ..Ilv. In nrnmrllni branches of athletics, and has act- ou in an umiuuu miiumj mi wo paoi .twenty years In almost very branch ... .,,.. . m-i.i -l ment Athletic Association ; is an non-; the Fifth Reslment Athletic Assoc.a-i announced their inten- coMnuoA a8 Iu treas.tlons to be present to becomo Am. Mrcr up t0 tIl0 rCBOnt time; has al-. " cl,lzcns. and ?er e? ',u, be ornry member or tue Anei "ow.,n,ASHLAND Cluu: an active member of the Arun- del Boat Club, United States Army A3 a result ot, victorious en- jSnys , gagements against Isolated Serb.. forces southwest ot Mitrovltca yeiter- 'luiicni unconfirmed reports have been re- Celvcd thnt Monasttr has fallen, DU- ainn-'uniMina frnm SftfoniKa state mat AlU r.v.. .. : .. . ens reports positively that the Bui gnrlnns have ontered Monastlr. United Press Service LONDON, Dec. 3. The Greek re ports that Rumania has permitted the Russians to cross Rumania to attack Bulgaria aro unconrmed. U n (tod Press Sorvlce BERLIN, Dec. 3. The rout ot the British south of Bagdad is claimed by tho war office. Five thousand British are snld to hnvo fallen on the Irak .front from November 6th, to, tilth. Study Club Meet. The Study club will meet tomorrow afternoon at 2:46 sharp ,at: the librae ry. The subject for. dieetMetoa wjji be "The Woman i of. the Bible.'.. All members are to take part. -......-.......... .. . NEW CITIZENS TO 8E MADE NEXT CliAHS OK KIGHTEKX TO BE EX- i j AMIXEU FOR CITIZENSHIP j 'HeauUful Silk Amerlran Hg, Fur-i MONDAY EVENING iiIhIih! by Oregon Society of Sons sot for 7:30 p. m., all did not arrive 'until nearly 8 o'clock, of the American Revolution, Will, .... Captain John Siemens acted as Be Officially PrcNcntctl to the Wi- chairman by calling the meeting to . . 'order and announcing the fact that rait Court, ami Appropriate Exer- hvf had asiembIed there for the pUr. -UtM Will IU Feature of Evening. Circuit Judge Kuykendall has set . . . ,w. J iiwiiua ci.itiiibi the time for the entrance of candi dates into American citizenship. This will be the first day of the winter term' I of the court, and this feature has! tiaan ha, frw ttia AVAnlnff In ai-iVai- that people generally will be able to at j tend. j At that time the fine silk flag pro ' vided by the Oregon Society' ot the Sons of the American Revolution will i be r resented to the court by Captain jO. C. Applegate, wbo is a grandson oi Jn i evolutionary veteran. The re-; jsponse will be made by Judge Kuy-j ; Kendall, and there will be other J 1 . A -1 n-4.lll Allt speakers and also patriotic songs. All patriotic societies and representatives of the schools and civic organizations .0 -- -. -- w - lu.iuu iu nultros luoui nu u.o -.- stance of the step they are to take. KAISER WAS SHOT WITH SMALL 11 POSTMASTER IS RE COVERING SMALL CALIBRE OF BULLET RESPONSIBLE FOR HIS ESCAPING DEATH ASHLAND, Dec. 8. B. J. KaUer, postmaster, who was shot Tuesday morning by one of the postofflce clerks, was resting easy late last night. The bullet that was Imbedded I In his shoulder was extracted early ! Wednesday morning and his general condition was reported as very good. The gun was a ,22-callbre special ,, ioti i, mnii nniihr of the buiiet undoubtedly being responsible tor Mr. Kaiser's escaping death. Further. Interesting partlcuUirs ot tho affair that have come out ore the facts that Greenfield biad received no tice from Washington on Monday, and had Immediately drawn his sav ings from the postal aavlngs bank' and sent them to hU mother in New York city. - New BNtta Med The following suits have been filed In the circuit ceurt: A. E. Kent vs. Jamea Dixon and Mrs. J. R. Dixon ot Fort Klamath, for the recovery of 74i. Three suits have been Wed by C. J. Ferguson an attorney for O. O. Lara- bee against Comodore L. owe, Wil liam Yates and I. B. atakaln. All are forecleeurea ot tax lien. I Butte. Valley State Bank y, BvaM. droves and Charles OraveaV toraejoa- ure of mortgage, Moa Oaleft 0mm areattorneira for the platntMt. tefM .vaJy.........1.-J CHEAPER FREIGHT RATES ASSURED MANAGER OK SAN KUANCISCO TRAFFIC FIRM ENTERS INTO AGREEMENT WITH LARGE SHIPPERS AND BUSINESS MEN i ttkimnli K'a tlma Vyi iK a niAAtlna? - rl """ "B " Tl . " i of the shippers and business men was . Pose of deciding whether or ot those. whoTwere Iterested in lower freight! rates to and from this city should ac-j ce or rect the Profw of Btehop & Banler, traffic men or Ban rrancisco,-! aia n Aff uMlstrt (n Kk ftAf(fif (Continued on Page 6) ISSUES PASSES ' FOR FORD PARTY rvK-1,r- ,..,.r , &,! 1 STATE DEPARTMENT TO HOLD NIGHT SHIFT TO TAKE CARE OK NUMEROUS PASSPORT AP PLICATIONS United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C.Dec. 3. Passports for Henry Ford, Judge and Mrs. Ben Lindsay and a number of other prospective passengers on the Ford peace ship, have been issued by the state department. The depart ment is planning on holding a night shift to take care of the numerous passport applications which are ex pected today and tonight from other members ot the expedition who will arrive late. Bryan Leaves In Three Weeks United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 3. William Jennings Bryan will go to Europe In three weeks to join the Ford party, according to Representa tive Bailey ot Pennsylvania, who met Bryan here between trains. Bryan urged Bailey to keep up the fight against the preparedness program. Belgian OAcials Arrive 'United Press Service NEW YORK, Dec. 3. Belgian com missioners who are planning the pur chase ot supplies and possibly the ar rangement ot an American loan, ar rived here today. Davenports Have Suits Di Through agreement by the attor neys representing the city of Klam ath Falls and Mr. and Hn. W. O. Davenport, the auit in the municipal court, wherein the city was plaintiff, and the one in the circuit court, wherein the Davenports were plain tiff, were yesterday dUmtaeed. , About a year 'ago the city of.Kmm atkiralla filed a. suit to "tk mnnietfal eoiirtr aaint utpwbkJltikrjriOi Davauort' for vloUtloof Ue eRf ;dlnMwe iulatlng iW.hewof f. .,j!- s&t'y-'S.' l ; WW - m, f Mf wr- 'fe WILL INTRODUCE PURE BRED SHORT HORN STOCKHERE .? CAR LOAD TO ARRIVE ABOUT CHRISTMAS HERE,;, 4 s Prominent Swan Lake StoclmuMi Oct to Kentucky Ater Pare Brad Snort ?.; Horns and Registered Bull aa Start f er for Big Klamath Breeding Farm. Believes Klamath Conntjr Shoald Furnish Coast With Pare Breda. ' r P. W, Snyder, one of the big atock- . v? .- .Al . .. f' h f sJ , .. J? .C,o . . ...MB -. --.-.-,., , . where he will select a car load of y pure bred short born cattle, Ut v'V. realstered short horn bull, which he " .2 .,,. t. 1 t. Tr.-.. ', " "' will suip lo uin nwmavu cvv v-- ranch ror oreeamg purposes. s "I don't know of any pure red; short horns in this section.'' said; Mr. Snyder today. "There asay fer i ,f i few. but I am convinced that they ." . tmnnA 4wV a lntot1t1iA Iiava '.1anA 'T " Sf , UVU os.wn, , ouwvvwvv w. 7Lfv . Vi. :4I?Jlf54JtW'' M.weniM-fa-alfjttC: .purposes, and I don't see 'any reason " ' ,,,; IVhy we shouldn't have, more" partM? bred cattle in this county. It Is am Ideal stock country, and. I believe that Klamath county should be able to far- nlsh the Coast with pure bred atock. -I have great faith In the short horns, and I Intend to demonstrate their value to this section." f Mr. Snyder will return about f Christmas, and will bring the car load ' ot cattle with him, which will be placed at once on hU roach. OFFICIALS WILL ; ASK NEW TRIAL JURY CONVICTS HAMBURG-AMER- 1CAN OFFICIALS OF CONbR i AGY TO BE SENTENCED vTO-. $ ! MORROW ' 'i United Press Service NEW YORK. Dec. 3.-Judge Howo has postponed until tomorrow the aea- tencing or the Hamburg-AHierieaa . oiQcials, who were convicted met -night of conspiracy against the gov-. ernment. A motion for a new trial will be tertalned at the same time. The fense requested the postponearatt of,,v the sentence. m .. a a. i.ir. . -,t.ww wh 'i no nninnnnnn vra nun ". i.v on bond. and ligatlng from the waterway nlshlng water to the' iUyTJr! charged with ustag tne rigatlou purposes out ik I Following this the Dav a suit in the'eiroult oourfi temporary Inlunetten th clty,;fTom.i cin'the"minWpiM.'sT', stata nhUevtntia- pts to maht a raMng , regulatleav'befoM.tM sea.-'both Ma Milasaiof Mi Citv aBTaTmHs9t9aaslBiBaHHF'' . w fjj.1 .. 5.v. . a!vaBis U.8VJ1W P H SSW-UKJI-'lfi ..rssHH ,? v-W & 7 3fl-CiL - t ft wn5T. ? -i .tM! ... n? 5 WM "..J3 j:3"': ' ' J..-- iOj. V B .-: a,.w ?S ,'-Tt; i ; '4ts "M- S.fi A - a: K 53 $ ss . lt" T " t w ?.-;s. & 'V&V , - &rfm uiSif. tTS5vuiX ssijasaw?! -. h$$i.mi ezjirmjM J" VWI L