.1. A l-.ui " mm if :,.f. ' r'?liv.'j fe r'i" w"r & '.K A iNf, i$lj 2u ettttta Herald '. P& 'Wf KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER .jLmi t . t. SPl Kk VI AM ATM rlttMTVnfffn riU0frIAt. MRWlvikMt' IPl nt JM , - - Tenth Yir No. a,HB jHSfrJM- KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1915 ,,- ifir3.A ' .& r 'if r, 'rfflr w 1 t No Prohibition for Washington, Say BaJ -j?1 .ejasftassssnLJ. J .Ism aaanV Ml snmsBn.4aTaaaaB! Lj Bsm. Ban . bb bb bb ";,: B BB. aB BB BBBB BB ifrj,BB." an S m JIVKll M ' r .. v flivi PROHIBITION WASHINGTON IS KNOCKED OUT H1TIIKMF COURT FAILS TO VI HOLD new LAW Court' I-lln Wiu) Mailo lt Hat urtiay, Hut Announcement Wan Re layed Mt the Request of Governor I.Utri Story of Decision Over throwing Prohibition Iaw Tub United Today In Portland Jttiirniil. United Press Service PORTLAND, Doc. 2 Tho Portland Journal thin afternoon prinu a story that the Washington stale supromo court last Saturday rcuuhcd a decision overthrowing tho prohibition law In that atate. It la explained that tho announce ment of the decision was dolncd nt Iho request of Governor Muter. STRATTON ENDS LIFE JTH GUN ANNUA! VISITOR TO KLAMATH AND FORMER COLLECTOR OF lORT OF BAN' FRANCISCO, COM MITH SUICIDE PEACE SHIP TO SAIL SATURDAY bt .r unnrTiinr.Tf.iu iirmToinnir in nrrrunr niiiuo War I'nltvil I'resa Service , LONDON. Dec. 2. The British , HtearnuJrt Colunso, Oranco and Prince I'l'iiviTinvti. ftiniii t tiii.' ,hae hvtti Hutimarlned. The fate of romt wii.m.vo to riNANci-: is. IIAOCf: KOU IIKMfKiKllKNTS viii: iii:ady foh pkait. United I'roim Scrvlco , Ni:V VOIIK, l)fc. 2 Tho em plo.ti of llonry Ford nro fevorlnhly , tlio crow of the latter la unknown. t'nltul l'ross Service LONDON. Dec. 2. Tho Italian re pot in of the recupturo of Czernowltz by the KiiHslunn are unconfirmed. United Prong Service III.MH IV 11.. O It lu mlmlllo.l preparing; for tho unllltiB of tho pcncolthnt public demonstrations In favor ships on Saturday. Secretary Lochcr reldista. An offlclal statement says: "Oermany's enemies will again spread ridiculous reports about hor troubles, street riots add other false Insinua tions." - United Press Service LONDON, Dec. 2. It Is learned that the O reck' steamer Zarla has been submarined. Tho crew landed safely at Malta. United Prose Service SALONIKA, Dee. 2. That Monas- tidmlttvd that probabl) they would lie unable to "brliiR the bos out of the trenches by Christmas." Ford arrived, but refused to take Parker's attack on his plans seriously. He said that he expected to start nt Ih'o llaKito an International court, where tho belligerents can turn if they want peace. Ford stated ho was willing to tlnanco tho court himself. nt n uAta ttmnnt nt ttiA nmnlnmo fAn. Mr ti'ao atlll VinMInf ntlf VAflinFftaV nccted with the prices and dlstribu- morning Is tho news that has been re- tlon or rooa navo occurreu aeout meicciveu oy leieijrapii irom ueavaBsicu. ONE HORSE DIES .AFTERLOIG TRIP l-AltMHIl JIIHT COMI'Mrn-M TRIP FROM RKIX)V MKHRILIj WITH l)AI OF WHF.AT WHKX HOI18K lltOIH DKAI) I.M)VI)H VA'OTATIOX W THREK, TO WILL 11K OFF THE IIUIXlRIAX1nn8Wored tho caU of tho deiert i ushed to set some of the claims. One THRONE HY JUNK 'miner located the village cemetery, and as there were no rocks near, be (United Press Correspondent) I " &to t"d .nnv. w.. Vn m jm' stones to mnrkheboundarlea of his .loyd'a today Is offering tho risk of claim. three to ono that Ferdinand, king otl llulgnrla. will not be on his throne "'" au Aireciea i., i ifllfi. The risk started at uuueu irons oi H Hlt - ----- -- Frederick 8. Stratton, former col lector of the port of San Francisco, and well known la Klamath Fall, waa found doad noar Pleaaanton, Ala meda county, Tuesday evening with a toilet In hla head, A loaded revolver waa bealdo hla body. Stratton baa beon an annual visitor to Klamath county, and la Interested lu business property In thle city. Last April Stratton aufered a ner vous breakdown, and was taken to a sanitarium at Mvermoro, Cal., whero he has been undergoing treatment ever since. For the lost few months he has been dividing his tlmo between the sanitarium and his ranch at Alamo, in Contra; Costa county. He left the sanitarium for his ranch. At Pleaaanton he visited a' hardware store and tried to purchase a revolver, but' waa rofused. the deal er told the coroner, on account of the rambling explanation he gave. n was more successful at another store. A shot Is said to have been beard from the vicinity of the railroad bridge shortly after Stratton left the town, but there was no Investigation, and his bod was not found until aome hours later. Late Tuesday evening a rancher by namo of Toney Caen, who Uvea about seven miles bolow Merrill, pulled up at tho O. K. barn with a team of four horses; unhooking tho animals, ho led thorn to a watering trough. Scarcely had tboy began to drinw when ono of their number sank to the door. Dr. Prentlco waa hastily sum moned, but before ho could arrive tho animal died. It is stuted that Caen left his ranch about 7 o'clock In tho morning wiui a load of wheat. Ah tho ronds are In bad Hhnpo between hero and Merrill, It la the opinion that tno ucam oi tho animal was mused from over work. Property Motes. E. (I. Argrnves recently irnnsierreu to Jeaso L. Hockley tho ownoranip oi the following preperty: West half of tho southeast quarter of section 5, In township 37 aouth, rnngo 1G east, Wlllamotto Meridian. Purchase W., wmii Ziimbrum enters Into deal whereby ho becomes tho owner of lot 4 In block 4 In tho Hesslg Addi tion to Fort Klamath. ENGLANDGAMBLES ON RULER'S LIFE RICH LEDOEiOF ORE FOUND IN GRAVEYARD MORE THREATS IN PLOT TO DESTROY DOCKS iD SHIPS DESTRUCTION OF SEATTLE'S WATER FRONT PLANNED More Anonymous Letters received at Tacoma Threatening the Deatiuc- tion of Japanese Liners Loadlag Munitions for Vladivostok Steps Iteing Taken for the Protection of Docks and Warehouses. HEART STROKE IS CAUSEJ DEATH LEROY 1. MOItSEH, NIGHT CLERK AT THE , HOTEL HALL, SUC CUMBS TO AX ATTACK LATB LAST NIGHT '&S&J ldS?l4C0&i I ms&t? &. DEFENSE CLAIMS rfrL.a- - W3T l':-. NO CONSPIRACY SHOWN IN CA KI i? " U-ksf' iC SI j ' a?B DIEAGREEMENT OFvJURKrOOM! SmERED FOBSiBUSX s 5.d HENO, Nev., Dec. 3. Tombstones are being used for location monu ments In tho new mining district near Sodaville, where a fabulously rich ledge of tungsten ore was discovered about ten days ago. according to re- ONK THAT FERDINAND ports brought to Reno by men who twenty to 1, but the turn of nnairs in tho Dnlknns drove It down. Most persons who have tnken out policlos on tho Bulgarian's head are Kngllshmen w Ith business interests in tho Unlkaiw nnd Bulgaria. Their losses will be great If Ferdinand re tains his throne, and they are prepar ing for the minimum loss. rtn Mm duration of the war Lloyd's oiTer ten to one that it will not teat buond December. 1916 A new risk, Romothlng like their Easter Insurance atninst rain on now bonnets, Is one wherein tho soldlor bets with laoyos tii.it ho will not bo killed. The risk, eight to ono axalnat death, Is said to bo heavily patronised. Round Lake Visitor. Martin Reel recently came in for a load of lumber, with which to com plete Improvements under way. CHICAGO, Dec. 2. In face of a Etrong demand and light receipt from tlm Northwest, wheat showed the first real effects of the Canadian seizure. December wheat closed at 109 -v, nnd May at 112H. United Press Service TACOMA, Dec. 2, The receipt ot more anonymous letters threatening the destruction of the Japanese liners loading munitions for Vladivostok, and the installation of chemical fire fighting apparatus in the warehouses were features of today's develop ments In the alleged plot to destroy the Milwaukee railroad docks and steamships. It is understood that one letter hreatenedL.th desUuctlonjjfajpart of Seattle's water front. Makes Proof. fjcorge F. Deldln has Just made final proof on his homestead. Klrcuner SU11 War Minister United Press Service LONDON, Dec. 2. Premier As- qulth. In replying to a query of the house of commons, said that 'Lord Kitchener would resume his duties as mlnlstor of war. THREE LINKERS GIVE A SMOKER ODD FELLOWS ENTERTAIN LAST NIGHT WITH CARDS, SMOKES, AND A WEE RITE TO EAT BE ' TWEEN TIMES' Last night, shortly before twelve o'clock, Leroy J. Morser, who baa been employed as night clerk at the Hotel Hall for the past two aad a hall years, failed to rally from a heart stroke which he received la the post- office building while In the act or pro curing bis mall. Mr. Morser with his wife in the early Dart of the evening had attend ed the play given In the Houston op era house, and having gone home with her, be returned to the hotel. where later, In company with M. J. McDonough, be walked down to the postofflce, and It was while there that Morser was stricken. During Mr. Morser's employ at the hotel he gained a wide acquaintance, and there was hardly a coauserdal man making' this part of the atate to whom he was not well and favorably knows. The deceased leaves a wife and tour childrea tosaosra hie death. among whom te.i dsvschter.Urlara. Aiaoswa, aau iuTBneKai uw u funeral will not be made until com munication from-her Is received. - Leroy J. Morser was nearing his 63rd birthday, and waa a native of; the state of New York. k iijkM, w.tarA F7, - vpi Vina! AnrnnMt "-- la TrUl at tSta .. . , -kirvra cials-Jadge Howe uMrtnette JesT i mat race iw viyw wwiw -i- taantayl nm iUatcMM ms bbbbsV fihsMBjUl' waaa . TfcI' ,i.i.1j9 't -!. .iJKt Hare beB Statei sa t2i --Cit : m Th,l.ry.a 1.. uf "M... .r i atw-T '"'gaA United Press Service -NEW YORK, Dec. tl Jyi the trUlvof the oKieiaia or tne -;, burg-Aaateriean Stessissilp" ssissjsjri reUred at 2:50 thlsfteraoelof .t- rt.ml.lr... la ..li.i.il u tt ka. U lleved that there la a strongpossWl-it ITT QI B DIIUIMHVU. ' . . i .ru .---.--, Roosetelt Won't Return, United Press Service NEW YORK, Dec. 2. Chairman Perkins of the progressive party an nounced this afternoon that Roosevelt Absolutely has no Intention of return ing to the republican patty. He con fers with tho ex-prestdent this after noon. Well Driller Here. Win. Powers, the well driller, Is in town on business from Merrill. Hauling Freight. Carl Robley Is quite Ilroke Ankles, Instead of Head United Press Service SEATTLE, Dec. 3. Tom Ingass, 33, tried to commit suicide by leaping off the Jackson street viaduct, be tween Fourth and Fifth avenues. He dropped sixty feet. Later he declared he attempted to strike head first, but !.... Mmp. iiia ft were too heavy, nndi he . . Sfc?MJ .M- r"mw NEW' YORK- Dec. Altera finite O-.-Oar-taa.-' &isii a uaa vf vm v ,ys IiOOT JKWELRY STORE IN BROAD DAYLIGHT . ': - rt r. .? rszzzi Kaad ror tne aeieaee ia,aie-asBU'sT- gument la the HsSibrAiBerlB laUaiaa af mamtniv 'nut amid Mat ii- I j r . - . ft . Vrt," !-. irom a case ox netecm n , - 'xZi He said: "I hold bo brief forlolK Ed or the German goverxmeit,'slit4 i j?a Boy-Ed was not, shown; to be aoo.-?; splrator la this ease."' Judge Howe announced that he. would rastmet"' the Jury that the fact that the ear- goes were intended for ships at sea LhiuiM liava Hajfcti u tafMl la tkaV United Press Service lm.Bf-t . 'J& SEATTLE. Dee. 2. Two robbers. . Jt .. .. .r.,...1ir,L-s at 8:30 this morning held up Clerk! ,d - -0-.. " ' &k& West in a Jewelry store here, aadl - j i iwi.J.1 while scores of neonle were Daasuux outside, bound and gagged him aad escaped with diamonds and gold and silver ware worth fa.ooo. Linn Howard Here. j W. Howard, well known stock man, is In the city for a fow days. He has been spending the Bummer In Portland, $417,000 for Oregon s Projects Is Program porting freight from this city to Bo- alighted right side up. breaking both poruua ankles. Ho Is In the city hospital, n&nis. ' - : J 7 Says Farmers Cheated by Big Milk Purchasers uwui DHNVER. Dee. Tr-U the proposed Program of the United States recla waflon service Is carried out for 1017 Oregon will receive 1417,000 out of the 19,800, odo proposed for the pro Jeots of the country. The Umatilla nroUfll will ha allnwnd ..IB. 000 dUr- lag the fiscal year, and the Klamath proJeot will b Mlowed ril000; .. Mnnn.ni hudKat was rocoutly approved by Secretary of the Interior I Uno and wn. o "",- ' , 7" gress. Two otner raeiiw "-v -Jects are flowed funds In thpropos. ed budget. The Yuma project Is ap ,i..i tTKO.ooo for work In Cal ifornia and Arlsona, wd 88,000 has been allotted to th onano pru-v . Callforala. . United Press Service CHICAGO, Dec. . Farmers of the East are not getting what is coming to them for milkMllfred Wheeler of Boston, secretary of the Massachu- setts board" of agriculture, told the national conference of marketing and farm credits In Us third day's session today. Farmers are at tUmerey of the big dealers, who pay farmers what tneyseent,Jtsald, Coet ot4fc1$rbirt'Of .grogg to high, he said. By co-operation and talned, this cost would be materially reduced. People of the United States, Wheeler sojd, should be taught to drink more milk, as It la wholesome food that Is cheap, even at the pres ent price. National and state legislation to provide the credit facilities which would make It possible for tenant farmer, and farm laborers to acquire farm land was twgea by John Lee Col ter, dean of the college or agriculture , w i$mnmi Klamath Lodge No. 137, 1. O. O. F. entertained members and friends at a smoker and free-and-easy last night, and every one attending re ports an enjoyable time. Unwards of a hundred Odd Fellows and their friends gathered at the card tables and passed the time with solo, whist, 500, and most any oia game they wanted to play, and It was necessary to warn the Are department that the smoke coming from the win dows was not caused by fire, but the gang was Just warming up. Any tlmo after 10 o'clock any one so minded could retire to tne Ban quet room and help themselves to coffee, sandwiches and fruit, and until "all hours" the crowd kept the big hall lively. One Incident caused considerable amusement. An enthusiastic Odd Fellow whose business- keeps him from attending the regular sessions of the lodo-e. aot In conversation with what he considered an available can didate for membership, and securing an anDllcatlon blank, proceeded to make out an application for mem Ibershlp. All went well; every Ques tion was answered satlsfactorIly,.and ,1.. waAi.laita mtimtukr Af brothers signed the Instrument, and the 'afore said Odd Fellow waa feellag qatte .l.liJ i.Villl mu hrAthHF iaforSBM him that the application was no sjeoi, as the proposed member had not answered the questions In the same manner that he had" when he- Jolnefi the lodge nearly v year bafero. Methodist Bazaar Friday. The -'Methodist- ladies will holer a baaaar in the White-building on Fri day, December, 3, and will" have on sale plum pudding, cake, pie, home made candy and fancy articles suit able for Christmas gifts. 'The ladlea will serve lunch at noon and through out the afternoon. The menu will con- .In,. .. tim.lllMM wrliti aaltajf vafimi sandwiches, salads, pie, cake, coffee and tea and hot tamales. .rwvrjji u mi nioTnnrnnfe Nt" rwiUR run LOCAL PUIIDPU WIU Meet Friday. v There will be a meetlns: of the Phil anthropic Department of the Woraaas Library Club Friday afternoon at 2:30 at the library. " Judge Baldwin Better. ' Judge George T. Baldwin, who baa been quite Ul with erysipelas, la re ported as greatly Improved today, ana Is able to be up and, around the house. Brings la Hogs. Ross Sutton la in from his ranch near Dairy. He brought in three dressed bogs for the local market m .ri-m . 7 Tj.r& PftiL-MJAVt hl v . - jt - -i .jfjr. JENKINS OF EUGBNB;WttM; j ifP2. ?' wmmn " - sLi,m una.in'n Am fPISE IIIIBiaSMS M VU. . ' ,......l.l......K. i1 I CHURCH REV. BE HERH SUNDAY t,.,!". -,'V-) i, ,tt t,.. . tyifr tr'tf 'S-.' y -s Ki. M mm . , i."rtjur ".o . i.VflVl itev. jenKins.oi'bauBWkiMaeiu nnlln.l n the niWInH Al ha"OklaMA& ' church at "this place, d( will vbet.- Rev. Jenkins cornea' well ;ryo ' .a.J kilHV JjuIs. nisssssiNil -ga-n-V for the churchesiatiHeW'RrBna,'r v... - - '' '-H ' -- wuivm ui4 vM.n'yi ivvHw.vvAfpv Profeaeor,Taylorv difeetor'ot atr in the high school, baa'beMeaVsjM to direct the cholr,f Mr, Tslr k worked with the mmoaa BtHr iaip, in revival meettnaw.'.ioid jnm Is assured. , .v i ff W? The church la to be eoagratalBM on securing, the services1.-weV able men. ' , ii 1 WB In From Rlmrock. 1 Frank P. Orohs Is la the clt?,irom Rlmrock RancW In Upper UkfeU Valley, , " 4 i r ISTOBI . ,t , ' xw . Joe Oscar, a rancher living near km. is a buaineiB' visRor ts ettr, r - j YfU v j"ZS. n . IB. n., How to Purify Legil ,; WrW-mMM?WWMMW 'UWSU li I BJHsl ..BksaSJBJ BBB 4 W" 1 1 1- - -it UNIVBRIITY. OF ORaON, JN- gene, Dec. I. "The question ot the hour te what can aeraone to WW rvrra neia vWHor te tWi the legal, profession -an jet, It. i S'f.A, ..' '";, 2Ll'-wiJ rBa w to IU Oia piaee, eara vr. mrnmrn. w iiene? dean of tee taw 4eMfaeaiAf. Siu&ssj i wi 7 i riJJ dM, "5..v; ABfeWJ omHTz ipj - " ii nM -mj9.m overerowiiBuf tin whatJwsaUstl afa,&"uM-i a martyr: '