qi-iig. r r. "i , Tj-.i-iyr. ,. u. -V .'Sf'I - ,,-' -;' VH,. tr-J'f -.'$RSif3 SaBBBSBBnaaSaafcBmi . X, ' ji y ",. f .-? W' 1W4I JJltf W" , ';h'rWv8r -. Sj ,VJKrJ7:' . " ' 7 . , - .istr oaasfeap..'i yw way.-rf.TKP hfe-j;. .' K I.AM ATM PALLS' ) J Tt"- KLAMATH ( .0F1MCIA NKWIPAPKR OFFICIAL' Nl K .: i.iiMt& X ijfeiAt4,-"as-iT4tfr-. ,'- iWS 1, r- ' - TOP ' jtL ' - 1 Jfe . I . t ! - 731 v t jfah Year No. " YOUTHS CALLED TO COLORS BY FRENCH TODAY ytiU HM.Y UK UHKIi IN TIGHT pinciik ( (Mrmany uiiiiiiicji iirr w-a i mr AHlr. Balkan twiiipalgti. Hut I'm (HcU Then Will Ik) No Advance Tbwe Below Hprlng lVearatre of the t.Vsr Mt Front Indicates Im portant Plana Mad. I'nllfd Press Service PAR1B. Nov. 30. The chamber of diputlc today called lo the colors lb youth of tlio class who would nllH for service In ID 17, War Mlulilcr (Inlllcl hnx iroiiilol louto llioto recruits on the firing lino1 cnly wlicn It In absolutely lnim-j llrr. It l expected Unit tlietio board lj boy will bo In the tranche t It.'iln ix nioiitlm. Tin! witr lt'Hiitmcul hin iironiUcil lo uv oviry iirtc.iiitlon to priilcct tlio ImIiIi of tin- loiiiitry'R Inat offcrlna cf yoiiiiv mmiliood. Tim rmnpi where they will bo drlllvU hi tbe aclvncn of klllliia tlio men of tlio central allloa will ! sutrvled carefully by the rmr'n nbloat sanitary oxnerta, Valtrtl 1'iu 4 Service AMSTCKUAM, Nov. 30. Accord tag to Uerlln advlcea, (larmany ox pecfi (.itncUa on Teuton poeltlona In th Ualkaiia bi fotlew: nuMlnni and perhapa Rutnanlana from tlio north, the Uuaalani attempt lag InndliHCH on the Bulgarian Black 8a count; French, Orltlth and the rerannnis of the Herb army from the i outh; Italian and Montenegrin through Albania. Owing to the aoverlty of the Ualkau wlntira, (iormany doea not deem It likely thin offemlve will begin before iprlng. No drive by the Oermana and Turku ugnlnit Egypt la expected until ,the knlncr'a poaltlon In the Balkana la more secure. United I'rene Sorvlc,, lk)NUON, Nor. SO. It la learned that the Italian cabinet will lend an Important communication to the Ital ian parliament whon It convenee to morrow. Thla la aald to be In cot nectlon with the preaeace of Cur Nlcholiis with tho Ituaalan troop at (he Ituinanla frostier. Tho tnovca Indicate that Important allied development are Imminent In the nalknna. It la not believed that Ciar Nicholas would be reviewing hla troopy o far from Petrograd If they were not to take the field Immedl tttly. Rarl Kitchener returned today from hi Vlalt In Oreeoa and Italy, nd to tlio fjelda where Brltlah expe ditionary force are In action. He will report to King George and Pre mier Anqtilth rekardlni the situation t Oiillipoll and Salonika, and the, re- ults or ma conferenoea .with Klnga Coustuntlne and Bmmanual and Qea- "l Cadoru. Dismissal Motion tor the Hamburg Officials Denied r . ' - - United Press'servlee NHW YORK; Jfpr, ICFederal Plxtrlct Judge Howe today overruled the motion made by the' defease to '?mlsa the chargea o' wlilch, Carl t Bueni, Oaorga KetUr" and Walier Pl';'lnhaiis( oMclata of theHamburg.' Awarlcan 8teamahBv eompagyj "are ', 'th.'defMVwwaa.t'iMra ' 'A fent..theioaoildftaot'gvto 'iHt Art Connoisseur and His Pretty Secretary Win eaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagKgeaaaaaaaaageallaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaBgaaaaaWgaaaaaaafjgaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVgaaaaaaaaaa K1 Bgf flaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaataaaaaaaaH gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHlB VPgaaaaaaaaaaaaaaKaaaaaaaH LaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaPr HaaaaaaaV waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal LaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaEaaaw' aaattlW 'aaaaaaaaawigaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagaaai LLLLLLLLmLLgeal4 iLLLgxaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH gggga gggggflvjaaaaaaw gggsi gggggggggi eaaaaaaW'eaaaaaaaYiBKggggggaeeaal g iK.iHF-1 'WFWIW.'saaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaw 'aaaaawfaaawTaal I gtwgc' - ' ,-jr,t7 gagfgaMgfV t'7T!SKP''gK1,-t'-' W m gggggggm jII ?agaaBli 'JKSflP1 gaaaaaaaaaaaai LtteFwal aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV .vvaaaaaaaangggakEJ ggg gaaaaaaaaaaaat'lPTwt aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaavSg';-?afn' Almi4? kaal gaaaaaaaaaaaal ?JJ .gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV 'V';TTpjBwrv7r gfl aaaaaaaaaaaBJat .-gaaaaaaaPS-LS'P WuMM BBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafLaBaaMaPMatV aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW.VA -ttrffi' gggggVH aaaaaaaaaaaaaVShljaaaaaaaaaaaVgaaaaaaaaaaaaBf 'r'' StaaaaaVv gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam llVVaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW, f w?Vfc 1 gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanP Mk lgaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanaL . ySf V.ggisisH gggggggggggggggggH'tV' j&agliiiB i aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHv gt K an JagaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaWgaaaa gggggggggg gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggKaal aaaaaaaaaaKVWmgaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagaaaaaaaixiaaaaa naaaaaaaaaaaVVLJBaaaaVnKVvkZa Sggggggggm-: St' Mi v--. ., - m&. -- -i i9 i gaBaaaaaagaaaaaaP KaaaavmVgf aaaaaaaaaaal HBi'jLBBifKH Mine. lilnettn 5Iorino aaaaaaaaaalgaBaaaaaaaaaaaU i ?l gaaaaaaaaaBaaaVaaaaaaaaaaal I I'Mifrxxoi i IU VnlpU Vlpl When Professor hl'a veuplx Volpl, wonlthy and fnroii art connoisseur, who hud known and dealt with J. P.. Morgan, and lit secretary, Mme. U- PHPHW gaK) tfaaaaaaaal gaaaaaaaaaaaavaaV wTti amaaal iaaaaaaaaaaaaamnKi: i jmi waaaaaa gaaaaaaaaaaaaaKTL'; aw"gal .mliisloncr, LaaaaaaaaaaaJxMjPfl bin and seal Moroslno, arrlved-irthe Unlted,ng, yrfBed wtfAt at $5;000.000. States the other dny, and were sent to Kills Island. Inter to tie ordered back to Italy, artUta In the United Btatea, . , . . ,, , , """ .". .. .r brnught with him some $"750,000 worth of Italian works of art for salo SUFFS ORGANIZE FOR LAST STAND WIIX 'STOH.M I.AKT ITA1KI. OV PilKJUDICK" AUAINBT WOMAN8 .,., ... .., muni w.r. , . r..- r PIHK HTATK (United Press Correspondence) NKW YORK, Nov. 30. A reorgan isation of the woman suffraglat forces or Now York state, scheduled for the Hotel Astor here today, Is to be "tbe first step toward tho taking of the last, citadel of prejudice" against 'Votes for tho New York women. That thla will be a fighting organ (ration Is evidence by the heading of the summons, which reada: "A Call to Arms!'' The forty-aeventh-annual convention of the New York State Woman Suffrage Association Is to moot at tbe same time and place, Ita mmt The motion waa baaed ubob the contention that the defendanta did notlolate American neutrality by supplying Oerman raiders with pro visions, etc Judge Howe agreed with the da fenae's conteailon that the dafaad nnta had a right to sand aupaJlea fo tho ratherland, but he held thfjr were acting unlawfully when tbey-coaalved to deceive the cuitoms officials. . The Jury waa recalled late thla af ternoon, Taking of teatlmoay for Ue defeaae WB'gtartaf, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1915 hcre, and these wore held while he was In trouble. An Italian enemy hod cabled to tho Immigration com making charges against, bis beautiful secretary. Not until appeal taken Washington authorities waa the order oi mo iu m immmuuu uuiviai overruled. The art connoisseur and his secretary were then admitted. A ahort tlmo before the elder Mor-, gan's death Professor voipi arraagea to collect for him bronsea and palat-, Mr. Morgan died and the deal was called off, the collection remaining on j '""' ""- - ; ----, totnis country to sen aa aaucu ot Wi M no could, it waa under these clr- 'CUIlllUneM that he sailed with Miss ' Moronlno. president, Mrs. Raymond Brown, said of tho Htnte reorganizatien: "Wo huve gone Into the enemy's country and taken a large part of his territory. Wo have won halt &' mil lion men for suffrage, and what we have gained can never bo lost. We are solidly entrenched, .and It remains now for ua to take the. last citadel of prejudiced" . The suffragists are considering whether the votes for women ques- tlo'n shall bo submitted to the New, vorkvotemagmmmsnorjeiS. MAMADO HELD; RUSSIAN FREE PRELIMINARY HEARING RESULTS IN FORMER GARAGE OWNER BKING BOVND TO THE GRAND' JURY At their preliminary hearing held yesterday afternoon. Albert atamado v,. hnnni nvmr to await the action of ). HWd WWMeew www -..-- - . the grand Jury on a larceny charge, and Joseph Dorbtchoff, arrested with Mamado, waa given his freedom.. Mamodo la In the county jail In de fault of U.000 bonds. Low and a Southern Pacific MSSSSi entered,,!., room gjjjg, "HnaTu" p.rS rant and found a doien casing. ,"" .' (br tk. .,,., fc0. I .l m hava tuM atOIMts riOKl IBS , Southern Pacific, and aeveral pairs of BBJKVU WW erwww w - " - shoes Identified 'aa toma that war atolen from the J, T, Magulre com pany's store a abort time ago, .' Justice of the Peace Oowea'a deek- et proved that, at the time tha'thafU are alleged to nave ueen OT47 uoroscnoa was um -mi '"r The charge againat tne nuasian waa therefore dUmlaeed. Mlaa Eleanor, rullertoa, atthoagh II-year, of age.-MeeaHy.woa am prlaa at.tAaafiaf held la New atkitMr.W VV 'J, ' . PREPAREDNESS TO BE FIRST ON THE 64TH'S PROGRAM i AtTOMUUlLEH MAY BK TAXED BY VKITED HTATKM Not Until the Cemmg Battle Orer the QueotloB of increiwlng the atie'a Dcfenaea la Tbereuglily Dhrpoeed of i Will Leaden of ,OoareM Take Vp , the New "War T" to Be Pmeter 1 ed on tlie Pak4e. United Press Servlc j WA8HINOTON, D. C, Nov. 30.- I'reparednesa meaaurea are to be dle- 'v posed of first, and revenue legislation 'will come afterwards.. This la the ad ministration's prpgnLfor the 64th KCPBion or congreaarcjrjMcn Monday. convenea It Is learned thai President Wilson lias advised the leaders In both houses to hold up until the expected battle on tho question of n'atlonal defenses in thoroughly aeujea. The leaders hope to consider the ex tending of the "war tax" revenue bill several months longer before conald- erlng prepiredncai. The matter will tomorrow's eau- the.be threshed outsat cus. utner rerenue oun to come up are tlio continuation of tbe sugar tarS the exteaalos) of the Income taw jnd provlslona so of to tax automobiles, niotorboata and t ggsollne engines. Those, will come "o'later on In, the SW8on. MERRILL ROW IS PUT UP TO BROWN ATTOHNEY GENEBAIi HEARS OP KliAMATH COUNTY ItAND DI8 PUTE MATTER IB NOW, PEND ING IN CIVHi.STJR 8ALE.M, Nov. 30. Mrs. Lydla R. Todd of Merrill baa appealed to Attor ney General Brown In behalf of Alma Kuehne, an aged woman, residing i near v Merrill, asserting that .W. B. Lawrence, a neighbor, had taken pos session of Mrs. Kuehne'a homestead without due process of law. Law rence, according to Mrs. Todd, claim ed that Mrs. Kuehne had Called to deed him forty acrea In payment of a debt, as she had promised. Attor ney Qeneral Brown will fake the mat ter up with the district attorney of Klamath county. . 1 "The case mentioned la In tbe clr- cult court now aa av civil proceed ings," says Prosecuting Attorney John Irwin, "and from time to time, etforta are being made by "the Inter ested counsel to get it at tatue. The matter waa evidently put before the attorney general by aeme one un- - -- - , aware of this faet. Mooae Daaoea. Klamath Lodge No. 110, Loyal Order of Mooae, haa arranged a serlea - - - - T- r'- -r- -, - - Going to t "Ollly?' Richards, Fort Klamath'a prosperous and .resfiete. bachelor, Is sojourning In towa.,aaklag prep- trtMo,a foran extended tH,throgh CMIfswitlg. Ha .expaato he goaa ttU aaxfc May1, Ha win f eeate proa- -a. tmM.j..anr Mines; alw wir visit some mlaeraKaprlaga far hh'.heaHh, L, ' T , ' .. M . ) v,irj,nvv .M .' gty-va IrTeeat of the ehureh membera' taroagaoa , t Uaitad ' . aHatatart - . - -- ? Accused Diplomat BBBBfaaBBBBBRNaVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB I BaaBl9BBBBBBBBBBBBWlE3C iBaaangaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaaaaaBW wmmR BBBBaBBBaBBBBBB .Baa aaaaWPiBaaaaaa'CaaaaW BBBBBBBBBBBBBBwaaEBBBBBBBBBBal S ' BKaBBaBaBBBBBBBHaBBBBBBBBBBBBJ 85 RaBaEflCdRSSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Captatw Boy-Ed In the trial of the manager of thei at7av4htisMs-meatiaal.. ll.a ..! t'i J?'"" : """ "u -r officials of tfes line before the United liner and other I I States court, inNgw York, oh the'noaae remminta were gathered up charge of conspiracy in trying to send provisions to ships of the German fleet, the name of Captain Boy-Bd, miliury attache of the German m bossy In Washington waa brought in. He was directly charged by the, Unit ed States attorney ini tbe opening A-dre-s' to tbe Jury with having tar nished money for these, opertioas. it lathe flrst time UegeTerBaaea has tnade am open charge' against this man, who has been suspected for some time. Assistant United States Attorney Wood aald: v "We shall prove that a man named Kullenkamp of the shipping firm of Kssen ft Kullenkamp received from an unknown source $750,000, which! he deposited in three banks. Captain Boy-Ed went to him after he had got the money and told htm to send $600,- 000 of it to San Francisco for buying or chartering ships to supply the Ger man fleet with coal and provisions. Mr. Kullenkamp aaked Captain Boy Ed where the money had come from. and Boy-Ed told blm not to bother,- where It came from, but to do aa he waa told. Later Captain Boy-Ed went to him and told him to send $135,000 ' to Philadelphia for the same purpose. Before I get through you will And that a conspiracy extending from San Francisco to Baltimore and from New Orleans to Philadelphia, waa foment ed and carried out againat the laws of the United States. That sixteen. If not seventeen, steamers were loaded at American porta and cleared under false manifests, usually (or some port In South America, often Bueaos Ayree."' MANY WILL HEAR THE RAH EXPERT REPRESENTATIVE OF SAN FRAN. CISCO CONCERN WILL TALK OVER POSSIBILITY OF TAKING UP KLAMATH'S FIGHT Much Interest la betng manifested In the meeting tomorrow momtag at the Commercial Club between, local people and a representative of Blaaea A Bahler, Baa Fraaclsco rata experta.' The seaelon begins at ? o'clock uocai Business men nave .proposes thai the rate Arm take the local freight rate rsductloa up, and receive thelr'compoartttoh "la a psreeatago of the reductions they, aecure. It Js te determtae the amouat of freight, ate.; receives: that tomsrraw'a masMag Is toibeaald, " - r' , Vv' "' I l V ;;tae woaaa'saTras sltlea waleh wMk;Nmta4jaaaTaai waea H eoa'ysa' laPawmher, .waa alcaea) by POWDER PLANT IS BLOWN UPTODAY; THIRTY MISSING WORKMEN'S BODIES BLOWN TO FRAGMENTS Explosion Date t aOaaee Net; Ye Aa w . rettateed, Bat Secret Servlea ' Are Detailed to Oaaaalete Ia- veeflgaitluai Force of Bheek la Felt for Sereral aadaBWla- dows Brekea for Haaf United Press Servlea -. WILMINGTON. Dela.. NoT.liei At, leaat thirty men were killed and twenty or more seriously injured to day whenHhe rolling mill la the' Hag ley yarda of the DuPont Powder com pany was blown up. The cause of the explosion has not yet been determined. Detectives are making an investigation. The company estimates the fatal ities at thirty. Wraarnutnfa .n -whet tJHm - men were scattered over an area of a quarter of a mile square. The grne wlthlabovela by fellow workmen, and placed In boxes. The reaaalas will all I be burled at once.aa there la ; nothing to recognise any or tne smb. ay. The force of the exftosloa; waa felt for. many miles. All thewladows within a tnrtf mile" radius ware brekea. 4 The DuPont Powder company has been working both day and night forces intbe" maaafactaramg et ea pleslves for the Europeaa araUea. l' -5f ASHLAND P. M. IS l-rv . r T BY A CLERK AFTER SHOOTING KAISER, WII UAM GRRENFIBIVD TURNS GUN ON HIMSELF. AND MAY DIE. KAISER'S WOUND SERIOUff (Herald 8pedal Service) ASHLAND, Nor. 3 e: William Greenfield,, a postal clerk 1b the local postomce, today ahot.aad seriously wounded Postmaster EB. Kaiser, and then Shot himself. He will probably die.' Greenfield's attack waa matle with out warning. No reason Is known for tho act unlesa possibly Kaiser's com plaints against certain ; aaarchkitlc views expressed by Greenfield. - ' E. S. Kaiser was well known la Klamath Falls. Prior to becoming postmaster at Ashland, he was tor several ymr Record. -. .11A .A .1 A'. editor of Ashland crater , Crater Lake was visited thla aeaaoa by people from every atate the, Union exeept North DekoU, Virgiaia &ad Seuth Carollaa, aad by riata from amgUM.FirMoe, .jniHlja. pines aad Hvwall, aceordia to'repert of Head 'Ranger HKMrar. ust completed tor the aeaaoa, Hawaii waa eapedally welt repressated, ae wrdiag.rto Mo-yer, ;y . A SHO i . . : ' . ..... ' . f"iPMtiik )Ia B4Ktam to tatllmgof ataadaaee, Vesaa" si. & iam'Vear, Mt.-m:iJf. faaaUsa.;(rerlBSaaoe. he telle that the tret 'eia eerrekweal 'M Grater Nauoaal Park ajaa4a.aarterB waa tae..late "R." H. .WahmvafrFafi KtaBS:sfi:,iWlriaa. liiaaiMaal l:lll. The trat MtcaaeaOa Hatavaa rm-.tMl 5r-v ' ''C 4i v.V !' ' '' lit 'mmtM CITY TAX VJ It '-fH mmsm rnn - -urvTyriiiw HIIV ' MV lftBaaa,- I .WIS JlinirUIMiMi-iyt. ?c .,-M&?te.i2W ? in 4'.n rfrt l 'W'ii4'4k --T- -i.'a. i ft IX!-!! IU I L'sll " - - . -wrf fe l-LHirtJ, ' ' . .T. -'' . J.f-WyV'SfMMSK EXPENSES HBYrrMMisB AT A-Arf'-VXfir "J.-f-tai tmM&SF&smssi ' ":"zzt --A-rt-'X'-; mm , . v ' i ;1'v "it'i AntrjiieTy wawasaaMS,'ai ' jwr-SBiiww,is si T.. i,:ai'jsifii'rs-iS; fmM'M&&,& K"RS5w2'j4I1 Us Vaaaas;saal.aasBf: t :m&iM:$mi xiiuiwi tas awrer. rsnesswawi AT: V. iW.'t tlem Gtrea Maarri .as.xsif Ijr , ,r ,'. ... r Hfsvw.c; At ,tai usata, apaaau ataeusar;a. the.eoaU. W'lery of 11.5 madal;fMr; tW-sotalaw; yaarEflasr proportioned feHows m.4 A m m "? .sn .r 5 i. ? ." &. ir"'... uenrai. iuna .. ,rf;.-.,.'-. . ,..c, ,, Street. fund -. ,v-. i.-r.iWm InlMI .InVlnr fuil -.. - 'w w. - .- -i-'- rs - -fcit,r Boaa .reaemnuon. ruas -.'.i rj.h Light aad water ,tiu&i($$?itX Library; fund. . . .v. .,?,.Vr.' No levies wereBMee for the denul. Tflrs'-ead police aeaartaaeskt funds, aa It was determiaed theA bad suatcleat;suiTlBs:teJesfiTlUam over w taeat a levy. ..Uysii8&& v " fei ttWffZT&S. VAHV. WHWSIibUW MBW,.IVTrfl raise tor ta city hM$lt.4,Mi BH.tr0raif,VilfoMr.rv:; ftiS 7T- .. - I Z- IPiT;''L'. "!', - . - J-j. r k. . v -- .. . u..- tJ. jr4 itj,A.. tA. ' General fuad.gia.gM.M: V fusid.- $1.0$M ; ilghtKa ."aid'." fund. tMlllI; ImraryfMdt amr. it . . ..V .5siS'K8 " 9$. f&iifbf' DZ2S2 v .iThreah.-.ar. i valaatlea , ef-'Ktaasatti'J glveaToliee JusjLea.-waaTsa srsMIB UaO m wr-1" ;. 3- w-j." jt foe;'reei'roiraM'sP I - . . t. .. . . t' i . - rvwih . f .('. I- a'aR5: the uaisussl. " uiuaei ti "saJassaaasuL'T ... iV manilltllln '" jr-i.:---ij,n .--"" eartVif - t-tl A tmnstaTigCaBsl .wllsJPaaaBW taaJta- able before, are now' exempt; 'aBaarc a result, the council baaed Its levy nlinllnn At ti K (7K thU w T7fc while taat year'a valuation was- $1;' irMS' WVWfVVV, With the valuation about a mUHeavfe dollar Short.- eoanell .had file. 12.5 -mUt,tu')t6nlwfaami i'theiai amount or. .money as.taejcnyj.: wishuSam1lJmrw!S raaaeB-r-t- It. was .white poaderlwtiwtaSji matter thmJorenooaJthatMasBlfM Mason -started ' llttleVlavaetaja4les0s wf ." I"? -"LrMW"'!"'Mt,aSi.-..a the Beraonal. Dror,ertT.:TaIuatloa;was;. ii&V.-V' set Included In the, Taiuatlon gl' - 7 ' 'J-. - " .!. .1 the city. By this time It waa, toe to mute n change, tad a speelal meat' ing or mo council to the fact out of the city. w rtl., i J.U..:A - ..".- n 2; lu.wiiiuiv.iiierMJiu aiam n.miR la:U?Z- for three days 'and adopt' hrawm'aat"iP3 a symbol' of statusv '.- -, . ?' 5i: ur, kicks nnsier is uw;oaiy mun inierno at tne roiyciiaic . .' - .... - . . . . . -L i InPhtladelphia. " .Issued, man .of .Losv Angeles., who; """twJ aasiBSi w s-r " tBaSPa penalt.'tef',;hla:;ea;Wlyii;-vW,. ; Autesiohlls .lUsaaes- weaa M eash;K-yearva;Wlowa;.viffcJ ,llU,ft4llSIMi-aiU DarlagtaeseaectlMrawaatvl lit .vlsltort:ressteiM.TM I Ing.touriattraeetito; darlaid'ahaiijri.i tm.jiu yaara, lUMW m k.MaV The (wtaataa SSwa! 'H$';. .. fv :.t-r! is IK ' . 1 .,.: !??' v i.'-i. .' la.the'Bark;wa.-toPAr.iggM , ''' V4 "f o.ria.'j-'jBH tf?Sl !; tV'i'Ji a auerei im-;-. .ftjK?. 9Ei' .'??H'ft7'f'' m eitsai WK &Mti TBWJ:.r?wiffi K.y.:w5f EMUS BSSBiilii.M mtkssmshz ,vjaagje-i,:-i2iV fftft&a&Na iM.".ri.ni'. j3aaiim mmim paawgt'.8Vta. "-"- i. ;.?- . iTT:-a SMIflfiMI wmmm i I, ," ': W -