is ,v. 'vLAfti'-V -5, ,. i1 -W..l ' $$& W 'Vfte KLAMATH COUNTY' ,J OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER sp KB ?;k PL is 4 .Tt A. " I : jr "- ' fW.f- - -ii.'iii' "' fMth Vr-. .W KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1915 l jjgsgg 5Ug junht$ llgralfl Undismayed, Ford Continues Peace Plans .jjumdi) mi- ni-i.iii.iiji.nmri'" , .wwwwww - '.-.'vw ,WM.M.WWWWW Trial oi Hamburg Line Officials Is Drawing Toward Its Conclusion AvAfuVLrurLruru-u-uv-v"i"i . s m m QiniCHXMKXrN CASK IH RHMTKD TODAY AFTER A NUMBER OK HiTNKSHKH WERE EXAMINED. PKKKNHK TO AHK FOR A VKR UltT OK .NOT GUILTY (IraMil Jurr Will Investigate Charges Asalint the (inn, Francisco Man Tomorrow Germans on Trial for Conspiracies BUILDING CHARGE NOW BEING PAID APPROACH-OF DECKMRRR 1ST, WITH PENALTY ATTACHED THEREAFTER, WRINGS IN WA TER USERS' PAYMENTS United Press Service NKW VOIIK, Nov. 29. Tlii gov rnmenl today rested In tllO trial Of elclst of the Hamburg-American flteimihlp company on charges ot vlo latins American neutrality by cnd Jai supplies to German raiding cruis ers. It may ask lo continue tomor row. The defence has announced Ita In tention o( asking the court to Inatruct tke Jurymen to render a verdict of acquittal. The defense contends that tke officials were not violating Amer ican nutralltr Upon the outcome of the case de fend! laraely the method of proced ure to he adopted by the United Statea M handling the pro-German and anti American plota alleged by secret ser vice men to Involve every eecllon of the country. It It expoctod that the case will bo in the jury's bands not later than Wednesday. Attorney ilullawa today Identified Carl Duns as the man who signed the agreement guaranteeing the captains of the steamer Fram, gommerstadt and Adolph Hochmeleter against loss or damige while these ships were en gaged In transferring supplies from American ports toaeraan warships In mid-ocean. RATE EXPERT TO TALK OF LOCAL FREIGHT NEEDS IMPORTANT MEETING CALLED FOR TOMORROW Jersey Politician Fails ammBMII j ..-....-,..-.. rjseasaan Mx mmmmmmmmmmmmmmw mmm "yt m mKak Am " I SmmaPmmmml 1 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmPLammWammmmlmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmt. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmml !? nmm.m..HnmmHBnZ?m.....Hn..........H k? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmtklmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm9nillmmmmmmmml ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmTmmmmVBBmmm, SammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmWamnVmmnmnml " BmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnamamVnmmVBfmmmmmW mmmmmmmmmmmsmmmKSu'Ummmmmm) r mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmKmtmmmmMammmmmmm ammmmmmmmmnaMKHmmmmml S mmmmmmmmmmmmmmV:emmmmmmmV mmmwemmamml mmmmmmmmMmmmKMHmmm. mP9H9mmi S BBBBBBBBBBBBimi!BBTOBBBmsBmjmBsm lBssVv7lsBjKgHBBB ?. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBalHaaBBSvBBBBBBMSeSSBk BSjfciV3TFT"Jt3BSSSI Fr ammmmmmmmmmw.-VBkBm';Biamm mmav am?i ax ?iamn . BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBnXVsBBaBBmar maaV nmtjeBBm-JanV v BammmmmmjBammmnjknammjmnmjr masaia. sms mmjamj. $i ammmmmmmmwEw?V33wj .ammm. nmflmmmmmr S mmmmmmmmmMWnU'ammmnna. mmmmmV J Bmm.m...BLKWrn. HnmPi mmmmmmmmmmmflN' F'' mmmmmmVmmmmMePA ntmm.m...Ki':'' ' BBIMnli I atmrnmrnmHwlmV HPHH I mmmmmmmT; lt.a mmtmmvjW S' ' 0Kfi ' ' IkLrnHmamH i ' WLT:' -.adJBiLs JiyHLBsmllSmD 1 ml mV Ammlm. mmmmmmmlm"" ' rXSmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmbfi Lfimmmmmmmr! E' Ktmmmt -v 'mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmV ft aMrmV-MJBmkuammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmTr; W I K'M t mWmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm S.' 1 1 ' HmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmBmmmmmBi I ImmHmmmmmmmmmmmmm-Bl BffasSA ..- .iHimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmw Chief Clerk C. C. Hogue of the rec lamation Bervlce project headquarters U a very busy man. Just now, taking In the money and writing receipts for payments of the 1915 building charge Installment. The njsh of water users from all parts of the project Is getting blceer. as they wlsliho pny before De cember 1st, when the chnTgen become delinquent. Ltiar the ranatruction charge be comes delinquent, a 1 per cent per month penalty attaches. The opera tion and maintenance charges do not become delinquent until March 1st, but the water users are paying now, end thereby gaining a 5 per cent re bate. in order to make the payment of chalet a easy, as possible for the I farmers. Mr. Hogue has made, several trips to Merrll, In order to; save the water users of ttwt section a inp iu Klimath Falls. - Has FnuKtoco Attorneys Who Spe cialise la Fights for Lower Freight Rate Will Send Repreaemtatlve Hera to Ascertain the Views of the Local People, and to Flad Amount of Freight Received Here. "MROSARK ' BIG MASTERPIECE EUO RED SEAL FILM TO RE BHOWN WEDNESDAY NIGHT HY CATHOLIC LADIES SPECIAL MUSICAL PROGRAM , n.,. ,rttf ." ."""' '""" """ .. ... i... hi.ii, pnai and provisions n . nHnfllllD rilHIIII'lll. 11 1 J "- t:nri iiueiix, iiiiiiiB"B - rector of iho Hamburg-American Steamship company, which Is the largest steamship company In the world, has, with several of his assocl .i. been Placed on trial In New vru nn tho charge of conspiring to defraud the United States government to BAN FRANCI8CO. Nov. !. The jrand Jury convened today to consid er the charge of neutrality violation on which C. C. Crowley, formerly Southern Pacific detective head, was arrested Friday. Crowley Is at liber ty under bond. Frans Iiopp, tha German consul hero, says he hired Crowley to assist In supplying Qerman raiders with mu nitions, etc. Ha holds, howevar. as nosg does Crowley, that this u not In depended upon as n ' vlolauon ot United at.. "-""ii.TJ'." i". f Walter Drawn, lla L. J. Smith, testify. i Pine Grove School HoWs a Highly Successtul Fair,.. f tha flnrmnn fleet Hllll'B l" - ,! fni.i i. iho first imnoriaui uii any flermans charged with plotting here to help their government In the wiBr PoDnlnghaus Is the superintending engineer of the Ham- . . ...tllA fun . imA.Mii enmnany. wuuw ,uw. v.n.. wn. nnrond officer of the Ham burg-American liner Koohtg Wllhelm. 7 ORPHEUS OPENS Tl iORROW NIGHT ... aawarkSraatafM LOCAL PHOTOGRAPHIU HAriwna ib MANAGER OF THEATER, AND HAS MADE MANY IM PROVEMBNTS IN HOUSE 4 t 'J' The splendid spirit of co-operation and encouragement brought about by the Industrial club work throughout the state was sever wore 'orclbly demonstraUd than It was at Pine Grove Tbsnksglvlag Day. That waa the data for the 'school fair, tad It was also the) oeeaslo for a commun ity "get together" whose beneflts are Insstlmshia. Upwards of saveaty Bupljs, pareats and patroai of, the. district aastmbled at tha Flat proya achooi In tha fore noon, saU vlawe th arlttHttf al aa domastlii aaliuaa sliaalaMal th Pim, Ue'wark aeomllsaed during ah ia in resdtnesa for the re-opem- . - .. n.nhana theater tomorrow ,.ri.t II. Roland Qlnlsyer and f. W. R MlHer wm conduct the " . ...iai nr the Henieyi- - . . j haa anent sev- "I.. ..- th aarlcultural and " . 'A coniidrable money In E tuning -rk. ip-'palrTng for ...In conducting tha 11.1..M indeed tne unt .v, hnuaa. wmen wss iw"j needlework department entries. . 'The Rosary," a seven. reel photo- ni.ii nrnHupiinn win He snown ai the ooera house Wednesday night un der the auspices of the ladles of the Sacred Heart church. The film, Is aid to bo one of Sellg's best pro ductions. This picture Is known as a Sellg Red Seal photoplay, and those who viewed "The Spoilers" will know or Sellg's capability In producing won derful production. The scenic ei- fects In "The Rosary" are wonderrui In themselves. Kathlyn Williams will be seen In the leading role, assisted by an all star cast. a mnlendld musical program has k. .ind in aatuuon 10 lav nioinre. including special orchestra, main nti.Ttet and choral numbers, las follews: Overture .Orchestra Novelette "Idle Thoughts .... ., orchestra Irish Bongs Mala quartet Kevcrle"Wlngs of Love" .... ,-. orcnesira golo The Rosary .,....,..; Mrs. Matt Hmun Valse Celestlff . . urcnesira. ein Mother McCree , Lawrence Menaney AdMti Pldells" ....,..... . . . .Choir Sacred Heart Churoh March t ,.,0. .orcnestrs With a view to determining what can be done by taking up tiaunau. Falls' fight for a lower freight rate from outside pointh, a member of the firm of Bishop & Bonier, .traffic rate experts,, will be here from, San Fran cisco; .tomorrow night. .Wednesday he will confer with local parties. A meeting of the directors of the directors of the Chamber of Com merce and local merchants has been called for 9 o'clock Wednesday. At that time, the situation will be can vassed with a view to some definite decision. ' " - i The matter was. taken' up "with-the firm some time ago by the Commer cial Club officials visiting San Fran cisco. Since then, a proposition has been made by the local people to pay off a percentage ot any reductions se cured to the attorneys. Instead of a stipulated, fee. it is to ascertain the amount oi ton nage, etc., that .the representative is coming here. The concern feels con fident of Ita ability to secure. Jipme reductions, It says,. In letters, and only wishes to ascertain it tnere is sum- dent .freight .money, cpllected. here to justlfy'.tbelr taking tne case on a per centage, basis. , . mPPSl' SBWxJBWimjms'y--.-.,?f ?jiBBmBi m :;,-CH fe:55iBmml mm aw dV 'ammKSaWSammammmmmmmmmV I H '-f5E aWsmmPammmmmmmmn' ami an '? 'aBaaw,sBassBaa m sf;:SiSiSiSammmmmml flaiamimmmmmmmmi K99ammmmmmmmi I BWaaV'BBBBPH laBaTfF'BSgtraamai I BasrMfdfiiBVIrcSiBBiaBBm lamsvSmmmBlmmmm I Lm&2!Jmmammmmmmmmrjmmmmmmmmmmmmmmml KamammFimmmmmmmmBsSmmmmmmmmmi ml aH !ammmmmP?f SL?? ammmmmmmmmmi aUiH4:vi';-;;:'TamPHmf ammmammmsamKHamwfaV 'f'.J FORD'S PARTY TO SAIL FOR EUROPE TO SECURE PEACE GOVERNOR LISTER IS ASKED TO JOIN IN -m - At Detroit, Automobile Maker; Is Making Feverish Preparations, for the Dewartore of His, Ship, aad He Plans to Be Back ia New York est Thursday, Ready to Hague Believed to Be. Tryst. 5 United Press Service NEW YORK, Nov. 29. Henry Ford's peace party member are all making arrangements to leave for Europe Saturday. The steamer Osear II. which haa been .chartered for the: trip by Ford, Is now coaling and.tak; ins; on supDltes. and baggage for of the delekaterhas reached tha pier Today Ford telegraphed from De troit that he will be here Thursday ready to sail., ,4 It Is understood, though not daft; 4, 1 - - hltely announced, thatTOeHajtaclsi $ tnrcity'namedf6rShetpcecciv tion. .1. S, UNIFORMS FOR CALIF. "TINS" DETROIT. Not. 29: Henry -Forai??-- .aImmu! 1a Mlarht fvm tfitw Vapln'. t. He is feverishly making prepa'tiaaa .- hi. ilAnaetMSa wlrh ttiA naalA sVibVI mlttee he named the latter part of the. week. , James Smith, Jr. James Smith Jr., former United States senator from his state, and one nf those who voted In the senate against the sugar schedule ot the Wil son tariff; during, the .dmtautratte nt firnvpr Cleveland, has lust been the subject of extraordinary attention by Controller ot the Treasurer jonn airinn wimama. Th former sen- ator,who had the democratic party of his state In bis control until Wood row Wilson was elected governor, and has had It since the New Jersey gov ernor went to the White House, failed owing at least $1,700,000. His as sets were said to be about 12,00o;000. He was president of the Federal Trust company of Newark, a very strong In In stituteon: He had much paper in Jer sey national hanks. The controller of the. treasury, fearing an announce ment of. the politician's failure would .. .. .1.. .. Alnna.1 hnb I . m .L. It.ll. J CI a Cam 4.. cause runs vu iuo uonvuoi peace psny iron ute ususa ouiwi.w. ,. took charge of the situation and got leave for Europe December 4th.' Gov- tsmiin to conseni in iuo vyuiuucu0rnor Liister wirea r ora inai u womu of trustees to straighten out his af-jDe impossible for him to go, because fairs. i of pressure of official business. r ff "Mr. Ford's telegram does not go ROME. Nov. 29. According to to day's Tribune. Austria is trying to conclude separate peace with Italy; . HP1TTI.E Vnv 89 riflivarnor Ernest Lister has replied to. a'teler gram from Henry Ford, inviting.; the governor to become a member -of. I STATE MILITIA HEADS MUST .HEREAFTER WEAR MILITARY UNIFORMS AT ALL TIMES, SAYS liATRST EDICT Identity Revealed 1 United Press Service DENVER. Nov. 29. Denver to night will learn the Identity or Queen Electra, secretly chosen for the elec trical week festivities, by a committee of artists. sufficiently Into detail for me to gt a clear Idea of what bis plasm are,"sald Governor Lister.- "Therefore I cam not comment on ItilntelligenUy. The results of such a conference? are,, la my opinion, problematical. Howevar, I believe the moral effect might oper ate to bring, about peace." - '" "W -it The prises awarded follow Irrigated Work Potatoes Jennie Icenblce. Turnnps H. M. ler Jr Squash Albert Patterson. Table beets Jennie Icenblce. Sugar beets Clem Icenblce. Dry Land Products t potatoes-First, Millar brothers; second, Flnnts Harris. Corn First, r nsnuso - icontlnusd oa paf I) show house, which was recently dam aged by fire. , M Miller haa inataueu nw ,...-, naw nlcture projecting machlaary and a heating plant. Ha baa secured tne ........i uxvm inciuaina tne nia which Art Acord, well known here, is starred, and other mm oi mw - ":"!.: u Charlotte Sattarlaa, inioic. - ---- . .. , violinist, and Miss Maun newaarry, piano, will furnlsn a musical vrvar. tomorrow stint. Joe Taylor oi ovm .a-hera today .. anuMaa. ftWl Twt Machine Ows Companies United Press Service BlCRAMENTO. Nov, II. Callfor- .!.. Nittosai Qusrd now has two ma chine gun companies, ;tha second com- .v tuitna- musterea ia at aacram-u- r"" -".. ..: Ji ' . . a.j i- to. Tha other comaaa M locavw Los Angeles. Tha aw enmpany nas slxty-ftva members, , i United Press Service SACRAMENTO. Nov. 29. "Mili tarism" has invaded the state adju tant general's office to such an extant that Adjutant General c, w. Tnomas and. his assistant, Lieutenant H. . Borras, will hereaRer wear tuu mil itary dress. in the oast these state officiate wore Iclvlllan clothes except on special oc casions, but General Thomas said to day that civilian garb win oe put aside from now on. By way of. ax nianation. Thomas said: 'Under the law. tne omces m tuw adjutant general and his assistant are military offices, ana we intern a treat them as such. They ate military offices, and tha officers, I believe, should wear mtiltwr.drans." War Spreads Misery and . .a jam i Starvation Over Serbia l X'T'V 3 i'im 5v . jr Si'S": && 7rrotJ w,xss." ns Girls Hava Raajatt Haitad Press Be rvlea. . OAKLAND, Naw; Ifc OaHforwa. ki. ukoAi airis wera'ta have a mam-. moth ratua, ,ar, ... s.;uii;m. v ' ' VtF ' " s larkera Are Back; Amt j. j: Parker of tha Wella- Fargo Espress company and Mrs; Par ker returned Saturday algnt rrom a tn nf aaveral weeka' duration. Laav- ins Klamath Falls, they Tislted 8aa Krancleco. Ogden, SaR Lao ano -,.av aa anent soma, time with Mrs no-iror'a ralaUves In Saginaw and oth er Mtchlaaa potats. On their return they visited Taeoma ana reeve?. .tal.a la. the Rosa City: t SPSM Taaaksgivlng with Mr, ltkaTa ralr aUfaaV ,..-. l ' !& ammmmmmmi BaBBBBBn mm!ir I . ' I U) WILLIAM G, SHEPHERD (United Press Staff .Correspondent) SALONIKA, Nov. 26. (Delayed by ceusors) Serbia Is starving: Vulture-like, starving Serbian ret-: ugees are halting in their wild, mad flight lu-front ot the Bulgarian sol diers to strip the flesh from horses that- have perished by the roads. The. horrors of the Albanian trail "are growlag mora norrmie taancan be told, Refugees are struggling trom Prjtserend to Mon astir .with oaly what food they can pick up the i way side. Their entire i In'thai fAA Of a kat- -T&S - las blisaaifiu Theaa aoor iofr ,t-'w ?''"' tst 7 not know that Monastfr Is bsi from two sldesy that It must fall Then they will be left at. tha, 1 ot the winter blUsards Ut thaA tains or the Bularlan traoi whom they are utterly ald,Of to the stories or aiiegea.atrqciiiea about tha Bulcsrs. '"i& Even the- animals, fleelagV- the Invaders.' are dying of . Vl...uj'M, .Jun,ilul Itiuua l"a,jiw kw H)Fa , mountain paths." an large areas. has haen no .food fori daVS.&, '. '"''rr ' i, ' '74iiT- pacKsoi aos are,"v"a $ animals, la mrcjk 'of foe4ThV: t. i. aAnaa . at 4ai u.w;w., wftw-.-wyrj- horror. Tha Nlah-M 01 klkw, af :.'aJraaV? than tha ;eoriavitraU bid Klondike. ' 'It'wUWMjt i- i-.L'.iiJiiiiiiai!iaiir aorsee iswnw-; ."'9 ltas deadfrcSea I i .. ' . ..v i:j7iH"ta-1JJi' 1 starratloti-. arwy: 11 W 'r.r'WWP tlr semlallrMMi Ram & "" - .J.. t.LL fife?aS5 w'W'Mi?!ts iwir fmm vmm TUfM W B . ' r-. i" ' msssssmiSi: ? nji?!'.i Qvi- " -i- .!C..VVa.,Ai'-ir n&m gg"it 11 ftAil l paM-Mnuaw. - oonaty