W - A J1- i W- l'y -. .iftflWAV, NOVKMBKK 8)T, ! WINDY CITY IS GREATEST HORSE MARKET IN AMERICA " (United Press Correspondence) CHICAGO, Nov. 87. Chllcago to M li the greatest horse market In tbfworld. More than 100,000 homes Uti Mn sold (or JM 1,000.000 through the local market In the last ill Montli. Tlio European war's do aud (or nrtlllory end cavalry mounts li rispoiwlblo (or thin return of Klug Hone to tlio throno from which the uteaobllu spilled him. DtHtmU from Mexico have added got a IIUlo '" "l0 huslness la horses l,r. At first, agents 'for the Kuro rts govi'rnmeiiU cro secretive tbout .purchase. y Everyone know but were being' bought, hut few ptttOM ewr tiuw tlio ngents. It was bll the olllcit' agents were buying No. 7 1 07 ItKI'OIlT OK TIIK CONDITION OF TIIK First National Bank At Klnmnlh Kalis, In thu Htate of Oregon, at the dote of bust 'tiess on November lo, 191C RESOURCES 1 l-oaii aud discounts $474,5(40 s S Overdrafts, unsecured 910.61 3 u U. H. Ilonds deposited to secure clruulatlon (par value) $100,000.00 b U. K. bonds pledged to secute U. H. deposits (par nlue) ... 10,000.00 ll0.000.ou 4 b Ilonds other than U. S. bonds pledged to securo postal sav ings deposits 16,000.00 r bonds and securetle pledged an collateral (or state, or other deposits or bills payable (pos tal excluded) 68,960.00 e Securities other than U. 8. bonds (not Including stocks) owned unpledged 17,390.2 Total bonds, securities, etc. 90,340. IK S Subscription to stock of Federal reserve bank.. $8,800 a Less amount unpaid . . . 3,400 3,400.00 3,400.00 t a Value of banking house (If unencumbered) 30,000.00 7 Furniture and llitures 3,000.00 8 Ileal estate owned other than banking house 1,235.42 9 Net amount duo from Federal lleservo Dank 17,879.00 10 a Net amount due from ap proved reserve agents In New York, Chicago and 81, Louis. . 89,846.86 b Net amount due from ap proved reaerve agents In other reserve cities 90,473.07 U9.7J3.93 11 Net amount duo from banks and bankers (other than Included In 9 or 10) 6.241.01 12 Other check on banks In the samo city or town aa reporting bank 908.87 13 Exchanges (or clearing house .... 14 a Outside checks and other cash Items . 1.616.83 b Fractional currency, nickels ...... and cents 476.38 8.091.35 15 Notes of other national banks . . 10,350.00 18 Federal Reserve Notes ".00 Lawful money reaerve In bank: ...--.- 17 Coin and certificates 88,177.85 18 Legal tender notes 1,186.00 19 Redemption fund with U. 8. Treasurer (not more than Ave per cont on circulation) and due . from U. 8. Treasurer 6,000.00 Total $931,633.10 LIABILITIES 1 Capital stock paid In . . $100,000.00 8urplua fund 18,000.00 2 -Undivided profits $35,648.09 Lea current expenses, In- ...... , ... ,- terest and taxes paid 0,981.37 18,680.78 3 Circulating notes outstanding . . t 100.000.00 4 Due to banka and bankers 17,844.68 Demand deposits 5'- Individual deposits subject to ' check 463,472.98 fl Certificates of deposit due in ... less than 30 day 1,668.10 t Certified cheeks 8,678.60 8 Cashier's jjhecks outstanding ... 1,196.78 9 United States deposits 8.88T.86 10 Postal aavings deposits 8,167.54 1 1 State, county or other municipal . deposits secured by Item 4o of . fl "Reaources', i 49,871.80 Total demand deposits, Items 6, 6, 7, .8, 8, 10 and 11. (This amount .,.., amount not to be extended . 584,687.71 Time Deposits (payable after 30 days, or subject to 30 daya or more notice) : aft 18 Certificates of deposit 93,879.99 Total of time deposits (Thla amount not to be extended) '. . . S,87.9 13 Boiide borroweJ without fur- collateral security for same . . 43,800.oo 14 Rediscounts with Federal Re- 0ft serve Bank a.goo.oo Total 8931.633.10 State of Oregon, County of Klamath, ss; , m . , , . , ' 4 I, Lealle Rogers, cashier of the -uMmMk,9mm' y swear that the above statement . U i tine to tts fce of y knowledge aud belief. LBSLI1 ftOOIIll, Otaaler. Correct Attest: x JOHN W. MOORE, L. F. WILMTS, M , . E, R, RBAMES, Director!. Subscribed and smown i to Before KAt" ffthfie N ywut? 1816. 11RT tr WITHHOW, Notary Public. My eoaamlaalM expiree November II. ll. Incognito that tbo record sale of 7,031 horses In on week was made, In No veinber, 1914. Now tlio agents buy openly. During the wwk ending No- vemler 0, M00 horses were sold. In the nam i) period two yenrs ago 829 horses was considered a good number to sell per week. From 3,000 to 1 4,000 horses sold weekly those days Is an avorage. i Thu horses bring $120 to 1240 s heud, 1250 hcliiK :iltl for artillery horses. Draft hows sell for front 1200 to $300 a hCMl; $300 belUK puld (or horses of between 1,660 to 1,700 pounds. There have been Innumer able spy scares at the jnrdn and vig orous measures of protection lima been adopted, but there have been no arrests. ISJ a M EI M 8 B B B I Events of the Week in Social Circles Now that Thanksgiving, with Its many reunions, dlnnors, etc., Is past, u brief brightening In social activi ties will bo noted. This will bo only spasmodic, however, an thcro will soon bo n postponement of mooting In sovcral cliibn, to allow tlio mem bers an opportunity to finish their Christmas preparation. Dinners wi-re the big attraction of tho present week. The were usli orod hi niisplclously Monday night, when 250 Klamath men and women partook of the banquet given at the Whllo Pelican hotel In honor of Hob ort K. Hirnhorn, president of tho Ore gon, California ft Eastern railway. This was so enthusiastic and success ful that Mr. 81 ra horn has laid special emphasis on his reception In Klamath Fulls when telling Portland pvoplo about his Central Oregon trip. Thanksgiving was also the occasion of n number of special dinner partlos. "Tint Lust Dance of the Season" of the White Pelican Amusement Club Is scheduled for the night of December 8th, according to Invitations being sent out by the young ladles comprls Ini; the organisation. This affair will bo held In Klnmnlh Falls' Ideal ball room, tho White Pelican hotel, and ss all of the social functions given by the club hate proven successful, a IiIk ntlcmlnnre Is looked for by nil. lllkn and their ladles spent an en joyable evening at tho Elks' Club Wednesday night. Dancing was tho chief attraction, and refreshments were served. . Major Charles E. Worden and wife leave In the morning for San Fran cisco, where they will spond several weeks. Tho semi-annual Thanksgiving ball of tho Klamath Falls Volunteer Fire department, held at Houston's opera house, was, as usual, a great success, and tho attendance was about all the spacious floor could accommodate. Excellent music was furnished, and the firemen proved such efficient-floor managers and reception committee members that those who attended Thursday's hop are already looking forward to the St. Patrick's Day ball the department will give. Miss Eva Hanks was hostess at a most pleasant party last night, given at the home of bis parents, Hon. Marlon Hanks and wife, at the corner of Eighth aud Pine streets, which was attended by Miss Ora Nelson, Miss Atha Watklns, Miss Esther McAn- drows, Miss Fernle Hanks, Mfcs Eva Honks, Charles Coffey, James Wnt klhs and Rex LaPrarlo. Cards and other games were enjoyed, and sev eral musical numbers helped to make tho evening hours fly quickly by. A dainty luncheon was served by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Elliott enter tained delightfully at cards Tuesday night at their home in Hot Springs Addition. Five hundred was the game of tho evening, and at tho conclusion of play the guests enjoyed delicious refreshments. The Elliott's guests were Mr. and Mrs. Chatles Wood Eb- erleln, Mr. and Mrs. Merle 8. West, Mr. and Mrs. Albrecht Oenler, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip J. Slnnott, Mr. and Mrs. William Mason Duncan, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. Carl A.'Plath, Mrs. Floyd M. White, Miss1 Edna Norrls and Duncan B. Campbell A birthday party was given In honor of Anna Bagby at tho home of her parents on Klamath avenue on Thursday. Many nice presents were received, and those present were: Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis, Nellie Lewis, Lotty and Henrietta Fisher, Mabel Blehn, Rose Zlabek, Ed Bagby, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bagby and Mies' Anna Bagby. . Mrs. Ida Fink and her two daugh ters, Harriet and Josephine, left this morning for San Francisco to spond n week at the exposition. 4- A pleasant little affair will take place this evening at 5 oclock at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. 8. E. Mar tin, when Miss Dortha Martin will entertain some of the younger society set at a dinner party. Those Invited to this pleasant little function are the Misses Sola Burnett, Karle Montgom ery, Met Chaatatn, Lucille Kitchen, Ida Thomas, Josephine ring, Harriet Fink, Feme Hoagland and Veva Mar tin. Among the Thanksgiving hosts who Invited to their board members of their family "wore Mr. ami wi. Harry OoalbK, who UrUlie. t their oo oa Plat atmt Mr. aai Mrs. J. Fred QoeWer, .Mr, aud Mr. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Just a Little These photographs are fonDad and Cwondolyn. They show tno luiesi tliltiK In millinery direct from Paris. They will be the rage this winter, and Dad might as welJL begin to think about them. Gwendolyn's got to nave the hats, and Dad's got to pay for them. These samples are puDiisnea early that he may have warning of what will confront him a few weeks honco. Tho upper hat Is Just a dear, Dad. If you get one for Gwendolyn some young Tellow might come along to pay her expenses for the rest of her life. Maybo you don't know how it Is made, but listen to the words of an autherity: "One of the season's smartest mod Ain i. Hhown in this large picture. It Is made up of doep purple velvet. The crown is soft and the brhn edge shows a two-Inch flange. The simple trim ming consists of a band of silver braid." The middle hat Is Just as dashing as any theatrical star ever wore and ought to fascinate a man with an eye for boniity. Listen again to author auther ity: "This charming black velvet model shows a most unusual brim outline, which droops low at tho right side and turns high at the left side and back. A wing effect of black goura outlines the brim edge at the back, Just look at the aweet little thing BBBBBBflS&'jijtfslstoflssBBB I gBBBBBBBr"JSPJlP WrSBgW I SBBwBBBsBtawilKScilgBBgeBa I gOSBS'ErMMSSuBCBg' MpXlgMy' KF3SSVj28HgzBM SM Vi&lmtSm)' ' ' C'gCBBsBBfcgBBlBw -g4g4g4VgBbliB J,Qg4g4g4g4lg4gSg4g4HPgseXg4gl BESmi fSSrV JlWEBBflflflflflBflflflflflflflflfljjsrPSRBjMBl geSBBBBBSBSgegSKS wdiK cvvjwgpjpjpjpjpjpjpjpjpjp 8BBBBBg4BvS3F' ' FiSflBBBBBBflBBBgr BjBBBBBfli7gif ttf?'' ASBBBBjBtBBge BBnBjrr'jgflBBBBBJ Mb' "vJHBt .jBBY I agtxwHr ' ,:- BT BBBBM sfF$ '''t-:":.::.::-::giBBM Nl BT '"':?,-;.BBBB I ra 'Wi lttg4BMg4BMg4BMgl 9 BJgjtjHnH3jMBWi&-- xMKL g .- iffftk rt X r-r nWmWmmmmiyi VtaBSTCiaX r sfsfsfsfsfsfsfsfsfsfsf J m. m XsPJBP'gll" f Who's the Winner? 10Bcl M You know U yoaVe tatted PIED- , v I BB MONT, No wonder 8o; many mea aCTaeat Bfl are tioing "after "those cigarettes mkmmmmmT m with the record-making taate," JkaflsW af m PIEDMONTS wia hande down ISllsfk ia every puff of th'elr.all-pare ' hkwfjKw I Tobacco. gTs imi V.M.fl, Wn7 I . - 'i', -vy " ' . Tip for Dad ? fljljBBklSVsgegm BBBBBaVCKi!f3al3BVaB EallllllflKSfeBV iPBBa PbbbbbbV s BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK It gsSHrS 5PgT &n "" "Am Bi BBgsS -iSSSVP'5 I 'i'."iisw3f. '.',r' ijlBIb SI V V'nF7r -?M 3-tr- Stflif SSI BS I ? H w i-7 - -s?1 ;SvS81 K - "rl ...1- way down tn tne corner, uwouuuiju will make many hearts,flutter and all her female friends envious if yon get It for her. This is what the expert says about it: "There la a decided vogue for soft shirred or draped turbans this season. Tho one pictured here Is made up of navy blue velvet, the crown being softly folded Into place and forms the single high loop at the left aide. .Aa Iridescent beaded ornament In the shape of a bird Is an added attrac tion." Think it over, Dad. f.w.' A V, I yK . mM ' LEGAL NOTICES In tbo Circuit Court of the State ol Oregon, for Klamath County HMtle Eckhardt, FlalaUaT, Ti. Albert D. Eckbardt, Defendant To Albert D. Eckhardt. Defendant above named: In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear as;d enswer tne complaint niea against you in the above entitled action oa or tifore Saturday, tho 18th day, of Der ember, 1915, that being the last day of the time prescribed In the or der of publication of tbia summon, and if you fail so to appear sn3an swerfor want 'thereof plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In the said complaint, to wit: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing be tween plaintiff and defendant; for the care and custody of Irene Eck hardt and Marie Eckhardt (conting ent as to the latter upon decree of adoption being first entered), and for such. other and further relief aa to the court may seem equitable. This summons Is served on said defend' ant by publication thereof in the Evening Herald, a newspaper of gen eral circulation, printed and publish ed at Klamath Falls, Klamath county, Oregon, not less than once at week for six weeks, by order of Honorable D. V. Kuykendall, Judge of the above en titled court, made, dated and. filed In this case at Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon, on November 6th, 1915, the date of the first publication thereof being Saturday, the 6th day of November, 1915. ROLLO C. OROESBECK, Attorney for Plaintiff. 6-13-20-87-4-11 Notice of ShertTs Sale (Equity No. 731) In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Klamath County Lulu H. Shepherd, Plaintiff, vs. William H. McClure, Defendant. Under and by virtue of an execu tion In foreclosure, Issued ont of the circuit court of Klamath county, state of Oregon, dated this 89th day of October, A. D. 1915, In the above en titled action, wherein Lulu H. Shep herd, aa plaintiff, recovered Judg ment and decree against the defend ant, William H. McClure, In the sum of 31,875.76, with Interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from the 16th dayot September, A. D. '1915; and tor the sum of 8160 attor ney's fees and for the costs and dis bursements of said action, amount ing to the sum of 115.80, and for the further order. Judgment and decree foreclosing the mortgage herein and barring the rights, claims, liens and claims of equity of .redemption of the said William H. McClure, and all per sons claiming, by, through, or under him. Wherefore I am commanded to sell all those pieces and parcels of land described in said mortgage herein, sit uated In the county of Klamath, state of Oregon, described as follows, to wit: The west half of the southeast quarter and the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section twenty-one (81), and the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section twenty-eight (88), all tn township forty (40) south, range twelve (18) east. W. M.. In Klam ath county, Oregon. Also lota 786, 787, J94. 795, in block 105, Mills Addition to the city of Klamath Falls, Oregon, together with the tenements, hereditaments and ap purtenances thereto belonging or In anywise appertaining, or so much thereof as may be neces sary, or sufficient to raise the amount due the plaintiff tor her principal, in terest, attorneys fees, costs and dis bursements and costs of sale. A notice Is hereby given that on the 89th day 'Of November, 1915, af3; o'clock In the afternoon, at the -front door of the court house In Klamath Falls, Klamath county, state of Ore gon, I will, In obedience to said order or sale and execution under foreclos ure, sell the above described property, or so much thereof as may be neces sary to satisfy the plaintiff's Judg ment, attorneys fees, costs of suit, and costs of sale, to the highest bidder for cash. O. O. LOW, Sheriff of Klamath County, Ore, By QEO. C. ULRICH. Deputy. 30-6-18-30-37 A Car of that Deadr Rock Ifrtaga "PaUOOCK" C O A L 'will arrive about November 16th. Place your ordere to fee fteHrered 6n arrival of the car. Price 113 per toa. , - We abw aaadle.dry ska, body aud "limb wood. Bend la roar or '.gers, PaoaeUT. X KLAMATH'FUSJU' VU. WManBveet"." i r i7VV FRED'S TA are Made Fresh Every Day ' i AT THE PARLOR: 121 No. Sixth Strttt, We Have Used Ike Axe prices for high grade woed: :? and HAtf r . isfo aa our special -., x uuuKBBiTiag; uv ferlng to PAM t irfv 4k9m rcr-'.wH ' oar 4 friends. We have ; , not cut qualities ,; in any war, how ever. You'll Sad the same high class v a ' Wood and May. K., m t a Kt as always. Taa axe has. beea, used only. .--. prices whtea will amase you by their extreme J lowness. f 1 v Attr Seehorn GETZ Wood 22 .Mala Street. nwaTi Inferior Tools -' are dear at any price. The same thing applies to any kind of hardware you may buy if it's of an in ferior quality, it's dear at any price, because it will not giye you'the faithful service it should. You must get 3he BEST QUALITY it "will' prove its worth in the long run-it will give you FAITH FUL SERVICE. Call in and look over our large stock. ? Roberts & Hanks Why Not? First Sport Nothing to do; let'e go for a shoot. " Second Sport I haven't a av First Sport XelUier have Jmlt we can get everytbtaa; we 1 at the Klamath HaoHsmasia ' Store guns, boots aad heat Ine coats for rent: ammanMleax ofvthe best all at reasoaaaje, prices," : ! KLAMATH ' SPORTSMANS STORE 8EK VEGHTE, MB MAi.wi; Mala St.,:aear eW$ ' VTW--iSK)iil t f ,, .fcrf. tars for Hind " "aiWr-' t - " tniv r,i I KlsMtk ?;jvLiii .-"? -rf-.is. i- - rA ' 'n H.-Tv-.fe,.A.i.:M jitamvtum. mnii wan? .?&; aaa UHg.: 4v sFT ': 'mz ffia -n V .jfPJCF W1 ? :sn& : SZWl S..V '. 1 $ "i -& ft M f4lb: 1$ K " h, nk j-. ym "m -$ T. f-l -;' - Vi -33iA-jL r sseia r-i v-i s " 1 i j. n ,"- ' --rfl ;a ' ti vi '& & jtSC i'V XtTi i mi'. UM . ii.'l.'W. . '& 'a irn, ..'2M .ufi !H .' f tjTsra mm ' f (Coatlaaed oa Pata ), v r "&.!$& flfrf Jjw, Ea.y' .-. 'X-t'S . ' " - ' ' - mm 1 . .