$$J V,J.-ra2 .$& . & lEiuutum Iteralii -v$ tjt KLAMATH FALLS' ' -PAI KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER 'OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER ;f; . jsi ' Sffi -ftjl "JK r n-t.r-.a.f "-"fi ,N' fail, Vrr X. . KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1915 r ,13 vW - h 5 r ' I ii r OREGON LUMBER RATES ARE SLICED BY $0W OX HAMK FOOTINO AH HPO KANE MIM.H I Orders! tu Make Kale From Ksntcrn Oregon Point on HM IUt Prom Spokane -IMf-ftrmtiat l Mad In Shipment Pre rle Locks, Cent rail and Bridal Vrll. tilted I'ross Service WABHINOTON. U. C, Nov. 17. TIm Interstate Commerce Commlsntou teiir upheld tho complaint of East ern Oregon lumber producers, which gtld the rati charged by the O.-W. I. k N. Co. from those points to tho Wllnitou system points In tho Mid I Wwt were unseasonable. The hm was based upon a comparison with tho rates to tho same points from Spokane. As result ot the hearing tho com aviation lifts ordered the rates from tarry, I Uradno, Uaker, Wallowa ud Klglu placed on a parity with tjokano territory rates. Prom Ca tsf Locks, Hood River and Centra da, cent differential Is allowed, and i ,8v cent differential Is allowed on shipments from Bridal Veil. HEARING DATE IS POSTPONED MEN' ACCUSED OF IIUROLARIZ INi KIIEIQIIT CAIl AND IOCA I. STORE WILL UK GIVEN' HKAIt INQ MONDAY At the request of the defendants' attorney the preliminary hearing for Albert Mamado and Joseph Dorb Khotf, accused of burglary, has been Postponed to Monday by Justice of the Peso B. W. (Jowen. Tho men are accused ot taking about a- doien automobile casings con lined to Oeorge Blehn via the South ern Pacific, and of burglarising the J. P. Magulre company's store. Several Ptirs of shoes from the store and the missing casings were found In their rooms. PULLS GUN ON AN OFFICERjARRESTED KMMKTT DWYKR HOUND OVER TO GRAND JURY AS RESULT OK COVERING MERRILL'S "AU TIIORITIK8" WITH GUN Charged with pointing a deadly weapon, Bamatt Dwyer was brought here yesterday from Merrill, and was liven w prellalaary hearing before Juitlce of the Pmc . W. Oowen yterday. He waa bound orer to the wand Jury, Dwyer la accused of pulling a gun on Marshall Tom ,Durha ot Merrill I Merrill Tuesday night, and threat ening to shoot tho oeer. AthleUo Meet Begtju United Preu Service NEW YORK, 'ofi, I?. Tho Indoor m. .''. '..!. ..- ilbl.Hi - "- VI IDS iryWAMMWWW .' Oub will negtn tonight at Madison dM theenlrlettof Olyaplo, Aaw ?. InterertlHlaU, atllltary ana COMMISSION Woman and Daughter Named in Will Cane bVtIILsbbbbbbbbbbbbbI gfiiiiiv v'giiiB giiii& giiiiiiiiW. .gHHHH jgllllllllliW Mix. K.IIHi llhilr Mrx. KIImIkmIi Siiodily Hltrluittk The NtraiiKu enso of tho Campbell mlllloiiB has brought to light n woman who may become famous for her con noctlon with with will contests. Mrs. ICdllh Hlalr Is ono of tho Important fleures In tho suit of rolntlvcs to . ... ..... ...II. rt TnMAd PntimllAll. IllA OnMR 1111 "III Ul -iiiv V-...I--., St. Louis traction man, who left $16.- aaa iaa i.. .-..., v i.ia ulfA nntl lttJVV 111 IMtoi "' "-.w - dnughtcr when ho dlod last year. Mrs. tt.. ., I., nl.n.ffjtil Uv OXnrXtn M. TtnS. encrnntx. counsol for .Mrs. Campbell and hor daughlor. was Interested In tho contest of tho will of Thomas II. Clythe of San Francisco and John Stetson, theatrical manager or os ton, both very wealthy men. Mrs. Hlalr has said that she rocelv- ed word from her daughter, who was tt'ZStj urlmu wlmrnn lOlltB HIO dOOS 1101 know, that sho had given a baby to Mm. Cnmnboll about March 17. lSUtl, In Now York. That Is tho unto 01 Mrs. Campboll'a daughlcr, Mrs. Lois f'H.nnlioli nurkham. Thoreforo, ac cording to Mrs. nialr, Mrs. Campbell didn't hove a daughter, but, obtained nno, and palmed hor off on her hus band for many years. Thoso rolatlvos who woro left out of tho will or tno traction man hnvo used the charge to bring suit to break It. They assort, on tho story of Mrs. Hlalr, that tno ffiri Mm traction man nil his llfo thought was his daughtor In reality was not. Dub tho lawyers tor mrs. Campbell aro now busily tracing Mrs. Blair's history. More Prollt Tlian Looked tor United Press Scrvlco nnaTON. Nov. 27. Tho uuoxpoct- odly almplo labor of munitions manu factures, tho hoads of factories horo working on wnT oraors uumm " -i. ih.ni r.o nor cent moro profit on the work than originally was cstl- mated. Million dollar oraors nro nui. uncommon for manufacturers nere. Huffrago Union Organized iinitflii Pross Service NEW YORK, Nov. 27. A branch of the Woman's Congressional union fnr HuffraKo was organised hero to day for Now York sUte. Uariu.lllu IiOaVO. " r .. .1.1 lJ Mr. and Mrs. A. u, narpuiu .., yesterday morning for Modesto, cai., ?rZ ".- m reside. They re- Ztxv exchanged, their property ta the Bonama diri iur v land. COUNTY COURT'S 1916 BUDGET IS NOW COMPLETED Tliu total cost of conducting Klam ath county's affairs next year. Includ- Iiik Ha' Hiilarlo of officials, court Iioiihc expenses, new road work, etc., will bo about $403,443, according to tin litidRot for 1016, which Iior JuHt been completed by tho county court. The court Iiiih cillt'd n meeting for in n. in., December 22, nt which time tin tiixiacrK can appear and iIIhcuhh the builgut, sugKcatlnB any oliatiKOK thoy might deem advisable. Of the total cont, $84,908 repre sent n oinclalH Riilarlvs. court costs nml court Iiouho oxpensea that como iiml'T the sotiernl fund. Provision In tiinilo In this for $300 for rabbit scalp bounty during tho coming year. in nit; I'siiiiuiiu tur uiu a(.iiuui i Min.,.ri,.in..,t,.i. nni. n nr,viin i , "l" ""iviiivin d """'i 1'twiioivn IL VUM'I UJV LUBl Ul , the anuuiil suinnior training school for tnnchers. This school ronlaces tho old county institute. Thero Is also a '. mndo for $300, to cover the cost ot.avu,v " .. $.10 appropriation for medical exam- "10 esuraaxes or .. .-..".. -i-Inatlons in tho public schools. clal fu,ldB '"ew: 4.. , .r.nft ... ... ,. nil lll-'lll in f"VV III tut; viiuiitj court cxHnKes Is listed for "exporting I .. ..... Il.l.l- KM . , .....,.n. ,-n.. ..v-ut-o , mi u vuuii- ty physician, there Is $100 provided for a county health officer. The appropriation for circuit court expense provides for a deputy for Circuit Court Clerk Chnstnln for fivo months, tho appropriation being $100 a month for that period Tho appropriation for county poor Is divided as follews: Poor farm inaliitonnncc. $'4,000: nursing, etc., at poor farm, $1,000; aid to poor not nt fnrm. $2,000. The appropriation for the prose cuting attorney's office Includes $700 lieputy salary, and $2,600 for "up holding the criminal laws. Tho special road fund figures esti mate there will be $61,350 spent for . . ., maintaining roads, new construction.. brldces. etc. mo pro Da u io reoeiiuo - or mis iuiiu irom uii .- irniions anu mo tuuiuju iiwwuiii of United States land and timber sales aro ii.ai.u, so ino uum .. m.u is ovon iou.uuu nesldos tho road fund receipts. probablo recolpts of the general fund nro cstlmuted as follews: Interest on dally bank deposits, n-- ttnn. Mt,u 1.250: court $3,000; mlscelln- nun n-cuiuiiib no ncous, $25 Tho stato school fund apportion - ,. .animated at $4,700. Tho estimated expenses of the dlf-, foront departments follew: sheriff's offlco C300 . "norms omco . .'. county inn """ 1,000 County treasurer's office County assessor's office . . . . . 4,000 Oregon's Rural School System Shown at Fain InterestsNation That the people living In the rural districts of Oregon care more for tholr schools, nre working harder lo give their boys and girls a) prac tloal education, and have made a Bieater advanco than any other Ute, Is clearjy proved by the reception which has been given tne rural acnooi exhibit nt thePonaiua- Pacific Inter national exposition. j i. .la reauest of the natlonar bur eau of education prepared for the-ed ucntlonal palace an exnioit nnvwiu tho strongest features ot the rural school of Oregon; namely tho niana- tvrd Plan, the boys' ana ginr eiuo i. .nrf hA niivsround movement. !ab the rules of the educational hulld- ing would not permit cntwren wor to be exhibited, the system waa ahown 6,000. 2.026 . County school supt, office I County court, commlssiners . 2,600 County surveyor . . 1,000 ' County physician and health ; officer 700 County veterinarian and stock Inspector 200 County fruit Inspector 100 f'lrnill rnurl 12.300 Justice courts 3,000 j Current expenses 6,000 . Widows' pensions 4,000 j rv.nt.tt nnrtr 7.000: uvHHt; nivt ......... , Court house expense....!.. 10,660) Heglstratlon and clectionit. . 4,000 Scalp bounties '. . 1,400 ltcfundlng Uxes i. . 2,000 Advertising , .).. 1.000 Juvenile court ,. J60 InRnno 1;. . S60 z Prosecuting attorney s offlte 3,200 'at U A ..-L- 181! IT nll -General roaa runa .. i. 8tatl' nre ,atr01 " ," Miscellaneous ..,.......'.. . o Illgn scnooi ..,-.,-vw iKoad fund 60,000 '. . .t i an nnn - " 1VHUI ,-. --,-" library V . . 300 State agricultural college ex ncuit, tension-work 2.000 New court house construction 60.000 Outstanding warrant redemp- .,on 60,000 Accumulated Interest on out- standing general fund war- rants '.W- tfSfc?-1! MARINES READY TO GO FIGHTING invii i.rnv AVni.ANDINOFOROE 4aa.aj - .-., I.OADED IN CRUISER IN PREP ARATION FOR MEXICAN OUT BREAKS United Press Service BAN DIEGO. Nov. 17,-rSuppHed equipment; a force or nis marines nas embarked On the cruiser San Diego. The San Diego Is held In reaainess to .sail at once to tne coast oi wwer California and protect the American .colonists there. No news has reached here today ... o..rM. rndlnr the "u"' ""' r : n "::: -k. progress of the Vllla-Carransa flght- Ing. County clerk's office . . . , by means of charts and.photofrapha.jof a meeting of their county educa- In the omctai ouiienn ui o uuiwu of education, they aro. mentioned as 1 w .. :...- , i . i it.. fflAioi hnllniln of th bureau "unusual y aviracuve coteevs in " i;.i. .4 hMi work . Mor than 2.000 of the leading ed ucators representing nil the states, nnd many foreign countries have mnii m. careful study of the Oregon exhibit with the purpoa,o( adopting some part oi it. nre wmim r.iifnmia have adonted our aUiidard sehool plan absolutely,, and through the local presa or ueir .wuuwi " educational lenders have given Ore gon credit tor helping tkoni. W. II.' Cole, chairman ot u ttuontionai nosimtttM of the tarn Bureau ot NH neunty, Callfomln. In a letter of appreciation to iuh wimBMm? ent J. A. Ohurehtii, na, Miw..fM British Say His Peace Plan Is Just Advertising Scheme aB(fel&SI"KBiBBgM 'afaXagvgfavHL'' aVKggggggggggge pCngBMRr, BaSSSBBSBSBSBSBSBSai WmB&mrrZir'' SfSflflMKBVaVVr wBgtt?t9ps'-.glgrX''?f-gggggM gflFfMBHr MiiiiiiBgl 3B4jHw-9naaBJBjBjBBBBBBHL lp'"s'QJgggggW .SBBMf "1 BgBMBsWw .BBBBbV mfo 'iBBBBBBBgflgBW bbbbbbbbbbbbbm M30A 'avg888888888888888BkBi ,4 .gSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSat XgK,r'&'- '-'--IJgaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaA .ggggggggggggggggggV 'gggy $WJ -fggggggggggggggggggggggggs aVlgggggggggggKT 'IggW 7$.ggggggggggggggggggggggga MaaVgggggggV Ii aVBr''BVBVgggggggggggggggggggg1 g4BVg4Vg4S4S4S4F ?'.g414w,-f ,F .g4Vg4Vg4Vg4Vg4S4S4S4l gWggaBBBHW 'BBBBMjV- 4nggggggggggpgV B UUIIBU lit" 4ji.t.o , t. 1..1 11m. m O.MflfM LONDON, Nov. 27. "Just an ad- .. . . .. .. c i.j. v. vertising scueme, is nm - ! diet of Henry Ford's proposed peace plans, urmsn omciais sua uwim-.. L.. a not r,nt hi activity: rather rather they rWicule It. ,.' " 'Ford' for his roeeatte -views ot the Many question Ford's sincerity of.fulure," said the churchman, wti """Itsa silly idea." said one official, "People who become associated with .18.000.h. Fordun wlirflnd.B6symnatbyff his really devoted, wishes. L;- ----.ihi 1-ni.ttiiifi'."1-" -1 HIIIVUB owuwiwiv "-" " i United Press Service DALTIMORE. Nov. -Cardinal LOCAL MEN WILL DEVELOP MINES . ... . a unit..., The Klamath Mining and Milling, company, an organisation Incorporat- ed under the laws of Nevado, whose f .iviiniiiHi Am huslness men of thlsi city, and whose president is O. W.j Robertson, is making arrangements to continue development work on mlnlng claims In the Jumbo district, near Virginia City, which are con- trolled by the firm. it la estimated that an amount in (the neighborhood ot $10,000 has al-j ready been expended. A cross cut nas been driven to a depth ot 500 feet, leaving something like 100 feet to go before a ledge varying from tweive to twenty feet In width will be tap ped. The ledge Is exposed Hor some uonai oiuwaw, ,.- - ..... , - - was adopted after the Oregon Pn. iw. h. vii th local nress Inform- .,,.,-,----.----. . od of our -work. No doubt every rnnntv In California- having a farm adviser will very shortly follow our lead." At the annual teachers' in stitute of Monterey county, tho coun ty school superintendent, ueorge Schulttburg. brought the teacnera to the Oregon exhibit, and In speaking to them said; "I want all of you inuhnri to see what wonderful worn nreron ! dolnsi In her rural schools. , --,(i . Their stanaara sonooi piaa i ui. what we need' in,, our county." The teachers at once voted to adopt tho Oregon plan, and the Oregon itnnt '-'"- '(Continutd on Page ) ,i . ? roi Gibbons today heatd Henry Ford's . .... H peace plan in mil. rora boom iv iinn nthbona ratify the proposal, In - - - -. ... ., the hope ot interesting the Catholtca --" ..-. "I could not help but admlro Mr. i ii him tnfit l iear no un ummv rocks ahead of "him that will Impede Ws progress and. prevent tne suceeae Furd ansT the saratnafcJM Furd ausT the eardtaal talked fo over an hour. On account of JUa age. IrsikKntto a nnftnvtted to make the ,trtp to Europe with Ford's party. j distance over the surface, from which any piace ncv 6u,u - "v . - nhnries Baldwin will leave tomor row for the workings of the company, nnt It Ma lilo Intention to coniiBUD mo tunnel work, with hopes ot reaching the main ledge by early spring, should the main body of ore prove no rich br antlclnated. the company wilt Immediately Install a large mm colnmence extcngiTe operations. nnu uu . t t- Amr Trims Navii Unted pre8s Service - YORK Nov. 27. The final ,.j. w. Pnint.Annnno- Army Na .14 . 0 i. change In Mass Hour. ,-. nneinnlne tomorrow morning, Sun day njasses at Sacred Heart church Wj, be held at 8:30 and 10:30 a.-m as was decided at a1 recent vote taken by the congregation. Rev. Wn: Mc Millan, 8. J., the pastor, returns to night from, a week's sojourn ' In San Francisco. .Nephew Will Visit. Frank Ira White has just received word ot the marrtage ot toja nephew, Rmmntt white, of Kansas, and the 'contemplated trip to the West ot the 1 ' , 11. .!...... fiiMtlme, .young coupie, wnu ',iiavi.u wv- i . Vir. -.. t.tMvM t a new nome. wnea uuu u.uji v. the erstwhile activities of Frank Ira in the real estate business, It looks like a cinch that Klamath county would soon have some more Whites wlthln her borders. . Would Foreclose. ...-.. ..... Through Attorney Chas. J.. Fergu son, George Mcuuooin loaay men u action against Rudolph Madsen, Hel en Torrey and W. N, Woodson, o foreclose a- mortgage given as secur ity on a $1,000 loan, Sues oauNote, . , Suit to recover 1600 alleged due on a note, was men in jh rwm wun today by J. O. Patterson agalntt Biiey Woods. Patterson alto asks iioo at torney teosj - ' Mrs. Roberta HI. t v Mrs. HatUo Robertj U.fll nt hor hoWrn.then etty. , u SERBS STILL ON DEFENSIVE IN A HOPELESS E THOUSANDS HAVE BEEN TAKEN, PRISONERS '$:, Teatoas Pursatavg Ose Force of SertM A Toward Montcaecrd, aad-'Otawr Force Is Routed by Aastrteas aatf Bulgars from Blackbird 'Pl4';. Kitchener Goes to Front1 to; See Italian Ruler. United Press Service VIENNA. Nov. 27. Today's an nouncement tays the Teutons have control of Blackbird Plain. .They are beating the country between the plain and Montenegro for fleeing. Ser-, blans. Organized opposition to- the Invasion has about dlsaoDeared In Northern, Serbia, and guerilla tactics have been adopted. ,, It Is expected that Austrian will ; enter Montenegro in pursuit. - x The Central' powers have taken 101,000 Serb prisoners since the be- clnnins: of the Balkan ooeratlona. Serbs dynamited the blast furnaces, etc., at the French copper mines at Lajecar, and In retreatlnrnooied the - mines. The, Oermaps. are clearlnc ' the debris and re-opening the mines. German troops are pursuing' erne- toward Pristona. It la thought that f 161 King Feter'a.nopeiessiy oumumeeree. i little army will make a last stand at J Sltlnea. fe. Athens dispatches say Lord KRe- ener'a mission in Greece failed. The OmJiardngiiil.- anCJiltlmatum aaQu withdrawal 'ot allted diplomats.-1 United Press Service PARIS. Nov. 87. The Oeraaans released clouds of gas between' Forges. and Bethlncourt last night, apparent ly ready for a new offensive. French troops checked the advance. United Presa Service ROME. Nov. 27. Earl Kitchener today reach King Emmanuel's head--quarters at the Italian front, It la understood nis visit u to eniisi Ital ian aid in the Balkans. Italy must bo satisfied, that she will set Balkan and Asia Minor posses sions she wants, even If Greece par ticipates with the allies. This, It Is believed, win be assured Italy. , United Press Service - ATHENS. Nov. 27. Serbs cap tured Kruahevo, fifteen miles west of Prllep today. ASHLAND LEASES POWER PLANT ASHLAND. Nov. J7. Ashland's . cltv council has entered into n con- tract with the California-Oregon Pow er company; taking over its equip- , ment and business In Ashland for Vf period of three years. Tho contraet comes as a surprise to the people or, ih ettv. ra they voted It down at a-i". special election last August The only difference In the contract tneaM,i now Is that the former called fttrln, contract for twenty years,' and, tho.. nrnnt one for three rears.' - . as,? r. .-,- Ashland has had consiaernoio.wot s hie with her power plant tnte .ml' && i . . . .-l:.. l.-...i-S 2ii 'KTA TjiiiflA oi1 scarcity ui wv.paia vm2. 7v?r7 1" .- " '.-.- 'Ji S...,.KJftBl the dry season, oome .mnp.' js ,J vate consumers could bo TOyfMsW Under tho MntraxwiHt'.tio pg;j rnrniauraxDU fuwvtr. cuaWManw ' isT-:r.ifK'-'.- a light company $AMu,SW,it tinriaam nr nawarror UKnt w.w-ffi -'',-. - ) ture. The contrsit al:-partB?gi menu. tor.?. frjj &mim-& ! Aftar ODveteev ', Bovd Adam'aot Vistula;:; y3?&r 1 il'Sk m ..A BJ.'! ai uaae ccwbhv iioTt ,m. m visitor tc4m; tel!5ss?,: iS I "".i!r.mr.'-' ' mmm;v? s ' l '"1 , u.i y.ai "-I . '- kit I 1 .rs rfiss ,v mivnan .wnpiitw, U,