y 'T 5K-1-'-, .$, 1 - ?' Wp Eutntmg Herald j .- "$3T r''t, ffljf I iN? KLAMATH PALLS' 'kA'M'AM'MISii? OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER.'' -? r - a Tenth Year No. -VMS KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1915 a? fc 1Wf'.H.'4'J rissk.sWsssSBsVv Vm, -?iV Morn Banquet Should Bring Out Every Klamathite u i i i Willi the arrival of Robert K. 8tra horn, lender In the movement to build tho Oregon, California ft Bait- era railway, and thereby connect ktssuth county and other Central Oregon territory with Portland, but a rtv hour off, local Interest centeri In the vUll hero of tho railway promoter and hi ouoclntc. Everybody la ana lojUy awaiting a apeecb rrom 8tra horn, to ascertain his views as to the fallibility of building Into Klamath Tails. Tho vUlt of Strahorn Is to be made at eventful as possible. The tenta tive program Includes a trip through the funning sections of the county to- county Is united In Its' support of the railroad move. Evorybody In tho county fools this way, and Monday nlghl Is tho psychological moment to show this In a orlous manner. This can only be brought about by a full attendance at tho banquet, which Is to bo an Informal affair, and for both men and women. Other than ordinary attire Is taboo. Othor Mictions have shown forcibly that they will help the railway. Klamath ncodi the railroad more than nny othor sec tion, so tho attendance at tho ban- quot Miould be such as to make It certain that the road will bo built to Ulutwith Falls Just as noon as possi ble. lion. Will 8. Warden, the newly Say That Dyes Are Adulterated morrow, and tho certain event la the elected president of the Central Ore big banquet at the White 1'ellcnn ho-'gou Development League, will bo tel t 0:30 Monday night. 'toaslmsstor. The visiting delegation The banquet will be tho golden op-- I callod on for talks, and thoru pnrttmlty for Klamath county to will nlso bo fifteen minute talks by demonstrate to 8trahorn that the jKSsinath Falls men. GEORGE DEAL IS DEAD FRISCO PROMINENT KLAMATH COUNTY STOCKMAN KL'CCUMIW TO IIHIMirH DISEASE RELATIVE LEAVE TODAY da, who wss In the Pltaclrn Islands ten years ago, and who Informs pos tal authorities that an English mis sionary boat sailing from Now Zea land calls there twice a year. The uncials will act on Carlson's Infor mation, and Clark may get tho letter which lias been on tho way so long. bbbbbbbbbbbbisjbbbbbbbbI ,kk,kj-. ' sjvs cV & 'ti Ktt "'5W iBLsBBBBBBBV .BBBLI ftgtBsV -gfgtn LITTLE DONE AT CONFERENCE ON THE LAND GRANT Word wan received today of the death of Oeorge Deal, u pioneer Klamath county stock man, In San Francisco last night. Death waa due to Ilrlght's disease, and It wma in the hope, of Improvement that Mr. Deal left here for Southern California a short time ago. He was taken very III befrye he reached San Diego, and was sent to flan Francisco for treat ment. Dcorge Deal waa about GO years old iind was ono of the best known men In Klamath county. He has resided hern nbout thirty years, and In thai time has been ranching successfully In Ungell Valley, raising atock. He !ss always been an influential cltUen, nnd his demise has caused profound "egret nil over the county, us his friends woro legion. Itelutlves left this morning for the south, In answer to wires telling of his demise. It la believed he will be burled In Hornbrook, where other members of his family are Interred. ricldes Ids widow, Mr. Deal Is survived by four sons, Cecil, Clyde, Virgil and an Infant boy. a daughter, Vols, and two, brothers, Csrl and Wli- "am, all of whom live In the Langeii Valley country. FOOTBALL GAME ISA POSSIBILITY TAI,K OK A CONTEST IIKTWEE.V IIMH SCHOOL AND IIOX KAC TOIIY KI.KVKN 18 STIRRING THE I.OCAL HASH Herman A. Mets I, F. Stone Herman A, Mets, former member of congress, and I. F. Stone, president of tho National Aniline nnd Chemical company of Buffalo, both of whom ii ro very prominent in tho dye trade, have mado the chnrgo that American manufacturers of dyo havo adulterat ed their products with a large quan tity of salt. When the dyes fall to work they make the excuse tho't this Is tho best than can be.furnlshed un der war conditions, they aay. Football, which somo people think Is as much a requisite of Thanksgiv ing as turkey, may yet bo a part of tho Thursday program here. There are plans being made for a game onj Thanksgiving, but as yet 'these nro only In a tontatlvo state. j The Kwauna Box Factory boys havo THREE INDICTED BY GRAND JURY RAILROAD ADlMKX WKHK i HAXIUCAPI'KI) IIADIiY I'l-opoxnls Wli lie Submitted to IUII- ' I: . nny ORscMJm by Delegates Kepre- sentinK Bs1riml, and Another Ses sion of CoBfreroH Ih Hcliedulcd for December From Tlui United PressBeryice SALEM, Nfv. 20.- over the dlsnRltlon of tho Orqgon ft California 1; the rcpreaen t Much Ih Expected Meeting. -Tlie conference d grants, atended by itlvcs of tho Southern Pacific and we committee appointed at tho recent ed with pushed. Thl ngnln Decctol and grant meeting end' nosdcflnlte results nccom committees will meet r 1st, In tho mei time, Ralph Moody and I). A. McAlfc er, the railroad repre sentatives, w 1 acquaint the railroad officials with the views expressed by the commlttc men. It is hoped that at the comln meeting plans will be submitted wi reby an agreement can be reached Unless son definite plan Is sub mitted by; the Southern Pacific, there is little reaaoSj'to believe that further attempt wjl be made at a compromise. Real actios si tho meeting Just closod was Imotlble, as the railroad's representatives could only listen to the proposeiaiof the committee, and promise notmng' oh the partner the Southern Pacific, BULL MOOSE MAY BE TAKEN BACK CHIM) OF THE BOLTING KOOSE- VEIiT FACTION WILL GO BACK IF G. O. P. SEEMS DISPOSED TO TAKE H1GHT STAND United Press Service NEW YORK, Nov. 20. Whether or not the progressive party will re unlto with the republican party de pends largely upon the attitude and an eleven of gridiron heroes, and they ; VOT A rmift iuMj 18 ItETUllNED action of the old organisation. So de- MAY 6ET MAIL TWO YEARS OLD 1'. 8, IIEMEVF.8 AT M8T IT HAS WAY TO. SEND MAIL TO WXR. SOME ISLAND IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PACIFIC United Press Servlee SAN FRANCIfjCd, Nov:. 10,Un. foln Clark, who lives on one of the mld-Panlgo 1'ltcalrn Islands, may let Ms mall after, all. For the.st two years the sestoaM has beea trytef lb Cerward a letter to Nira. takes ttim4 it t ih t4er a4 eAotals t'tsj r. - J.-. j?i1- -' Z2 - "'.. I ?, eesmes u,v. usrisest or awmwi i mtryuf to forward a letter to . TjUlsaMsrtketrsiTeUd . UsmK M srt SvtMMr UwthM 9 y . want a chance at the high school team. Tho high school ooys aTO win ing, nnd It Is believed the gamo will be fully arranged by Monday. Football IN A. D. EMERY CASE SUNDAY SALOON OPENING CAUSES TWO TIIUE HILLS Four truo bills, and one not true bill woro returned by the grand Jury late yesterday afternoon, after a week United Press Service of investigations. The not true bill MADISON, Wis., Nov. 20. During Exonerated A. D. Emery of the charge the first half of the Mlnnesota-Wls-Lf threatening to kill one "Tex" consln football game hero today, thejweatherford,. bleachers collapsed, and many people were slightly Injured. CAMDRIDOE Harvard 41; Yale 0. KUdENE First qunrter Oregon 7; O. A. C. 0. . EUQENE Second quartor scoreless. Winter and Summer. Whether.lt Is a Ford or not, In or der to be up and coming, they aay a felow has to have an automobile, so the other dsy Gilbert Harrison bought a Universal, Teachers to the Fair. The beonle of Fort Klamath ana thereabouts are contributing freely to the Southern Pacific, foiSpaBsnta to and from the exposition. This morn ing as many as four school teachers departed for Ban Francisco. flotaf .Helew. . v t Mr. and Mrs, D. W, OrHUh of Easts Ridge stow over in ttw y or tkeir w.t Ui ? Mr., Frank Dayton and Mrs.'Reuck are visitors to this city from Dairy. The indictments returned follew: Charles Murphy, furnishing Intoxi eating liquor from his saloon to Chas. A. Smith on a 8unday. Charles Murphy, keeping a saloon open on a-Sunday. W. C. Hill, failure to provide for his wife and family. A. Ernest Lawrence, setting Are to a building owned by Dorsey E. John son. All of tho parties indicted are un der bond. The date of their arraign ment has not yet been set. . Following their report yesterday,, the members of the Jury were re tained for another term, an order to that effect being made by Circuit Judge Kuykendall. This was done at the request, of District Attorney John Irwin, and indicates that some of the matters looked Into at this session wli bear further Investlcatle by the asm men. - " ' l From Dr. John D, Patterson, the well known IterrUl physWaa, is here on business sojourn, ' -. clares Medill McCormlck, following a conference with Colonel Roosevelt, and prior to his departure for Wash ington. McCormlck says many republicans and progressives will vote for Wilson rather than for. Ellhu Root, whose candidacy is being shouted snout the EaBt. They say they do not Intend to support men who "helped frisk them at tho last convention." MANN SAYS HE GETS J ORDER REPUBLICAN LEADER SAYS HE IS WILLING TO CONSULT WILSON, BUT WILL NOT RE DICTATED TO BY HIM United Press Service . WASHINGTON, Vp., Nov, 20. Informed that President Wilson has Invited him to a consultation over the administration preparedness bill, Con gressman Mann, renublieatt leader, made the following stateinent: "I am wlllls 'U'eoawult with the president on this jsisiwire, but I do not propose to Ukeerders from him. Most of the repusMeans Ivor the len eral seller ot tMMrttsbMam-pro so there wtOk Ttry little oe. tmrnrsf on thigesijffm'fewik. Beautiful, But Broke; or How She Lost $6,000,000 gSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV.1 JBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsltSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT TsisBBBSBSBBBBBBBBBBVV: gfgfgfE BK BSBSBSBSBSBsHI rgSBBSBSBSBSBSB SgtgfgfH I jn .A'KifegtgtgtF BBBBBJ I . -?a;flLSjBBBBf SSgSSgSSgSSgS H '? SMS ..&PBBMIBiejSjMS r BsBsBsBsBsVv jgsJeBeBSCTBsjBPFgyjjg BBBBBilge iwSvvilBBBagalsm gssBrJgflgt $$$ li IB I BrBBM...t?w4tyiyvJ , i,'.'rftS?M BsVBSBSBSBSBsliPMf'' 'lBgHgfl I llSBBSBSBSBSBSBSyi f ikrlCliBsi I FgggggK&! K ' wj& Kssggggggg sj I BBBBBBBBBjm -ii ii,sSgsT"MMBB x I SBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBmBiSiBBSBSBSBSBm I B)BBBBBBBBgklf!rv3rji!' -3BJBH e BjBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSmf' A7AT 'IkBsSBSBsI M SBBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBm VDbTj'-BSBSBSH B gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggSKViiSsRgmr OoSsSgmmmml K BBBBBBBBBssBmksBS). tsBHl BBBBBBBBBBBBBmJ'!f W BjBjBjBjBjBjBjBjBjb 'iiiS?' P BjBjBjBjBjBjBjBjBjBjBJ' ''si'-JBHgfH gmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmv 4lBHSttggggggSM & BjBBBBBBBBBjBlr ' iSx8eiSfclKSosMBM j BBBBBBBbsbsbsbbT t2SPesBsifi8B i BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBS vSX JBflgt ' "" J' N ' sifVx !SBBBBBBBBBb1 SBK smaggggggClr igmgmgT7env'''vMiv 'j4i fi& &3f mimSX!!!SSmss3SS. MRS. MAUDE BBhVOORT BARCLAY The 'Btrange 'story of the loss of $6,000,000 by a New York society beauty came out in court the other day when a Judge fined her $250 for contempt in failing to explain why she could not pay a. debt of $3,027. The alternative for the fine is Impris onment, for, despite the general be lief to the contrary, tbey still impris on for debt in New York city and state. It developed that Mrs. Barclay has filed a petition in bankruptcy, and that practically all her "great fortune was gone. Where the well known so ciety leader's $6,000,000, represented by large holdings, has vanished was explained by her lawyer, Norman W. Kerngood. He said Mrs. Barclay, like many other social leaders, had in trusted her business affairs to agents and servants. The result was that Mrs.'Barelay's agent, borrowed .atoa- ey'at usurlbiurstespald exorbitant bonuses for loans, and made unreas onable end unbusinesslike -concessions to tenants., This, mismanage ment had brought her to a point where she bad little more than $30, 000 worth of realty left The marriage of Mrs. Barclay to her present husband was, like her first wedding, an affair of much social prominence. She is the daughter of the late George W. Fowler of Tarry town. Until a few years ago she ex hibited at the horse shows. Her first husbsnd; Augustus Brown ing Prentice, waa left a vast fortune by his father, but the task of looking after it weighed so heavily upon the son's mind that he .became afflicted nith nervous disorders, and he was finally committed .to" Bellevue, where ho died in 1906. Worden Is President of Central Oregon League Klamath county was honored at the; Bend reorganisation of the Central Oregon Development League by the election of Hon. Will S. Worden as president of- the. organisation, which Is to" work for the "betterment of Cen tral Oregon conditions, and especially to assist in every "Way possible the construction of the' Strahorn road. Judge Worden was active In the old Central Oregon League, and. was, in addition, an influential officer in the Oregon Development League. Other officers elected at the Bend session this week were: First vice president, John B. Bell, Prlneville; seooad vloe president, H. C, Levens, Burns; third vice president, Judge Bernard Daly, Lakeview; secretary treasurer, R. W. Sawyer, Bend,' assistant secretary treasurer, Tv S. "McKlnney, Silver Lake. The following are excerpts from the talk's made at the Bead meeting: Mr. 'Strahern: ""Suppose Central Oregon raises $600,000 of the million and a half It la calculated must be raised out here to enaiWe me to com plete the tnsnelng. That ssesas ely about $20 for each lahaWtsnt of these four counties, and wiu'seenre tb hi- veetmsat of $4,00,aat mom .of &CwW,Wf,tM;t for every man, woman and child direct return of $120 for each $20 In vested, to say1 nothing ot the Incalcu lable enhancement ot all property values besides all the other long list of benefits to be derived from conven ient, and comparatively cheap trans portation. "The tax revenue from increased property vslues would soon pay bmk your total Investment "I am often asked why we" cannot build here and there or elsewhere thst we plan. No preference will ,be shown for sny town or land specula tion of other' special interests. We must look beyond mere loesi orations. The lines will be loeate to afetfv-c GREECE A6AIR1I LIMELIGHT; IBID ,j'SSa V VS;lV wxm A.'.i.,t.-tS&. M m &&-.! MI &f "O. r " - -v ' J "'2. VLLnW ItlLUIIIUIL -i - x v . Vf ch :m Vjg.i. KiC'l rinlilis in.;BsIkM ftjv.3iss; . .... aS''T.. GREEK SHIPS CAUMB-Vmm'lkMMl imm "-"- -. . t'if-oa ff-isMii - rr ,,-v t&-Tfi&M i-.9mm9 'Tsl! -. . . . ;vf.- ?.?& Artivelr; asd ia oyMrntalSBsSfeSkBa v.'X'.l'.l .-i! "La ;"' ' iPlMfif- 'iwtacw a7tviisrgji xvmmjm mmm mhw v ConUsMc iwteraiWHsilIf MssiissMfrivay, .sa BIT-FSa nBSaBBBBB BMSBBBBSWVaSBBB 1 SSBBBBBBSBBBH -: SBBB O r f ?,-vt . &; 1 . .AtfeSS it a. itfA-fj&TCLi -Tk.oiiirW:'::-.-:.! c v ..? t . '.. y i.'. . j -i--1! ii.-KV'5-f .. , ' . " r,'WTg- " t Hilf:" i uuiiuh is most cnucai, aeconis'i;y- nrlvut. aHvlfa. tritlm , 'AtWimm'! ,''X&3? .,' U ..a-k;,:'4Svj(57as&I' source says mo goverasiosttam..as g'-ra j j .. -1 . ' -i v Ti""1T Sbs? aerco an ureeK vessels M STesSBilsmSL;gi':f-.l Italian ports to xleMimMNlBSBSsrmll This Is regarded as a Mat tte Co ;- stantlne means to'd'efy the' tMmiMWa i iprmon rAnnrra hr tha silltsM ' -. Kent an tiHimaiiim to Qrmm W-'v' AMt.M.j 'i VtiliA-J- -- - &&! .uuunucu. Utru AIHiaUllUl ajsjnnjBsjrfyji.;' '(;.;i ; tjM,tiu,.Toiijf iauf i-? .- I itr. Buttle.. United Press Service I.ONDON.'Nov. 20.- Sfej; "," Mf t.?V - to see Constantino today. United Press Service If- . Ti li' i" PARIS, Novr 20:Aaeordis day's communlaue.';the Wijslsws? artlllerr and kkad arsasutMirsfflL Os- V r : ". - -Z-" -T- .- . 4. .l..m . ,-i--- .-' i mvub ws-nann irvus,,MO lacwsffw .fii. . U no IndlcaUon of,afreeh;nisfm"l drive, for; -which ; rngsshageV dki . ' patches say Uie'kikaserito'trssassttiBsiil a number of Uoops frossthelsaelscsi iront . jfeMjg ',. ,r, "- vvffi masa The thinnlac'of Urnf ? sSP i j! sm la the east Ii selteretEhs th sssejt nr . ....ui .... . . . ..flk w Hvtw mm. i jipw, vMr'w PT.tvJoy; rL -"'7'Wk' iiuuwcr lu aafttjuara u ersa; niesf -: esU'ln the event ttatrRnseJslsfer?l cides to Join the allies, or 'permit tttS-J nussians 10 cross tBuawnwu ffiaSjSSit United-Press Service" l ' Wm BERLIN. NoT.-20n;is.su1lsiS that the Germans have,eaptsred,2,lMtK& more 'Serbs. -The 'AuBtria1nV?BTO:Mfi moved south to n t)narTMMh's "";.";: -75??r.vsK?' iswraati uonuors uiai sneueoiUW.uefTsssmisK nofliunni nn inn nmnin mil, fKn.( ported repulsed,. ," ZiTJSMMl The Serhfam -arssy .InjViswIwsifr facescspture1 of ,llftt-Tm swssjrf can so to Monteero-;IfftsBrJass"":5il quickly, but-lt ,'Uwi'sTefer7f.Jsm land .mlmmh l I.. !- ' liNm'T- iwwk ", hv w).nwa, mwjh.wjkc' certain to be cut off. 4.V5TttTT2Si ., I It Is announce that the BulilBs30 I to the' Montenegrins. Afiumirtlf,:, patch says Monteasgro if rsfartwi ; ' movaiu caplWfrem CetttnJfcffsm-M. 'V w- Unlted Press 8erriee VICTORIA. NeV.29: The .. fli.Ai ''i!'a eves ,wwvv;iwtw w-w ssjsi i sss i i s rj, Colonel Roosevelt. , deelsratt :-,iliK?; -the rumors he wlirjoln thvOsillssi'5, forces 'are' true'a'.fuH'eiMm" ; 1 i ;.' itr-JL.ila..-s.. America vuiiiiwCTirit wjh , ; ...jni, vvsJjwtWfsstfcr Brvic unirar nia $tsM..&m3srA? , fsr Tiifit' ? tXi-tirt Ll-t"- i'lrtTJs'i.L . f m$Mmr .. E. t United PressSerrieeV .' ' T ' f. .1. . W . ROME. Nov..lo.ln-hesy..nsBsMsar.t Thursday Blast, and aihaWMsfcnV the IUilaM'oWpursM';'j ttons between Mente t ttmmmm and the Isonso River.', mmi'i' w tti'W&VW?!-"..'- - '.LJ,Z.-wi'' . r- ji . "i-vi 5'. 'vjsr.CT L Ouc'lls Are erauons, ine uses wmwiwiwi ,.. .,, --itiv k ii,',iiv ssgMVt besrssrveW of Ce..Orbi,wHh. S Wffl due .regard to ths best enguMerinf. ? , - 3fo rL,.Mr. the shortest dtataaces that" will ssmH , r ;j,inv'X"'? $Mjt economically eosnset up the ismsssn- gerrieesiMirjy. r, ,. F'QMffl ttles, themest prc4uevlareBs s4 .A thvM-m-lmmm itles, the meet prc4ue41vlaressi a4 the terminals' ot the 5.ive, existing roads.' ".:UV : Mr. Mills: "I am'eonvlnsed tkM no 'big railroad lnt,ereet'; Isbsck'f tkla projeeted. I am eonvlneed $lnt LMr. Strahorn is stay hue this aa hs.saks us te tet into, l. J.f.ll',-.-.' Ik. Vtul... , MH'im ,. W )! i.Klraim1lr.48i ami iariMSss stltsMl.th. s ..A rC WJ" 'fl III ivi i sK i s Iste " assaasi -I r.sslaitettnW weens- anrauon.,' .vbip-, ssjb ylited. mliirtiiljit west. Kst aM3His,;aHsi htbits4'as.MiBlpsi ll toMsjKserrliiea. 'jgrsW' 1 tituicn, tmAlhiW: W'm f.WPBnslBBSP" . W,W i Tim BSBBBBBBBBBBBBBl skSm BBIbII sW BBSl 1 Bl bW BBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBbI SSWsBBBBBBBBBW SS IsSBW BBBBSl snsssnsj nn,aVMSSMe'-'TJs ' iwvviwsrw sjsn .sjsmssmsjnjssjnnmr .-avsy-si sjjsw-ssf-i j s-rasfw r sni s i ssj ,fwr ,-sbsbVSssbsbWb-s-w lumW"&Kk. -IWTWTuKW I.Aui -in kk.Mt km', wisait MmMim.h,-, jt.-- ..:;iVafec;vaafe -. ,, r...,v, .'in'P'-W". '- v"vr--, M..ti'va..-iK?. .-.'. I :",?,."''' '.'W j ... ',,.,, -3