ftwJ V ?w U X sr : il "MaJLsu J't,iJUJSi4. ,SJPi.vfc7fVivi t iEinmin Iterate $ :Ml.$ fat j- '-flo-r - it a i KLAMATH PALLS' kCAfoXfillid; ,$&,! W OFFICIAL NEW1PAPK - V M OVVTCtAL NKWlPAMEftV r, ,.. ,' ,-... ' r irtina- .';, , tn v fth Veai KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1915 T T 9 W 1 a.if" . V1 i r Strahorn jjuUMMW"M'"'""'""""""""""W ;nsw. ...y-MJuAnjvlAn TEUTONIC PLOT CHARGES TALKED OF BY CABINET FKDKItAlt AUTHORITIES I'ltOIIINU HTIM IwlMll l Aklllg flH- ll4M'll r Dip- lonuiu Who Aw InrulriHlOuvitif went VVMieo Io llrln Criminal Anion ,khIii4 Them, Kltoutil tlir tlwnir ltt Found Tnte KvloVnrr in IU- SuhmltUil io it (Jroiul Jury. I mlot I'iudh Hurt lea WASHINGTON, I). C, Nov. III. A discussion of recent pro-Oerman I lot ktnrlcs, dynamlto pint and oth er null-American action was the chief feature of a two-hour session of the tnblnot today, The decision 'of the cjtilnot had been withheld. It l understood Hint Attorney tlcn inl (IreRory Minted tho stato depart ment line not as yet presented him vlih lie full finding In the stories In uiivlne Aloxander von Nubar, Auk trlin consul general at Now York cltr. , - ' Thin afternoon It wan learnod au thoritatively that tho state depart ment In delaying diplomatic action Blatant von Nuber and other foreign dlplomatH, preferring to bring crim inal prosecution If It In proven that thoy ure guilty of nnll-Amcrlcan nctR. Thn ginornmont, It Is Mated, hm long had sufficient evidence regard ing Nubor's activities to warrant hi recall, and nlo tho recall of other Atutro-rioriiinn officials In this coun try. The uvldonco secured by the secret serlce In iome of the actions Is soon to bo submitted to, a- federal jrand Jury by tho department of Justice. "Keep 'Km Guessing." United I'reu Service SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 19. Be rauBo hor husband, Dr. Robert Drown, kept corpses In the basement of their homo, Mrs. Drown appealed for legal separation from him. Drown already had sued for divorce, and his wife's action was a cross complaint. Tho doctor asserted In his, complaint that the only way to hold a woman's love was to "keep her guessing." Mills' in Towa. J 6. Milts and family have moved in from theW ranch at I'lue Grove for thn winter, and ara residing on Pal- ifuruib avenue, Wealthy Couple Dead in Hotel BgaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBxlBml B iaiaPiiaEakEBBaiaiaiaiaiaA .HflflHi fl,, EbbIiIiKbbIiIiIBbIbbbbIiIiIiIiIV vBBBBBJUuBBi?BBBB Mf i"?VygTaBmr IbTJJII BEEEEEEEj HBflBByjgJjsMm Tjf,j' BBBBiBliiA H Smmmmmmm . Y& yHgKBjAOmmmBmBB gBBBJBBBBBBbv , (r t vIRl .aF-iBBBd EEEEEJEEEjE y.l? VvVvEMPaaiaiaVBTBBlCI Her Tvhh 1 jb"b e lomorrowi I'mJ fAiiS Jf i , 'Ayr..Vj 1 " WWa'AWSR.. M ? "i A ' taJS.W. A ,,.& '&&;' SfflK?i M.'Arrrf MMWWWWWWWWMWWWWWWWWWWWMWAVWWWWWWWWWA r" - Viirtc 1 5-u?S,J for Banquet Are Sold Rapidly ound Klamath Robert E. Btral rn will be In Klsm-'time when other sections look deso- ih P.H. toBorri nlrht. late, the visitors will see the big al n.. r--.. .i ni.,k .. a"a atatks. the fat cattle,, the sleek The Comaaerc U Club today re- bnAa omr iUp,e celved telepho e message to this W)urcea that put money In circulation effect from Clre lit Judge Bernard '' )n Klamath county and are always Daly of Lakevle ', so the time for sought by outsiders at a good price, Klamath count' ble banauet and will be made at the Merrill reception Is set 1 Monday night CoiucripHon Next! ranch and the Adams ranch among) others, and It Is believed that at some Tickets were 9 iced on sale today. ' lnt tho visitors will be treated to nnd the way thef are selling shows 'one of that Klamath peoi fnlr the biggest In the history, of I. uthern Oregon TlckeU the llvest part oQhe state, can be secured fr4m Fred Fleet or L, or by eajllng at the club Iliirr) ?. lluort Mrs. Harry C. Rupert Harry U. Huport shot his beautiful, long been jealous of her husband, and young wife to death In a New York that had caused blm to sell out with hotol tho other day after they had a tho purpose of moving to California. Quarrol for scvornl hours. Tho Rup-.They wero in New York on their way erts wero a very well known family there, and had another quarrel. At of Richmond, nnd tho husband had ter shooting his wife. Rupert turned made consldornblo money in the roal the weapon against himself and ended oxtnto business. Mrs. Rupert had 'his own life. Effect of Low Tariff Is Now Plainly Seen (Herald Special Service) WASHINOTON, D. C, Nov. 19. That the depleted condition of the treasury Is due to reduced tariff rates rather than dimtshed Importations, Is clearly shown by statistics which disprove tho following statement re nt the Fighting to Last, I. W.W. Leader Is Shot by Utah It, SSSBMBISSM HISTORY OF HILL8TROM CASK January 11, !fl-J. O. Morrleosi, Wooer, ni yMf aesii Arltaff, mh ilrrodl by MkboM, January t'iftt" Josafh WUetrom amet4 to ,e neetinei wUh onW marer, 'v ' June t7, 18i4-HiUtron eomrleMI. Chooses to be shot, LeaaUOea de Heptemeer Ml , WB I'naltwt re- "ctoeetie), ttll ,. $ fcw Vtak fUaJly m(mm MWfm , sentMin, tlOetofca n,' liieWDMriet cowt f sentenced HUUtrom to die by shoot, ins November 19, November 1, 191S lresJdent quesU second reprieve. November , WW Pardon refuses to grant reprieve. r board (UnLod Press Sin Correspondent) halt IJIKB. Nov. l', JoMph iiniitroai. the I. W. W,. leader, wheae ., to death has stirred ofMal circles, and cause ftetMMt Wlta to make two request tor retrieve wH'exeouted at 7t4l thU'neriila ! (COBtlBUed OB contly made by Secretary Treasury McAdoe: "Because of the decrease of im ports on account of the war, we have had an enormous deficit. This deficit would have been vastly larger, how ever, if the old tariff bill had been depended upon. At least 1S0,000,- 000 would have been added to the deficit had the country depended on the old bll." That Mr. McAdoo, IgnoranUy or Intentionally, misstated the facta will he apparent when the records of ble own department are consiaoten. For the nine months of the present year ended September, 1916, there were imported into the. United States gooda to the value of 11,301,000,999, In spite of the war. Of these m- porta the government realised reve nue in the sum of 1148, 114,997, or an average rate, of duly oa all gooda Imported for thla period or hut u.i per cent- about aa close to free trade as could be desired by the moat ar dent free trader, ror the corres ponding nine noathe of the ealeadar year 1111. January-September, u der the Republican tariff law, wo im ported gooda to the value of 11,117, 000,000. 09 these importa the fed oral treasury realised revesue la tbe sum of I4M14.!. or aa avereaw rate of duty of ll.l per seat, the dt ties so distributed as to aiferd a Mr measure of proteettoa to aU Ajaert tan iBdnstrlet amd labor. Mad tali avereje rate of duty those far-famed Klamath le will make the at- county ranch dinners, gathering d most successful arouHda big table with the ranch- , .a . owner ana iuj uireu ukuub. en joying the best meat and vegetables ever produced. - Monday night will be the climax of the celebration. That U the date for the big banquet, to which every man and woman In the county Is hidden to come, dressed :n tneit orawnry clothes. This Is to be strictly an in'orical gathering. Instead of so clr.l chatter, the talfci, etc., are to be ilong the line of uerlous loveloptnent, and at this time. Klamath people asd the, visitors, are to take each ether- measure, and each will, toara ot the sincerity ef the other, ta Its support of thf railway enterprise. tickets on sale is Jacobs, rooms. i The number "of limited, owlag to the service capacity ot the White Pelican hotel dining room. Therefore, It behooves those desiring to eJttead to lose no time in setting the necessary card, for the banquet. Is to be "riant" from soup to nuts, with a class of service and a menu that will long be remembered. According to Judge Daly, people are coming In from all parts ot Lake county for tonight's banquet at Lake view. He intimates that his home town will wear a- crimson coat of paint before the night la over. Daly also tells of a great meet at Paisley last night, attended by the whole countryside, and effervescent with a lemarkable spirit of optimism. Klamath county's delegation reach ed Lakevlew late thla afternoon, and Is Joining In the fna. A delegation from Lakevlew plans to come to Klamath Falls for Monday night's big blowout, and show Klamath that Lake Is wKh her; Now that It is delnltely known that Ptrahorn and the Portland business men and financiers accompanying him are to be In Klamath Falls tomorrow night, plana for their entertainment are proceeding rapidly toward tangi bility. Their stay here Is to be made a period ot their lives they will al ways remember. Sunday morning the visitors are to be given a- little htat ot the aaawer to "why is Klamath?" aad aa opportun ity to learn what there Is here to make It highly preltable to rua the Oregon, California aad Eastern rail way here Just as soon as possible. This will be by mesas ot aa auto mobile trip down through the richly productive Merrill section. The fields may aot bo green with alfalfa at thla- .season, or fllled with grain ready ter harvest, but at a .Bsmmmmmav .mmmmmmmsmmal ' gemmmmmmmmmm smmmmmmmmmmmFH EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEB EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEj BEEEEEEEEEEEEJ EEEEEEEEEEEEm gggggggH-N Lord Derby MIIM.II.STIIIf nvummiin w 111.1. jwg BN WAR'SBRIHK; Jfr.. ,v?ispt S i&Sfl r. -ui T,vaiiJ -fVyftOil &uti.x-om Si'iy y a QfflSfc Ij S;r3SWt JjEfiS&iSkl nill'T DC ilCHTDlt unn 1 ul uluiriil CABINBT, . ..: HOLDING .MEBTINO Jtft r v Jr mw:$ 4. sn if ft). hmm Vmm &tmm -guestion m to WMeb Sede 1 . T U m &H, Will Support Is rsettleetesihXt1 . Jimis rC ft - "" Wfllt? l-m R?SBBI ... r.. .... ,.v . ' v?i-t? rignuHK iwiii not ibiaww' w,jX,SW tioB Cardhsak Fret. ? aaapgr g &ml , Conntrles- to Carter !.' W' && . -Z-.lM United Press Service J AJZSCi ifROMB. JIov.-lRumlatf?t.W. in the war, hangs Jaray,xit6?tie; wv..a . -a , T -'- -iVSif a cabinet. Thte mMttecI w$jP TJUTJ-M, r-eriK ijfci':" JI' TULE LAKE LAND RENTED FARMERS RANCHERS IN the' malin ddj- TRICT ARE PROMINENT IN THE ' LIST OF SUCCESSFUL BIDDERS. MORE RENTED LATER on the Imports for the Irst nine months ot the preseat year, the gov- ernmeat would have realised revenue la the aum of MH,,000, or 90, 000.000 more thaa was aotually rea Used. For this period the low duty rate ot the Democratic law represent; a monthly loss ot 10,909,900 ot reve nue' to the governmeat. .Bear this la mlad. the anemic eoadittea of the treasury U not due.to.deereased im ports but to the fact that so many are eomlac in wltho paiiag , cent of revenue to the orerameat. Oa lestember 10, nil, after aear? ly sevea months etDemesratio raw, the balaaee ia d 1 soaeral fuad ot the treasury weelll,999.ee. oa Marsh 4, 1111. wbea FreaWeat Wil son was Inauwiaisd, UU batsaoo amouated to . U49.999.999. Tho Demeerets were psssiotH ttta a haaeasme trjssarr. ees Mroa U.wUh whlshto set aa bsuiihuo M I II II ISjII Bids for the rental ot the S.006 acres ot Tule Lake land uncovered during' tho reclamation work thla summer, were opeaed yesterday after noon at the reclamation service omce. and the following were the successful bidden for the eighty-acre tracta: Nathan Johnson, Dorsey B. John son, Will W. Adams, Geo. W. Howell, J. M. Howell, Charley E. Cox, J. B. Cox, Joseph Krlso, Frank Kriso, Wm. B. Graham, B. L. Miller. Igaao Cacka, J. R. Ratlin, Joha Zbtndea, Rudolf Kllma, Frank Cacka, J. C. Stevenson, John Cacka, Steve Kudr, O. B. Hunt, Bmil Pollvka. J. J, Stejaksl, Aatoa Pollvkv, Joe Kotera, Vincent Jelinek. Frank Adamek, John Hoaaik, Frank Sumpfe, James Havellaa. Max Har tlerode, Karel VavlckaW. V. Haloa sek, Joseph Otomaa, Joe Victoria, Frank Halousek. James L. Warlaw, Chsa. Horalek. Lewis HaaeT, Frank Lamplot, J. F. Kamarad, V, J. Spolek, Joha Brothaaek, Carl Jeasen. The contrasts specify three-year leases tor the successful bidders. Wa ter for irrigating the land ta secured from the Koverament on a measure- meat basis. The lota which were aot takea.by bidders yesterdsy are to be put up for bid at a little later date. Lord Derby, with the consent ot Premier Asqulth ot Great Britain, baa issued, a- stateaiaat to-whiclLCoascrip-; tloa Is threatened for November SOth. He was given authority sbme.time ago to try out a plan for-volunteer enUst- """'I "" "'- -' " " is. cesBful aa he hoped.- He now says on- less.the men physically fit come tor- . . & t ' wara in sumcienc numoers oy ngfw berSOth conscription will be resorted to by England. the 'rllo,l utunnaetMlW thla BMriBKllnr'4' 'ivlnf Ferdinand, and Its omSefls J Noxiously awaited all over EarejM, 1 PollMclans. dtalomtaaadmiHiafe authorities of. RnmaataWltoir4fettf& ...I ..u. thai " - - -- t-'-J 1-ossible. v. MMM ( . Which side Ruinaata'UlmWS ! uncertain Issue. , The kiaee setassafgSg? are pro-Germaa. la taohr - sAtltadsji-y wmietae, people raver ?aot jmi.wmim&srt iuo minim, oni niwh i '-Jt.LJ FARM ONUS ARE DEIN6. SURVEYED RECLAMATION ,SKRVICB! ENGIN EER 'PARTIES DETERMINING IRRIGABLE AREA OF SECOND UNIT FARMS The surveying crew ot the reclama tion service are busily engaged at piesent in surveying the farm units of the second unit of the project. The sub-divisions are being surveyed to determine the number ot irrigable acres ia each tract. Besides the work In the second unit government surveyors axe also oper ating In the Sand Hollow country. which la one ot the future Irrigation districts under "the project. The crews are gathering preliminary, data as to canal lines, etc.," on which the government can base Its estimates. -to TiiiVTKKr SB ' 1 j IT. L. T.iWI.-' M" 1LWI Fearing the decision marIW:aa-'feS- 1 .... v . . . . s':. " yjjrfv ravoraue, tne Ausinaas saa Jimawmjemk are. both reDorted aiaaalnsf'tMeM WniSM'S i their respective borders. W The Italian 'gevernment: wliriSMeM passports to the Austrian and Qeraea;cff r t the Vatl-telDeeW: vir cardinals consistory ber. other peace move. . - .- ... .... M'jmJ -.ii. t. l rnw aecision lsregsreee as -- ,v.j' f -i -4is i.:1: iX ! SL-Kjr (" ,.-J "J:? fVtWEr , H T.VJtr 'i&SvSf f'SiS&SSt wvlee' &: JfflgliSI r. 19. Te4ay'a43m- as? uw uuiun Ftvmm dwtnv .PARIS, Nov. mualque says ium a m'4 Attm.m Ah.ia. hand mult -"-"-- - -i '- Germaay aeroplaaes attaehydt,Laa; vine, nut were evs.ossemrssaaf&$ Inflicted sjaMo" mf' It the Bulgarians have aatKg' lurAd MoBMtlr. ita fill la . WIBHiall .' ..- J--", k, u..J-JTI any hour. i fliMhWW1' United Press Service 1$ t BERLIN. Nov. 19 It m'saassmssra' at Hnn.tntlnnnl thit 'i BrttlsSt ''! i$t -! i,, ... ..,,' th.flmHkVlltmk.VSs&X tire crew wm lem vk United PrwsServk fwlfT ' rome, Nov. t:r-wirAmmmf aeroptanes ratded-yeaiee -iaes Bage.. Their bombs did little cmage;'eo)l caused no casualtlesV tt &$t$m!Sfc Fraaco-Itallaa torpedo a setehers ' & , last night destroyed aa Austriea sto marine in a Medttarraaeaa jeafags-;; meat. rf .yplfiA . Where Entries Are nrrf2ifrSK . & .Siv "! V iifV, .- r .. 7 I i7 kUWfu V s's-iMasssiaamai eaBaaamea rnrnt.--" -1 .fVMOTWf,,, i iW' - fr C V5 , .. - Civil Service sasss ia CaOtferala 8ACRAM1NTO, Kor. 19; Aa- aouaeemoat ass- beoa .made by the state olvlt servlee eoawalsalea of aa eramjfetloa to be heW.Pocember 1H to eeleet two moa io serve as wmss ssaaagors ot state hesfMsls. tm satarywm be H.sMia yoarv s j. Aa eaamlaatie ie aasietaat pay- sWta at stoto hospitals, salary raag lag from 1199 to 1199 a awath. vrtU be koMI Deeember ITU aad tsiaj sc oesssiBer w, aaessij .VKJ-i" !, f V. Tl 1 ' .i rM&'Mt'j&f. liMlA aai Aa4' I avWemhaaM: ' --.-:-':.-- da asfmpWdmjBmBmsBV !" 3 - IT fr J" the land The, following has; been received from Fred P. CroaemUler,.ro8slvor ot omee at Lakevlew, ia1 ro to a teJephoalc'laqulry'rrem, the Herfld as to tao'lsssslsaotths 19,000 acres ot Kmath souaty lead lust deelglaaied byf thekterlor, de Urtmeat as opea' to' setttemeat la M awe tnswk ' SX2 1 " ,. fl. ; . la reply to yourllaoalry.by pboao ta' Wi "are advised that parts of 7rT7. :.t,.t.t.j:.v.:, v-v2 tt j SMMWiag. i swjBBBJssBBjpsssB esjaaaud as betai Jfljt? maA th Isrssid linmstasd sell ?j; j,- im "T.-v.5V c ti-.-fc-fJ 4ty Township 49 S., ranaw 14 1 Townihla IT 1.. saaaa 11 ZZ. rv,j'.. . MkZ'i nwswusM wvjmamw Township Towaehto4I ingwuwiiili ..j l . S .3 . M ; T0washliMi..asuje' I TawasbtplPV.. ' TewaaWp4li.. 'All of tnwMbJp f A.We.aavo aoA tw BbJEBjei (B mmamtJmam BEmMJMI geWsasBBmt mjsBrmjpw gBB) VW iBfBiJBT vaf " 11p s l gjSiJj 2j'iyrC5vpj j, '.I'lf nKC' NT fi s .A d V;; l,V '.H .U Afetj