V .. -.. W" elf lEimttlttg Balii t , Krsfefeassr';- : .?'-' KLAMATH PALL! ' .'.v. pu ,,t-jJ-vt KrKjtJ . - . . . . fi . . i w'M .KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEW,SPAER)f itT' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER ; 'i.r "A'M . fe,7 jt'a , k fleam - - viiw-xo. a,i KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1915 toman's Story of Loss of Ancona Stirs Officials i jygHUCAX PHYSICIAN WHO HAH gifc.V KXGAUKD IN IIKI) CROSS hltu Ik' L-fltKIIILV TUI.l.ti Alf. ' WW , '" - - , fcr .... -.... akuuatitaiaitj PAfBOnlTII-" THAI i-iinr.r.iin !?' tfKRK HIIKI.I.KI) WHILE LKAV INOTHK VIIHHKLPIUrTKHT TO K AlWRIA IMMINENT Ciittd I'rcu Service ' WASHINGTON, I). CJ Nov. M. Dr. Ccclle tl roll's affidavit regarding' Ik dnklns f ittt steamer Ancona by i ii Austrian submarine, has been re-' cetnd by tin state department. It U iesritooil that It win result in pro tens to Austria fjom America. Tne woman asserts that thn pnsv iMlrr. while disembarking, wore Mrlltd ! the submarine crew. Hho sets not Mate whether the. Annum lrtd 10 fH('JIt. Toe Klntcinenl Ih ilollnlte, unci In the first from an American source, es tablishing the fact that the passengers ere Bred upon after the vessel stop fed. It Ikiu the 'United Wales nu alternative but to protest to Austria., This statement was secured by tho I'otied States consulate at Marseilles. He was sent to tho hospital at Blterla, where I)r. droll won taken, to obtain Ur affidavit. I .eutaaaaaaaaaaaaW-i I laaaaaaaaaaaaHNftaaavvr - I aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaCTJ I aaaaaaaaaaamFu. 1 ia--. VBf "FfJII V a IBUAjVMMJtfl H IKUiKftRWf 3 Baal aaWJaAlaaaalaaaaaaaaaa Kfl - SM... KiAl " vi"";. ALLIES MAKING OFFERS FOR AID OF GREEK FORCE TIIIIIMTH M,H(t MAItK IF QUKHTH DKMKU UK- Largest K M. C. A. Building McimIm-j- ,f I'muli Cabinet Mnkeo Uellulte Offer to King Om-Untliie. UIniiiI of CyprriM U lie iAcA to Ureecp by Omit HrltsJn for A. kllniire Want AssurNnrc AIIIm Will Not lie Interned. I'n ted I'roBs 8erlcc ATIIKNB. Nov. 18. Dcnys Cochin, n member of the French cabinet, to day told King Constantino definitely what the allies offer for Oreecc' co- tie Ih-. Ceclle l. Jril phnlclanH. I am koIiik for tho orgnn Ixlng part of the work." At 10 ftp Hrnll U'nu n inyli irlpl 111 i v. -'.. .... .. k... in store nt (Iruml and Alien HtreetK, Dr. Ceclle L. Orell of tho Ancona Now York. Shu married nt 1C, and lurrlvori, wm returning-to New York nftcr having three children found her- fron special hoipltal work, to which jKcir called upon to Rupiort thorns 8bo be ww.callodat Ilarl, Itolyby thtsald oace. that It. topk hcrfourteen operntlon In (WHsIng troops to llnlknnK, what they will give for (Irecco'H active aid, and how the al lien will letnllatc If Conntantlne Joliw' foiceH with the Central nlllcs. Tho least that the allies Insist on Is a Klrlct non-lnlorferenco, and no demand from flrceco for the with drawal of troops from Grecian terri tory, and guarantees that Greece will not attempt to Interne allied forces. It Is believed that Greece's aid In this way (a so valuable to the allies that the Ishind of Cypress will be 'again tendered by Great Britain if Constantino seems inclined to ac cept tho allies' terau. Rusalnn Ited Crotia. Hho salted from America last August on tho Adriatic, "I Mould not go there merely to bind up wounds," ho aald. "Thero Is too much misery hero at homo that nerds an abundant nupply of working years to savo tho $2, GOO with which, nfter reaching tho ago of 30, sho went through medical school. She later went to Italy, and was attuched to tho Chlldren'ti hospital In Florence and the Marino hospital In Naples. BEARS NUMEROUS AT CRATER LAKE WATCHMAN AT KNGINKKK OAMI1 NAYH llltlTIXR COMB IN CXOHK, HTKAIi -MKAT AND PKKTl AT HIM THIIOITflH CA III X WINDOW Tho tamo boara of Yellowstone .I'ark may have rivals In tamo bears In Crater Lake National I'ark, accord ing to Arthur Mitchell, wutchman at ' the camp of the United 8tatea corps of engineers, who came In a few daya ago after a long eojourn la charge of the engineering headquarters. "1 waa for years connectod with Yellowstone I'ark," aaya Mr. Mitchell, "and I know tho attraction the bears have there for visitors. This fall bears have been plentiful In Crater 1-ako Park, and they are ao unafraid "f men that they have oome in and wien our meat on a couple of oc casions. i have alio seen a bear look- "if In my cabin window, and late this fall they were to bo found at all of the garbage holes at former engineering camps, rustling what rub they could before hibernating The bean seem to be assured of meeting no harm hi Uncle Barn's nark Imlts, for they make little effort to nine rrom passersby. Nest sprlug and ummer I look for the beara to be come pretty well domesticated, and they may nerbana beeomo uaad to so- 'OK to the vicinity of the hotel at' the 'm l0 proeura scrap of food." The engineer hearfquartera UMie tween tho park headqimrtera and the " of the lake. Mr, Mitchell, ac cording to Head Ranger H, B. Mo nycr, has alto formed a great friend ship for a muten, aid the little fel low has mad dlly trips to Mitchell's cbln for foW, ' A yraac deerwae lo tamed kyka eaflaeer crew tbi "r. largely through the efforta of Mitchell, whole a .greet loyer of nature, C-i TWO SCORE CARS OF STOCK LEAVE KOKTY-OXK CAIUAMDH OF CAT TliK. HHKKP AM) HOGH AKK HKXT FROM KliAMATH COUMV TO OUTMIIIK MAHKKTH TODAY United I'ress Service HERMN, Nov. 18. It Is aunounc. cd that Germans have occupied Krus- doned the city. ,-"" It Is admitted that the Germans luivii c-vacuatcd trenches in the Ar gon district. wp5$l i ' ij (xaaaaar saaaaaV gM -BB j (3 fl'p f'fy&iks 7?i jA a fgggaaaW aaaaaaamaaaaaaMPr''l as BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBRBBBBaBBBWgaBflBBBBBBBgaBBB K aaaaaaaaaalaaaalAl aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHBaawBaaaaaaaakXf.Baaaaarfi! aaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaBaaBaaaaaaBflS3HaaaaaaaaaBga BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaWaalBBaaaaaaaaaaaaal JHgllHgB IflggsflgasflilialllH $J alllftggiigFILIIIIIIIIIB tffWsKjjgKBMkgeJBv SJHn giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiB & mgaBftgawlgVI Wf9RBKBIKiEmKiZ&JRE&l wSSSESSEEBSSEmm - 77 --J Strahorn's Visit to Be Made Gala fune i -m :m -n in Klamath CM& "wi" " a a wtmmWfj-ws ejsn. Robert E. Straborn, promoter of the Oregon, California & Eastern rail way, and the party of prominent Port land business men accompanying him on a trip through Central Oregon, will be In Klamath Falls next week, to discuss with local people tho rail- 'road situation here. To show these people that Klamath Is behlad the new road in every way, the biggest booster meeting and banquet ever held In Southern Oregon la planned monster, affair, overflowing with en thusiasm. ,A "f The Straborn partyreaeaie Pal ley tonight, aadrwiir$e la Lakeview tumorrow morning-.; 'Large delega- . tlons from Silver Lake, Paisley, 'New Pine Creek and all parts' of Lake county will assemble' at Lakerlew to morrow for a big celebration aad a1' banquet, the largest In the county's history. There will be a- least 400 , In attendance at the banquet. - ,; aaxnrasy tne stranorn .party ex- ? . v s lwj .A; r.". I iftx'-iv W4, t,igit, 1 n'lribM' -.fSJif-mwn ' -.-rys. Tml ' ,Thls Is open to every man and woman. pects to go through Surprise Valley! ' . In Klamath county, and alt are asked jThey will return to Lakerlew Sua-, -to attend. The affair Is tojie strictly 'day and start for Klamath Falls Mon-e '"' Informal. ,day. , The date of their arrival here 1 Atji meeting of the commercial 'will be announced In tomorrow's Hr- club today. W. Paul Johnson. Will aifl. ?iZ " l ill i&t AA lJl ' c?SI l'ft to riglit- if. W. aIet rich, secretary; A. C. iUnlford, eliairnum commit tee of maangeniat; Kdward P. Lyon, clmlmian of board of directors; .?. W. Cooke, secArtary of Tirookl)n V. M. C. A- - Ilrooklyn, once known as tho'Clty oldest New York families, gave $500,- of Churches," aad which even now 'n commeraorauon or ner son. ? (Tlio Viiitllli la nvaAtlflnlltf fMeirtilN. that It has a-population of nearly " """-"' -" ".-. mllya. The Boras Jooted and aban4l,r'00'000 merltB thalttie, has lust cent hotel and club for young men. I . Anl ..! ... . I....I lA.fc-UVlvyaiaj juytwf tcewmani, uua, ) f. S. Worden. AV. A. Delxell.and Leslie Rogers were appointed to represent Klamath county at the big banquet to be given the railroad men tomor rownlght at Lakevlew. They will leave here In the morning. in tne meantime plana are pro ceeding for the big entertainment here next week. Accompanying Mrr.Btraborn on his trip are the following Portland men, nil powerful factors la Northwestern finances and development:' t 4 Wesley M. TUdd, presMeat Lmd4 TQteat Forty-ono carloads of cattle, sheep nnd hogH loft Klamath county todny on tho "stock speclul." This Is ono of tho biggest shipments mado any week this fall, and shows the Klnra- uth county fnrmoru nro fur ahead of tho formers In other sections, by rals lug livestock, Instead of fruit and oth er porlshnblo nnd uncartnln crops. Fifteen cars of cattle wont out to day. Resides this, tho train carried two cats of hogs nnd twenty-four cars of lambs. Most of. tho cnttlo wcro shipped by J. C. Mltcholl. He sent twelvo car loads to Grnyson-Owons compnny at Oakland. The Ktymath Meat company ship ped threo cars of cattle and a car of hogB on todivy's special. These go to tho Western Meat company at San Francisco, A car of hogs wore sent to Swanson & Co. of -Sacramento by Fred Stukel. The lambs wore shipped by O. T. McKendree and Andy McQlnnls. The former aent eloven carloads to Levi 'ft Co. and Johnson ft Son at San Fran cisco, while Mcdlnnls shipped to Rea Bluff tbo thirteen carloads of lambs he purchased last week from Frank Rloomlngcamp and Ned O'Connor. Klamath livestock averages about thirty carloads a week. Hack nlth New Stock. George Rradley baa returned from Portland, wttere he ordered a new line of trunks, bags, etc., and ar ranged for a complete stock of sports men's and camper's goods, to be ct rlod I'n his establishment on Main street, near Eighth. United I'ress Service LONDON, Nov. 18. The following announcement Is made teday: "Wo havo captured 150 yards of Turkish trenches to the east and 120 yards to the west of Krltha." Amsterdam reports say the Nor wegian vessel TJIrlkcn bound from New York to Rotterdam struck a mine nnd sank, and Ave members of the crow wore drowned. This vessel was carrying 3,000 tons of wheat con tributed by Americans to relief work In Relglum. opened tne largest ana costliest . . , every other convenience. Rooms airy C. A. building in the world. It has a and bright, heated by steam, may be front of 192 feet on Hanson place, a.hcd ns low as $2.50 a week.. That Is street near tho busiest center. It Is a very low price in New Ybrk-CIty, ! thirteen stories high, and contains liv ing space In Its 510 rooms for 620 young men. Tho building cost 11,- room 600,000, and Is known as the Clarence notorious there. The men who have K. Smith Memorial, because Mrs. Wm.' carried to success this great under- vivn Rensselaer Smith, of one of the t taking aro shown in-the picture. Htotee Xelloaal A. L. HlUs, prealdeat Mrs Nafaeaal Baak; , Franklin C. Orlsatb, nmslilmit Pint bad Railway, Uajhfccaad Power company t?'S- BOX FACTORIES SAWMILL CL0SES;f ARE AIL BUSIED! LOGGING STARTS and it moans that 620 yovng men will be saved from the cold hall bed- a inBiiaaaimw which has become famous or', JT ... ,. ., . . Th. .. m.. l..-,- -"'"' 1"" WiW Livestock company, aad preal deat of. the Portland Chamber of OoBuaerce; NathaarStraaas, president Fleischaer, Meyer ft company. The entire Central Oregon country is aroused aa It never was before. The meeting at Bend last nicht waa a ' wwwai HUOHESfBOOTP GAINING GROUND JUSTICK FORMALLY DKCIilNRS CHAXCK TO BECOME PRESI DENTIAL CANDIDATE, BUT NE ItllAHKANR INSISTENT United Presa Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 18. Declaring that he does not care to become a candidate, and that there are many other men worthy of being thn republican nominee, Supreme Jus tice Charles Hughes today formally declines the move started in Ne- hraska to make htm a presidential candidate. United Presa Service LINCOLN, Neb., Nov. 18, Al though Hughes has declined to be come a candidate, Nebraska party lenders are determined to continue the Hughesehoom.. They state they will convince him that there la real sentiment behind the launching or tho boom. To Winter South. Mr. and Mrs. Court departed re cently for San Franclaco, where they Intend to spend the winter. Injury Proves fatal. The four year old son of Everett Hughes Taylor, who wm kicked by a horse at Bryan Mountain the early part of this month, succumbed to la- Juries reeenref, pasting away at awr- rill Wednesday ereaiag. ORDERH STILL OOME IN, PLANTS HOPE TO OPERATE ALL WIXTER; JOHXBON SELLS PART OF HRAY INTERESTS AND KLAMATH MANUFACTURING CO. MILL SHUTS DOWN AFTER A SHORT SEASON PELICAN BAY STILL IN OPERATION x Local business circles are pleased to learn that the local box factories plan to keep in operation all winter long, unless unusual weather condi tions prevent this. The pay rill from WltlT the approach of winter, lum ber activities are turning from mill ing to logging, and In a short time, several concerns will have crews In the woods. Ackley Bros, have a force Preparations are being made now, for the greatest meeting ever held ' In Klamath county. "This sectloaTs noted for "dolnef thlaga" right aad the reception to be accorded the Port-1 hurt party should, be so Impressive that the party will leave feeling that .-' the first construction work, mast be"dX ctonn toward Kkmlti Valla 3- pends and Tioraan In the county the plana. We all agree -iV r'i 1 -- How. successful this affair,! dsPI nds upon the interest aaekajaapg thMSfcrall- 'vm road Ismeeded. aad now-thaeaiaal -- i?S chance to make a bid far better fa- u'j cumes, everynoay snouta urn " outl 15Ew- aad atiost- ,,v J i - J- s . , . 'B2 u....- j , '" ,'"- The blsr Oceanian nt thn (Uralutra . ... ... : .- -r r."-yr visit nere win oe a Danqaet-.attae' White Pelican 'hotel, at which It'lsi iMuiiwi uvu pepie win ne ib anoaa-r" ance. This la to be Informal, aad all are urged to wear their ordhurav clothes, "dress-up" dudg being strtc- Iy taboo. u v na iJ8 5 t n -j ART NEEDLE WORK IS TAUGHT FREE WOMAN'S LIBRARY CLUB TO TO GIVE INSTRUCTION! TO ALL LOCAL WOMEN INTERESTED. SESSION FRIDAY AFTERNOON thu industrrv amounts to several!0' men logging near Keno, and the ...... .... ., . H. H. Edmonds Lumber Co. will be-J tnousano uouurs uiumuix, nu ,g,n ,ogglnK ,n a very 8hort tlme. to two hundred men will be given i The Klnmath Manufacturing Co. employement here through tho dull- will shut down Its sawmill at 8hlp est Beason of the year." jplngton tonight, after a very short Demand tor the pine box snooks' run. The mill was built this summer, continues good. The railroad com- and has been operated about two pany has come to the relief of the'months, cutting between 70,000 -and shippers, and the supply of cars,) 90,000 feet dally. which was short for awhile, is about f Tho Pelican Bay Lumber Co. ex- adequate again. Cloae to. twenty car loads a week aTe being aent out by the Ewnuna Box company, and the Klamath plant af 'Shlpplngton is working full capacity. A change has been made in the managoment of the Bray Lumber & Box company, which operates a box factory at Bray, California. H. V, Tartar and C. A. Webster, who" have owned the Stockiton Box Co. and operated box factoriea with marked auccess for twenty yean, have pur chased Into the company, and taken over the mill management. Robert A. Johnson, who reb-ulU tre plant, and who operates the Klamath Manufac turing company here, will give more attention to bis other Interests, Mr. Tartar ia president of the reorganised company. Mr. Johaeon la vice-presi dent, and Mr. Webster, secretaryr treasurer, The new management has assumed Ha duties anthe plant "la . ... fci-.. t. ruaiiiua mu ' , pects to keep In 'operation until De- comber, and longer If the weather per mits. This mill wns also built this year, replacing the plant destroyed by fire lasf summer, and It haa been stendljy turning out 150,000 feet of lumber daily. Logging operations have stopped for the season in the Pelican' Bay camps. There la plenty of timber on hand for late cutting, and for a steady run after reopening in the spring. The lumber outlook la decidedly better now than a year ago. Demand Is better tor the various, grados, and there Is a- very slight increase In price of upper grades, Throughout the summer, the pay roll of the lumbering Industry ia the county has been cloae to $100,000 monthly. Tho shipments were about twenty-five carloads a day, J. H. Short U la tale olty oa bust ne from Fort Klamath. 4 This Is the time to get Into action-, Great Interest and Impressive speech ee will help a great deaf, but enthuai-. cstlc support and a monster .turnout J to greet the visitors will count for still more In our fight for .a better- railroad. - 4l ' '? ,i RAILROAD STRIKE BIG POSSIBILITY VOTE TO BE TAKEN ON qUBSTION t PARALYZE TRANS-i FACILTTIBB OV THAT MAY PORTATION THE NATION r V.4"! 8 UliKVELANU, NOV, 18. A 'Strike ft of 350,000 engineers, conductors. V?m foremen and brakemea la a poatlblllty Wfep "c-ra If the present movement to fltmaad";-" . .an elgb't-hour day 'is .carried through T.M-, uccaruiir. ins bhum u'.ia.H4b7. The art needlework department of the Woman's Library Club. ( which was such a auccess last year, la to be continued this year, A meeting will bo held at the Library Club rooms tomorrow afternoon from !:30 to 4:0. made March. 1st, should it be,deeiae-!s-vfe -..' s - 31 1.4. These seaslons.are free tJ au wun- upon. jr , ma tu nuu umuniau, wr wuu , ip uucauuu in iv MO nuHHMair :..'. ., Interested la the work of the club, 'a referendum vote to.tae Tarioaa.esvl nnd all women are welcome. Instruc- ganlsatlons of tralamea. .Tho eBea--y-' .. . ..a. .m m 1.. ... . ?. J . ' -. - .i';A..' noes in tatiins;, eraoroiaer.T aoa cro- live committee is espcciea lerssai-j i--Z' chet work are given by, competent ly ratify the action at Chieafo people. Iber lBth. At tomorrow's session Mrs. J. Fred i Qoeller aad Mrs. Alonso Baiater wllUit's a Girl. have charge of tb'e crochet instruc tions. Mrs. H. E. Momyer aad Mrs. Harry Pelts will give leseeaa la UU tlag, and the embroidery departmeat will be under Mrs. Robert S. Wat- tenburg. ,t V.v - v,wW fn 27? I && 'na: Visits Frtead-r J. J. O'Neill, an1 eagiaeer of the Southern Padte company, departed onthIa morning's loaal far MMUaad, where be expects to spend a "pleasant visit with some frieads. reriWHi'aaek. ' f'harlea J, raegaeoa la amoag the local men .laM up la aerioaa eoadN Hon a tjte reealt at trytag te get out too sooa after ,ia s- s A daughter, waa bora thta.atra4j;Mr l.ng to Mr. aad Mra.JrWlllameflUai; rrmuii nuu ticnuwu aueawtV 'Wi . ,,in,v9W r..! 'K. Jt, (.T'.tjV a cst vvn Dollars. - &$iu in i -- .:.?l1l. tii.j -vueei aib t !(, .vi; wa.f' around, through, the fawdiaM wth other fellowe, tlJiaaj'-tll.'saW miaute aave a mia-aw Pttachlag match, aad-a J but such isHfe.;jaeJsitamii bene, short; lam lamp, wirtfe vmim)mii lac at Jeta aatalafleni. . W: eiiy Vut'aew;jf Is here vMslajt i U-Vf' ilTiJasi - ', J & i ;i e.( jrrm 1 , Se-H M. M iS&V"' "v . . .JJ'iKj-l SS".Vp' rv. .