'-", ;sitfi . r ru..srt3,'ii te-ffv -3 '',.4ii( W jo. i UXil Jf lit 1 MA',::'-, iW T- .., ) 18:.! K&Rfc l? lEurutng Hraii Ji KLAMATH PALLS' v . . .;."Wf.ir.t(K'" IX illtTII WftltlWW ,, , W.- ...."'.''.ili . nunmnin ,','!JA.vif. Jt OFI'ICIAL NEWSPAPKR j . vjaititeEw TO OFinrTAL NKWKPAPC &. a Vj"i ..., kbt Ari' Litf& M' 2 JV ' TMth Year No. s4. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1915 tj?;. P 1 'iff v '''-' rw." mM jy; j- . it V British, French War Heads Meet and Form Unit Fierce Battle Rages in Ihe Balkans BY WII.MAM WIMP HIMMH (United fro Staff, Correspondent) PARIS, Nov. 17. Tlio French and Krlllth fighting force are virtually one army tonight. Hitherto, although allied, they have fought more or Icm luilcpondr-ntly. A Franco-British ngreoment hn been reached tonight nt a meeting of (lie llrltlHli war council and the French cabinet. Au Inter-ellles con ference Ih to bo formed aa aoon aa poMlble, with Russia and Italy ai the ether member. Henceforth, the Urltlah and French ere to bo guided from a alnglo aonrce. SlutMequent meeting will be held to deal with fresh altuatlona aa they arUe, and to form new pollclea aa they becomo necessary. I'nltctS Praia Service ATHKNB, Nov. 17. According to local advlcea, Oeaeral von Mackenien It to take command of the Turklih force defending the Dardanelles, and be U reported on hl way to Con stantlnople. Tho Turka aro prepar ing a big reception for the Auttro German forcea approaching from Souila. It General von Hlndenburg la re lieved from command of German troop In Russia aa reported, ex pert bellevo tho kaiser will put him In charge of freah operations In the southeast, poaalbly. United Praaa Service SALONIKA, Nor. 17. A big battle I raging about Strumnltaa. Bulgar ian In formidable strength have en gaged a'conslderable body of French and British' troopa. Tho outcome of thla battle la much In doubt Latest advlcea are that the alllea have been inside Bulgarian territory for a week, Invading at the aouthwoa lorn frontier. The country la dllH f ult for military progreaa. Using the big Preach artillery and SMALL DRAINS TO BE COM JOB 1OOAL MKN Wlliti BR OIVKN A ORANOR ON THK GOVERNMENT WORK IN FIRST UNIT RIDS TO BR OPENED BOON Finding that it Ii,m cheap or cheaper to have the amall drain of ihe flrtt unit dug by private parties (ban to bar the big excavatora en gaged in this work, tbe reclamation ervic has decided to subdivide a lot of drain work and let it to con tractors These will be amall drain, which are the feeder, of the main drama The' work haa been divided into mall schedules In order to enable farmers, who are not busy at this time of year to bid and do aome of the work," Ta)es are to be opened ft l o'clock Saturday afternoon at tbe servloe h'eUiusWtmihere, . Further lafomatloa regarding the work sea be obtalaed at the reclama tion servtes.bulldlage. (S 'V CMMia)' ' k Taa'Aak aThifvtof Jaeaad Heart ff. t ahureh wlU ha eoehed feed aale enayay .arwrwaaai.M iae awww lirmnii luruntry, tho allies have oc cupied height after height In tho curved front around HtrumulUa. At-1 though attacked from the west, south and cast, tho Dulcnr havo rclnforc-) oil ami strcngthend their defenses, making a hot fight. A thousand Serb from tlio Moil-, nstor region are floelng boforo tho i Bulgarian and tlio town I emptied' of all but soldiers. Tlio women and girl nre seeking refuge further away, r.n tho country In torrorlted by tlio dlorlon of Bulgarian atrocltleo. Monastor can hold out a day long er. If tho nl I leu do not arrive by that time, tho city and It bravo de fender nro doomed. 1tilted I'rens Scrvlco ATIIRN8. Nov, i; Djomol lANha' revolt against tho Turkish government Is believed formidable. Arab aro renortcd rallying to the support of tho tribesmen or tsyrin, who DJmal Is Inciting to revolt. . United Prcs Service I LONDON, Nov. 17t It l nnuounc ml that tho hospital ship Angnanoris, irnpk n mine and sank last night In tho. British channel. About looimo nines terms. Klamath Invention to Be Made at a Worden Plant Klamath county'H latest Industry Is to bo the manufacturing of a Klam ath county man's Invention. Thl Is tho Perfection poison distributor, the Invention of D. P. Dougherty of Wor den, and already n plant for tho man ufacture of tho distributor has been erected and machinery is Doing m atalled. . ... Tho plant Is at Worden, ana win be In operation In n couplo of weeks, nccordlng to II. h. von. wno in terested with Dnughorty In tho Wor don Manufacturing company. Mr. Velt la hero to purchase mncninory for the plant. Tho distributor Is tho only othciu of Its kind on wo mai-itui, patent haa been granted. It la for use in the exterminaiionjoi "' obnoxloda weed, etc acting as safo dUtributor of tho poison or noieoned meal, and preventing wa.ie ot poison material. The device la anapea io a cui " can be carried like k cane. Tho noay is a hollow tin tube, which Is an alr ii.t. .nnainr for the poison, and the ttir-la a wooden distributing de vice, operated by a Bmnn lever uuuci the crook of tho handle. Thla makes It possible to place the tip or me om i. . .nirroi hole and deposit poisoned moal there without the necessity bt beading over, and witnoui me una . mIuii hlna- dropped where It -ii. k. tn hv sonablrds. The de- i i. MBiuet. nractlcal and easy to manipulate, and all who have look ed it oyer declare tho plan splendid The formation or too company m the opening of the plant Is to bo rushed, as tho conoero hopes to place at least 10,000 distributors on the :.!!: I- .1. .nrlns-. Thla will be ...ri lobbera and the parcel post la tha manufvturasK thJ,,K, atb comity laventJoa'iao i-' .iii uaa Klamath produeta as muob aaaeaaibW: A latht to? Uralng soma of the wood.n parU waa made for h Briffsi Commander in the Dardanelles gggBSsSga " LnaaamlaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaCaBaaaaaaaaaam I amTBaaaaaaaaaanaaaanaWi V B LaaaaaamviaaaV gB I gaBe.. ''ft I I .aaLntr Vv I I .amnnB '-H'i B aataaaaaaawlaaammB aB bB aaaammW Laaamm aB (ieacral Munni (iencrnl Munro has boon ent to tho Dnrdnncllos to tako tho place ot Gen eral Inn Hamilton by tho British. The virtual failure of tho Dardanelles op erations under General Hamilton mndo this chango necessary. wounded men were drowned, and about 300 were saved. infm-iHni. in fVinenhairen reiorts. -, ,! rioi in nr- tlllVIV IIV4WII. ftwt ..-- lln, and tho authorities aro said to have threatened to shoot tho leaders If these continue. Looting of shops Is said to bo' a dally occurrence; J Tho government has ordered tno detention of Greek vessels In hmhbii This is supposedly a hint of l...i.n tn.iv Immutn nnlnntt fireecfi meets iconcern by the Klamath Iron works, and machinery Is being bought In the I county so far a possible All ot the (wood used in tho cane construction Is to bo Klamath county pine, and when tho plant la In operation It will boost Klamath further by employing Ave or moro men. I m BIG HIT WOHK OF AMATKUR8 IN HttOttl BOUTS PBOyKS KRRNIiY BN .IOYABLK FOR BIO AUOIKNOB ()!' BKPBK8KNTATIVR MEN That tho manly nrt of Belt defense, when alven in practical aemonsira- tlon by amateurs who participate for the sport, rather than Tor gat re ceipts, Is about aa exciting and Inter esting a program aa the average man wishes to aee, was forcibly ttemon- stratod at the Athletto Club's' smoker last night. There were three boxing bouts and a wrestling contest . bet ween non-professionals, and all brought storms of applause from an audlenco composed of men prominent IH every business and profession prac ticed In Klamath Falls. It may be that the twenty-round contest, which requires toe sum ama endurance of a trained gghler, may, bo stamped out for all time in Oregon, but we aro all thankful that we have the short goes between amateurs, for in these there la aetloa every minute, and thora oa to-aoauat either maa ot "ataWag." Tbe-dirty (CoaUaued oa page t)y SMOKER DUAIIM New Submarines for Uncle Sam WASHINaiJON, D. C Nov. 17. rtndlcal changes In tho type of new submarines to. be built for Uncle Sam's navy aro being worked out by the chief nav iv 1 constructor. Navy officials ad mitted today that somo new wrink les In' submerl bios no doubt will be adopted when congress author lies the proposed new fleet ot un dersea craft that will represent tbe latest thought in such construcgon. Especial atten tion Is being given, Secretary Daniels states, to tbe question ot submarine. construction. A corps of experts, at homo and abroad, are collecting in formation to be assimilated In the next new United States submarine, Electric propulsion Is the latest In submarines, according to tho present ucierminaiion 01 me navai construc tors. It Is probable that electric mo tors may be' used exclusively la the future. NavaC'Whorltles also con template divesting the present fleet of submarines of- gas engine and sub stituting electric power. One difficulty In the way of U. S, mival progres In building eubmarlnej Is tho "patent monopoly" which con fines this government to one type of submersible. This Is 'the Lake type. While other types with somo most desirable features are being built, Secretary Daniels says are govern ment never Aaa been able to reach satisfactory termjrwlth .patentees ot other nubmarlfiU tkaarUMlAka varle- Itv. Negotiations are' In nroaress. how ever, by which the government may bo able to adopt aome of the mora desirable features of other patterns, Tho government would not be barred from using the other sub marine patents in case the V, S. be came Involved In war, however, ac cording to Secretary Daniels. He ad mitted that the government would not hesitate to appropriate the aubmarlne patents and use them In building its own submarines In time ot war. Com pensation would be given the patentees, ot course, or they could resort to the courts but after the government had received the benefit of submersible patents. The govern ment, according to Secretary Daniels, would not hesitate to adopt such a policy, as a matter of defense In a tlmo of national peril, without re gard to the contract and patent rights of patentees. Secretary Daniels hopes that con gross win eventually autnorue con struction by the government Itself of nil of Its submersible. It is now building some on tho Pacific Coast. tbe only government plant at the pres ent tlmo equipped for submarine con struction. These are ot the oil burn ing type. "Speeding up" private contractors on government submarine contracts Is another Innovation promised by the secretary. Ho will insist that con tracts given private concerns stipu late quicker delivery, Tho secretary believes that In .the past contractors have been slow about completing tbo government. craft. Ha cites the in stance ot the ill-fated' F-4, which aank last March outside Honolulu harbor. This boat was only two years old, haying been commissioned in 1913, but Ave years elapsed before congress authorized her construction and the date, In 1913, .whan she waa deliver ed to the navy. On the other hand, tbe Fore River Construction company, of Massachus etts has just completed the electrlo eubmerslbles for one ot the allies ia the record time of eight months. They were ordered in January and are now lying, finished, to tbe eaipyarda of Qulncy. Mass. R 'agreement with Charles M, Schwab, who took the or der for one. of the -allies, the noats will be held In American waters un til after the war.jr u rwv AJ tbe Jab.:- V A kr -"- - r l- --!.. It w. O. Biitt-ia4f-;Bati.ha haa been, uadaraMjWMlbrtaffaaiw era! 'days, ' bsi';.tsaito,aiMwred;ia grlppssulUy;to,be up Bd about agala gammmnU LaaaaaaBL !9mlH ILaaaaaaB 634u , i.-. :-1 JBS as4mBSW-B!B!WS SBS!!95lvr;. ." i ' MWf W- E5C Mother of Nurse f Plff99HHHHBmi I' Xsl raMmr TaaJtWMKs-J, ?MBLnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB m BHBPPs&BlanannnnnBBnnnnnnnmBB M 1 SaBE2naaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?jK- mmmaVA raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV t 3 " MtirannBHBBKr?''aKiHBannnnnnnnnnnnml mk aaltmBBirXJI-irTir. . I' ' Ik .JLB. . JJC ll . IlLM 9 (Wfr ammKatlsBmlBi7aVXall rTf.,,'At-'1mmmmmm9 mB IBt ammmmmte7 smwSBBsBVEm. 4 ' . f fc TV; ?, . -'v' aru v'smmmmmmmmmml amS f mBmmW? .W""""-''--- - -"wmfMiit J."jLJyJsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamal S XA satatatatatatataaaaaViH, IWaatttttttttttB Ti aaLaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaKt m taaaaaaaaaaaaaamamB I 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB wbaaaaaaaaaaaam ' Iaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa9PaaWHBPHB' HfB aB' BaBBBBBBBaV BBBBBBWaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm SBBBbI 00B THBHBmmBMaMaBV1mamaaBBB d BaBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmeWV MRS. CAVEIX. Mrs. Cavell ia the mother ot Edith Cavell, ihe English nurse' who waa Wbbt to death in Belgium. The British. are now trying ta'jaJae a CavelLsae-1 MaaanaliMalMHaMHHaiWIMaMMMMlKBaaaanaaB RaO way Man Sees Some Business Improvement SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 17. Bual- ness conditions throughout the coun try are improving, according to Pas senger Traffic Manager. Chas. 8. Fes' of the Southern Pacific company, Just returned to San Francisco after an extended trip throughout the East and Middle West Mr. Fee said 1 I have visited many points, of the principal cities in thirty-two states since I left California, last September. My route was east over the Sunset line to El Paso and through the South, with a detour via Phoenix, and the "Apache Trail" to Roosevelt dam and the copper cities of Miami and Globe. "Conditions in the South appear to be stea-dlly Improving. Cotton prices are gradually growing better, but the most hopeful sign Is In the evidence that the one crop plan will aoon be thrown into the discard. "The severe lesson of the past year or two has not been in vain, as evi denced in many sections of the South. Cotton may remain, king tor years to Rome, but bis subjects will be far more cosmopolitan than ever known before south of the Mason and Dixon line, all of which will spell a. steadier and more rapidly growing prosperity. Business conditions lu the Central and Eastern statea are certainty bet; ter. than when I was. Id tbe Bast last May. At that time there did not seem to be a silver lining to any of the clouds that abut out the view in all directions, aa tar as I could Judge. There is no boom present or la sight, so far aa I could Judge,' al though In certain directions It baa tlila appearance, but even' la. these lines the fact, is being brought' borne that. European conditions may mot and It Is hoped wlli'aot eoatlaae another twelve months. Back" of all tbif, however, there is a far better feeUng and while la certain, lines and In far tain, sections business, raUraad.aad otherwise, ,la ptebjnglw lowly, tb general: aftoton. aaeau teas, wet the woretVle' over land- sk,rwrT.tIB fair lr en tbe war.r. vjmsi 4 w 'V7L' ,J.i - ' , i..eJ il.--a I ;Tbe gftaf, nua: jtcj wporwosi wawas l. v wVamga am ..."--- '. '' e e - m -. . .r.Ti I flV'THlUVn' f".T"i;-" ; ., ; Shot in Belgium mortal fund, which may be devoted. to the mother ot the woman wbo said as 'she faeed tbe German irlag aaa4: "I arm happy-.to.dIe, Jer my coaatry." . of the great West and the Pacllc Coast states that will prove an active and potent factor' In the growth and! development or an tnia region, we good effects of whlfh wilt last for many years to come. "Exposition visitors practically ev erywhere. I found, had returned en; thustastic over tho exposIUoes. snd even as early aa the coming winter we will Bee results in aa Increased travel, which will not only include tbe leisure class seeking sunshine and flowers in winter, but the horns sssk er and home-builder, for whom we have almost unlimited room and boundless need." ' STEREOPTICOHS FOR OUR SCHOOLS AI,Ii SCHOOLS EQUIPPED FOR JD LU8TRATED LBOTCRBS AND CIRCUIT FOR LECTURE VIKWB BEING ARRANGED Illustrated lectures, which have been proven a potent fsjetor m ecu CHtional work, are to become a regu lar feature in the Klamath FaUa fb ll.Mhoels: Ail of the sehjaaa. sombly rooms, have screes tor 'show ing up the plctrres.iant the beard has, purchased serftlee;ieterm 5?r wjtcW-Twa. ;,: f Clty-8choot BuaerUteadeatvR. M. Dunbar, Is at , work arranglag a, Mr- cult of other acbools, ja SouthowOc- egoa In, ordeftoj-lessen aee in procurlag;sMdes. "The alan! Lo the use-of; the same aUdesiS' all of the schools; being mt'tr'pbvie' wrr 'TSoTm toeevrn we uhpvi nie - Mt years ibaf;ty;ea? !lS" .- C'l'. i UTi urnini h HIIII-AitKluRU rLUIItKuHllL BE 1 at aaB 1 1 T aaTIB ' s? lJ tT? Jxwr' OORICAR PROM18B8 .. " ? r '7T,;."f t V9?y JJ!?i&8i$ ReVelatloao z&r &? ?' v , HLff INKIHIilf 'Sfr3SSLC i aaeM of Fi r v si'"5.TJ,iAi'Wi . - .".? --.rVTf.o f'.V.J'lf k,BenosM4Asteaas',aay ajBaajamj' c.i . JW-&g&&l$ Pre-TeeteeJc zdzMMm ProeagasMla TliinaigJin'as' tt t -Ptf&ittelWf' cd States Fey. New Very t - ' '"i '- f - - i vs1 "fcut :i5- IlKwgi ,IV,J United, Press Service, . NEW YORK. Nor.17. TWOaat-'M fc.,- - . -'If '-" '-(! S- .f.yiiy ed Statea secret service b'ttUuIsS' iBja'.nvv-a '-H-Wr'---'vhy!itW'GiL. B lerminea wcno,io prevest tee wfwmm'Sjt the aaeaesT?- -a of antiAmerleaa propaganda tuwagav- t- .- - .j- i fw. ''.?- ri'ftw," out, vae .OIIBU7, BjBTO7,A;B2,(i. fbrButtibn Is received leaeJac to 'freaelsl InvesUgatloaJ; . TXJJ: Josef Qorlcar, fornMr:Aartaooav.?iS sul general' at' San 'Fraielaebi-ireS'B eentlv mrnvn'mat-m::tf4Mmattt..raaad-V:S , ?TT - , . .. - tTT -l .-,' .c'.r--a,ti tag ine anu-Amenean ow,'. Hreset- ferenee-today wlU,;Cbet Flyaw the 'federal secret .serrlenit;iaio' ported' that at tUs meetlag.be Ised';to fBrabbtogMala'wttfc I ot .00people;Wbeea;be.aHs)ss exded;;sid.te:s;,ot,teuTeweii -" : --.-.wfL.f:'K.iir Karl r Baeax,,. geaaralv.m 'ef'i. Win n i mrynmmi ni;jg eoasaeny.Md other; rmilaas ef-b cepmany wbol. day. ebarged wHb: i feats,! Ts44erB.'.;'aad'.;. otaetwlaerg. f,-J wmhr. iTm$r' MMai .' nmw :4C;?!Zr.,?yi?. LIeteaaatFay;"wa'ialass t.;.be -1 yi.AmKnwmmvLjmm9 UfJrtmjJiSi 1L. ' - r ' -"--- ni",i;fif,iiS'.'tiviViaii?4iBTKrjr: was one member of-an. orgaaiawtloai tor Dia-cinc aniaaMte ww; aeuwi t?w veeseu-. clearing Nw' ' York V bar borW with muniUons for the'aJlfcbnasif-:;S fered a-change of'daateaMrfHv'Te fuses to discuss the Affair . furtber, ' and it la.heUevedtbattbelti; tempts to take the .entli ; blame' for -. the conspiracy, thus shielding ' tbwM Others. . Z.sJ&&2m United Press gervlee.-SVVia NEW .YORK; 'Novxrn eaCan-Sfe'fl aounced'-.today thatV sjastyaH.X'laaVe? ''tl . .J. M.rfv ,n iM'sriii-ias t"-1 1 "in H . mi ii 1 1 , ?",-" T--!" ,"rl court that the Steamship company clearing house for the dlstribntlo oft V..MA.Ha Im. Vammmm lUUttU'lkMIUk'J baeaetedVaa.al nufo Buma v s nw "w"T"'ffi,,,,Til S ui unvfim rami, ,w w(wp;jjji spreading anU-Amerioan proBoganeew -- tr-,. o t u'Ud'.1f;M ane airwc wr t mm. tNtanyj m jw I -. . . r-. -.'- !. eae aeff-4' I fc .M 1.a iAJmer abb 4mAA ll atfrn ggaaai J W esaaa)cavwaeBVV yvmj, wai sje we"oVr "-.i'ta var "i TRIP TO nun mv&m?m ,iV-Ts;-lftTfifcl IS ABANQQNEO 'JB"- ,-v,r. s -TiZji,' SNOW OF COKMBKRARIJI PRfaW ENCOUNTanRRDTmtV Wjtm - tJL,(..tfUJ-j . FORT,, .linn im&WK&'V'' i Iv'V 3"1', RACK-WIR SJWTaTmAMOaVf Klamath eounty, was not raarsaaat. ed at!-the reeiaakwMon,U''lM';0eaH traiOrecon Develeameajt: L Bend today.' TbXdelegitssik'ef ,1 era. who. left for Beadra returned UteyeeteMsiraJlMIMNK stating ther vfound It Imgisafbli J travel normw.yers ;armsaaip:aei of the dfPtbof theew l Hat ! The, party iwn-tae, yesterday iaornA'aMi hours W trail Hi aboat u nUle beyaaat' I Uorssmaa from M mountain! asaH(ay JMl It we;.a;.mjBaaBB an i aem dearer In right abeaf waa t L Teaaasawat ylaMaageg fBa day', Wr"af A" law PT T ..OMilJ iIbt S9-" iric '. .! fet .Vi. M Sss! at- r'E W-' 'mxdi' ? ..iAr?.yjBragw