JJW-W " p-sT- 'V -vt-y 'i -'M i '. Vi'eSC EPSi1' KwrfiS&i-'- ' .' -i&KyVJ MAS THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON tUKMDAY.XovKMna,. i.Ss j,.tr $1 ,. i r-y4 ;1jfC, .,. &l5k.. ''?'. sar. .o W'-s- - r Br it1- I ' IH IS A ti Ix. '; lr - Women Organize for a : Hard Suffrage Battle Town Topics VaHea frees aerrle WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. IS. la svery oae ot the hundred ot con gressional district ha the United States today, the women axe ta ooa Ttattoa framing their local Sgata to pledge Democratic and Republtcaa aattoaal convention delegate to favor national suffrage In the party plat These local conventions are under ta gsairal direction ot Mr. MedlU MeCermlck ot Chicago, aa oflclal ot ta National American Worn Saf frage association. The suffragists la each district will pledge their aupport to ara-aatrag delegates. Much tine wttt be spent iatenriewing candidate, ta states where aattoaal pTaHy dele- by atate convention. the suffragists trill coaoentrate upon pro-suffrage cooaty delegates. "Suffragists la evoryetate ta the union," aald Mrs. McComlek. "will make It a point to hare hie demoa- atratloni In the home town ot every candidate for the house or the aenate. , This campalga launched today la but the minor prelude to. the big tght we are going Into for national suf frage this winter." (Contlaued from Pag S) Upper Lake, near Recreation, are re turning to Berkeley for the whiter. Dr. Conger etatea they were compell ed to break thro miles ot lee oa thelroray to thla city. la Froa MarysvlUe. A. P. Llpp is here from MarysriUe calling on the retaH trade. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WAMTRD Forty core ot limb wood Iaealre at Wasaingtoa rooming l-lt VOR RRNT Three room famished Pases HIT. l-4t mnnnnWmnnnTmnnnnnnnnnnnnnHmnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnl annnnnnnnnnnnnnnfannnnVamSllmimimiBI HmPannnaBmnnnVlmmnnnnnl H my enMA. TatannHaE fA 'fLoU mnWaHK sssPJP ml mnl -' "sassm? -.- ' -' - Vnf r . VI i emr mm v ii POULTRY SHOW NOW ON AT FAIR PRISE CnCKKXS AND PIGBOXS AND FOU17TRTMEX BOLD CONVKimONa. Leaves After' VMC Miss Matty Perry left this mora- Ing for her home la Roseburg, fol lowing a visit with James Perry aad family la thla city. (HeraM Hpsslal Service) NOR WAY aalaM other hate Jw beardoa Ive 'f'aattH graph 1 oar store. We hare a era! tiaaes large a acock of asa ehlaea'a ha ever beeet carrleel aa KUaaath Falls. Sktpher. Plait Deptt Asnworts SAN FRANCISCO. Nor. 1. Hun dred ot entries tor the aaaual show hare been made by member ot the American Poultry Association, the largest organisation ot Its kind In the world, which I meeting at the Panama-Pacific International Exposi tion at San Francisco this week. j During the same period the coaven- tlona and shows ot the American Buff Plymouth Rock Club, the American Buckeye Club, the BuS Mlaorca Club of America aad the National Colum bian Wyandotte Club will be held at the exposition, insuring a week ot splendid attractions relative to the breeding and care of fancy poultry. Throughout the latter part of No vember, pigeon aad poultry ahowa will, be held dally, together with ex hibitions of prise wlaalag live stock, which iaclade sheep, cattle and horses. Farmers lad maay thlags ot great Interest at the easostUea these days, aad as a matter of tact, most ot ths out of Saa Francisco atteadaace is composed of farmers aad agriculturists. "Dad" labor Back. I. P. Tabor, who haa Interests her aad. la Dorrto, returned this week from a trip to the exposition. Mrs. Tabor aad the other member ot the party went on to Los Angeles. Ark Balls "Wordea's Ark," that rello ot the days whea the business district ot Klamath FaMa extsaded almost a block from Link River, has at last caught the spirit, aad haa cruised eastward, with M. R. Doty's skids aad winches aa the propelling power. The ark" is bow anchored at Eleveath and Mala streets, aad will be remod elled Into aa up-to-date oflos build lag. VEHICLES CAN'T STAND ON MAIN Classy stocy of Grand, Player and Upright pianos; also Phonographs, at Shepherd Piano Depot, next door to postofiee. is.tf K. O. Weed is here oa business from Weed. A month from now any autolst or teamster who allows his vehicle to stand in one place on Mala street or part of sixth street for more than twenty minutes Is liable to arrest and one. An ordinance providing this was adopted at last night's council meeting. The ordinance ia an amendment to the vehicle ordinance, and the "move oa" sone is Main from Second to Ninth, and Sixth from Main to Klam ath. There waa somo objection voiced by Councilman Doty, who held that the driving of all traffic of ot Mala street will make the town look more like the Deserted Village than a pros perous, busy little city.' The bill also Increased the used limit from tea to. flfteen miles aa hour. Vehicles are by this ordinance prohibited from stopping wttala thir ty feet of any street corner, aad to comply with another provision, ia or der to park vehicles where that Is permissible, vehicles must run into the curb in the direction of travel at an angle of 45 degreea to the curb line, with front toward the curb. ' .1 s "N I .smmaVv df aw I K i afmt H WW - ' ' ,, - It mmti ssaH . . .'. I iff XW I mmmmJMl .. w x r I . f 1 1 nips. ,. .j V --. L - I LI ISLj-pmmssagsa-- j w-'AT! ' ti I yrsBsssssmfr ' ' H. W. Mitchell is here from Monnt Dome. R. R. Vinson left on this morning's stage for Boaanta. Varsity Six Hundred IF you want the tnappiett overcoat you ever putyour frame into, you'll get one of Hart Schafrner& Marx Var sity Six Hundred Models. They're new in idea, and new in the smart little touches of style which make clothes distinctive, and unusual. Con in amil m Um.imw ovr oat; tssttVs notkimf Uc tkew uiywlMr Im. At $21 ysm'H m sommi rtrjr rich fabrics; mmi Ttwjr swart fykM.1 arman Man Cloths This Is the Time of Year to Buy Good Shoes .all-forwear" ohoes Which Are made M m fes THE BEST WOKR.SHOE INTHEW0M.0. , LNvaiTor of Leather M i.-.VJ:' tfS? mw m a ,'.W rfv- ra i NOT Composition No on can afford to buy a poor quality shoe any time, but .specially at this tin of year the best is none too good. We are featuring high top shoes for men and boys just now, for it is the time of year they are most needed. tia Peters ALL-FOR-WEAR SHOES Are Good Shoes They come both high and regular tops. The high tops are not high in price they are very reasonable so far aa price is concerned, and they will out-wtar the average shoe on the market today. ALL-FOR-WEAR Shoes are made to give universal satisfaction, for wet weather as well as dry. Make it a point to visit our Shoe Department oneday this week and see the many mw styles we have to show you that will give the kind of service you have a right to expect. Shoe sales at this store are greater today than ever before there must be a region H EWM rfiirv DDnrfBi 'AllMUkDRVlllLKS Receiving First Government Order Ever Sent" by Wireless Telephone .sffSsf SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBwSjfek, rBBBWpl sfPneSBHB3'4Ba?V spfM1sB&ajsppppppHij Va nSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSK y ixhk . ?T7 BSSSBfBsWBSSSSSSSSSSSSBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsWs7 'JaweSBBBBBBB19KHrJgeF J4n'BBBBBBBrF SBBaSeSBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBvPJ -ljjjgPSSSBBS' HOUSTON'S NriroptliUi Aawseaeits HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE December 1st "THE ROIARV" Serea Real Photoplay MUBIOAXi PROGRAM neaefls Racred Heart ObarcK Sug The f Hart ADMIRAIi VSHER. COMMANDANT OF THK NEW YOKK SAW VAIID 'Secretary of tlio Navy Danlols lifted from his desk In Washington an ordi nary telephone rocolvpd connected with the naval observatory at Arling ton, six miles off, while Admiral Usher commandant of the New York navy yard, took up a receiver connoctod With the Western Electric comnanv in Manhattan, four miles away. Then the aerlaj received the first official or der ever sent over the wiroleas ohdno. The conversation of the secretary of the navy and. the admiral ran thus: Daniels Hello. Usher How do you do. Mr. Sec retary T D. Very well, admiral: how are you? U. Very well, thank you. D. You are looklna well. Can von hear me distinctly? v. Yes; very plainly. D Your voice sounds very distinct. 1 want to give you an order overtbls wire; will you have a stenographer take It downT It Is an official mes sage, "Hear Admiral Usher, Navy Yard, New Yerk: Jleport a soon as practicable after the. arrival of the New York, 4ow soon the repairs ' on ar can he completed. (Signed) Daniels." U. YS, Sir: 1 thera-anvthln more you would Ilk to ssyT n u. i: ' i.. .i ... . . wo can tot the California off the vraya? U. Wo hopo to get that monitor off lit about thirteen or fourteen months, a I). -Well, you will want another ship In a year, won't you? U," Yen; wo will bo xlnd to have one In about n year; wo would ,lk" U a- llttlo earlier. Wo rould jironare It much ahead. D, Admiral, yon havo my word. I will try to do that. Ily the way, ad miral, hero's n mnn who has an Inven tion so tlmt you can kco over the Phono. I can almost see you now, 1 hear you so plainly. U. I can hear you bo distinctly I almost Imagine I see you. Ur--Well, I wish wo could. Turkeys for Kale Corn-fed turkeys for lo at 18c per pound, nllvo, P. W. Rlggs, phone 93, between 8 a. in. and B p. nu or my 5g Columbia Records. itt I m o s t comnleta (stock. Shepherd riauo uepot. Moving Picture "(lentlomtn of Nerve." a CsiHs comody, will bu uluiwn t tasJMw tonight In addition to the usual pis gram of llconitcit Mum. Tas Iwt alone that a Chaplin comedy will to shown Insures the rvrlaloty of I nlght'a enjoyment. Tbo three ml featuro to bo uliown U on that b well worth the price nlone. 8s 1st Theater (luldo for proursm. UKIKV MK.NTI0.V - - - - Thomas J. Sparks a raatheref tkt llonanta section, Is bore on fcsasss. J. W. Losue and J. 0. WlgatSN business visitors from their rsMss) near Hlldcbrand. iiMiitarunn muIIm uvenrthtsg U u fuuey goods and notion IIbss. H'- 3d Main street. Mlas Nora Hilton is a vWU" city from Merrill. 0. C. Hoyt Is hero on buBil Merrill. STARs THEATER "Geatlemea of Nerve," Cbanlla Comedy "Ths Blessed MJfaels," Lubln Three Rest Drsma ' Ult.. S1L. .1, " Willi yiMOT "Hasards of Kslsa." Series TEMPLE THEATER "The KJag of tbs Wspb, Edison Tkrs Reel Drama . "Versa filedfs steasasr," Essaaay Comedy AdmlsslsN Always 10s, MATINIB OAltV AT 3iM ALU UCINtW PliOTURia MERRILL OPERA HOUSE Merrlst. Ore. MOTION ICTURIt TUISOAYS AND tATUROAVa XvzpL W-?Tfi? How we can give you j Better Bafik Service aess. and more thorough pro teetU of the funds you save hi our , . , ' Plua do not hesitate to , avail yours' of mytn ., rviee wo are "t.. rJ aanrlMI we STO "- :-.. :: give. Taut your busisast' We don't want you to think of this bank just as a place to deposit your money, al though of course" we are glad to have you keep a large a balance a possible with us. Ii is our. desire to reader our patrons every service sad accommodation that can reasonably be expected from us. Tho Burroughs Bookkeep ing Machine which we rs using in our accounting ds- wrwnoni mnxe it posstoi , aaewyau now our """irs. to i;ivo you better ssrvie ia lag msikls wJ25 the handling of your aoeouat, sassast by making nu graaier aoouraoy, prompt- give. iSIS your " 3S' problsms over with "-. J wsaw able to nudteprao eai ana ussiui sioi-'-r-those ef oju- patrons 2 isamstoufor4vioe. ., "l&ta'nndcoi.wUwij usatanv time-andW" alWyattWOurbooJd l First State & ?". '( ."ite Bank .v. PHDUll . ..ww iubi win ii isx sscors