,'ffifM, $ S tsa " 1 ... i 'X V - h? ...,' .E-y - -7W Jf .45- V;-,. J 3 2ttji 1wtim$ Iter all A.. , ;4j?ww-$ KLAMATH FALLS' KLAMATH jCQUIftir ORWCIALWEWtfliil, OFFICIAL NEW1PAPE1 'JrSi UA Mj - fH.WiMg, jefi , . g - Tfnh Year No. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1915 Tmfimi'. ; ; m & if rr GREEKS, ALLIESfi '(NOT A6REED AS , YET ON DEMAND V samanae- AUVKKK FROM VIKNNA IIKPORTj t (IRKEK-FIIKSCH CLASH ' - Pari IHspelrhen Haya That tho Allies Are I'rcpaHiig to Force the King. do, io Comply With the Demands) Mnto for the Safety of Troopa In Ihr llalkans More War News From IIm Front, U. S. LOOKS INTO ANGONA AFFAIR REPORT IS MARK IIV AMIIAHHA DOR HHAIIPK, AMI ITALY'S STATEMENT IS ALSO HANDED TO STATE DEPARTMENT I Brit iah Balkan Leader J'slted Press Service J3 BERLIN, Nor. 1. According to Vienna advices, Ortek and French '.tfoot clashcl yesterday at Salonika. Tbo French tried to occupy too Oiwk smumnltlou lower, and this for cibly prevented. Uter, It I under stood Hint tbo French authorities .nui.oitmi. HintlnK tho nlfalr was n mUtoke, t'nlU-tt I'm Service PAiiltt. Nov. 16. It Is officially admitted that Greece baa refuaed toi comply with the demand tho allle lutUtcd were eMentlal to their safety. The allies are prepared to force a compliance If neceaaary, It la started. It l underatood that the Central power are prepared to help King C'omtantlne reatot tho alllea, ao Ore cUn toll may be the next battle ground In the UtMlo war. If neceaaary, tke alllea will sena a net to areace to force noninterfer ence with their Balkan plana. It la hinted that Constantino may be uncrowned. United I'reM Service WABIIINQTON, I). (,'., Nov, 10. Preparatory to taking any action In the linking of tho Italian-American liner Ancona by a Toulon submarine off Sardlna Innt week, the stnto de partment! securing ilcflnlto Informa tion from official aourcoK regarding the affair. Italy' offlclnl Ntalcmont, nearly tho rame a announced In the pre, ha been preaented to Secretary Ianslng. Germany's statement I yet to be re ceived. From Pari, Ambsssador Hhnrpo ha sent a report Baying 232 people survived tbo wreck. No definite par ticular of the attack were given by flhnrne. who based hi statement on the bulletin of the French ministry of marine. Tim stnte department lias an- nounred thnt the American conmilato at Algiers will send men to Rlsert to get Independent Information by In terviewing survivors. United Press Servlee LONDON, Nor. 16. Kmmellno Pankhurst, mlllUnt suffragette lead er, wanta to make public protest sgalnst the Balkan situation in a speech entitled "Tho Betrayal of Ser bia." Tho authorities are trying to inutile the apeech, and have cancelled her cnaaaement to aoeak Thursday. flhe any ahe will speak somewhere else. United Praaa Servles AMSTERDAM, Nov. 16. oer many'a silence la the face of Russian claima of Importaat gains lead to the opinion that Oeiteral von Hlndenburg and hla army are In a aerloua situa tion. The aemsna are retiring slow ly before a powerful Ruaalan offen lvo. United Press Service BERLIN. Nov. 16. -Terrible nat ural difficulties, rather than resistance by the enemy la Blowing up the prog ress of the central alllea In Central Berbla. There are good prospecta that tho main Serbian army will be oon surrounded. The army Is being drlvon gradually weetward, and the Auatrlana sure closing In from tha north and west. Reinforced Bulgarian troops hare forced the French to retreat two miles at a point on tho Tiers Use. The Bulgers are also smashing the Herbs in the Totojo.dtotrtet. MORE LAND OPEN FOR 320 ENTRY 1 BBBSsasaMgw' NINKTV THOUSAND AORMS IN, KLAMATN COUNTY pMONAT K rOH RNIiAIKHIP "P10 KTKAI IOOATJON NOT OIVBN SIDEWALKS DP BEFORiADS" DKFKCTIVK WALKS OltDKREO UK- HAIRKD AND SKW WALKS OR DKRKD IX AH PREPARAITON FOB THK COMING WINTER slslssBSHsfslsff BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBA'f?':4 '3aBBprBBBal agBSSSSSKZiraKw BJ ansaaSBassaMFI sasaHbmBffv'jtx mimn H sasaWrV'SaasaPga SB BKrT?3Wf vasBBBBBKaJ W H aTEi?i-y tidaBHIinl H m MmvMWi i mmirz m m TiwgB&tiHi tmmTM-iA m m faX&L&wM&ffi'M m m vPJlmgT&9k -!fji H fliPvv!sfJBMMfitajBi 9 gu IKSBBBBJBvJ jK2iBSWjBBBBBBH tH Hi aBBHasfla'si QMBSBKSaBBBl IBS H JBBBBraKSslBBBBwSKA, BBBJ BBJ B sbKSI9bbbbbbbbbsbbBSM1bbVBB1sb1 BBaaSSMiSHSlSSBBBBBBBl SB1 6IVES HIS PETS . TO SAVE A LIFE Philadelphia Magnate Dead MTTLK or"" FKMXV CHKKItFUMiY HACItlKICKH HIH ItAIIIUTH THAT THKIK IIUWI) MAY IHIING HI8 .-,'1 COMHADK FIU).M HIIADO.W "S. "ft. hemorrhagica ,1 from lack!, of blood, nnd wb,J the patlentj nnlofiR a serui succGEsfully.tc Dr. HamlBc band, Informed (cneral Million Anaouneement haa beea made.thV the uAMtWrv f tkoi latarlortsM desig nated llMtO mtm for Mtry under the enlarged komaaUad aet. Of UU rue, ,eftO acres gra ln,KIw .coantjr, ; ' - ' '' As yet the UaKd Statea led oUe at UAevraw 1 aft k f tke "aaaai laSsasisaT IMS ItBi; 'Ml wuj$'&jiu.f ewjM at,. nomeaaaera , pr ti.. wKihiiitleH of damage suits as the result of accident on street and sidewalks wore materially lessened lam night, as the result of several dangerous places being citca at we n.lnMi meetlna. and repairs ordered made. Street Commissioner uouman told of a number of bad spots, ana some of the councllmen mentioned others. Once notice to repair is given, we jrouerty owner la liable in case of ao- cldent Another speodbaU" for swewam -i. ,.m. in ihn Dsasace of an ordl- WVIM .mM - r nance giving tho proporty owner thir ty-six hours to repair or " ddewalk after notice Is given. If this Is not done, the city Is empower. w do the work, and make the cost a lien against tho property. Severs) appllcationa tor croi were brought up at this time. Cross ings were ordered in on Kieven.u ... iii-i. . on Ilnliam ai wurueu v- MU, - - -'"- ....j - n.,t nuo, and others were rejwi . r up to tho street comnmw. BOXING BILL IS ON FOR TONIGHT TRN ROUND GO, SEVERAL FOUR- ROUNDERS AN fv - WRESTLING MATCHES AMONG KVBNTS SCHEDULED Devotees of the manly art are go ing to turn out en roaaso """ when the Klamath amiouo "" ""' bold another smoKer ana "a - This will be tho best yet oisbo -,. for the fans by Manager Free of the ! .... .n..i In tho, ln "vent, w" '"T bout. Bobbla Allen am r""'T' two faat 116-pound boys, will ml tWO IBU ArfllO. two TkJS! J2ZttZSi si Harvey, mlddlewelthti, will be the otaer ." " ..nui Two wreetMf watohtf a billed, another i "W",?,"",: ZiZm Ml will w. -T ??vr'"Z ft5B3LW (Innnrnl llrvall MallOn IS HOW in command of the Drltlsh forces which are going to tho tld of tho Serbians. The trip of Earl Kitchener there may mean thot, he will bo superseded. At this game, however, he Is struggling to get his troops to the front to help ithe Serbians withstand the attacks of tbe Bulgarians In the south. KLAMATH TIMBER LAND Lt t 11- V.ljtat CZnlinlanl wrik llvctfl In the Milts AddljsW was Sunday morn ing taken to iao nospiuu ior ireai ment of a sermus ailment known as rpura. This Is caused calcium salts In the this condition exists lally bleeds to death, can be admlnlsterea leek blood flow. who has this case in the Mills school chll- , dren regarding the little girl's condi tion, at the sai ie time advising tnem that it was necessary to ha'e some rabbits from which to procure blood serum In order that her llfo might bo saved. IKKnondlns. to this appeal was the proffering of two pet rabbits by Leon- STd Pord. Immediately after the rab bit bad been contributed by young Ford, Dr. Hamilton, with tbo assist ance of I)r, Cnthcy. hastily prepared itn serum that was later successfully Jndmlnlstered, and today little Frieda is much Improved. i.ifn l the most pleasant thing on earth, and the beauty and goodness of It Ilea clothed In deeds of a Leonara Ford, deeds which too often go un mentloned. ' I -.smmmmmmMammW-iiM; Pi ammMlmmmmmmmm H m BBwiMiiMmmmmmml m aM'ftsH. I P . BirialBBSmmmV - &i ma.MVallmmmmmw 1 m mmXmKlm 4$4y sVmmmmmmmmmwsmw Lm mmml .sVmmmmmmmmwmV ..smmmmmmmmmaw I BmmVammmmmmmmnJ BBmmmmmmmvViltBmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmml'al ','i; BmmmmmmmValvvsVmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmlB i rrmlllllllHl &'' aVBmmmmV T .BVBmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmml wm m. snmmmmK sBmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmml Wk Wm aVmmmmVsVmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmvJ n I :'' BBBBBBBBBmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB !BB1 1 nmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! M jp v ssmmmmmmmnnmmmw .... z 7xPT?SXfJMmmmS': Tm2m2&M&MjL, K- Jr .j-aWLrATV tf&ii-. littWij y- mm UIILQP.II GFTTIM! fllLUUIl UL.I llnil 4vffi aiit inn liflTrA-& I'. uui m "FOR A mm 7" - v :&&& MAW NKW MATTERS tOJRTsWKVtM m; m. HFSSU 1 ?i "M .rty xhc l OMMKNDED ."w. '? - " ' 4 (Freparatetyito Opflag of t z'r , i l.Viu- aMM . - --".-lV t- Prl'dt PimiM MeasaalB ' '' " - '' .,Pi,vdrftASftft.'. ..-. ..--..t..-' - - -- - - . .. w. f, '. .- y7&brffi&&fc0A wianea negarsani &.'' 2&L mvRrjj- . . v r. - . --T. . , - SSvynMSt Uoai -KI'bMiocK i9WKea.eC;ir;Tscw-o.w-fj - r: - ' v- - -- 'awjr. PresMeBtlal Bwaer. t. f W&&Ji&L. United Press Service tli2 cvt . . . iliWSWJj MVASMIRUTUW, W..V-, ?' se.-y' President Wilsoa is sowworhJa. r -.-.'. --; L ' It dustriousir on nu. message mk ,, -.- i . r - " s"f..f7? ,t -. .!. '- ' -..,. congress. He piaa to twTw.aaw.wss-j ument completed' by k TnaAagll w., jSzil-iM'' ruS" ,5 ' .... ,v?i,.'Vf-,ilF'i5s As usual! he expecta to dellvertno?ri? message personally P. A..B. WIDKNER Peter A. B. Wldener, strongest i which controlled the street' railway . . .--- .,. 'EVHflms id rmuunuum. n - nMMj.iMi nMn.A in Hni initinmi. " - - ' city In which millionaires are com mon, is dead in sis 8&tn year, nr, Wldener', who began life as a humble hutcher. wo a member of 'that street railroad combination made up ot Wm. C. Whitney and Thomas F. Ryan or New York and W. L. Elklns. Thomaa Dol&u and himself ot Philadelphia. and other cities. This waa the great est combination of street railroad "men the United States has yet pro- .... r. nk mada fnrtna. ana lnrij.n AA wnrih tftO 000.000. H o-. jffc. i-t ""-irl 'lltOS.. Fju-SS f' Js?-' "HCMesi Ing of "the.housea bsBmbJTttr'l It Is expected that. the messowHyK eal largely with thequeaaW.ffB, lipnal,,defense.and HMf- Widener died worth $60.0110,000. oent lars sums on foreign pictures, buying more 01 tnem ussuv uw Amorlean eiCCDt J. P. Moramn. it ia tfl"?. wrv iv: ! anliailutA rni ! rtaial ri ... .-J' .-v li I - i . ' ii ii rtf oiu., . -'V"f"rfTTTtTE;,l about i,ooo,ooo,eo,'jiis.ordoryoi w -j r w-- -vij.. , v ""- ".JTJ5SI": give thU country an w;w second to none"aa nydalMtliw.jnn r( c vrv- - ?ii3i! "3 PDRCHASED KLAMATH SHOWS CLASS -AT SHOW KLAMATH MMIESrW OF ""-"---" A ."k . -2 LIGHT CONTRACT stUutlon." that serration, la, POUTIiAND WOMAN BUYS TWEN- TY-SKVKN HUNDRED ACRES OF VimVJW IN SOUTHEASTERN CORNER OF THE COUNTY PHOTOGRAPH OF COUNTY BOOTH AT PRODUCTS. SHOW PROVES IT ATTRACTIVE, AND IT IB WELL MENTIONED TO SHOW IN EAST Another ovldence of renewed ac- 'nviiv in Klamath realty aeaungs w the B3lo of 2.700 acres ot ianu u southeastern Klamath county to Myrtle Q. Botsard or roriiano a, Qoddard ft Co.. a Seattle nrra. ine consideration was In tbo neignoor- hood of $28,000. This stretch of land runs close to tho California line, and along the i -bo .mmtv boundary, being to the north of Rim Rock ranch, owned by Frank Orohs. It Is heavily timoerea, -.. ihu fnmllhir with that section, and thero Is speculation as to whether the timber is to be held or manuHrc- tured by tho new owner. CRATER LAKE IS TO HAVE RAN6ER m k lesumo ot the Portland Land Show, Just closed, the Portlcnd Jour nal prints a picture or the attracuve- ilv arranged Klamath county ooom there, and gives tho Klamath display tbo following mentien: 'Klamath county had an Interest ing display of trains ana grasses, whi wore conceded to be about the finest onions In the show, and pota toes, as well as fruits and other veg etables. ''Klamath raises chiefly alfalfa and I . .. u.-,ll lm. ; i Ac if nut as it was uimuwiu " possible to exhibit stock, its display waa centered on pther things. The exhibit was sent to Portland by tno Kinmath Fulls Commercial Club, hut v,i in rhnree ot Mrs. John Shoes: and H. O. Turner, both ot Portland, but who are thoroughly familiar with the county. "Klamath Is proud of its timber aud rejoices In the fact that It con tains Crater Lake. It boasts that any thing can be raked there save, per haps, the tenderest plants which are susceptlblo to front," UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. AND NEW YORK CITY SCHOOL BOARD ARE OX THE LIST V. S. MAY ALSO SHOW FILMS '$ X V i. ; .-" . s-srtEKr j- ,The president UMmf hat ho-.wlll urge Mgggftte ! m swenrekteiMllII as i ta . trade- exnawBlonBB;rae ". -,-" -V 'J' -J.-VIiPi-ii-'i exporterav acraaJWdimJOnoniltauiOfiivl 4KVaaAA atiil'wAAl, IMA' BU "' - ' vt ( preT9BV IB" auuuuii vi, .v ranin mnns nn uibb lbbibi ' --i&v a'Ms" 1 1 MATTER OF AGREEMENT FOR ' STREET LIGHTING TO BE TAK EN UP AT A FUTURE SESSION OF THE CITY, COUNCIL .. . ... ...... .. ...in. a new contract between tne city oi o a close, the question of keeping the Klamath Fall, and the CaMornlare- Maroath county motion pictures at gon rower mw '"rZTi work telling the world ct this region, jtion or me w.i .JLIL '" " '. .. ...., I .. -s-hMlnlod far eonaMentlOB BT hi being discusseo. ii seems uwsjy,"- -- : ,'. z --' M . M ...,if kt. ..., tun pnimcii inu wiuwr. .u tiitt tne isasi vaxi m ieo uw "- : ,-: i .... ics thte winter. 1 ha Deen 8Kea w "fT ""i!r: - . i. ..contract ana ks ouh(ii The Dims are shown, dally In thoJr. - . " . .: ....J. .. !..-. ...... tne matter up. ureeon ouiiuiok umo nwiiuuu, ., , . . .. . .. . vi- -. The former contract ior bhwm aro auracim ra.n.i ...-... -.--, --- lien. As a result, revcral requests jignuua "' 7""; r"- lave been made lor Fpeclal exhlbt- terosta. and expired W uon8 of th moues following tho ao, prior to thepurcbaao ot the.pow- aftei the-clbae, ot.wnr '.Hf gt President Wilson's friendaaot' noaMBiinsssi wc, nl l dv dlscusslnc the Tt.rf Whltlnclr AmAriaaa mtnlBlBr to Belgium, being Wllaon'p runaihsfM , i tho nrt nTxiaennai-f- ,ysi " r. -t , ;.sj.i ipeign. .. aSj!-)!! I-. 1 . i' k.TjjJJ-jjlSIHOSn' - mkiIB Whltlockrie to be thoroughly aonij oS n rr hn ta a mBoorterot wu-'&iJl . nrn'rneis Blana.,hla frieojdas;! ..,;. " . ;a.rijiiuj I helleve-wratne loeai tio Rff " j,,i hw. v . rft v:r-'' .rlry'.lWj? .. ;-IS.ii, 'MiMW . ....... araVJ; n;n-'KHHiH4ii Wt-U MM ' I'SASPas .- .''toJff.SiSSiffSg wa nr nrnTiiniinr-' IU iinin llAXnKR MUMXIbtw IW nw - TURNS FROM KLAMATH WON- UEHLAND. BUT ANOTHER MAN TO SPEND WINTER TB&RE u h. Momver. head rauger ot.Cra Iter Lake National Park, came In taat night from hla prolonged stay in we park, nnd he win remain awe February, when he goes Into tbe park ogatn to make a mid winUr Inspec tion for the interior weparwwu.. - myer reporU twenty incheg ot aow at the headquartera when be' left. On account of the.uarge nuer m -,i0.ap tauriata who vMttd CraUr Uke Park UM yotr. tba torarMMnt hu decided to keep pnrlt, ranter narmanently on duty during. w,wto ter mtha, when tk ?Jf1,W togutotan. Tmrssiwifi", and dirt tko gki aiwM'W; ties, and alto ee that w WfPJ prontrtrw reegwasiy ; swfwy-.,. Lovo'a Young Dream, s Thi. mnrnlna- at 8 o'clock the home of Mr. and Mrs. Shatter on Michigan avenue was chosen tor the closing scene in the courtship of Rennet J. Loftsgaard of Pelican Bay ano aiiss Alice Shetley ot tnla elty, Rev. B. 0. niMiM-rf nerformed the ceremony ni ter which those present partook ot a delightful weaaing nreaaia.' and Mrs. Urttagnird left on thin morning's train tor Ban FrancUco, Where they expect to , remain tor a couple of weeka." v '; 8. F, Thorntonla'ovBrtrom Aah land".. .: ,8ol Israel Is here Irom.Bacramjnto fatr'a close Arthur Geary, who visited this city this fall, has been reappointed to de liver a series of lectures for the boara of education ot the city of New York, the lectures to be given weekly dur ing December, January, February and March. Geary, in addition to being impressed with Klamath's wonderful possibilities and .scenic beauty, waa m-eatlv messed with the Klamath films, and be wishes to use them in hie Gotham lectures. This Is an opportunity to pni oar section before thousands of peeple: The Southern Paciflo may be naked tor a copy of the Lava Beds film, and tne state Hen and game commission for the Aim showing tho pelican colonies, while there Is talk ot additional Alms showing tho schools and other local nubile bulldlnn. Statistician 0. J, Blancaara or tne reclamation service has used, the Klamath nlms In lectures In the gw- ernment theater at tbe expoattienano win ha iad to use k at every oppor tunity. Aa he dellvera eonntleef lie; tni bafora nroaneetlve BettMrgfior inration nretosca. hla aid to invalu able, and It haa bean Buggested that n ... ..- i..v ila' Wadl . presaly for Mr, IJanehnrt, er plant by the present' company. The terms ot tho old contract- were. in'-fw-t until last summer, when there was some difference ot opinion regard ing the work of -replacing ot nurneo out or broken llghWj wm '"-Siv i7A IMH C.-'t-u. ,-f. -t-jdfij -;"Ss A3(- - S4J;?3A "Vj..i. .. -o.T.ai r-,v? wt "ij .esa' HISTORIC STUfWswiJB-J;,yt', j- t... .v-jjv ss5m-. -taken- fhom ""3?aa KIJLVTHTOSSNDADOM; I --- . ---sr.r j. ?w, FOR QUARANTINE . ' FAY MAY TELL 4. " I HIGHER OPS BOMB CONSPIRATOR TALKS WTTH UNITED STATES. OFFICIALS AND OTHER ARRESTS IN BIG CASE MAY BE.NEW FEATURE . ' MA "- "------ li '.. .,..... tbe clty'a InterenM.TWaat . i, a. " . -'7t W . Vw ' Klamath Faim', oW:city,naeaweira "- '""-. , .i. , --LL-W .. AA-,mm- tc BitUl-lA BbbTI -:.. IHV Utnajam j i,,--' 177- fcTT,, i. it's, I itr ! . f 4ff F F. Robinson kUf ppm Francisco. Jtf& " Ban Sweden's Imports ot, during Ue drat ua?tP of .TLW amounted to ,lt.44l.4ll lut a.tAtas oril.Sft.vee I"- li u ,'imlA"mml tl AA . IB-januaryTMarvii, --s,f tT. 106 BeuBda in tne United Press Servlea NEW YORKijNpv. i;-rUeutaBt Faywho cemteeaad t:BjBWt,l IPt tuunh. an outgoing bubs waen. wiw munitions for tho allies, may? ImnlU eaU other people.' "''-k i. aj. ' . a . . . l C ' - '. "- . CMet Flywa of thajBBeret Beryjoa. Proeaeutor Knt. ga(ljar-jri OthW IsWlWMaMI - v .MKaBaAwaaanan -mim BntkBHnumi anranniaKm amn. mnmBmBnwHv 7X.,jm ?y tvaa' ..'t . ''tv- SV i"sas lh 1.1m aniitht as It ta'Ui I W "- '."-- '-z-.'- i . -. . ..., . .....a..M:i3?-; ted .and Stt,up;aa;;peatM.;$ M, R..Doty'to;mpvM;Uagsli71f from the 'oourthonae ,JHi;a city's property ati.BBeoBd'aWim-iri Its new.-roivJ "- -v V'S VZ&xl -n Besides the od city 4nnll.Lls.aje ...'.iit- b. oir. .'wuMrin vthavaHar pound and sUblao toWHjMlm wbico - -fflXii.VS', 'm ' I . -i .--.. . -.?-- u.'kdiaiik . The structure a. . pt an'tlne' purBgmwjanlfjJgti' w twenty' Veara'aMM' ttV'Mr Goallerft fcmi"'BJBVnJgfa,'BI , -7, Jjj' . V. . r1-i '. comer; ,CkTPNIJ,MI RaWiW hw'mwi '"f.fff ss mm zv-72 n&ij&iii t - " 7. .' K . . . v uruMuM waa i KlMJaWkOMad alahsehee wakaMO''th . ,7 .'.. .Ii' vetnnwsr ooaaaVMsn f j eaw: .,,--,, ... i ? -f. - V-,' . .... I ((" t' loa orehsetra win twmmw, --