" -a in 'A "w . J .f. .j V -35 - 3V 1 .- ' ,l r j- .jvs f, . v """ -fjsirl . -TV l' "111 :".-. , w-wvi KLAMATH FALLS' iM - .- J,$'5K. wn KLAMATH COUNTY,. OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER ii OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER 4? 1? tmlh Vtni N. M KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1915 Price, Wtn D?g Eugttmg BgraUf UHURCHILLFIGHTS FOR HIS VIEWS ON BRITISH POLICY IIKFKM'S IIIH COUIWK IN DAR IIANELLM peaking l Hoim f Common, Mem ber of Cabinet Assumes No Iteepoa albllllr for Futile Movement Aglut Antwerp, and Hays That reMratlna for Constantinople Oorwtlon Are IVmiplete. United Press Service LONDON, Nov. 16, Speaking In tht haute or common today, Wltuton Churclitll declared that he bed noth D( (o ito with the vending ot a Brit lib force to Antwerp on a so-called follies" expedition, and denied flatly the allegation that tlio alllee went "half rocked" to tlio oiorntlon at the Dardanelles. "Tim plan for operation u pro foundly and maturely considered be fore hostilities were commenced there," mild Churchill. "I regarded the Dardanelles en trrnrlte o a legitimate gamble of the ar lor a prlie of Ineallmablo val ue. Furthermore, I ggured we bad a reasonable chance of winning. "On that baale, I went to the min istry ulth tbo proposal, I accepted the full responsibility for InUUng . and I still accept this responsibility. "Wo linvo no reason to bo discour aged," ho concluded. "We are pass ing through bad times, probably worse than ever before, but they'll be better soon," I'nltui l'rM Borvlce ATIIKN8, Nov. 10.- -A local paper .ays the Itrl.lst, minister, nroahflut to imiviii. ii uvunuiu mat uiwd giiai- anteo she will not oppose tho allies' Balkan campaign In any clrcum nance. They want assurances that al lied forces will not be Interned In cano ii reverse compells n retreat through Greece. The Brooklyn llapld Transit com pany lias placed an order for $1,413, ooo automatic cab signals and speed control system. Its Installation on the big subway will mark the first ap plication of such an arrangement to r.ny subway In the world. Exported Happening. It Is rumored that Bennett J. Lofts gaard and Sophie Alice Shetler are this day to be united by the ties of matrimony. i Strychnine Used to End lite of Despondent Girl Carrying out a threat sho had re peatedly made, Christina Houston, aged about 27, ended her life late Saturday afternoon by taking strych nine. A short time before she tried to open an artery, but her relatives prevented her from so doing. Tho girl's death occurred at the home of her parents on a ranch about two miles east of' Bonania. She bad returned hone that day evidently' for the purpose of ending .her life, as Just before her departure from Klamath Fall she called up w former employer nd bade her goodbye, saying "he , would not return to Klamath Falls. She jokingly remarked she would end this woman her awltch as a memento, end made several ghastly Jests which the former employer tried to believe were only Jokes. While en rout to her borne Satur day, the girl made similar -remarks bout ending her Me te the stage driver, aa Intimated that ike had tho strychnine to' bar tulteaee (or that purpose, n (s also reported that-eke told the driver that the had bow ouet of towers' to be placed oa her PARTY LEAVES TO MEET STRAHURN AT8END SESSION mical entertainment vlksh piioghehh Three Automobile lotion With Kluin- nlli 1'alU .Men, (toll Touaiil Crook County M'mimiIU to I'jiiili 1miIv In Organization of (Vntntl Oregon le- vt'lopuirnt league lllg HniKjiirt nt Klanuitli I'iiIN Nct Wrk. Two automobile full of Kluinatli Falls llvu wire left thin afternoon for llciiil, to nttend the reception to Hob- ert Htraborn, railroad promoter, and the leorgaiilzutlon or the Central Ore Kon Development U'rkuc. Anotber automobile of tiooMters will lcae for 1 1 end In the mornliiK Ho Klamath will be well represented nt tlio meet ing Those Iratlng today are Charles 0 rave, I.. Jacobs, Hon. Will 8. Wor ilen. N. C. Chapman, George J. Wal ton, Henry Ellor, Onrd Van !ler and A. A, Bellman. W. Paul JohnKon will take a party In tlio morning, and Will H. Ilennett will bo a member of tbU crow of boostorn A aoon nn possible after reaching lieixl, the Klamath men will telegraph the Commercial Club tlio Struborn a HO l0 locnl orfcnnZat,lon will be ab,0 to ,,. plnn for tho bIg rc. coptlon to bo accorded Strahorn and Ills associates In tho Oregon, Califor nia and Eastern venture. Tho Strahorn party, after leaving Bend, wl.iourney. to Paisley, SHver Lake, Lakevlow.' and other points along tho rallwnj roulr. The Klam ath men will return from fiend to uko nn n tho rccopton fiinun. It Is for the purpose of ascertain ing tho views or tho people along tho proposed routes that tho Strahorn party In making tho present trip. Tho entertainment to bo given hero is to tut something out of tho ordinary, nnd ono that will convlnco tho railway men that Klantath is with them In more than spirit. All parts of the county arc expected to be represented, and there will bo nttto trips, a big banquet for 300 or more, band concerts, orchestrn nnd quartet numbers, speeches, nnd all forms or enthusiastic ontortalnment. In From Merrill. Marshal T. M. Durham of Merrill Is a county scat visitor. It was after Miss Houston's offorts to open an artery had boon frustrated .,.. k- - hncemlns: alarmed. rushed Into a room where the desper ate girl was. Miss Houston calmly handed her nn empty tumbler which sho admonlshod her to rinse out thor oughly before using, and calmly add ed that sho had just initen sirycuum-. A moment later sho writhed In P"m"' .. , ..-. The family at onco seiu iui u . tor, but before a physician could ar rive the girl had passed away. She suffered several spasms .before sne died, and between spasms she told her people that life was too nore, m she didn't care to live. ., n.-i nrklltnnlr mada an in- uoroner unit n- - vcatlgatlon, but the case was one that did not warrant an Inquest. The re mains were Interred last night. a a . Ma AMMMAI Miss Houston is in no w -..-ed with the well known family of the . iii- In Klamath Vails. same "" - . l- -...-. mtiwH aa domestic Bne nas oc- -t." r- - - In many prominent homes, and has el- ways Dome a pi-ui .--...--. - . .... k- If-nsn kara to her pj Klwagra i --- --- -- employers aa of a morbid disposition. Mg Ma irenu-nj w--. - French Liner i ri... ini Frpnrli liner Hoclinm-' . i.. v-.... V.I, C.tnr.Uv DeUU. WIIHII It-'ll .uw lull. W(. ...., Noembcr fitli, with a large qunntlty or munitions or war, put Into Hullfns nrter nn announcement by wireless GRAND JURORS ASSEMBLE HERE TAI.KSMKX WIM. TOMOHKOW MOUSING CONVENE TO CONSIO- L-EK U1MINAI4 MATTEK8 I'ASS- Kl ON IIV JISTIOES Membors of the Klamath county grand Jury are coming to town today in nrenaratlon for their regular ses sion, preceding tho opening of tho Do-, comber term of tho circuit court, ses sions w 111 begin tomorrow nt tho office or I'rosecutlng Attorney John Irwin. Members or the venlro are: R. W. Tower (roremnn), Kcno; Martin L,. Spencor, Kcno; Richard Brlcteneteln, Olene; Chas. P. Stewart, luamaiu Falls: Albert Burkdorf, Dairy; Fred Coloman. Swan; J. A. Gordon, Klam ath Falls. Thoro arc three cases already list ed for Investigation, mo suspwwu paries being bound over to tho grand Jury by Justices of the pence. The case of William Hill, who la charged with neglecting to support his family will bo looked Into, and another case to bo considered is tho arson chaTgo against A. B. Lawronce. inveswo- tlon of this case It is nimea, may bring out other charges. The Jury will also look into the charge of assault with a deadly weap on on which n certain Emory was bound over by tho Fort Kiatnatn Justice's court. PRIN6LE FALLS PROJECT SOLD MM---- f EASTERN CAPITAL IURCH.S ELECTRIC AND IRRIGATION 8VHTEM8 DEVELOPMENT IN CLUDES NEW SAWMILL LA IMNB. Nov. 15. Tho Prlngle Falls Water and Power company ,ot La Pine, with head offices In Portland, has Just been sold to a syndicate of Eastern capitalists, headed ny tomes Brothers ot Nebraska. K. W. Tomes, one of the brothers, Is a banker here. Tho consideration Is said tQ have been. $800,000. y The Diana announced for the new company are to eupply power for the Irrigation of the entire L rtne oasro and Bden Coulee, Silver Lake and Fort Rock vaMeyi. Power and light for La Pine will also be among the first stepa In development. The power , aja-Eijji---i I Afire From Bomb in Hold from Cni)tnln?.)ullnn Hurt fire had . I a l,win ,1 1 nnv,.rl.l l.t l.or. I.nl.l Tho v.. u...w.-w.- . ..w.u. ..w flames eamo worn the rcsen'e coal bunkers. Whfe denials were made that tlio fire fas tlio work or 3er- , plant, which li practically finished,! i will be immediately equipped, a saw-' tmlll with a dailv canacltv of 160.000 ' feet, will bo erected In the spring. I ' The big clay deposit at the falls.i which Is also included In the doal,( will bo opened at once, and associated . capitalists will' operate a vitrified brick plant and "pottery at the falls as soon as an electric line Is completed. This body of clay ranks second, to nc no in the West. The work of' the i traction lluo.wlll.be resumed as soon I Jns weather permlts.unless other rall-1 inr.d facilities are obtained. SONS SEEK BODY OF PARENT HERE1 -j Richards, pastor of Grace M. B. 'church. " MADE FOR THE,. The couple loft on the morning SEARCH BEING (ilt.VVi: OF MAN WHO PERISHED IN SNOW IN 75, AND WAS nUR-,wlIl Ii:i AT OLD FORT 'Francisco, the Gowens will return, ' Innd tho Moores will spend the winter 'in Southern California. A tiugcdy of the early '70's has Both tho bride and groom are well been leculled through the visit here and favorably known in Klamath or two sons of John Francl, who per- Falls. Mrs. Moore Is the daughter Ished in tho snow north of old Fort'or City School Superintendent R. H. Klamath, while en route with' a com-j Dunbar and wife, and Is a graduate of pnnion from Walla Walla' to Calltor-he local high school. Mr. Moore is nla. The sons are seeking tho re-, the son of Mrs. Charles S. Moore, ani mains ot their father, and several j8 interested In several local Instltu plonoors are lending thorn every as- tlons. slstanco. . Accoidlng to Captain O. C. Apple gate and several others who have been enlisted In the search, Francl and his companion reached Klamath county early In December, 1875. They became lost In the great pine forest north of Klamath Marsh, and wan dered nround several days without food. From exposure, etc.. the men camo desperate, ana separatea m xne . - .- hope ot finding, relief. Francl's com ponton succeeded, In reaching Klam ath Agency, and at once searching parties wero sent out to find Francl. Ills remains were found three days lninp nn Im oerlshed in the snow .hn-fiv i,fnr th rascua tiartv found ,,, Tho rAm.lna nt SVanri warn buried in tho nlrt Fori Klamath, cemetery. .-j.i . .,. i. a.... tn end ii,. mv. nmf rnmovA hir father's remains to their family burial plot.) As tho old cemetery has not been glv-J en special attention for some time, tho task of flndlngvthe resting place of Francl's remains Is none too easy. Tn nnaiat the BOnS.i CsBtaln ADDlegaU has given them a plat of the cemetery and a photograph, taken ot it aeme decades ago, andean also given them the names ot soma old-timers In the Fort and Reservation, section -who might be able to,iena aeme assistance, France leads,t the number ot.reg- l-,1 vlnn "!. ". c .men epics In New York, It was gener 'inhi. ..u..l. Irtiri1 nlmn l.n .vlcklAfla ""' ouo.J.v.uu , ..v.. lv ....c.w.o was received that they had placed a bomb in the bunkers, as they have done on many other ships leaving American ports with munitions. MISS DUNBAR IS NOW MRS. MOORE I'UOMINEKT IiOOAIi FAMILIBS V UNITED AT CEREMONY EARXT r ' SUXDAV MORNIXG LEAVE ON ,fv t THREE MONTHS SOJOURN In the presence ot only the mem bers ot the families of the contracting .parties, Miss Marguerite Dunbar and (Charles L. Moore were united in mar Jrlago at 8:30 yesterday morning. The vi'icwuuj was ifvriuiiuou at mtj uuiuv of the bride's parents by Rev. B. C. train with Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Qowen for Redding. From there they go to San Francisco by auto, and nttcnd the oznoaltlon. From San IS FROM A HUNTER GUN WIPED be-.TRIP TO SHOOT DUCKS IS FRUS. tiathi UY THEFT OF ROOTS AND GUN FROM AUTO THIEF STILL SOUGHT A shotgun and a pair of hip boots wero stolen from the Hunsaker auto- moone as u siooa in wont oi m- ar !l .. ah Unl nlwnt ir- srl rw t"r cnio vu m ivm-mmm, mornlnc. .Thus far. all efforts to tiuck the thief have been In vein. Hunsaker was in the cafe eating breakfast before leaving ; on a duck hunt, The daylight theft In a busy locality Is pusillng officers. SthesAdscavils sflsather a-ffrncew In on DMeiaeee. B. T. McKlmmons Is here today from the Miller Hill district. According to the latest forest ser vice figures, the amount of Douglas fir In the national forests of Watt Ington and Opton i eitlmatoiba no an aaa AAA a ,,.,-, v. .- , , ( CRITICIZES THE E AND IS OUSTED PRESIDENT, HOWEVER, REIN STATES HIM Aitlon of Postofflce Department in Dropping Federal Employe Because He Criticized Wilson's Coming Mar riage to Mrs. GaR. Creates a Sensa tion, and Wilson Hasten to Rein state the Deposed Officer. United Press Service WASHINGTON' D. C, Nov. 15. Hearing today that the postofflce de partment had discharged Assistant Postmaster Walter Burkltt of Win- netka, Illinois, on the allegation that Burkltt had criticized the president's engagement, President Wilson In structed Postmaster General Burle son to reinstate Burkltt, If the only charge against him was this criticism. United Press Service CHICAGO, Nov. 15. Discussing his reinstatement, Burkltt made the following statement by long distance telephone teday: "I am a holdover from the Taft ad ministration. When Mr. 'Kloepfer was appointed postmaster he said he was going to 'get' me, and be has been diligently worklng't'o secure my dismissal. Kloepfer has accredited me with many statements regarding the presi dent's approaching marriage which, i never made. I mentioned the affair only once, at the time the engagement was announced." ygfy.-.i.' "-E"M.JT' .... 7-vr j. INSTALLATION IS WELL ATTENDED CEREMONIES PERFORMED IN- STALLING REV. CHARLES T. HURD AS PASTOR OP THE LO CAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH A large congregation was present yesterday morning at the services In cident to the public installation ot the Rev. Charles T. Hurd as pastor of the First Presbyterian church of this city. Rev. Hurd came here from the First church tn Portland, and. has occupied the local pulpit since the first Sunday In September, but bis public installa tion could not be arranged for an earlier date. Dr. J. V. Mllligan, 'superintendent ot Sunday School Missions of the Presbyterian church In Oregon, was present from Portland and preached the morning sermon. He also deliv ered the charge to the congregation after Rev. W. Frank Gloeckner -of Grants Pass had propounded the con stitutional questions to Rev. Hurd "New Faces United Press Service NEW YORK, Nov. 16 Faces tott? and distorted by war wounds, out ot all semblance to human countenances; will be "repaired'! in a French hos pital if American dollars come to the aid of promoters ot the plan. ' Dr. Anema. Paris surgical special ist, said that plans are rapidly near? lag completion for an Amerteas ha- pltal la France for this humane work.; France will turntsh the bulMHag and the American Tied Cross the nurses, ' "Ud to May 5." enlalnad Dr. Aaaja. "there were '11.171 eases of severe faee and' Jaw 'wounds among I WILSON ROMANC AimotNewfhilanthroDY . M k . W J . e ;?-. v VIOLENT GERMAN OFFENSIVE HITS WESTERN FRONT HAND GRENADE FIGHTING M REVIVED Every Engine of Death Employed by Teutons in New OJfensiifei Accord lag to the Official Dispatches From France Austrian Commander ' Maintain AU Foeltons oa' ItaUi front Are StUl Held United Press Service , , . PARIS, Nov. 16. According to the official review; of fighting aloagthe Western front, the Germans attacked In tremendous force repeatedly, using every possible engine of death. These attacks, says the report, were made as often as twenty times dally. The fight waged from Artols to Champagne. The German losses are placed at 2,000 to every unltesgaged. The French lines are Intact. --, w "Violent rifle and hand grenade fiehtina rased last night Iff the vicin ity of the Labyrinth, and In the Artols district the, Germans lost .heavily,'' says today's MmmuntQ.ne.,ilaw "German hand grenade .attacks near Champagne were repnlaei. We exploded a mine at Clery,- wrecking German defenses. - - .,&. "In the East our line progressed1 from north of Rabrovo to Kostarina." Itla announced that the Bulgarian attack on the entire FrencnJIne ateng the Tserna River in Southern Serbia has been repulsed:" " sr " irnllnl Praia 'aerrloB J " icrrxT-!-3W3T&rT4; "frWHB-wi vnsSJc.ar.TTjairjastes-i field commander uV the Italian oper ations reported to headquarters' to te day: "I maintain all the positions that I did when I took charge at the outbreak of the war." He praiaes the Italian troops for their bravery.? . !,- United Press Service LONDON. Nov. 16. It Is reported that English experts may go to Italy to direct an anti-submarine campaign. England is anxious to do this for the safety ot allies', transports, as well as for Italy's assistance. ' ,. Premier Asqulth today told the house of lords that the cabinet will not attempt to apply conscription without the consent of parliament, as such an action might cause a "mis understanding. Special music was rendered at the mnmlni. OArvtCA i ,..o . . . V Rev. Gloeckner. who I occupies the same position In the Southern Oregon Presbytery that Dr. Mllligan does to ward the state of Oregon,; preached the sermon in tne evening. ,, Tho first ssRslon nf an inatltnta fr- the Sunday schobl'teachers and work era, of the church wag held thV after noon at 2:30 by the visiting official, and another session will be held this evening at the church at ?:!; to which all Interested In Sunday school work are cordially Invited, , for OH" k r t i .hV . . l . i aseit V i ' j c. .Ln ? i .tiiA aiiAtt nn inn wnun irou "" win neegmany Aswleanrp!V and.dentUU for wkonJHv!ia- " !". iL ! L"" teetn struynre .,preiimsqr Ayf" y,g ouiming noses, lips aaaa .,..-.. -j" will depend .enL the, number a America is willing- toteenn nravent Burooe from'beee'mingat tlnent of ghastly, freakB,55;', AneaV'BUeffnaaW ; new faeet mm wmmjmm Ups and '(MhiWjttM using tlMuefrggsg-tbe' wounded men.. conat'riieted : teem.' t acnes are enm rs Jftt- ?l 5 1 -. ."H JKl frf. Afi tt.. . ESm3 being welcome. ,. . v p