The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 13, 1915, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    V t? rr V 1
J-' j
v , fVW
Citin llemenway, Ml Third
.fT b onio beautifully bound
JZT ilnilo nml In sots; would make
JJJ XmM !"" fl' "ou,d "
I J-at itly reduced prices. They
IwVw. De Lo bindings,
Hbtcrlbe for the Herald, BO rents
Fish and
Meat Market
Steve Strasser, Prop.
7l!:i Miiln HI. Phono 157
Aulo UcHverr
Ur I
A tar of Hint Iiu1 Hck Spring
will arrive nbout November 16th.
lUr )our order to bo delivered
on nrrlMil of tliu car. Price 113
per tnn
We also hiimllo dry slab, body
and limb wood. Ho nil In your or
der I. I'lione 187.
IWW Mnln Htreet
Made Fresh
Every Day
121 No. Sixth Street
Come to the Garage that
Guarantees you Satisfactory
Service in everything.
Whether you store your
car with us permanently or
just buy occasional supplies,
we guarantee to please you in
both Quality and Price.
The Best Grade of Gasoline
it the Lowest Market Price.
Try our Service once and
notice the difference.
Howie Garage
Your Choice
101 r
sanaSn I ! tsiH
sanananawasv 1 L I J
All Have Luck
Those who rsat amas fres-
use our WBwualUoa, eesM hesae
Klamath Sportsmen's
TheWorldof Pardon
amn.T. Hunt, Pastor of
And Josun sallh: Bon, thy ulna are
forgiven Mark 2:0,
' I say unto thee, ArUv, take up
tby boil ntul go unto thy house
Mnrk 2' II
Jesus hud iigitlu returned to Caper'
iiarun, the ilty which wai the center
of hU activity. He had boen on a
tour through Ualllco, preaching, been
Ing and doing many woudorful things,
and was now hack again to thU cen
tral point or hU work. No city ever
, enjoyed ho much of tilu pretence as
thU (inn, and yet none was so hard
ened and ludirrorcnt. It wu In this
city that hi- wan being entertained In1
the house of h friend, and was preach
ing to the assembled guests, who had
crowded about him when the circum
stances recorded In Mark 2.112 oc
curred. I Hie Mreeagv.
"And he spake
thn word unto
them." This little senloncojIiidlcstM
the great object of his mlnjslrjr. The
exorclao of his miraculous power was
Niibordlnutu to this. Ills mlrncloi
were designed to fix attention uuou
him aw u "teacher come from Uod"
but It was "tho word" they needed
most that word of love and sympa
thy uud light and life and forglvo
uni and Joy. It Is the sarao thing
thnt humanity needs today the raes-
sago of "peace ou earth and good will
tfk ninll '" llnnrta nrn VAtnt,ir fni '
..... ....., .w .. ...., .
the experience of that truth, and It Is
that messago that will grip mtn, for
It Is the " of Hod unto salva
U A Man lit Need.
While he was speaking an Inter
ruption ennio as tho roof above his
hoad was broken through and a bed
was let down on which lay a par
alysed man whoso dlseaso was Incur
able Yet though his sermon was
thus rudely Interrupted, there was no
sign of protest on Jesus' part, for ho
was always looking for opportuni
ties to help needy men. This man,
helpless, sick, suffering who could
not even go alone to the physician,
li over n plcturo of helpless, sinning
humanity that Is bound to helpless
ness and usetessnoM by tho shackles
of sinful llfo and habit. Men have
loarned by experience that tboy can
not euro themselves of theso things,
but thnt outside help la necessary if
they (ito to live right and realise
tlifili hichest good In the world.
-A Man anil Ills Friends.
"And they came bringing unto blm
a man," etc. no waa lonunaio in
hla friends .who put themselves at a
disadvantage to holp him andNcnrry
him to where help could be found.
They may not havo had an Intellec
tual dlscornmont of the personality
of Christ, but they had a strong prac
tical faith, and this, after all, Is the
more valuable. Jesus soon discerned
the central spiritual Impulse of these
Is to be known as
tho most reliable
place In town
where both the
experienced and
tho Inexperienc
ed can safely
Bo It Is a rigid
rule here that no
exaggerated or
or false represen
tations are par'
mltted under any
What you think
you aro letting
here la exactly
what you do get.
A child can buy
here as safely aa
the most expert
Seehorn GETZ Wood
maa si1m fltrret. rhoae Tt
too Klsnutn -.- -
.. . .-. Oboa l
with bird. TRY us.
wxm sjw
vs. theWorld of Prayer"
Flret Presbyterian Church.
men, and when ho say "their faith"
ho turnod to beat the patlont they
had brousht to him. Thflv prn nun
cf ik-lcrmlnatlon who know how to'
overcome obstacle in order to win,!
and such men always win. Tho prln-'
clpla of mutual support and co-opera-'
tlon It the basis of all our modernr,
"If four men aro needed to bring
one man to Jesus, let four men do It. I
Vou aro loss tban n fourth of a Chris
linn If you are not willing to be one'
of tho four to bring a palsied one1
unto tho presence of Jesus."
1 The Word of I'ardon.
lu the midst of all his kindness the
man'H guilty past had not been for
gotten. Ho bad been a alnner, and '
It Is possible that his malady was tbcj
lesult of wrong doing. Nothing Isl
Mild about It more tban the word of)
pM-don here spoken. Yet Jesus Is '
never Katlsned with naif measure.
, the ompluw,, where ,t be.
onKH. roM , tno root of tll0
matter, and nocks to save a man both
, lu soul and body. This man needed
forglvuncHH more than he needed
healing. As Jesus looked down Into
,,,, ,Me tho man ftt once recognixed
that bore was one who knew all
nhout him, and still had compassion.
Jesus knew what dreary memories
and morbid fears haunted that sick !
botli nIlU th; wordg lmU he gpoke t0
. . . .. . '
.riirn wnrn nil? nn nvfininMii. nnr n
wish, but a, statement of authority.
"Thy sins be forgiven thee." This Is
more than tho word of absolution his
ambassador may speak. Jesus can
read hearts, and know what waa In
man, and so speak aa to answer a
man's neods. -
rUn Art of Power.
"Tako up tby bed and walk." And
this was spoken to prove that he had
power to apeak tho other word of
pardon. The day of miracles Is In a
largo measure passed. We have the
evidence of ages passed and the testi
mony of human hearts to the power
of Jesus Christ. In thla case the man
"arose," etc., and carrying his bed
with h'lm, "the proof of -his sickness
became the proof of hla cure."
ri The Word' of Pardon Preceded
the Act of Power.
Ou the surface Christ's miracles
may seem designed to relieve suffer
ing and to restore health, but to him
who looks beyond the mere external
act, appears a manifestation of the
power and love of the divine physi
cian. He waa much more than a
hcalor or a worker of miracles. He
possessed the secret of new life and
power, which always concerns iiseu
with tho man more than the clay ten
ement In which he lives. The. spir
itual must ever take precedence, the
material must follow. Many assume
today that our first duty to humanity
U to care for the alck and to aupply
bodily needa. We are expected to
take all of the exteraala of lite In
charge. It la Implied that the wora
of Pardon is secondary, and that the
first command should be "arise and
walk." It Is a mistake, With sucn
the Act of Power, rather than the
Work of Pardon la taken aa a sign of
Tho Act of Power has Its place, but
there are deeper wants than health
and bread. We must give the love
that makes the bread a blessing and
tho cup of cold water must be given
In the name of Christ. The tendency
now Is to a religion temporal and
earthly, but religion has something
better than good jelothes and better
bodies. The need of pardon and re
mission Is greater and Jesus gives
both. What Is the misery of a soul
In aln longing for a better life. The
misery of rata cannot compare with
It. Happiness may live even la a
hovel, at an empty table or on a alck
bed. A church or society that nas no
perception of thla need is blind to
humanity's direct distress. K you
have no message for thla need you
have no power to help humanity in
the hour of deepest despair. Jesua
Christ was not blind to It, bnt said
first and always: "Thy sins be for
given thee." He wants you to a
eent him for all that he it, and has
and for all that he can make you to
n it i i
NBW YORK, Nov. U.The reslg
nation of Cornelius N. Bliss as a'fl
rector of the SouU PajWej'
paay the eleetlea of rreserlek
D. Uaorwbed, t
railroad to sueeeed alv was sa
.nuaaed at the eoaelmtoa of a SMtt-
Has the Cake Walk Come Back?
I W&.m1!mtisM
t "fMBmmmmm7MUfmsnK .
I WXwmmimmM
U 'aFm ff Y trit rtwawasssssssssssii
The cako walk would seem to have
come back for another run, to Judge
from the hit It made with the bril
liant throng at a Chicago hotel the
other night. Miss WUma Wynn, the
little Southern girl who less than.
three years ago went from her Nor-1
At the Churches
Christian Church Corner of Ninth
and Pine streets.
Bible school on every Lord's Day
at io a. m.. Mrs. J. L. Beckley, super
intendent. Elder C. F. Swander, state super
intendent of missions of the Chris
tian church in Oregon will hold ser
vices at this church both morning and
evening. A cordial welcome to all.
Young People's roeeUng 6:30 p. m.
The Emmanuel Baptist Sunday school
meets In tho basement .of the
Library building, Third and Main.
Sunday school, 10 a. m., O. P.
Couchman, superintendent.
Wednesday, 8 p. m., cottage prayer
The Missionary Society meets each
Thursday at 2:80 p. m. until the mis
sionary Christmas boxes are packed.
You are cordially invited.
Lone Pine There will be preaching
service at the Lone Pine school
house tomorrow at 3 p. m.
Subject, "The European War In
Divine Prophecy." B. E. Tupper,
Grace Methodist Episcopal Churcn
Corner Tenth and High streets; E.
C Richards, minister.
10:00 a. m., Sunday school, George
Walton, superintendent.
Preaching at 11 aim. and 7:30 p.m.
6:30 p. m., Epworth League, Chas
L. Roberts, president. s
Thursday evening, 7.15, choir prac
Vernon T. Motschenbaeher choris
ter : Miss Maude Newberry, pianist.
Mrs. Charlotte K. Batteries, leaner
of the orchestra.
We cordially Invite the public
First Presbyterian Church Corner of
Third and Pine streets. .
Services will be held this week aa
follows .
Sunday, 10 a. m., Sunday school.
11 a. m preaching by Rev. J". V,
MUligan Installation service.
6:30 p. m., Christian Rndeavor.
7:30 p. m., preachlagy Rev. W.
Frank Oloeokner.
Wednesday. 7:30 p. at, nldweex
service. '
Choir practice Saturday, 7:30 p. u,
Monday, at 2: 3D p, ., Sunday
School Institute at the church.
Moaaer, sv iiv y. ,.
School Institute t the eaureY
Monday, at 7: so p. at., aunuay
Thursday, ItM v!M-.Jm' ami
Society aseetlng at the hesae of Mrs,
J. J. Stetger. 1117 attest.
Thursday. 7: p.m., eaavai Thau
rolk home In quest of a career, dl
rocted the dance. In an exhibition
number with John Clay, Miss Wynn
attempted the old fashioned cake
walk, and from that moment until
the close of the evening's festivities
nothing but this style of dancing was
In order.
Missionary Society. An Interesting
program Is being prepared by the
ladles, and a fine time Is assured all
who attend.
Young people's chorus, date to
Charles T. Hurd, Pastor.
Church of Christ Scientists Services
are held on Sunday morning at 11
o'clock and Wednesday evening at
7:30 in Christian Science Hall, In the
Jacobs block, corner Third and Main
streets, upstairs.
The reading room of the Society
t the same location will be open
on Tuesday, Thursday and .Saturday
afternoons from 2:30 to 4:30 until
.urther notice.
Church of the Sacred Heart Corner
Worden avenue and Donald streets.
Rev. Wm. McMillan, 8. J., pastor.
First Mass at 8 a. m.
High Masa and Benediction at 10
o'clock a. m.
Week day Mass every morning at
Catechitc&l Instruction every Sat
urday at 9:30 a. m.
Services at Merrill on the third
Sunday of each month,
Baptist Church Corner Eighth and
Canal streets. t Rev. J. B. Griffith
Bible school at 10 a. m., C. R. De
Lap, superintendent.
Regular morning services.
Preaching at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m
Everyone cordially Invited to these
A Washington, D. C, reformer and
hostess carries nn aversion to killing
so far that she will not wear leather
shoes, nor will she serve fish upon
her table. Her gloves are always of
silk, and she wears rubber soles ex
clusively. Fur and feathers are also
aaV " . m J
Krea II yea do sot drive a ante
aeobSe, yon seed an Xtn aeddeat
policy. See Chlfcote. 6
Herald want ads gat results.
Notice of SherUTs Sale
(Equity No. 721)
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Klamath County
Lulu H. Shepherd, Plaintiff,
William H. McCIure, Defendant.
Under and by virtue of an execu
tlofi in foreclosure, issued out of the
circuit court of Klamath county, state
of Oregon, dated tblss,29th day of
October, A, D. 1515, In the above en
titled action, wherein Lulu H. Shep
herd, as plaintiff, recovered Judg
ment and decree against tho defend
ant, William H, McClure, In the sum
of $1,275.7!, with Interest thereon at
the rate of 10 per cent per annum
from the 16th day of September, A. D.
191G; and for the sum of $160 attor
ney's fees and for the costs and dis
bursements of said action, amount
ing to the sum of $16.20, and for the
further order, judgment and decree
foreclosing the mortgage herein and
barring the rights, claims, Hens and
clalms.of equity of redemption of the
said William H. McClure, and all per
sons claiming, by, through, or under
Wherefore I am commanded to sell
all those pieces and parcels of land
described In said mortgage herein, sit
uated in the county of Klamath, state
of Oregon, described as follows.
to wit:
The west half of the southeast
quarter and the southeast quarter
of the southeast quarter of section
twenty-one (21), and the northeast
quarter of the northeast quarter of
cectlon twenty-eight (28), all In
township forty (40) south, range
twelve (12) east, W. M In Klam
ath county, Oregon. Also lots 786,
787, 794, 795, In block 106, MUla
Addition to the city of Klamath
Falls, Oregon, together with the
tenements, hereditaments and ap
purtenances thereto belonging or
in 'anywise appertaining,
or so much thereof as may be neces
sary or sufficient to raise the amount
due the plaintiff for her principal. In
terest, attorneys fees, costs and dls
bursements and costs of sale.
A notice is hereby given that on the
29th dayot November. 1915, at 2
o'clock In the afternoon, at the front
door of the court house In Klamath
Falls, Klamath county, state of Ore
gon, I will, In obedience to said order
or sale and execution under foreclos
ure, sell the above described property,
or so much thereof as may be neces
sary to satisfy the plaintiff's Judg
ment, attorneys fees, costs of suit, and
costs of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash.
C. C. LOW,
Sheriff of Klamath County, Ore.
By GEO. C. ULRICH, Deputy.
Notice of Sale Under Execution
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Klamath County.
H. T. Anderson, PlalnUff,
Violet D. Boyd. G. M. Boyd, John W.
Swanson and Anna Swanson, De
fendants. Notice is hereby given that by vir
tue of an execution and order of sale
Issued out of the above-entitled court
and In this cause on the 9th day of
October, 1916, upon a- decree made
and entered of record on the 9 th day
of October, 1916, In favor of the
above named plaintiff and against the
defendants herein, directing -the sale
of certain real property herein de
scribed to satisfy the sum of six thou
sand seven hundred eighty -flyo
(16,785.00) dollars adjudged due the
plaintiff and costs and disbursements
taxed at nineteen and 30-100(119.30)
dollars, together with Interest on said
sums at the rate of 6 per cent per
annum from October 9, 1915, and ex
penses of such sale;
Now. therefore, I have levied upon
said premises and will on the 18th
day of November, 1915, at the hour
of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said
day, at the front door of the court
house in Klamath Falls, Oregon, sell
at public auction to the highest bid
der for cash In hand, subject to re
demption according to law, all the
rlfht, title and Interest of the above
named defendants In and to the fol
lowing described premises:
Situate in Klamath county, Ore
gen: WH of section is; hw
,NWtt of secUon 33; EH NB of
section S3; SRK SDH of section
29, all in township 40 south, raage
11 east of Willamette Meridian.
Pursuant to said execution the said
premises will be offered for" 'sale In
two parcels, In the order of their de
scription, as follews:
First:- 8KK BK section' 29;
BH NB14 of section St; KWH
NW sestloeJSSj' SWfc and- a
trip eoatatasng SO aeres of the
eutaeriy ead of SH.of NWH
eettoa 18, la all containing StO
aeres: r
i rv j r,t
Ai it.iAi',v)
' -?-'- '' til.
73 arrff
containing 30 acres ae?
north end of 8tt of NW14 i
tlon 28, In all containing !
Dated at Klamath Halls,
October 16, 1916.
C. C. LOW, Sharif,
By OEO, C. ULRICH, Deputy."
In tho Circuit Court of the State 3&A
Oregon, for Klamath Couaty'
Hnttle Eckhardt, Plaintiff,
Albert D. Eckhardt, Defendant. '
To Albert D. Eckhardt, Defendant
above named:
In the name of the stats of Oreava.
you are hereby required to appear' and
onsntr the complaint filed agalaet "
you In the above entitled action oa''
or Wore Saturday, the 18th dsy'et" ''
December, 1916, that being the' last
day of the time prescribed la the or
der of, publication of this sumnToafl.
and If you fall so to appear andean-,
swer for want thereof plalntlaVwM
apply to the court for the reliefs
prayed tor in the said complaint, to
wit: For a decree dissolving the
bonds of matrimony now existing he
tween plaintiff and defendant; for '
the care and custody of Irene atek
hardt and Marie Eckhardt (conting
ent as to the latter upon decree of
adoption being first entered), and for
such other and further relief aa to.-.
the court may seem equitable. Thls.u
summons Is served on said defend
ant by publication thereof la thef
Evening Herald, a newspaper of gen
eral circulation, printed and publish
ed att Klamath Falls. Klamath county.
Oregon, not less tnan'once a- wees; eer
six weeks, by order of Honorable, D.
V. Kuykendall, judge of the above en
titled court, made, dated and filed 1'
this case at Klamath Falls, Klamath
County, Oregon, on November 6tav(
1915, the date of the first publication
thereof being Saturday, the 6th day
of November, 1915.
Attorney forPlaanUSY
Summons for PabUoaUoa la Forecles,
are of Tax Idea
In the Circuit Court of the State of , -
Oregon, for Klamath'Couaty? 1 3
B. S. Grlgaby. PlalnUff, ;
VS. --" '
George L. Davis, Defendant. -, Jsfj
To George L. Davis, the above aaawd.fe,
detendant: -s A "t
In the name of the state of Oregon.
y0u are hereby notlfled that B7'
Grlgsby, the holder of certificate ot
delinquency numbered657. Issued oa
tbe 22nd day ot May, 1915. by the tax
collector of the county of Klamath,
state of Oregon, for the amount ot t
sixteen and 67-100 (16.67) dollars.
the same being the amount then due
and delinquent for taxea for the year"
1912, together with penalty, interest
and costs thereon upon the real prop
erty assessed to you, ot which you
are the owner as appears ot record,
situate In said county and state, and,
particularly, bounded and described as
follows, to wit: ; ,
Southeast quarter of southwest -
quarter, and lot five, section twea-1
ty-two, -township thirty-nine south.
range ten east ot Willamette Mert-
dlaa. ' , ' I
You are further notified that said J
8. Grlgsby has paid taxea oa said f
premises for prior or subsequent j
years, with the rate ot interest on'
said amounts as follows ,
For the year 1913, paid May 22, i
1915, tax receipt No. 5235, aaouat
paid $18.19. with Interest at 12 per''
V,For the year 1914, paid August 12,,
1915, tax receipt No. 4169, amount
paid $16.68, with Interest at 12 per!
cent. I
Said Georee L. Davis as the owneri
ot the legal title of the above de-,
scribed property as tbe same appears
of record, Is hereby further aetlSad
.....i r a n.l..u ...Ill .l'tU
circuit court of the county and state.
aforesaid tor a decree foreclosing; teaf
lien against the property abosa dag
scribed, and mentioned in sad esj' " V
tiflcate. And you are neresy.suniji. ?
moned to appear, within sixty daaa'1 ,,?,'
after the first publication ot this sum-- A
mons, exclusive oi tne aay ec sm
first publication, ana aezenav
action or pay the amount sate
above ahown. together with easts i
accrued Interest, and in esse el
failure to do so, ai decree fill1!
rendered foreclosing the lien or s
taxes and costs against the land;
premises above named. " vjj
Thta mimauini is nuhllshadil
der of tbe Honorable Georse;j
judge of the. circuit court of i
of Oregon for the county of l
ana saia oraer was smhi
the Oth day otvOctoher,19J,li
data of tM first pasnesssam;
summons Is tbe llth i
tain " ., n ?wi-
. .. . -. --i
". -lir
Ail process ana pap
ceedlng maybe'servsd1
m4 'MkAM
derslgaed residlag wlthla
oasgen at tae, aaarsi
MoaTa HOLLO 0.
-- , AMM
Address. Xlaaaath FaRi.
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