rr$j'PPrTJrr' 1 '.-Wijaw v 1 2 8Hj lEutttittg Herald t J! VA. KLAMATH PALLS' KLAMATH COUNTY., OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER"" 4 Vt OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER f .& KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1915 Pries, ne pH year Xo. l87 'V- , SINNOTT STANDS FOR NAVAL BILL; MURDOCH BUCKS KAXMX I'MMHOTH DILL'S OKI!. TAIN DEFEAT pgj Headed Igttor Declares tlwt Wilson's Appwil to RepabUcaa Utfert for Aid la Peseta- Naval PKpndm Measure Will Result la BsllttinK iliu Democratic Party lo Wide for If callag- ' Vailed Press Service FORTLAND, Nov. II. Coagress mi N. J. Blnnott of tbe Eastern Ore- am dUtrlct, today went on record h (iTOrinc nctloti by congress for the teaming of the United Btatea navy ut other icrvlco brsnehes bo tbey aro isKUite (or ttio dofcuso of the coun try In any event. Slnnott leaves to fay for Wellington to be In readiness for Iho oiienltiR of conRreei. Vslttti Press Sorvlco NEW YOIIK, Nov. 11. Congress an Victor Murdoch, progreaalve baser, today called Prealdent Wll MB'a preparedness program "withy why affair." He declared the prealdent would be uublo to put the bill through the itsiocratlc caucua, and predicted that ly appealing to republlcana for aid, Wilson would make a atlll greater ipllt In the democratic ranka. "The progressive ptan to havo a constructive program to doctor busl BMt llli, n sano protectlvo tariff, and to brlnic about real preparedneea not oaly from a- military standpoint, but from tho standpoint of Industrial ttuomy, a well," said Mudock to r. MM, ESTATE 18 MOVING; HOLMi VALLEY RANCH .HOLD Tho Knracrow property, lying In the tllrtrlct noar Hound Lake, lias Juit iirvn purchased by Thomaa M Urtrr.t for u conalderatlon of 15,000. Tbe arlous realty deala which have taken plnco during the paat two weeks xre but fororunnera of large transact ion which wllr take place In tbe foiirni of tho winter. EpUeopnl Service. Members of tho Episcopal church ad all Interested, will meet at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at the residence of Mra, (Jlnsback, 818 Ninth streot. Mrs. Obi of Chicago, a churchworaan of wide experience will bo present, with something on Interest to aay. Happy Days. Chill Novomber doe not affect the Pint or little "Dan Cupid," aa ho ems to be ever on the alert. Again we havo beforo ua the fate or another couplo, who today were granted a marrlago license, namely, Bennett J. 'oftBgaard and Sophie Alice Bhetler. Kep 'Km Flyia'. . n. English left thla morning "Trying a hunting outfit, and a duck be that will hold enough birds for anybody'! Thanksgiving. Made in Klamath Food to Be Used Members of the Woodmen of the World 'residing U Kleaath county are promisee a pleasant little surprise the night of November II, when they lean what a glorious, banquet can be prepared, f rase etrletly Went. th growa er made areaatta. Allot M WoodatMe the eeeaty will at tend thla aelr.waHa la. befog arr ay IwMiaa-Cajap.' , The commHUa la' oaarg ara hard JESSE SUMMERS FAILS TO RALLY HON OF roit.Mi:it COUNTY COM MIHHIONEIt PAHHEH A V A Y FROM COMPLICATION WHICH OPERATION l'AII,i:i TO UK LIEVE After lingering run oral dayti In it critical condition, Junto Hummer, only son of former County Commis sioner Samuel T. Bummer ami wlfo, passed away lit U o'clock last night at Illackburn hospital. Tho funeral services will bo hold at 2 o'clock to morrow afternoon fit draco M, II, church, Itev i: C Hlchards offlclat Ing. Tho youth wan 1G earn of ugo, nnd a natlvo of Klamath county. Ho was raised hero, and after finishing tho Klamath Fall public school last year, entered tho high school tlilu fall as n fresliiniiu. Ha was making Hplondld progress In his scholastic work un til ho was obliged to leave school. Empyema, or pressure of tho whlto corpuscles ahovo tho oyclld agulniit Iho brain, developed n short tlmo ago, and an operation was performed draining tho polxnu nnd reducing tho protwiiro. Following this, an abscess was found pressing on tho hrntn, and other difficulties arose. The attend ing physicians made a vnlhnt tight for tho boy's life, and for n, tlmo It was believed ho would ricmer. I.ato Thursday, n change for tho worse came, nnd yesterday tbo boy's llfo was but a matter of hours. Beside his father and mother, Jesse Sunimors Is survived by two sisters, Mrs. I.loyd A 1 ford nnd Mrs. Wellington Temple, both of whom have been hero since tho first opera tion whs performed. MT. LAKI MAY GET A NEW SPELLING KARNIOT TALK OX INDIAN PRO. XUXCIATIOX OF COMMUNITY'S NAME IH FEATURE OF MEBT I NO OF IMPROVEMENT CI.UII Whether tbo live community be tween here and Merrill li to bo still known ns Mt. Lokl or "Mt. Lockay," according to the Inatun spelling nnd pronunciation, Is a question that was put beforo tho Mt. Lakl Improvement Association last night by Captain O C. Applegate, Klamath's membor of the state geographical board, In an Interesting tnlk on Indian names In this section. Tho club will consider tMo matter at futuro mootlngs. Besides Applognto, County Agrlcul turUt H. noland (llalayor talked on the farm oxtcnalon work, cited ex periments and results this year, and told of noxt year's plans. Ho made a plea for co-operation In the future, and thanked the farmers for their aid In tho aeason Juat closed. Secretary Fred Fleet of the Commercial Club also talked at tho meeting, telling what tho club hopes to accomplish for tho farming Interests, and of the progress being mado toward better railroad facilities at Banquet at rk. and they promise such splendid repast that ever afterwards tbe "choppers" will Insist upon ctrict i. vLmth rown nrovlslons. The affair will be held In tbe I. O. O. T. hall. Besides tbe banquet there wlU be a soolal time that few can pass up. DU trlct Manager Beacbey Is coming over for the occasion, ana it is posw that ,ute oaoM, m"r Is possible. at - American Consul at Munich Dining With British Enemy i 'igegegegeKl trisafiHs' flBLVpeSv9gL ii SkSLtL 'V-y.- ?94SSkc g9gga!jaaLLgLV 'LLLHSLMwgflBsKLLsBgV f ' K?S- fjiBr9mKfi'i 'ggVgSKgg9g)gBgf sr v vtSBSBBj ggsW.ar gagL .BTsxe. k-Bjaga axapzs WAgaxsBY Bgaxxx;'4"B BxaKaxaxaxaKaxaxad mx t J - b gxfjxaeBBBai 'Tr.Kar xeTacsR-vBaKaKasBKaKaKaxaB r m ggfaMBgggfcsw . jf v. T . Lv-'M'ggggKgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggK1 V. lvIxXSKBBBBV ?" '4' uT'JkXMBSvaBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBa i !tr - isxaTlBlBSJL A sW aWKSWi ggfaBBrgSSMSflgtgtgSSSJf aTlP!ff?!nnJgaBBgl yJBaMBWaMBWBWgWgMBCsiaasZr gSWiS,, f j rVjf. llioiiuiK St. John Oaffncy. This remarkable photograph Thoniiia St. John Gnffney. American . . ... CALLED OVER SEA BY RESIDENT OF HAWAIIAN ISLANDS SI'ENDSTEN DAYS IN KLAMATH COUNTY. AND LEAVES AS A MOST ARDENT BOOSTER Tho fame of Klamath county's groat duck and goose shooting Is oven trav eling across tho bea. It has bceu heard In Hawaii sufficiently strong to bring ono sportsman here from the land of ukelolcs and fuzzy neck pieces Several weeks ago President Del zell of tho Sportsmen's Association lueclved a letter from D. C. Austen, n icsiaent or uonoiuiu, uskiuk mm about tho shooting here. Delzell's leply wns evidently to the liking or Austen, us ho came horo ten days ago, and has since been enjoying the shoot-1 Ing around "Tho Cedars" on the up per Lake. This morning tho Aureus depart- od, highly plcasod with tuo sport or . . . . . l tbe Klamath section.. , IN BOY'S NOSE OPERATION TO REMOVE GROWTH FROM LOCAL CHILD'S NAHAL APPENDAGE REVEALS PECUL IAR CASE TONSILS OUT, TOO Mrs. Claudo Davis and little son havo returned from Grants Pasa, whoro tbey have been visiting rela tives for sevoral weeks. While they were away the little fellow was op erated upon for tonsllltts. Whllo the child was on the table, tbo surgeons also made an Investlga- consul at Munich, Gormany, dining i nllttcnl activities. So anxious was tire. It Is possible that representa wlth fllr Itogcr Casomont, tho Irish- ihu British government to get him tlona made by the British government iiinu on whoso head the British are tli.u a large reward was offered for 'because of such Incidents has had rulu to havo set a- prico of $20,000, him. Ho went to Germany, where hoi something to do with tbe recent ac uliotta one reason why ho has boen,vn safe. There, as the photograph tlon of the state department in recall rera lied by tho secretary of state. Sir Inktn In Munich by H. Hoffmann ' Ing Gaffney. OUR HUNTING BUTTON LOOGED tlon of a growth In the chlld'e nosetland rjoidlo A. Johnson In matrimony, and opening this tbey removed a shoe button. It Is supposed that the but - ton was placed In the nostril a couple oJ years ago, when the child was play- Ing, and growth. i.m miimii iiia nAfiiiiRr' HIV WWWW - rww-. And "Dad" Came Back. "Dad" Miles, a former Klamath county man, who operated tha old Merrill hotel at Merrill, Is here from Montagu. tbkw bis !. ! Mrs, jonn Btawartau rvuawwc w JqualnUneartlps. mzrsiSzaE&z 'nrmmmmsMzzMsi", hnd to fleo Ireland and Great. Urltnln a long tlmo ago because of hU I i i Buys German Concern i Archibald S. White Archibald S. Whlto, who Is a friend of German Ambassaaor von uern storff, has bought the South Porto Rice Sugar company, which was owned almost wholly by Germans. Consldornblo Inquiry has followed, because neither sugar men nor dip lomtas can understand why Germans would want to sell such a concern at this tlmo. The company owns ex tensive cano lands. It produced more that 63,000 tons of sugar for the year endlna September 80 Tho was much activity on tho stock exchange In New York following the news of tho sale. But Mr. White would not tell the names of the men for whom he bought the company. Merrlllitos Wedded. Rev. E. C. Ricbarda performed a ceremony nt the Washington last nlabt uniting Samuel N, Ingraham Qoth aro well known In tbe Merrill aiglet, nna will make that town their nome, . . Here on Business. S, O, Johnson, president of the Klamath Development company Is hero from San Francisco on a busi ness trip. To Dorris. Mrs. H, W. Keeaae' departed oa thla morning's passenger far Dorris. LHPfillgi ggggggggKHflHsggggggggggggggggggggggga Psi-ioaglgcggggM. ggcKAtf 'gaMgctWCttBrBflBlggggggggggggggggggk gaW'WMgcccB gggPfttWlSgggggggggW Llwr -Mr ggggcgVlBxSJL. gHiiiifSgggr m. gMSgr .gggga Sir Roger Casesieat shows, ho was In social intercourse with nn official American reDresenta- LAUNDRESSES PUT OUT UWN LAUNDRY FOLLOWING ARREST OF CHAR- - -AOTERS OPERATING "LAUN. DRY" ON SIXTH STREET THEHt OWN WASHING IS DELIVERED The "laundry' on Sixth street which has received much attention of late from pollce-and city officials, la "laun derlng" no more at least for some days to come, as tbe two operators, 1 known as tbe Plcard sisters, are serv ing a twelve days' sentence in tbe city 'Jail on a charge of disorderly con' duct. This followed a raid on the placo recently by police, and their ar raignment before Police Judge Leav- Itt, who Imposed fines of $25 each. ! . The officials have been suspecting that It was not for the purpose of washing clothing that the establtah- 'meut was opened, following the re- 'cent exodus from Oak street. The fjet that yesterday a Chinese laundry- jman brought to the jail the personal laundry of tbe two Imprisoned wash- lerwomen for delivery to them has caused not a little amusement la po lice circles, and some are 'wondering If they were too busy with other peo ple's washing to take care of tbelr own. Good Hikers. If a fellow could only sit In bis dooryard and have the ducks and the geese fly over like they used to, and we could shoot In town without being arested, gee! wouldn't It be great. Then wo wouldn't have to go a long way off and take chances on getting a 1-1.1 t.n.MA lltA CvAWAtt YfaVftAtltlVAAar ,"""""'" ..'..... -"" "--- and Ben Mitchell did the other day; and then, lust at the last minute, have tbe train pull away, leaving them stand In darkness, with a lot of ducks to carry home, Make Home la Klamath Falls. Z. G. Harris and family departed this week for their new home at Klamath Falls, where they recently acquired control of a hotel, says the Chewaucan Press. Mr. Harris haa also purchased a ranch about twelve miles from Alturas, Calif., aad It la probable that they will remain la Klamath Falls this winter -and will then remove to their saw ranch, and make that ihalr permaneat home. Declares lateatloa. First clttsenahlp papers were today applied for by'Blmeeae Forasr, a na tive of Italy, who la easployed leeally as a laborer, MEDITERRANEAN SCENE OF NAVAL FIUHT;WAR NEWS t eaUlBBBXBlBBW ANOTHER BRITISH SUBMARINE IS ' DESTROYED Loss of Allied Torpedo Destroyer Also Reported by Turks Russian Offen sive Developing Near Rigo Said to Be Clearing Gcnmns Away The French Are Hammering the Bnlgar Line Serbs Set Back. United Press Service LONDON, Nov. 13. Tbe British submarine E-20 has been missing a month, and the admiralty believes-It lost. United Press Service BERLIN, Nov. 13. Constantinople says tbe E-20 was sunk off the Darda nelles November 6th. Tbe Turks re- cently adopted anti-submarine pre- cautions, and Turkish artillery has frustrated the attempts of allies' monitors to bombard the Sarus coast. Wednesday a British torpedo boat was destroyed here by Turk gunners. Crossing he Jastrebac range, twen ty miles from Kruscvac, tbe Germans have Joined the Bulgarians In a pur-.ment, these schemes ranging from suit of the main Serb army. j passport frauds to delaying BMn!tto 1 exports. -. LONDON, Nov. 13. Tbe Austro-; As n result of the escape, of -8 Germans are everywhere on the de-Thiery, a seaman on tbe Intoned' tensive except in the East, where they German raider Prlnz Eltei IWeaerfeh. t are losing many men. Russians are held at Norfolk, there, Is a chaneVot attacking near Riga, Dvlnsk and Vol-, future escapes being f rostrate with hynla, and there Is a gradual German bullets. 7k"i t collapse. Secretary Daniels of "tnenavy da Following an allied victory at Ve!-,partment has put up to Ia$$ thi $ sals, the allies are trying to pursue. Question of f whether the " marines l ttheBubrar line IonrOeVardarBiv-4 er as the quickest means of aiding the main Serbian army west otJflsh.1 MRS. BROADSWORD DIES THIS MORNING men who will conduct the Installation ' 'services at the Presbyterian 'church HAD BEEN A RESIDENT OF KL AM- tomorrow morning will arflvje at 8 o'clock tenight: These men are eoat ATH COUNTY FOR SO YEARS ' to Re charle8 T. Hnrd as AND MOTHER OF PROMINENT Pastor of tho local church.- Ur TJiirrt pima to Klamath Valla BONANZA MERCHANT (Herald Special Service) BONANZA, Nov. IS. Mrs. S M. Krnnfiawnrn. inr iniriv veara a. real resl- . v. - , - , r w dent of Klamath county, passed away ... .t. i...i h.. .. this morning at the home of her eon. Walter Broadsword, a local merchant. She was 72 years of age. Mrs. Broadsword was a natlvo of Illinois. She came to Klamath coun ty in the '80's with her husband, Levi Broadsword, who preceded her to the Great Beyond, and haa lived here since that time. She la survived by her son Walter, a daughter, Mrs. A. H. McLellan of Montague, and three sisters, Mrs. I. W. Burrls of Califor nia and Mrs. John Wells and Mrs. C. A. Smith of Ashland. The services will be held here at 2 1 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, services being held at the Methodist church. Henley School Holds a Highly Successful Fair According to County School Super-. intendent Fred Peterson aad Oouaty Agriculturist R. Rolead'Glaiayer, one of tha most successful school fairs over held in Southern Oregon was given at the Henley achool yesterday. Not only were tha entries many, but they were all above Ua ordinary la Quality, waking the task'ot the Judges Mr. Olaisyer la'atri'Wure.aad Mrs. . j - MORE TEUTONS RILE AMERICA; PLOT IS FOILED INTERNED GERMANS CAUSING TROUBLE - More of the Eltel Friederich Craw Es cape, sad Fatnre Escapes May Be- ' J. tlt la Marines Firing Aastnasi Consul t New York BeUeeefla-' volved la Plan to Embarrass tbe United States, United Press Service " ;- WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov."1 18. Tbe state department has received evidence concerning alleged i. activi ties of Alexander Nuber, Austrian , consul general at New York xlty, aa leader of an anti-American -plotting ring. This is sufficiently strong to cause his being rendered person, BOB gratl with tbe administration and It secretary or state Lansing taxes tna steps reported started, it Is believed. that If the evidence warrant,, he wul terminate Nuber's official status. According to evidence discovered,. Nuber is believed to have bees Inti mately connected with at least'a dos- en schemes to embarrasrtha govern' guarding the interned Germans-may,, fire at those attempting to escsptV" Thlery eecTd-Thnrsday,alht.-:It. Is believed he lowered himself over tbe side of the vessel andswamto shore under the docks., ..". i INSTALLING CLERGY TO J REACH KLAMATH TONIGHT I The committee of visltingclergy- .. . -- --, - - I1 septemoer J, ana uus is me arsi op portunity to conduct supubltc Installa f tlon. The visiting men are Rev. J. V. Mltllgan, D. D., or Portland, and Rev. W. Frank Gloeckner of Grants Pass," and Rev. L. M. Anderson oi, Merrui. . . inUA awIaa will hA hoTrl ar 11 I -- .,,,,. i."s.i. ,n Sunday, and the public Is invited to, Mr,Mn... m., ' " ,,, .: . "c These men will conductta, Sunday School Institute In the church Mon day afternoon and evening. Yale Trims Tiger's Claws NEW HAVEN, Novi 13. Yale to day defeated Princeton 13 to 7 In tha annual football game.1 Guernsey of Yale Bcored two field goals, and ha also kicked a goal after Way had made a touchdown. Princeton scored a touchdown and kicked-tna goal. Jack Donald departed on tha stage for Bonanxa this morning" rPTrs $ r 1 Glnlsyer In domestic sclenoe- -7 -"-"- -' 5- -- ' , v'ljfr The culinary work of the gWaiPf ?' exceptionally good, and .the mfmlMK vann nnirw "" ,'. J "T 'i3 r.In. V .AVMirYJIYaBHal frlonds of the puplM a(tsiaa; during tbe afUraoon a lit, was i eaderad,-onsWia of ty the ccnuraa hi aaipa itfttM w . ttlng officials 'wdiDtpMpriaBif .gjl. t& a t.-ia av. 2 -MJ ?1 4i v -l if m ?yttfi." fif3. msm L-X'TtLVl.. - k r n. "f V , .i-v. H V M, ? 'WrM-v Tr .Wfc.ViWJW V'