.VptfW y' - ;, Kste-,,W ?.SJ . i .-- v'? ';"'.' m .rfija-f i V . Sty? Extmbm MrralD ' . WWt.'.? .8iC -:.. .,. ij.tj KLAMATH PALLS' 't $31 ' ' ' '-lMf "4 g? OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH COUNTY'S; :m . ,; - , OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER W.Kttt I?J438 mws '.; rriift,: fMtk Year No. MM Greece Still Thinks ot Aiding Serbians; More Troops Land KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, "THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1915 V Halted I'reu Service LONDON, Nov, 11, arc may jH help Serbia against the, Bulgar ian!, according lo a mmmi from Athens, delayed In Krausmlsslon. wktth bM Just been received hare lossy. Orrat numbers of British "troops, pictuuably the crown's entire en prilllonary force, are landing at ia Icntis. It U reported that thle show Uf of strength baa convinced Oreec that It It the IntaatlOB of tba alllaa to make an effective fight against the sorsment of the Central powara In the ilalkans. treating to Montenegro. Cavalry cut them oft from tlio main column. I Bulgarian troop aro co-operating' with Teutons In driving tlio Serbians ' from tlio Morava territory. United I'raM 8arvlca WASHINGTON. Nov. 11. Kng land'a explanation of nor solium of tha steamer Hocking hua been rocolv- ed. II glvea aa an excuse a statement I that tlio vessel was owned by "the' enemy." No detail were Riven out by the state department. tailed I'reu Service UERUN, Nov. .11. Kaiser Wll hfln ha decorated tha wlfa of U. 8. Aabassador Gerard with tha Had Cmm gold medals ot tha I rat and eec oad classes. This la tha first time a oral data medal has baea glvea ny woman not of royal lineage. It in alto reports hare that the kalter baa commuted tha death sen- ieaee of the Countess Jeanne da Belle ville, Mme. Louise Thurlles aad other Uelclaaa convicted of aaelom- age, and. substituted penal aanrltudaj far life. "M Vailed I'reis Bervloa flKKUN, Nov. 11. It is announc ed at the war offlca that 4.000 Berba were raptured yoetorday south of tho Morava river, where they ware re- United Press Kcrvico ATHENS. Nov. 11. Authentic re ports from Salonika nro that there! Is heavy fighting between the 8erbs! nnd Uulgnrs east of Prlsrcnd, FIREMEN'S BAIL BUYING CATTLE UP BELOW sJvt fflK- THANKSGIVING THIRD SEMI-ANNUAL DANCE OF THE DEPARTMENT WILL BK HELD . THK HOUSTON OPRRA HOUSE ON Bn The committee of volunteer Are men In charge of arrangements for toe nro department's benefit danco to be hold In the Houston opera house on tho 25th of this month, are al ready planning aad arranging details for the comlag affair. An orchestra! ot Ive pieces has been ngaged and those who hare the mat ter in hand give assurance of extend ing thomielves in making this 'dance complete suoeess. Tickets will soon be placed on sale the firemen, TEN CArWrOF CATTLE AKK TO QO TO HAMILTON CITY TOMOR. ROW FROM MAUX. STOCKMEN KVK KLAMATH It la Interesting to know that stock and cattle buyers from many outside sections have been watching tha markets, nnd at tho sarao tlmo keen ing an eyo on this county with n vtow to futuro purchases. Ton carload will be shipped to morrow from Midland to Hamilton City, Calif. Tho purchaser, J. C. Mitchell, will keep his stock there temporarily, until same are disposed of. The cattle are from the Malln district. ""' 1 ) in M The Arbiter ot Greece ' '"assaWsatlBMsal H n w:mmmmMm , wmmmm ihbh j ' SBSl ''H ISBBBBBBBBBBBBSl SBBBBS9BSBBBBaSalaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBl ' lgssssssssssssl .egasHaBssssssssssssssssssssa saaBgaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaK BaaaBaBaBaBSisaBfliBBasBaBaBaBaBaBaB 'H. asM'.r gaBnsBnsBnsBtsBnsBnsansBl1igaBnsBBSBnsBn1lsBn i HiffvfBBBBBBBBBJHBBiBBBiiffvBBJH : gsansansansansansansansansansansansK? 'Hgfaal M gsaffaffaffaffaffaffaffaffaffaffaffaffaffaffa)aV K-JMgsBBasaffaffaffasaBl fi SBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaasaaHKKr ..gSBaaBaaBaaBpassBBBBBl f. ' isisisisisisBBgsisiaH k'i i gsansansansansansansansansansansHM -;' ' - gffffffffffffffffffffffffKaH ' BBaffBffBffBffBffBffBffBffBffBffBffBffBffBffBffBffBffsff aaBaVagSBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaasaBEaagssOBsBaaBS r?f gsWNBaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaaaaRmBaaaaBfl vfi aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasy-MltasaMBaaawl &riiigsBssal & ' aaUvSaBVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVSMHssigsB fei ., gsaHngsaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaasREgBsaaaangsngs 133 X gsaBvBanaBnaBnaBnaBnaBnaBnaBnaBaaMas iiiil fA. sasaasaasHgt'' IS I , I LITTLE CHANGE BEING MADE IN COUNTY BUDGET ;OUIt DKPIOTtf ARE BEING CLEAR I ED OFF County Court la HtraggUag With the Task of Apportioning Moatey tor ItunnloK County Neat Year. Levy Will lie About the Same aa This Year, and Total to Be Raised Win lie About B40ft,44S; - aSBtaa' tX)nMKR I'UKM IKK VICMZKLOS' jw rr",r v-fc of i this beaten the-Ktngy-wad is aUusmlj . nro-(!orninn and who has trld to Is Is the latest photograph former Pemler Venlxelos. who has by his control of tho parliamentary nia-,1" nation from fulfllllng 1U ob- .ligations to Serbia. Venlxelos is now Jorlty In Qrceco overthrown tho Pro-,6tron n Grecco tn the k, w (lorninn government. Ho has in doing seir, STUDENTS LIKE iiDAHO YOUTH IS FORENSIC PLAN! ARRESTED BY LOW TONIGHT'S MEET IS POSTPONED Owing to counter attraction, to night's moating ot tho Klamath Falls Business Men's Association has boon cancelled. The next meeting is to be made a great social affair, and will bo an Important session. At that time officers will be elected for the onsulng term. The business session will be followed by a social time, and refreshments, a smoker and a program will be attractions. .It TWENTY ALREADY ENTERED SHERIFF'S FOR FOR THE TRYOUT8 FOR SCHOOL DEBATING TEAM, AND J i PRELIMINARIES START SOON- OFFICE SLEUTH MAKES CAITURE FOLLOWING RECEIPT OF TELEGRAM FROM GEM STATE .. . . . . ...I There will bo at least twenty, Ralph Walker, an 18 year old youth students out for the donating team ,vll0 Jg Wantod on a forgery charge to represent Klamatn county mgu by tho authorities of Nex Peroes . . .: L1..11 i .. i school in tne uregon aeoauna leusue, county maho; was arrested yester- for already that nuraoer nave n-1 day afternoon by Denutv Sheriff Llovd Mod tuolr Intention of entering thelt(0,v lowing a telegraphic descrlp- elimlnatlon contests. I, Hntl frnm fnwlfttftn '.Tha vjtnfk rmm These will be divided into teams, working at one of the logging camps Hint will bo assigned sldss or a set 'near Pelican Day when arrested, ot questions being prepared. Thef Low rocolved the telegram yester- Dr. Huddleston Dies After a Short Illness V 'Vl JL . ' ,1 ' The many Weal people who became acquainted wlU DrfJeh H. Huddle. ton, famUy JMyaietam aad persesul frl.nd ot nemarW, Umeat, win he " to learn i Mhto demise la New rork Octesar'llst. Dr. Huddlaaton wnt the samsier la Klamath eouaty " me imt party ana " nywarmfrfeidahare( ' The feHowttig le from the New York Trlbtiae,-.,;-: kr.t ui Dr, Jea H. Hudtlestesi-at . 141. Nvsytg4th straetjied at hU fmi paisemoala,,, alter sa ill- Of. Haddlsmim waahataui Bees "Wr U.lMt. He prepared tor .lat.iheateoei Latla Mhool. and was graduated from Harvard la 1816, being elected permanent secre tary of his class. He was graduates: from the Harvard Medical school ive years later, aad came to this city ia 18t, uniting with a wide practice much aetlvlty In medical and ctvie a. fairs. He was an ex-secretary ot the New York Academy of Medicine, ana a trustee at the time of his dsath. He was at various tines visiting physi cian at Qouvsrneur, Wlllard Parker and other hospital. Dr. Huddleston gave espeelal atten tion to nfcvonaw work tuhewulo. la, Hsbawagedto the Oeatury, Ue Harvard aai Barnard eluss. He leavM a wife, a soa aad two daughters. teams will debate before the student body, and there will be gradual ollm inntinn until but six remain In the race. The six will enter the finals and they will debate the question to be used In the state contests, "Reselved: That the United States Should Adopt tho Essentials of the Swiss System of Military Service." From the two teams three will be picked to repre-J sent the school In the inter-nign school contests for the state cham pionship. livery aid possible will be given all of the contestants by the faculty. At least one coach will be assigned to each of the contesting teams to give It what help may be necessary, aad special coaches will train the teams entering the finals. .-, Klamath county high school bM always ranked nigh in forensic work, and tho faculty will encourage more interest aiong wis iibb m evarr wh possible. An effort Is being made to have gold medals for presentation to the three best debaters, who will rep resent the school, Uriscoe Going South. Jamas' Briscoe, well known .toeal manwho has been ill for. some tlsae, leaves tomorrow morning tor '.Lei Angeles, where he will :remalv day, and after ascertaining that Walker bad been at a local hotel, traced him to the camp and arrested htm after n forty-mile drive; The prtsonor Is held awaiting the arrival of an offlcor from Idaho, NEW GARAGE IS STARTED IN K. F. RKCKHARD, TATLOW AND JOHN fON FORM FORD LIVERY AND lit PAIR COMPANY.' WILL BE it O.N MAIN STRMT ' i) The latest business drm tor Klam ath Falls Is be Ford Livery aad Re pair uo., wmen nai. jaot been organ ized by C, I. Rsckard, Ray Tattow and Olen Johnsba,f all! ot whoa are well known in loeal 'automobile clr- The concern will eoaduet a general livery, and sraga kwlaeas. . .Thar will open:' a garaga && ' . M.Wf. W 'I fitK tat, 1117 atate - Preparatory to submitting the bud get ot expenses to the taxpayers ot Klamath county, the members of the county court are struggling valiantly with tho tiresome Job of deciding just how much money will be required to operate each department of the coun ty government tor the year 1816. While the Job Is not definitely finish ed, It Is understood that the amount to bo raised by taxation for Klamath county's school, road, official and othor expenses will be about $403, 443. This is about the same aa last yeara..budget, and the members of the court believe the tax levy wU be practically the same. Some re ductions have been made In somj funds, and other estimates have been raised, but In the main the changes In figures are slight A new fund the court will provide is one of $18,000 for paying accrued Interest on .outstanding warrants. To ward redeeming outstanding warrants an appropriation of $50,000 is made; An increase of. $2,000 is made In the road fund appropriation. Last year this was $58,000, aad in this year's estimate it Is placed at $60, 000. A similar Increase la made In the new courthouse fund, which the bud get in course ot completion places at $60,000. The money-raised last year went to paying off the unpaid war rants against the new courthouse fund. Another new fund the new bud get creates. Is one of $1,500, to ho used by the prosecuting attorney's office In gumshoe work and other ac tivities that may be necessary in "up holding the criminal laws." This yew's budget also provides $8,890 for paying off the amount still due ob the paving around the courthouse block, which has been-dellnquent tor some little time. The county's fees for state fire pa trol are also delinquent. An item of $-812 is Included In the estimate to pay -this up to date. SAY SUBMARINE SHELLED VESSEL WHEN IT HALTED Allegation Made That Austria Div er's Commander Deliberately Bred Into Helpless Passengers sad Them Torpedoed' the Aacoaa. Briton Score Government for Sabs Getting Past Gibraltar. MIDDLE WEST IS HIT BY TORNADO AND NINE KILLED DAMAGE TO PROPERTY. IS ENOR MOUB saw. OSamB ,.js.gj; ' " ' "''"t "Mas ,5 -" '7 4 Wind aad Rataetonna Sweep Sxif'. fii i rtiA Six States, aad Death and Devaatst- ;, i,M' ? w &R7II.M1 iinr niw. mm- Ktf 1-. i .saw ' .j-srf-as vrA'l United Press Service ROME, Nov. 11. Whether shells from an Austrian submarine slaugh tered the helpless passengers om the Italian-American' liner Ancona while the vessel was halted or while the vessel was trying to escape capture Is a matter yet to be determined. In vestigation is being made by the gov ernment. According to a Tunis dispatch, the officers of the vessel declare they halted the ship as soon! a' command. ed to. The captain, says he was not ordered to stop by the submarine un tit after the submarine fired on the boat. He alleges that after the en gines were stopped the Austrian boat continued shelling the ship, Injuring many passengers. He says that many passengers were killed while in the lifeboats from the force of the tor pedo explosions. While reports differ a little In, de tail, all agree that the Ancona' was subjected to a withering shrapnel fire, and that the bombardment took a bloody toll of life. " ' The exact casualties amy never be known. The most reliable sources say. however, .that 800 have been MCtvauV aiisJ 41 at Iha 1mi ft TIa. Cm closeto-M. Wrf sas Town .Are Amesa- the Wmmti..'-.'--:, . r- . .. ,, jft.w Railways aad Telepheswi United Press Service, LONDON, Nov. 11. it is under stood that the admiralty has ordered the navy, to take action to end the Austro-German submarine activity in the Mediterranean. Much criti cism is voiced for the failure of Brit ish forces and forts to prevent the undersea craft from passing Gibral tar. MERRILL TO HEAR BIBLE . .jf. Companies 'Crippled. yi ' . Vvl 1 3 -: n rtp United Press Service KANSAS CITY, Nov., 11. At least nine people are dead, anil 100 or more tf Injured la. a tornado and rain storm1 x " that hit six states. Reports, are Tn complete owing to the paralyxlng' of; -; flAmmNntanllAHK ta U .'i . ..I . 3. m v WH., luw ww-.jn iwa win run luio iuo QUDareas Ol p ' thousands of dollars. ' - ? Several people were hurt at Hart-' ford, S. D., whero many bulldingsl '"J wert raxed and much livestock kllled.l ' Marshfleld, Wis., reports consider- - "' able damage from wind' and rain. '""' At least sixty people were BUawd;: at Great Bend. Msay buildings lookt4 l lire but the rain aavnd thorn " ' -t--' .- , ' ffm aI United Presa Service " '? H"u XS'&J'Jt.l "-', - huh nuuwu UHI fwj;ii ; Injured In a tornado south qf; hatreif' -- . . . . ... ..'-.-: . ..-.l ana ine injurea are in xne local' be local hea-: , .- .,.; . .-...'j-, -.tA.--.I2ri" ! , - .-.., --- uaui u,iuiKuuuaa W9rwptiijgz-a .ntl.t. . rvuH rti. lJr il 1T "'vl uuwuam l Mu U1W OtaSHfiaUj- ROLL CALL FOR ELKS TONIGHT FIRST ANNUAL WILL BR PULLED OFF WITH A WHOOP AND A RANG. SMOKER, VAUDEVILLE AND FEED ON TAP "When the roll Is called up yon der, I'll be there," carols each and every member ot Klamath rails Lodge, No. 1247, Benevolent aad Pro tective Order of Elks. It stands them In good stead to be there, too, for the, missing ones will he required to pay a flue later on. - j The roll referred to Is Ue. annual roll call of tho lodge. Up yeder la the Elks' lodge' roost, ssaauu.Mi been seat to every member ot the lo cal lodge to answer tonight, and these wnd' cannot he present. In aeraea by reason of being pat. ofLthe etty will . . '- .& respond oy letter. r- Tne eateruuameai oommittae or.tna lodge ha seised apea this cfpartasd? ty to prepare some , spselal : stunts, There will he a smoker, vocal and vaudeville - puathm Im;; i'iT' H'W.rw sal BA.:Mts 'taUasU.. sisatj. mentst win M,iaerrta, t. ' The relation of the' present world war to tho prophecies In the .Bible will be the interesting theme ot L. B. Tupper, pastor ot the Adventlst church, In a series of sermons and services to be held at Merrill, be ginning Sunday. The meetings are to be held, at 7:80 each night, and the services, which are free, will be held in Chris tian Sclenoe hail. "Are Wo Approaching Armaged don?" is one of the principal sermon subjects. was killed and. twenty-seven tsJaredV. as a result. t -t, vfrl , . " irif-e'. United Press Service LINCOLN, Neb.. Nov. 11. As Bar as known today the tornado caused' no casualties In Nebraska, but the -- ' J J... y i-ts tfftfA - .lf,tlA.1 Kv tl.A MWAk v 'S .V nwa M.VUteUVU UJ U tA,B of rain.'' Many buildings'' were blown- over In. Central Nebraska;' , Snowstorms are raging In Western: states, say late advices.' United iPress Service .WASHINGTON, Nov, ? ll. Three ? " fc 1 MASKs. avSsakBal nl .a u- . auskSVia Sm, v"t - -Tt - "r f the aid of vessels in distress as the result .of, a serious gale sweeping' the' North Atlantic. A C Dalryltes in Town Ross Sutton and Dave Shook came tn from Dairy today,- Sutton to Join,,. ji & am Niirrnn' vnn 1st mairraviiip Bni-.T! "--, , . .WM. B.. P7- Mrs: George Chastain, and Shook to, remain several days.,- Mr. and Mrs.4 S. D. Tooker were also among, the r-naMAnta ' Tmlv rK rakeA ' 'fan - .v-.vv vs -, wwv - mi. an. m a. !.. , a " t7" IUO UUUHV POKI IVUtV "," W Ssfl .vl m Splendid Program for Benefit of the library v. . (tofl r; I ! A tl XT J- T& '.-;. " &' -, '-m li a Dress rehearsals are being held to day by the various people taking part In the musical entertainment to be given tomorrow night at Houston's opera" house tor the benelt of the Klamath Falls Library. The rehears als show that the partlejpantsi an' all In. readiness for t)paejrances, and the jsrogram arranged la one ot weeptloMl merit, program well worth atteadaaoe. even It the pro-' oeeds were no- to bemused tor the msnteaaoo;k oaeet KlaBiUh Falls! aest institutiona. the library. The progress' has t been finally ar- ranged a foUews ItoMr'tnNH "Opera, Kiss Walta. S -?&.'?:.,, -'.Hf ". gdahra -t 1. Frleas Orahsassa-. . M llah Dan rt Oreetrt Tots raatKUMAalal MAliC " ' ---- sf5 &I'8 ss Margaret Wordenf 3$ sitcom st'ur;WJgdk' V Procession , Miss 1 Readiagr-A, Voice;' TY ', 'i Vnoal finite a i T BrnAvr , Garden- f ' :lfeJ i di mbiii imbu, - . Liawraaea naiisa .'it" i ,. ---- , - -. ,-.--.- '"'"-.Tr-Z ' ... ,V . t..VSl, ws .aa vf em it m 'I BTMlr "f'-rl Medley, Season's ioag h!R.UJBe;;'i:;' ; . Peerless Orchestra ' vgr--;' ' i.j Peerless Orchestra Shoemaker's Danea-rrlrd v'aad ;it&ji'S s nmaa PnBUa-'ivtf&' .. . s )." Jrr..-'' is ypcai soio muK,hmmm, MrsAvernon violin' obllgato I Instrumental solo TemJ .Mm-:Bif... yioiia.S04o-Mee.. mmim. 'imv: Vooaisolo om 'Dost ' JnJueawi &fsafllBMMi OrieoUr 'vissv:&l W-j r, ".- A - KS." .,' .' Bm 561 i .. s-fsr' - i t v. jH ' I; t-V-' (; ;,4 ifiavf" 'Xfrt,..,' ''IH"flfitim-iyl.4-' rft ff-.',t .?' "". - , , T.V-"' '$sr-?irr$ ,i-nt .-V"