if Sitf ff.'Vi i,;.'Ki, .. , .ji ! 'Krf-f'fKUvfl J V' i (WHNMABAY, NOVKMWHi l, 115 Fish and Oysters FRESH EVERY DAY HalesFithaiul Meat Market Steve Strassar, Prop. Till Main Hi. Phone I6T l-'IIKHII MAMMON KflflH Aulo DeHverjr THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON Yoshihito Is Finally MILL WAItKM) TOMORROW? Klamath Falk Athletic Club ,mt iihn rur Member. Inquire at PAVILION for Membership For k r Builder's Hardware ft r We supply you with your every need in the way of lluildcr's Hardware. One trial will convince you that this store has the LARGEST STOCK and the GREATEST VARIETY in the city. Get the habit of coming to the QUALITY HARD WARE ST.ORE for your ev ery need. LOWEST PRICES on everything, Roberts & Hanks A liar of that Dandy Itork Hprina "PRAOOCK" COAL will urrlve about Novamber 16th. Place your order to bo, delivered on arrival or the car. Price 111 per ton. Wc ulo handla dry slab, body mid limb wood. Bend In your or der. 1'hona 187. KLAMATH FUEL CO. sen Mala street tSfllflaH aaaaaaaamsav 1 I I !? " Come to the Garage that .Guarantees you Satiefactory Service In everything, Whether you, store your car with us permanently or just buy occasional supplies, ,we guarantee to please you fat both Quality and Price. The Best Grade of Gasoline t the Lowest Market Price. 1 Try our Service once and Notice the' difference. HowieGarage Made Nippon Ruler! i.iiH,vrn). CKItKMONIKH IN I'lUMlllKHM KOH THK PAST HIX WKKKH COMK TO A CLOHK TO- DAY WITH THK FINAL ACCKfl. HIO.YFOIt FIIWT TIMK FOB KIONKIIH HICK THK JAPANKHK HAWK PIIINCK TO KMPKHOR'H TIIBONK (United I'rusm Staff Correspondent) KYOTO, Jupnn, Nov. 10. Kmporor Yoshllilto's coronation hore today wa the drat coronation In tweniy-tlvo cen turies that representatives of tho peo ple have boon permittwl to attend, The Japanese people nre Kreatly ItlORKCd. Today's rather simple and brlof roromony, mnrkluR the accession or Yoshlhlto to the place handed down "by divine right" from Ills fore father who were emperors "before' tho dawn of history." is the climax of the sir-weeks' accession program for which tho Diet appropriated $2,-000,000. Member of the court, ministers of itnte, member of tho diplomatic corps and member of tho Diet, re presenting tho people, nttlred In tho Rorgeou silver and Rolden ceremonial robe of tho ancient, woro nowhere to Do Hoen when the foreign repre ..IMMHHHHaM, ggggWfi? 'tyttf' tA BBKgggggl MMtr,,4,'0 vfii vw i , 'ifcjtijpggggggf VgsaaaWSioasBBaaB"' ggg&jtjfSto agggggKflRjBl BBBBBBBBBBBSBSBSrsmBBBBBBBBBBJ ggggggggggggggfgggggggm United. Pre Service BERLIN, Nor. 10 Tho Euro pean war will end tomorrow.says o a postcard from a Oermaa la the Vosges. "Germany' last great war wag In 1870-1871. Peace waa concluded May 10, 1871. Add 1870 to 1171 and 7 you get 1,741. Add the first two figure, 3 and 7, and you get 10. Add the lait two and you . get f, meaning 10-S-'71. "Tbi war has been In 1914- 1810. Add 1914 to 1916 aad. get 8,889. Add the first- two 7 figures and you get 11. Add the last' two and you fat ,11, meaning tbat peace will corns on 4 11-1K1G. a ooooeee . "ii . ee Tule Lake Land Is Mlkmlo YoMlillilto fore tho altar. Then will enter the emperor, followed by the pflnces of tho Dlood, minister and coronation commissioners. Aftor a brier silence tho emperor will rend an address to the gathcrod spirits or his dead an- .Minn iniiinir iim ho hn axiumea .VB.w. n, ,v....D w..v- --- sentatlve wore heralded to their' (he place they leU ror him. neat before tho Imperial carlct can- Then at the coronation they will opy to tho wound of flute and drum, iin homn'ge to tho new omporor and hidden lu Shunkyoden Temple. ho wilt sit down upon the seat or It my bo Hoverat hour before the. "The Son or Heaven." Later he will signal will bo given and tho doora ot publicly proclaim hi accession to his the sanctuary, where tho jewel, the j subjects generally. Days of feasting sword and the mirror are kept, are and celebration will follow the cere- opened and tho offering spread be-'mony proper of today. OREGON BUILDING FOR THIS CITY HAN FBANCI8CO FIHM HUOGKHTH IT, AND OFFKIIH TO DONATK S300- IF THKY CAN BAZR THK HTBUOTUBK slve lines, with Its Impressive log columns, wns erected In a substantial manner, being the only permanent building on tho fair grounds. The (disposition ofjho building has not been decoded upon ns yet, but a Its 'site is on the Presidio reservaUon It Is more than likely that the building will be donated to tho government as an asembly hall or club room for the officers or soldier quartered on the military reserve. i LABORITES M TALKING LAM MKAHUBKS FOK BKTTKHMKNT OF WOBKKK8 TO UK ABKKD FROM CONQKK8B ARK DISCUSSED AT KXPOBITIOX Now Ready for Usfe (CMUawesVfMa 1) PINK GROVB PICKUPS It' happened at last. There la hardly a city In Oregon but what has had a llttlo campaign on to have the Oregon building at the expo- Itton moved to that city and erocted at some prominent spot. The matter ha been broached In Klamath Fall, not by local parties, but by Outleben Dros., San Francisco contractor, and tho Commercial Club has received the following from the firm: "You doubtloss know that the Ore gon building ut tho exposition at San Francisco Is one ot the best construct ed and grandest buildings on the ground. The architecture is very beautiful, a It Is modeled after the Theioum, ono ot tho ocst of the Greek temple In Athens., "Klamath Falls ahould secure this u..nsin hiI onaat I nn nno of Itfl uunmuB, .. v... .. --."-,. ....... . o .- u u 1.111- n nrnmnt and VIKoroU BCtlOn.l """""i " "' you cotld probably get the state of Oregon' to give It to you as It stands, and possibly pay something toward the removing as well. The railroads may be persuaded to transport It without cost to Klamath Falls. 'Some of your public-spirited citliens might pay to have It erected on Ita arrival at Klamath Falls. if vou could arrange t finance the enterprise, the writer will personally contribute 800. He will also hare hi eomnany agree to taite aown toe present bulMlni at exact cost." It is hardly poslble that the matter win ha riven any attention by the di rectors, as the proposlUon looks like em lively e4talif the pert ot the am to set the contract, tor wrecking the building, TIM OreaW Building. hulK o " The Pine drove. Literary Club will meet next Saturday evening at 8 o'clock. A splendid program 1 being prepared. The Ladle' Civic Club met last Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. H. M. Miller. Those present were Mrs. Henry Grimes. Maria Grimes, Mr. Sydney McKensle, Joce lln McKensle, Mrs. Ethel McKenxie, Ethellne and Rodney McKensle, Mrs. Bum Miller, Elisabeth and Harold Mlllor, Mrs n. Hawkins, Mrs. 8. E. (cenblce, Mr. R. P. Brettenstein and Arthur Rrletensteln, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. O. Brown. Refreshments were served at 4 o'clock. The Civic Club adjourned to meet November 18th, with Mrs. Oswald Brown. v Kmraott Shields has returned from Mrs. II. Miller 1 visiting In Klam- hath Falls this week. Mrs. Bert Hawkins spent the-day with Mrs. Icenblce one day last week. Karl Mack has been having the la grippe. Airwave Luck I TImsm W4M ret swas resu the M"1,'" T ". nmisisillissi, rsui liTm-" 'f: T1'"? MX MOTOitCYCLBa TO OO V leWI, TW "! Surety itonil while, you wait. Chllcote. V - - (BBSBflBSStfVsHlBBBBBSBSSM. ggf gsgl bsss1;BbT:' B sassssssssH sHssI sssWVQMlV HPsggggf gggggl'ggk?l sTysi ssstHBsssstl ' I T sH bssssssssbssssssK1-'T SaV' SSBSSBll BSBllHBlllBSBf '-sf ' ''ggf'WB-&gV 'LgfgS PsagfgfgggR United Press Service SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 10 Legis lation in the interest of labor, which will be asked ot the next, congress, was discussed by delegates at the big convention or The American Federa tion of Labor here today. The executive council of the federa tion made many recommendations In its report and many others were sand In resolutions by delegates at the earlier sessions. Practically all the bill which Sail ed ot passage In the last congress will be re-lntfbduced at the comlnjr ses sion and lobbied for by the council. The fight which organised labor has made upon convict and child la bor, win be continued. The heads of the federation believe that by pro hibiting the Interstate shipment ot goods mads by convicts or children; these manufacturer will cease.. Both convict labor bills were pass ed by the house in the last elon and favorably reported to the senate, where they failed. The Owens-Pal mer child labor bill also passed the house but died In the senate. "We ore confident that a measure similar to the: Owena-PaHaer bill wilt ibecome a law In' the near future" be cause we believe that congress Is not Inclined to set itself against the en lightened' public sesttsMBt In behalf of better opportunities for children," declared one federation osaclal. Old age pensions tor government employes la a subject In which the federation 1 interested, bufnb 'legis lation. It Is thought, will be Intro duced until the employes themselves reach an agreement on the sort of k nrogram they ' wish 'gassed.- The fe eratlonUao approves aufrage for the cltltens of the District ot Columbia, but officials declared they. "would take no legislative action uaUl residents or the district showed' some sort ot united desire' for hs vote.'. The federation 'feels that the war has caused a near panic In the United State by unemployed, has made radi cal changes in American Industrial ism , has brought a near crisis tor la bor In the suggested embargo on ex portation, has. been the. muss ot. at tempt to stir up Industrial dtsBUtea and has caused to postponed the meeting ot the International Federa tion ot Trade. Unions.' r The federa tloa was asked to take aeUoa whleh will lead to the formls ot closer bonds between the workers of all countries and the .atek healing of the wounds ot chalet. , Ths" federa tion will. form a plsk for a,sjrsa U bor congress tor pernlMaent peace, to be held In this country'at the eloe of the present war. H t vice will roeslvs sealed bids foe Us kaM( of uneovsred- toads alone Tute Lake mm til 1 o'clock p. m., Novem ber IS, 1916. Suceessful-btddefs will be reeulrad to eater into a leass for a period-of three years. Payments for the rental .must be made annually In advance, the first payment to be mada or before Jan. nary 1, 191, the second on or before March 1. 1917, and the third oa or before March 1. 1918. Not mors than SO acres will be leased to any one person or family, Including similar .buds under prior leases. The land must be caltlrated to" srop each- year, or put. Into tarns grass meadow. Water will be fur nished for Irrigation on a rental basis at the rats ef f 1 per acre foot, deliv ered at the most practical point oa es tablished canals in the First Unit. Payment for water must be 'made la Advance, and the lessee mast build his own ditches', from the point of delivery. Maps showing the land divided Into numbered lots, with acreage in each lot, will be posted at, the postollces of w Ut' Malta,. Oregon; Merrill, Oregon, and at the United States reclamation ser vice oilce, Klamath Falls, Oregon, Tho .-proposals' will provide for the bidding on first, second and. third choice of lots, giving- each 'bidder throe chances to secure a- tract'of It Is required that the bid, must.ee uniform for each acre per year for the throe year period. No money; Is required to be sent with the bid.7; Suc cessful bidders, will be notified and must thsa sign a lease and pay the first year's rental before Jaaaairtf 1916, or the land will be re-advertised and. leased to the highest. bidder.;, Blank forms, for bids may befseenr ed at the pcotoSstatalta an Mer rill or at the reclamatloaoBcsat Klamath Fall. A copy ot the lease may bo obtained from the United States reclamation service, Klamath FaUs, Oregon. '.j " Alt-proposal should be marked on. the. outside ot the envelope, "Pro- sal to lease Tale Lake Land." Suc cessful bidders may commence work on the land as soon as notified 4 that their nM Is aeeptsd. '- - J. O. CAMP. Today's sows la The Hereis LEGAL NOTICE Yon should la M Mvtdoad psytac Ire."- til1 VC.S-ftj ; Subscribe for the IfsealdlO. cents meath.. ''V, (No. 784 Equity), In the .Circuit Court, la and for the County of Klamath and State of Oregon. InteraaUoaal Harvester Compaay ot America (a corporation) PlamtUT, vs.' c C. B. Rector, Julia C. Rector aad Fred Buesslng, Defeadaats ". To C. B. Rector aad Julia- C. Rector, two of the above-named Defend ants: In tho name of tho state of Oresoe. you are hereby required to be and -appear, plead, answer; demur or other wise move, to tho complaint filed herein against you In the above ea tltled suit, oa or before the 18th 4'ay of December. 1916, that being tho last day of publication ot this summon snd the last day wltbla which you are required to appear and plead, answer. demur or otherwise move herein, as fixed by the order of publication of this summons. If you fail to be aad appear to plead, answer, demur or otherwise move, the puUatMtwtU gfw ply to the circuit court of Klamtth county, Oregon, for the relief demaajfr ed In said complaint "''" Said suit Is brought for tho purpose of fqreeloelng two certain real eoUVts mortgages upon lot ninet) la hteoc nrty-slght (58), Second Hot Sprtpaa Addition to tho city of KtomaU Fm ( lormerly Linkvllle); according to the duly recorded plat thereof now oa Hie In the ofilco of 'the county clerk; Klamathaonnty; stats of Oregon, satd promises all beiag Ja Klamath oouatr, Oregen: and-to Impress' lot S of said block-wlth n Ilea ot a deicleacy judf-moat,- If any: be obtained; said mort gages In the sum of 1586.00 wlth19 per cent interest from marca si, 1916. and 1950.00 with 8 per coat In terest from Jaauanr 1. 1916. aad tor $150.00 attorney's fees, and costs, aad asking that self lot 9 be sold to sat isfy said mortgagee, and asking for. a receiver to collect the rents aad pro fit during pending of suit, aad to pro tect the property from waste aad do- teriorlatlon, and.tor a deadeaey Judg ment and tor; any further aad other relief as to equity may appertata, aaa as will more fully appear from )ljje eomplaint oa file herola:' ; k Talslsammons to pusVUshod la Um Evening Herald, a dally newspaper of liaksd and circ'utotod la the oHjrof Klamath Falls. la Klamath eeemtf, sUts of Oregon, by order of the moa1 orabta D. V. Kuykendal), jntgo of tho above entltJod iurt,:aad,dsol Oomv bar 19, 1111; tho first paWtoattoa of r this sammoaa to be made Nsvomsor 1; IM.'sasc mmA d-WV tsamai saeem1tmmlmsm'ltnsaaalWl AVAV, nssren vsn 9 amiMemaeBmea. mm . to be made the 18 V of Dsese- f ' ".Mf,OSJmt.ir MsSSmBr 1ST nSMBMBSi. " T--" ' ytn Sl fr. ' " " ' Wall WTj.' I "&.?& ..K' a . waau T.B-vftiBB!Ww HCiv, 7&m& f Wo tow , eloaa, isli jijppf , far esM at anoeMMll saiSjl 1S.1.99-19-.1I V'A ;T. ' i.wstoatFMa,m. 1 tho cuen psart eg.jta . . Oragoa. -tar' 'IDnansni '' L.-SntfliealeiW.flaJsjtMf, ft 1 i-. pr, (Haw- & e e- above eaUtted suit, within ate weeks after, tho first publication ot thls'sum moas in the Evearng Herald newi paper. A ? Aad you wlll.take aoUee, it you fail to, appear and answer, or otherwise plead, within tho satdilase, the plsia UK, tor want thereof, will apply to the above entitled court for the relief de manded la his complaint filed 'la said suit, to wit: iiv3 i For Judgment against the defend ant, John Forbes, for the sam'of f 100:00 with Interest thereon at the lawoi o per ceai per uiooi irvoi une SSd day of October, 1914. aad for tho. additional sum or 850.00 attorney's fees, aad for the snm of S880.e.rlth Interest thereon at the rata of ;8jper ceattper annum from the SSd day'of October. 1914, aad for tho farthor sum ot 150.00 attorney's fees aid for the sum of 17.76. with' Interest there on from tho SSd day of Oetober7;i9ir; and for the farthor sam of $S4.S7; with interest thereon from tha- SSd day of October, A. D.. 1916. aad for Klm"mtm m lalittvuiniAfita tinfttn And atoo 'for a decree foreclosing the mortgage described In the "com plaint filed herein, to wit: .' That certain mortgage made by the said- defendaats, John Forbes 'and Nettie D. Forbes, which said mortgage to dated the SSd day of October; A. D 1916, and ,1s upon the foUowug real property? situated la Ktomath county; state of Oregon, to wit: , M ,- Upon tho aorthwest quartsfot the northeast quarter or section etovea (11), and the. west half of the. southeast' quarter- and.the southwest quarter of the nortteast quarter of section two (S)rtowii ehlp, thlrty-nlae (S9) south, raage eleven (11) east. Willamette Me ridian. A- - And that the court also decree that any parties to this salt maybe- comea purchaser of said rear prop erty aad that the aherlfi" shall ptoee the purchaser -la possession ocs property purchased, aad ttat tao" e fsndants, iad each, ot them, and all persons claiming, or to claim,? by. through or under them, bo forever barred and foreclosed of all their right, title." estate aad Ilea at'law. aad la equity of redempUon; In." to and upon said real projrty.aid ev ery part thereof, excepting ja;rgh of redemption allowed by theswites ot the state of Orsgoa. .;-' ,. . This summons to published pursuT ant to an order of , the above oaUttod eeurt mado oa the' 8th day of Novom ber, A. D. 1911. aid the first publics tloa thereof Is mads ia.th Kveatag Herald oa' the lth day of November, A. D. J'916; ;..' CHARLB8 J. FBROUSONj r Attoraey for Ptoitl. 10.1T.lT.1.t.lE.ll r Art'.;";Ci-, ' 'I. this etlos, eomntlng tins , 91e.se, 1a wnoatj further ordered V tho eowrt ttmt t property attoehed'ta saMi hereinafter dekribed.' be sold 1 sattofacttoa of sM jasamMt'sa manner provided'by. law.'irlrtoh'J ment; wae"enroHedyaadi,;dsieisiid the clerk's ofike'of said court oa 1 85th;day of ftoptsmbor3i8?; A taK2 m-'twrn Notice of r VV" ar X -Avithi. iiKw m Mh IVM&k -"' "- : '- '-- J 1 A.". -Jl , Oregon. la anda: . fer,4 Wtjmth w. H. S4w,'PUlatsa iri&ft,. . . , vs. AT. TIaemll, T1 ilsadspt. C, ' vaear nasrj sy;vvrao oi;sm;aomsi meat saaiutlsm ttsaoa oat ;e;sm'e4rr' la tho ctmtt Co , S ttamdtm au sniiissi niMtr isanaa tea so aasr nr rwrrsmsir nil rn, ,., l''U.,'7-7- 'l7r?i"?.?T.:.-I-iTL- iiis S-LL-l-tlii in toe asovs ;eawwsa, psKseav swaji eip rnmar;sjiif gaHMsl ! ' aifdggsPsfcfcSmH for tto-'sm;ot HiSJI. Wherefore,.! am eemmaaded to ssj. v. all thoso pieces snd;pareelt;o.isma;i -, described in said crtlfieato'of setastJij meat, an nis, nereiB. Siinaies in 'luaan ath cosnty and state eaVOimjoa?,'-' The same selas: 'v' 4 ' r The oast' half of the souuUaa ' quarter (EM of the S),nad thi? southeast qna'rte'r'bf tfc's 1 north sa J. .- quarter (fiEK of NEUforsoetloJl;- ;. Si and thswuthweet' quarter"?' 4 ' the northwest smfmvlitwjse towashlp -thlrty-sevM )(S7) 'ieattl ranee eleven anaone aJf east Willamette Meridian; county, Oregon; Atoo'Iots and seven (7), In bloek (lS)ta, Hot 8prtasje AdslMpa the city of UasuihsSM'KlsaH couy,lOre,oeM;ie;tososlkv anted, upon the oShI;map;.ofaJP addition, as filed with the clerk of mamth)coanty naMihanav--fmi iti ft mei '. rr"""". .""'"". rTTC"f'-T.-7s(Ji diumeats and appurtenances unto, belonging or In' aar-. wtos-atir penainiBE; M- Mg.'b M or so much ofsald propertyas may.bjc;,-;. necessary or wmcleat to. raise ;taFt:w! .m,..ni.jn. ti.1 i.i-".'-i.'vi''iii- '-.''-'' I - ,,,?-..: clpal. Intemt, attoiaey'Sfeeeeosta-;: mA Jl.k..M..m.M- A.t, - - - - -' r . Jrt MW UUVWMOKBW, Ml.CUIW'n M !l Notice, is nereny given4teat4oa Thursday,, the 2d day ot.Deeomhsev"; 1915. at the hour of lo'cloe 'AlasB h - aa mm&A said day,, at the- .froaVd6orot? thf.v."S court house In IQamathiFalk'fOrSv'B gon. I .will in;bbediencS';toadd:ordeV'.rpr; ot sale aad attachment extIoa?seBJRi'- theabeve: deserlbedprbjokyeeYa EBuca wereex as may ee.nmseeaij -'fe satisfy the ptolnUtV Judgawntta ?i tercet, attorney's foes. cow:ot?sfc,rf; and cosU'ors3er:.to';tsh1s-;a4d, dertorW P. 1 - : . v '-vvwvfta3?s. sneriK.oi luamat coanty. ore a j u.n.iAin,unfr "& 3-ie-n-sM,. tv.- ;, &&&& Order to 'SfcewCameo'eeir of GaardsSm forrOrr.e,;l ssMliBohtmal'; luvUioiCouBty:,CourtiotjUisJSis ms&l .-- -"-: r.r-jwr:.-'i:s.,s2ii In the Matter, ot,Uw,Oursmsahl 'oC?f . " "-the Persona-andiiitaojMs Harriet Fink and Altos MmMuemi S . -. .. j. ... I -. -i 1 . l1.Al.'..J L ,-f tK I.1H -' PinklCtBorB.- . ?t. .- m saaayaastcEii it appearing to UU court .from t&Mk Mtltlon thla dar.flled bVIaa Ui'Wimkm Kuardtoa of'the'peia.aad''esUto'Siv the above named 'minors, praying for- an order, granting authority to,mort;.V w gate and sell tWfoUowIngfdsoertMM' real property belonging to saJdmfa-'M ore, to wit;--' .. ' Vi'&5MJi The. NEtf-'Ot tsw.,:NH;of&, tNY4. 8E. ana iota. . 5 nna. .. JSfKML'Xm all,Tla, .townshlpia;! sosrtep iitt east oi' w niamene-Jierioia, . .r,,"; ia muhw wvi.SW".iii'iS?;My .u i.-i: ' ... .- k.w.. !-..... ltJiisvSA' wrtw uuituvu wwunii; i 9g?8Si , 8W 'OfNB.NOf jffija . . loU .3 aad v 4,ot t, seetwa , 84,-';g3f-v fr ta ku.k. nr.w.i kB.Hli&'Aa. of said wiuda'aaa-ail-persoa7r&S; ted in. said, estate ap'pear.' ?:! court on Monday? WiT' SSd -Jpf of kin interested fore this day of Nevember: In tho forenoon.at the eouW'rooeA-of this court, at KiamatarauasMei ath ocunty, Oregon, then aid tbers 8how.cuewhy aa.ordor.aaoiud ,abti be made granting. thei.saldgaardtaniS the.uthoritypfa.dtor;it:miS er ordered that a;copr,otthJe;atdatMl! shall hev personally serveu;oa tao BawSfjS v of kin or satdminors;anau;psrsoaaa;ff Interested .In,. uMsateOes ,, dawn heffAM th. hASVlsim nr msi Ssl'alssalSr l.V ' Hon. and that ld order. be-nubltoaod:?3, 4 at loast Ihraa -"----t-t i ' tm'if&lk Evening,. HeradVanewspapetJpb'; .1 nat'-ui 'KtamitW riirwiS:''' '' tblaVasjix .dar;,ChV.M" 4 - .-ts!'i,,.aifar 'iwrs'iaii ,r Notice 1 hereby alven that tsmaa-ifl derslgnsd iwundmaKsref tao ea ed ; ;. Klasaath-Falls, ; Oregoo.TdM.oa tee -r th day of Novemler, 1916, totaofjl , , -, to the pound of ssJdltyifth,fi mmrmmmwmwmimmmtt: &(' ," l .Jir" - '- j'"-fc;- . vi.' "-" fvPa':Sorrslmarets:l ; roar old. breaded Jk oa ten si tlli .J t. T - L'w . SB - 4 - And ttot kntoss ;ths ofmet ef J eri of said astoseA. sr essioy at naranaa - havhutan.; iammsm sweasmll AswSJogmjmJ wBSnp amsmSBjS), gasaaaammar ImVUgat . BsmssssaaaamUl vamrvssmj avnasapvm j aU eosto a4FS tv ?M$ EfWwljejra aSjBJS erH sfaSBl ppemsama' ema maamna) vamgr ""Sm. elHprafsl VS'fjn ang afsFaf SWgsi vmmmja Bo pesma1 aaaaamr Esa athwisa attho tat el e.l:9eaths neKRira & tMaaenVMsdDMussnsar Ki&AmKpjumvmitim 1911. 'feist WIT 4dsr sf lasja. ItH, s IV bho tar- teit tm:'m(mt'wmmmm' aasr sam ef- 8A8W iwiieeui-eiii ; Patod at IT .. 1 rii.K t-. , ", tao sesmvaad amawissmmaei g :amma4smamssmasaaf tL 3fcE VEAHTE. ir w. s i r sees! iftirvi rtSr WJeea iisM sMMeioe D. ls. ivi.uii 111 mpiiY 1: 'hir'i'r,i.fL.rvri--i,--. V ,TTSJBf W BfjhiV